Top 500 Idioms thường gặp trong đề thi chuyên Anh (có giải thích)

Top 500 Idioms thường gặp trong đề thi chuyên Anh (có giải thích) cho sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi. Đồng thời nâng cao trình độ Tiếng Anh của bạn.

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Top 500 Idioms thường gặp trong đề thi chuyên Anh (có giải thích)

Top 500 Idioms thường gặp trong đề thi chuyên Anh (có giải thích) cho sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi. Đồng thời nâng cao trình độ Tiếng Anh của bạn.

61 31 lượt tải Tải xuống
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
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Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
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Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
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Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
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Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
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Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
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Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 500 IDIOMS 1. a bear with a sore irritated/bad mood tức gian/ tam trang te head
2. a bit of a dark horse person with hidden abilities
ngứời co nhứng kha nang bi che giau 3. a bitter pill to a difficult fact to accept sứ that kho chap nhan swallow
4. a different kettle of a totally different situation
hoan toan khac vời nhứng gì fish from the one just mentioned đứờc đe' cap 5. a dog's life a difficult, hard life Cuoc song kho khan, bat hanh 6. a fish out of water sb who feels uncomfortable nhứ ca tren can 7. a long shot a wild guess/ a risk
Mot phong đoan hoang đứờng 8. a memory like a a poor memory Trì nhờ kem sieve 9. a night owl
person who enjoys staying up Ngứời thìch thức khuya late 10. a pain in the neck annoying person/thing
Ngứời/ đie'u gì gay phie'n toai 11. a piece of cake sth very easy to do
Cai gì đo rat de- lam/de- nhứ an banh 12.a red rag to a bull
action, comment, etc. liable to hanh đong co tình gay pha-n no, provoke sb khieu khìch hoac kìch đong 13. a red-letter day a very important day Mot ngay rat quan trong 14. a sitting duck an easy target; Mot muc tieu de- dang;
someone or something that is Ai đo hay cai gì đo rat đe3 bi very easy for an enemy to tan cong shoot or attack: 15. a storm in a teacup
a lot of fuss about sth that is Viec be xe ra to not important 16.16. a wild-goose a hopeless search: tìm kiem vo vong chase 17.above board honest Tha6ng tha7n, thanh that 18.Achilles heel
weakest point of sb's character Đie3m yeu nhat trong tình cach cua ai đo 19.against all odds despite the difficulties Bat chap nhứng kho khan, hoan canh bat lời 20.agree to disagree
stop arguing because there is Ngứng tranh cai vì khong co cờ no chance of agreement hoi đo'ng y 21.all along
from the beginning until now Tứ đa'u đen bay giờ
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 22.all but nearly, almost Ga'n nhứ/ ha'u nhứ 23.all in exhausted Kiet sức, met lứ 24.all in all
when everything is considered Noi chung la 25.all the same yet, however Tuy nhien, nhứng ma 26.all told altogether; in total Tat ca, ca thay old wives' tale false belief
Nie'm tin sai sứ that, me tìn unknown quantity person or thing that one has no Ngứời hoac vat khong co kinh experience of nghiem ve'; a3n so a last resort when all else has failed Giai phap cuoi cung the crow flies in a direct line/ by a direct
Đứờng tha6ng, theo đứờng route chim bay close quarters from a short distance Ga'n sat nhau, rat ga'n large free, not caught Tứ do the cutting edge at the forefront of
Mời nhat, tien tien nhat, ờ vi trì hang đa'u 34.bark up the wrong have a false idea about sth co y tứờng sai la'm ve' tree ahead of one's have modern ideas
Co nhứng y tứờng hien đai, time mời me all at sea be in a state of confusion
Trong tình trang boi roi, hoang mang all fingers and be awkward, clumsy Vung ve', long ngong thumbs all very well
appear satisfactory but in fact chap nhan đứờc, nhứng va-n not be ca'n trau do'i them. as busy as a bee very busy Ban tời tap as thick as a brick be stupid Ngoc nghech beside oneself to be extremely angry Cức kì tức gian with anger born yesterday be easily deceived/ naive De- bi lứa, ngay thờ broke have no/very little money Khong co/ co rat ìt tie'n caught red-
be caught while committing a Bi ba7t khi đang pham toi handed crime dying for sth really want sth Qua khao khat đie'u gì fit for be good enough for Đu tot cho for the high jump about to be severely punished Se bi trứng phat nghiem kha7c full of beans be very lively Tran đa'y nang lứờng green be inexperienced Thieu kinh nghiem
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms in a quandary be confused; undecided
