Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5B | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global

Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5B | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học giúp giáo viên có một cách dạy mạch lạc, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu từ đó giúp học sinh tiếp thu kiến thức tốt nhất. Thầy cô và các bạn xem, tải về ở bên dưới.

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Distinguish different quantifiers
- Visualize how technological gadgets can monitor a person’s lifestyle
- Use quantifiers in sentences
2. Competences
- Understand the main idea of a short text
- Make predictions about classmates using quantifiers
3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in speaking English and working in groups
- Develop learning autonomy
II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson B)
- Computer and projector
III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (8mins)
a. Objectives:
- Review vocabulary from the previous lesson (5A).
- Raise students’ awareness of how gadgets can monitor one person’s life.
b. Content:
- Small quiz
- Exercise 1,2
c. Products:
- Written answers from groups
- Predictions from students
d. Organization
Small quiz (5mins)
- Quiz: Teacher (T) shows a sentence with a blank.
- Students (Ss) write the answer using computing
verbs on their mini-boards and raise the board
- The 1
team with the correct answer gets the
surprising point while the others get 2 points for
each correct answer.
- Answer: forward,
subscribe, upload, scroll
down, click
- T asks Ss some questions related to technological
- Questions: When do
you not use
technological gadgets?
- Do you think an app or
device would be helpful
during these times?
- What would it do?
Exercise 1 (1min)
- T shows the picture Mr. Connected and asks
student a prompt question. (exercise 1)
- Collect Ss’ answers
What are those wearable
gadgets for?
Exercise 2 (2mins)
- Ss read the text in exercise 2 and check their ideas
- T introduces the lesson (5B- Grammar –
- The gadgets monitor data
about his lifestyle.
e. Assessment
- T corrects answers
- T gives feedback
2. Activity 2: presentation (10 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Teach Ss quantifiers
b. Content:
- Exercises 3,4,5
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 3,4,5
d. Organization:
Exercise 3 (2mins)
- T goes through the instructions, quantifiers and
the Learn this! box together.
- Ss note the types of nouns following each
quantifier in the text and complete the table.
- T checks the answers as a class.
- Key: 1.each 2.every
3. a little 4. all 5. any
6. no 7. a few 8. Any
9. both 10. many
11. some
Exercise 4 (3mins)
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Look out! Box,
especially the use of every one of and none of
- Key: most of his
gadgets; every one of
- T asks Ss to underline three examples of of with
the quantifiers in the article from exercise 2.
- T checks answers with the whole class.
them; he doesn’t wear
all of his gadgets
Exercise 5 (5 mins)
- T shows the two pairs of sentences and asks Ss
to tell the difference between few and a few, little
and a little.
- T checks answers with the whole class.
- Key: 1. a/ this means
‘I’ve got only a very
small number of
high-tech gadgets.’
b/ this means ‘I’ve got a
number of
high-tech gadgets.’
2. a/ this means ‘I have
a very limited
amount of time / I don’t
have enough time for
b/ this means ‘I have
some time.
e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T checks answers and gives feedback
3. Activity 3: Practice (17 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Help Ss understand quantifiers better
- Allows Ss to complete the tasks in the book easily and successfully.
b. Content:
- Grammar builder 5.1 (pages 122- 123)
- Exercises 6,7
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for Grammar Builder 5.1 and exercises 6,7
d. Organization:
Grammar builder 5.1 (8mins)
- T asks Ss to read the notes from Grammar
Builder 5.1 section (pages 122,123)
- Ss do exercises 1,2,3 on page 123. T reminds
Ss to write answers for exercise 3 in complete
- - T invites some Ss to go up to the board to write
their answers.
- - Other Ss check the answers on the board and
give feedback.
- - T corrects the exercise.
- Exercise 1: a document,
gadget, habit, website b
homework, information,
money, music, software
Exercise 2: 1. every 2. either
3. few 4. a little
5. many 6. all 7. every 8.
every; each
Exercise 3: 2. I’m going to
invite all my friends / all of
them to my party. 3. I haven’t
got any wearable gadgets.
