Viết môn Tiếng Anh - Khoa Tiếng Anh | Đại học Mở Hà Nội

Câu hỏi 1
Writing is a way of ................ .... and learning. When you are writing, you have to think to formulate
a. thoughtfulness
b. thought
c. thinking Câu trả lời đúng
d. think
Because: there should be a gerund after a preposition. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
Câu hi 1
Writing is a way of ................ .... and learning. When you are writing, you have to think to formulate
a. thoughtfulness
b. thought
c. thinking Câu tr lời đúng
d. think
Because: there should be a gerund after a preposition.
Câu hi 2
The way you think in writing is in ............................ ways different from your way of thinking in speaking,
so when you write to a reader, you share what you learn.
a. amount
b. a lot
c. many Câu tr lời đúng
d. much
Because: Only the word ” many” goes with the countable noun.
Câu hi 3
The aim of an argumentative essay is to convince readers to agree with your position.
Your.......................... must show a clear point of view with three reasons that you will argue in the body
of your essay.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
a. thesis state
b. thesis statement Câu tr lời đúng
c. thesis stated
d. thesis stating
Because: ” thesis statement” is the right linguistic term in writing an essay.
Câu hi 4
When you explain how something happened, how something works, or why a problem exists, you should
.......................... specific information to help educate the reader about a topic, showing that you
understand the topic well.
a. provide Câu tr lời đúng
b. to provide
c. provided
d. providing
Because: this is the place of a conjugated verb.
Câu hi 5
Life would be very boring if ...... ........... ...................................... nothing to read to spend the time and to
understand about the past, the present and the future.
a. there have been
b. there has been
c. there was Câu tr lời đúng
d. there were
Because: The Phrase there was” is suitable with the structure of the second conditional sentence.
Câu hi 1
In the ............................................., you read over what you have written, decide what ideas to be
removed or added and, if needed, reorganize the ideas to improve the first draft according to
the needs and expectation of your reader.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
a. step of Prewriting
b. step of Editing Câu tr lời không đúng
c. step of Drafting
d. step of Revising
Câu hi 2
Division and classification essays ...................................... order among things with some common
a. establish Câu tr li đúng
b. to be established
c. establishing
d. to establish
Because: this is the main subjugated verb.
Câu hi 3
In the step of Revising, You also have to concentrate ................ your choice of words and sentence
structure for a smooth flow of content and an appropriate tone for your audience.
a. away
b. over
c. by
d. on Câu tr lời đúng
Because: The word ” concentrate” always goes with the preposition ” on”
Câu hi 4
Understanding writing as a multistage process allows you to work efficiently, concentrating one
activity at a time ........................ trying to handle all facets of a writing project simultaneously.
a. better than
b. worse than
c. more than
d. rather than Câu tr lời đúng
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
Because: this phrase expresses a preference, not a comparison.
Câu hi 5
........................................................essays establish and explaining the relationship between cause and
effect and between effect and cause.
a. to Cause and effects
b. Causing and effects
c. Causes and effective
d. Causes and effects Câu tr lời đúng
Because: ” Causes and effects ” is the name of a kind of essay.
Câu hi 1
An essay is a short composition in prose that ..................... a subject limited in scope. An essay that you
write for your college courses to narrate a story is called narration, to describe something or
somebody description.
a. discusses Câu tr lời đúng
b. discussing
c. discussed
d. discuss
Because: the verb should be conjugated in the present simple tense.
Câu hi 2
Essays that you write for your college courses usually require the representation of
information about a .....................................subject.
a. selecting
b. selected Câu tr lời đúng
c. selection
d. to be selected
Because: this gap should be an adjective in passive form.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
Câu hi 3
There are many types of expository essays according ........................... many methods you use to develop
your essay topic. Reading essays of these kinds, you may find out the way the
information/the writer’s ideas have been exposed/conveyed to the reader.
a. in
b. to Câu tr lời đúng
c. with
d. up
Because: the whole structure is according to ”
Câu hi 4
Illustration or listing essays give examples ................................... benefits, advantages, or results,...
a. prove
b. to proving
c. to prove Câu tr lời đúng
d. proof
Because: this should be a to-infinitive verb
Câu hi 5
The tone reflects your attitude towards your subject and your audience, so the tone might
be light, humorous, serious, angry or ..........................., depending on the writing situation.
a. insultingly
b. insulter
c. insult
d. insultingu tr lời đúng
Because: the word in this gap should be an adjective.
