Trắc nghiệm môn Tiếng Anh hay có đáp án

6. Never before ______ as accelerated as they are now during the
technological age.A. have historical changes beenB. have been historical changesC. historical changes have beenD. historical have changes been.Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem.

lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the rest.
1: A. chin /t n/ ʃɪ B. chaos = / ke . s/ˈ ɪ ɒ
C. child /t a ld/ ʃ ɪ D. charge /tʃɑː ʒd / 2. A. coughs B.
cups C. cloths D. mouths
-/iz/: khi “es” đứng sau danh từ tận cùng bằng các âm xuýt:
/s/, / /- /z/, / /- /t /, /d /.ʃ ʒ ʃ ʒ
Thường gặp với các chữ cái : c, ch - s, sh - x, z - g /d
/ʒ Cẩn thận: toothaches / tu θ.e ks/ ˈ ː ɪ
house/ haˈ ʊs/ houses / haˈ ʊz zɪ /
-/s/: khi “s , es” đứng sau các danh từ tận cùng bằng các âm vô thanh:
/f/ /k/, /p/, /t/, /ө/.
Cẩn thận : mouths / maʊðz / baths /bɑːθ / / bɑːðz/
paths /pɑːθ / / pɑːðz/ sheaths / i θ / / i ðz:
vỏ bọcʃ ː ʃ ː wreath ( /ri θ/ ː wreaths /ri ðz/)
: vòng hoaː
Indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main
3. A. belief = /b li f/ɪˈ ː B. satisfy/ sæ.tˈ ɪs.faɪ/
C. continent/ kˈ ɒn.tɪ.nənt/ D. India/ˈɪn.di.ə/
4. A. holiday/ hˈ ɒlɪ.deɪ/ B. implement / .ment/ ˈɪ ɪ C. diagnose/ daˈ
ɪ.əg.nəʊz/ D. domain = /də me n//dəˈ ɪ ʊˈme n/ɪ
5. A. independence/ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dəns/ B. education/ ed.jˌ ʊˈke . ən/ ɪ ʃ
C. guitar = /gi ta r /ˈ ː D. entertainment /en.tə teˈ ɪn.mənt/
Choose the most appropriate word or phrases to complete sentences
6. Never before ______ as accelerated as they are now during the
technological age.
A. have historical changes been
B. have been historical changes
C. historical changes have been
D. historical have changes been
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
7. ______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. No longer has B. No sooner had
C. Not until had D. Hardly had
8. Susan’s doctor insists (mong muốn/ yêu cầu của bác sĩ) __ for a few
A. that she is resting B. her resting
C. that she rest D. her to rest
- [ + ( that ) ] Greg still insists (that) he did nothing wrong.
- [ + ( on ) ] She insisted on seeing her lawyer
9. The United States consists of fifty states, ______ has its own
A. each of which: mỗi trong số chúng
B. each of them: mỗi trong số chúng
C. they each: thiếu conj
D. each of that
10. John paid $2 for his meal, ______ he had thought it would cost.
A. not as much (… as) B. not so much as C. less as D. not so
many as
- as many (deter) students asas much (deter) money as
…. love you much (adv). love
you as much as… .
- intelligent (adj) students
11. Mrs. Chau has managed the department ______ that she’ll be promoted
next month.
A. too successful B. so successfully
C. very successful D. too successfully
12. The receptionist, ______ answered the phone, told me that the director
was out.
A. whose B. whom C. who D. that
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
13. Changes have been made in our primary schooling program. As a result,
young children _____ do homework any more.
A. needn’t B. oughtn’t
C. couldn’t D. don’t need (+ to)
14. The headmaster has decided that three lecture halls _____ in our school
next semester.
A. will build B. will be built C. are building D. will be building
15. Although MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through
close contact with sick people, not through the air, many people still avoid
______ to crowded places.
A. to go B. having gone C. gone D. going
16. Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they ______ their
student cards.
