Thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

*Form:(+) S + tobe + V-ing + O(-) S + tobe + not + V-ing + O
(?) (Từ để hỏi) + tobe + S + V-ing + O?Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
II. Present continuous tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn): dùng để diễn tả hành động đang
xảy ra tại thời điểm nói
(+) S + tobe + V-ing + O
(-) S + tobe + not + V-ing + O
(?) (Từ để hỏi) + tobe + S + V-ing + O?
(+) He is watching television (-)
They are not playing badminton
(?) What are you doing?
*Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
- now (bây giờ), right now (ngay bây giờ), at the moment (thời điểm này), at present
- Look! (nhìn kìa)
- Listen! (nghe kìa)
- Be quiet! (yên lặng nào)
- Keep silent! (trật tự đi)
- Be careful (cẩn thận kìa)
*Quy tắc thêm đuôi “ing”:
Quy tắc 1: Các động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “e” => bỏ “e” sau đó thêm “ing”.
Leave => Leaving
Move => Moving
Believe => Believing
Require => Requiring
Quy tắc 2: Các động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “ie” => đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm đuôi
Lie =>lying
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
Die => dying
Quy tắc 3: Các động từ có 1 âm tiết kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm => gấp
đôi phụ âm cuối rồi mới thêm “ing”.
Put => Putting
Swim => Swimming
Chú ý: Các động từ kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm (h, w, x, y) thì ta giữ
nguyên và sau đó thêm “ing”:
Know => Knowing
Say => Saying
Draw => Drawing
Reach => Reaching
Các động từ không nằm trong các quy tắc trên thì chỉ việc thêm đuôi “ing” sau động
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form of Present
Simple tense.
1. I always ______________________ (listen) to music in the morning.
2. He _______________________ (not/like) eating beef at that restaurant in this city.
3. Jenny _______________________________ (have) pink shirts at home?
4. They ___________________________ (not/work) every day.
5. Kate and Cynthia _______________________ (watch) TV show every weekend.
6. I __________________________ (not/watch) movies on Netflix.
7. Paola and Luis _________________________ (not/listen) to rock music.
8. I never ___________________________ (watch) TV at night.
9. Emily __________________________ (not/do) her homework at night.
10. He __________________________ (have) English classes on Saturday?
11. What you _______________________________ (do) in your free time?
12. She _________________________ (like) black T-shirts.
13. He ________________________ (not/go) to the supermarket on the weekend.
14. They _________________________ (have) English classes on Sunday.
15. My sister __________________________ (not/exercise) in the morning.
16. My brother _________________________ (have) a new pair of jeans.
17. He _____________________________ (need) a new uniform.
18. Daniel _____________________________ (like) eating sushi here?
19. Your mother _____________________ (go) shopping at the mall every weekend?
20. Jack __________________________ (play) videogames every day.
21. I usually ______________ (walk) to school.
22. They ________________ (visit) us often.
23. You __________________ (play) basketball once a week.
24. Tom __________________ (work) every day.
25. He always ___________________ (tell) us funny stories.26. She never
_____________________ (help) me with that!
27. Martha and Kevin _____________________ (swim) twice a week.
28. In this club people usually ___________________ (dance) a lot.
29. Linda _____________________ (take care) of her sister.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
30. John rarely ________________________ (leave) the country.
31. We __________________________ (live) in the city most of the year.
32. Lorie _________________________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
33. I _______________________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
34. You always _______________________ (teach) me new things.
35. She ________________________ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.
36. I (not be) ___________________ at school at the weekend.
37. She (study) _______________________ English on Friday.
38. He (have) _____________________ a new haircut today.
39. I usually (have)_______________ breakfast at 7.00.
40. She (live) __________________ in a house?
Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form of Present
Continuous tense.
