Trắc nghiệm Văn Hoá Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Trắc nghiệm Văn Hoá Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!


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Trắc nghiệm Văn Hoá Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Trắc nghiệm Văn Hoá Anh | Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

202 101 lượt tải Tải xuống
1. Britain: tên thường gọi of the country includes: England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain: The largest Island of British includes: England, Scotland,
2. Monarchy(quân chủ) countries: which has Queen ( Elizabeth II) and King as
head of the country.
3. Constitutional Monarchy (qc lập hiến): which has King or Queen who must
be supported by Parliament.
4. Ireland: - Northern Ireland: belong to the UK
- Southern Ireland: Republic of Ireland
5. the UK only has land border with the Republic of Ireland.
6. Britain is the member of EU and NATO.
7. F: The UK is surrounded by Pacific Ocean.
8. Ben Nevis: highest mountain of UK and Scot
9. Most famous lake in the UK: Loch nest in Scot
10. England: Largest country in the UK
Wales (Cymru): smallest
11. F: Wales is the East of England (West)
12. F: Industrial areas & major cities of Wales are in North (South) and central
of Wales.
13. Scotland (Alba): North of G.Britain
14. 1603: James VI of Scot became King James I of Eng.
15. Scot has been part of the UK since 1707
16. Scotland has border with only Engl.
17. Scot is famous for Kilt ( the kind of long dress worn by Scottish men.
18. Bagpipe: Traditional instrument in Scotland.
19. Patron Saint of N.Ireland: ST. Patrick.
20. Northern Ireland has 3 names: Northern Ireland, Ulster, Six countries.
21. The English: people from England
The British: people from England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland.
22. King Henry VIII united England and Wales.
23. 2 Archbishop and 24 Bishop: members of House of Lord.
24. House of Common: 533MPs
25. Prime Minister of the UK: Theresa May (since 13/7/2016).
26. 2 level of school: -- Primary scl (5-11years old)
-- Secondary scl (11-16,18)
27. In primary scl: Math, English, Science
28. 16 years old: fifth class
17 years old: Lower six
18 years old: Upper six
29. Trường công: State school, Maintained school
Trường tư: Public school, Independent school.
30. At the age of 5: British child has to go to school 11 finish junior.
31. 3 categories of State school in Engl and Wales: Community, Foundation,
Voluntary school.
32. Many voluntary school are connected to particular religious
33. LEAs are responsible for owning and funding community school.
34. Integrated schools are for both Catholic and Protestant children.
35. After GCSE stay in school
go to technical college
36. Go to university must have: At least 3 Alevel, 6 ASlevel + pass interview
37. Home schooling before 13 yearsold after 13 yearsold go to Rep school.
38. T: Religious education is provided by all state school in the UK.
39. F: Sex and relationship education is compulsory in Primary and Secondary
40. T: There are 4 keys stages of compulsory schooling.
41. F: The curriculum is the same for all schools in the UK
42. F: Key stage 1 is for pupils from 5 to 11.
43. F: AS is equivalent (50%) to A level
44. Bachelor degree = Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of science
45. 2 oldest universities are Oxford and Cambridge.
46. It takes 3 years to study for BA or BSc.
47. Academic year in Britain is divided into 2 terms
48. Further education includes course of study leading to A levels.
49. Tutorial: Teaching period for a small group of students.
50. in House of Lord: 2 archbishop and 24 bishop in all events.
51. Royal family: Protestant.
52. Official religion: The church of England.
53. Church of England is divided into 2 geographical provinces: Archbishop of
York and Archbishop of Canterbury.
54. Ông già No-el: Father Christmas (England)
Santa clause (America)
55. Parish: Giáo xứ Vicar (cha xứ) -
56. Diocese: Giáo per Christmas (England)
Santa clause (America)
55. Parish: Giáo xứ Vicar (cha xứ)-
56. Diocese: Giáo phận Bishop (giám mục)
57. Archbishop, Bishop, cathedrals are appointed by the Queen on advice of
58. the Church in Wales has no connections with the British State.
