Cách sử dụng mạo từ a, an :A hoặc An là các mạo từ được sử dụng trước một danh từ số ít và có nghĩa là một. Mạo từ a an được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sau: Đứng trước những danh từ số ít đếm được, khi nó được nhắc đến lần đầu tiên, trong đó: “a” dùng trước những danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm “p,t,h,k,r,…”“an” dùng trước những danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm “o, u, e, a, i”. Dùng trước những danh từ khi nó mang ý nghĩa là “một” .Dùng trước những danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp. Dùng trong các cụm từ chỉ số lượng. Lưu ý một số trường hợp đặc biệt của mạo từ a và an :Dùng “an” trước một số từ bắt đầu bằng “u”, âm “h” câm. Ví dụ: an umbrella; an hour.  Dùng “a” với một số danh từ mở đầu bằng “uni” và “eu” .Ví dụ: a uniform, a unit, a European,…Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


Đại học Hải Phòng 164 tài liệu

Thông tin:
12 trang 3 tháng trước

Bình luận

Vui lòng đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký để gửi bình luận.


Cách sử dụng mạo từ a, an :A hoặc An là các mạo từ được sử dụng trước một danh từ số ít và có nghĩa là một. Mạo từ a an được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sau: Đứng trước những danh từ số ít đếm được, khi nó được nhắc đến lần đầu tiên, trong đó: “a” dùng trước những danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm “p,t,h,k,r,…”“an” dùng trước những danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm “o, u, e, a, i”. Dùng trước những danh từ khi nó mang ý nghĩa là “một” .Dùng trước những danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp. Dùng trong các cụm từ chỉ số lượng. Lưu ý một số trường hợp đặc biệt của mạo từ a và an :Dùng “an” trước một số từ bắt đầu bằng “u”, âm “h” câm. Ví dụ: an umbrella; an hour.  Dùng “a” với một số danh từ mở đầu bằng “uni” và “eu” .Ví dụ: a uniform, a unit, a European,…Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

58 29 lượt tải Tải xuống
l . holiday /'hDlode1/ (n) KY nghi
2. fantastic /fæn 'tæstlk/ (adj) Tuyet vöi
3. ask for directions /a:sk B: dl'rekfonz/ (v.phr) Höi duö•ng
4. local people / 'lookol 'pi:pl/
5. travel / ' trævl/ (v) Du lich
6. season / si:zn/ (n) Müa
7. take a tour / telk o too/ (v.phr) Di tham quan
8. go penguin watching /goo 'perjgwln 'WDUII)/ (v.phr) Xem chim cånh cut
9. exciting 11k saltlij/ (adj) Thü vi
10. amazing landscapes /o 'melzll] 'lænskelps (n.phr) Phong cånh tuyet vöi l l . outdoor activities / ' aotdo:r
æk'tlvltiz/ (n) Hoot döng ngoåi tröi
12. beach /bi:tJ/ (n) Bäi Bién
13. island / allond/ (n) Dåo
14. sunset / sAnset/ (n) Hoång hön
15. museum /mju' zi:om/ (n) Vien båo tång
16. sports and games /spo:ts/ /ænd/ /gemz/ (n.phr) Thé thao vå trö choi
17. capital city / 'kæpltl 'Slti/ (n.phr) Thü dö
1. island country / ' allond 'knntri/ (n.phr) Quöc dåo
2. tattoo /to'tu:/ (n) Hinh xäm
3. kangaroo / kærjgo'ru:/ (n) Chuöt tüi
4. Scottish kilt / ' skDt1f kilt/ (n.phr) Våy kiéu Scotland
5. castle / ka:sl/ (n) Låu dåi
6. coastline / 'koostlam/ (n) Duong bb bién
7. native / neltlv/ (adj) Bån dia
8. unique /ju 'ni:k/ (adj) Déc nhåt vö nhi
9. ancient / ' ernJont/ (adj) Cö 10. valley /'væli/ (n) Thung lüng l l . symbol / slmbl/ (n) Biéu tuqng
12. boat ride /b0öt raid/ (n.phr) Di tåu
13. tower (n) Thåp
14. show /J0ö/ (v) thé hién
15. state /stelt/ (n) Bang
16. official language /o'flfol 'laetjgw1d6/ (n.phr) Ngön ngü chinh thöng
l . attraction /o'trækJn/ (n) Sv thu hüt
2. countryside / kAntrisa1d/ (n) Mién qué
3. Statue of Liberty / ' stætju: DV 'liboti/ (n) Tuqng nü thån tv do
4. consist of / kon SISt DV/ (phr.v) Bao göm
5. entertainment centres / ento 'telnmont 'sentoz/ (n.phr) Trung tåm giåi tri
6. tourist / toorlst/ (n) Khåch du lich
7. bridge /br1d3/ (n) Cåu
8. Englishman / 'lljgllfmon / (n) Nguöi Anh
9. run through /rAn Oru:/ (phr.v) Chåy qua 10. present / ' prizent/ (n) Mén quå l l . red telephone box [red
'tellfoon bDks/ (n.phr) Tü dien thooi db
1. traditional festivals /tro dlJonl 'festovolz / (n.phr) Lé höi truyén thöng
2. visitor / (n) Khåch tham quan
3. clean /kli:n/ (adj) Soch
