Viết lại câu (Đảo ngữ) - Tiếng anh | Trường Đại học Thủ đô Hà Nội

Question 33: Lan had just graduated from upper secondary school. She received ascholarship to study at a prestigious university.A. But for a scholarship to study at a prestigious university, Lan wouldn't have graduatedfrom upper secondary school. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Question 33: Lan had just graduated from upper secondary school. She received a
scholarship to study at a prestigious university.
A. But for a scholarship to study at a prestigious university, Lan wouldn't have graduated
from upper secondary school.
B. Hardly had Lan graduated from upper secondary school when she received a
scholarship to study at a prestigious university.
C. Only after Lan had received a scholarship to study at a prestigious university did she
graduate from upper secondary school.
D. Not until Lan had received a scholarship to study at a prestigious university did she
graduate from upper secondary school.
Lan had just graduated from upper secondary school. She received a scholarship to study at a
prestigious university. (Lan vừa tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông. nhận được học bổng du học
tại một trường đại học danh tiếng.)
=> Hardly had Lan graduated from upper secondary school when she received a scholarship to
study at a prestigious university. (Ngay khi Lan vừa tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông thì Lan
nhận được học bổng để theo học tại một trường đại học danh tiếng.)
Giải thích
Kiến thức câu: Đảo ngữ
Hardly ……when: ngay khi
Bình thường câu khẳng định phủ định sẽ dạng:
S (+ Trợ đông từ) + ADV + V
(Trạng từ thể đứng cuối câu)
Vd: I will never forget them.
dụ: - NEVER WILL I forget them.
Lưu ý: Câu Hỏi cũng 1 dạng Đảo Ngữ. (Are you tired? Where did she go?)
Các Trạng từ phủ định hay dùng cho dạng này:
never: không bao giờ
hardly: hầu như không
little: ít khi, hiếm khi
rarely: hiếm khi
seldom: hiếm khi
scarcely: hiếm khi
hardly ever: hầu như không bao giờ
Vd: - Seldom do they eat meat (hiếm khi họ ăn thịt)
(*) CHÚ Ý: với HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN khi đã mượn trợ động từ (DO, DOES,
DID), Động từ chính của câu luôn NGUYÊN THỂ.
Vd: - Little here. (ít khi ấy thăm nơi này)does she visit
Bao gồm:
at no time: không bao giờ
on no condition: không đủ khả năng, thế nào
on no account: không thể nào, không ….. trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào
under/ in no circumstances: không bao giờ
for no reason: không do
in no way: không thể nào, không thể
no longer: không……….nữa
nowhere: không nơi nào
(công thức giống Dạng 1) Vd:
For no reason will we surrender
(chúng ta sẽ không đầu hàng bất kỳ do gì)
No longer does he work here (ông ta không làm việc đây nữa)
SO + ADJ + BE(chia) + S + THAT + S + V + O
SO + ADV + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V + THAT + S + V + O (ít gặp)
So angry was the man that he beat all the woman. (người đàn ông quá tức giận đến nối
hắn đánh mụ ta)
So stupid are you that you will die (Mày quá ngu đến nỗi mày sẽ chết)
- So quickly did she run that they couldn’t catch them.
SUCH + BE(chia) (+ A/AN) + N + THAT + S + V + O
SUCH (+ A/AN) + N + BE + S + THAT + S + V + O
Vd: - Such is a beautiful girl that all boys love her (1 gái quá đẹp đến nỗi bọn con trai
đều thích)
- Such a beautiful girl is she that all boys love her.
HARDLY + HAD + S + VP2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.
(vừa mới ………….. thì)
Hardly had she left home when it rained
(cô ta vừa ra ngoài thì trời mưa)
Hardly had the chopper taken off when it exploded (máy bay trực thăng vừa cất cánh
thì bị nổ)
only once: chỉ 1 lần
only later: chỉ sau đó
only in this/ that way: chỉ bằng cách này/ cách đó
only after + /v-ing/ n: chỉ sau khi
only by v_ing/ n: chỉ bằng cách, bằng việc
only with + n: chỉ với
only then: chỉ sau đó
only + giới từ + thời gian: chỉ vào lúc
- Only by practising frequently can you play football well
(chỉ bằng việc tập luyện thường xuyên chú mới thể chơi bóng đá giỏi)
only when: chỉ khi
only after: chỉ sau khi
only if: chỉ nếu
=> CÁC CỤM NÀY + S1 + V1+ O1 + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S2 + V2
( CÁC CỤM NÀY + S1 + V1+ O1 + ĐẢO NGỮ)
- Only when she left did he understand her love for him.
(chỉ khi ấy ra đi, anh ấy mới hiểu được tình yêu của ấy cho mình)
DẠNG 6: Đảo ngữ với: NOT ONLY...... BUT......ALSO.....