Câu hi 1
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
Each ..............................paragraph includes evidence and examples to support the topic sentence and all
the body will include evidence and examples presented in different paragraphs to defend
the thesis statement.
a. development
b. developed
c. developing
d. developmental Câu tr lời đúng
Because: this adjective shows the contents of the passage.
Câu hi 2
The cause essay may discuss one effect in the introduction and then all the causes as a block in the body
or in an effect essay, one cause is mentioned in the introduction and all the effects are .................... in
the body.
a. discussion
b. discussing
c. discussed Câu tr lời đúng
d. in discussing
Because: this is the verb form in passive voice.
Câu hi 3
The example essay will end with a strong conclusion paragraph that provides insight on the thesis statement.
The ...................... is used to wrap up your arguments by stating what your essay has shown.
a. in conclusion
b. conclusion Câu tr lời đúng
c. concluding
d. concluded.
Because: this should be a noun.
Câu hi 4
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
The number of examples you use in an example essay depends on the topic, but usually three .................
four extended examples (illustrations) might suffice. However, your examples
should be representative/typical, covering a wide range of interest areas/aspects:
a. or Câu tr lời đúng
b. for
c. before
d. after
Because: this is a conjunction.
Câu hi 5
When a problem arises, we use this method of reasoning .............. .............. the causes for it and also to
analyze predict its results or effects.
a. to figure away
b. to figure in
c. to figure by
d. to figure out Câu tr lời đúng
Because: ”to figure out ” means to make a guess. or to find out the answer.
Câu hi 1
Câu tr lời đúng
To persuade means that the writer has to influence the reader to change his/ her mind or .................. a
particular action.
a. have
b. do
c. take Câu tr lời đúng
d. make
the whole phrase is ”to take an action ”
Câu hi 2
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
To inform in writing means that you explain how something happened, how something works,
or ...................................................
a. why a problem exists
b. why is a problem exists
c. why does a problem exist ? Câu tr li không đúng
d. why do a problem exist ?
Câu hi 3
In the thesis statement, you cannot simply give ..................................
about bilingual education or
imigration, you must state your opinion.
a. informative
b. informational
c. information Câu tr lời đúng
d. informatively
this is an object so it is a noun.
Câu hi 4
There are many types of expository essays according to many methods you use to develop
your essay topic. Reading essays of these kinds, you may find out the way the information/
the writer’s ideas have been exposed/ conveyed ................
a. over the reader.
b. for the reader. Câu tr lời không đúng
c. on the reader.
d. to the reader.
Câu hi 5
The writer should provide specific information to help educate the reader about a topic, showing that
you ........................................
a. understand the topic good
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
b. understand the topic well Câu tr lời đúng
c. understand the topic positive
there should be an adverb.
Câu hi 6
To entertain means that the writer might use humor, romance, or suspense as the basis for a poem,
short story, or novel ......................
a. to created enjoyment for the reader.
b. to create enjoyment for the reader. Câu tr lời đúng
c. to creating enjoyment for the reader.
d. creation enjoyment for the reader.
there should be an infinitive verb here.
Câu hi 7
Setting a goal for a short amount of time (5 minutes or 10 minutes are good options), just write anything
that comes to mind ........................
a. relating to your topic. Câu tr lời không đúng
b. relation to your topic.
c. related to your topic.
d. relating with your topic.
Câu hi 8
In writing you have to ......................................... what your reader does and does not know about your
subject, and select suitable ideas to give your audience.
a. say Câu tr lời không đúng
b. tell
c. ask
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
d. anticipate
Câu hi 9
A process is a series of actions that lead to .....................................
, and a process essay is written to
encourage the reader’s natural curiosity.
a. an expected end
b. an expectation end
c. an expecting end Câu tr li không đúng
d. an expectational end
Câu hi 10
The writer has to use sound reasoning and solid evidence
............................................. the reader to
agree with your point of view on an issue that has more than one side to it.
a. to have
b. to do Câu tr lời không đúng
c. to convince
d. to play
Câu hi 11
You will write ...................................................................
if you always identify the major purpose for
each piece of writing you undertake.
a. more effectively and successful
b. more effectively and success
c. more effective and successfully
d. more effectively and successfully Câu tr
lời đúng there should be a phrase of
parallelism. Câu hi 12
Try to make your essay lively by using an amusing or dramatic incident, an unusually surprising fact, or a
conclusion that challenges the reader ..............................................................................
a. to think and exploring further.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
b. to thinking and explore further.
c. to think and had explored further.
d. to think and explore further. Câu tr lời đúng
the two verbs should be of infinitive parallelism.