4. snake /snelk/ (n) Rän
5. lake /lelk/ (n)
6. famous for / felmos fm/ (v.phr) Nöi tiéng
7. lie /lal/ (v) Näm
8. royal family / ' DIDI 'fæmlli/ (n.phr) gia dinh hoång gia
9. Pacific Ocean /po' Slfik ooJon/ (n) Thåi Binh Duong
SKILLS 1 l . waterfall / 'wytob:l/ (n) Thåc nu6c
2. bushwalking / 'bol ' wxkll]/ (n.phr) Di bé xuyén rü'ng
3. be rich in / bi: m/ (v.phr) Giåu
4. haka dance /Haka da:ns/ (n.phr) Vü diéu haka
5. experience 11k splorions/ (n) Tråi nghiém
1. palace /'pælos/ (n) Cung dien
2. guard /ga:d/ (n) can ve
3. historic /hl storlk/ (adj) Lich sir
l. go sightseeing /goo/ / ' salt. si:nj/ (v.phr) Ngäm cånh
2. border / (n) Bién gi6i
3. ice hockey /a1S 'hDki/ (n) Khüc con cåu trén bäng
l. amazement /o melzmont/ (n) Sv ngqc nhién
2. diary entry / ' dalori entri/ (n.phr) Nhat Icy hånh trinh
Cåch sü' dung cåc mqo tir a an the Cåch sü' deng mgo tie a, an
A hoäc An lå cåc moo tir duqc sir dung tru6c mot danh tir sö it vå co nghia lå mot. Moo tir a an duqc sir dung
trong cåc truöng hop sau:
Dü•ng tru6c nhü•ng danh tü' sö it dém duqc, khi no duqc nhäc dén lån dåu tién, trong d6:
a düng tru6c nhüng danh tir bät dåu bäng mot phy am an" düng tru6c nhüng danh tir bät dåu bäng
mot nguyén am "o, u, e, a, i"
Düng tnr6c nhüng danh tir khi n6 mang (y nghia lå "mot"
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir chi nghé nghiép
Düng trong cåc cum tü' chi sö luqng
Luu mot so truüng hQ'P dic biQt cüa tir a vi an
Düng "an" tru6c mot sö tir bät dåu bäng "u", am "h" cåm
Vi du: an umbrella; an hour
Düng "a" v6i mot sö danh tir mö' dåu bäng "uni" vå "eu"
Vi de: a uniform, a unit, a European, .
Cåch sü' deng mgo tü'xåc dinh "the"
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tü' khi duqc nhäc lån thü 2 trö di
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir khi chüng duqc xåc dinh bäng mot menh dé/ menh dé quan he phia sau
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir lå duy nhåt, déc nhåt (The sun, the earth, ...)
Düng tru6c sö thü' tv ( The first, the second, the last)
Düng tru6c tinh tir dé too thånh danh tir chi nguöi dong sö nhiéu (The old- nguÖi giå, the rich- nguÖi giåu, ...)
Düng tru6c ten cüa cåc quöc gia tan cüng bäng -s vå mot sö quöc gia sö it (The Philippines. The United Kingdom)
Düng tru6c ten cüa cåc loqi nhqc cu nhung phåi dt'rng sau "play"
Düng tru6c ten cua cåc dia diém cong cong (The zoo, the cinema, the park)
Düng tru6c danh tir ten riéng dong sö nhiéu dé chi cå gia dinh nhå ho (The Smiths — gia dinh nhå Smith)
Düng tru6c tinh tir so sånh hon nhåt vå so sånh kép
Düng tru6c ten cüa song, suöi, bién, doi duong, sa moc, däy nüi,...
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir må cå nguöi nghe vå nguöi n6i déu biét rö vé no
Düng tru6c cåc buöi trong ngåy
Düng tru6c ten cua cåc to båo
Düng tru6c ten cüa cåc tö chtc
Düng tru6c danh tir sö it thuqng trung cho mot nh6m döng vat, loåi hoäc dö vat (The whale (loåi cå voi)
Düng tru6c cåc danh tir chi phuong hu6ng
Düng tru6c danh tir + of + danh tir ( The driver ofthe car (tåi xé cüa chiéc xe)
Düng trong mot sö cum tir cö dinh (At the end ofsth, At the age ofsth)
Düng tru6c hospital/church/school/prison/ khi chüng mang nghia khåc Nhü'ng tru'bng hqp khöng ding tir a an
Du6i dåy lå nhüng truöng hop cåc moo tir a an the khöng duqc sü dung:
Tru6c ten cåc mön hoc
Tru6c ten cüa cåc mön thé thao
Tru6c danh tir sö nhiéu khöng xåc dinh
Tru6c danh tir khöng dém duqc
Tru6c ten cüa cåc phuong tién giao thöng khi dtng sau gi6i tir "by"
Tru6c danh tir chi måu säc
Sau tinh tir so hüu hoäc sau danh tir so hüu cåch
Tru6c ten cua cåc büa än
Tru6c nhüng ngåy/thång/näm/ müa khöng xåc dinh
Tru6c ten cåc quöc gia (trü' cåc quöc gia dä duqc lu'u Y), tén chåu luc, ten nüi, tén hö, ten duöng
Tru6c danh tü' trüu tuqng (Love, health, ...)
1/MQt so bhi tap träc nghiQm vé tir a an the
1 youngest boy has just started going. ...to school.
A. The Ø C. Ø-the
2.....eldest boy is at....college.
A. The the B. An — the C. The - Ø
3.... person suffering from. ...shock should not be given anything to drink.
A. An the B. A - Ø C. A the 4. Mr. Smith is... old customer
and... honest man.
