Answer Book Sum1-Answerbook-3 Answer Book: Summit 1 - Tiếng anh | Đại học FPT Hà Nội

Student’s Book Answer Key Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable. UNIT 1 PREVIEW E Understand idioms and expressions 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a F Compare and contrast 1. Leo is more of a pessimist. Nora is more of a realist. 2. Answers will vary. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !


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Answer Book Sum1-Answerbook-3 Answer Book: Summit 1 - Tiếng anh | Đại học FPT Hà Nội

Student’s Book Answer Key Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable. UNIT 1 PREVIEW E Understand idioms and expressions 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a F Compare and contrast 1. Leo is more of a pessimist. Nora is more of a realist. 2. Answers will vary. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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Sum1-answerbook-3 answer book
Summit 1 (FPT University)
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Sum1-answerbook-3 answer book
Summit 1 (FPT University)
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Student’s Book Answer Key
Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key
contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this
type of exercise should be considered acceptable.
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a
F Compare and contrast
1. Leo is more of a pessimist. Nora is more of a realist.
2. Answers will vary.
LESSON 1: Describe your personality
B Classify the vocabulary
Are always positive: polite, punctual, friendly, nice, interesting, intelligent, easygoing,
outgoing, considerate, modest, trustworthy
Can be either: liberal, conservative, hardworking, independent, serious, talkative
Are always negative: impolite, rude, unfriendly
D Listen to activate grammar
1. to paint the bedroom
2. telling . . . keyboard
3. to watch a movie
4. working . . . an oce
5. being rude
6. having to . . . Friday
E Pair work
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. staying up late
2. to paint your house
3. working late
4. working on the weekend
5. working on Saturday
6. to tell a joke
7. watching movies
8. cleaning in the house
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LESSON 2: Discuss someone’s behavior
C Listen to classify
1. a workaholic, a team player
2. a tyrant, a pain in the neck
3. a pain in the neck
E Understand the grammar
2. Hotel security guards told drivers to stop at the entrance to the hotel.
3. The rules required employees to return from lunch at 2:00.
4. Our manager encouraged us to tweet our questions to the speaker.
5. The invitation advised them to be at the restaurant before 8:00 p.m.
F Grammar practice
Answers will vary but may include the following:
2. them . . . re-schedule the game
3. Heather . . . study for the test
4. people . . . leave their bags outside
5. someone . . . walk your dog
6. us . . . buy a new car
G Pair work
2. asked Kevin to speak
3. would like you to be
4. want Kathy to write
5. want my assistant to speak
LESSON 3: Compare perspectives on world problems
B Listen for main ideas
Conversation 1: crime
Conversation 2: a virus
Conversation 3: terrorism
C Listen for details
1. a. F
b. F
2. a. ND
b. ND
3. a. T
b. ND
D Understand meaning from context
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a
E Group work
Conversation 1
1. Provide more money for local police. Not tempt criminals.
2. Because he presents specific examples of how to fight crime.
3. Answers will vary.
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Conversation 2
1. It’s even more contagious than Ebola.
2. The woman. She gives some good news.
3. Answers will vary.
Conversation 3
1. Nothing. She said people just have to keep living normally. They should hope for the best.
2. The woman
3. Answers will vary.
LESSON 4: Discuss creative ways to achieve a goal
B Reading
He left the family’s camera on top of his car and drove away. All the vacation photos were
C Determine the main idea
D Understand meaning from context
– absent-minded – hopeless – meaningless + useful
+ aectionate + purposeful + powerful
E Summarize
Answers will vary but may include the following:
The article is about a creative approach to solving a problem. A family on vacation lost a
camera. When a man found it on the side of the road, he posted a picture from the camera
on Facebook with a note. After hundreds of shares, the photo found its way to the family.
The camera was returned to them, thus illustrating how powerful and useful social media
can be.
F Word study
Answers will vary but may include the following:
I was careless on my exam and made a lot of mistakes!
She was hopeful she would get a good job when she graduated.
Ted thought teaching was a very meaningful profession.
My dental visit was painless!
The president of the company is a very powerful person.
The meeting was purposeless and a waste of time.
I learned many useful things in the computer class.
G Word study practice
restful: something that makes you feel relaxed
restless: unable to relax or sit still
helpful: giving help
helpless: needing help from other people
pitiful: causing you to feel sadness or pity
pitiless: having or showing no pity for other people’s suering
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B Practice
1. S3
2. S1
3. T
4. S2
5. C
6. S4
C Practice
Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: Terrorist acts take many forms, but all have one thing in common: the
senseless targeting of innocent people to achieve maximum pain, fear, and disruption.
Concluding sentence: In conclusion, although I generally have a positive outlook, I think it is
just a matter of time until terrorists harm me or people I know and love.
Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: The things that worry many people don’t worry me.
Concluding sentence: “Better safe than sorry,” as they say, but in most cases it’s best just to
try to roll with the punches.
A 1. pessimist
2. realist
3. optimist
B 1. Susan
2. John
3. Matt
C Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. is relaxed and doesn’t worry about things too much.
2. is interested in other people and new experiences.
3. does what they say they will do.
4. gives other people help when they need it.
D 1. tyrant
2. team player
3. workaholic
4. people person
E 1. painless
2. hopeless
3. useful
4. hopeful
5. powerful
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B Vocabulary
Answers will vary but may include the following:
A beat is the rhythm of a piece of music; a melody is the order of notes in a musical piece;
lyrics are the words of a song; sound refers to the particular style or quality of an artist’s
or group’s music; voice is the quality of sound produced when one sings; a performance is
entertaining an audience for example, by playing music or acting a play.
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. f 2. e 3. g 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. c
F Think and explain
1. Sandy has seen the movie The Phantom of the Opera, but she would like to see it live;
Amalia has seen it on stage, but she wouldn’t mind seeing it again; Paul saw it ten years
ago, but he isn’t interested in seeing it again.
2. Sandy thinks the art exhibit might be just right for Paul because he had suggested that
maybe there’s a museum that stays open late.
LESSON 1: Describe how you’ve been enjoying the arts
D Notice the grammar
Hasn’t that thing been playing for like twenty years now? [an action that may continue in the
E Understand the grammar
1. He’s been playing with their band for almost ten years.
3. She’s been looking online this morning for a good deal on show tickets.
4. Since he got promoted to stage manager, Mark’s been arriving early at the theater every
d a y.
