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B2p B2 + Answers Coursebook
1 Possible answers 1 It gives them information to help them set strategies and make business decisions. They can also find out what their competitors are doing. 2 Students’ own answers 3 They get information about potential customers or target audiences as they discover peoples’ opinions and attitudes to their products. 6B adjective + noun: online surveys, primary research,in-depth interviews, secondary researchverb + noun: launch a product, noun + noun: focus groups, customer satisfaction,desk research, target audience, sample size2 Possible answers: street/online surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, observation and field trials. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !
Tiếng anh cho người đi làm 69 tài liệu
Tài liệu Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành, Tiếng Anh cho người đi làm 108 tài liệu
B2p B2 + Answers Coursebook
1 Possible answers 1 It gives them information to help them set strategies and make business decisions. They can also find out what their competitors are doing. 2 Students’ own answers 3 They get information about potential customers or target audiences as they discover peoples’ opinions and attitudes to their products. 6B adjective + noun: online surveys, primary research,in-depth interviews, secondary researchverb + noun: launch a product, noun + noun: focus groups, customer satisfaction,desk research, target audience, sample size2 Possible answers: street/online surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, observation and field trials. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !
Môn: Tiếng anh cho người đi làm 69 tài liệu
Trường: Tài liệu Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành, Tiếng Anh cho người đi làm 108 tài liệu
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Answer key 6A Unit 1 Market research 1 online 2 focus 3 customer 1.1 Market research methods 4 in-depth 1 5 desk Possible answers 6 launch
1 It gives them information to help them set 7 target
strategies and make business decisions. They 8 sample
can also find out what their competitors are doing. 2 Students’ own answers 6B
3 They get information about potential customers or
adjective + noun: online surveys, primary research,
target audiences as they discover peoples’ opinions
in-depth interviews, secondary research
and attitudes to their products. verb + noun: launch a product,
noun + noun: focus groups, customer satisfaction, 2
desk research, target audience, sample size
Possible answers: street/online surveys, focus
groups, personal interviews, observation and field 7 trials 1 g 2 c 3 3 f
Basic points mentioned in video: 4 h
Primary research: gathering new data from 5 a customers 6 d
Secondary research: consists of data that already 7 e
exists and is publicly available 8 j
Methods: (online) surveys, focus groups, in-depth 9 b interviews, desk research 10 i 4 8
1 T (It can be used to help launch a new product
1 information to find out how good a product is
into the market and test its appeal. It can help 2 new data
a brand with its performance and effective 3 using market research tools communications, …) 4 has
2 F (In order to generate the information needed, 5 people
some companies have in-house market research 6 watch their reactions to
teams while others outsource projects to specialist companies.) 9
3 T (Primary research consists of gathering new Students’ own answers
data from consumers, and this can be in the form
of surveys, focus groups or in-depth interviews.) 10
4 F (Surveys gather responses from a large number Students’ own answers
of people … Focus groups bring together a smal
number of careful y selected people to explore their
perceptions of a product or an issue.) 1.2 Working with a focus group
5 F (What you can also do is think about the sample
size you use when looking at a particular audience 1
and reducing that to make it more affordable.) Students’ own answers
6 T (Whether primary or secondary, the key to
useful market research is to plan careful y and 2
keep it relevant in order to gain the most valuable 1 diverse
feedback and insights on which future strategy can 2 participants be based.) 3 criteria 4 target customers 5 moderator 5 Students’ own answers 3A Students’ own answers Business Partner B2+ Co 1
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 3B
When the original sentence is positive, we add
1 T (It’s real y important for us to gather information
a negative tag, and vice versa.
on what customers or users real y need, and their
1 Original sentence is negative so we add
attitudes towards new products or new ideas.) a positive tag.
2 T (My job as moderator is to ask questions and to
2 Original sentence is positive so we add keep the discussion on topic.) a negative tag.
3 F (… I encourage people to speak out: … you are
3 Original sentence has no auxiliary so we use
very welcome to disagree with each other …) a form of ‘do’ in the tag.