A. the an B. an — the C. an — an
5. Do you go to ... prison to visit him? A. the C. a
6. On.... Sundays my father stays in bed, reading Sunday
A. the — the B. a the C. Ø-the
7. My mother goes to church in morning.
A. the — Ø B. the — the C. Ø-the
8. And in afternoon goes to visit friends.
A. the any B. the-Ø C. an — an
9. I have little money left; let's have dinner in restaurant.
A. some the B. a the C. the a
10. Like many women, she loves tea parties and ...*Ossip
A. some — the C. a lot of— the
11. Ann used
to ride a
e up and
early in....
A. a — the
B. the — a C.
the — the
12. I am on
night duty.
When you go
to ... bed, I
go to....
A. a
C. a
2: Dién tir thich hTP vio chö tröng
1. I want apple from that basket.
2. Miss Lin speaks Chinese.
3. I borrowed . . pen from your pile of pencils and pens.
D. an Ø
D. A the
D. A any
D. the the
D. an
D. the a
D. a church a
D. the the
D. the an
D. the
4. Eli likes to play . . football.
5. I bought . umbrella to go out in the rain.
6. I lived on . Main Street when I first came to town.
7. Albany is the capital of New York State.
8. My husband's family speaks . Polish.
9. apple a day keeps your enemy away.
10. Our neighbors have .. cat and . dog.
Bii 3: Dién vio chö tröng tir thich hQ'P
l. Copper is useful metal.
2. He is not . honorable man.
3. Aladdin had wonderful lamp.
4. He returned after hour.
5. You are fool to say that.
6. French is . easy language.
7. Mumbai is very dear place to live in
8. She is untidy girl.
9. I bought . horse, ox, and . buffalo.
10. Man, thou art . . wonderful animal. l l . He is . honor to this profession.
Bhi 4: Hoån thinh d04n vän sau bäng cåch dién tir a/an thich hQP
Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is . .... book, . pencil case, . apple and egg and mayonnaise
sandwich. Some days he also buys . . ice cream for dessert.
Today he has . English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes . . short story about . adventurer.
The story begins like this: "It is special day for Oliver. At ten o'clock in the morning, he gets on
plane. His destination is Australia... "
Bii 5: Dien cåc mpo tir "a/ an/ the" thich hvp vio ch6 trong, neu khöng dien ghi X
1.1 bought blue sweater yesterday.
2. I'd like cup of tea.
3. There is apple and banana on the table.
4. 1 boughtbeef, vegetables and milk. beef is very good.
5. Mai has many books. books are mostly about English grammar.
6. I took suitcase and backpack on holiday. suitcase was much more useful.
7. Julie read book and magazine. She said book was quite boring though.
8. She offered us piece of cake and biscuits.
9. They drank coffee and tea.
10. Jame has son and two daughters.
I l . Lan often watches films and TV programmes all night.
12. She has black umbrella and I have blue one. blue one is bigger.
13. I bought new dress, but I was annoyed to find that zip was broken.
14. We should take taxi because it's getting dark.
15. I met very nice American last night.
16. sun rises in east and sets in west.
17. moon moves around earth.
18. We often play soccer in afternoon.
19. guitar is one of the most oldest musical instruments.
20. I often go to school at 6.30 am.
21. Pop music has always appealed more to young than old.
22. I often listen to music in my free time.
23. Donald Trump becomes president of united states on January 20, 2017.
24. We often take exam each semester.
25. There will be interesting movie this weekend.
26. Hoa is most intelligent student in my class.
27. When I was at school, I had to wear uniforms.
28. poor and elderly are often left behind when it comes to modern technology.
29. Is there bank near here?
30. On Christmas eve, people often have parties late at midnight.
Båi 6: Dién cåc rnqo tir "a/ an/ the" thich hQ'P vio cåc dopn vän sau, néu khöng dién ghi X
1 .John bought new car last week. Unfortunately, car broke down after just two days.
2. We went to movie yesterday. Although it got good reviews, movie was terrible. I was so mad, I went to
box office and asked for my money back.
3. Our teacher gave us easy test today. There were questions on there which we used to do in previous tests.
4. Ms Parrot, most famous lady detective of twenty-first century, was born in United
Kingdom in 1960s. Since then, she has been to many countries, including Portugal, Singapore and Australia. She
has never been to Philippines or United States, but she speaks English, French and Portuguese. Like
Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, famous detective, she plays violin, and sometimes practises
up to five times day. She is also only person in world to have performed Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture in
one breath on recorder.
Ex 111: Choose the best answer
1. Good living standard helps people to . .
healthy and to live longer. A. live B. stay C. take D.
2. Traffic jam is the most serious ...in big
cities nowadays. A. part B. cause C. problem D. affect
3. You can see .people in many places in big
cities. They have no place to live. A. homeless B. old
C. poor D. wealthy
4. The narrow streets can't more traffic
during rush hour. A. take B. provide C. support D.
5. The lives of people in overcrowded cities are
getting more . A. easier B. faster C. poorer D.
6. The government is trying to . . .the problem of
shortage of accommodation.
A. solve B. help C. explain D. finish
7. Big cities often .more pollution than the
countryside. A. enjoy B. support C. become D. suffer
8. A healthy child . . . . .more care from
his mother than a sick one. A. has B. requires C.
increases D. supports
9. The man ...crime last week and he was sent
to prison. A. committed B. had C. took D. got
10.Poverty is the major . . ..of death for
children living in the slums. A. problem B. effect
C. cause D. solution
Exercise 2. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the
1. Singapore is famous for its and green trees.
A- cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D clean
2. On Christmas IEve, most big cities, especially London are with coloured lights
across the streets and enormous Christmas trees-
A- decorated B. hang C. put D- Made
3. In the United State, there are 30 and six different time zones across the country-
A- states B. nations C. towns D Countries
4. I once tried to an apple pie when Il was in London- It was really
A- do B. cook C. make
5. You should go to Canada in summer because it is the
jNiagara Falls and see the beautiful sights
A- stay B. 100k C. tour
D- show most popular
time for visitors to
D- Visit
6. Nowadays you still see the men wear kilts (skirts) 'to wedding or
other formal occasions.
A- Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D Scot
7. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it's the third country in the
A- smallest B. largest Cm narrowest D highest
8. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are food at Christmas.
A- national B- historical C. traditional D Possible
9. New Zealand lovers of nature and fans of dangerous sports.
A- attracts B- keeps C. calls D- Asks
10. Queenstovm in New Zealand has got beautiful and a dry climate, so
its ideal for outdoor activities.
A- look B- viewing C. atmosphere D scenery
Exercise 1. Put in a correct article: a/an.
unreasonable decision
universal roblem
unit of work-
honorable mam
ele hant
hos ital
BBC ro ramm
UNESCO worker
Exercise 3. Put in a correct article: a/ the.
1. Can you recommend me luxury restaurant?
2. I saw accident this morning.
3. My friend lives in the city- 11t is most developed region of Vietnam4. This
house is very beautiful. IDO you have garden?
5. We ate dinner at luxury restaurant in the
city6. There isn't airport near where we live.
7. There are 'tv;o cars in the parking lot: black one and a white one. My neighbor's black
one8. Today is a fine day- Let's sit in garden.
9. Are you going for business next week? - No, week after next.
10. teacher is Lan's amnt
1. Have you got
2. Would you like 'to be actor?
3. Bill's got umbrella.
4. Do you collect stamps?
5. Tom always gives Ann flowers on her birthday-
6. Those are really nice trousers. IA
here did you get them?
7. What beautiful garden!
8. What lovely children!
9. Jack has got very long legs so he's fast runner.
10. You need visa to visit our country.
parents were teachers, too.
11. Jane isteacher- Her
12. When I was child, I used to be very shy.
Exercise 4. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the. Write (X) if it's not
1. I have cat-
2. ave breakfast at 6:00 a-m.
3.girl wearing red dress is
beautiful4. He ismost galant boy I
have ever met-
5. She often goes to church to pray in spring.
6. Taylor Swift is my favorite singer.
7. government should build more nursing
homes for old.
8. Would you like to play football with me?
9. Do you want to study in United States?
Exercise 5. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the. Write (X) if it's not
1. VVhich one do you prefer, red car or green car?
2. She is first person to own this bag.
3. Do you know boy sitting next to Lan?
4. I travel to Ho Chi Minh City by plane.
5. He lives on Bro-om Street-
6. patience plays important role in everyone's success.
7. This LS first time she has traveled to
8. I 'have beautiful pen-
9. milk is my favorite drink-
10. Viet Nam is developing country-
Exercise 6. Choose the best article to complete the sentence.
1. Mrs- Lan went toschool to meet her son's teacher-
A- no article C. an D. the
2. The workmen went to church to repair the roof-
A- no article B- the D an
3. Carol went to prison to meet her brother-
A- the C. an D no article
4. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. newspaper is in my bag
but I don't know where magazine is.
B- A,' the C. The/ the D. The/ a
5. My parents have cat and dog. The dog never bites the cat.
B- the C. the," the D the/' a
6. We live in big house in middle of the village.
C. the/ the D. the'
7. I'm looking for job. Did Mary get job she applied for?
A- a/ the B- the/ a D. the/the
8. Did police find person who stole your bicycle?
B. the/' the C. the D. the/ a
9. We went out formeal last night- restaurant we went was
B. the/' The C. The D the/ A
10. .As I was walking along the street, I saw SIO note on pavementB.
the/ the Cm the D. the/' a
11. The Soviet Union was first country to send a man into
A- the/ the B. no article Ino article C no article the D the}' no
12. Did you watch 'Titanic" on television or at cinema?
A- the/ the B. no article/ no article
C- no article/ the D the}' no article
13. Afterlunch. we went for a walk by sea.
A- the/ the B. no article/ no article C no article/ the D thei article
'14. Peru iscountry in south America. capital is Lima.
C. the/ The D. the/ A
15. I never listen to radio. In fact I got radio.
B. a
the C. the/ the D the/ a
day. sun shone brightly in
16. It was a beautiful
C. the/ The D- the' A
17. It is said the Robinhood robbed rich and gave the money to poor.
B. the C. the/ the D the/ a
18. Life is not so easy for unemployed.
A- the C. an D no article
19. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of dead were taken away.
A. the C. an D. no article
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences.