1. I ____________________ (listen) to music now.
2. She ___________________ (watch) a movie at the moment.
3. I _____________________ (speak) English now right now.
4. He _____________________ (jump) on the bed at present.
5. They _______________ (run) really fast now.
6. I __________________ (study) English at school now.
7. He ___________________ (sing) a song at the moment.
8. We ____________________ (play) computer games right now.
9. I ___________________ (drink) juice at the moment.
10. The students ____________________ (sleep) in class at present.
11. She ____________________ (eat) a sandwich at present.
12. I _________________________ (walk) to school right now.
13. He ________________________ (talk) on the phone right now.
14. They ________________________ (dance) to music now.
15. I _________________________ (kick) the ball now.
16. Look! The cat (play) ____________________ that ball.
17. Be careful! The car (drive) _______________________.18. Now we (watch)
_____________________ TV together.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
19. They (play) ________________________ football at the school yard now.
20. Peter (listen) __________________________ to music in his room at present.
21. Look! The car (go) ___________________ so fast.
22. Listen! Someone (cry) _________________ in the next room.
23. Your brother (sit) ______________ next to the beautiful girl over there at present?
24. Now they (try) __________________ to pass the examination.
25. It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) ______________ lunch in the kitchen.
26. Keep silent! You (talk) _____________________ so loudly.
27. I (not stay) _____________________ at home at the moment.
28. Now she (lie) ____________________ to her mother about her bad marks.
29. At present they (travel) _______________________ to New York.
30. He (not work) _______________________ in his office now.
31. My sister always _______________ (forget) my birthday.
32. She __________________ (buy) some fruits at the supermarket.
33. Be quiet! The baby _______________(cry).
34. My little brother __________________ (drink) milk.
35. At present, they are _______________ (not drink) wine.
36. My brother _______________ (go) to work now.
37. Where is your sister? – She _______________ (cook) in the kitchen.
38. Be careful! The baby _______________________ (play) with the knife.
39. My father _____________________ (repair) the fan now.
40. Her mother __________________ (cook) dinner in the kitchen at present.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
1. Peter usually _________________ to the cinema with his friends every weekend.
A. go B. goes C. went D. going
2. How often _________________ your mother go shopping?
A. does B. do C. is
3. What are you doing? – I _______________ the dinner.
D. are
A. prepares B. am preparing C. prepare
4. ___________ a nure?
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
A. She is B. She does C. Does she
5. They __________________ like eat turkey.
D. Is she
A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t
6. I _______________________ walk to school everyday.
D. doesn’t
A. walk B. walks C. walkes
D. walked
7. Blackpink _______________ at My Dinh Stadium. Can you come over my house and
pick me there right now?
A. is performing B. performs C. performes D. are performing 8. Keep silent! I
____________________ letter for my parents/
A. write B. is writing C. am writing D. writes 9. She
________________ my best friend.
A. is B. be C. is being D. does 10. My sister ____________________ the
flowers in the garden every morning.
A. water B. watered C. is watering D. watered
Exercise 4: Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.
1. John (play) __________________ football at the moment.
2. We often (write) __________________ tests at our school.
3. I (talk) ______________________ to my teacher now.
4. Look! Mandy and Susan (watch) ________________________a film on TV.
5. Olivia (visit) her uncle every weekend.
6. Now the sun ________________________ (shine).
7. They sometimes (read) ______________________ poems in the lessons.
8. Rose ___________________ (do) the housework twice a week.
9. You (go) _________________ to school by bike?
10. Every morning, my mother (get)____________________up at 6 o’clock.
11. Look! He (leave) _____________ is leaving the house.
12. Quiet please! I (write) ________________ a letter.
13. She usually (walk) _________ to school. But today she (go) _____________ by bike.
14. He often (go) __________________ to the cinema.
15. We (play) _________________ computer games at the moment.
16. The child seldom (cry) _________________.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
17. I (not do) _________________ anything at the moment.
18. He (watch) _________________ the news regularly?
19. Linda (read) ____________________ books now.
20. Nam (play) _________________ with his dog at present?
21. I _______________ (play) badminton twice a week.
22. My brother rarely _______________ (watch) the film.
23. The students_________________ (not be) in the class, they _______________ (learn)
outdoor gymnastics.
24. I _____________________________ (be) a student.
25. She _____________________________ (play) tennis every week?
26. They __________________________ (go) to the cinema every Friday.
27. Lisa ___________________________ (be) a famous singer.
28. You ____________________________ (do) exercise every morning?
29. They __________________________ (buy) fruits in the supermarket.
30. Lucy ____________________________ (ride) her bicycle to work.
31. How often he ____________________________ (visit) his grandparents?
32. I never _______________________________ (eat) noodles in the evening.
33. It _________________ (not be) cold today.
34. My family ________________ (watch) TV now.
35. Henry _____________________ (do) his homework in his room at the moment.
36. Listen! Someone _______________________ (sing).
37. The sun ______________________ (rise) in the East.
38. Be quite! The students ______________________ (take) the final exam.
39. My brother ____________________ (not be) a pilot.
40. Linda ___________________________ (have) a cute cat.
Exercise 5: Complete questions in the Present Simple with the words given
1. What / you / have / for breakfast? -------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------2. When / he / graduate?