5. We’ve been going to a lot of concerts lately.
8. Lately, audiences have been asking them to play more songs from their new album.
F Grammar practice
1. Have you been watching
2. Has Max seen
3. What have you been doing?
4. Has Vickie been working
5. Has Jerry ever gone
6. How long have you been waiting
LESSON 2: Express a negative opinion politely
B Listen to activate vocabulary
1. sentimental
2. commercial
3. dated
4. repetitive
5. serious
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E Notice the grammar
And what I really love is the location.
F Grammar practice
2. What I didn’t care for was Adele’s overly sentimental lyrics.
3. What Jessica doesn’t particularly like is Bono’s voice.
4. What I’d really enjoy seeing is a live Lady Gaga performance.
5. What really makes me want to dance is the song “I Gotta Feeling” by the Back Eyed
G Pair work
1. What always puts me to sleep is jazz.
2. What I can’t stand in techno-pop is the loud beat.
3. What can make even bad lyrics seem acceptable is a good melody.
4. What drives me crazy is listening to my brother try to sing.
5. What helps me unwind is dancing to the music of a great salsa band.
6. What I love is downloading songs by unknown new artists.
LESSON 3: Describe a creative personality
C Reading
Answers will vary but may include the following:
His strong personality made him an unpleasant person who often lost his temper and
behaved selfishly. But it was also his strong personality that enabled him to fight the
obstacles and keep working when he lost his hearing.
D Infer information
1. 1786
2. 56
3. He was moved by the roaring applause even though he couldn’t hear it.
4. 1827
E Identify supporting details
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. He composed his first piece of music by age 12.
2. He continued to write many pieces of music.
3. He wrote many unique compositions.
4. He asked several women to marry him.
5. He rarely bathed.
6. He dumped a plate of food on a waiter’s head.
7. He would walk through the streets talking to himself.
8. If anyone talked during a concert he would stop playing and leave.
F Express and support an opinion
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Women rejected Beethoven because he was egotistical, eccentric, and dicult to get
along with. They probably made the right decision; the marriage probably would not have
2. Beethoven didn’t need to hear to create extraordinary music. His music was in his heart
and mind.
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LESSON 4: Discuss the benefits of the arts
B Listen for main ideas
1. music
2. drama
3. art
C Listen for supporting information
1. b 2. a 3. b
D Listen to take notes
1. a disability that causes a person to learn more slowly than most people, and aects a
person’s ability to communicate and interact socially
2. teenagers that are depressed because of dicult life experiences
3. someone who is elderly
G Word study practice
1. relaxed
2. depressed
3. soothing
4. surprising
5. amazed
6. pleased
7. entertaining
B Error correction
Answers will vary but may include the following. Corrections are underlined.
Some people think I am moody, pessimistic, and cautious because I sometimes worry about
the future. However, this is very surprising to me. What I think is that I have always been
passionate, positive, and optimistic. The fact that I love traveling, meeting new people, and
learning about new places proves that I don’t have a pessimistic outlook. Most of my friends
find me to be energetic and imaginative.
C Practice
1. I like reading, listening to music, and going to movies.
2. I’ve been a teacher, a stay-at-home mom, and an oce manager.
3. I enjoy hiking, skiing, and swimming in the ocean.
4. Seeing new places, having new experiences, and making new friends are all reasons I
like to travel.
5. Last year I joined the volleyball team, played in ten games, and won an award.
6. What energizes and relaxes me is painting portraits, cooking great meals, and playing
my guitar.
A 1. The man / Their music is too sentimental.
2. The woman / Her music is too serious.
3. The man / Music is too commercial.
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4. The man / Her performances are too eccentric.
5. The woman / His music is out-of-date.
B 1. gifted
2. eccentric
3. egotistical
4. moody
5. energetic
6. passionate
C 1. I’ve already written two reports for my boss this month.
2. Correct
3. They’ve never heard about art therapy before.
4. Most likely, Lance has been studying late. His bedroom light is still on.
5. We haven’t made reservations for our flight yet.
6. I’ll bet you’ve been doing the laundry. I can hear the washing machine.
D 1. What wouldn’t be much fun is life without the arts.
2. What I don’t like is a band whose music is really commercial.
3. What the beat did was make everyone feel like dancing.
4. What I like to listen to is music that has fun lyrics and a great melody.
5. What they should go see is anything that’s playing on Broadway.
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. c 2. b 3. e 4. f 5. g 6. i 7. j 8. a 9. d 10. h
SPEAKING Group work
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. never needs charging
2. makes wrinkles disappear
3. increases your speed
4. a diet pill: makes you lose weight quickly
LESSON 1: Express buyer’s remorse
B Listen for details
1. a juicer
2. a digital camera
3. an exercise bike
4. a sound system
5. a car
C Activate vocabulary
2. It’s too hard to operate.
3. It just sits around collecting dust.
4. It’s too hard to put together.
5. It costs too much to maintain.
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E Notice the grammar
I shouldn’t have said that.
F Understand the grammar
2. Should you have read the owner’s manual before you tried to use the espresso maker?
3. We ought to have gone to a discount store instead of this fancy department store.
4. I should not have been in such a hurry to sell my house.
5. Shouldn’t he have taken the tutorial for his new computer?
6. I should not have bought these gimmicky basketball shoes.
G Pair work
2. She wishes she hadn’t tried to repair the air-conditioner herself.
3. He wishes she had bought a convertible.
4. Clark wishes his dad had returned the defective tires as soon as he read about the
problem in the news.
5. The teacher wishes the children had taken the school bus this morning.
LESSON 2: Talk about financial goals and plans
D Notice the grammar
But, Dad, by the time I have enough money to buy a smart bike myself, all my friends will
have already gotten theirs!
E Grammar practice
1. By the end of this month I will have put half my paycheck in the bank.
2. By next summer Stan will have saved enough to make a down payment on an apartment.
3. Do you think you will have lowered your credit card debt by December?
4. When will they have started spending less than they earn?
F Grammar practice
1. intends to have created
2. is hoping to have made
3. plans to have begun
4. expects to have paid back
G Error correction
1. I expect to have earned enough money to buy a car by the end of the year.
2. Before they come back home, they will have spent all the money they took with them.
3. We hope to have completed our driver training by the end of the week.
4. By the time I’m thirty I will have been married for five years.
LESSON 3: Discuss good and bad money management
B Vocabulary practice
2. lives beyond his means.
