Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5D | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global

Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5D | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học giúp giáo viên có một cách dạy mạch lạc, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu từ đó giúp học sinh tiếp thu kiến thức tốt nhất. Thầy cô và các bạn xem, tải về ở bên dưới.

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Use different kinds of modal verbs
- Identify the sound of contraction of have
- Discuss what is considered to be a cyber crime
2. Competences
- Understand a dialogue about a problem with a phone
- Make speculations on what might have happened
3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in speaking English and working in groups
- Have responsibilities to use technological devices safely
II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson D)
- Audio track 20 – CD2
- Computer and projector
III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (7 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Raise students’ awareness of cybercrime
- Introduce a dialogue about a problem with a phone
b. Content:
- Story telling
- Exercise 1, 2
c. Products:
- Short stories from groups
- Oral answer for exercise 1,2
d. Organization
Story telling (3mins)
- T shows a few pictures and asks Ss to speculate
what has happened.
cybercrime /ˈsaɪbərkraɪm/ a
crime that is committed using
the internet, for example
- T introduces the word cybercrime and asks if
any Ss have ever had personal experience of
by sending a virus to
somebody’s computer
Exercise 1 (2 mins)
- T lets Ss read the dialogue and decide who has
a problem with their phone.
- Ss discuss in pairs and share their ideas with
the class.
- T checks the answer as a class.
- Key: Both. Archie’s
phone hasn’t been
working for a week.
Freya might have
downloaded malware
on her phone
Exercise 2 (2 mins)
- T plays the recording 2.20 for Ss to focus on the
pronunciation of have
- T checks and drills the pronunciation chorally
and individually.
- T then introduces the lesson (5D – Must vs
Have to, Modals in the Past)
Key: /həv/
e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T gives feedback
2. Activity 2: presentation (10 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Teach Ss modal verbs
b. Content:
- Exercises 3,4 and grammar builder
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 3,4
d. Organization:
Exercise 3 (4 mins)
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Learn this! box and
lets them read it.
- T elicits the structure of must and have to to talk
about the obligation.
- T asks Ss to find must/ have to + infinitive in the
dialogue in exercise 1.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Must / have to +
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences in exercise
3 and then collects the answers and checks with
the whole class.
- Key: 1. Must 2. Don’t
have to 3. Have to 4.
Exercise 4 (6 mins)
- T asks Ss to read the 2
Learn this! box and
underline the past modal verbs in the dialogue.
- T elicits the structure and the use of different
modal verbs in the past and refers to the notes
in the Grammar builder section (page 123).
Key: might have sent / can’t
have sent/ must have used/
shouldn’t have clicked/ should
have warned/ might not have
downloaded/ could have gone
e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T checks answers and gives feedback
3. Activity 3: Practice (15 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Help Ss understand modal verbs better
- Allows Ss to complete the tasks in the book easily and successfully.
b. Content:
- Grammar builder 5.2 (pages 123- 124)
- Exercises 5
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for Grammar Builder 5.2 and exercises 5
d. Organization:
Grammar builder 5.2 (8 mins)
- T asks Ss to complete exercises 1 and 2 in the
Grammar builder 5.2.
- T invites some Ss to go up to the board to write
their answers.
- Other Ss check the answers on the board and
give feedback.
- T corrects the exercise.
Grammar builder 5.2
- Exercise 1: 1 a 2 c 3 a
4 c 5 c 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 c
- Exercise 2: 2 should
have / ought to have 3
may / might /
could have 4 can’t have
5 must have
6 shouldn’t have / ought
not to have
Exercise 5 (7 mins)
- Ss spend time doing exercise 5 on page 64.
- Ss compare their answers with their desk mates.
- T invites some Ss to the board to write down
their answers and check as a class.
- Key: 1 shouldn’t have
lent 2 could have
deleted your messages
3 must have sent that
email 4 may not have
dialed 5 should have
turned 6 can’t have
e. Assessment
- T’s observation on Ss’ performance
- T’s answer correction
- T’s feedback and peers’ feedback
4. Activity 4: Application (10 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Allow Ss to use modal verbs accurately to speculate a story based on the given
b. Content:
- Pictures from activity 1
- Exercise 6
c. Products:
- Oral answers from Ss
d. Organization:
Story telling (activity 1) 3 mins
- T divides the class into groups of 4.
- T shows Ss the pictures given at the beginning of
the lesson and asks them to retell the story using
modals in the past.
- Ss’ own answers
Exercise 6 (7 mins)
- T draws Ss’ attention to exercise 6 (p.64) and
elicits what Ss can see.
- Then asks them to speculate on what might have
- T walks around the class to monitor and reminds
them to use modals in the past accurately.
- T asks a few groups to share their ideas with the
whole class.
e. Assessment
- T observation on Ss’ performance
- T’s feedback and peers’ feedback
5. Consolidation : (3 mins)
a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can identify
must vs have to, and I can speculate on past events using modal verbs.)
b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.
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Preview text:

By the end of this lesson, students wil be able to: 1. Knowledge
- Use different kinds of modal verbs
- Identify the sound of contraction of have
- Discuss what is considered to be a cyber crime 2. Competences
- Understand a dialogue about a problem with a phone
- Make speculations on what might have happened 3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in speaking English and working in groups
- Have responsibilities to use technological devices safely II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson D) - Audio track 20 – CD2 - Computer and projector III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (7 mins) a. Objectives:
- Raise students’ awareness of cybercrime
- Introduce a dialogue about a problem with a phone b. Content: - Story tel ing - Exercise 1, 2 c. Products: - Short stories from groups
- Oral answer for exercise 1,2 d. Organization ACTIVITIES CONTENT Story telling (3mins)
- T shows a few pictures and asks Ss to speculate cybercrime /ˈsaɪbərkraɪm/ a what has happened. crime that is committed using the internet, for example
- T introduces the word cybercrime and asks if by sending a virus to
any Ss have ever had personal experience of somebody’s computer this. Exercise 1 (2 mins)
- T lets Ss read the dialogue and decide who has - Key: Both. Archie’s a problem with their phone. phone hasn’t been
- Ss discuss in pairs and share their ideas with working for a week. the class. Freya might have
- T checks the answer as a class. downloaded malware on her phone Exercise 2 (2 mins)
- T plays the recording 2.20 for Ss to focus on the Key: /həv/ pronunciation of have
- T checks and dril s the pronunciation choral y and individual y.
- T then introduces the lesson (5D – Must vs Have to, Modals in the Past) e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance - T gives feedback
2. Activity 2: presentation (10 mins) a. Objectives: - Teach Ss modal verbs b. Content:
- Exercises 3,4 and grammar builder c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 3,4 d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 3 (4 mins)
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Learn this! box and lets them read it.
- T elicits the structure of must and have to to talk - Must / have to + about the obligation. infinitive
- T asks Ss to find must/ have to + infinitive in the dialogue in exercise 1.
- T checks answers as a class.
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences in exercise - Key: 1. Must 2. Don’t
3 and then col ects the answers and checks with have to 3. Have to 4. the whole class. Mustn’t Exercise 4 (6 mins)
- T asks Ss to read the 2nd Learn this! box and
Key: might have sent / can’t
underline the past modal verbs in the dialogue. have sent/ must have used/
- T elicits the structure and the use of different
shouldn’t have clicked/ should
modal verbs in the past and refers to the notes have warned/ might not have
in the Grammar builder section (page 123). downloaded/ could have gone e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T checks answers and gives feedback
3. Activity 3: Practice (15 mins) a. Objectives:
- Help Ss understand modal verbs better
- Allows Ss to complete the tasks in the book easily and successful y. b. Content:
- Grammar builder 5.2 (pages 123- 124) - Exercises 5 c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for Grammar Builder 5.2 and exercises 5 d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT
Grammar builder 5.2 (8 mins)
- T asks Ss to complete exercises 1 and 2 in the Grammar builder 5.2 Grammar builder 5.2.
- Exercise 1: 1 a 2 c 3 a
- T invites some Ss to go up to the board to write
4 c 5 c 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 c their answers. - Exercise 2: 2 should
- Other Ss check the answers on the board and have / ought to have 3 give feedback. may / might / - T corrects the exercise.
could have 4 can’t have 5 must have
6 shouldn’t have / ought not to have Exercise 5 (7 mins)
- Ss spend time doing exercise 5 on page 64.
- Key: 1 shouldn’t have
- Ss compare their answers with their desk mates. lent 2 could have
- T invites some Ss to the board to write down deleted your messages
their answers and check as a class. 3 must have sent that email 4 may not have dialed 5 should have turned 6 can’t have phoned e. Assessment
- T’s observation on Ss’ performance - T’s answer correction
- T’s feedback and peers’ feedback
4. Activity 4: Application (10 mins) a. Objectives:
- Allow Ss to use modal verbs accurately to speculate a story based on the given photos. b. Content: - Pictures from activity 1 - Exercise 6 c. Products: - Oral answers from Ss d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT
Story telling (activity 1) 3 mins
- T divides the class into groups of 4. - Ss’ own answers
- T shows Ss the pictures given at the beginning of
the lesson and asks them to retel the story using modals in the past. Exercise 6 (7 mins)
- T draws Ss’ attention to exercise 6 (p.64) and elicits what Ss can see.
- Then asks them to speculate on what might have happened.
- T walks around the class to monitor and reminds
them to use modals in the past accurately.
- T asks a few groups to share their ideas with the whole class. e. Assessment
- T observation on Ss’ performance
- T’s feedback and peers’ feedback 5. Consolidation : (3 mins) a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can identify
must vs have to, and I can speculate on past events using modal verbs.) b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.