Unit 2: The generation gap - Lesson 2 | Bài giảng PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Giáo án PowerPoint Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Global Success giúp giáo viên mô phỏng được kiến thức sinh động, dễ hiểu hơn. Không những vậy còn giúp giáo viên đánh giá được mức độ hiểu bài, phát huy tính tích cực, chủ động của học sinh, tăng cường mối liên kết giữa hoạt động dạy và học. Vậy sau đây là Giáo án PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi tại đây.

The generation gap
Game: Quizizz
    
 
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we will
You are
That is
do not
let us
Listen and circle what you hear: contracted or full forms.
Then practise saying these conversations in pairs.
'4, 4-
';4 ,; " -
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Match the words to make phrases that mean the following.
1. traditional
2. common
3. generational
4. cultural
special qualities that belong to a group of
people or things
a disagreement between different
beliefs about what is important in the culture
of a particular society
a belief or an opinion that has existed for a
long time without changing
a. characteristics
b. conflict
c. values
d. view
Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the
phrases in 1.
">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>) ?
 " = ) "
?5 &
Modal verbs: must, have to, should
Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.
1. You must/mustn’t respect older people. You can learn some valuable lessons
from them.
2. We don’t have to/have to wear uniforms on weekdays. It’s the rule at our
3. You should/mustnt ask your parents for permission if you want to colour your
4. In the past, women had to/must do all housework. It was one of their duties.
Work in pairs. Are there any rules in your family or things that
you or your parents think are necessary? Share them with your
partner. Use must, have to, and should.
I have to be back
home by 9 p.m.
Really? I don't have to. But
my parents think I shouldn't
stay out after 10 p.m.
What have you learnt today?
Some lexical items about generational differences
Contracted forms
Modal verbs: must, have to, should
Do exercises in the workbook.
Prepare for Lesson 3 - Unit 2.
,-h oclieu.vn
.)-facebook. com/www.enganhglobalsuccess.vn
| 1/15

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Unit Uni The FAMI gen L er Y LIF ationE gap 2 t LESSON 2 LANGUAGE LESSON 2 LANGUAGE WARM-UP Game: Quizizz
• Task 1: Listen and repeat. PRONUNCIATION • Task 2: Listen and circle.
• Task 1: Match the words to make phrases.
• Task 2: Complete the sentences using the correct forms VOCABULARY of the phrases.
• Task 1: Circle the correct answers to complete the GRAMMAR sentences.
• Task 2. Talk any rules in your family or things that you or
your parents think are necessary. CONSOLIDATION • Wrap-up • Homework WARM-UP QUIZIZZ
- Use your electronic devices to access to the link on quizizz and join the game.
- The whole class complete to answer the questions.
- After the game, Ss with the highest point is the winner. WARM-UP
https://quizizz.com/join?gc=314578 PRONUNCIATION
1 Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the contracted forms in the
following sentences. What are their full forms?
1. Today, we’ll talk about the generation gap. we will 2. You’re right, Mark. You are
3. We can’t avoid daily arguments. cannot 4. That’s a good point. That is 5. No, they don’t. do not
6. Now let’s continue our discussion with … let us PRONUNCIATION
2 Listen and circle what you hear: contracted or full forms.
Then practise saying these conversations in pairs.
1. A: What’s/ What is the topic of today’s discussion?
B: We’ll/ We will talk about the generation gap.
2. A: Don’t you/ Do you not live with your grandparents? B: No, I don’t/ do not.
3. A: I’m not sure who’ll/ who will be the next presenter? Will you speak next? B: Yes, I’ll/ I will. VOCABULARY
1 Match the words to make phrases that mean the following.
special qualities that belong to a group of 1. traditional a. characteristics people or things
a disagreement between different 2. common b. conflict generations
beliefs about what is important in the culture 3. generational c. values of a particular society d. view
a belief or an opinion that has existed for a 4. cultural long time without changing VOCABULARY
2 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in 1. 1. We all have ___ c _ ul ___ tur _ al _v_ a_ l _ u _ e _
s __ , and they can influence the way we treat other people.
2. When you live with your extended family, you have to deal with __ g _ e ___ ner _ a _ ti ___ onal_ _ c __ on _ fli_ c __ ts __.
3. Each generation has its __c___ om __ m _ o _ n ___ cha _ r _ a _ ct_ e_ ri_ s _ ti_ c _ s _ that are
influenced by social and economic conditions. 4. A ___ tr_ a __ di _ ti ___ onal_ _ vi ___
ew __ is that men are the breadwinners in the family. GRAMMAR
Modal verbs: must, have to, should GRAMMAR
1 Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.
1. You must/mustn’t respect older people. You can learn some valuable lessons from them.
2. We don’t have to/have to wear uniforms on weekdays. It’s the rule at our school.
3. You should/mustn’t ask your parents for permission if you want to colour your hair.
4. In the past, women had to/must do all housework. It was one of their duties. GRAMMAR
2 Work in pairs. Are there any rules in your family or things that
you or your parents think are necessary? Share them with your
partner. Use must, have to, and should.
I have to be back home by 9 p.m.
Really? I don't have to. But
my parents think I shouldn't stay out after 10 p.m. CONSOLIDATION 1 Wrap-up What have you learnt today?
• Some lexical items about generational differences • Contracted forms
• Modal verbs: must, have to, should CONSOLIDATION 2 Homework
• Do exercises in the workbook.
• Prepare for Lesson 3 - Unit 2.
Website: hoclieu.vn
Fanpage: facebook.com/www.tienganhglobalsuccess.vn
Document Outline

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