Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5A | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global

Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5A | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học giúp giáo viên có một cách dạy mạch lạc, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu từ đó giúp học sinh tiếp thu kiến thức tốt nhất. Thầy cô và các bạn xem, tải về ở bên dưới.

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Identify digital activities and computing verbs
- Identify some useful collocations to describe computing actions
- Highlight the use of Imperatives
2. Competences
- Recognize instructions given during the helpline
- Apply Imperatives and computing vocabulary to give instructions
- Develop communicative skills
3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in speaking English and working in pairs
- Have responsibilities to use computer properly on their own
II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson A)
- Audio tracks 16, 17 – CD2 (Friends Global 11)
- Computer and projector
III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (5mins)
a. Objectives:
- Draw students’ attention to the topic
- Raise students’ awareness of how much they spend time on digital gadgets.
b. Content:
- Guessing activity
- Pair-work speaking activity
c. Products:
- Oral answers from students
d. Organization
Guessing activity (2mins)
- Teacher (T) shows a picture, which is a part of a
technological device.
- Students (Ss) raise hands to give answers
- Make sure that Ss understand these pictures are
about devices.
- Answer: tablet,
smartphone, headphones,
- Topic: technological
Pair – work speaking activity (3mins)
- T puts Ss in pairs. They ask and answer the
questions on the screen. Encourage them to give
as much information as they can
- Ask them to report to the class.
- Introduce the lesson Computing (vocabulary)
- How many devices do you
How often do you use
- What can you do with
them? / How often?
e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ answers
2. Activity 2: presentation (12 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Teach Ss computing verbs and useful collocations
- Teach Ss how to pronounce new words properly
b. Content:
- Exercise 2,3,4
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercise 2, 4
- Ss’ scores and the results of how tech-savvy they are based on exercise 3
- Ss’ sentences with useful collocations
d. Organization:
Exercise 2 (4mins)
- T shows the list of the words in exercise 2.
- T explains the word tech-savvy to Ss.
- T elicits the meaning of some words and draws Ss’
attention to the pronunciation and make sure they
pronounce the words correctly.
- T conducts chorally and individually drills.
- T asks Ss to complete exercise 2
- T asks Ss to stand up and read out loud each
question in the quiz to check the answer.
- T corrects Ss’ pronunciation mistakes if there
are any.
- List: comment, forward,
install, log on, print,
programme, search, set up,
subscribe, update, upload
- tech- savvy/ˌtek ˈsævi/
having a good knowledge
and understanding of
modern technology,
especially computers
- Answer: 2. upload 3.
search 4. update 5.
Comment 6. set up 7. log
on 8. subscribe 9. forward
10. Print 11. Install
Exercise 3 (4mins)
- T and the whole class go through the
instructions of exercise 3 together, make sure
that Ss understand what they have to do.
- Ss to work in pairs, take turns to ask and answer
the questions, and calculate their partner’s score
and find of how tech-savvy they are.
- Geek /ɡiːk/ who is very
interested in a particular
subject and knows a lot
about it
- T collects the scores and highlights the most
common score in the class. T can explain the
word geek to Ss if necessary.
Exercise 4 (4mins)
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and the
words/ phrases in the table from exercise 4.
Check any unknown vocabulary.
- T asks Ss to form the collocations by matching
the two halves from two columns.
- T plays the recording for Ss to check their
- Check answers as a class.
- T asks Ss to make some sentences using their 3
favorite collocations
- e.g. scroll (up / down) (to
move text up and down on
a computer screen) and
paste (to copy or move text
or an image into a
document from somewhere
- Key: 1 e 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 g
7 f 8 i 9 j 10 h
- Expected answers: You
close a document when
you have finished reading
- You scroll down the page
to read everything on it.
e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ notes of vocabulary
- T checks Ss’ answer
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and gives feedback
3. Activity 3: Practice (12 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Help Ss understand a helpline conversation
- Listen for details
- Remind Ss the use of Imperatives in giving instructions
b. Content:
- Exercise 5,6
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercise 5, 6
d. Organization:
Exercise 5 (6mins)
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and the
questions. Check the meaning of some words
that may cause difficulties to Ss.
- Words: check out (to pay
for something online),
basket (a facility on a
website that records items
selected by a customer for
purchase until the
- T asks Ss some questions to help them
familiarize with the listening context. Make sure
they understand what they are going to listen
- T plays the recording for Ss to choose the
correct options.