Câu hi 13
If an assignment does not indicate a major purpose, choose one that seems appropriate for
the topic and you ........................................................................ to the topic.
a. will focus over your intended approach
b. will focus for your intended approach
c. will focus under your intended approach
d. will focus on your intended approach Câu tr lời đúng
Câu hi 14
There are least 6 types of expository essays, each having its own significant
differences from the others: process, illustration (example), comparison and contrast, analysis
(cause and effect), classification, and definition (identification).
a. as well as
b. as long as Câu tr lời không đúng
c. as many as
d. as much as
Câu hi 15
An essay that is written to convey information is called exposition. Exposition is the act of presenting,
explaining, or expounding facts or ideas in writing or in speaking when you use ..............................of
Chn mt câu tr li:
a. different patterns Câu tr lời đúng
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
b. differing patterns
c. difference patterns
d. differed patterns
this should be an adjective.
Câu hi 1
Essays that you write for your college courses usually require the representation of information ........
a. about a selective subject.
b. about a selecting subject.
c. about a selection subject.
d. about a selected subject. Câu tr lời đúng
there should be a verb in the past participle.
Câu hi 3
The way ...................................... on paper helps to establish the tone of your writing.
a. what you express your ideas
b. where you express your ideas
c. that you express your ideas Câu tr lời đúng
d. when you express your ideas
this is a relative/ adjective clause
Câu hi 4
Remember that in explaining a process, you should make sure that the directions are complete and
specific so that someone who is unfamiliar with the process will be able to perform it successfully.
a. to performance it successfully.
b. to performing it successfully.
c. to performed it successfully.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
d. to perform it successfully. Câu tr lời đúng
there should be a verb in the infinitive form.
Câu hi 5
Your goal is to influence the reader to change his/her mind or take a particular action. Therefore, you use
sound reasoning and solid evidence to convince the reader to agree ...........................your point of view
on an issue
a. up
b. to Câu tr lời đúng
c. of
d. in
Because: the whole structure is to agree to something ”
Câu hi 7
An essay is a short composition in prose that discusses a subject limited in scope. An essay that you write
for your college courses to narrate a story is called ...................
a. narrating
b. narrated
c. narrative
d. narration Câu tr lời đúng
Because</b>: it should be a noun.
Câu hi 9
When ..........................................the guiding purpose for a particular assignment, discuss it with your
teacher before you begin writing.
a. you are not sure about Câu tr lời không đúng
b. you are not sure of
c. you are not sure over
d. you are not sure for
Câu hi 11
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
As you .....................................
............................................the ideas for your topic, you should keep one very important question in
mind: Why/ For what am I writing this paper?
a. gather and organizing
b. gathering and organize
c. gather and organize Câu tr lời đúng
d. gather and organizes
this phrase maintains the parallelism
Câu hi 12
Writing is always about a topic. If you know or understand about a topic well, you write ................... it
with authority and interest.
a. about Câu tr lời đúng
b. to
c. around
d. for
this preposition conveys the best meaning.
Câu hi 1
The conclusion is used to wrap up your arguments by ........................
a. speaking what your essay has shown.
b. having what your essay has shown.
c. talking what your essay has shown. Câu tr lời không đúng
d. stating what your essay has shown.
Câu hi 2
Each developmental paragraph includes evidence and examples to support the topic sentence and all the
body will include evidence and examples presented in different paragraphs ....................................
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
a. to defend the thesis statement. Câu tr lời đúng
b. to defend the whole statement.
c. to defend the good statement.
d. to defend the right statement.
the right term is ” the thesis statement. ”
u hi 3
Comparison and contrast essays show similarities, and contrast, and pointing .........................differences
a. away
b. about
c. with
d. out Câu tr lời đúng
The whole phrase is ” to point out
Câu hi 4
If you were asked to write about the difficulties in writing in English, ......................................the topic
with a number of examples.
a. you would develop Câu tr lời đúng
b. you can develop
c. you may develop
d. you should develop
this is the second conditional sentence.
