Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5G | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global

Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5G | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học giúp giáo viên có một cách dạy mạch lạc, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu từ đó giúp học sinh tiếp thu kiến thức tốt nhất. Thầy cô và các bạn xem, tải về ở bên dưới.

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Retrieve vocabulary of school subjects
- Identify some key language to compare photos
2. Competences
- Compare and contrast two photos
- Make speculation about a photo
- Express personal opinions about education and technology
- Apply some key phrases to speculate and compare photos, express ideas
- Develop communicative skills
3. Personal qualities
- Raise awareness of the effects of technology on education
- Improve confidence in expressing ideas in English
- Develop learning autonomy and the ability to work in groups
II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson G)
- Audio track 22, 23 – CD2
- Computer and projector
III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (5 minutes)
a. Objectives:
- Draw Ss’ attention to the topic – technology and education
- Introduce the lesson
b. Content:
- Photo description
c. Products:
- Oral answers from students
d. Organization
Photo description
- T divides the class into 4-6 groups.21
Ss’ own answers
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Wh-words box on
the slide and tells them they are going to
describe a photo.
- T shows a photo of a classroom in the early 20
- Ss discuss in groups to describe the photo.
- T invites some groups to share their ideas with
the whole class.
- T asks Ss how different it is from their school in
the present.
- T introduces the lesson (5G – Speaking)
e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss and gives feedback.
2. Activity 2: MAKING SPECULATION (12mins)
a. Objectives:
- Review vocabulary of school subjects
- Teaches Ss some key phrases that are used to speculate about a photo.
- Ss can make speculations about a given photo.
b. Content:
- Exercise 1,2,3,4
c. Products:
- Oral answers from Ss
d. Organization:
Pre- speaking (4mins)
Exercise 1
- T asks Ss to read the instructions, questions and
speech bubbles. Then T asks Why are the
modals verbs? Are the speculations about the
past or the present?
- Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs.
- T asks a few Ss to share their ideas with the
Exercise 2
- T goes through the instructions together.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and make
- T check answers as a class.
- Because the sentences
are speculations.
- Both
- Key: 1. Science 2. They
may/ might/ could be
recording some results.
Exercise 3
- T introduces the key phrases to Ss and lets
them listen to the recording again.
- Ss note down the expression they hear.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Key: It looks like….
- T goes through the instructions and the task in
exercise 4 together.
- T use ICQs to check if Ss are fully aware of what
they are going to do.
- Ss work in pairs and take turns to describe
photo B.
- T circulates and monitors helping when
- T asks a few Ss to report to the class.
- T gives feedback.
e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss’ application of the key phrases.
- T observes Ss’ performance and gives feedback.
3. Activity 3: PHOTO COMPARISON (12 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Introduces some key phrases to compare photos
- Teach Ss how to compare two photos
b. Content:
- Exercises 5,6
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 5,6
d. Organization:
PRE – SPEAKING (4mins)
Exercise 5
- T goes through the instructions together and use
ICQs to make sure Ss understand what they
have to do.
- T plays the recording and encourages Ss to take
- T checks answers as a class.
- Key: Typical school
subjects at primary
Exercise 6
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Speaking strategy
box and has them focus on the Key phrases.
- T plays the recording again for Ss to complete
the phrases with the missing word
- T checks answers as a class.
- Key: 1. Education 2.
Lesson 3. Classroom 4.
Teacher 5. Tablets
- T lets Ss work in pairs and compare photos A
and B again.
- T reminds Ss to use their own words.
- T chooses some Ss to report to the whole class.
- T invites some Ss to give feedback on their
friends’ performance
- T gives his/her own feedback.
e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss take notes while listening.
- T observes Ss apply the key phrases.
- T gives feedback on Ss’ performances and Ss’ peer feedback.
4. Activity 4: DISCUSSION (13mins)
a. Objectives:
- Ss can discover some connections between technology and education.
- Encourage Ss to discuss the topic further
b. Content:
- Exercise 7,8,9
c. Products:
- Answers from Ss
d. Organization:
PRE – SPEAKING (4mins)
Exercise 7
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the
question. T reminds them that they can refer to
things they see in the photos.
- Some Ss share their ideas with the class.
Exercise 8
- T goes through the instructions and the task
- T plays the recording and encourages Ss to take
- T check answers as a class.
- T reminds Ss of some phrases that can be used to
express personal opinions.
- T divides Ss into 4-6 groups and goes through the
task in exercise 9.
- T use ICQs to check if Ss are fully understand the
- Ss discuss the question in groups.
- T monitors and helps when necessary.
- T asks Ss to report their discussion to the whole
- T invites some Ss to give feedback on their friends’
- T gives his/her own feedback
e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss take notes
- T listens, observes Ss’ performance and gives feedback.
- T gives feedback Ss’ peer feedback.
5. Consolidation : (3 mins)
a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can describe
photos, speculate about what I can see and express opinions.)
b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.
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Preview text:

By the end of this lesson, students wil be able to: 1. Knowledge
- Retrieve vocabulary of school subjects
- Identify some key language to compare photos 2. Competences
- Compare and contrast two photos
- Make speculation about a photo
- Express personal opinions about education and technology
- Apply some key phrases to speculate and compare photos, express ideas
- Develop communicative skil s 3. Personal qualities
- Raise awareness of the effects of technology on education
- Improve confidence in expressing ideas in English
- Develop learning autonomy and the ability to work in groups II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson G) - Audio track 22, 23 – CD2 - Computer and projector III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (5 minutes) a. Objectives:
- Draw Ss’ attention to the topic – technology and education - Introduce the lesson b. Content: - Photo description c. Products: - Oral answers from students d. Organization ACTIVITIES CONTENT Photo description
- T divides the class into 4-6 groups.21 Ss’ own answers
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Wh-words box on
the slide and tel s them they are going to describe a photo.
- T shows a photo of a classroom in the early 20th century.
- Ss discuss in groups to describe the photo.
- T invites some groups to share their ideas with the whole class.
- T asks Ss how different it is from their school in the present.
- T introduces the lesson (5G – Speaking) e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss and gives feedback.
2. Activity 2: MAKING SPECULATION (12mins) a. Objectives:
- Review vocabulary of school subjects
- Teaches Ss some key phrases that are used to speculate about a photo.
- Ss can make speculations about a given photo. b. Content: - Exercise 1,2,3,4 c. Products: - Oral answers from Ss d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Pre- speaking (4mins) Exercise 1
- T asks Ss to read the instructions, questions and
- Because the sentences
speech bubbles. Then T asks Why are the are speculations.
modals verbs? Are the speculations about the - Both past or the present?
- Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. - Key: 1. Science 2. They
- T asks a few Ss to share their ideas with the may/ might/ could be class. recording some results. Exercise 2
- T goes through the instructions together.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and make notes. - T check answers as a class. Exercise 3 - Key: It looks like….
- T introduces the key phrases to Ss and lets
them listen to the recording again.
- Ss note down the expression they hear.
- T checks answers as a class.
- T goes through the instructions and the task in exercise 4 together.
- T use ICQs to check if Ss are ful y aware of what they are going to do.
- Ss work in pairs and take turns to describe photo B.
- T circulates and monitors helping when necessary.
- T asks a few Ss to report to the class. - T gives feedback. e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss’ application of the key phrases.
- T observes Ss’ performance and gives feedback.
3. Activity 3: PHOTO COMPARISON (12 mins) a. Objectives:
- Introduces some key phrases to compare photos
- Teach Ss how to compare two photos b. Content: - Exercises 5,6 c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 5,6 d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT
PRE – SPEAKING (4mins) Exercise 5
- T goes through the instructions together and use - Key: Typical school
ICQs to make sure Ss understand what they subjects at primary have to do. level.
- T plays the recording and encourages Ss to take notes.
- T checks answers as a class. Exercise 6 - Key: 1. Education 2.
- T draws Ss’ attention to the Speaking strategy Lesson 3. Classroom 4.
box and has them focus on the Key phrases. Teacher 5. Tablets
- T plays the recording again for Ss to complete
the phrases with the missing word
- T checks answers as a class.
- T lets Ss work in pairs and compare photos A and B again.
- T reminds Ss to use their own words.
- T chooses some Ss to report to the whole class.
- T invites some Ss to give feedback on their friends’ performance
- T gives his/her own feedback. e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss take notes while listening.
- T observes Ss apply the key phrases.
- T gives feedback on Ss’ performances and Ss’ peer feedback.
4. Activity 4: DISCUSSION (13mins) a. Objectives:
- Ss can discover some connections between technology and education.
- Encourage Ss to discuss the topic further b. Content: - Exercise 7,8,9 c. Products: - Answers from Ss d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT
PRE – SPEAKING (4mins) Exercise 7 -
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the
question. T reminds them that they can refer to
things they see in the photos.
- Some Ss share their ideas with the class. Exercise 8
- T goes through the instructions and the task together.
- T plays the recording and encourages Ss to take notes. - T check answers as a class.
- T reminds Ss of some phrases that can be used to express personal opinions.
- T divides Ss into 4-6 groups and goes through the - task in exercise 9.
- T use ICQs to check if Ss are ful y understand the task.
- Ss discuss the question in groups.
- T monitors and helps when necessary. POST -SPEAKING (4mins)
- T asks Ss to report their discussion to the whole class.
- T invites some Ss to give feedback on their friends’ performance
- T gives his/her own feedback e. Assessment: - T observes Ss take notes
- T listens, observes Ss’ performance and gives feedback.
- T gives feedback Ss’ peer feedback. 5. Consolidation : (3 mins) a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can describe
photos, speculate about what I can see and express opinions.) b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.