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Vstep Speaking - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Vstep Speaking - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
English reading 3 42 tài liệu
Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 174 tài liệu
Vstep Speaking - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Vstep Speaking - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: English reading 3 42 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 174 tài liệu
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VSTEP SV - 0346808595 I. Part 1 1. Let’s talk about home -
Do you live in a house or a flat? -
Do you plan to live there in the future? -
What do you like to change in your house 2. Let’s talk about Birthdays -
Do you usually celebrate your birthday? -
What did you do on your latest birthday? -
What do people often do on their birthday? 3.
Let’s talk about advertisements -
Do you often watch advertisements? Where? -
Bạn có thường mua đồ qua các bài quảng cáo không? -
Làm sao để tạo ra một quảng cao hay? 4. Let’s talk about buses - Do you often use buses? -
How do you rate the bus service in your city? - Benefits of using buses 5. Let’s talk about TV shows -
The latest TV show you watched? -
Watching TV shows alone or with others, which do you prefer? -
Benefits of watching a TV show? II. Part 2 1. Tặng quà cho em gái. - 1 cái váy - 1 bó hoa - 1 quyển sách tiếng Anh 2.
Đồ quyên góp cho trẻ em nghèo - Quần áo cũ - Bút vở - 1 khoản tiền 3.
Your brother has just graduated fro university. Here are the upcoming plan for him.
Which one you would like to choose for your brother? - Go straight to work - Study master degree - Travelling 4. Chọn 1 nơi học bài - At home - School library - Coffee shop 5.
Chọn 1 trong 3 thứ cho văn phòng VSTEP SV - 0346808595 - A printer - A laptop - A projector 6.
Chọn phương tiện nào để advertise cho agency - TV - Internet - Brochure 7.
Your youth club is planning to invite a person to present for the members, who will you choose? - A company’s president - A famous singer - An excellent student 8. Làm gì khi rảnh - Talk to friends - Read books - Do exercise 9.
You have bought a new house. What animal would you like to keep? - A dog - A cat - A bird 10.
Làm gì khi được nghỉ phép 3 ngày - Staying at home - Hiking with frineds - Travelling abroad 11.
Lựa chọn làm gì vào cuối tuần - Đi với bạn bè - Đi với gia đình - Nghỉ ngơi 1 mình 12.
Chọn 1 công việc bán thời gian - Home tutor - Shop asistant - Baby sister 13.
Lớp muốn lưu giữ kỷ niệm trước khi tốt nghiệp - Làm đồng phục - Album ảnh - Video 14.
Gifts for parents’ anniversary - A movie ticket - Flower - Handmade card 15.
Chị gái nói dối bạn, nên làm gì? VSTEP SV - 0346808595 - Nói với bố mẹ - Tự trao đổi với chị - Giữ im lặng III. Part 3 1.
Lợi ích của online courses
To be honest, I have to say that online courses should bring some obvious benefits. The
first thing I want to say is that that online courses are clearly able to help make the
learning process more convenient. Students just need to sit at home to participate in lessons.
They can study anywhere and anytime. Besides, They can even review records multiple
times. Thanks to this, I think students will be more proactive in learning. The second thing I
want to say is that online courses help many students save a lot of money. Because they can
study at home, they do not have to pay for rent in big cities as well as the cost of living in
expensive cities. The last thing I want to say is that teachers also have many benefits when
teaching online. They can open more classes and they can teach more students than when
they teach offline. Moreover, They can organize online classes with a scale of even up to a
hundred people, which is very difficult for them when organizing such offline classes. 1.
A great teacher can change a student’s life?
To be honest, I have to say that I totally agree with the statement that A great teach can
change a student’s life. The first thing I want to say is that students often admire their
teachers and sometimes many students consider teachers as role models for them to follow.
They even want to follow the knowledge and advice their teachers give. This can be a
direction for students' future. The second thing I want to say is that a good teacher also
knows how to correct students' bad habits. Thanks to their love and devotion, they will show
their students what is right and can help their students quit current bad habits such as
smoking or violence. This helps students avoid becoming criminals in the future. 2.
Lợi ích của việc đi du lịch bằng máy bay?
VSTEP SPEAKING – Lợi ích của việc đi máy bay VSTEP SV
To be honest I have to say that traveling by plane will bring some obvious benefits. The
first thing I want to say is that this type of transport is the fastest way to travel long
distances. If we want to go on business or travel abroad, we will have to spend many days
traveling by conventional means such as cars, trains or ships. Traveling by plane is much
faster. Even in just a few hours we can travel thousands of kilometers. The second thing I
want to say is that this type of vehicle is safe. It is true that the number of airplane accidents
is much lower than accidents caused by cars or trains. The death rate from flying is also the
lowest compared to other types of transportation. The last thing I want to say is that
traveling by plane is cheaper than other means of transportation. Obviously, when comparing VSTEP SV - 0346808595
the cost to travel the same distance, it is clear that the plane will be a more economical choice than other types of means. 3.