3. live paycheck to paycheck.
4. pays her credit card bills in full.
5. doesn’t know where his money goes.
6. is drowning in debt.
7. live within their means.
8. keeps track of her expenses.
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C Listen to confirm content
Caller 1: 1, 3
Caller 2: 1, 2, 3
Caller 3: 1, 2, 4
D Listen to summarize
Caller 1: He can’t save any money and finds it hard to keep track of expenses.
Caller 2: Parents give her money for things she needs, but she wants an allowance so she
can decide how to spend her money.
Caller 3: She is drowning in debt and needs advice on her credit cards.
E Listen to evaluate
Answers will vary but may include the following:
In Conversation 1, the caller gets advice on saving a little bit of money by collecting loose
change in a jar. The financial advisor doesn’t give the man advice about tracking expenses.
The caller could probably use some tips about budgeting his money so that it lasts longer.
LESSON 4: Explain reasons for charitable giving
B Reading
Answers will vary but may include the following:
A charity is an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick,
C Word study
adjective: charitable
verb: contribute
noun: volunteer
noun: donation
noun: assistant
verb: pollute
verb: threaten
adjective: extinct
D Understand meaning from context
1. threat
2. Donations
3. extinction
4. assistance
5. pollution
6. contributions
E Draw conclusions
1. b 2. a 3. a
F Express and support an opinion
Answers will vary but may include the following:
In my opinion Doctors Without Borders does more important work. This charity is dedicated
to saving human lives. There is no more important cause than this.
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B Practice
Answers will vary but may include the following:
A Conversation 1: c
Conversation 2: b
Conversation 3: a
B 1. lives paycheck to paycheck
2. drowning in debt
3. lives beyond her means
4. doesn’t know where the money goes
C Answers will vary but may include the following.
1. I will have cleaned my apartment
2. to have finished this project
3. I will have saved enough money to travel
4. to have finished my degree
5. to have perfected my accent
D Answers will vary but may include the following:
I wish I had stayed in school.
I should have spent more time with my family.
E 1. able to support oneself with no help from anyone
2. a plan for managing one’s income and expenses
3. something someone plans to do in the near future that doesn’t take much time or
4. something someone plans to do in the future that takes a lot of time and planning
5. very high priced
6. money one borrows and pays back
A Frame your ideas
Answers will vary but may include the following:
(left to right) 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 3
C Discussion
Answers will vary but may include the following:
(left to right)
The man’s outfit is wild and loud.
The woman is wearing an elegant and formal outfit
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The woman’s outfit is casual and conservative.
The man is wearing a stylish and classic outfit.
The man’s outfit is informal and casual.
The woman is wearing a trendy and funky outfit.
E Understand idioms and expressions
2. It’s still acceptable.
3. No girl would want to be seen wearing that.
4. People wouldn’t notice.
5. I agree with you.
F Think and explain
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Roya is much more conservative than Karen. She finds the pants to be in bad taste
whereas Karen thinks they are funky and cute.
2. Karen’s opinion is similar to that of most people in the United States. The pants wouldn’t
be considered in bad taste by most people.
A Pair work
Answers will vary but may include the following:
(left to right)
While fashions come and go, style never goes away.
The minute everyone starts wearing a fashion, it is no longer stylish.
Fashion designers tell people what is fashionable.
Don’t just wear what other people wear. Express your own self through your clothes.
It’s not true that money can’t buy happiness. It can—you just need to know where to shop.
LESSON 1: Describe clothing details and formality
B Listen for details
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b
LESSON 2: Talk about changes in clothing customs
B Examine cultural expectations
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. In my opinion, when people dress too informally at work, this aects the seriousness
of the workplace. There needs to be some level of formality to ensure that people are
productive and that clients take them seriously.
2. I am in favor of business casual. I don’t think suits and ties are necessary in the
workplace, but jeans and T-shirts are too informal, in my opinion.
D Understand the grammar
1. Most
2. A number of
3. Every
4. fewer
5. a few
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1. Much can’t be used with count nouns.
2. A great deal of can’t be used with count nouns.
3. Every is used with singular, count nouns.
4. Less can’t be used with count nouns.
5. A little can’t be used with count nouns.
E Grammar practice
1. a, b, c
2. a, d
3. b, c
4. a, b, c
5. a, b
1. A great deal of can only be used with non-count nouns.
2. A great deal of can only be used with non-count nouns; every can only be used with
singular count nouns.
3. Some and most are used with plural nouns.
4. A little can only be used with non-count nouns.
5. Every is used with singular count nouns; less is used with non-count nouns.
LESSON 3: Examine questionable and cosmetic procedures
B Reading
It’s impossible to clean the tubs between clients, which can expose clients to bacteria and
C Understand meaning from context
1. exfoliate
2. bans
3. Bacteria
4. disinfect
5. mislabel
6. predator
D Identify supporting details
1. a – from paragraph 1
2. b – from paragraph 2
3. b – from paragraph 2
4. b – from paragraph 3
5. a – from paragraph 2
6. a – from paragraph 5
LESSON 4: Discuss appearance and self-esteem
B Word study practice
1. self-confidence
2. self-conscious
3. self-esteem
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4. self-image
5. self-centered
6. self-critical
7. self-pity
8. Self-confident
C Listen for main ideas
D Listen for details
1. Extremely thin
2. They have gotten thinner and thinner.
3. It can lead to low self-esteem and eating disorders.
4. Realize that they are being targeted as consumers
5. Instill a positive message about her value and attractiveness; praise people who don’t
conform to the thin body type; build up their self-esteem
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. similarly
2. However
3. In contrast,
4. unlike
5. whereas
6. similarly
7. However
A 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b
B 1. solid
2. plaid
3. loud
4. classic
5. stylish
6. formal
7. in bad taste
8. overdressed
9. low cut
10. long-sleeved
C 1. (Every
/ A few / Most) older people find flashy clothes in bad taste.
2. The company where I work says that it will permit us to come to the oce in jeans (one
a couple of / a few) days a month.
3. (Most / Many / Every
) young girls aren’t worried about the way they look.
4. (Much
/ A majority of / A number of) parents are concerned about the eect the media
has on young boys as well.
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5. When my great-grandparents were young, (many / most / much) women wore only
6. I’d say your friends could use (some / a little / a few
) fashion advice.
