Specialized microeconomics Practice excercise - Kinh tế vĩ mô | Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

Specialized microeconomics Practice excercise - Kinh tế vĩ mô | Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

Specialized microeconomics
Practice excercise
Ex 1:
a) What is increasing/ constant/ diminishing return to scale ?
b) What is the diminishing of marginal utitlity law. Can you give an example to
illustrate ? Ex 2:
a) What is Giffen goods ? Can you give an illustrous example?
b) Explain about Engel curve
Ex 3:
Explain about the changes of budget constraint line depended on the the change of good’s
price and the change of consumer’s income ?
Ex 4:
When will intertemporal budget contraint line become steeper ? Explain why ?
Ex 5:
In a purely competitive market a firm’s marginal revenue is always equal to what? A
profit-maximizing firm in such a market will operate at what level of output?
Ex 6:
If average variable costs exceed the market price, without fixed cost, what level of output
should the firm produce?
Ex 7:
A student states that “Monopolist will choose to produce in a market with inelastic
demand curve”. This statement is True or False? Explain why ?
Ex 8:
Suppose your opponent is not playing his Nash equilibrium strategy. Should you play your
Nash equilibrium strategy?
Ex 9:
A typical consumer bought 24 music tracks, q1, per quarter and consumed 18 units of live music,
q2, per quarter. This average consumer’s Cobb-Douglas utility function as: U = q1
. What
is marginal rate of substitution of this consumer if q1 = 24, q2 = 18?
Ex 10:
a) What is inverse demand function?
b) True or false? If the demand function is x1 = −p1, then the inverse demand function is x
= −1/p1.
Ex 11: A computer assembly firm’s production function is q = 0.1LK + 3L
K - 0.1L
a) What is its short-run production function if capital is fixed at K = 10?
b) Determine the marginal product of labor (MPL) and average product of labor (APL) in
this case
Ex12: Eric purchases food (measured by x) and clothing (measured by y) and has the utility
function U (x, y) = xy. He has a monthly income of $800. The price of food is Px = $20, and
the price of clothing is Py = $40
Ex13: A monopolist faces demand function: Q(D) = 75-0.5p and variable cost VC=
, FC=500. Find the price and quantity produced for firm’s profit maximization?
Ex14: The inverse market demand of a homogeneous product in Cournot duopoly is
P= 200 -3Q, with (Q = quantity produced of each firm = Q1+Q2). Total cost of each firm
TC1= 26Q1 and TC2 = 32Q2. Calculate each firm’s equilibrium output and the market price ?
Ex 15: The inverse market demand of a homogeneous product in Stackelberg duopoly is
P= 16000 -4Q, with (Q = quantity produced of each firm = Q1+Q2). Total cost of each firm
TC1= 4000Q1 and TC2 = 6000Q2. Suppose firm 1 reacts as quantity leader and firm 2 as quantity
follower. Calculate each firm’s equilibrium output and the market price ?
Ex 16: The monopolist faces a demand curve given by D(p) = 10p
. Its cost function is
c(y)=2y. What is its optimal level of output and price?
Ex 17: In pure competition, a firm has a cost function given by c(y) = 10y
+ 1000.
a) What is its supply curve?
b) what output is average cost minimized
Ex 18: In oligopolistic market, there are 2 firms which compete each other. Demand curve of the
industry has type: P= 150-Q. Both firms has similar cost function: TC = 30Q + 500.
Suppose each firm reacts following Cournot equilibrium.
a) Find quantity and price in Cournot equilibrium ? What’s the profit of each firm ?
b) Suppose firm 1 changes its cost function into: TC1 = 18Q1 +500, while firm 2 fixes the cost
function: TC2 = 30Q2 + 500. How will quantity change in new equilibrium ? Find the market
price, and profit of each firm ?
Ex 19:
a) Consider the production function f (x1, x2) = x1
Does this exhibit constant, increasing,
or decreasing returns to scale?
b) Consider the production function f (x1, x2) = 5x
Does this exhibit constant, increasing,
or decreasing returns to scale?
Ex 20: If two goods are perfect substitutes, what is the demand function for good 1?
7) False. Monopolist will choose to produce in highly elastic demand market
8) No. but if your component does not follow Nash equilibrium strategy, it might have a
better strategy for you to pursue.
9) MRS= -MU1/ MU2 = - (0.4 q1
) / (0.6q1
) = - = - = -0.5
10) a) The inverse demand function measures the price at which a given quantity will
be demanded.
b) False
a) q =L + 30L
- L
b) MPL=1+60L-3L
=1 + 30L - L
12) MUx =y and MUy =x. Based on equations of budget constraint and preference
optimization. -> x = 20, y =10
13) Find MR, Put MR=MC for profit maximization -> q= 30, p=90
14) Find MR1 and MR2. Profit maximization -> MR1 =MC1 and MR2 =MC2 -> find reaction
curve of each firm: Q1= 29-0.5Q2 and Q2= 28-0.5Q1 -> solve set of equations -> q1= 20; q2=
18 and P= 86
15) Find the follower’s reaction function: Q2=1250-0.5Q1. Firm 1- leader can foresee firm
2’s quantity -> P= 16000-4Q1 -4Q2. = 16000-4Q1 -4 (1250-0.5Q1) = 11000-2Q1. -> TR1.