Câu hi 5
As for word choice, formal words are ....................................informal words; formal words are usually
single words not multi words.
a. often longest than
b. often more longer than Câu tr lời không đúng
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
c. often longer than
d. often the longer than
Câu hi 6
A thesis is the key opinion, the point, argument or .......................of an essay.
a. generally
b. general
c. generalizing
d. generalization Câu tr lời đúng
it should be a noun
u hi 7
In formal writing, apart from using formal words you should use
formal ..................................... ........................................yourself.
a. ways of expressing Câu tr lời đúng
b. ways of talking
c. ways of expression
d. ways of saying
Only this phrase matches with the sentence.
Câu hi 8
One of the most important areas to master ................................register is the difference between formal
and informal English.
a. in hands of
b. in terms of Câu tr lời đúng
c. in lengths of
d. in shortage of
this phrase is the most meaningful.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
Câu tr lời đúng là:
When .............................................
, these pronouns I or we could cause negative or even offensive
feelings in the audience.
a. useful not appropriately
b. used not appropriate
c. useless not appropriately
d. used not appropriately Câu tr lời đúng
the verb should be in the passive voice.
Câu hi 10
The informal you may sound disrespectful or even offensive ................................................
the reader
who can’t be your friend, a person you know very well.
a. since the word you pointing a finger at
b. since the word you pointed a finger at Câu tr li không đúng
c. since the word you points a finger at
d. since the word you to point a finger at
Câu hi 11
It can be said that ....................... ..................
will present the standard conventions of essay writing and
feature them prominently.
a. an example essay above any topic
b. an example essay under any topic
c. an example essay through any topic Câu tr li
không đúng d. an example essay on any topic
Câu hi 12
One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced writers involves using too personal a manner
in a piece of formal writing which is called ............................
a. “chatter style”.
b. “chatted style”.
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
c. “chatty style”. Câu tr lời đúng
d. “chatting style”.
it is the right term in writing.
Câu hi 13
Generally, formal language is used in writing and speech ...................., while informal language is used in
conversation and casual writing like emails to friends.
a. holding
b. taking
c. making Câu tr lời đúng
d. doing
the whole phrase is ” to make a speech
Câu hi 14
The order you select to arrange your examples is really .................
a. what can you have to consider.
b. what you have to consider. Câu tr lời đúng
c. what may you have to consider.
d. what do you have to consider.
this is not a question.
Câu hi 15
The thesis statement tells the reader if your purpose is to discuss ............................................ between
the two subjects.
a. the similarities or different
b. the similarities or differently
c. the similar or differences
d. the similarities or differences Câu tr li đúng
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
they should be nouns.
Câu hi 1
Writing is always about a topic. If you know or understand about a topic well, you write about it
with authority and ............................... As a result, your writing is interesting to the reader.
a. interest Câu tr lời đúng
b. to be interested
c. interested
d. interesting
there must be a noun in this gap.
Câu hi 2
In formal writing you should not are speaking to the reader as a
familiar person.
a. to think that
b. thought that
c. think that Câu tr lời đúng
d. thinking that
the main verb is after the modal verb.
Câu hi 4
Your examples should be representative / typical, covering .. ................................................... interest
areas/ aspects: an example must be a representative member of a class or category.
a. a short range of
b. a big range of
c. a wide range of Câu tr lời đúng
d. a small range of
this is a collocation.
Câu hi 5
lOMoARcPSD|447443 71
When you are writing academically, you should use the formal style, talking about the topic
and ..............................................
a. not with yourself.
b. not of yourself.
c. not for yourself.
d. not about yourself. Câu tr lời đúng
the right preposition is ” about”.
Câu hi 7
For variety, select a key word, phrase or idea from the previous paragraph to refer back to its main idea
and use it in the beginning sentence of the next paragraph before ...................... the main idea of that
a. to introduce
b. introducing Câu tr lời đúng
c. introduction
d. introduce
there should be a gerund after a preposition.