59. Queen acquires Archbishop, Bishop.
60. The Church of Scotland is Protestant.
61. The Church of England is the official church or established church
62. The Presbyterian Church of Scotland is Kirk.
63. The Supreme Governor of the Church of England is the Monarch.
64. There are no established churches in Wales and Northern Ireland.
65. The established churches are not funded by the state.
66. Diocese: a district under the care of a Bishop.
67. Parish: an area having its own church and vicar.
68. Clergy: Vicar
69. Congregation: group of people who regularly attend a church.
70. Nuclear family: consisting of Father, mother, children.
71. Extended family:……………parents, children, relatives.
72. Single-parent family: either father of mother and his/her children.
73. Step family: consisting of parents, children from their previous/current
74. Childminder: a person whose job is to care for children while there
parents are at work.
75. Daycare(nơi giữ trẻ): a place where children are looked after at day time
76. Cohabit: Live with each other without marriage.
77. English has 6 meals: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, tea-time (3:30 and 5:00),
dinner, super.
78. Vegetarians: People who do not meat or fish.
79. Takeaway: meal brought at restaurant where food is taken to be eaten
somewhere else.
80. Spirits: strong alcoholic drink like whisky.
81. Rough language is unexact language.
82. Do not need to offer the tip in bars.
83. Bedsit ( Bedsitting room), a combined bedroom and sitting room, share
washing and cooking facilities.
84. Mortgage: Legal agreement buy with a bank lends you money to buy a
85. Estate agent: person who buy and sell house for others.
86. National Paper: a paper that is sold throughout the country.
87. Local paper: ………………. Produced in one town.
88. Daily paper: ……………… can buy every morning.
89. Broadsheet( báo cỡ lớn): A serious paper that reports world events.
90. Tabl oid (báo cỡ nhỏ): A paper containing sensational stories about private
lives of rich and famous people.
91. London’s Fleet Street area was the centre of the Press
92. Most of people in the UK read National newspapers.
93. The UK has a long tradition of free press.
94. 4 home football teams of the UK are: England, Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland.
95. 2 different types of competition: national and Europe competition.
96. Rugby league is played in the North of England.
97. The home of golf is Saint Andrew golf course in Scotland.
98. New year’s eve = Hogmanay: At Hog, there is first footing (people carry
some food, money, a piece of coal for the fire.
99. Who is the Valentine: Lover, parents, people you like.
100. What is the Valentine: Gift, card, chocolate, flower you give to person you
like of 15
, Feb.
101. Easter come between 22 March and 25 April.
102. the symbols of Easter: Easter eggs, Bunny (rabbit)
103. Lent: is the 40 days from Ash Wednesday( thứ 4 lễ tro) to the time before
Good Friday (thứ 6 tuần thánh)
104. Ash Wednesday: The 1
day of Lent.
105. May day: 1
day of May, including dancing round the maypole and
choosing a May Queen.
106. Morris dance: for Scottish men around the maypole to drive evil spirit
107. Guy Fawkes’ Day: at night 5
, Nov, people make a dummy of Guy Fawkes
from old clothes.
108. Meals in Christmas: Turkey, Christmas pudding or hot mince pipe
1. Color of the USA flag: Red, white and Blue
2. 50 white stars on the flag.
3. The star on the flag means: one of each state in the Union
4. There are 13 red and white stripes (vạch) on the flag.
5. 13 stripes represent the 13 origional states
6. Independence day: 4/7
7. US independent from: England
8. 1
president: G.Washington
9. Electoral college elects the president
10. The term of a president: 4 years.
11. What is the Constitution ? Supreme law the land
12. A change to the Constitution: Amendment
13. 27 changes in the Constitution,
14. There are 3 branches of US government:
+ Executive (Hành pháp), (President and about 5,000,000 workers) includes:
President, President, Cabinet (nội các), department under Cabinet members.