4. I like both tablets and
laptops. / I like both of
them. 5. I’ve got a little
money left. 6 none (of
them / of the students) got
full marks in the exam. 7.
Yes, I won every match /
every one of my matches /
every one of them.
8. No, I don’t like either
Adele or Emeli Sandé / either
of them
Exercise 6 and 7 (9mins)
- T asks Ss to do exercises 6 and 7 (page 62).
- Ss compare their answers with their desk mates.
- - T invites some Ss to go up to the board to write
their answers.
- Other Ss check the answers on the board and
give feedback.
- T corrects the exercise.
- Exercise 6 (p62) 1. few 2.
most 3. some 4. any 5. both
6. none 7. little
Exercise 7 (p62)
1. I have little it homework
this weekend.
2. Most (of the) students own
a computer.
3. Few of my friends use
4. Both Sam and Ben love
5. I will text you either on
Saturday or on Sunday.
6. There are no documents
in the folder.
7 Marlon has a gadget on
each wrist.
8. I downloaded every one of
the apps to my new phone.
9. I don’t spend much time
using social media.
10. None of my gadgets are
e. Assessment
- T’s observation on Ss’ performance
- T’s answer correction
- T’s feedback and peers’ feedback
4. Activity 4: Application (7mins)
a. Objectives:
- Allow Ss to use quantifiers accurately to predict about their peers.
b. Content:
- Exercise 8
c. Products:
- Oral answers from Ss
d. Organization:
- T puts Ss in 4 groups and asks them to make
predictions about their classmates.
- T reminds Ss to use the quantifiers given on the
slides to make sentences.
- T walks around to monitor during the discussion
- T collects Ss sentences and notes down the
statements of each group.
- T then checks to see which group has the most
correct predictions.
- use Facebook, own a
computer, download
music, have a
smartphone, shop
online, have a
YouTube channel,
have an e-book
reader, know how to
create a website
e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T gives feedback
f. Consolidation : (3 mins)
a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can use
quantifiers correctly.)
b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.
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Preview text:

By the end of this lesson, students wil be able to: 1. Knowledge
- Distinguish different quantifiers
- Visualize how technological gadgets can monitor a person’s lifestyle
- Use quantifiers in sentences 2. Competences
- Understand the main idea of a short text
- Make predictions about classmates using quantifiers 3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in speaking English and working in groups - Develop learning autonomy II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson B) - Computer and projector III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (8mins) a. Objectives:
- Review vocabulary from the previous lesson (5A).
- Raise students’ awareness of how gadgets can monitor one person’s life. b. Content: - Smal quiz - Exercise 1,2 c. Products: - Written answers from groups - Predictions from students d. Organization ACTIVITIES CONTENT Small quiz (5mins)
- Quiz: Teacher (T) shows a sentence with a blank. - Answer: forward,
- Students (Ss) write the answer using computing subscribe, upload, scrol
verbs on their mini-boards and raise the board down, click
- The 1st team with the correct answer gets the
surprising point while the others get 2 points for each correct answer.