7. There are (several / most
/ many) reasons so many young women have eating disorders.
8. A new study says that (most / many / every
) children who watch TV for more than six
hours a day may have problems with self-esteem as teenagers.
D Answers will vary but may include the following:
I have several great ideas.
He is late a majority of the time.
Few people came to the concert.
There is little hope for nice weather tomorrow.
More and more young girls try to stay thin.
B Vocabulary
Answers will vary but may include the following:
An urban area has a lot of buildings, roads, and bridges; it is densely populated.
A rural area has few homes, buildings, and not many people.
The suburbs refer to an area on the outskirts of a major city where people live
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. look on the bright side
2. look out for each other
3. a mixed blessing
4. mind their own business
5. takes some getting used to
6. mean well
7. got a lot to oer
F Think and explain
1. It’s crowded and there’s lots of trac, but there’s a lot to do.
2. It’s safe and well-maintained, but he has nosy neighbors on his floor.
LESSON 1: Politely ask someone not to do something
B Word study practice
1. inappropriate
2. discourteous
3. inexcusable
4. unimaginable
5. dishonest
6. unpleasant
7. irrational
8. immature
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C Activate word study
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. It’s impolite to talk while you’re chewing.
2. It’s inappropriate to talk loudly in a movie.
3. It’s inexcusable to throw garbage on the street.
4. It’s discourteous to put your feet up on the seats of a train.
5. It’s dishonest to enter the subway without paying.
F Understand the grammar
1. “Do you mind my eating lunch at my desk?”
2. “Your brother’s not saying hello to her was disrespectful.”
3. “Kevin’s not agreeing to remove his shoes in my house was kind of impolite.”
4. “Isn’t Paula’s honking her car horn early in the morning inexcusable?”
5. Correct
G Grammar practice
2. I didn’t appreciate his texting his friends during the concert.
3. Does your mother object to their eating fast food in the car?
4. We don’t mind her talking on her cell phone.
5. I’m really annoyed by my brother not apologizing.
LESSON 2: Complain about public conduct
D Notice the grammar
Well, for one thing, not only do we have to deal with bumper-to-bumper trac every day, but
it’s almost impossible to find on-the-street parking.
E Grammar practice
1. People should either speak up about what bothers them, or just learn to live with other
people’s habits.
2. It’s not only rude when people talk on their phones in theaters, but also when they talk on
them on busses.
3. Not only do I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, but I also worry about the danger to my
4. Neither my uncle nor my grandparents are willing to give up smoking.
LESSON 3: Suggest ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime
B Reading
Answers will vary.
C Classify
1. a purse snatcher
2. a burglar
3. a pickpocket
4. muggers
D Understand meaning from context
1. e 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c
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E Critical thinking
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. While traveling, tourists might carry many bags and appear disoriented. They could be
easily distracted and pickpocketed.
2. A visitor shouldn’t appear lost. It’s a good idea to be alert and walk confidently.
LESSON 4: Discuss the meaning of community
C Listen to summarize
The Ice Bucket Challenge was a charity initiative to raise awareness and money for the fight
against ALS.
D Listen for details
1. $100
2. $100 million
3. 21%
E Listen to confirm content
2, 3, 6
B Practice
1. Dear Professor Smith:
2. Dear Sir or Madam:
3. Dear Ms. Costa:
4. Dear Mr. Takata:
5. Dear Dr. Grimond:
A 1. pickpocket . . . wallet . . . bus
2. mugger . . . money . . . friend
3. boy . . . purse
4. burglar . . . hotel room . . . laptop
B Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Oh, sorry, I’ll stop.
2. I apologize.
3. It’s very crowded.
4. My sister
C 2. irresponsible
3. improper
4. inappropriate
5. disrespectful
6. unpleasant
7. dishonest
8. discourteous
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D 1. Neither restaurants nor theaters should allow smoking.
2. Smoking should be either banned or restricted.
3. Neither littering nor spitting oends me.
4. Not only loud music but loud people are rude.
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b
LESSON 1: Exchange opinions about the treatment of animals
D Notice the grammar
I just don’t think animals should be cooped up in small cages.
E Understand the grammar
1. should treat
2. shouldn’t be kept
3. have to be trained
4. can teach
5. shouldn’t be forced
6. have to be killed
F Grammar practice
1. People shouldn’t be allowed to hunt elephants.
2. New medicines might be discovered through animal research.
3. Monkeys shouldn’t be kept as pets.
4. A lot could be done to improve conditions for cattle on factory farms.
5. The treatment of research animals must be improved.
6. Can’t zoos be used for performing scientific research to protect animals?
7. Why do chickens have to be raised in such crowded conditions?
LESSON 2: Discuss the pros and cons of certain pets
B Listen to activate vocabulary
Pet Possible pros Possible cons
1 cat easy to take care of shedding
2 rabbit not dangerous; good with children easily frightened
3 parrot friendly; love attention can damage things by chewing
4 dog would bark and scare away burglars;
reliable and attentive to owners
might hurt kids
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LESSON 3: Compare animal and human behavior
B Apply new vocabulary
Animals with claws Animals with hooves Animals with horns
lions horses deer
cats donkeys sheep
Birds with powerful beaks Animals that travel in
Animals that gather in
parrots wolves sheep
owls dogs cattle
C Listen to define terms
Predators are animals that hunt other animals for food; prey are animals hunted by
D Listen for examples
1. They can confuse predators; predators may choose an animal outside the group.
2. They can use their combined intelligence to single out their prey; they can kill larger prey.
3. To lead the others in a group
4. The prey either defends itself or runs.
E Listen for details
1. Instinct is behavior that animals are born with. Learned behavior comes through
2. learning which hunting techniques work; a dog obeying commands
F Think and explain
A: This is instinct; they don’t have to learn how to do this.
B: This is learned behavior; the baby rabbits learn from the mother what to do in danger.
C: This is instinct; an animal isn’t taught fight or flight. This behavior is programmed into
animals at birth.
G Apply ideas
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Lions are predators; they eat small elephants, crocodiles, birds, rabbits. Crocodiles are
prey, but they are also predators; they eat fish, birds, and frogs. Fish, birds, and frogs eat
worms; worms are prey.
2. Large groups of spectators at a ball game or concert might behave like a herd of
animals; groups of humans, like packs of animals, have a leader they follow.