1. There is a big library in Lan's school.
Lan's school
2. T an learns Math very well Lan is very
3. Which subject do you like best?
What is your
4. Why don't we go swimming?
iBt7hat about
5. The birthday rake is very delicious-
6. Vv'hen is her birthday? -y IN'hat
7. Nam works more hours than Lan-Y Lan works
8. Nile River is longer than any rivers in the world.
-Y Nile River is
9. The school library has over five thousand books.
There are
10. Ha Noi has many interesting places-y There are
autopilot model
traffic jam
bullet train
electric scooter
electric car
flying car
parking places /
petrol-powered car
Mode of
take holidays
worry about
means of transport
at the airport
Run on / rAn on/
on time
fly across
stand on it
fall off
driverless car
normal car
turn on the switch
put it on
Available ad •
2. alternative Ad •
Electricit n
3. bio as n
Ener n
4. carbon dioxide n
H dro ad'
5. coal n
Li ht bulb n
6. dan erous Ad
Limited ad •
7. distance n
8. electricit n
Nuclear ad
9. ener n
Overcool v
10. ener sources
Overheat v
11. foot rint n
Panel n
12. heat n
Produce v
13. h dro n
Reduce v
14. h dro ener
Renewable ad •
15. li ht n
Re lace v
16. li ht bulb
Solar ad•
17. ne ative Ad
Source n
18. never Ad
S llable n
19. non-renewable ad
20. nuclear ad
21. nuclear ener
29. solar ener
22. often Ad •
30. solar anel
23. oil n
31. source n
lentiful Ad •
32. take a shower
25. ower n
33. trans ort n
26. renewable Ad •
34. wind n
27. sometimes
35. wind ener
| 1/12

Preview text:

l . holiday /'hDlode1/ (n) KY nghi
2. fantastic /fæn 'tæstlk/ (adj) Tuyet vöi
3. ask for directions /a:sk B: dl'rekfonz/ (v.phr) Höi duö•ng
4. local people / 'lookol 'pi:pl/
5. travel / ' trævl/ (v) Du lich 6. season / si:zn/ (n) Müa
7. take a tour / telk o too/ (v.phr) Di tham quan
8. go penguin watching /goo 'perjgwln 'WDUII)/ (v.phr) Xem chim cånh cut
9. exciting 11k saltlij/ (adj) Thü vi
10. amazing landscapes /o 'melzll] 'lænskelps (n.phr) Phong cånh tuyet vöi l l . outdoor activities / ' aotdo:r
æk'tlvltiz/ (n) Hoot döng ngoåi tröi
12. beach /bi:tJ/ (n) Bäi Bién 13. island / allond/ (n) Dåo
14. sunset / sAnset/ (n) Hoång hön
15. museum /mju' zi:om/ (n) Vien båo tång
16. sports and games /spo:ts/ /ænd/ /gemz/ (n.phr) Thé thao vå trö choi
17. capital city / 'kæpltl 'Slti/ (n.phr) Thü dö A CLOSER LOOK 1
1. island country / ' allond 'knntri/ (n.phr) Quöc dåo
2. tattoo /to'tu:/ (n) Hinh xäm
3. kangaroo / kærjgo'ru:/ (n) Chuöt tüi
4. Scottish kilt / ' skDt1f kilt/ (n.phr) Våy kiéu Scotland
5. castle / ka:sl/ (n) Låu dåi
6. coastline / 'koostlam/ (n) Duong bb bién
7. native / neltlv/ (adj) Bån dia
8. unique /ju 'ni:k/ (adj) Déc nhåt vö nhi
9. ancient / ' ernJont/ (adj) Cö 10. valley /'væli/ (n) Thung lüng l l . symbol / slmbl/ (n) Biéu tuqng
12. boat ride /b0öt raid/ (n.phr) Di tåu 13. tower (n) Thåp
14. show /J0ö/ (v) thé hién 15. state /stelt/ (n) Bang
16. official language /o'flfol 'laetjgw1d6/ (n.phr) Ngön ngü chinh thöng A CLOSER LOOK 2
l . attraction /o'trækJn/ (n) Sv thu hüt
2. countryside / kAntrisa1d/ (n) Mién qué
3. Statue of Liberty / ' stætju: DV 'liboti/ (n) Tuqng nü thån tv do
4. consist of / kon SISt DV/ (phr.v) Bao göm
5. entertainment centres / ento 'telnmont 'sentoz/ (n.phr) Trung tåm giåi tri
6. tourist / toorlst/ (n) Khåch du lich 7. bridge /br1d3/ (n) Cåu
8. Englishman / 'lljgllfmon / (n) Nguöi Anh
9. run through /rAn Oru:/ (phr.v) Chåy qua 10. present / ' prizent/ (n) Mén quå l l . red telephone box [red
'tellfoon bDks/ (n.phr) Tü dien thooi db COMMUNICATION
1. traditional festivals /tro dlJonl 'festovolz / (n.phr) Lé höi truyén thöng 2. visitor / (n) Khåch tham quan 3. clean /kli:n/ (adj) Soch 4. snake /snelk/ (n) Rän 5. lake /lelk/ (n) Hö
6. famous for / felmos fm/ (v.phr) Nöi tiéng 7. lie /lal/ (v) Näm
8. royal family / ' DIDI 'fæmlli/ (n.phr) gia dinh hoång gia
9. Pacific Ocean /po' Slfik ooJon/ (n) Thåi Binh Duong
SKILLS 1 l . waterfall / 'wytob:l/ (n) Thåc nu6c
2. bushwalking / 'bol ' wxkll]/ (n.phr) Di bé xuyén rü'ng
3. be rich in / bi: m/ (v.phr) Giåu
4. haka dance /Haka da:ns/ (n.phr) Vü diéu haka
5. experience 11k splorions/ (n) Tråi nghiém SKILLS 2
1. palace /'pælos/ (n) Cung dien 2. guard /ga:d/ (n) can ve
3. historic /hl storlk/ (adj) Lich sir LOOKING BACK
l. go sightseeing /goo/ / ' salt. si:nj/ (v.phr) Ngäm cånh 2. border / (n) Bién gi6i
3. ice hockey /a1S 'hDki/ (n) Khüc con cåu trén bäng PROJECT
l. amazement /o melzmont/ (n) Sv ngqc nhién
2. diary entry / ' dalori entri/ (n.phr) Nhat Icy hånh trinh
Cåch sü' dung cåc mqo tir a an the Cåch sü' deng mgo tie a, an
A hoäc An lå cåc moo tir duqc sir dung tru6c mot danh tir sö it vå co nghia lå mot. Moo tir a an duqc sir dung trong cåc truöng hop sau:
Dü•ng tru6c nhü•ng danh tü' sö it dém duqc, khi no duqc nhäc dén lån dåu tién, trong d6:
a düng tru6c nhüng danh tir bät dåu bäng mot phy am
an" düng tru6c nhüng danh tir bät dåu bäng
mot nguyén am "o, u, e, a, i"
Düng tnr6c nhüng danh tir khi n6 mang (y nghia lå "mot"
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir chi nghé nghiép
Düng trong cåc cum tü' chi sö luqng
Luu mot so truüng hQ'P dic biQt cüa tir a vi an
Düng "an" tru6c mot sö tir bät dåu bäng "u", am "h" cåm Vi du: an umbrella; an hour
Düng "a" v6i mot sö danh tir mö' dåu bäng "uni" vå "eu"
Vi de: a uniform, a unit, a European, .