3. How often / she / go out / with her friends?
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
4. Your brother / live / in England
The kids / like / their new English teacher?
| 1/8

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lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 GRAMMAR
II. Present continuous tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn): dùng để diễn tả hành động đang
xảy ra tại thời điểm nói *Form:
(+) S + tobe + V-ing + O
(-) S + tobe + not + V-ing + O
(?) (Từ để hỏi) + tobe + S + V-ing + O? Eg:
(+) He is watching television (-)
They are not playing badminton (?) What are you doing?
*Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
- now (bây giờ), right now (ngay bây giờ), at the moment (thời điểm này), at present (hiệntại). - Look! (nhìn kìa) - Listen! (nghe kìa)
- Be quiet! (yên lặng nào)
- Keep silent! (trật tự đi)
- Be careful (cẩn thận kìa)
*Quy tắc thêm đuôi “ing”:
• Quy tắc 1: Các động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “e” => bỏ “e” sau đó thêm “ing”. Leave => Leaving Move => Moving Believe => Believing Require => Requiring
• Quy tắc 2: Các động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “ie” => đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm đuôi “ing”. Lie =>lying lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 Die => dying
• Quy tắc 3: Các động từ có 1 âm tiết kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm => gấp
đôi phụ âm cuối rồi mới thêm “ing”. Put => Putting Swim => Swimming
Chú ý: Các động từ kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm (h, w, x, y) thì ta giữ
nguyên và sau đó thêm “ing”: Know => Knowing Say => Saying Draw => Drawing Reach => Reaching
• Các động từ không nằm trong các quy tắc trên thì chỉ việc thêm đuôi “ing” sau động từ. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 PRACTICE
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form of Present Simple tense.
1. I always ______________________ (listen) to music in the morning.
2. He _______________________ (not/like) eating beef at that restaurant in this city.
3. Jenny _______________________________ (have) pink shirts at home?
4. They ___________________________ (not/work) every day.
5. Kate and Cynthia _______________________ (watch) TV show every weekend.
6. I __________________________ (not/watch) movies on Netflix.
7. Paola and Luis _________________________ (not/listen) to rock music.
8. I never ___________________________ (watch) TV at night.
9. Emily __________________________ (not/do) her homework at night.
10. He __________________________ (have) English classes on Saturday?
11. What you _______________________________ (do) in your free time?
12. She _________________________ (like) black T-shirts.
13. He ________________________ (not/go) to the supermarket on the weekend.
14. They _________________________ (have) English classes on Sunday.
15. My sister __________________________ (not/exercise) in the morning.
16. My brother _________________________ (have) a new pair of jeans.
17. He _____________________________ (need) a new uniform.
18. Daniel _____________________________ (like) eating sushi here?
19. Your mother _____________________ (go) shopping at the mall every weekend?
20. Jack __________________________ (play) videogames every day.
21. I usually ______________ (walk) to school.
22. They ________________ (visit) us often.
23. You __________________ (play) basketball once a week.
24. Tom __________________ (work) every day.
25. He always ___________________ (tell) us funny stories.26. She never
_____________________ (help) me with that!
27. Martha and Kevin _____________________ (swim) twice a week.
28. In this club people usually ___________________ (dance) a lot.
29. Linda _____________________ (take care) of her sister. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
30. John rarely ________________________ (leave) the country.
31. We __________________________ (live) in the city most of the year.
32. Lorie _________________________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
33. I _______________________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
34. You always _______________________ (teach) me new things.
35. She ________________________ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.
36. I (not be) ___________________ at school at the weekend.
37. She (study) _______________________ English on Friday.
38. He (have) _____________________ a new haircut today.
39. I usually (have)_______________ breakfast at 7.00.
40. She (live) __________________ in a house?
Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form of Present
Continuous tense.