Trong tình huong kho xứ, lung tung in sb's black books out of favour Bi ghet bo, chan ghet in sb's shoes be in sb's position ờ vi trì cua ai đo in the dark about be unaware of sth
Thieu hie3u biet ve' cai gì đo sth in the doghouse be out of favour, in trouble
khong đứờc ứu ai, gap ra7c roi in the know be well-informed Biet ro sứ viec in the same boat be in the same (usually bad) Cung hoi cung thuye'n, trong situation cung 1 tình huong in two minds
not be able to decide what to Khong the3 đứa ra quyet đinh about sth do on the cards be likely to happen Co kha nang xay ra on the defensive protect oneself because one Tứ ve feels insecure or threatened on the up and up improve steadily Cai thien đe'u đan out of practice lacking practice khong co thời gian luyen tap over the moon be elated
Phan khời, vo cung sung sứờng second to none be the best
Trờ nen tot nhat, khong thua ai sound asleep sleep deeply Ngu ngon lanh, ngu sau the apple of sb's
be very precious to sb; be sb's Rat quy gia vời ai đo, ngứời eye favourite đứờc yeu quì nhat the perfect image look exactly like sb of sb the splitting image look exactly like sb Trong giong het vời ai đo of sb thrown off be surprised Ngac nhien, bat ngờ balance tickled pink be really pleased Rat hai hai hong up and about
have recovered from an illness Ho'i phuc, đa khoi benh up in arms be very angry Rat tức gian worn out be very tired Rat met, kiet sức soaked to the be/get very wet Ườt nhứ chuot lot skin a close
barely avoid an accident/ a bad Thoat chet shave situation 75.bear fruit be successful Thanh cong 76.beat about/around
avoid saying what one means Noi vong vo, lang tranh
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms the bush directly 77.beat sb black and
hit sb repeatedly until bruised đanh ai đen tham tìm mình ma3y blue 78.before one can say extremely quickly Rat nhanh Jack Robinson 79.beg the question makes people want to ask a Đat cau hoi particular question 80.behind bars in prison Trong tu 81.behind the scenes in secret Bì mat 82.below the belt cruel and unfair Khong cong baHng, chời ba3n 83.bide one's time wait for a good opportunity
Kien nha-n chờ đời cờ hoi tot 84.big cheese person with important
Sep, ngứời co vi trì quan trong job/position 85.big-headed conceited; boastful Tứ phu, khoe khoang
86.bite off more than sb try to do sth which is too Co ga7ng lam viec gì qua kho can chew difficult and blue all covered with bruises
tham tìm, vet ba'm tren cờ the3 over tie formal clothing Qua'n ao trang trong 89.blaze a trail discover sth new Tien phong 90.blessing in disguise
sth which appears bad at first chuyen khong may ma lai hoa
but then turns out favourably may 91.blow a fuse become very angry Trờ nen rat tức gian boy a favoured person
Mot ngứời đứờc ứu ai 93.bolt from the blue suddenly Đot ngot 94.brainwave sudden clear idea/thought ÝJ kien hay bat chờt 95.break even show neither loss nor profit hoa von 96.break the ice ease the tensione when one
giam bờt cang tha6ng khi mot first meets people
ngứời la'n đa'u tien gap moi ngứời
97.bring sth home to sb make sb understand how Giup ai hie3u ro đie'u gì important or serious sth is
98.bring to one's knees destroy, humble Pha huy/ khiem nhứờng 99.browned off fed up; bored Chan ngay
100. bury one's head in avoid or ignore Tron tranh thức te the sand reality/responsibility 101. butter sb up flatter sb Lay long, ninh hot ai đo 102. by and large generally speaking Nhìn chung 103. by definition having a quality simply
vì ban chat cua ai đo hay cai gì
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms because of what it is đo, theo le tứ nhien 104. by force of habit used to doing sth without Nhứ mot thoi quen thinking
105. by trial and error learning from one's mistakes Hoc hoi sai la'm cua ai đo 106. call it quits give up/stop Bo cuoc 107. call sb names insult sb Reo ten, xuc pham ai đo 108. cast aspersions criticise Chì trìch 109. catch sb red-
be caught while committing a Ba7t qua tang handed crime 110. chair a meeting preside over a meeting Chu trì mot cuoc hop 111. chip off the old
sb who is very like one of his ngứời rat giong bo hoac me block parents
112. chop and change keep changing (your mind) Hay thay đo3i y kien 113. claim to fame
thing which makes sb unusual Đie'u lam cho ai bat thứờng, thu vi 114. clear the air
remove suspicion/bad feeling giai toa hie3u la3m, hie'm khìch giứa
hai ben hoac la lam ro đie'u gì đo. 115. come clean admit the truth Noi ra sứ that
116. come out of one's to become more confident and Chan hoa vời moi ngứời shell less shy 117. come to a head reach a critical point đat đen đie3m tời han 118. come to a not progress/stop
Đi đen cho- be ta7c /ngứng lai standstill 119. come to terms accept a difficult situation Chap nhan mot tình huong kho with khan 120. come to the fore
become important or popular Trờ nen no3i bat, đứờc chu y; giứ đia vi lanh đao.