(không những……….mà còn)
* NOT ONLY + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V1 + BUT + S + ALSO + V2
(V1 sẽ nguyên thể nếu đó Hiện tại đơn hoặc Qúa khứ đơn V2 sẽ vẫn giữ nguyên dạng theo
Not only did he steal but he also burntthe car the house. (Nó không chỉ ăn cắp xe hơi
còn đốt nhà)
CHÚ Ý: vị trị của vế BUT ALSO thể khác một chút nhưng đây dạng PHỔ BIẾN)
((mãi) cho đến khi/ chỉ khi……..thì mới……)
Vd: - Not until I went to bed did i remember the task
((Mãi) Cho đến khi/ chỉ khi tao đi ngủ thì tao mới nhớ đến nhiệm vụ)
- Not until 11 p.m will he come back. (mãi đến lúc 11 giờ đêm mới về)
(vừa mới…….thì…….)
Dạn này giống với dạng 4 “hardly…….when……”: 1 vế QKHT 1 vế QKĐ)
* NO SOONER + HAD + S + VP2 + THAN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.
Vd: - No sooner had he died than his sons fought for his property. (Lão vừa mới chết thì
những thằng con trai lão tranh giành tài sản)
round and round: vòng quanh
to and fro: đi đi lại lại
up and down: lên lên xuống xuống
away: rời xa
off: rời xa
………………………… (còn nhiều nữa)
Vd: - Round and round flies the bird (con chim bay vòng quanh)
- Away ran the thief (tên trộm chuồn mất)
cấu trúc sẽ là:
=> TRẠNG TỪ + S + V
Vd: - AWAY HE RAN (nó chạy trốn)
here: đây
there: đó
Giới từ (in, on, at, from, to…) + đia điểm
=> CÁC CỤM NÀY + V + S.
Vd: - There came the guests. (những người khách đã đến đó)
- In the kitchen was a ghost (1 con ma trong bếp)
cấu trúc sẽ là:
Vd: - HERE WE ARE (chúng tao đây)
Câu điều kiện LOẠI 1:
SHOULD + S + V-nguyên thể, S + WILL + V-nguyên thể
Vd: - Should she come late, he will beat her. (Nếu ấy đến muộn, hắn sẽ đánh ấy)
(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)
Câu điều kiện LOẠI 2
WERE + S + TO + V-nguyên thể, S + WOULD + V-nguyên thể
Vd: - Were I to quit the job, I wouldn’t have enough money. (Nếu tôi bỏ việc, tôi sẽ không
đủ tiền)
(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)
- Nêu sau Danh từ hoạc Tính từ thì thể bỏ cụm TO V. Vd: Were I you, I would go
Câu điều kiện LOẠI 3
Vd: - HAD WE KNOWN your address, we would have visited you. (Nếu chúng tôi biết địa
chỉ của ông, chúng tôi đã đến thăm ông rồi)
(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)
HARDLY HAD + S + V-p2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.
HAD + S + V-p2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.
(vừa mới….thì………)
Vd: - barely/ scarcely had we set off when it snowed. (Chúng tao vừa khởi hành thì trời
đổ tuyết)
1. The basketball team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame each
B. Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.
C. No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the
D. As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost the match.
2. Sue and Brian met. Shortly after that, he announced they were getting married.
A. As soon as Sue and Brian met, they announced they were getting married.
B. Right at the time Brian met Sue, he announced they were getting married.
C. Scarcely had Sue and Brian met when he announced they were getting married.
D. Until Sue and Brian met, they had announced they were getting married.
3. She had only begun to speak. People started interrupting.
A. She hardly had begun to speak when people started interrupting.
B. Hardly she had begun to speak when people started interrupting.
C. Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting.