Cåch sü' deng mgo tü'xåc dinh "the"
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tü' khi duqc nhäc lån thü 2 trö di
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir khi chüng duqc xåc dinh bäng mot menh dé/ menh dé quan he phia sau
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir lå duy nhåt, déc nhåt (The sun, the earth, ...)
Düng tru6c sö thü' tv ( The first, the second, the last)
Düng tru6c tinh tir dé too thånh danh tir chi nguöi dong sö nhiéu (The old- nguÖi giå, the rich- nguÖi giåu, ...)
Düng tru6c ten cüa cåc quöc gia tan cüng bäng -s vå mot sö quöc gia sö it (The Philippines. The United Kingdom)
Düng tru6c ten cüa cåc loqi nhqc cu nhung phåi dt'rng sau "play"
Düng tru6c ten cua cåc dia diém cong cong (The zoo, the cinema, the park)
Düng tru6c danh tir ten riéng dong sö nhiéu dé chi cå gia dinh nhå ho (The Smiths — gia dinh nhå Smith)
Düng tru6c tinh tir so sånh hon nhåt vå so sånh kép
Düng tru6c ten cüa song, suöi, bién, doi duong, sa moc, däy nüi,...
Düng tru6c nhüng danh tir må cå nguöi nghe vå nguöi n6i déu biét rö vé no
Düng tru6c cåc buöi trong ngåy
Düng tru6c ten cua cåc to båo
Düng tru6c ten cüa cåc tö chtc
Düng tru6c danh tir sö it thuqng trung cho mot nh6m döng vat, loåi hoäc dö vat (The whale (loåi cå voi)
Düng tru6c cåc danh tir chi phuong hu6ng
Düng tru6c danh tir + of + danh tir ( The driver ofthe car (tåi xé cüa chiéc xe)
Düng trong mot sö cum tir cö dinh (At the end ofsth, At the age ofsth)
Düng tru6c hospital/church/school/prison/ khi chüng mang nghia khåc Nhü'ng tru'bng hqp khöng ding tir a an the
Du6i dåy lå nhüng truöng hop cåc moo tir a an the khöng duqc sü dung: Tru6c ten cåc mön hoc
Tru6c ten cüa cåc mön thé thao
Tru6c danh tir sö nhiéu khöng xåc dinh
Tru6c danh tir khöng dém duqc
Tru6c ten cüa cåc phuong tién giao thöng khi dtng sau gi6i tir "by" Tru6c danh tir chi måu säc
Sau tinh tir so hüu hoäc sau danh tir so hüu cåch Tru6c ten cua cåc büa än
Tru6c nhüng ngåy/thång/näm/ müa khöng xåc dinh
Tru6c ten cåc quöc gia (trü' cåc quöc gia dä duqc lu'u Y), tén chåu luc, ten nüi, tén hö, ten duöng
Tru6c danh tü' trüu tuqng (Love, health, ...)
1/MQt so bhi tap träc nghiQm vé tir a an the 1
youngest boy has just started going. ...to school. A. The Ø C. Ø-the 11. Ann used
2.....eldest boy is at....college. to ride a A. The the B. An — the C. The - Ø motorcycl
3.... person suffering from. ...shock should not be given anything to drink. e up and A. An the
B. A - Ø C. A the 4. Mr. Smith is... old customer down and... honest man. road A. the an B. an — the C. an — an early in.... 5.
Do you go to ... prison to visit him? A. the C. a morning 6.
On.... Sundays my father stays in bed, reading Sunday A. a — the papers. A. the — the B. a the C. Ø-the B. the — a C. the — the
7. My mother goes to church in morning. 12. I am on A. the — Ø B. the — the C. Ø-the night duty. When you go
8. And in afternoon goes to visit friends. to ... bed, I A. the any go to.... B. the-Ø C. an — an work.
9. I have little money left; let's have dinner in restaurant. A. a A. some the B. a the C. the a — 10. the
Like many women, she loves tea parties and ...*Ossip A. some — the C. a lot of— the C. a Ø Bhi
2: Dién tir thich hTP vio chö tröng D. the a 1. I want apple from that basket. 2. Miss Lin speaks Chinese. D. a church a 3. I borrowed .
. pen from your pile of pencils and pens. D. an Ø D. the the D. A the D. A any D. the the D. the an D. an D. the 4. Eli likes to play . . football. 5. I bought .
umbrella to go out in the rain. 6. I lived on .
Main Street when I first came to town. 7. Albany is the capital of New York State.
