Unit 6 lớp 7 Project sách Global Success

Trong bài viết này, giới thiệu tới các em Soạn Unit 6 lớp 7 Project sách Global Success. Sau đây mời các em tham khảo chi tiết.

Unit 6 lp 7 Project sách Global Success
Bn quyn thuc v VnDoc nghiêm cm mi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại
1. Search for a school you would like to study at. Then find information about that
school to complete the table.
(Tìm kiếm trường bn mun học. Sau đó tìm thông tin về trường đó đ hoàn thành bng.)
Gi ý đáp án
Name of the school
VnDoc Secondary School
56 Duy Tan st, Cau Giat district, Hanoi
Subjects at school
Literature, Maths, Music, Art, Science, Chemistry, …
School facilities
library, gym, music room, playground, computer rooms, …
Outdoor activities
Planting trees, playing sports, cleaning the environment, …
2. Look at the tables and tell the class about that school.
(Nhìn vào bng và k cho c lp nghe v ngôi trường đó.)
Gi ý đáp án
I want to study at VnDoc Secondary School. It is one of the most famous schools with
many achievements in Ha Noi. It is located at 56 Duy Tan st, Cau Giat district, Hanoi.
The student in this school has to learn many subjects like Literature, Maths, English,
History, Science, Physical Education, Art, Music, Physics. Besides, they also take part in
many outdoor activities such as camping, playing sports, recycling old papers, planting
trees, cleaning the environment. They have to pass an entrance exam to enter the school.
The school has over 30 classrooms with TVs, projectors, and computers. It also has a
modern library, two computer rooms, Science and Physics labs, a big garden, and many
other modern facilities. The school is one of the largest and most beautiful schools in Ha
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Unit 6 lớp 7 Project sách Global Success
Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại
1. Search for a school you would like to study at. Then find information about that
school to complete the table.

(Tìm kiếm trường bạn muốn học. Sau đó tìm thông tin về trường đó để hoàn thành bảng.) Gợi ý đáp án Name of the school VnDoc Secondary School Location
56 Duy Tan st, Cau Giat district, Hanoi Subjects at school
Literature, Maths, Music, Art, Science, Chemistry, … School facilities
library, gym, music room, playground, computer rooms, … Outdoor activities
Planting trees, playing sports, cleaning the environment, …
2. Look at the tables and tell the class about that school.
(Nhìn vào bảng và kể cho cả lớp nghe về ngôi trường đó.) Gợi ý đáp án
I want to study at VnDoc Secondary School. It is one of the most famous schools with
many achievements in Ha Noi. It is located at 56 Duy Tan st, Cau Giat district, Hanoi.
The student in this school has to learn many subjects like Literature, Maths, English,
History, Science, Physical Education, Art, Music, Physics. Besides, they also take part in
many outdoor activities such as camping, playing sports, recycling old papers, planting
trees, cleaning the environment. They have to pass an entrance exam to enter the school.
The school has over 30 classrooms with TVs, projectors, and computers. It also has a
modern library, two computer rooms, Science and Physics labs, a big garden, and many
other modern facilities. The school is one of the largest and most beautiful schools in Ha Noi.