Profit maximization condition: MR1=MC1-> Q1 = 1750, Q2 =375, P=7500
16) p
= 10/y -> p = 10
-> TR(y) = 10
-> MR= 2/3. 10
. y
MC= 2
Profit maximization condition: MR= MC
2/3. 10
. y
= 2 -> 10
. y
= 3 -> y
= 10
/3 -> y= 10.
p= 10
. 3 = 3
a) MC = 20y
In pure competition p = 20y, so the supply curve: y = p/20.
b) AC= 10y + 1000/y
To minimize the average cost, set AC equals
MC 10y + 1000/y = 20y. Solve to get y = 10.
18) a) Marginal cost of each firm: MC =
30 Market demand: P = 150- Q1 – Q2
TR of firm 1: TR1 = 150Q1- Q
1 – Q1Q2
MR of firm 1: MR1 = 150 - 2 Q1 - Q2
Profit maximization: MR = MC
Similarly, reaction curve of firm 2:
-> Q1= Q2 = 40
-> P = 150- 40-40 = 70
-> TR -TC = 1100
b) MC1 = 18; MC2 = 30
Profit maximization: MR=MC
-> Q1= 66- ½ Q2
Reaction curve of firm 2 has the same structure as a).
-> Q1= 66- ½ (60 – ½ Q1)
Quantity of each firm: Firm 1 increases while Firm 2 decreases
Market price: P= 150- 48-36= 66
Profit of firm 1:
Profit of firm 2: = 796
19) a) Increasing returns to scale. The output increases in a greater proportion than the increase
in input. b) Decreasing returns to scale. The output increases in a smaller proportion than the
increase in input (if we double inputs, the output increases 1.78).
20) The demand for good 1 is zero when p1 > p2, any amount on the budget line (between 0 and
m/p1) when p1 = p2, and m/p1 when p1 < p2.
| 1/8

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lOMoARcPSD|45316467 lOMoARcPSD|45316467 Specialized microeconomics Practice excercise Ex 1:
a) What is increasing/ constant/ diminishing return to scale ?
b) What is the diminishing of marginal utitlity law. Can you give an example to illustrate ? Ex 2:
a) What is Giffen goods ? Can you give an illustrous example? b) Explain about Engel curve Ex 3:
Explain about the changes of budget constraint line depended on the the change of good’s
price and the change of consumer’s income ? Ex 4:
When will intertemporal budget contraint line become steeper ? Explain why ? Ex 5:
In a purely competitive market a firm’s marginal revenue is always equal to what? A
profit-maximizing firm in such a market will operate at what level of output? Ex 6:
If average variable costs exceed the market price, without fixed cost, what level of output should the firm produce? Ex 7:
A student states that “Monopolist will choose to produce in a market with inelastic
demand curve”. This statement is True or False? Explain why ? Ex 8:
Suppose your opponent is not playing his Nash equilibrium strategy. Should you play your Nash equilibrium strategy? Ex 9:
A typical consumer bought 24 music tracks, q1, per quarter and consumed 18 units of live music,
q2, per quarter. This average consumer’s Cobb-Douglas utility function as: U = q1 0.4 q2 0.6. What
is marginal rate of substitution of this consumer if q1 = 24, q2 = 18? lOMoARcPSD|45316467 Ex 10:
a) What is inverse demand function?
b) True or false? If the demand function is x1 = −p1, then the inverse demand function is x = −1/p1.
Ex 11: A computer assembly firm’s production function is q = 0.1LK + 3L2K - 0.1L3K.
a) What is its short-run production function if capital is fixed at K = 10?
b) Determine the marginal product of labor (MPL) and average product of labor (APL) in this case
Ex12: Eric purchases food (measured by x) and clothing (measured by y) and has the utility
function U (x, y) = xy. He has a monthly income of $800. The price of food is Px = $20, and
the price of clothing is Py = $40
Ex13: A monopolist faces demand function: Q(D) = 75-0.5p and variable cost VC=
0.5q2, FC=500. Find the price and quantity produced for firm’s profit maximization?
Ex14: The inverse market demand of a homogeneous product in Cournot duopoly is
P= 200 -3Q, with (Q = quantity produced of each firm = Q1+Q2). Total cost of each firm
TC1= 26Q1 and TC2 = 32Q2. Calculate each firm’s equilibrium output and the market price ?
Ex 15: The inverse market demand of a homogeneous product in Stackelberg duopoly is
P= 16000 -4Q, with (Q = quantity produced of each firm = Q1+Q2). Total cost of each firm
TC1= 4000Q1 and TC2 = 6000Q2. Suppose firm 1 reacts as quantity leader and firm 2 as quantity
follower. Calculate each firm’s equilibrium output and the market price ?