D. She hadn’t begun to speak when people started interrupting.
4. I had only just put the phone down. The boss rang back.
A. I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
B. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
C. No sooner had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
D. Scarcely had I put the phone down than the boss rang back.
5. He had done a lot of research. He soon wrote the book.
A. Only after had he done a lot of research he wrote the book.
B. Not until he had conducted a lot of research did he write the book.
C. Only when he had done a lot of research he wrote the book.
D. It was not until he conducted a lot of research did he write the book.
6. The car turned the corner. The wheel came off.
A. No sooner has the car turned the corner than the wheel came off.
B. No sooner the car had turned the corner than the wheel came off.
C. No sooner had the car turned the corner, the wheel came off.
D. No sooner had the car turned the corner than the wheel came off.
7. Maria just passed her driving test. Maria received a car right then.
A. Hardly had Maria received a car when she passed her driving test.
B. It was not until Maria got a car that she quickly passed her driving test.
C. Maria was not able to get a car until she passed her driving test.
D. No sooner had Maria passed her driving test than she was given a car.
8. We arrived at the airport. We realized our passports were still at home.
A. It was until we arrived at the airport that we realized our passports were still at home.
B. We arrived at the airport and realized that our passports are still at home.
C. Not until had we arrived at the airport, we realized our passports were still at home.
D. Not until we arrived at the airport did we realize that our passports were still at home.
9. The date of the conference was chosen. Invitations were sent out.
A. After choosing the date of the conference, invitations were sent out.
B. Before sending out invitations, the date of the conference been chosen.
C. Hardly had the date of the conference been chosen when invitations were sent out.
D. Choose the date of the conference before sending out invitations.
10. Han told us about his investing in the company. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.
A. Only after investing in the company did Han inform us of his arrival at the meeting.
B. Not until Han told us that he would invest in the company did he arrive at the meeting.
C. Hardly had he informed us about his investing in the company when Han arrived at the
D. No sooner had Han arrived at the meeting than he told us about his investing in the company.
11. The plan may be ingenious. It will never work in practice.
A. Ingenious as it may be, the plan will never work in practice.
B. Ingenious as may the plan, it will never work in practice.
C. The plan may be too ingenious to work in practice.
D. The plan is impractical as it is ingenious.
12. He is very intelligent. He can solve all the problems in no time.
A. So intelligent a student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
B. So intelligent is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
C. An intelligent student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
D. He is very intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time.
13. I had picked some roses. That was when I noticed my mothers favorite vase was missing.
A. When I knew that my mothers vase was missing, I picked some roses.
B. I picked some roses and only then did I notice that my mothers favorite vase was missing.
C. Only when I had picked some roses that I noticed my mothers favorite vase was missing.
D. It was not until I had picked some roses did I notice my mothers favorite vase was missing.
14. We started out for Seoul. It started to rain right after that.
A. No sooner did we start out for Seoul than it started to rain.
B. No sooner had we started out for Seoul when it started to rain.
C. No sooner had it started to rain than we started out for Seoul.
D. No sooner had we started out for Seoul than it started to rain.
15. He left school. He soon started computer programming.
A. No sooner had he started computer programming than he left school.
B. Hardly had he started computer programming when he left school.
C. No sooner had he left school than he started computer programming.
D. After he left school, he had started computer programming.
16. The rain stopped. We could see the view of the ocean right after that.
A. Not until had the rain stopped we could see the view of the ocean.
B. Not until the rain stopped could we see the view of the ocean.
C. Not until did the rain stop we could see the view of the ocean.
D. Not until had the rain stopped could we see the view of the ocean.
17. I had turned on my new iPad Pro. There was a strange noise right after that.
A. As soon as there was a strange noise, I turned on my new iPad Pro.
B. Scarcely had I turned on my new iPad Pro when there was a strange noise.
C. Hardly I had turned on my new iPad Pro, there was a strange noise.
D. I had hardly turned on my new iPad Pro than there was a strange noise.
18. Maria sings well. She writes good songs, too.
A. Maria can either sing well or write good songs.
B. Maria can neither sing well or write good songs.
C. Not only does Maria sing well but she also writes good songs.
D. Well as Maria sings, she writes good songs.
19. The boy got out of his house. It soon started to rain heavily.
A. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house.
B. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house.
C. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily.
D. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house.
20. He died in 1960. He received the bravery award in 1970.
A. Only after his death did he receive the bravery award in 1970.
B. Because he died in 1960, he received the bravery award in 1970.
C. He died in 1960 so he received the bravery award in 1970.
D. Before his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.
21. You can feel more at ease by taking part in group dating. It’s the only way.
A. By taking part in group dating can you only feel more at ease.
B. Only by taking part in group dating can you feel more at ease.
C. The only way you are by taking part in group dating can feel more at ease.
D. The way you can feel more at ease is taking part in only group dating.
22. Nancy failed to understand what the story was about. She saw the film based on it.
A. Nancy doesn’t understand what the story is about.
B. Not until she saw the film based on it did Nancy understand what the story was about.
C. It was until she saw the film based on it that Nancy understood what the story was about.
D. Nancy went to see the film before she read the story.
23. Tom didn’t understand the meaning of the comment. He soon saw his wife’s avatar.
A. Only when Tom saw his wife’s avatar did he understand the meaning of the comment.
B. Hardly had Tom understood the meaning of the comment than he saw his wife’s avatar.
C. Scarcely had Tom seen his wife’s avatar than he understood the meaning of the comment.
D. Soon after Tom had understood the meaning of the comment did he see his wife’s avatar.
24. Laura practised playing the instrument a lot. She could hardly improve her performance.
A. Hardly had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot when she could improve her
B. Had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could have performed much better.
C. However much Laura practised playing the instrument, she could hardly perform any better.
D. As soon as Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could perform much better.
23. The teacher had only just come in the room. Then the fire alarm rang.
A. While the teacher was coming in the room, she heard the fire alarm rang.
B. As soon as the fire alarm had rung, the teacher came in the room.
C. Before the teacher came in the room, the fire alarm rang.
D. Hardly had the teacher come in the room when the fire alarm rang.
24. She immediately turned up. Everything changed.
A. As soon as everything changed, she turned up. B. Upon appearing, everything changed.
C. Soon after she turned up did everything change. D. No sooner had she appeared did
everything change.