LESSON 4: Debate the value of animal conservation
B Reading
The survival of the bualo was ensured by conservation eorts.
C Understand meaning from context
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c
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Student’s Book Answer Key
Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key
contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this
type of exercise should be considered acceptable.
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a F Compare and contrast
Leo is more of a pessimist. Nora is more of a realist.
2. Answers will vary.
LESSON 1: Describe your personality
B Classify the vocabulary
Are always positive: polite, punctual, friendly, nice, interesting, intelligent, easygoing,
outgoing, considerate, modest, trustworthy
Can be either: liberal, conservative, hardworking, independent, serious, talkative
Are always negative: impolite, rude, unfriendly
D Listen to activate grammar 1. to paint the bedroom
2. telling . . . keyboard 3. to watch a movie
4. working . . . an office 5. being rude
6. having to . . . Friday E Pair work
Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. staying up late 2. to paint your house 3. working late
4. working on the weekend 5. working on Saturday 6. to tell a joke 7. watching movies
8. cleaning in the house Summit 1, Third Edition
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LESSON 2: Discuss someone’s behavior C Listen to classify
a workaholic, a team player
2. a tyrant, a pain in the neck 3. a pain in the neck E Understand the grammar
Hotel security guards told drivers to stop at the entrance to the hotel.
3. The rules required employees to return from lunch at 2:00.
4. Our manager encouraged us to tweet our questions to the speaker.
5. The invitation advised them to be at the restaurant before 8:00 p.m. F Grammar practice
Answers will vary but may include the following:
2. them . . . re-schedule the game
3. Heather . . . study for the test
4. people . . . leave their bags outside
5. someone . . . walk your dog
6. us . . . buy a new car G Pair work 2. asked Kevin to speak
3. would like you to be 4. want Kathy to write
5. want my assistant to speak
LESSON 3: Compare perspectives on world problems B Listen for main ideas Conversation 1: crime Conversation 2: a virus Conversation 3: terrorism C Listen for details 1. a. F b. F 2. a. ND b. ND 3. a. T b. ND
D Understand meaning from context
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a E Group work Conversation 1
Provide more money for local police. Not tempt criminals.
2. Because he presents specific examples of how to fight crime.
3. Answers will vary. Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 3 of 45 Conversation 2
It’s even more contagious than Ebola.
2. The woman. She gives some good news.
3. Answers will vary. Conversation 3
Nothing. She said people just have to keep living normally. They should hope for the best. 2. The woman
3. Answers will vary.
LESSON 4: Discuss creative ways to achieve a goal B Reading
He left the family’s camera on top of his car and drove away. All the vacation photos were gone.
C Determine the main idea 2
D Understand meaning from context – absent-minded – hopeless – meaningless + useful + affectionate + purposeful + powerful E Summarize
Answers will vary but may include the following:
The article is about a creative approach to solving a problem. A family on vacation lost a
camera. When a man found it on the side of the road, he posted a picture from the camera
on Facebook with a note. After hundreds of shares, the photo found its way to the family.
The camera was returned to them, thus illustrating how powerful and useful social media can be. F Word study
Answers will vary but may include the following:
I was careless on my exam and made a lot of mistakes!
She was hopeful she would get a good job when she graduated.
Ted thought teaching was a very meaningful profession. My dental visit was painless!
The president of the company is a very powerful person.
The meeting was purposeless and a waste of time.
I learned many useful things in the computer class. G Word study practice
restful: something that makes you feel relaxed
restless: unable to relax or sit still helpful: giving help
helpless: needing help from other people
pitiful: causing you to feel sadness or pity
pitiless: having or showing no pity for other people’s suffering Summit 1, Third Edition
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Topic sentence: Terrorist acts take many forms, but all have one thing in common: the
senseless targeting of innocent people to achieve maximum pain, fear, and disruption.
Concluding sentence: In conclusion, although I generally have a positive outlook, I think it is
just a matter of time until terrorists harm me or people I know and love. Paragraph 2
Topic sentence: The things that worry many people don’t worry me.
Concluding sentence: “Better safe than sorry,” as they say, but in most cases it’s best just to try to roll with the punches. REVIEW A 1. pessimist 2. realist 3. optimist B 1. Susan 2. John 3. Matt
C Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. is relaxed and doesn’t worry about things too much.
2. is interested in other people and new experiences.
3. does what they say they will do.
4. gives other people help when they need it. D 1. tyrant 2. team player 3. workaholic 4. people person E 1. painless 2. hopeless 3. useful 4. hopeful 5. powerful Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 5 of 45 UNIT 2 PREVIEW B Vocabulary
Answers will vary but may include the following:
A beat is the rhythm of a piece of music; a melody is the order of notes in a musical piece;
lyrics are the words of a song; sound refers to the particular style or quality of an artist’s
or group’s music; voice is the quality of sound produced when one sings; a performance is
entertaining an audience for example, by playing music or acting a play.
E Understand idioms and expressions 1. f
2. e 3. g 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. c F Think and explain
Sandy has seen the movie The Phantom of the Opera, but she would like to see it live;
Amalia has seen it on stage, but she wouldn’t mind seeing it again; Paul saw it ten years
ago, but he isn’t interested in seeing it again.
2. Sandy thinks the art exhibit might be just right for Paul because he had suggested that
maybe there’s a museum that stays open late.
LESSON 1: Describe how you’ve been enjoying the arts D Notice the grammar
Hasn’t that thing been playing for like twenty years now? [an action that may continue in the future.] E Understand the grammar
He’s been playing with their band for almost ten years.
3. She’s been looking online this morning for a good deal on show tickets.
4. Since he got promoted to stage manager, Mark’s been arriving early at the theater every day.
5. We’ve been going to a lot of concerts lately.
8. Lately, audiences have been asking them to play more songs from their new album. F Grammar practice 1. Have you been watching 2. Has Max seen
3. What have you been doing?
4. Has Vickie been working 5. Has Jerry ever gone
6. How long have you been waiting
LESSON 2: Express a negative opinion politely
B Listen to activate vocabulary 1. sentimental 2. commercial 3. dated 4. repetitive 5. serious Summit 1, Third Edition
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And what I really love is the location. F Grammar practice
What I didn’t care for was Adele’s overly sentimental lyrics.