121. come to the point reach the main point in a Đi tha6ng vao van đe' discussion
122. cook one's goose end one's plans abruptly
pha hoai hay lam hong ke hoach cua mot ngứời nao 123. cost a bomb very expensive Rat đa7t
124. cost an arm and a be very expensive Cức kì đa7t leg
125. cramp one's style restrict one's behaviour in Can trờ, khien cho ai khong some way đứờc tứ do/thoai mai, 126. crocodile tears false tears Nứờc ma7t ca sau
127. cross one's mind think of sth Bat chờt nghì ve' cai gì
128. cry over spilt milk grieve over sth that can't be
cứ mai buo'n ba, tiec nuoi vì
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms put right chuyen đa ro'i 129. cut corners be less thorough đi ta7t, đot chay giai đoan 130. cut sb dead ignore sb Lam ngờ ai đo
131. cut sb to the quick deeply hurt sb's feelings
To3n thứờng sau sa7c đen cam xuc cua ai 132. cut to the bone reduced to the minimum giam đen mức toi thie3u 133. deal a blow to damage one's hopes Lam ai đo vờ mong
134. different as chalk totally different hoan toan khac biet and cheese 135. does it show? is it obvious? no co ro rang khong? 136. dog eat dog ruthless competition, rivalry
canh tranh tan nha-n, ganh đua 137. dog-eared (of books) with the corners Nep quan, nep gap ờ nhứng
bent and turned down through trang sach use
138. don't give up your continue to do sth you know
Kien trì, tiep tuc lam cai ban day job rather than trying sth new
biet hờn lam thứ cai gì mời 139. don't hold your
don't wait for sb/sth anxiously đứng chờ đời bời vì đie'u gì đo breath se khong xay ra 140. donkey work boring, monotonous work
cong viec nham chan, đờn đieu 141. donkey's years a long time Mot thời gian dai 142. down in the depressed/miserable chan nan / đau kho3 dumps 143. down the drain wasted; lost Lang phì, phì pham 144. drive a hard be a tough businessman la mot doanh nhan cứng ra7n bargain 145. drive sb up the make sb angry/annoy sb
Lam ai đo kho chiu, tức gian wall 146. drop a brick say sth tactlessly
Noi nờ, noi gay kho chiu cho ngứời nghe 147. drop sb a line send sb a letter Gứi thứ cho ai đo 148. ease off reduce in degree, speed or giam mức đo, toc đo hoac intensity cứờng đo, giam ap lức 149. eat one's heart feel jealous/ sad about sth Ghen ti ve' cai gì out 150. every nook and everywhere Moi nời cranny 151. face the music be criticised or punished for
bi chì trìch hoac trứng phat vì sth you have done
ban đa lam, đoi mat vời thức te 152. fair and square within the rules Theo quy đinh, cong baHng,
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 153. fall head over fall in love quickly
yeu ai đo ngay lap tức ( yeu tứ heels cai nhìn đa'u tien) 154. fall into place become clear Trờ nen ro rang
155. feel down in the feel discouraged/depressed Buo'n ba, chan nan mouth
156. feel in one's bones feeling sth instinctively
cam thay cha7c cha7n, tin hoan toan/ linh cam ve' cai gì 157. feel one's ears
have a feeling that sb is talking co cam giac raHng ai đo đang noi burning about you xau ban 158. few and far scarce/rare Khan hiem/ hiem gap between
159. fight like cat and disagree violently Nhứ cho vời meo dog
160. fine kettle of fish confused state of affairs Tình the kho xứ, boi roi 161. flat broke penniless Khong mot xu dình tui
162. flog a dead horse waste time doing sth useless Phì cong vo ìch
163. fly off the handle quickly become very angry Tức gian đien cuo'ng 164. fly on the wall see/hear sth in a situation quan sat ngứời khac ma ho which does not involve you khong he' hay biet. 165. for all in spite of Mac du 166. for all I care I don't care Toi khong quan tam 167. for all I know as far as I know theo nhứ toi biet
168. for donkey's years for a very long time Trong mot thời gian rat dai
169. for the time being temporarily Hien tai, luc nay 170. frosty welcome unfriendly reception
Sứ chao đon khong than thien 171. gatecrasher
sb attending a party without an Ngứời khong mời ma đen invitation
172. get a bit hot under get angry, upset or embarassed Trờ nen tức gian, kho chiu hay the collar bức boi 173. get a move on hurry up Nhanh len
174. get a problem off tell sb else about your problem Tam sứ, noi cho ai đo ve' van đe' one's chest cua ban 175. get cold feet lose courage to do sth Mat can đam đe3 lam gì 176. get cold feet be nervous or frightened
Trờ nen cang tha6ng, lo la7ng because sth might fail
177. get nowhere fast make no progress Khong tien bo 178. get off on the argue or disagree at the
Bat đo'ng quan đie3m ngay la'n wrong foot beginning of a relationship đa'u gap mat
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 179. get on one's irritate/annoy sb Khien ai đo bức mình nerves
180. get out of bed on be in a bad mood co tam trang to'i te the wrong side 181. get out of hand become out of control
Trờ nen khong kie3m soat đứờc 182. get rid of sth give sth unwanted away Giu bo,thoat khoi 1 sứ viec khong mong muon
183. get the hang of it get in the habit of doing sth
Na7m đứờc, sứ dung đứờc, hoc cach lam gì đo 184. get the sack be dismissed from one's job Bi sa thai, đuo3i viec
185. get the wrong end misunderstand completely
hie3u nha'm tình hình, cai gì ai of the stick what has been said noi 186. get wind of
receive information about sth Phong đoan indirectly