8. My husband's family speaks . Polish. 9.
apple a day keeps your enemy away. 10. Our neighbors have .. cat and . dog. Bii 3: Dién vio chö tröng tir thich hQ'P l. Copper is useful metal. 2. He is not . honorable man. 3. Aladdin had wonderful lamp. 4. He returned after hour. 5. You are fool to say that. 6. French is . easy language. 7. Mumbai is very dear place to live in 8. She is untidy girl. 9. I bought . horse, ox, and . buffalo. 10. Man, thou art .
. wonderful animal. l l . He is . honor to this profession.
Bhi 4: Hoån thinh d04n vän sau bäng cåch dién tir a/an thich hQP
Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is . .... book, . pencil case, . apple and egg and mayonnaise
sandwich. Some days he also buys . . ice cream for dessert. Today he has .
English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes . . short story about . adventurer.
The story begins like this: "It is
special day for Oliver. At ten o'clock in the morning, he gets on
plane. His destination is Australia... "
Bii 5: Dien cåc mpo tir "a/ an/ the" thich hvp vio ch6 trong, neu khöng dien ghi X
1.1 bought blue sweater yesterday. 2. I'd like cup of tea.
3. There is apple and banana on the table.
4. 1 boughtbeef, vegetables and milk. beef is very good. 5. Mai has many books.
books are mostly about English grammar.
6. I took suitcase and backpack on holiday.
suitcase was much more useful.
7. Julie read book and magazine. She said book was quite boring though.
8. She offered us piece of cake and biscuits. 9. They drank coffee and tea.
10. Jame has son and two daughters.
I l . Lan often watches films and TV programmes all night. 12.
She has black umbrella and I have blue one. blue one is bigger. 13.
I bought new dress, but I was annoyed to find that zip was broken. 14. We should take
taxi because it's getting dark. 15.
I met very nice American last night. 16.
sun rises in east and sets in west. 17. moon moves around earth. 18. We often play soccer in afternoon. 19.
guitar is one of the most oldest musical instruments. 20.
I often go to school at 6.30 am. 21.
Pop music has always appealed more to young than old. 22. I often listen to music in my free time. 23. Donald Trump becomes president of
united states on January 20, 2017. 24.
We often take exam each semester. 25.
There will be interesting movie this weekend. 26.
Hoa is most intelligent student in my class. 27.
When I was at school, I had to wear uniforms. 28.
poor and elderly are often left behind when it comes to modern technology. 29. Is there bank near here? 30.
On Christmas eve, people often have parties late at midnight.
Båi 6: Dién cåc rnqo tir "a/ an/ the" thich hQ'P vio cåc dopn vän sau, néu khöng dién ghi X
1 .John bought new car last week. Unfortunately, car broke down after just two days.
2. We went to movie yesterday. Although it got good reviews,
movie was terrible. I was so mad, I went to
box office and asked for my money back.
3. Our teacher gave us easy test today. There were questions on there which we used to do in previous tests. 4. Ms Parrot, most famous lady detective of
twenty-first century, was born in United
Kingdom in 1960s. Since then, she has been to many countries, including Portugal, Singapore and Australia. She
has never been to Philippines or
United States, but she speaks English, French and Portuguese. Like
Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, famous detective, she plays
violin, and sometimes practises
up to five times day. She is also only person in world to have performed Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture in one breath on recorder.
Ex 111: Choose the best answer
1. Good living standard helps people to . .
healthy and to live longer. A. live B. stay C. take D. make
2. Traffic jam is the most serious ...in big
cities nowadays. A. part B. cause C. problem D. affect 3. You can see .people in many places in big
cities. They have no place to live. A. homeless B. old C. poor D. wealthy 4. The narrow streets can't more traffic
during rush hour. A. take B. provide C. support D. carry
5. The lives of people in overcrowded cities are getting more .
A. easier B. faster C. poorer D. difficult
6. The government is trying to . . .the problem of shortage of accommodation. A. solve B. help C. explain D. finish 7. Big cities often .more pollution than the
countryside. A. enjoy B. support C. become D. suffer 8. A healthy child . . . . .more care from
his mother than a sick one. A. has B. requires C. increases D. supports 9. The man
...crime last week and he was sent
to prison. A. committed B. had C. took D. got 10.Poverty is the major . . ..of death for
children living in the slums. A. problem B. effect C. cause D. solution
Exercise 2. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. Singapore is famous for its and green trees. A- cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D clean
2. On Christmas IEve, most big cities, especially London are with coloured lights
across the streets and enormous Christmas trees- A- decorated B. hang C. put D- Made
3. In the United State, there are 30
and six different time zones across the country- A- states B. nations C. towns D Countries 4. I once tried to
an apple pie when Il was in London- It was really delicious. A- do B. cook C. make D- show most popular
5. You should go to Canada in summer because it is the time for visitors to
jNiagara Falls and see the beautiful sights 'there. D- Visit A- stay B. 100k C. tour 6. Nowadays you still see the
men wear kilts (skirts) 'to wedding or other formal occasions. A- Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D Scot
7. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it's the third country in the world- A- smallest B. largest Cm narrowest D highest
8. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are food at Christmas. A- national B- historical C. traditional D Possible 9. New Zealand
lovers of nature and fans of dangerous sports. A- attracts B- keeps C. calls D- Asks
10. Queenstovm in New Zealand has got beautiful and a dry climate, so
its ideal for outdoor activities. A- look B- viewing C. atmosphere D scenery
Exercise 1. Put in a correct article: a/an. 1. unreasonable decision 2. universal roblem 3. unit of work- 4. euc tus tree 5. honorable mam 6. 7. UFO 8. T-shirt 9. h irl 10. H-bomb 11. ele hant 12. hos ital 13. BBC ro ramm 14. UNESCO worker
Exercise 3. Put in a correct article: a/ the. 1. Can you recommend me luxury restaurant? 2. I saw accident this morning.
