Tài liệu Reading-Vocab-U8 - vocab | Đại học Ngoại ngữ - Tin học Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Reading-Vocab-U8 - vocab | Đại học Ngoại ngữ - Tin học Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

1. Beneficial (adj) helpful, useful, or good Moderate exercise is really
2. Complex (adj) involving a lot of different
but related parts
difficult to understand or
find an answer to because
of having many different
The company has a complex
organizational structure.
The film's plot was so
complex that I couldn't
follow it.
3. Conflicted (adj) confused or worried
because you cannot choose
between very different
ideas, feelings, or beliefs,
and do not know what to do
or believe
I can't remember when I
last felt so conflicted after
seeing a film.
4. Consequently (adv) as a result Hoang usually spends most
of her money in the first
days and consequently has
very little to eat by the end
of the week.
5. Evident (adj) easily seen or understood Harry's courage evident to:
during his illness was
evident to everyone.
evident in: Her love for him
was evident in all that she
6. Incorporate (v) to include something within
something else
This aircraft incorporates
several new safety features.
7. Inhibit (v) to take an action that makes
something less likely to
happen, or that discourages
someone from doing
Some states have a rule that
inhibits lawyers from talking
about their cases outside
the courtroom.
8. Innovative (adj) using new methods or ideas Gwen introduced a number
of innovative solutions.
9. Regulate (v) to control something,
especially by making it work
in a particular way
You can regulate the
temperature in the house
by adjusting the thermostat.
10. Rigid (adj) stiff or fixed; not able to be
bent or moved
not able to be changed or
A rigid steel and concrete
Rigid rules of behavior
11. Structured (adj) organized so that the parts
relate well to each other;
These product reviews are
highly structured so that it is
having a clear structure easy to make comparisons.
12. Vital (adj) necessary for the success or
continued existence of
something; extremely
It is vital to get medical
supplies to the area as soon
as possible.
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UNIT 8: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO PLAY? WORD MEANING EXAMPLE 1. Beneficial (adj) helpful, useful, or good Moderate exercise is really beneficial. 2. Complex (adj) involving a lot of different The company has a complex but related parts organizational structure. difficult to understand or The film's plot was so find an answer to because complex that I couldn't of having many different follow it. parts 3. Conflicted (adj) confused or worried I can't remember when I because you cannot choose last felt so conflicted after between very different seeing a film. ideas, feelings, or beliefs, and do not know what to do or believe 4. Consequently (adv) as a result Hoang usually spends most of her money in the first days and consequently has very little to eat by the end of the week. 5. Evident (adj) easily seen or understood
evident to: Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone.
evident in: Her love for him was evident in all that she did. 6. Incorporate (v) to include something within This aircraft incorporates something else several new safety features. 7. Inhibit (v) to take an action that makes Some states have a rule that something less likely to inhibits lawyers from talking happen, or that discourages about their cases outside someone from doing the courtroom. something 8. Innovative (adj) using new methods or ideas Gwen introduced a number of innovative solutions. 9. Regulate (v) to control something, You can regulate the especially by making it work temperature in the house in a particular way by adjusting the thermostat. 10. Rigid (adj)
stiff or fixed; not able to be A rigid steel and concrete bent or moved structure not able to be changed or Rigid rules of behavior persuaded 11. Structured (adj) organized so that the parts These product reviews are relate well to each other;
highly structured so that it is
UNIT 8: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO PLAY? having a clear structure easy to make comparisons. 12. Vital (adj) necessary for the success or It is vital to get medical continued existence of supplies to the area as soon something; extremely as possible. important