+ Legislative (Lập pháp) (Congress (quốc hội): Senate and House of
+Judicial (Tư pháp) (Supreme Court and lower Courts), includes: the Supreme
court ->
defend interpret laws.
15. The Congress makes the federal laws (luật liên bang) in the US
16. People elect the congress.
17. 100 senators( thượng nghị sĩ) in the Congress.
18. The term (nh -year-term. iệm kỳ) of a Congress: 2
19. 435 members in the House of representatives(hạ nghị viện), Thượng Nghị
20. Head of state: Governor (thống đốc)
21. Những người có thể làm tổng thống lần lượt: President Vice President
speaker of
House of Represetative.
22. 13 original states of the US: Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New
Masachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, South and North California,
Rhode Island and Maryland
24. Who is Martin Luther King: Actively right leader.
25. President nominates Judges of the Supreme court.
26. Thanksgiving(lễ tạ ơn) was celebrated for the first time by American colonise,
27. The Declaration of independence adopted on 9
July, 1776.
28. A. Lincoln was president during the Civil war
29. Geogre Washington was callFather of the country
30. the 50
state of US: Hawaii
31. Special group advise the president: the Cabinet.
32. The Congress has power to declare war.
33. The Congress meet in the capital in Washington DC.
34. 2 major parties : Republican( cộng hòa) and Democratic (dân chủ).
35. Constitution was signed in 1787
36. US has no official religion.
37. Catholic: the largest religious group in th US.
38. Re-constructed family: in which children from previous marriage as well as
from the present marriage.
39. Gender gap: a situation in which the older and the younger people do not
understand each other because of their differences in habbits, opinions,
40. 3 basic levels in US educational system: Elementary(5-12 years, 1-6 grade),
Middle(7-8 grade, 13-14 age), High school(9-12 grade, 14,15-18age).
42. Jack-o- lantern: in Halloween
43. The Federal government provides money through the Department of
Education(bộ giáo dục)(thu tax)
44. State and local government runs the education,
45. Children age from 5 to 18: Free of charge
46. F: Education is a federal responsibility
47. F: the state pays for a K-12 education.
48. F: the Board of Education decide standards of certification and teacher’s
49. Highest mountain in the US: Mount McKinley in Alaska (6194m)
50. Longest river: Mississippi
51. Largest city: New York city.
52. New England: collective name of 6 Northeasterm states: Maine, New
Vermond, Massachusets, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
53. Main function of the Congress: Making law
54. 14 departments in the US Head: the President’s cabinet.
55. America broke away from Britain in 1775.
56. Constitution of the US (written down clearly in numbered) different from
G.Britain and N.Ireland (always has unwritten constitution)
57. When constitution of the US change: 2/3 majority Congress agree.
58. 90% children attend to public school
59. Havard University was established in 1636
60. Public school in Britain : means Private school and student have to pay
Public school in US: student do not have to pay
61. Dual-earning family: A family of two wage-earners (both the husband and the
62. The rate of divorce in US: One in every 2 marriages ends in divorce
63. Main religions in the US: Catholicism and Protestantism
64. Boston tea led to the war of independence in the US. (4
July, 1776)
65. Why dose the US government have a system of checks and balance: Prevent
any branch from having to much power.
66. : 3Luther King’s birthday
Monday in January
67. Mother’s day: 2
Sunday in May
: 3Father’s day
Sunday in June
68. Principal: Head master of the school
69. Further education: Post secondary education
70. Christoper Columbus: wanted to sail to China but discovered North America
71. The Indians: were native Americans
72. European explorers: crossed the Atlantic to learn about the New world.
73. the Spanish: explored South America to find adventure and gold
74. Priests: came to teach the Indians
75. The British and the French: explored North America.
76. F: The British (the Spanish) established the first permanent settlement in North
America at St. Augustine, Florida
77. F the first Spanish( British) settlement was Jamestown, Virginia, 1607
78. Red state: Cộng hòa
79. Blue state: dân chủ
80. Tổng thống duy nhất theo Đạo: Kenedi
81. Board of Education: Decides the curriculum
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Preview text:

1. Britain: tên thường gọi of the country includes: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain: The largest Island of British includes: England, Scotland, Wales.