Câu hi 9
The word you can be used with the word I or we in informal speech to show intimacy between
the speaker ..................................................; for example, “you know what I mean”.
a. and the listener Câu tr lời đúng
b. but the listener
c. for the listener
d. or the listener
the whole structure is ” between ..............and
Câu hi 11
In writing an example essay to prove a point, the number of examples you use ..........................
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lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 LTTN 01 Câu hỏi 1
Writing is a way of ................ .... and learning. When you are writing, you have to think to formulate ideas. a. thoughtfulness b. thought
c. thinking Câu trả lời đúng d. think
Because: there should be a gerund after a preposition. Câu hỏi 2
The way you think in writing is in ............................ ways different from your way of thinking in speaking,
so when you write to a reader, you share what you learn. a. amount b. a lot
c. many Câu trả lời đúng d. much
Because: Only the word ” many” goes with the countable noun. Câu hỏi 3
The aim of an argumentative essay is to convince readers to agree with your position.
Your.......................... must show a clear point of view with three reasons that you will argue in the body of your essay. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 a. thesis state
b. thesis statement Câu trả lời đúng c. thesis stated d. thesis stating
Because: ” thesis statement” is the right linguistic term in writing an essay. Câu hỏi 4
When you explain how something happened, how something works, or why a problem exists, you should
.......................... specific information to help educate the reader about a topic, showing that you understand the topic well.
a. provide Câu trả lời đúng b. to provide c. provided d. providing
Because: this is the place of a conjugated verb. Câu hỏi 5
Life would be very boring if ...... ........... ...................................... nothing to read to spend the time and to
understand about the past, the present and the future. a. there have been b. there has been
c. there was Câu trả lời đúng d. there were
Because: The Phrase “ there was” is suitable with the structure of the second conditional sentence. LTTN 02 Câu hỏi 1
In the ............................................., you read over what you have written, decide what ideas to be
removed or added and, if needed, reorganize the ideas to improve the first draft according to
the needs and expectation of your reader. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 a. step of Prewriting
b. step of Editing Câu trả lời không đúng c. step of Drafting d. step of Revising Câu hỏi 2
Division and classification essays ...................................... order among things with some common characteristics.
a. establish Câu trả lời đúng b. to be established c. establishing d. to establish
Because: this is the main subjugated verb. Câu hỏi 3
In the step of Revising, You also have to concentrate ................ your choice of words and sentence
structure for a smooth flow of content and an appropriate tone for your audience. a. away b. over c. by
d. on Câu trả lời đúng
Because: The word ” concentrate” always goes with the preposition ” on” Câu hỏi 4
Understanding writing as a multistage process allows you to work efficiently, concentrating one
activity at a time ........................ trying to handle all facets of a writing project simultaneously. a. better than b. worse than c. more than
d. rather than Câu trả lời đúng lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
Because: this phrase expresses a preference, not a comparison. Câu hỏi 5
........................................................essays establish and explaining the relationship between cause and
effect and between effect and cause. a. to Cause and effects b. Causing and effects c. Causes and effective
d. Causes and effects Câu trả lời đúng
Because: ” Causes and effects ” is the name of a kind of essay. LTTN 03 Câu hỏi 1
An essay is a short composition in prose that ..................... a subject limited in scope. An essay that you
write for your college courses to narrate a story is called narration, to describe something or somebody description.
a. discusses Câu trả lời đúng b. discussing c. discussed d. discuss
Because: the verb should be conjugated in the present simple tense. Câu hỏi 2
Essays that you write for your college courses usually require the representation of
information about a .....................................subject. a. selecting
b. selected Câu trả lời đúng c. selection d. to be selected
Because: this gap should be an adjective in passive form. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 Câu hỏi 3
There are many types of expository essays according ........................... many methods you use to develop
your essay topic. Reading essays of these kinds, you may find out the way the
information/the writer’s ideas have been exposed/conveyed to the reader. a. in
b. to Câu trả lời đúng c. with d. up
Because: the whole structure is ” according to ” Câu hỏi 4
Illustration or listing essays give examples ................................... benefits, advantages, or results,... a. prove b. to proving
c. to prove Câu trả lời đúng d. proof
Because: this should be a ” to-infinitive verb ” Câu hỏi 5
The tone reflects your attitude towards your subject and your audience, so the tone might
be light, humorous, serious, angry or ..........................., depending on the writing situation. a. insultingly b. insulter c. insult
d. insulting Câu trả lời đúng
Because: the word in this gap should be an adjective. LTTN 04 Câu hỏi 1 lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
Each ..............................paragraph includes evidence and examples to support the topic sentence and all
the body will include evidence and examples presented in different paragraphs to defend the thesis statement. a. development b. developed c. developing
d. developmental Câu trả lời đúng
Because: this adjective shows the contents of the passage. Câu hỏi 2
The cause essay may discuss one effect in the introduction and then all the causes as a block in the body
or in an effect essay, one cause is mentioned in the introduction and all the effects are .................... in the body. a. discussion b. discussing
c. discussed Câu trả lời đúng d. in discussing
Because: this is the verb form in passive voice. Câu hỏi 3
The example essay will end with a strong conclusion paragraph that provides insight on the thesis statement.