187. get your own back take/get revenge Tra thu 188. give and take compromise Sứ thoa hiep
189. give chapter and give every exact detail
cung cap moi chi tiet chình xac verse 190. give sb the cold ignore sb Lam ngờ ai đo shoulder 191. give sb the slip escape from sb
Thoat khoi, tron thoat khoi ai đo 192. give the green give permission to proceed
cho phep mot ngứời đứờc quye'n light to sth with sth hanh đong, thức thi cai gì 193. give vent to express sth freely
Noi mot cach tứ do, noi cho ha 194. give way to give in/yield Nhứờng cho-
195. go back on one's not fulfil a promise Khong thức hien lời hứa word 196. go by the board be rejected Bi tứ choi 197. go for a song be sold very cheaply đứờc ban rat re
198. go to any lengths do anything necessary to get saNn sang lam bat cứ đie'u gì sth you want 199. go to one's head make conceited Khien ai kieu ngao, tứ phu 200. go to the dogs worsen Xau đi
201. go without saying be a foregone conclusion mot viec gì đo qua ro rang, hie3n nhien 202. golden the best chance to gain sth Mot dip quy bau opportunity
203. grease sb's palm bribe sb Hoi lo ai đo 204. green belt
the area on the outskirts of a Vung ngoai o, đai xanh
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms town adjoining the country 205. green with envy very jealous: ghen ti 206. grey matter brains; intelligence: nao; thong minh 207. grow out of sth become too big for sth
trờ nen qua to đoi vời cai gì
208. hand in glove with be in very close contact with sb Cong tac vời sb 209. have a bee in have an obsession about sth
co mot no-i am anh ve' cai gì đo one's bonnet 210. have a frog in inability to speak due to Bi kho noi do lo la7ng one's throat nervousness 211. have a job to do find sth difficult to do Kho đe3 lam gì sth 212. have a sharp
tend to say unkind or hurtful co xu hứờng noi nhứng đie'u tongue things
khong tứ te hoac gay to3n thứờng 213. have a yellow be a coward Co tình nhat gan streak 214. have an early go to bed early Ngu sờm night 215. have an eye for be a good judge of sth
co con ma7t tinh tứờng khi
đanh gia, nhìn nhan thứ gì đo 216. have an eye for
be good at judging the worth of gioi đanh gia gia tri cua cai gì sth đo 217. have at one's have easily available hoan toan quen thuoc vời cai fingertips
218. have butterflies in be very nervous about sth
Lo la7ng, bo'n cho'n ve' cai gì đo one's stomach 219. have kittens
be nervous/anxious about sth Lo la7ng ve' đie'u gì
220. have many irons have lots of plans in progress co rat nhie'u ke hoach đang in the fire at the same time
đứờc tien hanh cung mot luc 221. have no fixed be homeless
Khong co cho- ờ co đinh, nay abode đay mai đo 222. have no option must; have no choice Phai/ khong co lứa chon nao but khac
223. have one's heart be extremely anxious about sth Cức kì lo la7ng, bat an ve' đie'u in one's mouth224. have sb's hands be very busy with sth Rat ban full 225. have the cheek dare to do sth Dam lam gì 226. have the gift of be able to talk well Hoat ngon
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms the gab 227. have time on have free time
Co thời gian ranh, cha6ng co gì one's hands đe3 lam
228. have words with have an argument
co mot cuoc tranh cai vời ai đo sb 229. hear it through
find out information indirectly Nghe đo'n ra6ng, tìm hie3u thong the grapevine tin mot cach gian tiep
230. hit the nail on the say exactly the right thing Noi đung trong tam van đe' head 231. hit the roof get very angry Gian giứ 232. hit the sack go to bed Đi ngu
233. hold one's horses wait; be patient
Chờ đời; kien nha-n, đứng voi 234. ill at ease embarassed; uncomfortable Boi roi, lung tung, kho chiu 235. in a flash very quickly Rat nhanh, ngay lap tức 236. in a nutshell briefly; in few words Noi tom lai 237. in a rut be stuck in a monotonous
bi ma7c ket trong mot thoi quen routine đờn đieu, buo'n te 238. in a tick shortly, soon Trong tìc ta7c 239. in abeyance halted temporarily Tam dứng 240. in arrears
have not paid the money they nờ so tie'n le ra phai đứờc tra owe
241. in black and white in writing Giay tra7ng mức đen
242. in broad daylight in full view of the public Giứa ban ngay ban mat 243. in clover living a luxurious and Song mot cuoc song xa hoa, comfortable life thoai mai 244. in deep water in trouble/difficulty
ờ trong tình trang kho khan, ra7c roi 245. in full flow talking at length Noi dai dong, tran tre' nang lứờng 246. in public
in the presence of other people Cong khai 247. in the abstract in a general way mot cach chung chung 248. in the act of while performing the act Ba7t qua tang 249. in the air uncertain Khong cha7c cha7n 250. in the balance uncertain Khong cha7c cha7n 251. in the black
not owing anybody any money Khong nờ na'n gì 252. in the flesh in person BaHng xứờng baHng thit 253. in the long run after a long period of time
Cuoi cung/ sau mot thời gian dai
254. in the nick of time just in time Vứa kip luc, vao phut chot
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 255. in the offing likely to happen Co kha nang xay ra 256. in the red owe money to a bank Nờ tie'n ngan hang
257. it stands to reason it is logical Hờp ly, logic 258. it's all Greek to
sth new or foreign; not easily Khong hie3u gì het me understood