2. Monarchy(quân chủ) countries: which has Queen ( Elizabeth II) and King as head of the country.
3. Constitutional Monarchy (qc lập hiến): which has King or Queen who must be supported by Parliament.
4. Ireland: - Northern Ireland: belong to the UK
- Southern Ireland: Republic of Ireland
5. the UK only has land border with the Republic of Ireland.
6. Britain is the member of EU and NATO.
7. F: The UK is surrounded by Pacific Ocean.
8. Ben Nevis: highest mountain of UK and Scot
9. Most famous lake in the UK: Loch nest in Scot
10. England: Largest country in the UK Wales (Cymru): smallest
11. F: Wales is the East of England (West)
12. F: Industrial areas & major cities of Wales are in North (South) and central of Wales.
13. Scotland (Alba): North of G.Britain
14. 1603: James VI of Scot became King James I of Eng.
15. Scot has been part of the UK since 1707
16. Scotland has border with only Engl.
17. Scot is famous for Kilt ( the kind of long dress worn by Scottish men.
18. Bagpipe: Traditional instrument in Scotland.
19. Patron Saint of N.Ireland: ST. Patrick.
20. Northern Ireland has 3 names: Northern Ireland, Ulster, Six countries.
21. The English: people from England
The British: people from England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland.
22. King Henry VIII united England and Wales.
23. 2 Archbishop and 24 Bishop: members of House of Lord. 24. House of Common: 533MPs
25. Prime Minister of the UK: Theresa May (since 13/7/2016).
26. 2 level of school: -- Primary scl (5-11years old) -- Secondary scl (11-16,18)
27. In primary scl: Math, English, Science 28. 16 years old: fifth class 17 years old: Lower six 18 years old: Upper six
29. Trường công: State school, Maintained school
Trường tư: Public school, Independent school.
30. At the age of 5: British child has to go to school  11 finish junior.
31. 3 categories of State school in Engl and Wales: Community, Foundation, Voluntary school.
32. Many voluntary school are connected to particular religious
33. LEAs are responsible for owning and funding community school.
34. Integrated schools are for both Catholic and Protestant children.
35. After GCSE  stay in school  go to technical college
36. Go to university must have: At least 3 Alevel, 6 ASlevel + pass interview
37. Home schooling before 13 yearsold  after 13 yearsold go to Rep school. *THI
38. T: Religious education is provided by all state school in the UK.
39. F: Sex and relationship education is compulsory in Primary and Secondary School
40. T: There are 4 keys stages of compulsory schooling.
41. F: The curriculum is the same for all schools in the UK
42. F: Key stage 1 is for pupils from 5 to 11.
43. F: AS is equivalent (50%) to A level
44. Bachelor degree = Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of science
45. 2 oldest universities are Oxford and Cambridge.
46. It takes 3 years to study for BA or BSc.
47. Academic year in Britain is divided into 2 terms
48. Further education includes course of study leading to A levels.
49. Tutorial: Teaching period for a small group of students.
50. in House of Lord: 2 archbishop and 24 bishop in all events. 51. Royal family: Protestant.
52. Official religion: The church of England.
53. Church of England is divided into 2 geographical provinces: Archbishop of
York and Archbishop of Canterbury.
54. Ông già No-el: Father Christmas (England) Santa clause (America)
55. Parish: Giáo xứ - Vicar (cha xứ)
56. Diocese: Giáo per Christmas (England) Santa clause (America)
55. Parish: Giáo xứ - Vicar (cha xứ)
56. Diocese: Giáo phận – Bishop (giám mục)
57. Archbishop, Bishop, cathedrals are appointed by the Queen on advice of PM.
58. the Church in Wales has no connections with the British State.
