Advanced Word Formation

ADVANCED WORD FORMATION EXERCISE  dành cho  các bạn học sinh, sinh viên tham khảo, ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi. Đồng thời nâng cao trình độ Tiếng Anh của bạn! Mời  các bạn  cùng  đón xem nhé ! 

Full name: _________________ Date: ____________
1. Safety tests on old cars have been ___________________ throughout Europe. (STANDARD)
2. We eventually began the ____________ task of sorting through his papers. (LABOUR)
3. Children normally feel a lot of ________________ about their first day at school. (ANXIOUS)
4. That’s a very __________________ flower arrangement you have there. (ART)
5. The engineering sector achieved significant __________________ last year. (GROW)
6. He was __________________ from a wound in his shoulder. (BLOOD)
7. Her first novel, ________________ More Innocent Times, was published in 1977. (TITLE)
8. There is a(n) __________________ simple explanation of what happened. (SUPPOSE)
9. Her face showed a(n) __________________ of fear and excitement. (MIX)
10. The reports are treated as strictly __________________. (CONFIDENCE)
11. Watch how she does it and then do __________________. (LIKE)
12. The painting consists of four __________________ blocks of colour. (RECTANGLE)
13. The magazine offers tips on cutting your house __________________ costs. (MAINTAIN)
14. The government has a policy of letting the __________________ ill be cared for in the community.
15. That staircase of theirs is the most beautiful piece of __________________. (CARPENTER)
16. In the exam we had to write one __________________ essay. (DESCRIBE)
17. I’m not __________________ to being treated like this. (CUSTOM)
18. Hundreds of mature trees were __________________ in the storm. (ROOT)
19. How do we know humans __________________ from apes? (EVOLUTION)
20. He had grown up in a(n) __________________ because his mother could not take care of him.
21. A UN force has been sent in to try and __________________ the area worst affected by the civil war.
22. I am simply trying to __________________ the facts of the case. (CERTAIN)
23. If you come to the __________________ at 10:30, the doctor will see you then. (SURGICAL)
24. In his later paintings he used a more __________________ blend of colours. (HARMONY)
25. It was a(n) __________________ of the President’s involvement in secret arms deals that shocked the
nation. (REVEAL)
26. She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is __________ English. (TYPE)
27. She is accused of playing a(n) __________________ part in the plot. (NOBLE)
28. The company is __________________ to new ideas at all times. (RECEIVE)
29. There were complaints that the advertisements were ______________ to women. (OFFEND)
30. We are all __________________ to you for your help. (DEBT)
31. The company is keen to develop its own __________________ in the area of computer programming.
32. He was __________________ about his looks, spending hours in the gym. (VANITY)
33. They knew that a vaccine for the virus was __________________ possible. (THEORY)
34. Over 30,000 __________________ will run in the New York marathon. (COMPETE)
35. The names of all the dead were __________________ on the monument. (SCRIPT)
36. The new director of the TV station is likely to make major changes in __________________.
37. They’ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in
38. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a(n) __________________ manipulation of
statistics. (FRAUD)
39. The company was inefficient because it was highly__________________ . (BUREAU)
40. Gathered all together in the church, they are going to __________________ those who lost their lives
in the Great War. (MEMORY)
41. He is the author of three books and __________________ articles. (NUMBER)
42. That was one of the most __________________ exhibitions I’ve seen. (SPECTACLE)
43. They’ve got very __________________ kids, as I remember. (QUARREL)
44. Kate was driven to the church for her wedding in a horse-drawn _____________. (CARRY)
45. There is something wrong with anyone who is so __________________ rude. (HABIT)
46. The police have taken the __________________ of every man in the neighbourhood who matched the
rapist’s description.
47. Plants keep cool during the summer by _____________ water from their leaves. (VAPOUR)
48. The streets were __________________ with strings of coloured lights. (LUMINOUS)
49. __________________, the side effects of the drugs were not discovered until many people had been
seriously damaged by
50. The __________________ of old technology has slowed the company’s growth. (RETAIN)
51. They regarded him as the __________________ of their country. (SAVE)
52. She bought a(n) __________________ about the castle from the tourist office. (BOOK)
53. It’s impossible to prove __________________ that the factory is responsible for the pollution.
54. The __________________ sounds made by young babies were very similar to those used in early
speech. (VOICE)
55. Children from a(n) __________________ background are statistically more likely to become
involved in crime.