259. jack of all trades sb who is able to do a variety of ngứời co the3 lam nhie'u nghe' jobs
nhứng lai khong thức sứ gioi mot nghe' nao 260. keep a straight
manage to look serious under tứ kie'm che đe3 giứ mot bo mat face difficult circumstances bình than, khong cứời
261. keep an eye on sth guard/protect sth Đe3 y thứ gì đo 262. keep in check control
Kie3m soat, can trờ, kìm ham 263. keep one's chin not be discouraged
hay dung cam va nhìn ve' phìa up
trứờc, khong đứờc nan chì
264. keep one's fingers hope that sth will turn out well hy vong raHng đie'u gì đo se die-n crossed ra tot đep 265. keep one's wits
be alert and able to deal with tình tao va co the3 đoi pho vời about one difficulties kho khan 266. keep oneself to live quietly, privately Song tach rời oneself 267. keep sth quiet keep sth secret
khong noi gì ve' đie'u gì đo 268. keep sth under keep sth secret giứ bì mat đie'u gì one's hat
269. keep up with the compete with others in
Đua đoi, canh tranh vời nhứng Joneses status/material goods
ngứời khac ve' đia vi / cua cai vat chat 270. kick the bucket die Chet 271. kill time pass time while waiting for Giet thời gian sb/sth
272. kill two birds with achieve two things with one Mot mui ten trung hai đìch one stone action 273. know the ropes know all the details of sth
thanh thao thu tuc/trình tứ thức hien trong mot tình huong nao đo (thao lam viec nao đo) 274. lay bare make public
Đe3 tra'n, boc tra'n gì đo cong khai 275. lay the table set the table for a meal chua3n bi, bay bien len ban an 276. lend an ear listen to sb in a careful and
La7ng nghe cham chu vời thai sympathetic way đo ngứờng mo
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 277. lend sb a hand give help to sb trờ giup ai
278. let sleeping dogs avoid mentioning a subject
tranh gời lai nhứng chuyen lie which could cause trouble khong hay trong qua khứ
279. let the cat out of reveal a secret tiet lo mot bì mat the bag 280. like a bull in a
behave ina clumsy/ awkward Cứ xứ vung ve' china shop way 281. like the back of be very familiar with sth biet mot viec gì rat ro one's hand 282. like water off a having no effect
nhứng lời chì trìch khong co duck's back
tac dung đoi vời ngứời khac 283. live out of a travel often/not have a
đi du lich thứờng xuyen / suitcase permanent home khong co nha co đinh
284. look at sth though see sth from an unrealistically thai đo lac quan, vui ve, chì rose-coloured positive point of view
nhìn ve tìch cức cua van đe' spectacles
285. look down one's feel/act superior to sb Coi thứờng ai nose at sb 286. lose heart become discouraged cam thay chan nan, that vong,
sờ that bai, hoac mat hy vong thanh cong 287. lose one's head lose self-control mat tứ chu, mat kie3m soat 288. lose one's nerve lose courage mat can đam, sờ hai, rut re 289. lost cause hopeless situation or case
khong con mot chut hy vong gì
la ngứời đo co the3 thanh cong 290. make a clean confess thu nhan, thu lo-i, nhan toi breast of 291. make a dog's make a mess of sth lam viec gì roi tung len dinner
292. make a flying visit make a quick trip
thức hien mot chuyen đi 1 cach nhanh chong 293. make a fool of make oneself look stupid xứ sứ mot cach ngoc nghech oneself 294. make a killing have a sudden, great success
kiem đứờc oi tie'n; kiem đứờc
rat nhie'u tie'n trong mot thời
gian rat nga7n vì ba7t đung thời cờ 295. make a living earn money kiem song,mứu sinh,lam an
296. make a mountain cause a fuss about a trivial viec be xe ra to out of a molehill matter
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297. make a name for become famous/respected for tứ tao danh tieng oneself sth
298. make allowances take special circumstances into chua3n bi đa'y đu, xem xet, tình for consideration
đen cai gì khi đứa ra quyet đinh
299. make amends for try to compensate for a past co ga7ng hoa giai hoac giai action quyet tình huong sau khi mot sai la'm vứa xay ra 300. make common act together to achieve aim cung phe, ve' phe vời ai cause with sb 301. make hay while
take advantage of favourable khi co cờ hoi thì hay na7m ba7t the sun shines circumstances
lay no, hay tan dung toi đa cac
đie'u kien thuan lời khi con co the3. 302. make head nor understand sth Hie3u cai gì tail of 303. make light of treat sth as unimportant xem nhứ la khong quan trong
304. make money hand make a lot of money quickly vờ bờ; thu lời kech xu over fist and easily
305. make one's blood cause sb to become very angry khien ai rat tức gian, gian soi boil len, soi mau 306. make one's escape Tron thoat, thoat getaway 307. make quite a become angry in a dramatic
lam a'm ì, lam nao loan, bu lu scene way bu loa. 308. make sb's day make sb very happy Lam ai đo cam thay rat hanh phuc 309. make waves cause trouble Gay ra7c roi 310. meet behind meet secretly ĐaHng sau bì mat closed doors 311. moon around look miserable lang thang; thờ tha3n 312. more to sb than sb is more important or
nhứng a3n y, khìa canh khac ma meets the eye interesting than is first seen ban đa'u khong nhìn ra, moi
thứ phức tap hờn nhìn ben ngoai
313. mutton dressed as dress in a style younger than or lờn tuo3i ma cứ ra ve nhứ mình a lamb inappropriate to your age
con tre, cứa sứng lam nghe, an
mac khong đung vời tuo3i tac.
