Worksheet CPE Diagnostic Test (Fiona Scott) | Aadvance grammar | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trong khóa học "Advanced Grammar" tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, "Worksheet CPE Diagnostic Test" (bài kiểm tra chẩn đoán CPE của Fiona Scott) là một tài liệu quan trọng giúp sinh viên đánh giá và cải thiện kỹ năng ngữ pháp của mình ở mức độ nâng cao, tập trung vào chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE).

lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
Worksheet CPE Diagnostic Test (Fiona Scott)
Advanced Grammar (Đại hc Khoa hc Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại hc Quc gia
Thành ph H Chí Minh)
lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
Diagnostic test
This test can be used at the start of a course to identify which areas of advanced
grammar a learner entering the CPE level has most difficulty with.
wonderful! Is that a new perfume you're wearing?
smell => state verb
b smell
c will smell
d have been smelling
to get in at 19.05.
b likely
c due
IT gets on my nerves that way that Carol
about her job.
b is forever
c never boasts
d is never boasting
Since I
you; I have never seen you cry.
2 chuyen xay ra cug luc
b know
c am knowing
I lived in Paris, I
strolling along the banks of the river Seine.
b had enjoyed
c would enjoy
d used to enjoy
to the new Harry Potter film on Saturday. If we can get tickets,
would you like to come too?
b were thinking
c had planned
d had been meaning
of going
to go
to go
Our last holiday in Italy was
marvellous => dat dinh
b fairly
c exceedingly
The louder he talks,
I become.
b so irritated
c the more irritated
d more irritated do
She prefers an evening at the cinema
to bars or clubs:
prefer Ving to Ving
b rather than
c than going out
d to go out
go out
a new car.
b so as to buy
c for buying
be famous, but that
doesn't necessarily mean he's interesting to
a must
b could
c should
d may
The lecture's been cancelled, so we
as well go for lunch now.
b could
c should
d will
Given the chance, many children
TV uninterruptedly for hours.
b will have
c will be watching
d will watch
14 nocturnal creature(s).
a Owl is a b An owl is a
lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
15 is an instrument for looking at small objects.
a A microscope
b Microscope
c The microscope
d One microscope
My brother has
in the personnel department who
might be able to help
a the contacts
b contact
c the contact
d a contact
That's strange -
I sent the parcel by courier, so you
have received it by
a must
b couldn't
c should
d needn't
The engagement
ring he gave her
been more beautiful.
a couldn't have
b might have
c shouldn't have
d must have
19 My teacher says it's a pity I didn't start lessons when I was younger, because she
have become a professional
could => ability
a must
b would
c may
d could
20 Several witnesses
said they saw the woman and
child leaving the building together.
However, as the child was smiling and
holding the woman's
hand, they assumed
his mother.
must be => deduction
a had
to be
b must be
c must have been
d was to be
21 He told me he
finish a report before
he could join us for a drink.
a was to
b must have to
c had
d must have had to
22 This is
to be the
best film the famous director
da lam roi => ko the hope
a argued
b accepted
c hoped
d thought
23 He begged
beg + pronoun + V
a that she
that she
c for her forgiving
d her to forgive
should forgive
24 That was
party last night -
I haven't
had so much
fun for years!
extraordinary party => some
a any
b some
d no
25 Unfortunately,
children nowadays
are able, or prepared,
to read
works, such as Peter Pan or Treasure Island,
in the original versions.
a little
b little
c few
d a few
26 I would normally have been on that train that was derailed yesterday, but
............... told
me I should
take my car to work instead.
a anything
b everything
c something
d nothing
27 We've
had a burglar alarm
installed in our holiday cottage
feel happier
leaving it unoccupied
for long periods.
a lest we should
b in order that
c so that we will
d for fear that
we will
we should
28 her excellent qualifications, she hasn't yet found a suitable job.
a Thanks to b Despite c Although d As a result of
lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
29 The plot was complicated it spoiled my enjoyment of the book.
a very b such c so d so much
30 these new regulations to come into force, our work would become much more difficult.