Ex 16: The monopolist faces a demand curve given by D(p) = 10p−3. Its cost function is
c(y)=2y. What is its optimal level of output and price?
Ex 17: In pure competition, a firm has a cost function given by c(y) = 10y2 + 1000. lOMoARcPSD|45316467 a) What is its supply curve?
b) what output is average cost minimized
Ex 18: In oligopolistic market, there are 2 firms which compete each other. Demand curve of the
industry has type: P= 150-Q. Both firms has similar cost function: TC = 30Q + 500.
Suppose each firm reacts following Cournot equilibrium.
a) Find quantity and price in Cournot equilibrium ? What’s the profit of each firm ?
b) Suppose firm 1 changes its cost function into: TC1 = 18Q1 +500, while firm 2 fixes the cost
function: TC2 = 30Q2 + 500. How will quantity change in new equilibrium ? Find the market
price, and profit of each firm ? Ex 19:
a) Consider the production function f (x 2 3
1, x2) = x1 x2 Does this exhibit constant, increasing,
or decreasing returns to scale?
b) Consider the production function f (x1, x2) = 5x1/2 x1/3 Does this exhibit constant, increasing,
or decreasing returns to scale?
Ex 20: If two goods are perfect substitutes, what is the demand function for good 1? lOMoARcPSD|45316467 Hint:
7) False. Monopolist will choose to produce in highly elastic demand market
8) No. but if your component does not follow Nash equilibrium strategy, it might have a
better strategy for you to pursue. 9) MRS= -MU -0.6 0.6 0.4 -0.4 1/ MU2 = - (0.4 q1
q2 ) / (0.6q1 q2 ) = - = - = -0.5
10) a) The inverse demand function measures the price at which a given quantity will be demanded. b) False 11) a) q =L + 30L2 - L3. b) MPL=1+60L-3L2 APL =1 + 30L - L2.
12) MUx =y and MUy =x. Based on equations of budget constraint and preference
optimization. -> x = 20, y =10
13) Find MR, Put MR=MC for profit maximization -> q= 30, p=90
14) Find MR1 and MR2. Profit maximization -> MR1 =MC1 and MR2 =MC2 -> find reaction
curve of each firm: Q1= 29-0.5Q2 and Q2= 28-0.5Q1 -> solve set of equations -> q1= 20; q2= 18 and P= 86
15) Find the follower’s reaction function: Q2=1250-0.5Q1. Firm 1- leader can foresee firm
2’s quantity -> P= 16000-4Q1 -4Q2. = 16000-4Q1 -4 (1250-0.5Q1) = 11000-2Q1. -> TR1.
Profit maximization condition: MR1=MC1-> Q1 = 1750, Q2 =375, P=7500
16) p3 = 10/y -> p = 101/3 y -1/3 -> TR(y) = 101/3 y2/3 -> MR= 2/3. 101/3. y-1/3 MC= 2
Profit maximization condition: MR= MC
2/3. 101/3. y-1/3 = 2 -> 101/3. y-1/3 = 3 -> y1/3= 101/3 /3 -> y= 10. 3-3 p= 101/3 10 -1/3. 3 = 3 17) a) MC = 20y
In pure competition p = 20y, so the supply curve: y = p/20. lOMoARcPSD|45316467 b) AC= 10y + 1000/y
To minimize the average cost, set AC equals
MC 10y + 1000/y = 20y. Solve to get y∗ = 10.
18) a) Marginal cost of each firm: MC =
30 Market demand: P = 150- Q1 – Q2
TR of firm 1: TR1 = 150Q1- Q21 – Q1Q2
MR of firm 1: MR1 = 150 - 2 Q1 - Q2 Profit maximization: MR = MC ->150-2Q1-Q2=30 ->Q1=60–½Q2
Similarly, reaction curve of firm 2: Q2=60–½Q1 -> Q1= Q2 = 40 -> P = 150- 40-40 = 70 -> TR -TC = 1100 b) MC1 = 18; MC2 = 30 Profit maximization: MR=MC ->150-2Q1-Q2=18 -> Q1= 66- ½ Q2
Reaction curve of firm 2 has the same structure as a). Q2=60–½Q1
-> Q1= 66- ½ (60 – ½ Q1) ->Q1=48,Q2=36
Quantity of each firm: Firm 1 increases while Firm 2 decreases
Market price: P= 150- 48-36= 66 Profit of firm 1: Profit of firm 2: = 796 lOMoARcPSD|45316467
19) a) Increasing returns to scale. The output increases in a greater proportion than the increase
in input. b) Decreasing returns to scale. The output increases in a smaller proportion than the
increase in input (if we double inputs, the output increases 1.78).
20) The demand for good 1 is zero when p1 > p2, any amount on the budget line (between 0 and
m/p1) when p1 = p2, and m/p1 when p1 < p2.