56. The line between the real and the __________________ is very blurred in the film world. (FABLE)
57. This attack on a defenceless elderly person is an act of purely ________________. (COWARD)
58. A UN force has been sent in to try and __________________ the area worst affected by the civil war.
59. The program will take a detailed and ________ look at the problem of homelessness.
60. He became editor of the __________________ Irish journal “The Bell”. (LEGEND)
61. Vitamin C increases the __________________ of iron from food. (ABSORB)
62. The players were __________________ by the referee’s decision. (FURY)
63. If you are sweating a lot you should wear a(n) __________________. (ODOUR)
64. They executed Russia’s __________________ family in 1918. (EMPIRE)
65. The window-dresser has arranged the clothes very __________________ in the windows of the
department store. (ART)
66. She scooped up a(n) ______________ of sand and let it truckle through her fingers.(HAND)
67. It is _____________ for companies to provide details of their industrial processes. (OBLIGE)
68. The seller usually pays a commission to the __________________ or auction company based on a
percentage of the final
sale price. (AUCTION)
69. The main __________________ of pension equality so far have been men. (BENEFIT)
70. Falling coffee prices have __________________ many Third World economies. (POOR)
71. The first inhabitants of Iceland were a group of __________________ families who settled on
the island in AD 874.
72. There was disagreement about whether the country needs to maintain a ________.(DETER)
73. Hundreds of __________________ from the war zone have arrived in the city and we are trying to
find homes for them.
74. __________________ patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles from becoming
stiff. (BED)
75. It was this passion for fast cars that led to his ___________ death at the age of 33. (TIME)
76. Every effort is made to ________________ any errors before the book is printed. (RIGHT)
77. In a recent opinion poll, a majority of __________________ were against nuclear weapons.
78. Her mouth is _________ lipsticked and her eyes are wide open with anticipation. (SEDUCE)
79. The script has a refreshing __________________ and sparkle. (SPONTANEOUS)
80. It’s better to be a(n) __________________ and eat a variety of plant and animals in case there is
a shortage of one
particular kind of food. (VORE)
81. The band performed very __________________ in the concert last night. (IMPRESS)
82. Teenagers always try to be __________________ of their parents. (DEPEND)
83. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is __________________ .(POLLUTE)
84. Her boring essay is the __________________ one that I have ever read. (LENGTH)
85. My opinion is that ghosts are _____________. There are no ghosts in this world. (EXIST)
86. At the end of the concert, the audience gave the young pianist a(n) __________________ ovation.
87. The university has __________________ the use of dictionaries during language examinations.
88. A dilemma is a situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two, sometimes unpleasant,
89. It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton’s shop, for it was __________________ from all others in the
90. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the __________________ hospitality of the fans.
91. The teacher’s criticism has __________________ Tom’s interest in learning. (DIE)
92. The staffs bad behaviour has brought ________________ to the whole company. (GRACEFUL)
93. Panda is __________________ to China only. (NATION)
94. Traditional __________________ are a good source of fun and entertainment. (CELEBRATE)
95. The public were angry with the Minister’s __________________ to tell the truth about the bribery.
96. Young children should be well aware of their __________________ manner. (BEHAVE)
97. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don’t __________________ any of them.
98. The __________________ are scheduled to take off at 15:00 and 15:30. (FLY)
99. I’ve never met such a strong man. His energy seems __________________ . (EXHAUST)
100. Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with __________________. (INSECT)
101. Don’t you know that your good result will make your parents __________________ proud of you?
102. Be careful. You may be _________________ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE)
103. The boy watched the performance of the tigers, __________________ with amazement.
104. I would like to express my admiration for his _______________ of knowledge. (PROFOUND)
105. The cancellation of the case resulted from the __________________ in court of the defendant
resulted in. (APPEAR)
106. The __________________ of the Ministry of Education announced the date of the graduation exam.
107. Mercedes is a very __________________ car. (DEPEND)
108. There should be __________________ staff in case someone is absent and needs to be replaced.
109. You’ll be punished for all your __________________. (DO)
110. With all the modern facilities, doing housework is still very ________________. (CONSUME)
111. As __________________ as he is, it’s not surprising that he believed their lies. (IMPRESS)
112. Our factories, cars and power stations may poison the environment with __________________ gases
and chemical waste.