A. produced B. hadn’t produced
C. didn’t produce D. don’t produce
17. As the drug took________, the boy became quieter.
A. action B. influence C. effect D. force
N: Sự tác động/ ảnh hưởng
Affect: không có N này với nghĩa này
+ on
Have/ (cause)
+ on (quan trọng và kéo dài)
+ on (lên hành vi/ suy nghĩ…. của người)
(…change opinion)
V: gây tác động/ ảnh hưởng tới
Affect + N
Effect: không có V này với nghĩa này
V: thực hiện/ tiến hành
Impact (on) + N
Influence + N Sway
- Affection: Sự yêu mến
- Affectation: Sự thiếu tự nhiên
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
18. The Internet has enabled people to________ with each other more
A. interconnect : kết nối (sth- sth)
B. interlink : kết nối (sth- sth)
C. interact : kết nối/ tương tác (sb - sb)
D. intervene: can thiệp
19. Margaret: “Could you open the window, please?
- Câu hỏi dạng thức ẩn dưới dạng một lời đề nghị.
- khi đáp lại kg dùng lại trợ từ
- Henry: “________”A. I am, of course
B. Yes, with pleasure
C. I feel sorry
D. Yes, I can: trả lời cho câu hỏi Y/N
Xin phép: May/ Can/ Could I…..?
Cho phép: Yes, you may/ can….
Thể hiện sự đồng ý với:
+ lời gợi ý:
- Why not?
- It is a good/ great….idea!
+ lời đề nghị giúp đỡ
Yes, with pleasure.
+ quan điểm của người khác
There’ s no doubt about it.
I quite agree
I can’t agree with you more!
= couldn't agree (with you) more
I’ll say
You’re exactly right
You can say that again! You're
telling me!
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
20. In many big cities, people have to ______ up with noise, overcrowding
and bad air.
A. keep B. catch C. face D. put
21. The language centre offers courses of various levels, such as elementary,
intermediate and ________.
A. advance B. advancement C. advanced D. advancing
22. She passed the National High School Graduation Exam with ________
A.bright B.flying C. red D. true
23. The use of vitamin ___ and herbs has become increasingly popular among
A.materials B. ingredients C. supplements D. components
24. No matter how angry he was, he would never _____ to violence.
A.refuse B. resort C. resist D. resolve
25. Nowadays, with the help of the computer, teachers have developed a
_____ approach to teaching.
A.multilingual B. multilateral
C. multiple – choice D. multimedia
26. The theory of relativity _____ by Einstein, who was a famous physicist.
A. was developed B. is developed C. develops D.
27. ________ always gives me real pleasure.
A. I arrange flowers B. The flowers are arranged
C. While arranging flowers D. Arranging flowers
28. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop ______ excuses!”
A. having B. making C. doing D. taking
29. Although we have a large number of students, each one receives _____
A. alone B. only C. separate D. individual
30. Ben: “________”. Jane: “Never mind.” A. Congratulations!
How wonderful!
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
C. Thank you for being honest with me.
D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
Indicate the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined
31: Chicken pox results in an eruption on the skin and sometimes it leaves
permanent marks.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
A. rash B. hole C. erosion D. division
32: Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous,
several adventurous tourists managed to reach the top.
A. causing a lot of risks B. bringing excitement
C. resulting in depression D. costing a lot of money
Indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
33: The situation seems to be changing minute by minute
A. very slowly B. from time to time
C. again and again D. time after time.
34: At every faculty meeting, Ms.Volatie always manages to put her foot in
her mouth.
A. trip over her big feet B. say the appropriate thing
C. move rapidly D. fall asleep.
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs
35. If a species does not have the natural genetic protection against particular
diseases, an
introduced disease can have severely effects on that species.
36: Looking from afar, the village resembles a small green spot dotted with
37: Educated in the UK, his qualifications are widely recognized in the
A B C world of professionals.
38: A child of noble birth, his name was famous among the children in that
Choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one .
39: “Don’t forget to tidy up the final draft before submission,” the team leader
told us.
A. The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before
B. The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
C. The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before
D. The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft
before submission.
40: “Mum, please don’t tell dad about my mistake,” the boy said.
A. The mother was forced to keep her son’s mistake as a secret
when he insisted.
B. The boy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his father about
his mistake.
C. The boy begged his mother not to tell his father about his
D. The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake
any more.41: “You shouldn’t have leaked our confidential report to the
press, Frank!” said Jane.
A. Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press with their
B. Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential
report to the press.
C. Jane suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report
to the press.
D. Jane blamed Frank for having flattered the press with their
confidential report.
42: “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill your boy,” the kidnappers told us.
A. The kidnappers pledged to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
B. The kidnappers ordered to kill our boy if we did not pay the
C. The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy if we refused to pay
the ransom.
D. The kidnappers promised to kill our boy if we refused to pay
the ransom.
Read the passage and indicate the correct word that best fits each of the
The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (43)
________ strongly affect the world. When the water is warm, the (44)
________ of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases.
Australia could (45) ________ experience a drought in many parts. On (46)
________ hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is preparing for (47)
________ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern
makes the rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
This happening is called El Nino and is used (48) ________ weather
forecasters to make long-range weather predictions. They also know that El
Nino will (49) ________ unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part of the
United States and make the central part of the country drier at the same time.
According to research, weather forecasters (50) ________ know about
the coming weather with certainty. Now everything has become completely
El Nino itself used to be (51) ________. It would occur every two to
seven years. But now, this weather pattern is becoming more frequent. We
cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists are
unsure of the reason for this (52) ________ on a global scale either.
43: A. that B. when C. what D. whether
44: A. deal B. figure C. number D. amount
45: A. however B. even C. ever D. nevertheless
46: A. the other B. another C. other D. others
47: A. angry B. strict C. severe D. cruel
48: A. by B. to C. at D. on
49: A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. take
50: A. used to B. get used to C. used to be D. are used to
51: A. incredibleB. predictable C. remarkable D. notable
52: A. shift B. transfer C. change D. transformation
Read the passage and indicate the correct answers .
Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely
concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place.
Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example,
there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in
that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes
currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of
human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up.
According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming,
is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications
for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to
such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of
flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by
so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the
atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such
gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a
greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the
warming up of the planet.
Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now
regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of
the world's industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took
place in Kyoto in Japan in 1997. There it was agreed that the most
industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas
emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create
socalled sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid
climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation. Sadly, the targets
are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are
often still being regarded as scaremongering.
53: According to the passage, in what way did the climate changes in the ice
ages differ from the modern ones?
A. They occurred naturally over a long period of time.
B. They were fully monitored by humans.
C. They were wholly the result of human activity.
D. They were partly intended.
54: The word “alarmingly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______ A.
disapprovingly B. worryingly C. surprisingly D.
55: According to the passage, agriculture could ______.
A. give rise to many ecological disasters
B. make the global warming more serious
C. be indirectly affected by the global temperature rises
D. be directly damaged by the rises in global temperature
56: Greenhouse gases cause the warming up of the Earth because they ___
A. are emitted by car engines C. do not add to atmosphere pollution
B. trap heat from the sun D. are unusual gases
57: According to the passage, 1997 witnessed ______.
A. the largest number of summits on the subject of climate
B. the highest attendance by representatives from 180
industrialised countries
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
C. the most important summit on climate change taking place in
D. widespread concern about climate change
58: It can be inferred from the passage that the countries which are mainly
responsible for global warming are ______.
A. developed countries C. countries with the
warmest climate
B. the most industrialised countries D. developing countries
59: The word “ There ” in paragraph 5 refers to
A. regular summits on climate change C. the world’s industrialised
B. the 1997 summit in Kyoto, Japan D. the most industrialised
60: What is probably the writers attitude toward global warming?
A. Optimistic B. Neutral C. Positive D.
Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely
concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place.
Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before.
For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in
that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally.
The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural
causes, but of human activity.
lOMoARcPSD| 45476132
Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up.
According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming,
is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. ………………….
The implications for the planet are very serious.
Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as
extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts.