The ...................... is used to wrap up your arguments by stating what your essay has shown. a. in conclusion
b. conclusion Câu trả lời đúng c. concluding d. concluded.
Because: this should be a noun. Câu hỏi 4 lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
The number of examples you use in an example essay depends on the topic, but usually three .................
four extended examples (illustrations) might suffice. However, your examples
should be representative/typical, covering a wide range of interest areas/aspects:
a. or Câu trả lời đúng b. for c. before d. after
Because: this is a conjunction. Câu hỏi 5
When a problem arises, we use this method of reasoning .............. .............. the causes for it and also to
analyze – predict its results or effects. a. to figure away b. to figure in c. to figure by
d. to figure out Câu trả lời đúng
Because: ”to figure out ” means to make a guess. or to find out the answer. Câu hỏi 1 Câu trả lời đúng
To persuade means that the writer has to influence the reader to change his/ her mind or .................. a particular action. a. have b. do
c. take Câu trả lời đúng d. make
the whole phrase is ”to take an action ” Câu hỏi 2 lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
To inform in writing means that you explain how something happened, how something works,
or ...................................................
a. why a problem exists b. why is a problem exists
c. why does a problem exist ? Câu trả lời không đúng d. why do a problem exist ? Câu hỏi 3
In the thesis statement, you cannot simply give .................................. about bilingual education or
imigration, you must state your opinion. a. informative b. informational
c. information Câu trả lời đúng d. informatively
this is an object so it is a noun. Câu hỏi 4
There are many types of expository essays according to many methods you use to develop
your essay topic. Reading essays of these kinds, you may find out the way the information/
the writer’s ideas have been exposed/ conveyed ................
............................................. a. over the reader.
b. for the reader. Câu trả lời không đúng c. on the reader. d. to the reader. Câu hỏi 5
The writer should provide specific information to help educate the reader about a topic, showing that
you ........................................ a. understand the topic good lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
b. understand the topic well Câu trả lời đúng
c. understand the topic positive there should be an adverb. Câu hỏi 6
To entertain means that the writer might use humor, romance, or suspense as the basis for a poem,
short story, or novel ......................
a. to created enjoyment for the reader.
b. to create enjoyment for the reader. Câu trả lời đúng
c. to creating enjoyment for the reader.
d. creation enjoyment for the reader.
there should be an infinitive verb here. Câu hỏi 7
Setting a goal for a short amount of time (5 minutes or 10 minutes are good options), just write anything
that comes to mind ........................
a. relating to your topic. Câu trả lời không đúng b. relation to your topic. c. related to your topic.
d. relating with your topic. Câu hỏi 8
In writing you have to ......................................... what your reader does and does not know about your
subject, and select suitable ideas to give your audience.
a. say Câu trả lời không đúng b. tell c. ask lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 d. anticipate Câu hỏi 9
A process is a series of actions that lead to .....................................
