Unit 2: The generation gap - Lesson 6 | Bài giảng PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Giáo án PowerPoint Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Global Success giúp giáo viên mô phỏng được kiến thức sinh động, dễ hiểu hơn. Không những vậy còn giúp giáo viên đánh giá được mức độ hiểu bài, phát huy tính tích cực, chủ động của học sinh, tăng cường mối liên kết giữa hoạt động dạy và học. Vậy sau đây là Giáo án PowerPoint Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi tại đây.

An opinion essay about liming teenagers’ screen me
The generation gap
 !
Board race
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Board race
Work in pairs. Complete the notes using the sentences (A–D) in the box.
Reason 1=&.#>
Teenagers spend too much me watching
online videos, checking social media, or playing
computer games.
Reason 2=?????????
Examples/Facts/Explanaons: ???????
Reason 1=@!1#
Teenagers can learn a lot of useful knowledge
and necessary skills through online
educaonal games and videos.
Reason 2:$?????????
Useful expressions
To express opinion To add ideas
Read an opinion essay and match each paragraph with the
correct description.
A. Second reason for supporting this view with examples and facts
B. Conclusion summarising the writers point of view
C. First reason for supporting this view with examples and facts
D. Introduction to the issue and the writers point of view
Read an opinion essay and match each paragraph with the
correct description.
Should parents strictly limit teenagers’ screen time?
1. ________ Many teenagers nowadays spend too much time on digital devices. I
firmly believe that parents should strictly limit their screen time for two reasons.
2. ________ First of all, teenagers who spend a lot of time on screens are less
likely to finish their homework. If parents limit their screen time, teenagers will
have more time not only for learning, but also for outdoor activities.
3. ________ In addition, too much screen time is bad for teenagers health.
Looking at a computer or smartphone screen for a long time can damage their
eyesight and cause headaches. Too much screen time may also lead to sleep and
weight problems.
4. ________ In conclusion, I think that parents need to control the time their
teenage children spend on digital devices. This will ensure that their children have
time for homework and outdoor activities, and will protect children's health.
Write an opinion essay (120–150 words) stating the opposite view.
Suggested answer
Digital devices play an essential part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. I strongly believe that
parents should not strictly limit their screen time for the following reasons.
First of all, I think that by limiting the use of technology, parents will also limit what teens
can benefit from it. In fact, teenagers can learn a lot of useful knowledge and necessary
skills through online educational games and videos.
In addition, when teenagers screen time is strictly controlled by their parents, the gap
between parents and children may become wider. Teenagers may think that their parents
are very mean and not fair to them, and may refuse to talk to them.
In conclusion, I believe that it is not a good idea for parents to strictly limit their teenagers’
screen time. Teens can benefit from screen activities that encourage learning and parents
can develop a better relationship with their children if they don’t control the time spent on
electronic devices.
Exchange your writing with your friend for peer review.
Wring rubric
Organizaon: …/10
Legibility: …/10
Ideas: …/10
Word choice: …/10
Grammar usage and mechanics: …/10
TOTAL: …/50
Do exercises in the workbook.
Prepare for Lesson 7 - Unit 2.
Website: hoclieu.vn
Fanpage: facebook.com/www.enganhglobalsuccess.vn
| 1/14

Preview text:

