Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5H | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global

Unit 5: Technology - Lesson plan 5H | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global được biên soạn rất cẩn thận, trình bày khoa học giúp giáo viên có một cách dạy mạch lạc, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu từ đó giúp học sinh tiếp thu kiến thức tốt nhất. Thầy cô và các bạn xem, tải về ở bên dưới.

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Describe computer equipment and programs
- Know a structure of an Internet forum post
- Discuss concession clauses
2. Competences
- Understand two Internet forum posts about computers
- Apply the correct form of concession clauses in writing a forum post
- Write an Internet forum post about a new gadget
3. Personal qualities
- Raise awareness of how to describe a gadget
- Improve confidence in expressing ideas in English
- Develop learning autonomy and the ability to work in groups
II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson H)
- Computer and projector
III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (5 minutes)
a. Objectives:
- Set the scene for Ss acquire new language
- Draw Ss’ attention to the topic – a forum post
- Introduce the lesson
b. Content:
- Quick discussion
c. Products:
- Oral answers from students
d. Organization
Quick discussion
- T puts Ss in groups and asks them to discuss
the question What do you do before you buy
- T asks some Ss to share their answers.
- Ss’ own answers (e.g.
research , watch
review, check some
- T then asks Ss whether they have heard of an
Internet forum.
channels for review,
Exercise 1
- T checks the definition of Internet forum and
asks Ss to do exercise 1 in pairs.
- T then introduces the lesson (5H – Writing)
- An online site where
people can post
comments and read
about particular
e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss and gives feedback.
2. Activity 2: pre – writing (16 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Provides Ss with a model text (an Internet forum)
- Ss can analyze an Internet forum
- Ss discuss the use and form of concession clauses
- Teaches Ss some vocabulary of computer equipment
b. Content:
- Exercise 2,3,4,5,6
c. Products:
- Oral answers from Ss
- Ss’ notes of new phrases and grammar points
- Ss’ ideas during the brainstorming
d. Organization:
Exercise 2 (p.69)
- T goes through the Writing Strategy box
- T asks Ss to read the task in exercise 2 and
make a note of the verbs which tell them what to
- T checks answers with the whole class.
- Key: describe,
compare, present, ask
Exercise 3
- T lets Ss work in pairs and read the posts
- T asks some comprehensive questions to make
sure Ss understand the forums.
- T then asks Ss to decide whether the writers
completed the task correctly.
- Key: Sam 245 has
completed the task
correctly. HollyXX has
not. She describes her
computer’s appearance
- T requires Ss to give evidence for their answers.
- T checks answers as a class.
rather than her
experience of using it.
she gives her own
opinion about
teenagers relying too
much on computers
rather than the opinions
of other people.
Exercise 4 (p.69)
- T introduces the Learn this! box and use CCQs
to make sure Ss understand the meaning of
although, even though, despite, in spite of.
- T draws Ss’ attention to the structures that follow
the conjunctions/ prepositions
- T asks Ss to find four examples of concession
clauses in the forum posts.
- T checks answers as a class.
- although / even though
+ clause + main clause
- although / even though
+ clause + main clause
- Key: although it was
powerful, …; despite its
small size, …;…despite
the fact that I got it
second-hand on eBay;
…although I don’t really
think it’s a serious
Grammar builder 5.3 (p.124)
- T lets Ss read the notes and complete exercise
1 (p.124)
- T check Ss answers as a class.
- Key: 1. although / even
though 2. despite / in
spite of 3. although /
even though 4. despite /
in spite of 5. although /
even though 6.
although / even though
- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in the Vocabulary
builder 5H.
- T checks answers as a class.
- T then elicits the vocabulary and focus Ss’ on
the pronunciation of each word. T use CCQs to
check their understanding.
- T asks Ss to do exercise 3 and checks answers
as a class.