Lợi ích của cooking at home VSTEP SV
To be honest I have to say that cooking at home will bring some obvious benefits. The first
thing I want to say is that this habit can help us save costs. It is true that eating in
restaurants sometimes costs an arm and a leg. We can buy cheap ingredients to prepare our
meals. Besides, we also do not lose money on taxes or tips for service staff like when we eat
at a restaurant. The second thing I want to say is that cooking at home is an effective way
for us to relax. After tiring working hours, we can go into the kitchen and get rid of all the
pressure at work. The last thing I want to say is that cooking at home can strengthen the
connection between family members. When people are together, cooking and enjoying
meals, they will talk more, thereby understanding each other better. 4.
How to stay healthy: having good diets, doing exercise, relaxing and being happy, your idea Follow up questions: -
Do you think people today care about their health more than they did in the past? Why? Why not? -
Do you think happy people are healthier than angry or stressed people? Why? Why not? -
Could you recommend some kinds of exercise that are good for health? VSTEP SV
To be honest I have to say that there are many ways to stay healthy. The first thing I want to
say is that we need good diets. When we choose a healthy diet, we will avoid dangerous
diseases such as obesity or heart disease. Therefore, our quality of life will be better. The second
thing I want to say is that we need to exercise regularly. Exercise helps us reduce stress in life,
helping us avoid negative thoughts. Besides, regular exercise helps us improve our shape. This
helps us be more confident. The third secret to help us stay healthy is relaxing and being
happy. We need to listen to our bodies. Occasionally you need to reward yourself with moments
of rest such as traveling or participating in recreational activities to restore energy. The last
thing I want to say is that we should build good relationships with family members. They are
the most important people in our lives, and connecting with them helps us love life more and be happier.
- I completely agree with the view that people today care more about health than they did in
the past. Nowadays, the quality of life is better, people prioritize the quality of life more, and of
course the thing they prioritize most is health to enjoy life.
- I think happy people will always be healthier than stressed people. Happy people will have a
positive attitude towards every problem that occurs in their life and health. It is true that happy
people always keeps their spirits in a good state for their bodies. VSTEP SV - 0346808595
- To be honest I have to say that running and swimming are the best ways to have good health.
These two sports help us improve cardiovascular health, avoid obesity and relieve stress after tiring working hours.
5. Lợi ích của fast food: save time, save money, good taste, your opinion. VSTEP SV
To be honest I have to say that fast food will bring some obvious benefits. The first thing I
want to say is that fast food helps us save time. Instead of spending hours in the kitchen
preparing meals at home, we can easily go to a fast food restaurant, choose our favorite meal and
enjoy it in just a few minutes. The second thing I want to say is that using fast food is a good
way for us to save money. The cost of buying ingredients and preparing meals at home is often
expensive because we do not know how to optimize costs. Usually when we cook at home, we
don't know how to control the right amount of food, so we often leave leftovers. This causes a
waste of money. On the contrary, fast food restaurants calculate very accurately the right amount
of food for each person, so the price of fast food is very cheap. The third thing I want to say is
that fast food is delicious. It is true that fast food companies have conducted many surveys and
research to answer people's taste needs, so their products are mostly delicious to attract more
customers. The last thing I want to say is that fast food is convenient for people who don't
know how to cook, especially children. Sometimes when parents are busy with work and cannot
cook for their children, fast food is the best option for the children to have a full meal. 6.
Ways to reduce the consumption of fast food Follow up questions: -
Why people choose to eat fast food? -
People switch from main meals to fast food. Is it good or bad? -
Should government put taxation on fast food? Why? 7.
Lợi ích khi làm việc một mình 8.
Hạn chế của việc ở chung cư: Không gian ít, Không thân thiết với hàng xóm, không nuôi pet được … 9.
Lợi ích của việc đi du lịch một mình 10. Tác hại của smoking. 11.
Lợi ích của supermarket so với traditional market 12.
Lợi ích của sử dụng internet trong lớp học 13.
Disadvantages of keeping animals in zoo: lack of space, loss survival skill, your ideas. 14.
Tác hại của overpopulation 15.
Benefits of playing musical instruments: reduce stress, increase concentration, your ideas. 16. Benefits of Arts 17. Benefits of raising pets 18.
Benefits of visiting foreign countries for students: increase knowledge, have memories, make friends, your ideas 19.
Lợi ích của việc ăn trưa ở canteen của trường 20. Children telling lies VSTEP SV - 0346808595