Unit Uni The FAMI gen L er Y LIF ationE gap 2 t LESSON 6 WRITING
An opinion essay about limiting teenagers’ screen time LESSON 6 WRITING WARM-UP Board race
Task 1. Complete the notes using the sentences (A–D) in PRE-WRITING the box.
• Task 2. Read an opinion essay and match each
paragraph with the correct description. WHILE-WRITING
• Task 3. Write an opinion essay stating the opposite view. POST-WRITING Peer review • Wrap-up CONSOLIDATION • Homework Board race • There are 4 teams;
• Find the words which are related to the topic The generation gap;
• Each word has a letter in the topic word.
+ If the word begins with a letter in the topic word, the team gets 1 point.
+ If the letter of the topic word appears in the middle position, the team gets 2 points.
+ If the letter of the topic word is at the end of the word, the team gets 3 points. Board race
For example, if the topic word is ESSAY and with the words
found in the table below, a team gets 10 points in total. S C R E E N (2 point) C U R I O U S (3 points) S K I L L (1 point) G E N E R A T I O N (2 points) H A I R S T Y L E (3 points) Total 10 points PRE-WRITING
1 Work in pairs. Complete the notes using the sentences (A–D) in the box.
A. The gap between teenagers and parents may become wider.
B. Too much screen time is bad for teenagers’ health.
C. Too much screen time can damage eyesight, reduce sleep time, and cause weight gain.
D. Teenagers may think their parents are not fair to them.
Should parents strictly limit teenagers’ screen time? Should Shouldn’t
Reason 1: Teenagers have little time left
Reason 1: Quality of screen time is more for homework. important than quantity.
Teenagers spend too much time watching
Teenagers can learn a lot of useful knowledge
online videos, checking social media, or playing
and necessary skills through online computer games.
educational games and videos. Reason 2: (1) ______ B ___ Reason 2: (3) _____ A_ ___
Examples/Facts/Explanations: (2) ____ C _ __
Examples/Facts/Explanations: (4) ______ D _ __ PRE-WRITING Useful expressions To express opinion To add ideas  In my opinion, …  What is more, … 
Personally, I think/ I believe (that) 
Moreover/ furthermore/ in addition … (to)  I strongly believe that….  Firstly, …  It seems to me that…  First of all, …  In my view, ...  Secondly, ...  From my point of view, …  Thirdly, …  Lastly, …  Finally, … WHILE-WRITING
2 Read an opinion essay and match each paragraph with the correct description.
A. Second reason for supporting this view with examples and facts
B. Conclusion summarising the writer’s point of view
C. First reason for supporting this view with examples and facts
D. Introduction to the issue and the writer’s point of view WHILE-WRITING
2 Read an opinion essay and match each paragraph with the correct description.
Should parents strictly limit teenagers’ screen time? 1. _____
D ___ Many teenagers nowadays spend too much time on digital devices. I
firmly believe that parents should strictly limit their screen time for two reasons. 2. _____
C ___ First of all, teenagers who spend a lot of time on screens are less
likely to finish their homework. If parents limit their screen time, teenagers will
have more time not only for learning, but also for outdoor activities. 3. ____
A_ ___ In addition, too much screen time is bad for teenagers’ health.
Looking at a computer or smartphone screen for a long time can damage their
eyesight and cause headaches. Too much screen time may also lead to sleep and weight problems. 4. ____ B_
___ In conclusion, I think that parents need to control the time their
teenage children spend on digital devices. This will ensure that their children have
time for homework and outdoor activities, and will protect children's health. WHILE-WRITING
3 Write an opinion essay (120–150 words) stating the opposite view. Suggested answer
Digital devices play an essential part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. I strongly believe that
parents should not strictly limit their screen time for the following reasons.
First of all, I think that by limiting the use of technology, parents will also limit what teens
can benefit from it. In fact, teenagers can learn a lot of useful knowledge and necessary
skills through online educational games and videos.
In addition, when teenagers’ screen time is strictly controlled by their parents, the gap
between parents and children may become wider. Teenagers may think that their parents
are very mean and not fair to them, and may refuse to talk to them.
In conclusion, I believe that it is not a good idea for parents to strictly limit their teenagers’
screen time. Teens can benefit from screen activities that encourage learning and parents
can develop a better relationship with their children if they don’t control the time spent on electronic devices. POST-WRITING 4
Exchange your writing with your friend for peer review. Writing rubric Organization: …/10 Legibility: …/10 Ideas: …/10 Word choice: …/10
Grammar usage and mechanics: …/10 TOTAL: …/50
CONSOLIDATION 1 Wrap-up What have you learnt today?
• How to write an essay about limiting teenagers’ screen time
• Apply structures to express opinions CONSOLIDATION 2 Homework
• Do exercises in the workbook.
• Prepare for Lesson 7 - Unit 2.
Website: hoclieu.vn
Fanpage: facebook.com/www.tienganhglobalsuccess.vn
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