- T collects Ss’ answers and asks them to explain
why they choose that answer.
- T lets Ss listen again and point out some key
phrases to help them identify the answers.
transaction is completed)
and get money off (to pay a
lower price for something)
- Questions: What is
technical support? In what
situations might you have
to speak to a technical
support assistant?
- Key: 1c 2a 3c
- Phrases: 1. discount code
– not sure what to do 2.
forward to us – delete from
your inbox 3. other account
seems to be working well
Exercise 6 (6mins)
- T asks Ss to read the Recycle! Box and the
- T checks the meaning of the verbs if necessary
- T plays the recording again for Ss to complete
the sentences.
- Key: 1. don’t click on 2.
enter 3. delete 4. don’t
follow 5. Log on
e. Assessment
- T checks Ss’ answer
- T gives feedback
4. Activity 4: Application (13 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Allow Ss to give computing instructions by using Imperatives and the vocabulary
they have learnt in this lesson.
b. Content:
- Exercise 7
- Spin the wheel activity
c. Products:
- Oral instructions from Ss
d. Organization:
Exercise 7 (7mins)
- T lets Ss read the instructions of exercise 7 and
make questions to check their understanding of the
- T elicits an example and points out the use of
words to describe a sequence.
- Ss work in pairs and take turns to give each other
instructions on how to perform the activities in
exercise 7 and some extra ones on the screen.
- Words to describe steps:
first/ second/ next/ after
that/ finally
- Computing activities:
download a picture,
create a new document ,
buy something online ,
comment on a Facebook
- T circulates and monitors, helps Ss with
vocabulary and grammar where necessary.
post, add an emoji to a
text message, send a
voice message, install
an app on your phone,
upload a clip on
Spin the wheel (6mins)
- T invites some Ss to report.
- T spins the wheel and Ss stop the spinning
whenever they want. Whatever number they land
on, they have to give instructions for that activity.
- T gives feedbacks on their sentences. Make sure
that Ss are able to use Imperatives and the
vocabulary in this lesson.
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s feedback on Ss’ instructions
5. Consolidation : (3 mins)
a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can talk about
computers and communication technology using computing verbs, collocations
and imperatives.)
b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.
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Preview text:

By the end of this lesson, students wil be able to: 1. Knowledge
- Identify digital activities and computing verbs
- Identify some useful col ocations to describe computing actions
- Highlight the use of Imperatives 2. Competences
- Recognize instructions given during the helpline
- Apply Imperatives and computing vocabulary to give instructions
- Develop communicative skil s 3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in speaking English and working in pairs
- Have responsibilities to use computer properly on their own II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson A)
- Audio tracks 16, 17 – CD2 (Friends Global 11) - Computer and projector III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (5mins) a. Objectives:
- Draw students’ attention to the topic
- Raise students’ awareness of how much they spend time on digital gadgets. b. Content: - Guessing activity - Pair-work speaking activity c. Products: - Oral answers from students d. Organization ACTIVITIES CONTENT
Guessing activity (2mins)
- Teacher (T) shows a picture, which is a part of a - Answer: tablet, technological device. smartphone, headphones,
- Students (Ss) raise hands to give answers laptop
- Make sure that Ss understand these pictures are - Topic: technological about devices. devices
Pair – work speaking activity (3mins)
- T puts Ss in pairs. They ask and answer the - How many devices do you
questions on the screen. Encourage them to give have?
as much information as they can How often do you use
- Ask them to report to the class. them?
- Introduce the lesson Computing (vocabulary) - What can you do with them? / How often? e. Assessment - T observes Ss’ answers
2. Activity 2: presentation (12 mins) a. Objectives:
- Teach Ss computing verbs and useful col ocations
- Teach Ss how to pronounce new words properly b. Content: - Exercise 2,3,4 c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercise 2, 4
- Ss’ scores and the results of how tech-savvy they are based on exercise 3
- Ss’ sentences with useful col ocations d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 2 (4mins)
- T shows the list of the words in exercise 2. - List: comment, forward,
- T explains the word tech-savvy to Ss. instal , log on, print,
- T elicits the meaning of some words and draws Ss’ programme, search, set up,
attention to the pronunciation and make sure they subscribe, update, upload
pronounce the words correctly. - tech- savvy/ˌtek ˈsævi/
- T conducts choral y and individual y dril s. having a good knowledge and understanding of modern technology, especial y computers
- T asks Ss to complete exercise 2
- T asks Ss to stand up and read out loud each - Answer: 2. upload 3.
question in the quiz to check the answer. search 4. update 5.