3. My friend lives in the city- 11t is
most developed region of Vietnam4. This
house is very beautiful. IDO you have garden? 5. We ate dinner at luxury restaurant in the city6. There isn't airport near where we live.
7. There are 'tv;o cars in the parking lot:
black one and a white one. My neighbor's black
one8. Today is a fine day- Let's sit in garden. 9.
Are you going for business next week? - No, week after next. 10. teacher is Lan's amnt 1. Have you got 2. Would you like 'to be actor? 3. Bill's got umbrella. 4. Do you collect stamps? 5. Tom always gives Ann flowers on her birthday- 6. Those are
really nice trousers. IA7here did you get them? 7. What beautiful garden! 8. What lovely children!
9. Jack has got very long legs so he's fast runner. 10. You need visa to visit our country. 11. Jane isteacher- Her parents were teachers, too. 12. When I was child, I used to be very shy.
Exercise 4. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the. Write (X) if it's not necessary. 1. I have cat- 2. ave breakfast at 6:00 a-m. 3.girl wearing red dress is
beautiful4. He ismost galant boy I have ever met- 5. She often goes to church to pray in spring. 6.
Taylor Swift is my favorite singer.
7. government should build more nursing homes for old. 8.
Would you like to play football with me? 9. Do you want to study in United States?
Exercise 5. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the. Write (X) if it's not necessary. 1. VVhich one do you prefer, red car or green car? 2.
She is first person to own this bag. 3. Do you know boy sitting next to Lan? 4. I travel to Ho Chi Minh City by plane. 5. He lives on Bro-om Street- 6. patience plays important role in everyone's success. 7. This LS first time she has traveled to Europe. 8. I 'have beautiful pen- 9. milk is my favorite drink- 10. Viet Nam is developing country-
Exercise 6. Choose the best article to complete the sentence.
1. Mrs- Lan went toschool to meet her son's teacher- A- no article C. an D. the 2. The workmen went to church to repair the roof- A- no article B- the D an
3. Carol went to prison to meet her brother- A- the C. an D no article 4.
This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. newspaper is in my bag
but I don't know where magazine is. B- A,' the C. The/ the D. The/ a 5. My parents have cat and
dog. The dog never bites the cat. B- the C. the," the D the/' a 6. We live in big house in middle of the village. C. the/ the D. the' 7. I'm looking for job. Did Mary get job she applied for? A- a/ the B- the/ a D. the/the 8. Did police find
person who stole your bicycle? B. the/' the C. the D. the/ a 9. We went out formeal last night- restaurant we went was excellent. B. the/' The C. The D the/ A
10. .As I was walking along the street, I saw SIO note on pavementB. the/ the Cm the D. the/' a 11. The Soviet Union was first country to send a man into spacem A- the/ the
B. no article Ino article C no article the D the}' no article
12. Did you watch 'Titanic" on television or at cinema? A- the/ the B. no article/ no article C- no article/ the D the}' no article 13. Afterlunch. we went for a walk by sea. A- the/ the
B. no article/ no article C no article/ the D thei article '14. Peru iscountry in south America. capital is Lima. C. the/ The D. the/ A 15. I never listen to radio. In fact I got radio. B. althe C. the/ the D the/ a 16. It was a beautiful day. sun shone brightly in C. the/ The D- the' A
17. It is said the Robinhood robbed rich and gave the money to poor. B. the C. the/ the D the/ a 18. Life is not so easy for unemployed. A- the C. an D no article
19. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of dead were taken away. A. the C. an D. no article
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. 1.
There is a big library in Lan's school. Lan's school 2. T an learns Math very well Lan is very 3.
Which subject do you like best? What is your 4. Why don't we go swimming? iBt7hat about 5.
The birthday rake is very delicious- 6.
Vv'hen is her birthday? -y IN'hat 7.
Nam works more hours than Lan-Y Lan works 8.
Nile River is longer than any rivers in the world. -Y Nile River is 9.
The school library has over five thousand books. There are
10. Ha Noi has many interesting places-y There are popular hyperloop autopilot model traffic jam bullet train campsite electric scooter tube electric car flying car allow pollute parking places / fume petrol-powered car teleporter planet Mode of take holidays worry about means of transport hope at the airport wheel disappear Run on / rAn on/ (phr.v possible track motorbike sail bicycle vehicle on time Bamboo-copter fly across skyTran stand on it solar-powered ship fall off driverless car dangerous normal car turn on the switch ride solowheel put it on Available ad • 2. alternative Ad • Electricit n 3. bio as n Ener n 4. carbon dioxide n H dro ad' 5. coal n Li ht bulb n 6. dan erous Ad Limited ad • 7. distance n Non-renewable 8. electricit n ad Nuclear ad 9. ener n Overcool v 10. ener sources Overheat v 11. foot rint n Panel n 12. heat n Produce v 13. h dro n Reduce v 14. h dro ener Renewable ad • 15. li ht n Re lace v 16. li ht bulb Solar ad• 17. ne ative Ad Source n 18. never Ad S llable n 19. non-renewable ad 20. nuclear ad 21. nuclear ener 29. solar ener 22. often Ad • 30. solar anel 23. oil n 31. source n 24. lentiful Ad • 32. take a shower 25. ower n 33. trans ort n 26. renewable Ad • 34. wind n 27. sometimes 35. wind ener