113. The monument was erected in __________________ of the fallen soldiers for posterity.
114. Being a career woman, Angelina devoted herself exclusively to ______________ her career. (FAR)
115. Hopefully, patients infected with influenza A/HlNl can be treated with __________________
drugs like Tamiflu and
Relenza. (VIRUS)
116. Urban sewage and industrial waste that man discharges into the sea have a(n) __________________
effect on marine life.
117. We should make young people realize that drug-taking is _________________. (DESTROY)
118. Good jobs are in short supply these days and you need to be on the __________________ for them as
a result. (LOOKING)
119. The invention of software by Bill Gates brought __________________ wealth to him when he was
25. (TELL)
120. Mind your language, you guys. It is __________________ rude. (EXCUSE)
121. One of the most studied of all “chicken cures”, ginger has been used __________________ for
millennia. (MEDICINE)
122. Whenever examination is in progress, I often see parents, family members and __________________
waiting anxiously outside the exam site. (WISH)
123. There was a(n) __________________in the arrangements so I missed my flight. (SLIP)
124. __________________ skill is the one skill that can grant you the opportunity to get a good job.
125. Bill Gate is a(n) __________________ story of an entrepreneur. (SUCCEED)
126. Such a kind man would never __________________ hurt his friend’s feelings. (INTEND)
127. The scenery along the coast was __________________. (BREATHE)
128. Because of a car __________________, she didn’t get to the airport in time for her flights.
129. The __________________ need assistance from the whole society. (POVERTY)
130. Her bedroom is __________________ decorated with her favourite souvenirs from her trips.
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Preview text:

Full name: _________________ Date: ____________
1. Safety tests on old cars have been ___________________ throughout Europe. (STANDARD)
2. We eventually began the ____________ task of sorting through his papers. (LABOUR)
3. Children normally feel a lot of ________________ about their first day at school. (ANXIOUS)
4. That’s a very __________________ flower arrangement you have there. (ART)
5. The engineering sector achieved significant __________________ last year. (GROW)
6. He was __________________ from a wound in his shoulder. (BLOOD)
7. Her first novel, ________________ More Innocent Times, was published in 1977. (TITLE)
8. There is a(n) __________________ simple explanation of what happened. (SUPPOSE)
9. Her face showed a(n) __________________ of fear and excitement. (MIX)
10. The reports are treated as strictly __________________. (CONFIDENCE)
11. Watch how she does it and then do __________________. (LIKE)
12. The painting consists of four __________________ blocks of colour. (RECTANGLE)
13. The magazine offers tips on cutting your house __________________ costs. (MAINTAIN)
14. The government has a policy of letting the __________________ ill be cared for in the community. (MIND)
15. That staircase of theirs is the most beautiful piece of __________________. (CARPENTER)
16. In the exam we had to write one __________________ essay. (DESCRIBE)
17. I’m not __________________ to being treated like this. (CUSTOM)
18. Hundreds of mature trees were __________________ in the storm. (ROOT)
19. How do we know humans __________________ from apes? (EVOLUTION)
20. He had grown up in a(n) __________________ because his mother could not take care of him. (ORPHAN)
21. A UN force has been sent in to try and __________________ the area worst affected by the civil war. (PEACE)
22. I am simply trying to __________________ the facts of the case. (CERTAIN)
23. If you come to the __________________ at 10:30, the doctor will see you then. (SURGICAL)
24. In his later paintings he used a more __________________ blend of colours. (HARMONY)
25. It was a(n) __________________ of the President’s involvement in secret arms deals that shocked the nation. (REVEAL)
26. She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is __________ English. (TYPE)
27. She is accused of playing a(n) __________________ part in the plot. (NOBLE)
28. The company is __________________ to new ideas at all times. (RECEIVE)
29. There were complaints that the advertisements were ______________ to women. (OFFEND)
30. We are all __________________ to you for your help. (DEBT)
31. The company is keen to develop its own __________________ in the area of computer programming. (EXPERT)
32. He was __________________ about his looks, spending hours in the gym. (VANITY)
33. They knew that a vaccine for the virus was __________________ possible. (THEORY)
34. Over 30,000 __________________ will run in the New York marathon. (COMPETE)
