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Tiếng anh (TRS5) 24 tài liệu
Đại học FPT Hà Nội 38 tài liệu
Các dạng Đề thi topic
Các dạng Đề thi topic
Môn: Tiếng anh (TRS5) 24 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học FPT Hà Nội 38 tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Đại học FPT Hà Nội
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Topic 1: With your partner, make a conversation about asking for cultural advice when visiting a foreign
country. Your conversation should include:
- The occasion you visit that country
- Your eagerness about the trip
- Lessons you have learned about the ways to greet others, dining etiquettes, codes of photo taking, clothing at a religious site in that country
- Dos and don’ts you should notice when going there
Topic 2: With your partner, describe a piece of advice about health that
you find useful. You should say:
- the advice about health that you find useful - the place you got it - the time we should apply
- the reasons you find it useful
Topic 3: With a partner, make a conversation about a time that you were busy. Your conversation should conclude: - the time of being busy
- your activities during that time - your managing the time
- your feeling about being so busy.
Topic 4: With your partner, make a conversation about your favorite local
newspaper. Your conversation should include:
- name of the local newspaper - its content
- your favorite sections of the newspaper
- your unfavorite sections of the newspaper - reasons why you like it.
Topic 5: With your partner, make a conversation about a time when you or
your family have been through a
natural disaster. Your conversation should include:
- name of the natural disaster - time/ places it happened - its level of severity
- the actions you or your family took at the time
- feelings of yours or your family’s about it
Topic 6: With your partner, make a conversation about the most important
success in your life so far. Your conversation should include:
- A thing you did successfully - The time you achieved it
- People contributing to your success
- Things you managed to succeed
- The reasons why it is so important to you
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Topic 7: With your partner, make a conversation about a religious holiday
in your country. Your conversation should include:
- The name of a religious holiday - The time it takes place
- The reason people celebrate it - Activities people do
- The thing you like or dislike most about the holiday
Topic 8: Imagine you will be an inventor in the future. With your partner, make a conversation about an
invention that you want to have in the future. Your conversation should include: - The invention’s name - The invention’s features - The invention’s benefits
- The reason you want to invent it
- The influence of that invention on people’s lives
Topic 9: With your partner, make a conversation about ways to prevent
children from being victims of school
violence. Your conversation should include:
- The causes of school violence
- The actions that teachers should take
- The methods that parents had better educate their children
- The lessons that schools should apply to teach their students
- Possible actions that police should interfere with school violence
Topic 10: With your partner, make a conversation about an environmental
problem that has occurred in your
neighborhood. Your conversation should include:
- The name of the environmental problem - The causes of the problem
- The consequences of the environmental problem
- The solutions that the residents have been having to solve the problem
- Your suggestions to solve the problem
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