These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by
so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the
atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example.
| 1/11

Preview text:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 1: A. chin /t n/ ʃɪ
B. chaos = / ke . s/ˈ ɪ ɒ C. child /t a ld/ ʃ ɪ
D. charge /tʃɑː ʒd / 2. A. coughs B. cups C. cloths D. mouths
-/iz/: khi “es” đứng sau danh từ tận cùng bằng các âm xuýt:
/s/, / /- /z/, / /- /t /, /d /.ʃ ʒ ʃ ʒ
Thường gặp với các chữ cái : c, ch - s, sh - x, z - g /d
/ʒ Cẩn thận: toothaches / tu θ.e ks/ ˈ ː ɪ
house/ haˈ ʊs/ houses / haˈ ʊz zɪ /
-/s/: khi “s , es” đứng sau các danh từ tận cùng bằng các âm vô thanh:
/f/ /k/, /p/, /t/, /ө/.
Cẩn thận : mouths /θ / maʊðz / baths /bɑːθ / / bɑːðz/
paths /pɑːθ / / pɑːðz/ sheaths / i θ / / i ðz:
vỏ bọcʃ ː ʃ ː wreath ( /ri θ/ ː wreaths /ri ðz/) : vòng hoaː
Indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress. 3.
A. belief = /b li f/ɪˈ ː B. satisfy/ sæ.tˈ ɪs.faɪ/
C. continent/ kˈ ɒn.tɪ.nənt/ D. India/ˈɪn.di.ə/ 4.
A. holiday/ hˈ ɒlɪ.deɪ/ B. implement / .ment/ ˈɪ ɪ C. diagnose/ daˈ
ɪ.əg.nəʊz/ D. domain = /də me n//dəˈ ɪ ʊˈme n/ɪ 5.
A. independence/ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dəns/ B. education/ ed.jˌ ʊˈke . ən/ ɪ ʃ
C. guitar = /gi ta r /ˈ ː
D. entertainment /en.tə teˈ ɪn.mənt/
Choose the most appropriate word or phrases to complete sentences below. 6.
Never before ______ as accelerated as they are now during the technological age.
A. have historical changes been
B. have been historical changes
C. historical changes have been
D. historical have changes been lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 7.
______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came. A. No longer has B. No sooner had C. Not until had D. Hardly had 8.
Susan’s doctor insists (mong muốn/ yêu cầu của bác sĩ) __ for a few days.
A. that she is resting B. her resting C. that she rest D. her to rest
- [ + ( that ) ] Greg still insists (that) he did nothing wrong. - [ + ( on ) ]
She insisted on seeing her lawyer 9.
The United States consists of fifty states, ______ has its own government. A. each of which: mà
mỗi trong số chúng B. each of them: mỗi trong số chúng
C. they each: thiếu conj D. each of that
10. John paid $2 for his meal, ______ he had thought it would cost.
A. not as much (… as)
B. not so much as C. less as D. not so many as
- as many (deter) students asas much (deter) money as
…. love you much (adv). love you as much as… . - intelligent (adj) students
11. Mrs. Chau has managed the department ______ that she’ll be promoted next month. A. too successful B. so successfully C. very successful D. too successfully
12. The receptionist, ______ answered the phone, told me that the director was out.
A. whose B. whom C. who D. that lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
13. Changes have been made in our primary schooling program. As a result,
young children _____ do homework any more. A. needn’t B. oughtn’t C. couldn’t D. don’t need (+ to)
14. The headmaster has decided that three lecture halls _____ in our school next semester. A. will build
B. will be built C. are building D. will be building
15. Although MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through
close contact with sick people, not through the air, many people still avoid ______ to crowded places.
A. to go B. having gone C. gone D. going
16. Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they ______ their student cards. A. produced B. hadn’t produced C. didn’t produce D. don’t produce
17. As the drug took________, the boy became quieter. A. action B. influence C. effect D. force
N: Sự tác động/ ảnh hưởng
Affect: không có N này với nghĩa này Effect + on Have/ (cause) Impact
+ on (quan trọng và kéo dài) Influence
+ on (lên hành vi/ suy nghĩ…. của người) Sway (…change opinion)
V: gây tác động/ ảnh hưởng tới Affect + N
Effect: không có V này với nghĩa này
V: thực hiện/ tiến hành Impact (on) + N Influence + N Sway - Affection: Sự yêu mến
- Affectation: Sự thiếu tự nhiên lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
18. The Internet has enabled people to________ with each other more quickly.
A. interconnect : kết nối (sth- sth) B. interlink : kết nối (sth- sth) C. interact
: kết nối/ tương tác (sb - sb) D. intervene: can thiệp
19. Margaret: “Could you open the window, please?”
- Câu hỏi dạng thức ẩn dưới dạng một lời đề nghị.