a If
b Should
d Were
If you
keep teasing the dog, you shouldn't be surprised that it snaps at
a do
b will
c shall
d did
If you had paid more attention in class, you
better marks now.
a would have
b will have
c ought to have
d should have
She can't have studied chemistry at school if she
what a heavy element
a doesn't even
b hadn't even
c wouldn't even
d won't even know
34 I'd rather
all those stories about me as a child to my new boyfriend,
Mum. I was awfully embarrassed.
a not have told
b you didn't tell
c you wouldn't
d you hadn't told
I wish you
when I'm telling you something important.
a won't interrupt
b wouldn't
c didn't interrupt
d hadn't interrupted
36 What's the matter? You look as though
a ghost.
a are seeing
b see
c saw
d had seen
Oh no! It looks like my rucksack
behind in the scramble to get on the
a has left
b has got left
c had left
d had been left
The book was banned in Britain because it was seen
offensive to racial
a be
b to be
c being
d having been
I think it's disgraceful that the children aren't
go outside during the
a let
b let to
c allowed
d allowed to
The colours you've chosen are lovely, dear, but next time try
shading within the lines a bit more.
a keeping
b to be kept
c and keep
d that you should keep
The girl said she went up the tree because her brother
climb it.
a had dared her
b had dared
c was dared
d had dared
her to
the news of the birth of her first grandchild, Mary burst into tears of joy.
a Hearing
b Having heard
c Being heard
d Having been heard
lOMoARcPSD| 40749825
43 are staff to enter this area without wearing protective clothing.
a Absolutely not
b Out of the
c On no account
d In no way
Scarcely had the islanders recovered from the earthquake
the volcano
began to erupt.
a that
b when
c then
d than
Only after a dozen attempts
her driving test.
a did she pass
b she passed
c passed she
for the independent candidate.
do anyone la N => ko dao ngu
a voted anyone
b did anyone
c anyone voted
It's the long, light evenings
I like most about summer.
a why
b what
c which
d that
48 I don't think it's my fault;
I did was touch that key there, and the whole
computer crashed!
a all
b when
c that
d the only
What I really want
up your bedroom.
a is that you
b would be for you c is for you to
d is you tidying
should tidy
to tidy
He doesn't
like children chatting in class
he will not put up with.
a Such
b Those
c That
d This thing
| 1/5

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lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825
Worksheet CPE Diagnostic Test (Fiona Scott)
Advanced Grammar (Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh) lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825 Diagnostic test ¥
This test can be used at the start of a course to identify which areas of advanced
grammar a learner entering the CPE level has most difficulty with. 1 You
wonderful! Is that a new perfume you're wearing? smell => state verb a are smelling b smell c will smell d have been smelling 2 Their train is to get in at 19.05. a bound b likely c due
3 IT gets on my nerves that way that Carol about her job. a forever boasts b is forever c never boasts d is never boasting boasting 4 Since I :
you; I have never seen you cry. 2 chuyen xay ra cug luc a have known b know c am knowing 5 When I lived in Paris, I
strolling along the banks of the river Seine. a was enjoying b had enjoyed c would enjoy d used to enjoy 6 We
to the new Harry Potter film on Saturday. If we can get tickets, would you like to come too? a were going b were thinking c had planned d had been meaning to go of going to go to go
7 Our last holiday in Italy was marvellous. marvellous => dat dinh a quite b fairly c exceedingly 8 The louder he talks, I become. a very irritated b so irritated c the more irritated d more irritated do
9 She prefers an evening at the cinema to bars or clubs: prefer Ving to Ving a to going out b rather than c than going out d to go out go out 10 Rod is too poor a new car. a that he can buy b so as to buy c for buying 11 He be famous, but that
doesn't necessarily mean he's interesting to talk to. a must b could c should d may
12 The lecture's been cancelled, so we as well go for lunch now. a might b could c should d will
13 Given the chance, many children TV uninterruptedly for hours. a are watching b will have c will be watching d will watch watched 14 nocturnal creature(s). a Owl is a b An owl is a lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825 15
is an instrument for looking at small objects. a A microscope b Microscope c The microscope d One microscope 16 My brother has
in the personnel department who might be able to help you. a the contacts b contact c the contact d a contact 17 That's strange -
I sent the parcel by courier, so you have received it by now. a must b couldn't c should d needn't
18 The engagement ring he gave her been more beautiful. a couldn't have b might have c shouldn't have d must have
19 My teacher says it's a pity I didn't start lessons when I was younger, because she thinks I have become a professional musician. could => ability a must b would c may d could 20 Several witnesses said they saw the woman and
child leaving the building together.