- Key: 1 f 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 c
6 b 7 l 8 j 9 k 10 h 11 i
12 g
- Key: 1. all-in-one
desktop 2. battery life 3.
flash drive 4. spam filter
5. search engine 6.
graphics card 7. anti-
virus protection 8.
Trojan horse
Exercise 5 (p.69)
- T asks Ss to read the task and note down the
key words in each point.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Key: describe the tablet
and … its features; give
… instructions; give
your (overall) opinion;
explain how it helps you
Exercise 6 (p.69)
- T puts Ss in groups of four and lets them
brainstorm ideas for each of the points in the
- T circulates and monitors, helping with
vocabulary where necessary.
Ss’ own ideas
e. Assessment:
- T checks Ssunderstanding of the vocabulary of computer equipment.
- T checks Ss’ understanding of concession clauses.
- T observes Ss’ work and gives feedback.
3. Activity 3: while – writing (12 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Ss can write an internet forum about a gadget
b. Content:
- Exercises 7
c. Products:
- Ss’ writing
d. Organization:
Exercise 7 (p.69)
- T lets Ss read the task and use ICQs check to
make sure they understand what they will have
to do.
- Ss work in groups of 4 to write a complete forum
- T circulates the classroom to monitor, takes
notes of some common and significant mistakes
and provides help if necessary.
Ss’ writing in groups
e. Assessment:
- T’s observation on Ss’ work
4. Activity 4: post – writing (10 mins)
a. Objectives:
- Gives feedback on Ss’ writing
- Ss can improve their work based on the feedback
b. Content:
- T’s feedback and peer feedback
c. Products:
- Feedback from teacher and peers
- Ss’ notes of their mistakes and how to improve their work
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss to swap their writing with other groups
and gives some comments.
- T then gives feedback as a class by noting down
some focused points and common mistakes that
he/ she has collected earlier.
Have you …
- covered all four points?
- used one or two
concession clauses?
- checked the grammar
and spelling?
e. Assessment:
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback
5. Consolidation : (2 mins)
a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can write an
internet forum post. I can ensure that I address all of the elements in a writing
task and use concession clauses.)
b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.
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Preview text:

By the end of this lesson, students wil be able to: 1. Knowledge
- Describe computer equipment and programs
- Know a structure of an Internet forum post - Discuss concession clauses 2. Competences
- Understand two Internet forum posts about computers
- Apply the correct form of concession clauses in writing a forum post
- Write an Internet forum post about a new gadget 3. Personal qualities
- Raise awareness of how to describe a gadget
- Improve confidence in expressing ideas in English
- Develop learning autonomy and the ability to work in groups II. Materials
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson H) - Computer and projector III. Procedures
1. Activity 1: warm-up and lead-in (5 minutes) a. Objectives:
- Set the scene for Ss acquire new language
- Draw Ss’ attention to the topic – a forum post - Introduce the lesson b. Content: - Quick discussion c. Products: - Oral answers from students d. Organization ACTIVITIES CONTENT Quick discussion
- T puts Ss in groups and asks them to discuss - Ss’ own answers (e.g.
the question What do you do before you buy research , watch anything? review, check some
- T asks some Ss to share their answers.
- T then asks Ss whether they have heard of an channels for review, Internet forum. etc.) - Exercise 1
- T checks the definition of Internet forum and - An online site where
asks Ss to do exercise 1 in pairs. people can post
- T then introduces the lesson (5H – Writing) comments and read about particular subjects. e. Assessment:
- T observes Ss and gives feedback.
2. Activity 2: pre – writing (16 mins) a. Objectives:
- Provides Ss with a model text (an Internet forum)
- Ss can analyze an Internet forum
- Ss discuss the use and form of concession clauses
- Teaches Ss some vocabulary of computer equipment b. Content: - Exercise 2,3,4,5,6 c. Products: - Oral answers from Ss
- Ss’ notes of new phrases and grammar points
- Ss’ ideas during the brainstorming d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 2 (p.69)
- T goes through the Writing Strategy box - Key: describe, together. compare, present, ask
- T asks Ss to read the task in exercise 2 and
make a note of the verbs which tel them what to do.