4 F (… you are a diverse group …)
4 Original sentence has a negative adverb so
5 T (Thank you also for agreeing for this session to we add a positive tag.
be recorded; this is only so that I can listen to the
5 Original sentence uses ‘that’ so we use ‘it’ and
discussions again in case there is anything I missed a singular verb. during the session.)
6 Original sentence has ‘someone’ so we use ‘they’ and a plural verb. 4
convenience, eating healthy food (calories and fat 10
in food), people’s jobs, where people work or study 1 d 2 f 5 3 b
1 They work or study in the city centre. 4 i
2 They don’t al go out. George brings something 5 h from home. 6 j
3 No, some say they have 30 minutes and others 7 g an hour. 8 e
4 They see the nutritional values, information about 9 a
fat and calories in the food and if it is vegetarian or 10 c
vegan. They also see which restaurants offer each
meal and where the restaurants are. 11
5 Picking it up from the restaurant, eating it there 1 don’t they or having it delivered. 2 isn’t it 3 have they 6 4 won’t there
She asks them rating questions by giving them 5 shal we
numbers between 1 and 10 and asking them to 6 do we rate aspects of the app. 12A 7 Students’ own answers 1 impression Suggested answers: 2 appealing
I’m sure we met at school, didn’t we? 3 features
I think we come from the same home town, 4 expectations don’t we? 5 honestly
We did sports together at school, didn’t we? 6 convinced
Nobody in our class worked for a volunteer organisation, did they? 8 Students’ own answers 12B Students’ own answers 9A 1 is there 2 wouldn’t you 1.3 Communication skills: 3 doesn’t it Carrying out a needs analysis 4 are there 5 doesn’t it 1A 6 wouldn’t they 1 Open question 2 Leading question 9B
The general rule is to use be, an auxiliary or modal 1B
verb and the subject from the original sentence. Students’ own answers
Business Partner B2+ Coursebook © Pearson Education 2019 2
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 2
approach that they are not being listened to and
1 The money situation at Happenings isn’t good
they are being ‘steamrol ered’ into what they want
at the moment – they stil haven’t made a profit. for the event.
2 Happenings has a special agreement with
Hebden Hal so they would be able to make 7A
a good profit by having the event there. 1 thoughts
3 She wants to give the clients (Overlander) the 2 feel
impression that they are choosing what they want 3 considered
while Prisha and David stil have control of the 4 about discussion. 5 interested
4 Not to frighten off the clients. 6 think 7 thought 3B Option A 7B 1 She wants a top-class hotel.
1a open (the client is free to answer with any kind
2 Hardly any. Meghan is free to ask for whatever of event that they want) she wants.
1b leading (the question here determines the kind
3 How they wil be able to provide the things that
of event, the location and the duration)
Meghan is asking for not just within the budget but
whilst also making enough of a profit to solve their
2a leading (a suggestion is being made within the cash flow problems. question)
4 No, she wasn’t expecting Prisha and David to
2b open (the client is free to answer regarding the agree to al of her demands.
kind of outdoor event that they want. Note: this
question, in a different context could also be Option B
regarded as leading as it suggests the event wil
1 She asks for more information. be outdoors).
2 She thinks the Overlander staff would love it.
3 She asks with a leading question, ‘how would you
3a leading (it suggests the venue for the event)
feel about us bringing in our own caterers …?’ and
3b open (it gives the client the opportunity to
then explains that it would mean providing a wider answer freely) variety and better quality.
4 They have ful control over how the meeting
4a open (it isn’t leading the client to any particular progresses. type of entertainment)
4b leading (it is suggesting a party after the evening 5 meal)
The second meeting was more successful: Prisha
and David are able to use leading questions to
5a leading (suggesting a treetop adventure as the
guide Meghan towards the option that is more activity) profitable for them.
5b open (asking the client to suggest the morning
activity. Note: in a different context, this could be 6
regarded as leading as it is suggesting the time 2 of day for the activity) Possible answers
In the first meeting, the client is made to feel
6a leading (suggesting an exclusive restaurant as
that Prisha and David are taking on board al the place to eat)
her requests and, as an events company, this
6b open (asking the client what they would like
is what they are supposed to do. However, the
to do. Note: in a different context, this could be
disadvantage is that Prisha and David are not
regarded as leading as it is suggesting the time
in control of the proceedings and the clients of day for the activity)
expectations are getting out of control for the budget al ocated.