However, as the child was smiling and holding the woman's hand, they assumed she his mother. must be => deduction a had to be b must be c must have been d was to be 21 He told me he ~ finish a report before he could join us for a drink. a was to b must have to c had to d must have had to 22 This is to be the
best film the famous director has made. da lam roi => ko the hope a argued b accepted c hoped d thought 23 He begged : him. beg + pronoun + V a that she b that she c for her forgiving d her to forgive forgive should forgive 24 That was party last night - I haven't had so much fun for years!
extraordinary party => some a any b some cone d no 25 Unfortunately,
children nowadays are able, or prepared, to read classic
works, such as Peter Pan or Treasure Island, in the original versions. a little b little c few d a few
26 I would normally have been on that train that was derailed yesterday, but ............... told me I should take my car to work instead. a anything b everything c something d nothing
27 We've had a burglar alarm
installed in our holiday cottage feel happier
about leaving it unoccupied for long periods. a lest we should b in order that c so that we will d for fear that we will we should 28
her excellent qualifications, she hasn't yet found a suitable job. a Thanks to b Despite c Although d As a result of lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825 29 The plot was
complicated it spoiled my enjoyment of the book. a very b such c so d so much
30 these new regulations to come into force, our work would become much more difficult. a If b Should cHad d Were 31 If you
keep teasing the dog, you shouldn't be surprised that it snaps at you. a do b will c shall d did
32 If you had paid more attention in class, you better marks now. a would have b will have c ought to have d should have
33 She can't have studied chemistry at school if she what a heavy element is. a doesn't even b hadn't even c wouldn't even d won't even know know known know 34 I'd rather
all those stories about me as a child to my new boyfriend,
Mum. I was awfully embarrassed. a not have told b you didn't tell
c you wouldn't tell d you hadn't told 35 I wish you
when I'm telling you something important. a won't interrupt b wouldn't c didn't interrupt d hadn't interrupted interrupt
36 What's the matter? You look as though you a ghost. a are seeing b see c saw d had seen
37 Oh no! It looks like my rucksack
behind in the scramble to get on the bus. a has left b has got left c had left d had been left
38 The book was banned in Britain because it was seen offensive to racial minorities. a be b to be c being d having been
39 I think it's disgraceful that the children aren't go outside during the break. a let b let to c allowed d allowed to
40 The colours you've chosen are lovely, dear, but next time try your
shading within the lines a bit more. a keeping b to be kept c and keep d that you should keep
41 The girl said she went up the tree because her brother climb it. a had dared her b had dared c was dared d had dared her to 42
the news of the birth of her first grandchild, Mary burst into tears of joy. a Hearing b Having heard c Being heard d Having been heard lOMoAR cPSD| 40749825 43
are staff to enter this area without wearing protective clothing. a Absolutely not b Out of the c On no account d In no way question
44 Scarcely had the islanders recovered from the earthquake the volcano began to erupt. a that b when c then d than
45 Only after a dozen attempts her driving test. a did she pass b she passed c passed she 46 Hardly
for the independent candidate.
do anyone la N => ko dao ngu a voted anyone b did anyone c anyone voted vote
47 It's the long, light evenings I like most about summer. a why b what c which d that
48 I don't think it's my fault;
I did was touch that key there, and the whole computer crashed! a all b when c that d the only 49 What I really want up your bedroom. a is that you
b would be for you c is for you to d is you tidying should tidy to tidy tidy
50 He doesn't like children chatting in class he will not put up with. a Such b Those c That d This thing