59. Queen acquires Archbishop, Bishop.
60. The Church of Scotland is Protestant.
61. The Church of England is the official church or established church
62. The Presbyterian Church of Scotland is Kirk.
63. The Supreme Governor of the Church of England is the Monarch.
64. There are no established churches in Wales and Northern Ireland.
65. The established churches are not funded by the state.
66. Diocese: a district under the care of a Bishop.
67. Parish: an area having its own church and vicar. 68. Clergy: Vicar
69. Congregation: group of people who regularly attend a church.
70. Nuclear family: consisting of Father, mother, children.
71. Extended family:……………parents, children, relatives.
72. Single-parent family: either father of mother and his/her children.
73. Step family: consisting of parents, children from their previous/current marriage.
74. Childminder: a person whose job is to care for children while there parents are at work.
75. Daycare(nơi giữ trẻ): a place where children are looked after at day time while……….
76. Cohabit: Live with each other without marriage.
77. English has 6 meals: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, tea-time (3:30 and 5:00), dinner, super.
78. Vegetarians: People who do not meat or fish.
79. Takeaway: meal brought at restaurant where food is taken to be eaten somewhere else.
80. Spirits: strong alcoholic drink like whisky.
81. Rough language is unexact language.
82. Do not need to offer the tip in bars.
83. Bedsit ( Bedsitting room), a combined bedroom and sitting room, share
washing and cooking facilities.
84. Mortgage: Legal agreement buy with a bank lends you money to buy a house.
85. Estate agent: person who buy and sell house for others.
86. National Paper: a paper that is sold throughout the country.
87. Local paper: ………………. Produced in one town.
88. Daily paper: ………………. you can buy every morning.
89. Broadsheet( báo cỡ lớn): A serious paper that reports world events.
90. Tabloid (báo cỡ nhỏ): A paper containing sensational stories about private
lives of rich and famous people.
91. London’s Fleet Street area was the centre of the Press
92. Most of people in the UK read National newspapers.
93. The UK has a long tradition of free press.
94. 4 home football teams of the UK are: England, Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland.
95. 2 different types of competition: national and Europe competition.
96. Rugby league is played in the North of England.
97. The home of golf is Saint Andrew golf course in Scotland.
98. New year’s eve = Hogmanay: At Hog, there is first footing (people carry
some food, money, a piece of coal for the fire.
99. Who is the Valentine: Lover, parents, people you like.
100. What is the Valentine: Gift, card, chocolate, flower you give to person you th like of 15 , Feb.
101. Easter come between 22 March and 25 April.
102. the symbols of Easter: Easter eggs, Bunny (rabbit)
103. Lent: is the 40 days from Ash Wednesday( thứ 4 lễ tro) to the time before
Good Friday (thứ 6 tuần thánh) st
104. Ash Wednesday: The 1 day of Lent. st
105. May day: 1 day of May, including dancing round the maypole and choosing a May Queen.
106. Morris dance: for Scottish men around the maypole to drive evil spirit away. th
107. Guy Fawkes’ Day: at night 5 , Nov, people make a dummy of Guy Fawkes from old clothes.
108. Meals in Christmas: Turkey, Christmas pudding or hot mince pipe AMERICAN CULTURE
1. Color of the USA flag: Red, white and Blue
2. 50 white stars on the flag.
3. The star on the flag means: one of each state in the Union
4. There are 13 red and white stripes (vạch) on the flag.
5. 13 stripes represent the 13 origional states 6. Independence day: 4/7
7. US independent from: England st 8. 1 president: G.Washington
9. Electoral college elects the president
10. The term of a president: 4 years.
11. What is the Constitution ? Supreme law the land
12. A change to the Constitution: Amendment
13. 27 changes in the Constitution,
14. There are 3 branches of US government:
+ Executive (Hành pháp), (President and about 5,000,000 workers) includes: Vice-
President, President, Cabinet (nội các), department under Cabinet members.
+ Legislative (Lập pháp) (Congress (quốc hội): Senate and House of Representatives)
+Judicial (Tư pháp) (Supreme Court and lower Courts), includes: the Supreme court -> defend interpret laws.
