Tổng ôn từ vựng Tiếng Anh cô Trang Anh

Question 1. They have been forced to live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arcticwastelands.A. suburban B. forgotten C. abandoned D. disadvantaged.Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem.

lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
   
 
 
   
    
   
   
   
 
 
   
   
   
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   
  
   
  
  
   
  
 
 
full of beans 
 
 
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
recover 
  
  
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   
   
   
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
   
   
   
   
  
 
 
 
   
   
 
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   
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
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run for your money.
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
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  
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
  
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   
took the bull by the horns 
 
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   
the entire day 
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 1. They have been forced to live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arctic wastelands. A. suburban B. forgotten C. abandoned D. disadvantaged
Question 2. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace.
A. attracting attention B. widely used
C. for everybody's use
D. most preferable
Question 3: The renovation of the national museum is now nearing completion.
A. intervention B. restoration C. maintenance D. repairing
Question 4: The problem of salary didn’t come up in the meeting last week. A. mention B. approach C. raise D. arise
Question 5: The natives were angry when foreigners came to their country and took over their land. A. members B. locals C. migrants D. tourists
Question 6: I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money. A. threatening B. praising C. elevating D. teasing
Question 7: When the Titanic crashed into the iceberg, the crew quickly sent out distress signals to
alert nearby ships of the disaster and request their help. A. amusing B. strange C. bold D. help
Question 8: I’m all in favor of ambition but I think when he says he’ll be a millionaire by the time he’s
25, he’s simply crying for the moon.
A. longing for what is beyond the reach
B. asking for what is attainable
C. doing something with vigor or intensity
D. crying a lot and for a long time
Question 9. I think Mr. John is on the level because he always tells the truth and never tries to deceive others. A. honest B. dishonest
C. talented D. intelligent
Question 10: I think we should tell Peter that the location of the picnic has been changed. Let’s put him in the picture. A. show him
B. take his photo
C. explain to him D. inform him
Question 11: She couldn’t believe it when he told her his age. He looked so young but he was a good ten years older than her. A. not quite
B. no more than
C. not less than D. no way lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
Question 12: To absorb a younger workforce, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives
for older workers to retire and make way for the young ones who earned lower salaries. A. rewards
B. opportunities C. motives
D. encouragements
Question 13: How on earth could they do away with a lovely old building like that and put a car park there instead? A. keep B. destroy
C. decrease D. upgrade
Question 14: Many organizations have been involved in drawing up the report on environmental campaigns. A. engaged in
B. enquired about C. confined in
D. concerned about
Question 15: Everyone in my community joined hands to help those impacted by the flood. A. gave a hand B. took hand
C. worked together D. shook hands Question
16: We decided to pay for the furniture on the installment plan.
A. monthly payment B. cash and carry C. credit card
D. piece by piece
Question 17: Teletext is continuously sent out at all times when regular television programs are broadcast. A. transmitted B. electrified C. automated D. aired
Question 18: I’ll not stand for your bad attitude any longer. A. care B. like
C. tolerate D. mean Question
19: “You’ve eaten all the chocolate cake?” – “What of it?
A. What does it matter?
B. What’s happened to it?
C. Where is the rest?
D. You mean I’ve eaten all of it?
Question 20: The children were full of beans today, looking forward to their field trip.
A. eating a lot
B. lively and in high spirits C. melancholy D. hyperactive
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Because of his hard work, he was able to recover his losses from the accident. A. find B. sell
C. take back D. escape
Question 2: I find it difficult to remain neutral while he is concerned about the matter. A. objective B. positive
C. negative D. middle 2 lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
Question 3: A lot of superstitious practices in a country can be a major impediment to its economic development. A. obstacle B. assistance C. impetus D. encouragement
Question 4. Flats which are both comfortable and reasonably priced are few and far between in the
current context of economic crisis. A. uncommon B. unusual
C. non–standard
D. non–existent
Question 5. Gerry didn’t go on the expedition – he made up that part of the story. A. invented B. narrated
C. unfolded D. recounted
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 6. Biologists long regarded it as an example of adaptation by natural selection, but for