- khi đáp lại kg dùng lại trợ từ
- Henry: “________”A. I am, of course B. Yes, with pleasure C. I feel sorry
D. Yes, I can: trả lời cho câu hỏi Y/N
Xin phép: May/ Can/ Could I…..?
Cho phép: Yes, you may/ can….
Thể hiện sự đồng ý với: + lời gợi ý: - Why not?
- It is a good/ great….idea!
+ lời đề nghị giúp đỡ Yes, with pleasure.
+ quan điểm của người khác "Absolutely!" There’ s no doubt about it. I quite agree
I can’t agree with you more!
= couldn't agree (with you) more I’ll say You’re exactly right
You can say that again! You're telling me! lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
20. In many big cities, people have to ______ up with noise, overcrowding and bad air. A. keep B. catch C. face D. put
21. The language centre offers courses of various levels, such as elementary, intermediate and ________. A. advance B. advancement C. advanced D. advancing
22. She passed the National High School Graduation Exam with ________ colours. A.bright B.flying C. red D. true
23. The use of vitamin ___ and herbs has become increasingly popular among Americans A.materials
B. ingredients C. supplements D. components
24. No matter how angry he was, he would never _____ to violence. A.refuse B. resort C. resist D. resolve
25. Nowadays, with the help of the computer, teachers have developed a _____ approach to teaching. A.multilingual B. multilateral C. multiple – choice D. multimedia
26. The theory of relativity _____ by Einstein, who was a famous physicist. A. was developed
B. is developed C. develops D. developed
27. ________ always gives me real pleasure.
A. I arrange flowers B. The flowers are arranged C. While arranging flowers D. Arranging flowers
28. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop ______ excuses!”
A. having B. making C. doing D. taking
29. Although we have a large number of students, each one receives _____ attention A. alone B. only C. separate D. individual 30. Ben: “________”.
Jane: “Never mind.” A. Congratulations! How wonderful!
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
C. Thank you for being honest with me.
D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
Indicate the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part
31: Chicken pox results in an eruption on the skin and sometimes it leaves permanent marks. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 A. rash B. hole C. erosion D. division
32: Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous,
several adventurous tourists managed to reach the top. A. causing a lot of risks B. bringing excitement C. resulting in depression D. costing a lot of money
Indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part
33: The situation seems to be changing minute by minute A. very slowly B. from time to time C. again and again D. time after time.
34: At every faculty meeting, Ms.Volatie always manages to put her foot in her mouth. A. trip over her big feet
B. say the appropriate thing C. move rapidly D. fall asleep.
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
35. If a species does not have the natural genetic protection against particular diseases, an A B
introduced disease can have severely effects on that species. C D
36: Looking from afar, the village resembles a small green spot dotted with tiny A B C D fireballs.
37: Educated in the UK, his qualifications are widely recognized in the
A B C world of professionals. D
38: A child of noble birth, his name was famous among the children in that school. A B C D
Choose the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one .
39: “Don’t forget to tidy up the final draft before submission,” the team leader told us.
A. The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
B. The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before submission. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
C. The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
D. The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
40: “Mum, please don’t tell dad about my mistake,” the boy said.
A. The mother was forced to keep her son’s mistake as a secret when he insisted.
B. The boy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his father about his mistake.
C. The boy begged his mother not to tell his father about his mistake.
D. The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake
any more.41: “You shouldn’t have leaked our confidential report to the press, Frank!” said Jane.
A. Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press with their confidentialreport.
B. Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential report to the press.
C. Jane suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report to the press.
D. Jane blamed Frank for having flattered the press with their confidential report.
42: “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill your boy,” the kidnappers told us.
A. The kidnappers pledged to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
B. The kidnappers ordered to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
C. The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom.
D. The kidnappers promised to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom.
Read the passage and indicate the correct word that best fits each of the blanks
The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (43)
________ strongly affect the world. When the water is warm, the (44)
________ of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases.
Australia could (45) ________ experience a drought in many parts. On (46)
________ hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is preparing for (47)
________ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern
makes the rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
This happening is called El Nino and is used (48) ________ weather
forecasters to make long-range weather predictions. They also know that El
Nino will (49) ________ unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part of the
United States and make the central part of the country drier at the same time.