3. What Jessica doesn’t particularly like is Bono’s voice.
4. What I’d really enjoy seeing is a live Lady Gaga performance.
5. What really makes me want to dance is the song “I Gotta Feeling” by the Back Eyed Peas. G Pair work
What always puts me to sleep is jazz.
2. What I can’t stand in techno-pop is the loud beat.
3. What can make even bad lyrics seem acceptable is a good melody.
4. What drives me crazy is listening to my brother try to sing.
5. What helps me unwind is dancing to the music of a great salsa band.
6. What I love is downloading songs by unknown new artists.
LESSON 3: Describe a creative personality C Reading
Answers will vary but may include the following:
His strong personality made him an unpleasant person who often lost his temper and
behaved selfishly. But it was also his strong personality that enabled him to fight the
obstacles and keep working when he lost his hearing. D Infer information 1. 1786 2. 56
3. He was moved by the roaring applause even though he couldn’t hear it. 4. 1827
E Identify supporting details
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. He composed his first piece of music by age 12.
2. He continued to write many pieces of music.
3. He wrote many unique compositions.
4. He asked several women to marry him. 5. He rarely bathed.
6. He dumped a plate of food on a waiter’s head.
7. He would walk through the streets talking to himself.
8. If anyone talked during a concert he would stop playing and leave.
F Express and support an opinion
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Women rejected Beethoven because he was egotistical, eccentric, and difficult to get
along with. They probably made the right decision; the marriage probably would not have lasted.
2. Beethoven didn’t need to hear to create extraordinary music. His music was in his heart and mind. Summit 1, Third Edition
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LESSON 4: Discuss the benefits of the arts B Listen for main ideas 1. music 2. drama 3. art
C Listen for supporting information
1. b 2. a 3. b D Listen to take notes
a disability that causes a person to learn more slowly than most people, and affects a
person’s ability to communicate and interact socially
2. teenagers that are depressed because of difficult life experiences
3. someone who is elderly G Word study practice 1. relaxed 2. depressed 3. soothing 4. surprising 5. amazed 6. pleased 7. entertaining WRITING B Error correction
Answers will vary but may include the following. Corrections are underlined.
Some people think I am moody, pessimistic, and cautious because I sometimes worry about
the future. However, this is very surprising to me. What I think is that I have always been
passionate, positive, and optimistic. The fact that I love traveling, meeting new people, and
learning about new places proves that I don’t have a pessimistic outlook. Most of my friends
find me to be energetic and imaginative. C Practice
I like reading, listening to music, and going to movies.
2. I’ve been a teacher, a stay-at-home mom, and an office manager.
3. I enjoy hiking, skiing, and swimming in the ocean.
4. Seeing new places, having new experiences, and making new friends are all reasons I like to travel.
5. Last year I joined the volleyball team, played in ten games, and won an award.
6. What energizes and relaxes me is painting portraits, cooking great meals, and playing my guitar. REVIEW
A 1. The man / Their music is too sentimental.
2. The woman / Her music is too serious.
3. The man / Music is too commercial. Summit 1, Third Edition
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4. The man / Her performances are too eccentric.
5. The woman / His music is out-of-date. B 1. gifted 2. eccentric 3. egotistical 4. moody 5. energetic 6. passionate
C 1. I’ve already written two reports for my boss this month. 2. Correct
3. They’ve never heard about art therapy before.
4. Most likely, Lance has been studying late. His bedroom light is still on.
5. We haven’t made reservations for our flight yet.
6. I’ll bet you’ve been doing the laundry. I can hear the washing machine.
D 1. What wouldn’t be much fun is life without the arts.
2. What I don’t like is a band whose music is really commercial.
3. What the beat did was make everyone feel like dancing.
4. What I like to listen to is music that has fun lyrics and a great melody.
5. What they should go see is anything that’s playing on Broadway. UNIT 3 PREVIEW
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. c 2. b 3. e 4. f 5. g 6. i 7. j
8. a 9. d 10. h SPEAKING Group work
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. never needs charging
2. makes wrinkles disappear
3. increases your speed
4. a diet pill: makes you lose weight quickly
LESSON 1: Express buyer’s remorse B Listen for details 1. a juicer 2. a digital camera 3. an exercise bike 4. a sound system 5. a car C Activate vocabulary
It’s too hard to operate.
3. It just sits around collecting dust.
4. It’s too hard to put together.
5. It costs too much to maintain. Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 9 of 45 E Notice the grammar I shouldn’t have said that. F Understand the grammar
Should you have read the owner’s manual before you tried to use the espresso maker?
3. We ought to have gone to a discount store instead of this fancy department store.
4. I should not have been in such a hurry to sell my house.
5. Shouldn’t he have taken the tutorial for his new computer?
6. I should not have bought these gimmicky basketball shoes. G Pair work
She wishes she hadn’t tried to repair the air-conditioner herself.
3. He wishes she had bought a convertible.
4. Clark wishes his dad had returned the defective tires as soon as he read about the problem in the news.
5. The teacher wishes the children had taken the school bus this morning.
LESSON 2: Talk about financial goals and plans D Notice the grammar
But, Dad, by the time I have enough money to buy a smart bike myself, all my friends will have already gotten theirs! E Grammar practice
By the end of this month I will have put half my paycheck in the bank.
2. By next summer Stan will have saved enough to make a down payment on an apartment.
3. Do you think you will have lowered your credit card debt by December?
4. When will they have started spending less than they earn? F Grammar practice
intends to have created
2. is hoping to have made 3. plans to have begun
4. expects to have paid back G Error correction
I expect to have earned enough money to buy a car by the end of the year.
2. Before they come back home, they will have spent all the money they took with them.
3. We hope to have completed our driver training by the end of the week.
4. By the time I’m thirty I will have been married for five years.
LESSON 3: Discuss good and bad money management B Vocabulary practice
lives beyond his means.
3. live paycheck to paycheck.
4. pays her credit card bills in full.
5. doesn’t know where his money goes.
6. is drowning in debt.
7. live within their means.
8. keeps track of her expenses. Summit 1, Third Edition
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C Listen to confirm content Caller 1: 1, 3 Caller 2: 1, 2, 3 Caller 3: 1, 2, 4 D Listen to summarize
Caller 1: He can’t save any money and finds it hard to keep track of expenses.
Caller 2: Parents give her money for things she needs, but she wants an allowance so she
can decide how to spend her money.