25. A new pay was offered. The workers stopped the walkout right after that.
A. Not until a new pay was offered, the workers stop the walkout.
B. A new pay was offered, which made the walkout stop.
C. The workers stop the walkout only when a new pay offer.
D. Not until a new pay was offered did the workers stop the walkout.
26. They didn’t discover that the picture had been stolen. They soon came back home.
A. Until they came back home that they discovered that the picture had been stolen.
B. It is not until they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen.
C. Not until they came back home had the picture been stolen.
D. Only after they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen.
27. We had reached the top of the mountain. We realized how far we had come.
A. Not until we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come.
B. Hardly had we reached the top of the mountain than we realized how far we had come.
C. Scarcely we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come.
D. No sooner had we reached the top of the mountain when we realized how far we had come.
28. Ms. Diem had turned up at the party. She soon called home.
A. Calling home, Ms. Diem said that she had turned up at the party.
B. No sooner had Ms. Diem arrived at the party than she called home.
C. Ms. Diem turned up at the party sooner than he had expected.
D. Ms. Diem arrived at the party and called me to take her home.
29: He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
A. No sooner had he returned from his walk when he got down to writing the letter.
B. Not until he returned from his walk did he get down to writing the letter.
C. Only after he had returned from his walk did he get down to writing the letter.
D. Hardly had he returned from his walk when he got down to writing the letter.
30: She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents.
A. No sooner had she put up her umbrella than the rain came down in torrents.
B. The rain came down in torrents as soon as she just has time to put up her umbrella.
C. Only when she had put up her umbrella did the rain come down in torrents.
D. If she hadn’t time to put up her umbrella, the rain wouldn’t have come down in torrents.
31: If you want to save your eyesight, you must operate immediately.
A. Unless you want to save your eyesight, you mustn’t operate immediately.
B. Only by operating immediately can you save your eyesight.
C. Provided that you must operate immediately, you can save your eyesight.
D. If you did operate immediately, you couldn’t save your eyesight.
32: I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
A. Only after I had realized what I had missed did they tell me about it later.
B. As soon as they told me about it I realized what I had missed.
C. Only when they told me about it later did I realize what I had missed.
D. They told me about it and I realized what I had missed.
33: The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
A. So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately.
B. So great the demand was that they had to reprint the book immediately.
C. Such great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately.
D. Such was the demand great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
34: She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
A. She was very busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
B. So busy was she that she couldn’t answer the phone.
C. She was too busy not to answer the phone.
D. She was very busy so that she couldn’t answer the phone
35: She didn’t read the reference books. She wouldn’t be able to finish the test.
A. Had she read the reference books, she would have been able to finish the test.
B. If she had read the reference books, she could finish the test.
C. Although she didn’t read the reference books, she was able to finish the test.
D. Not having read the reference books, she couldn’t finish the test.
36: It was not until the sun was shining brightly that the little girl woke up.
A. No sooner was the sun shining brightly than the little girl woke up.
B. Not until the little girl woke up was the sun shining brightly.
C. Not until the sun was shining brightly did the little girl wake up.
D. As soon as the little girl woke up, the sun hasn’t shone brightly yet.
37: We couldn’t solve the problem until our teacher arrived.
A. Not until we solved the problem could our teacher arrive.
B. When our teacher arrived, we solved the problem.
C. Until our teacher arrived, we were able to solve the problem.
D. Not until our teacher arrived could we solve the problem.
38: The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
A. It was not until the mistake in the accounts was noticed that the figures were re-checked.
B. Once re-checking the figures, the mistake in the accounts was noticed.
C. The mistake in the accounts only came to light when the figures were re-checked.
D. When the figures were re-checked they came to light the mistake in the accounts.
39: You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.
A. Mrs Jones is the most dedicated worker you won’t find nowhere.
B. Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
C. Nowhere will not you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
D. Mrs Jones can’t be found in nowhere.
40: The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
A. At no time was the outcome of the election in doubt.
B. At no time the outcome of the election was in doubt.
C. Never in doubt was the outcome of the election.
D. By no means was the outcome of the election been suspected.
41: The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition.
A. Only with united opposition could we eliminate terrorism.
B. Only by united opposition can we eliminate terrorism.
C. Only in this way can world terrorism be eliminated.
D. Only then can we eliminate terrorism.
42: He forgot about the gun until he got home.
A. Not until he got home did he forget about the gun.
B. Not until he got home did he remember about the gun.
C. Not until he had got home did he remember about the gun.
D. Not until he had got home did he forget about the gun.
43: The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
A. Only by publishing the general’s personal diaries, did the truth come out.
B. Not until the general’s personal diaries published did the truth come out.
C. Hardly were the general’s personal diaries published than the truth came out.
D. Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.
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Preview text:

Question 33: Lan had just graduated from upper secondary school. She received a
scholarship to study at a prestigious university.

A. But for a scholarship to study at a prestigious university, Lan wouldn't have graduated from upper secondary school.
B. Hardly had Lan graduated from upper secondary school when she received a
scholarship to study at a prestigious university.