According to research, weather forecasters (50) ________ know about
the coming weather with certainty. Now everything has become completely different.
El Nino itself used to be (51) ________. It would occur every two to
seven years. But now, this weather pattern is becoming more frequent. We
cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists are
unsure of the reason for this (52) ________ on a global scale either. 43: A. that B. when C. what D. whether 44: A. deal B. figure C. number D. amount 45: A. however B. even C. ever D. nevertheless 46: A. the other B. another C. other D. others 47: A. angry B. strict C. severe D. cruel 48: A. by B. to C. at D. on 49: A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. take
50: A. used to B. get used to C. used to be D. are used to
51: A. incredibleB. predictable C. remarkable D. notable 52: A. shift B. transfer C. change D. transformation
Read the passage and indicate the correct answers .
Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely
concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place.
Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before. For example,
there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in
that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally. The changes
currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural causes, but of
human activity. Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up.
According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming,
is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. The implications
for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could give rise to
such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of
flooding and of droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture. lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by
so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the
atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example. Such
gases not only add to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a
greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped. This leads to the warming up of the planet.
Politicians are also concerned about climate change and there are now
regular summits on the subject, attended by representatives from around 180 of
the world's industrialized countries. Of these summits, the most important took
place in Kyoto in Japan in 1997. There it was agreed that the most
industrialized countries would try to reduce the volume of greenhouse gas
emissions and were given targets for this reduction of emissions.
It was also suggested that more forests should be planted to create
socalled sinks to absorb greenhouse gases. At least part of the problem of rapid
climate change has been caused by too drastic deforestation. Sadly, the targets
are not being met. Even more sadly, global warnings about climate changes are
often still being regarded as scaremongering.
53: According to the passage, in what way did the climate changes in the ice
ages differ from the modern ones?
A. They occurred naturally over a long period of time.
B. They were fully monitored by humans.
C. They were wholly the result of human activity. D. They were partly intended.
54: The word “alarmingly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______ A.
disapprovingly B. worryingly C. surprisingly D. disappointingly
55: According to the passage, agriculture could ______.
A. give rise to many ecological disasters
B. make the global warming more serious
C. be indirectly affected by the global temperature rises
D. be directly damaged by the rises in global temperature
56: Greenhouse gases cause the warming up of the Earth because they ___
A. are emitted by car engines C. do not add to atmosphere pollution
B. trap heat from the sun D. are unusual gases
57: According to the passage, 1997 witnessed ______.
A. the largest number of summits on the subject of climate change
B. the highest attendance by representatives from 180 industrialised countries lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132
C. the most important summit on climate change taking place in Kyoto, Japan
D. widespread concern about climate change
58: It can be inferred from the passage that the countries which are mainly
responsible for global warming are ______. A. developed countries C. countries with the warmest climate
B. the most industrialised countries D. developing countries
59: The word “ There ” in paragraph 5 refers to
A. regular summits on climate change C. the world’s industrialised countries
B. the 1997 summit in Kyoto, Japan D. the most industrialised countries
60: What is probably the writer’s attitude toward global warming? A. Optimistic B. Neutral C. Positive D. Pessimistic
Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extremely
concerned about the changes to our climate which are taking place.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
Admittedly, climate changes have occurred on our planet before.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
For example, there have been several ice ages or glacial periods.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
These climatic changes, however, were different from the modern ones in
that they occurred gradually and, as far as we know, naturally.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result not of natural
causes, but of human activity.
………………………………………………………………………………… lOMoAR cPSD| 45476132 ……………
Furthermore, the rate of change is becoming alarmingly rapid.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
According to some experts, this warming process, known as global warming,
is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10,000 years. ………………….
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
The implications for the planet are very serious.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
Rising global temperatures could give rise to such ecological disasters as
extremely high increases in the incidence of flooding and of droughts.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
It is thought that this unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by
so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the
atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial processes, for example.
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………
………………………………………………………………………………… ……………