7a open (giving the client the opportunity to come
In the second meeting, Prisha and David are in
up with the kind of activities that they would want)
control of the meeting from the beginning and are
7b leading (suggesting the type of activity)
guiding the client regarding what she wants for the
event. This means that David and Prisha ensure
that the event agreed on wil not just be within
the margin but also leave them a profit. The
disadvantage is that the client might feel with this Business Partner B2+ Co 3
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 8
Effectiveness: It was a polite interruption which kept Possible answers
control of the situation and avoided a long and
1 How would the team feel about a parachute
complex series of questions. The answer was jump?
focused, and directly addressed the concerns of the
2 Would your staff be interested in a trip to
questioner about the sample size of growers in the Barcelona?
survey. The questioner gave a positive response to
3 What are your thoughts on the kind of restaurant the answer. that you want?
4 Have you considered which facilities you’d like?
2 Q: Is twelve months realistic?
5 What do you think about taking the clients to
A: Jon responds that it is a good point / question but dinner?
asks to deal with the question later in more detail.
Effectiveness: A positive response fol owed by
a request to deal with the topic in more detail later 1.4 Business skills:
in a presentation is a standard and effective way
to respect a question and keep control of the Dealing with questions
presentation in terms of timing and sequence. 1 Possible answers
3 Q: Can I ask why growers are not concerned
Answering questions during the presentation
about plastics? Why is that exactly?
presents the opportunity to deal with queries as
A: Jon explains that the connection is bad, the
and when they arise within the context of the
question cannot be heard wel , and asks Hans
presentation. However, this may disrupt the flow.
to dial back in, and then he moves on.
Answering questions at the end al ows the
Effectiveness: Polite and effective handling of
presenter to maintain their flow and to make the
a technical issue. Asking the person to dial back
presentation as they had planned but it may result
in gives the opportunity for a better connection.
in their not being enough time at the end for
Moving on quickly avoids wasting time. everyone to ask questions. 3C 2A 1 b clarify Possible answers 2 d critical
1 To be perfectly honest, I don’t know. 3 e delicate topic
2 That’s not within the scope of today’s 4 a answer that presentation. 5 c a little easier
3 That’s a valid point. Perhaps we can discuss this further later. Question topic Answer
4 One question at a time, please. 1 How to change Can you clarify what you
5 I’ve already touched upon that matter. quickly mean by ‘change faster’?
6 I’l be covering that later. 2 How to motivate Why do you think their growers involvement is so critical? 2B 3 How to enforce This is a very delicate topic Students’ own answers change with which we need to respond growers (to stop to sensitively. 3A using plastics)
1 85 percent of customers want to see significantly
4 How to establish To be perfectly frank, I can’t
less plastic packaging within the next twelve a joint project with answer that at the moment. months. growers
2 Supermarkets have committed independently to 5 How to create
As I indicated a little earlier,
reduce plastic food packaging by 50 percent in the a competition for we need to involve next 2 years. supermarkets Marketing.
3 The growers see the reduction of plastics to be
only of medium importance in their business
strategy; and don’t see a clear alternative. 3D
Al these answers are effective question handling
strategies and range from clarification (1,2), 3B
hedging (3), honestly admitting inability to answer
1 Q: Which customers were asked?
(4) and referring back (5) to what had been said
A: Politely interrupted and confirmed that a wide earlier.
sample of customers was included in the survey.