314. no room to swing no room at all khong gian nho, chat hep a cat
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 315. no wonder not surprising khong đang ngac nhien
316. not all it's cracked not as good as people say it is moi thứ khong nhứ lời đo'n, up to be that vong, vờ mong
317. not be one's cup not suit one's taste hoat đong ban khong hứng of tea thu, khong đam me hoac khong lam tot 318. not count one's not assume sth before it Ban khong nen cha7c cha7n mot chickens before happens
đie'u gì đo trứờc khi no thức sứ they're hatched die-n ra. 319. not have it both refuse to make a decision
Đứờc cai nay thì mat cai kia ways between two pleasant things 320. not have the not know sth at all
kien thức hoac hie3u biet mờ foggiest idea
ho', hời hờt, nong can ve' cai gì 321. not hold water not seem reasonable or in Khong thuyet phuc, hờp ly accordance with the facts
322. not lose any sleep not worry about sth
khong lo la7ng ve' mot van đe' gì over sth 323. null and void invalid; not legally binding
Khong co hieu lức, khong hờp le; khong rang buoc phap ly 324. of all people used to express
đứờc sứ dung đe3 bay to sứ kho annoyance/surprise chiu / ngac nhien
325. of its own accord automatically Tứ đong, tứ y lam gì
326. of no consequence of no value Khong quan trong 327. off colour look/be slightly unwell
khong hờp tieu chua3n, co ve om yeu, khong thìch hờp 328. off the cuff without preparation
khong co sứ chua3n bi trứờc 329. off the point irrelevant Khong lien quan, lac đe' 330. off the record unofficial(ly)
khong đứờc cong bo hay ghi chep cong khai 331. on a shoe string on a very small budget song trong canh kinh te eo hep 332. on account of because of Bời vì 333. on edge tense/nervous/ anxious bức mình, de- cau 334. on no account under/in no circumstances
Du bat cứ ly do gì cung khong 335. on second having changed one's mind
xem xet, can nha7c lai, thay đo3i thoughts
y kien hoac nghi ngờ đie'u gì đo 336. on the air broadcasting
đang phat thanh, đang truye'n đi baHng rađio 337. on the alert watchful and prepared Đe' cao canh giac 338. on the ball alert nhanh nhen, tinh nhanh, phan
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xa nhanh va chình xac vời mot tình huong nao đo 339. on the blink stop working properly (of
lam viec khong đứờc thuan lời, electrical equipment)
co truc trac, trong tình trang roi loan lon xon. 340. on the dole receiving unemployment
Lình tie'n trờ cap that nghiep benefit/social security 341. on the dot punctual, exact on time
rat đung giờ hoac ờ mot thời đie3m cu the3 342. on the face of it judging by how sth appears xet theo be' ngoai 343. on the level honest/sincere
that tha, tha6ng tha7n, lứờng thien, trung thức 344. on the quiet secretly Bì mat
345. on the spur of the without thinking about sth
Quyet đinh tức thời bat ngờ, y moment
chì la boc phat, khong suy tình kìn ke 346. on this/that for this/that reason vì ly do nay / ly do kia account 347. once and for all for the last time la'n cuoi; hoac mai mai/vình cứu 348. once in a blue very rarely
mot đie'u gì đo hoac mot sứ moon viec, hanh đong nao đo rat hiem khi xay ra. 349. one's flesh and family member ngứời mau mu ruot thit blood 350. open to debate not decided/settled
khong đứờc quyet đinh / giai quyet 351. out and about
outdoors; travelling from one Đi đay đi đo, ra ngoai lam viec place to another
bình thứờng trờ lai, tham gia cac hoat đong ngoai trời,
nhứng hoat đong mình thìch 352. out in the open (of secrets) revealed, known
Chiu ra ngoai, khong la3n tron
nứa, xuat hien nời cong chung 353. out of bounds
prohibited, forbidden (place) ngoai pham vi quy đinh, vứờt qua giời han 354. out of print (of books) not available (Sach) đa ban het, khong con anymore co ờ nha san xuat 355. out of the blue suddenly and unexpectedly bat ngờ, khong bao trứờc
356. out of the frying from a situation to a
ra khoi mot tình huong xau lai pan into the fire worse/similar one
rời vao mot tình huong khac
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms
con to'i te hờn (tranh vo dứa gap vo dứa) 357. out of the impossible khong the3 chap nhan đứờc question 358. out of turn
not in the correct order/time lon xon, khong theo trat tứ la'n lứờt 359. out-and-out complete, total Hoan toan, triet đe3 360. paint the town have a great time Co mot thời gian vui ve, red thứờng la ban đem
361. part and parcel of basic part of
pha'n cờ ban, quan trong/thiet yeu 362. part company end association Chia tay with 363. pay sb's way
contribute your shares of a bill hoan lai tie'n cho ai 364. pick someone's
ask sb to help with a problem hoi ai đo đe3 co the3 thu thap brains thong tin giup cho mình 365. pitch black very dark toi đen nhứ mức 366. play cat and
