Teaching listening - the lecture lesson plan | Phương pháp giảng dạy | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn cung cấp nhiều môn học phong phú như Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu, Phong cách học, Kinh tế học Vi mô, Lịch sử Việt Nam, Xã hội học, Tâm lý học, Văn hóa học và Ngữ văn Trung Quốc. Các môn học này giúp sinh viên phát triển kiến thức chuyên môn, kỹ năng phân tích và nghiên cứu, chuẩn bị tốt cho công việc và nghiên cứu sau khi ra trường.

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Teaching listening - the lecture lesson plan | Phương pháp giảng dạy | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn cung cấp nhiều môn học phong phú như Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu, Phong cách học, Kinh tế học Vi mô, Lịch sử Việt Nam, Xã hội học, Tâm lý học, Văn hóa học và Ngữ văn Trung Quốc. Các môn học này giúp sinh viên phát triển kiến thức chuyên môn, kỹ năng phân tích và nghiên cứu, chuẩn bị tốt cho công việc và nghiên cứu sau khi ra trường.

117 59 lượt tải Tải xuống
Sequence of listening in the Lesson
- Pre- Listeninig :
The P- L stages describes below help our students to
prepare for what they are going to hear, and this give
them a grater chance of success in any given task. The
first of the pre-listenining usually involes acivating
chemata in order to help students to pridict the cotent pf
the listening passage.
The second stage is setting up a reson to listeing through
few general principles :make the purpose realistic( the
task must reflect the type of listening text)
Make the goals achivable. Get the students
Pre-teaching Vo: if the ss thinks that there are a munber
of words that will be unknown to the ss and that these
wors are assensial to the meaning of passage, it is
probably better to pre-teahc them
- While- Listening: rreflect this as musch as any ther
aspect language teaching, and down the age we have
persude ss to do the whole rage of things when tjey lisen
- + liste for gist: listen the main idea, before the sss any
disscus of thems, the ss need to have grasped the overall
communicative intention of the speaker.
- Listen for detail: the skill of extracting the information we
need , re quired a abliliy to orgnose most of what we hear
and focus only on what is relevant.
- Inferring is the thinking skill in which we make deduction
by going beyond what is actually started
. it is about making analogies to situations what we
lOMoARcPSD| 41487147
recognise. Some acivities for the sequence such as:
pause & pridict, not her not him.
Ss hear the input lonce, probably listen for gist, although
of course there may be occasion when they need to listen
in detail. They check the answer in pairs or groups. This is
to give them confidence and to open up any erea of
doubt. They then listen a second time , either in order to
check or to answer more detailed questions. It is
important that ss should be required to do different tasks
every time they listen
+ depend on some factors: difficulty, length, the
pedagogical focus and the potential for boredom. T decide
how many time ss should listen to a passage. If the focus
is on close language analylsis, it is may nesscessary o
repeat severals times.
+ with longer passage, teacher miight consider
“chunking” the text b pausing it at various intervals.
+ dictaton: IS best-knowed activiti for intensvive
listening, howerver, recently dictation is goes in and out
of feshtion, however dictatian has certain timless
qualities when we used appropriately
- Post- Listening:
+ the whole class check the answers, go into detail, looking
at top-down feature such as the exact setting of the
passenger or information about the speaker , and bottom-up
features such as individual words and phrase.. we also look
at what ss found prolematic
( process somtimes called troubleshooting)
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Preview text:

Sequence of listening in the Lesson - Pre- Listeninig :
The P- L stages describes below help our students to
prepare for what they are going to hear, and this give
them a grater chance of success in any given task. The
first of the pre-listenining usually involes acivating
chemata in order to help students to pridict the cotent pf the listening passage.
The second stage is setting up a reson to listeing through
few general principles :make the purpose realistic( the
task must reflect the type of listening text)
Make the goals achivable. Get the students involved.
Pre-teaching Vo: if the ss thinks that there are a munber
of words that will be unknown to the ss and that these
wors are assensial to the meaning of passage, it is
probably better to pre-teahc them
- While- Listening: rreflect this as musch as any ther
aspect language teaching, and down the age we have
persude ss to do the whole rage of things when tjey lisen
- + liste for gist: listen the main idea, before the sss any
disscus of thems, the ss need to have grasped the overall
communicative intention of the speaker.
- Listen for detail: the skill of extracting the information we
need , re quired a abliliy to orgnose most of what we hear
and focus only on what is relevant.
- Inferring is the thinking skill in which we make deduction
by going beyond what is actually started
. it is about making analogies to situations what we lOMoAR cPSD| 41487147
recognise. Some acivities for the sequence such as:
pause & pridict, not her not him.
Ss hear the input lonce, probably listen for gist, although
of course there may be occasion when they need to listen
in detail. They check the answer in pairs or groups. This is
to give them confidence and to open up any erea of
doubt. They then listen a second time , either in order to
check or to answer more detailed questions. It is
important that ss should be required to do different tasks every time they listen
+ depend on some factors: difficulty, length, the
pedagogical focus and the potential for boredom. T decide
how many time ss should listen to a passage. If the focus
is on close language analylsis, it is may nesscessary o repeat severals times.
+ with longer passage, teacher miight consider
“chunking” the text b pausing it at various intervals.
+ dictaton: IS best-knowed activiti for intensvive
listening, howerver, recently dictation is goes in and out
of feshtion, however dictatian has certain timless
qualities when we used appropriately - Post- Listening:
+ the whole class check the answers, go into detail, looking
at top-down feature such as the exact setting of the
passenger or information about the speaker , and bottom-up
features such as individual words and phrase.. we also look at what ss found prolematic
( process somtimes called troubleshooting)