Caller 3: She is drowning in debt and needs advice on her credit cards. E Listen to evaluate
Answers will vary but may include the following:
In Conversation 1, the caller gets advice on saving a little bit of money by collecting loose
change in a jar. The financial advisor doesn’t give the man advice about tracking expenses.
The caller could probably use some tips about budgeting his money so that it lasts longer.
LESSON 4: Explain reasons for charitable giving B Reading
Answers will vary but may include the following:
A charity is an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick, etc. C Word study adjective: charitable verb: contribute noun: volunteer noun: donation noun: assistant verb: pollute verb: threaten adjective: extinct
D Understand meaning from context 1. threat 2. Donations 3. extinction 4. assistance 5. pollution 6. contributions E Draw conclusions
1. b 2. a 3. a
F Express and support an opinion
Answers will vary but may include the following:
In my opinion Doctors Without Borders does more important work. This charity is dedicated
to saving human lives. There is no more important cause than this. Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 11 of 45 WRITING B Practice
Answers will vary but may include the following: First, Secondly, Finally, REVIEW A Conversation 1: c Conversation 2: b Conversation 3: a
B 1. lives paycheck to paycheck 2. drowning in debt
3. lives beyond her means
4. doesn’t know where the money goes
C Answers will vary but may include the following.
1. I will have cleaned my apartment
2. to have finished this project
3. I will have saved enough money to travel
4. to have finished my degree
5. to have perfected my accent
D Answers will vary but may include the following: I wish I had stayed in school.
I should have spent more time with my family.
E 1. able to support oneself with no help from anyone
2. a plan for managing one’s income and expenses
3. something someone plans to do in the near future that doesn’t take much time or planning
4. something someone plans to do in the future that takes a lot of time and planning 5. very high priced
6. money one borrows and pays back UNIT 4 PREVIEW A Frame your ideas
Answers will vary but may include the following:
(left to right) 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 3 C Discussion
Answers will vary but may include the following: (left to right)
The man’s outfit is wild and loud.
The woman is wearing an elegant and formal outfit Summit 1, Third Edition
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The woman’s outfit is casual and conservative.
The man is wearing a stylish and classic outfit.
The man’s outfit is informal and casual.
The woman is wearing a trendy and funky outfit.
E Understand idioms and expressions
It’s still acceptable.
3. No girl would want to be seen wearing that.
4. People wouldn’t notice. 5. I agree with you. F Think and explain
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Roya is much more conservative than Karen. She finds the pants to be in bad taste
whereas Karen thinks they are funky and cute.
2. Karen’s opinion is similar to that of most people in the United States. The pants wouldn’t
be considered in bad taste by most people. SPEAKING A Pair work
Answers will vary but may include the following: (left to right)
While fashions come and go, style never goes away.
The minute everyone starts wearing a fashion, it is no longer stylish.
Fashion designers tell people what is fashionable.
Don’t just wear what other people wear. Express your own self through your clothes.
It’s not true that money can’t buy happiness. It can—you just need to know where to shop.
LESSON 1: Describe clothing details and formality B Listen for details
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b
LESSON 2: Talk about changes in clothing customs
B Examine cultural expectations
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. In my opinion, when people dress too informally at work, this affects the seriousness
of the workplace. There needs to be some level of formality to ensure that people are
productive and that clients take them seriously.
2. I am in favor of business casual. I don’t think suits and ties are necessary in the
workplace, but jeans and T-shirts are too informal, in my opinion. D Understand the grammar 1. Most 2. A number of 3. Every 4. fewer 5. a few Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 13 of 45 Explanations:
1. Much can’t be used with count nouns.
2. A great deal of can’t be used with count nouns.
3. Every is used with singular, count nouns.
4. Less can’t be used with count nouns.
5. A little can’t be used with count nouns. E Grammar practice 1. a, b, c 2. a, d 3. b, c 4. a, b, c 5. a, b Explanations:
1. A great deal of can only be used with non-count nouns.
2. A great deal of can only be used with non-count nouns; every can only be used with singular count nouns.
3. Some and most are used with plural nouns.
4. A little can only be used with non-count nouns.
5. Every is used with singular count nouns; less is used with non-count nouns.
LESSON 3: Examine questionable and cosmetic procedures B Reading
It’s impossible to clean the tubs between clients, which can expose clients to bacteria and infection.
C Understand meaning from context 1. exfoliate 2. bans 3. Bacteria 4. disinfect 5. mislabel 6. predator
D Identify supporting details 1. a – from paragraph 1
2. b – from paragraph 2
3. b – from paragraph 2
4. b – from paragraph 3
5. a – from paragraph 2
6. a – from paragraph 5
LESSON 4: Discuss appearance and self-esteem B Word study practice 1. self-confidence 2. self-conscious 3. self-esteem Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 14 of 45 4. self-image 5. self-centered 6. self-critical 7. self-pity 8. Self-confident C Listen for main ideas 1 D Listen for details 1. Extremely thin
2. They have gotten thinner and thinner.
3. It can lead to low self-esteem and eating disorders.
4. Realize that they are being targeted as consumers
5. Instill a positive message about her value and attractiveness; praise people who don’t
conform to the thin body type; build up their self-esteem WRITING Practice
Answers will vary but may include the following: 1. similarly 2. However 3. In contrast, 4. unlike 5. whereas 6. similarly 7. However REVIEW
A 1.
b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b B 1. solid 2. plaid 3. loud 4. classic 5. stylish 6. formal 7. in bad taste 8. overdressed 9. low cut 10. long-sleeved
C 1. (Every / A few / Most) older people find flashy clothes in bad taste.
2. The company where I work says that it will permit us to come to the office in jeans (one /
a couple of / a few) days a month.
3. (Most / Many / Every) young girls aren’t worried about the way they look.
4. (Much / A majority of / A number of) parents are concerned about the effect the media has on young boys as well. Summit 1, Third Edition
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5. When my great-grandparents were young, (many / most / much) women wore only dresses.
6. I’d say your friends could use (some / a little / a few) fashion advice.
7. There are (several / most / many) reasons so many young women have eating disorders.
8. A new study says that (most / many / every) children who watch TV for more than six
hours a day may have problems with self-esteem as teenagers.
D Answers will vary but may include the following: I have several great ideas.
He is late a majority of the time.
Few people came to the concert.
There is little hope for nice weather tomorrow.