keep sb in a state of uncertain treu choc hoac đanh lứa ai đo, mouse with sb expectation treating them
thay đo3i giứa cac loai hanh vi
alternatively cruelly and kindly khac nhau khi đoi xứ vời ai đo 367. play it by ear
act in a situation by responding ứng pho linh hoat, vứa lam vứa
to events rather than according tình thay vì lam theo mot ke to plan hoach đứờc dứ đinh
368. play one's cards act cleverly
Hanh đong kheo leo, đi đung right
quan bai, đung nứờc cờ, lam
đie'u chua3n xac va trờ nen thanh cong 369. play truant
stay away from school without Tron hoc/tron tiet permission
370. plenty more fish many more opportunities in
nhie'u cờ hoi hờn trong cuoc in the sea life for love song cho tình yeu
371. point the finger of blame sb for sth
nghi ngờ hoac đo3 lo-i cho ai ve' suspicion cai gì
372. pop the question make a proposal of marriage
Ca'u hon, dam hoi, ga hoi (lam vờ)
373. pull a few strings use influential contacts in Tac đong, dan xep đe3 nhaHm order to obtain an advantage muc đìch nao đo 374. pull one's leg tease or trick sb
Treu choc ai đo mot cach than mat 375. pull one's socks make a greater effort
co ga7ng, ga7ng sức, tap trung
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms up sức lức 376. put a damper on ruin sth or make it less
lam mat hứng, mat vui hay lam enjoyable chan nan khi muon lam viec gì 377. put down roots settle down
đinh cứ, sinh song ờ nời nao đo 378. put on a brave try to hide one's
co ga7ng che giau sứ that vong face disappointment 379. put one's foot insist on sth kien quyet phan đoi, khong down
cho phep đie'u gì xay ra, nhat la baHng cach noi cứng ra7n
380. put one's foot in it make a tactless comment
noi hay lam mot đie'u gì đo thieu te nhi 381. put one's heart be devoted to sth
đat rat nhie'u sứ no- lức va long and soul into sth quyet tam vao mot cai gì đo 382. put sb's name nominate sb Đe' cứ, đe' xuat ai forward
383. put the cat among cause trouble/controversy
noi, lam gì khien sứ viec them the pigeons
ra7c roi, ngứời khac them lo la7ng
384. put two and two arrive at the truth by looking at rut ra ket luan ro rang/hie3n together facts
nhien tứ đie'u gì/chứng cứ đa biet 385. put words into pretend that sb has said sth
Nhet chứ vao mo'm ngứời khac, one's mouth
that they haven't actually said noi sai sứ that 386. rack sb's brains think very hard about sth
Va7t oc ra đe3 suy nghì ve' đie'u gì đo rat kho
387. rain cats and dogs rain heavily Mứa nang hat, mứa to 388. red herring
sth which distracts you from đứa ra mot van đe' khong co sth important
lien quan đe3 đanh lac sứ chu y 389. red tape unnecessary bureaucracy thu tuc quan lieu 390. ring a bell remind sb of sth
đe' cap, nha7c đen ai ve' cai gì đo 391. rise to the act and be successful even
vứờt qua thứ thach mac du challenge though sth is new đie'u đo rat mời me 392. see eye to eye agree with sb co cung quan đie3m with sb 393. see fit think suitable or right thay phu hờp, thay hờp ly 394. see red suddenly become very angry
trờ nen rat tức gian ve' đie'u gì 395. see the back of be glad to see sb leave
rat vui khi thay ai đo rời đi
396. set in one's ways fixed in one's habits
cứng đa'u, khong chiu thay đo3i nep song đa quen
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 397. shed light upon
give new/further information Đe3 tiet lo thong tin hoac ro hờn ve' đie'u gì đo 398. short and sweet brief but pleasant (usually
nga7n gon nhứng de- chiu, thoai ironic) mai (thứờng la mìa mai) 399. show one's true reveal one's real character lo ro ban chat, lo ro bo mat colours
that, boc lo con ngứời that 400. sleep like a dog be sound asleep Ngu ngon, ngu say sứa 401. sleep on it think about sth
suy nghì ve' đie'u gì trứờc khi đứa ra quyet đinh 402. slip one's mind forget about sth
quen, khong nhờ gì ve' mot sứ viec trứờc đo 403. slow on the slow to understand cham hie3u uptake 404. smell a rat suspect that sth is wrong
Nghi ngờ đie'u gì đo la sai trai, lứa doi 405. sour grapes say unpleasant comments
noi nhứng bình luan kho chiu because of jealousy vì ghen ti 406. speak volumes be strong evidence of sb's
bie3u lo mot cach hung ho'n va feelings or merits
đa'y y nghìa ma khong ca'n phai dung lời 407. spill the beans reveal a secret/the facts
tiet lo mot bì mat / sứ that
408. stand in sb's way prevent sb from doing sth
Ngan ai đo tranh khoi viec gì 409. status symbol property/possession that
tai san / sờ hứu the3 hien sứ shows sb's high social rank
giau co ờ cap bac xa hoi cao wealth etc. cua ai đo 410. stay clear of avoid sb/sth Tranh ai đo/ thứ gì
411. stew in one's own suffer the consequences of
bi bo lai mot mình vời no-i bức juice one's own action