physicists it bordered on the miracle. A. flexibility B. agility C. adjustment
D. inflexibility
Question 7. Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact. A.
in perfection B. in completion
C. in chaos D. in ruins
Question 8. After a long time working incessantly, all my efforts ended in failure. A. breakdown B. loss C. success D. collapse
Question 9: Although not essential, some prior knowledge about the company when applying is desirable. A. subsequent B. preceding C. respective D. bygone
Question 10: Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of our project.
A. incompatible with
B. indifferent to C. disagreeable with D. unaccompanied by
Question 11: Although Valentine's Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses
sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time.
A. traced back to the ancient people
B. a long time ago and unforgettable
C. new enough for anyone to confirm
D. still a mystery to everybody
Question 12: Most universities have trained counselors who can reassure and console students who
have academic or personal problems. A. sympathize B. satisfy C. discourage D. please
Question 13: I prefer secure jobs because I don’t like keeping on moving and changing all the time. A. challenging B. demanding C. stable D. safe
Question 14: When he passes the entrance exam, his parents will be walking on air.
A. extremely happy B. extremely light lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
C. feeling extremely unhappy
D. feeling extremely airy
Question 15. I could only propose a partial solution to the crisis in the company. A. halfway B. half C. whole D. effective
Question 16. Viking sailors landed in North America just under a thousand years ago. A. upwards of B. only just C. just on D. not quite
Question 17: She wasn’t close to her mum. She was thought to confide all her secrets to her best friend only. A. explore B. deny C. hide D. discuss
Question 18: Most universities have trained counselors who can reassure and console students who
have academic or personal problems. A. satisfy B. sympathize C. please D. discourage
Question 19: I don’t know what they are going to ask in the job interview. I’ll just play it by ear.
A. plan well in advance B. be careful about it
C. listen to others saying
D. do not plan beforehand
Question 20: Unless you get your information from a credible website, you should doubt the veracity
of the facts until you have confirmed them elsewhere. A. accuracy
B. truthfulness C. inexactness D. unfairness
1. The cancer risks associated ______________ smoking have been well documented. A. with B. through C. over D. against
2. I'm _____ sorry about your car and the rest of your things, but please don't mention money. A. dreadfully B. terribly C. desperately D. All are correct
3. He's addicted _____________ coffee and cannot do anything in the morning until he's had some. A. to B. without C. by D. of
4. Soldiers must _____________ allegiance to the King. A. give B. swear C. confirm D. claim
5. I know he’s lied to you before, but I really think he’s on the _______________ this time. A. equal B. point C. aim D. level
6. I was pleasantly _____________ by the excellent customer service that company really cares about its customers. A. shocked B. astonished C. startled D. surprised
7. The company had huge debts and was on the _____________ of collapse. A. verge B. edge C. brink D. All are correct
8. I congratulate you _____________ your new job! A. on B. of C. to D. with 4 lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
9. We are to ____________ a contract for a supply of raw silk with the company. A. take B. make C. rely D. change
10. I’ll just _____________ online and look up her address. A. try B. go C. move D. stop
11. His behavior is clearly _____________ odds with what the college expects from its students. A. at B. because C. since D. from
12. Your father is worried ____________ about what this merger will mean for his job. A. bad B. ill C. frail D. sick
13. Linh didn't tell her brother because she was afraid ____________ upsetting him. A. about B. in C. of D. over
14. I haven't slept in days—my neighbor's dog has been barking at _____________ hours. A. completely B. all C. whole D. totally
15. At his mother’s funeral, he was so overwhelmed with ____________ that he couldn’t finish his speech. A. emotion B. impression C. reaction D. reply
16. I’m sorry I lost my ____________ with you yesterday. It was a really stressful day at work. A. mood B. nature C. character D. temper
17. They _____________ the decision until February. A. adjourned B. deferred C. cancelled D. suspended
18. My wife was visibly _____________ that I wasn’t by her side when she woke up from surgery. A. depressed B. disappointed C. discouraged D. frustrated
19. Someone suggested that we play a party game to ____________ the ice. A. collapse B. cut C. become D. break
20. Scotland is famous _____________ its spectacular countryside. A. with B. behind C. for D. to
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: On Saturday wearing uniforms is optional so I often choose T-shirt and shorts. A. acceptable B. compulsory C. voluntary
D. uncomfortable
Question 2: Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school. A. puts off B. looks for C. attends to D. approves of lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
Question 3: Many political radicals advocated that women should not be discriminated against on the basis of their sex.
A. openly criticized B. rightly claimed
C. publicly said D. protested
Question 4: On the spur of the moment, she decided to enter the race that she had come to watch.