35. The names of all the dead were __________________ on the monument. (SCRIPT)
36. The new director of the TV station is likely to make major changes in __________________. (PERSON) 1
37. They’ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in __________________. (MINI)
38. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a(n) __________________ manipulation of statistics. (FRAUD)
39. The company was inefficient because it was highly__________________ . (BUREAU)
40. Gathered all together in the church, they are going to __________________ those who lost their lives in the Great War. (MEMORY)
41. He is the author of three books and __________________ articles. (NUMBER)
42. That was one of the most __________________ exhibitions I’ve seen. (SPECTACLE)
43. They’ve got very __________________ kids, as I remember. (QUARREL)
44. Kate was driven to the church for her wedding in a horse-drawn _____________. (CARRY)
45. There is something wrong with anyone who is so __________________ rude. (HABIT)
46. The police have taken the __________________ of every man in the neighbourhood who matched the rapist’s description. (FINGER)
47. Plants keep cool during the summer by _____________ water from their leaves.(VAPOUR)
48. The streets were __________________ with strings of coloured lights. (LUMINOUS)
49. __________________, the side effects of the drugs were not discovered until many people had been seriously damaged by it. (TRAGEDY)
50. The __________________ of old technology has slowed the company’s growth. (RETAIN)
51. They regarded him as the __________________ of their country. (SAVE)
52. She bought a(n) __________________ about the castle from the tourist office. (BOOK)
53. It’s impossible to prove __________________ that the factory is responsible for the pollution. (CONCLUDE)
54. The __________________ sounds made by young babies were very similar to those used in early speech. (VOICE)
55. Children from a(n) __________________ background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime. (PRIVILEGE)
56. The line between the real and the __________________ is very blurred in the film world. (FABLE)
57. This attack on a defenceless elderly person is an act of purely ________________. (COWARD)
58. A UN force has been sent in to try and __________________ the area worst affected by the civil war. (PEACE)
59. The program will take a detailed and ________
look at the problem of homelessness. (PROVOKE)
60. He became editor of the __________________ Irish journal “The Bell”. (LEGEND)
61. Vitamin C increases the __________________ of iron from food. (ABSORB)
62. The players were __________________ by the referee’s decision. (FURY)
63. If you are sweating a lot you should wear a(n) __________________. (ODOUR)
64. They executed Russia’s __________________ family in 1918. (EMPIRE)
65. The window-dresser has arranged the clothes very __________________ in the windows of the department store. (ART)
66. She scooped up a(n) ______________ of sand and let it truckle through her fingers.(HAND)
67. It is _____________ for companies to provide details of their industrial processes. (OBLIGE)
68. The seller usually pays a commission to the __________________ or auction company based on a
percentage of the final sale price. (AUCTION)
69. The main __________________ of pension equality so far have been men. (BENEFIT) 2
70. Falling coffee prices have __________________ many Third World economies. (POOR)
71. The first inhabitants of Iceland were a group of __________________ families who settled on the island in AD 874. (NORWAY)
72. There was disagreement about whether the country needs to maintain a ________.(DETER)
73. Hundreds of __________________ from the war zone have arrived in the city and we are trying to find homes for them. (EVACUATE)
74. __________________ patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles from becoming stiff. (BED)
75. It was this passion for fast cars that led to his ___________ death at the age of 33. (TIME)
76. Every effort is made to ________________ any errors before the book is printed. (RIGHT)
77. In a recent opinion poll, a majority of __________________ were against nuclear weapons. (RESPONSE)
78. Her mouth is _________ lipsticked and her eyes are wide open with anticipation. (SEDUCE)
79. The script has a refreshing __________________ and sparkle. (SPONTANEOUS)
80. It’s better to be a(n) __________________ and eat a variety of plant and animals in case there is
a shortage of one particular kind of food. (VORE)
81. The band performed very __________________ in the concert last night. (IMPRESS)
82. Teenagers always try to be __________________ of their parents. (DEPEND)