- T corrects Ss’ pronunciation mistakes if there Comment 6. set up 7. log are any. on 8. subscribe 9. forward 10. Print 11. Instal Exercise 3 (4mins)
- T and the whole class go through the - Geek /ɡiːk/ who is very
instructions of exercise 3 together, make sure interested in a particular
that Ss understand what they have to do. subject and knows a lot
- Ss to work in pairs, take turns to ask and answer about it
the questions, and calculate their partner’s score
and find of how tech-savvy they are.
- T col ects the scores and highlights the most
common score in the class. T can explain the
word geek to Ss if necessary. Exercise 4 (4mins)
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and the
- e.g. scrol (up / down) (to
words/ phrases in the table from exercise 4. move text up and down on Check any unknown vocabulary. a computer screen) and
- T asks Ss to form the col ocations by matching
paste (to copy or move text
the two halves from two columns. or an image into a
- T plays the recording for Ss to check their document from somewhere answers. else). - Check answers as a class.
- Key: 1 e 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 g
- T asks Ss to make some sentences using their 3 7 f 8 i 9 j 10 h favorite col ocations
- Expected answers: You close a document when you have finished reading it.
- You scrol down the page
to read everything on it. e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ notes of vocabulary - T checks Ss’ answer
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and gives feedback
3. Activity 3: Practice (12 mins) a. Objectives:
- Help Ss understand a helpline conversation - Listen for details
- Remind Ss the use of Imperatives in giving instructions b. Content: - Exercise 5,6 c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercise 5, 6 d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 5 (6mins)
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and the
- Words: check out (to pay
questions. Check the meaning of some words for something online),
that may cause difficulties to Ss.
basket (a facility on a website that records items selected by a customer for purchase until the transaction is completed)
- T asks Ss some questions to help them
and get money off (to pay a
familiarize with the listening context. Make sure lower price for something)
they understand what they are going to listen - Questions: What is about.
technical support? In what
- T plays the recording for Ss to choose the
situations might you have correct options.
to speak to a technical
- T col ects Ss’ answers and asks them to explain support assistant? why they choose that answer. - Key: 1c 2a 3c
- T lets Ss listen again and point out some key - Phrases: 1. discount code
phrases to help them identify the answers. – not sure what to do 2. forward to us – delete from your inbox 3. other account - seems to be working wel Exercise 6 (6mins)
- T asks Ss to read the Recycle! Box and the instructions - Key: 1. don’t click on 2.
- T checks the meaning of the verbs if necessary enter 3. delete 4. don’t
- T plays the recording again for Ss to complete follow 5. Log on the sentences. - e. Assessment - T checks Ss’ answer - T gives feedback
4. Activity 4: Application (13 mins) a. Objectives:
- Allow Ss to give computing instructions by using Imperatives and the vocabulary
they have learnt in this lesson. b. Content: - Exercise 7 - Spin the wheel activity c. Products: - Oral instructions from Ss d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 7 (7mins)
- T lets Ss read the instructions of exercise 7 and - Words to describe steps:
make questions to check their understanding of the first/ second/ next/ after requirements. that/ final y
- T elicits an example and points out the use of - Computing activities: words to describe a sequence. download a picture,
- Ss work in pairs and take turns to give each other create a new document ,
instructions on how to perform the activities in buy something online ,
exercise 7 and some extra ones on the screen. comment on a Facebook
- T circulates and monitors, helps Ss with post, add an emoji to a
vocabulary and grammar where necessary. text message, send a - voice message, instal an app on your phone, upload a clip on YouTube Spin the wheel (6mins)
- T invites some Ss to report.
- T spins the wheel and Ss stop the spinning
whenever they want. Whatever number they land
on, they have to give instructions for that activity.
- T gives feedbacks on their sentences. Make sure
that Ss are able to use Imperatives and the vocabulary in this lesson. e. Assessment
- Teacher’s feedback on Ss’ instructions 5. Consolidation : (3 mins) a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can talk about
computers and communication technology using computing verbs, col ocations and imperatives.) b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.