, and a process essay is written to
encourage the reader’s natural curiosity. a. an expected end b. an expectation end
c. an expecting end Câu trả lời không đúng d. an expectational end Câu hỏi 10
The writer has to use sound reasoning and solid evidence ............................................. the reader to
agree with your point of view on an issue that has more than one side to it. a. to have
b. to do Câu trả lời không đúng c. to convince d. to play Câu hỏi 11
You wil write ...................................................................
if you always identify the major purpose for
each piece of writing you undertake.
a. more effectively and successful
b. more effectively and success
c. more effective and successfully
d. more effectively and successfully Câu trả
lời đúng there should be a phrase of parallelism. Câu hỏi 12
Try to make your essay lively by using an amusing or dramatic incident, an unusually surprising fact, or a
conclusion that challenges the reader ..............................................................................
a. to think and exploring further. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
b. to thinking and explore further.
c. to think and had explored further.
d. to think and explore further. Câu trả lời đúng
the two verbs should be of infinitive parallelism. Câu hỏi 13
If an assignment does not indicate a major purpose, choose one that seems appropriate for
the topic and you ........................................................................ to the topic.
a. will focus over your intended approach
b. will focus for your intended approach
c. will focus under your intended approach
d. will focus on your intended approach Câu trả lời đúng Câu hỏi 14
There are least 6 types of expository essays, each having its own significant
differences from the others: process, illustration (example), comparison and contrast, analysis
(cause and effect), classification, and definition (identification). a. as well as
b. as long as Câu trả lời không đúng c. as many as d. as much as Câu hỏi 15
An essay that is written to convey information is called exposition. Exposition is the act of presenting,
explaining, or expounding facts or ideas in writing or in speaking when you use ..............................of organization.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. different patterns Câu trả lời đúng lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 b. differing patterns c. difference patterns d. differed patterns this should be an adjective. Câu hỏi 1
Essays that you write for your college courses usually require the representation of information ........
................................................. a. about a selective subject. b. about a selecting subject. c. about a selection subject.
d. about a selected subject. Câu trả lời đúng
there should be a verb in the past participle. Câu hỏi 3
The way ...................................... on paper helps to establish the tone of your writing.
a. what you express your ideas
b. where you express your ideas
c. that you express your ideas Câu trả lời đúng
d. when you express your ideas
this is a relative/ adjective clause Câu hỏi 4
Remember that in explaining a process, you should make sure that the directions are complete and
specific so that someone who is unfamiliar with the process will be able to perform it successfully.
a. to performance it successfully.
b. to performing it successfully.
c. to performed it successfully. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
d. to perform it successfully. Câu trả lời đúng
there should be a verb in the infinitive form. Câu hỏi 5
Your goal is to influence the reader to change his/her mind or take a particular action. Therefore, you use
sound reasoning and solid evidence to convince the reader to agree ...........................your point of view on an issue a. up
b. to Câu trả lời đúng c. of d. in
Because: the whole structure is ” to agree to something ” Câu hỏi 7
An essay is a short composition in prose that discusses a subject limited in scope. An essay that you write
for your college courses to narrate a story is called ................... a. narrating b. narrated c. narrative
d. narration Câu trả lời đúng Because: it should be a noun. Câu hỏi 9
When ..........................................the guiding purpose for a particular assignment, discuss it with your
teacher before you begin writing.
a. you are not sure about Câu trả lời không đúng b. you are not sure of c. you are not sure over d. you are not sure for Câu hỏi 11 lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
As you .....................................
............................................the ideas for your topic, you should keep one very important question in
mind: Why/ For what am I writing this paper? a. gather and organizing b. gathering and organize
c. gather and organize Câu trả lời đúng d. gather and organizes
this phrase maintains the parallelism Câu hỏi 12
Writing is always about a topic. If you know or understand about a topic well, you write ................... it with authority and interest.
a. about Câu trả lời đúng b. to c. around d. for
this preposition conveys the best meaning. Câu hỏi 1
The conclusion is used to wrap up your arguments by ........................
a. speaking what your essay has shown.
b. having what your essay has shown.
c. talking what your essay has shown. Câu trả lời không đúng
d. stating what your essay has shown. Câu hỏi 2
Each developmental paragraph includes evidence and examples to support the topic sentence and all the
body will include evidence and examples presented in different paragraphs .................................... lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
a. to defend the thesis statement. Câu trả lời đúng
b. to defend the whole statement.
c. to defend the good statement.
d. to defend the right statement.
the right term is ” the thesis statement. ” Câu hỏi 3
Comparison and contrast essays show similarities, and contrast, and pointing .........................differences a. away b. about c. with
d. out Câu trả lời đúng
The whole phrase is ” to point out ” Câu hỏi 4
If you were asked to write about the difficulties in writing in English, ......................................the topic with a number of examples.