83. The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is __________________ .(POLLUTE)
84. Her boring essay is the __________________ one that I have ever read. (LENGTH)
85. My opinion is that ghosts are _____________. There are no ghosts in this world. (EXIST)
86. At the end of the concert, the audience gave the young pianist a(n) __________________ ovation. (STAND)
87. The university has __________________ the use of dictionaries during language examinations. (AUTHOR)
88. A dilemma is a situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two, sometimes unpleasant, __________________ . (ALTERNATE)
89. It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton’s shop, for it was __________________ from all others in the street. (DISTINGUISH)
90. When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the __________________ hospitality of the fans. (COMPARE)
91. The teacher’s criticism has __________________ Tom’s interest in learning. (DIE)
92. The staffs bad behaviour has brought ________________ to the whole company. (GRACEFUL)
93. Panda is __________________ to China only. (NATION)
94. Traditional __________________ are a good source of fun and entertainment. (CELEBRATE)
95. The public were angry with the Minister’s __________________ to tell the truth about the bribery. (REFUSE)
96. Young children should be well aware of their __________________ manner. (BEHAVE)
97. Please put the books back to where you took them. Don’t __________________ any of them. (PLACE)
98. The __________________ are scheduled to take off at 15:00 and 15:30. (FLY)
99. I’ve never met such a strong man. His energy seems __________________ . (EXHAUST)
100. Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with __________________. (INSECT)
101. Don’t you know that your good result will make your parents __________________ proud of you? (MEASURE) 3
102. Be careful. You may be _________________ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE)
103. The boy watched the performance of the tigers, __________________ with amazement. (BREATHE)
104. I would like to express my admiration for his _______________ of knowledge. (PROFOUND)
105. The cancellation of the case resulted from the __________________ in court of the defendant resulted in. (APPEAR)
106. The __________________ of the Ministry of Education announced the date of the graduation exam. (SPEAK)
107. Mercedes is a very __________________ car. (DEPEND)
108. There should be __________________ staff in case someone is absent and needs to be replaced. (STAND)
109. You’ll be punished for all your __________________. (DO)
110. With all the modern facilities, doing housework is still very ________________.(CONSUME)
111. As __________________ as he is, it’s not surprising that he believed their lies. (IMPRESS)
112. Our factories, cars and power stations may poison the environment with __________________ gases and chemical waste. (POLLUTE)
113. The monument was erected in __________________ of the fallen soldiers for posterity. (REMEMBER)
114. Being a career woman, Angelina devoted herself exclusively to ______________ her career. (FAR)
115. Hopefully, patients infected with influenza A/HlNl can be treated with __________________
drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza. (VIRUS)
116. Urban sewage and industrial waste that man discharges into the sea have a(n) __________________ effect on marine life. (DELETE)
117. We should make young people realize that drug-taking is _________________. (DESTROY)
118. Good jobs are in short supply these days and you need to be on the __________________ for them as a result. (LOOKING)
119. The invention of software by Bill Gates brought __________________ wealth to him when he was 25. (TELL)
120. Mind your language, you guys. It is __________________ rude. (EXCUSE)
121. One of the most studied of all “chicken cures”, ginger has been used __________________ for millennia. (MEDICINE)
122. Whenever examination is in progress, I often see parents, family members and __________________
waiting anxiously outside the exam site. (WISH)
123. There was a(n) __________________in the arrangements so I missed my flight. (SLIP)
124. __________________ skill is the one skill that can grant you the opportunity to get a good job. (LEAD)
125. Bill Gate is a(n) __________________ story of an entrepreneur. (SUCCEED)
126. Such a kind man would never __________________ hurt his friend’s feelings. (INTEND)
127. The scenery along the coast was __________________. (BREATHE)
128. Because of a car __________________, she didn’t get to the airport in time for her flights. (BREAK)
129. The __________________ need assistance from the whole society. (POVERTY)
130. Her bedroom is __________________ decorated with her favourite souvenirs from her trips. (PLEASE) 4