1. I ____________________ (listen) to music now.
2. She ___________________ (watch) a movie at the moment.
3. I _____________________ (speak) English now right now.
4. He _____________________ (jump) on the bed at present.
5. They _______________ (run) really fast now.
6. I __________________ (study) English at school now.
7. He ___________________ (sing) a song at the moment.
8. We ____________________ (play) computer games right now.
9. I ___________________ (drink) juice at the moment.
10. The students ____________________ (sleep) in class at present.
11. She ____________________ (eat) a sandwich at present.
12. I _________________________ (walk) to school right now.
13. He ________________________ (talk) on the phone right now.
14. They ________________________ (dance) to music now.
15. I _________________________ (kick) the ball now.
16. Look! The cat (play) ____________________ that ball.
17. Be careful! The car (drive) _______________________.18. Now we (watch)
_____________________ TV together. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
19. They (play) ________________________ football at the school yard now.
20. Peter (listen) __________________________ to music in his room at present.
21. Look! The car (go) ___________________ so fast.
22. Listen! Someone (cry) _________________ in the next room.
23. Your brother (sit) ______________ next to the beautiful girl over there at present?
24. Now they (try) __________________ to pass the examination.
25. It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) ______________ lunch in the kitchen.
26. Keep silent! You (talk) _____________________ so loudly.
27. I (not stay) _____________________ at home at the moment.
28. Now she (lie) ____________________ to her mother about her bad marks.
29. At present they (travel) _______________________ to New York.
30. He (not work) _______________________ in his office now.
31. My sister always _______________ (forget) my birthday.
32. She __________________ (buy) some fruits at the supermarket.
33. Be quiet! The baby _______________(cry).
34. My little brother __________________ (drink) milk.
35. At present, they are _______________ (not drink) wine.
36. My brother _______________ (go) to work now.
37. Where is your sister? – She _______________ (cook) in the kitchen.
38. Be careful! The baby _______________________ (play) with the knife.
39. My father _____________________ (repair) the fan now.
40. Her mother __________________ (cook) dinner in the kitchen at present.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
1. Peter usually _________________ to the cinema with his friends every weekend. A. go B. goes C. went D. going
2. How often _________________ your mother go shopping? A. does B. do C. is D. are
3. What are you doing? – I _______________ the dinner. A. prepares D. B. am preparing C. prepare 4. ___________ a nure? preparing lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 A. She is D. Is she B. She does C. Does she
5. They __________________ like eat turkey. A. isn’t D. doesn’t B. aren’t C. don’t
6. I _______________________ walk to school everyday. A. walk B. walks C. walkes D. walked
7. Blackpink _______________ at My Dinh Stadium. Can you come over my house and pick me there right now?
A. is performing B. performs C. performes
D. are performing 8. Keep silent! I
____________________ letter for my parents/ A. write B. is writing C. am writing D. writes 9. She
________________ my best friend.
A. is B. be C. is being D. does 10. My sister ____________________ the
flowers in the garden every morning. A. water B. watered C. is watering D. watered
Exercise 4: Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.
1. John (play) __________________ football at the moment.
2. We often (write) __________________ tests at our school.
3. I (talk) ______________________ to my teacher now.
4. Look! Mandy and Susan (watch) ________________________a film on TV.
5. Olivia (visit) her uncle every weekend.
6. Now the sun ________________________ (shine).
7. They sometimes (read) ______________________ poems in the lessons.
8. Rose ___________________ (do) the housework twice a week.
9. You (go) _________________ to school by bike?
10. Every morning, my mother (get)____________________up at 6 o’clock.
11. Look! He (leave) _____________ is leaving the house.
12. Quiet please! I (write) ________________ a letter.
13. She usually (walk) _________ to school. But today she (go) _____________ by bike.
14. He often (go) __________________ to the cinema.
15. We (play) _________________ computer games at the moment.
16. The child seldom (cry) _________________. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
17. I (not do) _________________ anything at the moment.
18. He (watch) _________________ the news regularly?
19. Linda (read) ____________________ books now.
20. Nam (play) _________________ with his dog at present?
21. I _______________ (play) badminton twice a week.
22. My brother rarely _______________ (watch) the film.
23. The students_________________ (not be) in the class, they _______________ (learn) outdoor gymnastics.
24. I _____________________________ (be) a student.
25. She _____________________________ (play) tennis every week?
26. They __________________________ (go) to the cinema every Friday.
27. Lisa ___________________________ (be) a famous singer.
28. You ____________________________ (do) exercise every morning?
29. They __________________________ (buy) fruits in the supermarket.
30. Lucy ____________________________ (ride) her bicycle to work.
31. How often he ____________________________ (visit) his grandparents?
32. I never _______________________________ (eat) noodles in the evening.
33. It _________________ (not be) cold today.
34. My family ________________ (watch) TV now.
35. Henry _____________________ (do) his homework in his room at the moment.
36. Listen! Someone _______________________ (sing).
37. The sun ______________________ (rise) in the East.
38. Be quite! The students ______________________ (take) the final exam.
39. My brother ____________________ (not be) a pilot.
40. Linda ___________________________ (have) a cute cat.
Exercise 5: Complete questions in the Present Simple with the words given
1. What / you / have / for breakfast? -------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------2. When / he / graduate?
3. How often / she / go out / with her friends? lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
4. Your brother / live / in England
The kids / like / their new English teacher?