C. Only after Lan had received a scholarship to study at a prestigious university did she
graduate from upper secondary school.
D. Not until Lan had received a scholarship to study at a prestigious university did she
graduate from upper secondary school.
Lan had just graduated from upper secondary school. She received a scholarship to study at a
prestigious university. (Lan vừa tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông. Cô nhận được học bổng du học
tại một trường đại học danh tiếng.)
=> Hardly had Lan graduated from upper secondary school when she received a scholarship to
study at a prestigious university. (Ngay khi Lan vừa tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông thì Lan
nhận được học bổng để theo học tại một trường đại học danh tiếng.) Giải thích
Kiến thức câu: Đảo ngữ Hardly ……when: ngay khi INVERSIONS
Bình thường câu khẳng định và phủ định sẽ có dạng:
S (+ Trợ đông từ) + ADV + V
(Trạng từ có thể đứng cuối câu)
Vd: I will never forget them.
Ví dụ: - NEVER WILL I forget them.
Lưu ý: Câu Hỏi cũng là 1 dạng Đảo Ngữ. (Are you tired? Where did she go?)
Các Trạng từ phủ định hay dùng cho dạng này: never: không bao giờ
hardly: hầu như không
little: ít khi, hiếm khi rarely: hiếm khi seldom: hiếm khi scarcely: hiếm khi
hardly ever: hầu như không bao giờ
Công thức: TRẠNG TỪ PHỦ ĐỊNH + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V. Vd:
- Seldom do they eat meat (hiếm khi họ ăn thịt)
(*) CHÚ Ý: với HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN và QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN khi đã mượn trợ động từ (DO, DOES,
DID), Động từ chính của câu luôn là NGUYÊN THỂ. Vd:
- Little does she visit here. (ít khi cô ấy thăm nơi này)
at no time: không bao giờ
on no condition: không đủ khả năng, dù thế nào
on no account: không thể nào, không ….. trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào
under/ in no circumstances: không bao giờ
for no reason: không có lý do gì
in no way: không thể nào, không thể
no longer: không……….nữa
nowhere: không ở nơi nào
(công thức giống Dạng 1) Vd:
For no reason will we surrender
(chúng ta sẽ không đầu hàng vì bất kỳ lí do gì)
No longer does he work here (ông ta không làm việc ở đây nữa)
SO + ADJ + BE(chia) + S + THAT + S + V + O
SO + ADV + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V + THAT + S + V + O (ít gặp) Vd:
So angry was the man that he beat all the woman. (người đàn ông quá tức giận đến nối hắn đánh mụ ta)
So stupid are you that you will die (Mày quá ngu đến nỗi mày sẽ chết)
- So quickly did she run that they couldn’t catch them. SUCH
SUCH + BE(chia) (+ A/AN) + N + THAT + S + V + O Hoặc:
SUCH (+ A/AN) + N + BE + S + THAT + S + V + O
- Such is a beautiful girl that all boys love her (1 cô gái quá đẹp đến nỗi bọn con trai đều thích) hoặc
- Such a beautiful girl is she that all boys love her.
HARDLY + HAD + S + VP2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.
(vừa mới ………….. thì) Vd
Hardly had she left home when it rained
(cô ta vừa ra ngoài thì trời mưa)
Hardly had the chopper taken off when it exploded (máy bay trực thăng vừa cất cánh thì nó bị nổ)
only once: chỉ 1 lần
only later: chỉ sau đó
only in this/ that way: chỉ bằng cách này/ cách đó
only after + /v-ing/ n: chỉ sau khi
only by v_ing/ n: chỉ bằng cách, bằng việc
only with + n: chỉ với
only then: chỉ sau đó
only + giới từ + thời gian: chỉ vào lúc
- Only by practising frequently can you play football well
(chỉ bằng việc tập luyện thường xuyên chú mới có thể chơi bóng đá giỏi) LOẠI 2: only when: chỉ khi
only after: chỉ sau khi
only if: chỉ nếu mà ……………………..
=> CÁC CỤM NÀY + S1 + V1+ O1 + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S2 + V2
( CÁC CỤM NÀY + S1 + V1+ O1 + ĐẢO NGỮ) Vd:
- Only when she left did he understand her love for him.
(chỉ khi cô ấy ra đi, anh ấy mới hiểu được tình yêu của cô ấy cho mình)
DẠNG 6: Đảo ngữ với: NOT ONLY...... BUT......ALSO.....
(không những……….mà còn)
* NOT ONLY + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V1 + BUT + S + ALSO + V2
(V1 sẽ nguyên thể nếu đó là Hiện tại đơn hoặc Qúa khứ đơn – V2 sẽ vẫn giữ nguyên dạng theo THÌ) Vd:
Not only did he steal the car but he also burnt the house. (Nó không chỉ ăn cắp xe hơi mà còn đốt nhà)
CHÚ Ý: vị trị của vế BUT ALSO có thể khác một chút nhưng đây là dạng PHỔ BIẾN)
((mãi) cho đến khi/ chỉ khi……..thì mới……)
- Not until I went to bed did i remember the task
((Mãi) Cho đến khi/ chỉ khi tao đi ngủ thì tao mới nhớ đến nhiệm vụ)
- Not until 11 p.m will he come back. (mãi đến lúc 11 giờ đêm nó mới về)
(vừa mới…….thì…….)
