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Trạng từ và bài tập trạng từ
Trạng từ và bài tập trạng từ
Enghish (ta) 1 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Công nghệ Thông tin, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 456 tài liệu
Trạng từ và bài tập trạng từ
Trạng từ và bài tập trạng từ
Môn: Enghish (ta) 1 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Công nghệ Thông tin, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 456 tài liệu
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lOMoARcPSD| 27790909 BÀI 9: Trạng Từ 1. Vai trò:
- Trạng từ là dùng ể bổ nghĩa cho: V, adj, adv, cả câu
- Trạng từ không bổ nghĩa cho N
2. Vị trí của tr¿ng tā
Nhìn vào công thức Cụm N và Cụm V ta thấy trạng từ có thể ứng ở những vị trí sau:
- He always leaves at 5 o'clock.
1- Đứng ngay trước từ
- She wore a beautifully designed dress. mà nó bổ nghĩa
- Peter Jackson finished his assignment remarkably quickly.
2- Đứng giữa V và trợ ộng - The hotel is conveniently located downtown. (-->100% là adv) từ:
Nếu V không có tân ngữ: -
Tara walks gracefully. -
Doubters make me work harder to prove them wrong
3- Nếu bổ nghĩa cho V thì
adv còn có thể ÿng sau V ó: Nếu V có tân ngữ: -
Before you install this software, please read the directions carefully lOMoARcPSD| 27790909
3. Trạng từ trong câu so sánh SS bằng
- Harry is as beautiful as her sister. as + (adj/ adv) + as
- Her car runs as fast as a race car. - Tính từ/Trạng từ
- Today is colder than yesterday. ngắn:
- My girlfriend came later than me.
SS hơn (Adj/Adv) + <-er= + than
- This hat is more expensive than the others. - Tính từ/Trạng từ
- My father drives more carefully than my brother.
dài: more + Adj/Adv + than - Tính từ/Trạng từ
- My brother is the tallest in our family.
ngắn: the + Adj/Adv + -est - He runs the fastest in my city. SS nhất - Tính từ/Trạng từ
- Lisa is the most careful person I ever have known.
dài: the + most + Adj/Adv
- Of all the students, she does the most quickly. lOMoARcPSD| 27790909 II. BÀI TẬP ETS2022
1. When-----------applied, Tilda’s Restorative
6. Vallentrade manages clients’ accounts more--
Cream reduces the appearance of fine lines and
---------than most other brokerage firms. wrinkles. (A) conserves (A) consistent (B) conservative (B) consist (C) conservatively (C) consistently (D) conserving (D) consisting
7. Ardentine Realty is-----------seeking new
2. Mr. Tanaka’s team worked-----------for months to rental properties for its portfolio.
secure a lucrative government contract. (A) actively (A) readily (B) activate (B) diligently (C) activity (C) curiously (D) active (D) extremely
8. Maxwell Copies prints brochures on thick,
3. Glass containers must be-----------secured during glossy paper that was-----------selected for its transport. quality and durability. (A) safely (A) caring (B) safe (B) careful (C) safety (C) carefully (D) safer (D) cares
4. Ms. Trinacria’s team is developing a kitchen
9. Crane operators must check that all moving
faucet that can-----------respond to voice
parts of the machine are fastened----------- commands. before use. (A) reliably (A) security (B) rely (B) securely (C) reliability (C) secures (D) reliable (D) securing
5. Amand Corp.’s flexible work policy is----------
10. Shaloub Hospital wants to hire several
beneficial to the company as employee turnover is
more-----------qualified laboratory workers. minimal. (A) higher (A) financially (B) highest (B) finances (C) high (C) financial (D) highly lOMoARcPSD| 27790909 (D) to finance lOMoARcPSD| 27790909
11. Adopting advanced billing software would
17. Janet Rhodes was commended for-----------
improve Narrin Group’s fiscal-management
defending the company’s reputation. process-----------. (A) assertively (A) substantial (B) assert (B) substantially (C) assertive (C) more substantial (D) assertion (D) substances
18. The bridge project bids turned out to be --------
12. When processing a medical leave request, the --higher than expected.
attending physician must fill out a form---------. (A) completes (A) considering (B) completed (B) consider (C) completely (C) consideration (D) completeness (D) considerably
13. Mr. Kim’s research reveals that types of hay
19. Greentrim’s product sales rose-----------
differ-----------in their nutritional content.
following the introduction of its new shipping policy. (A) significant (B) signify (A) sharp (C) significance (B) sharper (D) significantly (C) sharply (D) sharpest
14. Corracar Ltd. is-----------looking for new ways
to expand its transportation network.
20. Saul’s Pizzeria changed its menu options after
receiving-----------negative customer feedback. (A) continued (B) continuation (A) increase (C) continual (B) increases (D) continually (C) to increase (D) increasingly
15. The general manager has implemented a
system to fill online orders of costume jewelry
21. The information on the Web site of Croyell lines more-----------.
Decorators is-----------organized. (A) quick (A) clear (B) quickest (B) clearing (C) quicker (C) clearest (D) quickly (D) clearly
16. To appeal to younger consumers throughout
Asia, the sportswear company is shifting its marketing tactics-----------. (A) drama (B) dramatic (C) dramatically (D) more dramatic lOMoARcPSD| 27790909