More and more young girls try to stay thin. UNIT 5 PREVIEW B Vocabulary
Answers will vary but may include the following:
An urban area has a lot of buildings, roads, and bridges; it is densely populated.
A rural area has few homes, buildings, and not many people.
The suburbs refer to an area on the outskirts of a major city where people live
E Understand idioms and expressions
look on the bright side
2. look out for each other 3. a mixed blessing
4. mind their own business
5. takes some getting used to 6. mean well 7. got a lot to offer F Think and explain
It’s crowded and there’s lots of traffic, but there’s a lot to do.
2. It’s safe and well-maintained, but he has nosy neighbors on his floor.
LESSON 1: Politely ask someone not to do something B Word study practice 1. inappropriate 2. discourteous 3. inexcusable 4. unimaginable 5. dishonest 6. unpleasant 7. irrational 8. immature Summit 1, Third Edition
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Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. It’s impolite to talk while you’re chewing.
2. It’s inappropriate to talk loudly in a movie.
3. It’s inexcusable to throw garbage on the street.
4. It’s discourteous to put your feet up on the seats of a train.
5. It’s dishonest to enter the subway without paying. F Understand the grammar
“Do you mind my eating lunch at my desk?”
2. “Your brother’s not saying hello to her was disrespectful.”
3. “Kevin’s not agreeing to remove his shoes in my house was kind of impolite.”
4. “Isn’t Paula’s honking her car horn early in the morning inexcusable?” 5. Correct G Grammar practice
I didn’t appreciate his texting his friends during the concert.
3. Does your mother object to their eating fast food in the car?
4. We don’t mind her talking on her cell phone.
5. I’m really annoyed by my brother not apologizing.
LESSON 2: Complain about public conduct D Notice the grammar
Well, for one thing, not only do we have to deal with bumper-to-bumper traffic every day, but
it’s almost impossible to find on-the-street parking. E Grammar practice
People should either speak up about what bothers them, or just learn to live with other people’s habits.
2. It’s not only rude when people talk on their phones in theaters, but also when they talk on them on busses.
3. Not only do I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, but I also worry about the danger to my health.
4. Neither my uncle nor my grandparents are willing to give up smoking.
LESSON 3: Suggest ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime B Reading Answers will vary. C Classify 1. a purse snatcher 2. a burglar 3. a pickpocket 4. muggers
D Understand meaning from context
1. e 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c Summit 1, Third Edition
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Downloaded by Hoàng C?m Vân ( lOMoARcPSD|10022113 Page 17 of 45 E Critical thinking
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. While traveling, tourists might carry many bags and appear disoriented. They could be
easily distracted and pickpocketed.
2. A visitor shouldn’t appear lost. It’s a good idea to be alert and walk confidently.
LESSON 4: Discuss the meaning of community C Listen to summarize
The Ice Bucket Challenge was a charity initiative to raise awareness and money for the fight against ALS. D Listen for details 1. $100 2. $100 million 3. 21%
E Listen to confirm content 2, 3, 6 WRITING B Practice 1. Dear Professor Smith: 2. Dear Sir or Madam: 3. Dear Ms. Costa: 4. Dear Mr. Takata: 5. Dear Dr. Grimond: REVIEW
A 1. pickpocket . . . wallet . . . bus
2. mugger . . . money . . . friend 3. boy . . . purse
4. burglar . . . hotel room . . . laptop
B Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Oh, sorry, I’ll stop. 2. I apologize.
3. It’s very crowded. 4. My sister C 2. irresponsible 3. improper 4. inappropriate 5. disrespectful 6. unpleasant 7. dishonest 8. discourteous Summit 1, Third Edition
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D 1. Neither restaurants nor theaters should allow smoking.
2. Smoking should be either banned or restricted.
3. Neither littering nor spitting offends me.
4. Not only loud music but loud people are rude. UNIT 6 PREVIEW
E Understand idioms and expressions
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b
LESSON 1: Exchange opinions about the treatment of animals D Notice the grammar
I just don’t think animals should be cooped up in small cages. E Understand the grammar 1. should treat 2. shouldn’t be kept 3. have to be trained 4. can teach
5. shouldn’t be forced 6. have to be killed F Grammar practice
People shouldn’t be allowed to hunt elephants.
2. New medicines might be discovered through animal research.
3. Monkeys shouldn’t be kept as pets.
4. A lot could be done to improve conditions for cattle on factory farms.
5. The treatment of research animals must be improved.
6. Can’t zoos be used for performing scientific research to protect animals?
7. Why do chickens have to be raised in such crowded conditions?
LESSON 2: Discuss the pros and cons of certain pets
B Listen to activate vocabulary Pet Possible pros Possible cons 1 cat easy to take care of shedding 2 rabbit
not dangerous; good with children easily frightened 3 parrot friendly; love attention can damage things by chewing 4 dog
would bark and scare away burglars; might hurt kids
reliable and attentive to owners Summit 1, Third Edition
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LESSON 3: Compare animal and human behavior B Apply new vocabulary Animals with claws Animals with hooves Animals with horns lions horses deer cats donkeys sheep
Birds with powerful beaks Animals that travel in Animals that gather in packs herds parrots wolves sheep owls dogs cattle
C Listen to define terms
Predators are animals that hunt other animals for food; prey are animals hunted by predators. D Listen for examples
They can confuse predators; predators may choose an animal outside the group.
2. They can use their combined intelligence to single out their prey; they can kill larger prey.
3. To lead the others in a group
4. The prey either defends itself or runs. E Listen for details
Instinct is behavior that animals are born with. Learned behavior comes through experience.
2. learning which hunting techniques work; a dog obeying commands F Think and explain
A: This is instinct; they don’t have to learn how to do this.
B: This is learned behavior; the baby rabbits learn from the mother what to do in danger.
C: This is instinct; an animal isn’t taught fight or flight. This behavior is programmed into animals at birth. G Apply ideas
Answers will vary but may include the following:
1. Lions are predators; they eat small elephants, crocodiles, birds, rabbits. Crocodiles are
prey, but they are also predators; they eat fish, birds, and frogs. Fish, birds, and frogs eat worms; worms are prey.
2. Large groups of spectators at a ball game or concert might behave like a herd of
animals; groups of humans, like packs of animals, have a leader they follow.
LESSON 4: Debate the value of animal conservation B Reading
The survival of the buffalo was ensured by conservation efforts.
C Understand meaning from context
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c Summit 1, Third Edition
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