Dạn này giống với dạng 4 “hardly…….when……”: 1 vế QKHT và 1 vế QKĐ)
* NO SOONER + HAD + S + VP2 + THAN + S + V-quá khứ đơn. Vd:
- No sooner had he died than his sons fought for his property. (Lão vừa mới chết thì
những thằng con trai lão tranh giành tài sản)
round and round: vòng quanh
to and fro: đi đi lại lại
up and down: lên lên xuống xuống away: rời xa off: rời xa
………………………… (còn nhiều nữa)
- Round and round flies the bird (con chim bay vòng quanh)
- Away ran the thief (tên trộm chuồn mất)
* CHÚ Ý: nếu như CHỦ NGỮ là 7 ĐẠI TỪ NHÂN XƯNG (I, WE, YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, IT) cấu trúc sẽ là:
=> TRẠNG TỪ + S + V Vd:
- AWAY HE RAN (nó chạy trốn)
DẠNG 10: ĐẢO NGỮ GIỚI TỪ CHỈ ĐỊA ĐIỂM here: ở đây there: ở đó
Giới từ (in, on, at, from, to…) + đia điểm
=> CÁC CỤM NÀY + V + S. Vd:
- There came the guests. (những người khách đã đến đó)
- In the kitchen was a ghost (1 con ma ở trong bếp)
CHÚ Ý: nếu như CHỦ NGỮ là 7 ĐẠI TỪ NHÂN XƯNG (I, WE, YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, IT) cấu trúc sẽ là:
- HERE WE ARE (chúng tao ở đây)
Câu điều kiện LOẠI 1:
SHOULD + S + V-nguyên thể, S + WILL + V-nguyên thể Vd:
- Should she come late, he will beat her. (Nếu cô ấy đến muộn, hắn sẽ đánh cô ấy)
(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)
Câu điều kiện LOẠI 2
WERE + S + TO + V-nguyên thể, S + WOULD + V-nguyên thể Vd:
- Were I to quit the job, I wouldn’t have enough money. (Nếu tôi bỏ việc, tôi sẽ không có đủ tiền)
(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)
- Nêu sau nó là Danh từ hoạc Tính từ thì có thể bỏ cụm TO V. Vd: Were I you, I would go home....
Câu điều kiện LOẠI 3
HAD + S + VP2, S + WOULD HAVE + VP2 Vd:
- HAD WE KNOWN your address, we would have visited you. (Nếu chúng tôi biết địa
chỉ của ông, chúng tôi đã đến thăm ông rồi)
(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)
HARDLY HAD + S + V-p2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.

=> HARDLY có thể thay bằng dạng có BARELY hoặc SCARCELY BARELY/ SCARCELY
HAD + S + V-p2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.
(vừa mới….thì………) Vd:
- barely/ scarcely had we set off when it snowed. (Chúng tao vừa khởi hành thì trời đổ tuyết) PRACTICE
1. The basketball team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other.
B. Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.
C. No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.
D. As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost the match.
2. Sue and Brian met. Shortly after that, he announced they were getting married.
A. As soon as Sue and Brian met, they announced they were getting married.
B. Right at the time Brian met Sue, he announced they were getting married.
C. Scarcely had Sue and Brian met when he announced they were getting married.
D. Until Sue and Brian met, they had announced they were getting married.
3. She had only begun to speak. People started interrupting.
A. She hardly had begun to speak when people started interrupting.
B. Hardly she had begun to speak when people started interrupting.
C. Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting.