A. Without previous thought
B. For only a short time
C. After careful thought
D. At the earliest possible moment
Question 5: When you consider all the advantages you’ve gained, I think you’ll admit you had a good
run for your money.
A. a lot of loss from your money
B. a lot of benefits from your money
C. a lot of advantages from your money D. a lot of failures from your money
Question 6: After many months of grueling work and painful injuries to her shoulder and back, Susan
realized that her dream of swimming on the English Channel was unattainable. A. impossible B. realistic C. confused
D. unachievable
Question 7: Head Coach Park Hang–Seo along with his football team has achieved unprecedented results so far. A. enormous B. outstanding C. phenomenal D. commonplace
Question 8. They haven’t reached an agreement on the official songs of the 27th Sea Games. A. formal B. uncertified C. informal D. approved
Question 9. Sorry, I can’t come to your party. I am snowed under with work at the moment. A. busy with B. fond of C. free from
D. relaxed about
Question 10. She was too wet behind the ears to be in charge of such demanding tasks.
A. lack of responsibility
B. full of experience C. without money D. full of sincerity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 11. We are going to build a fence around the field with____________to breeding sheep and cattle A. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view
Question 12. The meeting didn’t____________ until late. A. end up B. break up C. come about D. fall through
Question 13: Coffee is the second most valuable _____ after oil A. ware B. production C. producing D. commodity
Question 14: We _____ on the beach now if we hadn’t missed the plane
A. might have lain B. would lie C. could be lying D. would have lain
Question 15: The noise from the nearby factory kept me _____ A. awake B. awakened C. waking D. woken 6 lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
Question 16: Make sure you ____ us a visit when you are in town again A. pay B. have C. give D. do
Question 17: I used to run a mile before breakfast but now I am ____
A. not used to it B. no longer practice it C. out of practice D. out of the habit
Question 18: The government is determined to ____ terrorism
A. put the stop to B. put stop to C. put stops to D. put a stop to
Question 19: Out ___ for a walk after she finished doing her homework
A. did Mary go B. Mary went C. Mary did go D. went Mary
Question 20: Lucia was surprised when her guests ____ late for the party A. came up B. turned up C. looked up D. put up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 1. The film was taken apart on the grounds that it glorifies violence.
A. greatly admired B. excellently cast
C. badly reviewed D. criticized severely
Question 2. Efforts by the government agency to improve its work were hampered by a lack of funds. A. hindered B. assisted C. encouraged D. endangered
Question 3: Students from that university have conducted a survey to find out the most effective study habit. A. organized B. delayed C. encouraged D. proposed
Question 4: Some operations may have to be halted unless more blood donors come forward to help. A. offer B. claim
C. attempt D. refuse
Question 5: Once in a while, I visit my grandparents on the farm and stay there for some days. A. Rarely B. Regularly
C. Usually D. Sometimes
Question 6: The team wasn’t playing well, so the coach took the bull by the horns and sacked several senior players.
A. made the right decision
B. made a bold decision
C. made a final decision
D. made the wrong decision
Question 7: Technological changes have rendered many traditional skills obsolete. A. outdated B. impractical
C. unappreciated D. undeveloped
Question 8: By being thrifty and shopping wisely, housewives in the city can feed an entire family on
as little as 500.000 VND a week. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
A. luxurious B. economical C. sensible
D. miserable Question 9: We
spent the entire day looking for a new apartment.
A. all long day
B. day after day
C. all day long
D. the long day Question
10: I just want to stay at home and watch TV and take it easy. A. relax B. sit down
C. sleep D. eat
Question 11: Hue is the ideal place to enjoy life; it’s a beautiful and hospitable city with its famous cultural heritage. A. friendly
B. affectionate
C. noticeable D. natural
Question 12: Readers are required to abide by the rules of the library and mind their manners. A.
memorize B. obey
C. review D. compose
Question 13. If minor disputes are left unsettled, tough ones will accumulate sooner or later.
A. decrease in number
B. increase in number
C. improve in quality
D. decline in volume
Question 14. He went through much hardship before he became a successful businessman. A. met B. accepted
C. endured D. created Question
15: The pile of old clothes gave off a damp, musty smell. A. obsolete B. tasty
C. appealing D. stale
Question 16: The organizers claim that the demonstration was a resounding success. A. effective B. exciting
C. huge D. excellent
Question 17: Being a single mother no longer carries the social stigma that is used to. A. difficulty B. holiness C. stain D. trial
Question 18: The members of the orchestra have arrived an hour prior to the performance for a short rehearsal. A. when B. before
C. after D. while
Question 19: Students from that university have conducted a survey to find out the most effective study habit. A. organized B. delayed C. encouraged D. proposed
Question 20: Jane has such a bewitching smile that almost everyone seems to dote on her. A. exquisite B. hostile
C. disgusting D. inscrutable 8