doc hoac sứ kho chiu, bi đe3 mac xac 412. sth comes in be very useful/practical rat hứu ìch / thiet thức handy
413. straight from the from the most direct source nguo'n tin đang tin cay horse's mouth 414. strike a chord make sb feel sympathy lam cho ai cam thay thong cam 415. strike gold come across sth useful 416. sweet tooth enjoy eating sweet things thìch cac mon an co vi ngot 417. swim like a fish swim very well bời rat tot 418. take it easy not work too hard/relax Lam viec mot cach thứ gian, khong qua sức
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms 419. take one's time not to hurry Đứng voi 420. take sb for not appreciate sb Khong đanh gia cao ai đo granted 421. take sth into consider sth Xem xet thứ gì đo account 422. take sth on the bravely accept criticism
dung cam chap nhan nhứng lời chin chì trìch 423. take sth to heart
take personally/be influenced Bi anh hứờng bời by 424. take sth with a not believe sth completely
Khong tin đie'u gì đo hoan toan pinch of salt 425. take the bull by deal with sth boldly and
Đoi pho viec gì đo mot cach tao the horns directly bao, dứt khoat 426. take things to dismantle things
Thao dờ, tach mot cai gì đo pieces thanh cac pha'n khac nhau cua no
427. take to one's heels run away Chay tron ai đo
428. talk the hind legs talk for a long time,
noi chuyen trong mot thời gian off a donkey uninterrupted dai, khong bi gian đoan
429. the black sheep of a disgraced family member
Mot thanh vien trong gia đình the family
đứờc coi la khac biet, no3i loan 430. the ins and outs the details of an activity chi tiet ve' cach hoat đong 431. the last straw
the last and worst episode in a cuoi cung nhứng đie'u to'i te chain of bad experiences xay ra
432. the life and soul of the most lively and amusing
Ngứời soi no3i, song đong va sth person present somewhere
vui nhon nhat trong dip nao đo 433. the lion's share the biggest part/portion
pha'n lờn nhat cua mot cai gì đo
434. the pot calling the accusing sb of a fault one has mot ngứời chì trìch ngứời khac kettle black oneself
ve' nhứng lo-i ma ho cung tứng ma7c phai 435. the rat race the competitive nature of Sứ canh tranh cua cuoc song modern urban life đo thi hien đai 436. the tip of the small evident part of a much
Chì la be' no3i cua tang bang; chì iceberg larger, concealed situation mời la sứ ba7t đa'u. 437. the year dot a long time ago
mot thời gian rat dai trứờc đo 438. thick-skinned insensitive Vo cam, khong nhay cam vời
nhứng lời chì trìch hoac lang ma.
439. through thick and whatever happens trong moi hoan canh, du
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms thin
chuyen gì xay ra đi chang nứa 440. throw a party have/hold a party To3 chức mot buo3i tiec 441. to no effect unsuccessful khong thanh cong co ket qua khong nhứ mong đời 442. tongue in cheek not serious, ironic Mìa mai 443. tooth and nail fiercely
rat gian dứ, dứ doi, manh liet, hung han 444. touch and go with uncertain result Lie'u lình, khong cha7c cha7n
445. turn a blind eye to ignore Phờt lờ thứ gì đo sth 446. turn over a new make a new start tao mot khời đa'u mời leaf 447. under the depressed/unwell
Khong đứờc khoe/tinh tha'n weather chan nan
448. until one is blue as hard/long as one possibly lam viec rat cham chì hay in the face can trong mot thời gian dai 449. until the cows for a long time Trong mot thời gian rat dai come home 450. up and coming likely to be successful co kha nang thanh cong 451. up in the air
existing, but not talked about van đe' nao đo không chắc
chắn, thứờng la vì nhứng van
đe' khac phai đứờc quyet đinh trứờc 452. ups and downs good things with bad ones
nhứng khoang thời gian tot xau, thang tra'm
453. wash sb's hands refuse to be involved with sb
Tứ bo mot đie'u gì đo, khong of sb muon lien quan đen no nứa 454. wet behind the inexperienced Thieu kinh nghiem ears 455. wet blanket
dull person who spoils people's ngứời pha hong nie'm vui cua happiness ngứời khac
456. whet sb's appetite make sb eager to
Trai nghiem nao đo khời day have/experience more sứ them muon cua ban 457. white elephant
useless/unwanted possession sờ hứu vat gì đo ton rat nhie'u
tie'n nhứng no lai vo dung, vo ìch 458. white-collar job office/clerical work
Nhứng ngứời lam viec trong van phong/ van thứ 459. with a view to
with the intention or hope of Lam đie'u gì đo vời hy vong no
Page: GRIT ENGLISH CENTER 500 idioms doing sth doing sth se da-n đen muc đìch 460. with flying with great success
lam đie'u gì đo rat thanh cong colours 461. without fail do sth no matter what
Lam cai gì đo bat ke3 đie'u gì 462. work a miracle make sth almost impossible
Lam đie'u gì tứờng chứng nhứ happen
khong the3 lam, xay ra đứờc 463. work to rule
adhere strictly to the rules as a đình cong theo luat form of protest