D. She hadn’t begun to speak when people started interrupting.
4. I had only just put the phone down. The boss rang back.
A. I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
B. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
C. No sooner had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
D. Scarcely had I put the phone down than the boss rang back.
5. He had done a lot of research. He soon wrote the book.
A. Only after had he done a lot of research he wrote the book.
B. Not until he had conducted a lot of research did he write the book.
C. Only when he had done a lot of research he wrote the book.
D. It was not until he conducted a lot of research did he write the book.
6. The car turned the corner. The wheel came off.
A. No sooner has the car turned the corner than the wheel came off.
B. No sooner the car had turned the corner than the wheel came off.
C. No sooner had the car turned the corner, the wheel came off.
D. No sooner had the car turned the corner than the wheel came off.
7. Maria just passed her driving test. Maria received a car right then.
A. Hardly had Maria received a car when she passed her driving test.
B. It was not until Maria got a car that she quickly passed her driving test.
C. Maria was not able to get a car until she passed her driving test.
D. No sooner had Maria passed her driving test than she was given a car.
8. We arrived at the airport. We realized our passports were still at home.
A. It was until we arrived at the airport that we realized our passports were still at home.
B. We arrived at the airport and realized that our passports are still at home.
C. Not until had we arrived at the airport, we realized our passports were still at home.
D. Not until we arrived at the airport did we realize that our passports were still at home.
9. The date of the conference was chosen. Invitations were sent out.
A. After choosing the date of the conference, invitations were sent out.
B. Before sending out invitations, the date of the conference been chosen.
C. Hardly had the date of the conference been chosen when invitations were sent out.
D. Choose the date of the conference before sending out invitations.
10. Han told us about his investing in the company. He did it on his arrival at the meeting.
A. Only after investing in the company did Han inform us of his arrival at the meeting.
B. Not until Han told us that he would invest in the company did he arrive at the meeting.
C. Hardly had he informed us about his investing in the company when Han arrived at the meeting.
D. No sooner had Han arrived at the meeting than he told us about his investing in the company.
11. The plan may be ingenious. It will never work in practice.
A. Ingenious as it may be, the plan will never work in practice.
B. Ingenious as may the plan, it will never work in practice.
C. The plan may be too ingenious to work in practice.
D. The plan is impractical as it is ingenious.
12. He is very intelligent. He can solve all the problems in no time.
A. So intelligent a student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
B. So intelligent is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
C. An intelligent student is he that he can solve all the problems in no time.
D. He is very intelligent that he can solve all the problems in no time.
13. I had picked some roses. That was when I noticed my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
A. When I knew that my mother’s vase was missing, I picked some roses.
B. I picked some roses and only then did I notice that my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
C. Only when I had picked some roses that I noticed my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
D. It was not until I had picked some roses did I notice my mother’s favorite vase was missing.
14. We started out for Seoul. It started to rain right after that.
A. No sooner did we start out for Seoul than it started to rain.
B. No sooner had we started out for Seoul when it started to rain.
C. No sooner had it started to rain than we started out for Seoul.
D. No sooner had we started out for Seoul than it started to rain.
15. He left school. He soon started computer programming.
A. No sooner had he started computer programming than he left school.
B. Hardly had he started computer programming when he left school.
C. No sooner had he left school than he started computer programming.
D. After he left school, he had started computer programming.
16. The rain stopped. We could see the view of the ocean right after that.
A. Not until had the rain stopped we could see the view of the ocean.
B. Not until the rain stopped could we see the view of the ocean.
C. Not until did the rain stop we could see the view of the ocean.
D. Not until had the rain stopped could we see the view of the ocean.
17. I had turned on my new iPad Pro. There was a strange noise right after that.
A. As soon as there was a strange noise, I turned on my new iPad Pro.
B. Scarcely had I turned on my new iPad Pro when there was a strange noise.
C. Hardly I had turned on my new iPad Pro, there was a strange noise.
D. I had hardly turned on my new iPad Pro than there was a strange noise.
18. Maria sings well. She writes good songs, too.
A. Maria can either sing well or write good songs.
B. Maria can neither sing well or write good songs.
C. Not only does Maria sing well but she also writes good songs.
D. Well as Maria sings, she writes good songs.
19. The boy got out of his house. It soon started to rain heavily.
A. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house.
B. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house.
C. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily.
D. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house.