15. The Congress makes the federal laws (luật liên bang) in the US
16. People elect the congress.
17. 100 senators( thượng nghị sĩ) in the Congress.
18. The term (nhiệm kỳ) of a Congress: 2-year-term.
19. 435 members in the House of representatives(hạ nghị viện), Thượng Nghị Viện:
20. Head of state: Governor (thống đốc)
21. Những người có thể làm tổng thống lần lượt: President – Vice President – speaker of House of Represetative.
22. 13 original states of the US: Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey,
Masachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, South and North California, Georgia, Rhode Island and Maryland
24. Who is Martin Luther King: Actively right leader.
25. President nominates Judges of the Supreme court.
26. Thanksgiving(lễ tạ ơn) was celebrated for the first time by American colonise, th
27. The Declaration of independence adopted on 9 July, 1776.
28. A. Lincoln was president during the Civil war
29. Geogre Washington was call ‘ Father of the country” th
30. the 50 state of US: Hawaii
31. Special group advise the president: the Cabinet.
32. The Congress has power to declare war.
33. The Congress meet in the capital in Washington DC.
34. 2 major parties : Republican( cộng hòa) and Democratic (dân chủ).
35. Constitution was signed in 1787
36. US has no official religion.
37. Catholic: the largest religious group in th US.
38. Re-constructed family: in which children from previous marriage as well as from the present marriage.
39. Gender gap: a situation in which the older and the younger people do not
understand each other because of their differences in habbits, opinions, experiences..
40. 3 basic levels in US educational system: Elementary(5-12 years, 1-6 grade),
Middle(7-8 grade, 13-14 age), High school(9-12 grade, 14,15-18age).
42. Jack-o- lantern: in Halloween
43. The Federal government provides money through the Department of
Education(bộ giáo dục)(thu tax)
44. State and local government runs the education,
45. Children age from 5 to 18: Free of charge
46. F: Education is a federal responsibility
47. F: the state pays for a K-12 education.
48. F: the Board of Education decide standards of certification and teacher’s qualification.
49. Highest mountain in the US: Mount McKinley in Alaska (6194m)
50. Longest river: Mississippi
51. Largest city: New York city.
52. New England: collective name of 6 Northeasterm states: Maine, New Hampshire,
Vermond, Massachusets, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
53. Main function of the Congress: Making law
54. 14 departments in the US – Head: the President’s cabinet.
55. America broke away from Britain in 1775.
56. Constitution of the US (written down clearly in numbered) different from
G.Britain and N.Ireland (always has unwritten constitution)
57. When constitution of the US change: 2/3 majority Congress agree.
58. 90% children attend to public school
59. Havard University was established in 1636
60. Public school in Britain : means Private school and student have to pay
Public school in US: student do not have to pay
61. Dual-earning family: A family of two wage-earners (both the husband and the wife)
62. The rate of divorce in US: One in every 2 marriages ends in divorce
63. Main religions in the US: Catholicism and Protestantism th
64. Boston tea led to the war of independence in the US. (4 July, 1776)
65. Why dose the US government have a system of checks and balance: Prevent
any branch from having to much power. rd
66. Luther King’s birthday: 3 Monday in January nd 67. Mother’s day: 2 Sunday in May rd
Father’s day: 3 Sunday in June
68. Principal: Head master of the school
69. Further education: Post secondary education
70. Christoper Columbus: wanted to sail to China but discovered North America
71. The Indians: were native Americans
72. European explorers: crossed the Atlantic to learn about the New world.
73. the Spanish: explored South America to find adventure and gold
74. Priests: came to teach the Indians
75. The British and the French: explored North America.
76. F: The British (the Spanish) established the first permanent settlement in North
America at St. Augustine, Florida
77. F the first Spanish( British) settlement was Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 78. Red state: Cộng hòa 79. Blue state: dân chủ
80. Tổng thống duy nhất theo Đạo: Kenedi
81. Board of Education: Decides the curriculum