- T checks answers with the whole class. Exercise 3
- T lets Ss work in pairs and read the posts - Key: Sam 245 has
- T asks some comprehensive questions to make completed the task
sure Ss understand the forums. correctly. Hol yXX has
- T then asks Ss to decide whether the writers not. She describes her completed the task correctly. computer’s appearance
- T requires Ss to give evidence for their answers. rather than her
- T checks answers as a class. experience of using it. she gives her own opinion about teenagers relying too much on computers rather than the opinions of other people. Exercise 4 (p.69)
- T introduces the Learn this! box and use CCQs - although / even though
to make sure Ss understand the meaning of + clause + main clause
although, even though, despite, in spite of. - although / even though
- T draws Ss’ attention to the structures that fol ow + clause + main clause
the conjunctions/ prepositions
- T asks Ss to find four examples of concession - Key: although it was clauses in the forum posts. powerful, …; despite its
- T checks answers as a class. smal size, …;…despite the fact that I got it second-hand on eBay; …although I don’t real y think it’s a serious problem
Grammar builder 5.3 (p.124)
- T lets Ss read the notes and complete exercise - Key: 1. although / even 1 (p.124) though 2. despite / in
- T check Ss answers as a class. spite of 3. although / even though 4. despite / in spite of 5. although / even though 6. although / even though
- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 in the Vocabulary - Key: 1 f 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 c builder 5H. 6 b 7 l 8 j 9 k 10 h 11 i
- T checks answers as a class. 12 g
- T then elicits the vocabulary and focus Ss’ on
the pronunciation of each word. T use CCQs to - Key: 1. all-in-one check their understanding. desktop 2. battery life 3.
- T asks Ss to do exercise 3 and checks answers flash drive 4. spam filter as a class. 5. search engine 6. graphics card 7. anti- virus protection 8. Trojan horse Exercise 5 (p.69)
- T asks Ss to read the task and note down the - Key: describe the tablet key words in each point. and … its features; give
- T checks answers as a class. … instructions; give your (overal ) opinion; explain how it helps you Exercise 6 (p.69)
- T puts Ss in groups of four and lets them Ss’ own ideas
brainstorm ideas for each of the points in the task.
- T circulates and monitors, helping with vocabulary where necessary. e. Assessment:
- T checks Ss’ understanding of the vocabulary of computer equipment.
- T checks Ss’ understanding of concession clauses.
- T observes Ss’ work and gives feedback.
3. Activity 3: while – writing (12 mins) a. Objectives:
- Ss can write an internet forum about a gadget b. Content: - Exercises 7 c. Products: - Ss’ writing d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Exercise 7 (p.69)
- T lets Ss read the task and use ICQs check to
make sure they understand what they wil have Ss’ writing in groups to do.
- Ss work in groups of 4 to write a complete forum post.
- T circulates the classroom to monitor, takes
notes of some common and significant mistakes
and provides help if necessary. e. Assessment:
- T’s observation on Ss’ work
4. Activity 4: post – writing (10 mins) a. Objectives:
- Gives feedback on Ss’ writing
- Ss can improve their work based on the feedback b. Content:
- T’s feedback and peer feedback c. Products:
- Feedback from teacher and peers
- Ss’ notes of their mistakes and how to improve their work d. Organization: ACTIVITIES CONTENT Feedback
- T asks Ss to swap their writing with other groups Have you … and gives some comments.
- covered al four points?
- T then gives feedback as a class by noting down - used one or two
some focused points and common mistakes that concession clauses?
he/ she has col ected earlier. - checked the grammar and spel ing? e. Assessment:
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback 5. Consolidation : (2 mins) a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom presentation tool, first do the lesson closer to
review what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can write an
internet forum post. I can ensure that I address al of the elements in a writing
task and use concession clauses.)
b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.