- T asks Ss some questions related to technological - Questions: When do gadgets. you not use technological gadgets? - Do you think an app or device would be helpful during these times? - What would it do? Exercise 1 (1min)
- T shows the picture Mr. Connected and asks
What are those wearable
student a prompt question. (exercise 1) gadgets for? - Col ect Ss’ answers Exercise 2 (2mins)
- Ss read the text in exercise 2 and check their ideas - The gadgets monitor data
- T introduces the lesson (5B- Grammar – about his lifestyle. Quantifiers) e. Assessment - T corrects answers - T gives feedback
2. Activity 2: presentation (10 mins) a. Objectives: - Teach Ss quantifiers b. Content: - Exercises 3,4,5 c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 3,4,5 d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 3 (2mins)
- T goes through the instructions, quantifiers and - Key: 1.each 2.every
the Learn this! box together. 3. a little 4. all 5. any
- Ss note the types of nouns fol owing each 6. no 7. a few 8. Any
quantifier in the text and complete the table. 9. both 10. many
- T checks the answers as a class. 11. some Exercise 4 (3mins)
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Look out! Box, - Key: most of his
especial y the use of every one of and none of gadgets; every one of
- T asks Ss to underline three examples of of with them; he doesn’t wear
the quantifiers in the article from exercise 2. al of his gadgets
- T checks answers with the whole class. Exercise 5 (5 mins)
- T shows the two pairs of sentences and asks Ss - Key: 1. a/ this means
to tel the difference between few and a few, little ‘I’ve got only a very and a little. smal number of
- T checks answers with the whole class. high-tech gadgets.’ b/ this means ‘I’ve got a number of high-tech gadgets.’ 2. a/ this means ‘I have a very limited amount of time / I don’t have enough time for computer games.’ b/ this means ‘I have some time. e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T checks answers and gives feedback
3. Activity 3: Practice (17 mins) a. Objectives:
- Help Ss understand quantifiers better
- Allows Ss to complete the tasks in the book easily and successful y. b. Content:
- Grammar builder 5.1 (pages 122- 123) - Exercises 6,7 c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for Grammar Builder 5.1 and exercises 6,7 d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT
Grammar builder 5.1 (8mins)
- T asks Ss to read the notes from Grammar - Exercise 1: a document,
Builder 5.1 section (pages 122,123) gadget, habit, website b
- Ss do exercises 1,2,3 on page 123. T reminds health,
Ss to write answers for exercise 3 in complete homework, information, sentences. money, music, software
- - T invites some Ss to go up to the board to write
Exercise 2: 1. every 2. either their answers. 3. few 4. a little
- - Other Ss check the answers on the board and 5. many 6. all 7. every 8. give feedback. every; each - - T corrects the exercise. Exercise 3: 2. I’m going to invite al my friends / al of
them to my party. 3. I haven’t got any wearable gadgets. 4. I like both tablets and laptops. / I like both of them. 5. I’ve got a little money left. 6 none (of them / of the students) got ful marks in the exam. 7. Yes, I won every match / every one of my matches / every one of them. 8. No, I don’t like either
Adele or Emeli Sandé / either of them - -
Exercise 6 and 7 (9mins)
- T asks Ss to do exercises 6 and 7 (page 62). - Exercise 6 (p62) 1. few 2.
- Ss compare their answers with their desk mates. most 3. some 4. any 5. both
- - T invites some Ss to go up to the board to write 6. none 7. little their answers. Exercise 7 (p62)
- Other Ss check the answers on the board and 1. I have little it homework give feedback. this weekend. - T corrects the exercise. 2. Most (of the) students own a computer. 3. Few of my friends use twitter. 4. Both Sam and Ben love Facebook. 5. I will text you either on Saturday or on Sunday. 6. There are no documents in the folder. 7 Marlon has a gadget on each wrist. 8. I downloaded every one of the apps to my new phone. 9. I don’t spend much time using social media.
10. None of my gadgets are expensive. e. Assessment
- T’s observation on Ss’ performance - T’s answer correction
- T’s feedback and peers’ feedback
4. Activity 4: Application (7mins) a. Objectives:
- Allow Ss to use quantifiers accurately to predict about their peers. b. Content: - Exercise 8 c. Products: - Oral answers from Ss d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT
- T puts Ss in 4 groups and asks them to make
predictions about their classmates. - use Facebook, own a
- T reminds Ss to use the quantifiers given on the computer, download slides to make sentences. music, have a
- T walks around to monitor during the discussion smartphone, shop
- T col ects Ss sentences and notes down the online, have a statements of each group. YouTube channel,
- T then checks to see which group has the most have an e-book correct predictions. reader, know how to create a website e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance - T gives feedback f. Consolidation : (3 mins) a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can use
quantifiers correctly.) b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.