a. you would develop Câu trả lời đúng b. you can develop c. you may develop d. you should develop
this is the second conditional sentence. Câu hỏi 5
As for word choice, formal words are ....................................informal words; formal words are usually single words not multi words. a. often longest than
b. often more longer than Câu trả lời không đúng lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 c. often longer than d. often the longer than Câu hỏi 6
A thesis is the key opinion, the point, argument or .......................of an essay. a. generally b. general c. generalizing
d. generalization Câu trả lời đúng it should be a noun Câu hỏi 7
In formal writing, apart from using formal words you should use
formal ..................................... ........................................yourself.
a. ways of expressing Câu trả lời đúng b. ways of talking c. ways of expression d. ways of saying
Only this phrase matches with the sentence. Câu hỏi 8
One of the most important areas to master ................................register is the difference between formal and informal English. a. in hands of
b. in terms of Câu trả lời đúng c. in lengths of d. in shortage of
this phrase is the most meaningful. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 Câu trả lời đúng là:
When ............................................. , these pronouns “I or we” could cause negative or even offensive feelings in the audience. a. useful not appropriately b. used not appropriate c. useless not appropriately
d. used not appropriately Câu trả lời đúng
the verb should be in the passive voice. Câu hỏi 10
The informal you may sound disrespectful or even offensive ................................................ the reader
who can’t be your friend, a person you know very wel .
a. since the word you pointing a finger at
b. since the word you pointed a finger at Câu trả lời không đúng
c. since the word you points a finger at
d. since the word you to point a finger at Câu hỏi 11
It can be said that ....................... ..................
will present the standard conventions of essay writing and feature them prominently.
a. an example essay above any topic
b. an example essay under any topic
c. an example essay through any topic Câu trả lời
không đúng d. an example essay on any topic Câu hỏi 12
One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced writers involves using too personal a manner
in a piece of formal writing which is called ............................ a. “chatter style”. b. “chatted style”. lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
c. “chatty style”. Câu trả lời đúng d. “chatting style”.
it is the right term in writing. Câu hỏi 13
Generally, formal language is used in writing and speech ...................., while informal language is used in
conversation and casual writing like emails to friends. a. holding b. taking
c. making Câu trả lời đúng d. doing
the whole phrase is ” to make a speech ” Câu hỏi 14
The order you select to arrange your examples is really .................
a. what can you have to consider.
b. what you have to consider. Câu trả lời đúng
c. what may you have to consider.
d. what do you have to consider. this is not a question. Câu hỏi 15
The thesis statement tells the reader if your purpose is to discuss ............................................ between the two subjects.
a. the similarities or different
b. the similarities or differently c. the similar or differences
d. the similarities or differences Câu trả lời đúng lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71 they should be nouns. Câu hỏi 1
Writing is always about a topic. If you know or understand about a topic well, you write about it
with authority and ............................... As a result, your writing is interesting to the reader.
a. interest Câu trả lời đúng b. to be interested c. interested d. interesting
there must be a noun in this gap. Câu hỏi 2
In formal writing you should not are speaking to the reader as a familiar person. a. to think that b. thought that
c. think that Câu trả lời đúng d. thinking that
the main verb is after the modal verb. Câu hỏi 4
Your examples should be representative / typical, covering .. ................................................... interest
areas/ aspects: an example must be a representative member of a class or category. a. a short range of b. a big range of
c. a wide range of Câu trả lời đúng d. a small range of this is a collocation. Câu hỏi 5 lOMoARcPSD|447 443 71
When you are writing academically, you should use the formal style, talking about the topic
and .............................................. a. not with yourself. b. not of yourself. c. not for yourself.
d. not about yourself. Câu trả lời đúng
the right preposition is ” about”. Câu hỏi 7
For variety, select a key word, phrase or idea from the previous paragraph to refer back to its main idea
and use it in the beginning sentence of the next paragraph before ...................... the main idea of that paragraph. a. to introduce
b. introducing Câu trả lời đúng c. introduction d. introduce
there should be a gerund after a preposition. Câu hỏi 9
The word you can be used with the word I or we in informal speech to show intimacy between
the speaker ..................................................; for example, “you know what I mean”.
a. and the listener Câu trả lời đúng b. but the listener c. for the listener d. or the listener
the whole structure is ” between ..............and ” Câu hỏi 11
In writing an example essay to prove a point, the number of examples you use ..........................