20. He died in 1960. He received the bravery award in 1970.
A. Only after his death did he receive the bravery award in 1970.
B. Because he died in 1960, he received the bravery award in 1970.
C. He died in 1960 so he received the bravery award in 1970.
D. Before his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.
21. You can feel more at ease by taking part in group dating. It’s the only way.
A. By taking part in group dating can you only feel more at ease.
B. Only by taking part in group dating can you feel more at ease.
C. The only way you are by taking part in group dating can feel more at ease.
D. The way you can feel more at ease is taking part in only group dating.
22. Nancy failed to understand what the story was about. She saw the film based on it.
A. Nancy doesn’t understand what the story is about.
B. Not until she saw the film based on it did Nancy understand what the story was about.
C. It was until she saw the film based on it that Nancy understood what the story was about.
D. Nancy went to see the film before she read the story.
23. Tom didn’t understand the meaning of the comment. He soon saw his wife’s avatar.
A. Only when Tom saw his wife’s avatar did he understand the meaning of the comment.
B. Hardly had Tom understood the meaning of the comment than he saw his wife’s avatar.
C. Scarcely had Tom seen his wife’s avatar than he understood the meaning of the comment.
D. Soon after Tom had understood the meaning of the comment did he see his wife’s avatar.
24. Laura practised playing the instrument a lot. She could hardly improve her performance.
A. Hardly had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot when she could improve her performance.
B. Had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could have performed much better.
C. However much Laura practised playing the instrument, she could hardly perform any better.
D. As soon as Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could perform much better.
23. The teacher had only just come in the room. Then the fire alarm rang.
A. While the teacher was coming in the room, she heard the fire alarm rang.
B. As soon as the fire alarm had rung, the teacher came in the room.
C. Before the teacher came in the room, the fire alarm rang.
D. Hardly had the teacher come in the room when the fire alarm rang.
24. She immediately turned up. Everything changed.
A. As soon as everything changed, she turned up.
B. Upon appearing, everything changed.
C. Soon after she turned up did everything change. D. No sooner had she appeared did everything change.
25. A new pay was offered. The workers stopped the walkout right after that.
A. Not until a new pay was offered, the workers stop the walkout.
B. A new pay was offered, which made the walkout stop.
C. The workers stop the walkout only when a new pay offer.
D. Not until a new pay was offered did the workers stop the walkout.
26. They didn’t discover that the picture had been stolen. They soon came back home.
A. Until they came back home that they discovered that the picture had been stolen.
B. It is not until they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen.
C. Not until they came back home had the picture been stolen.
D. Only after they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen.
27. We had reached the top of the mountain. We realized how far we had come.
A. Not until we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come.
B. Hardly had we reached the top of the mountain than we realized how far we had come.
C. Scarcely we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come.
D. No sooner had we reached the top of the mountain when we realized how far we had come.
28. Ms. Diem had turned up at the party. She soon called home.
A. Calling home, Ms. Diem said that she had turned up at the party.
B. No sooner had Ms. Diem arrived at the party than she called home.
C. Ms. Diem turned up at the party sooner than he had expected.
D. Ms. Diem arrived at the party and called me to take her home.
29: He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
A. No sooner had he returned from his walk when he got down to writing the letter.
B. Not until he returned from his walk did he get down to writing the letter.
C. Only after he had returned from his walk did he get down to writing the letter.
D. Hardly had he returned from his walk when he got down to writing the letter.
30: She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents.
A. No sooner had she put up her umbrella than the rain came down in torrents.
B. The rain came down in torrents as soon as she just has time to put up her umbrella.
C. Only when she had put up her umbrella did the rain come down in torrents.
D. If she hadn’t time to put up her umbrella, the rain wouldn’t have come down in torrents.
31: If you want to save your eyesight, you must operate immediately.
A. Unless you want to save your eyesight, you mustn’t operate immediately.
B. Only by operating immediately can you save your eyesight.
C. Provided that you must operate immediately, you can save your eyesight.
D. If you did operate immediately, you couldn’t save your eyesight.
32: I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
A. Only after I had realized what I had missed did they tell me about it later.
B. As soon as they told me about it I realized what I had missed.
C. Only when they told me about it later did I realize what I had missed.
D. They told me about it and I realized what I had missed.
33: The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
A. So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately.
B. So great the demand was that they had to reprint the book immediately.
C. Such great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately.
D. Such was the demand great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
34: She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
A. She was very busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
B. So busy was she that she couldn’t answer the phone.
C. She was too busy not to answer the phone.
D. She was very busy so that she couldn’t answer the phone
35: She didn’t read the reference books. She wouldn’t be able to finish the test.
A. Had she read the reference books, she would have been able to finish the test.
B. If she had read the reference books, she could finish the test.
C. Although she didn’t read the reference books, she was able to finish the test.
D. Not having read the reference books, she couldn’t finish the test.
36: It was not until the sun was shining brightly that the little girl woke up.
A. No sooner was the sun shining brightly than the little girl woke up.
B. Not until the little girl woke up was the sun shining brightly.
C. Not until the sun was shining brightly did the little girl wake up.
D. As soon as the little girl woke up, the sun hasn’t shone brightly yet.
37: We couldn’t solve the problem until our teacher arrived.
A. Not until we solved the problem could our teacher arrive.
B. When our teacher arrived, we solved the problem.
C. Until our teacher arrived, we were able to solve the problem.
D. Not until our teacher arrived could we solve the problem.
38: The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
A. It was not until the mistake in the accounts was noticed that the figures were re-checked.
B. Once re-checking the figures, the mistake in the accounts was noticed.
C. The mistake in the accounts only came to light when the figures were re-checked.
D. When the figures were re-checked they came to light the mistake in the accounts.
39: You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.
A. Mrs Jones is the most dedicated worker you won’t find nowhere.
B. Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
C. Nowhere will not you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
D. Mrs Jones can’t be found in nowhere.
40: The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
A. At no time was the outcome of the election in doubt.
B. At no time the outcome of the election was in doubt.
C. Never in doubt was the outcome of the election.
D. By no means was the outcome of the election been suspected.
41: The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition.
A. Only with united opposition could we eliminate terrorism.
B. Only by united opposition can we eliminate terrorism.
C. Only in this way can world terrorism be eliminated.
D. Only then can we eliminate terrorism.
42: He forgot about the gun until he got home.
A. Not until he got home did he forget about the gun.
B. Not until he got home did he remember about the gun.
C. Not until he had got home did he remember about the gun.
D. Not until he had got home did he forget about the gun.
43: The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
A. Only by publishing the general’s personal diaries, did the truth come out.
B. Not until the general’s personal diaries published did the truth come out.
C. Hardly were the general’s personal diaries published than the truth came out.
D. Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.