Business Partner B2+ Coursebook © Pearson Education 2019 4
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 4
A question you don’t 5 Can you clarify what you understand mean by ‘change faster’? 1.5 Writing: A question which is 10 That's a very important Reports – Summary writing not relevant
question, but it’s not real y on our agenda today. 1 A question not for 9 Can we discuss this
According to the customer survey, the majority open discussion one-to-one after the sales
of respondents were in agreement that the meeting tomorrow?
proposed logo and packaging changes would be
a good move. However, 10 percent of the 2,000 A question better 7 It’s for Purchasing to
respondents raised conserns = concerns that
handled by someone create a joint project with
these changes did not match the luxury image else the growers.
of the brand. In adition = addition, just over one An angry question 2 I know many people feel
quarter beleived = believed that the current logo strongly about this
and packaging were fine and should not be question so …
change = changed. Several customers suggest = A redundant 1 As I indicated a little
suggested that we should keep the current logo question earlier, we need to involve
and just change the colour while others were Marketing.
demanded that we use 100 percent recycleable = A person who takes 6 Sorry to interrupt, but
recyclable materials. Some people even insisted too long to ask I can answer that question
that there should be no packaging at al , as this his/her question straightaway.
would be much more eco-friendlier = eco-friendly. A question you 4 To be perfectly frank,
However, this is somewhat surprising given that can’t answer I can’t answer that at the
our products can be easily damaged in transit. moment.
Nevertheless, the survey confirmed that our A question you 8 Sorry, we can’t hear you
image and reputation are instant = instantly couldn’t hear very wel . The connection
recognisable. As for result = As a result, the is bad. Can you dial in
findings indicate that any changes we make again? should be minimal.
A sensitive question 3 This is a very delicate topic which we need to 2A respond to sensitively. 1 majority 2 agreement 5A 3 of the Possible answers 4 raised
1 Let me put you in touch with a col eague who 5 match the (luxury) image knows more about it. 6 over
2 I understand your frustration. As a solution, 7 confirmed I suggest …, 8 instantly recognisable
3 If you can email me that question, I’l respond 9 indicate directly to you. Is that OK? 10 should be minimal
4 We covered that at the beginning of the
presentation when I talked about … 2B
5 That’s a good question but I’m afraid I don’t Possible answers
know the answer. However, I’l … Who/What Opinions/ Findings
6 I’m afraid that question is outside the scope Actions of today’s presentation. A recent demonstrated our image has customer that been damaged. 5B survey the changes Students’ own answers were positive. None of the felt that our image has 6 participants been damaged. Students’ own answers the changes were positive. None of the admitted that they would participants never buy it. Over half of felt that our image has those surveyed been damaged. Business Partner B2+ Co 5
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key the changes Unit 2 Give and take were positive. Over half of admitted that they would 2.1 Manager or mentor? those surveyed never buy it. 1 3A Students’ own answers Model answer
According to a recent customer survey we carried 2
out about increasing our prices, the findings Students’ own answers
demonstrated that the majority of customers feel
that it is a bad idea to keep prices low by reducing 3
quality. In fact, only 10 percent of respondents Giving expert advice
indicated that they would change supplier if we Being a mentor
increased the prices. Despite this, a quarter of our Showing compassion
customers would be happy to pay more for high Being kind
quality, although many of them suggested that the Nurturing
price increase should not be more than 5 percent. Coaching
On the other hand, 15 percent of respondents Creating new opportunities
believed that our prices were already very high
Opening new resources within a company
and a fifth of them were worried that they would Passing on advice
not be able to pass the increase on to their own
Providing new opportunities to learn customers. Creating trust
Developing honest and open relationships 3B Model answer 4
We recently asked customers to complete a survey 1 results
to discover how we are doing and how we could 2 thoughtful
improve our service. According to our findings, the 3 community
majority of our customers were very happy with 4 provide
product quality. In fact, over half of those surveyed 5 loops
thought that it was excel ent and about a third said 6 act
it was good. None of the participants believed it was 7 street
below satisfactory. Customers also indicated that 8 pace
they were happy with the speed of our deliveries.
However, regarding price, although most customers 5
felt that it was satisfactory, nearly a quarter Possible answers
disagreed. Furthermore, the majority of customers
They develop a two-way relationship with their
raised concerns that our product range was poor.
employees where both parties learn from each
The survey demonstrated that customer service other.
was mainly satisfactory but a fifth of customers had
There’s a feeling of trust and honesty which
problems with it. Concerning value for money, none
enhances people’s performance at work.
of our customers thought that it was excel ent, but
Mentoring leads to long-term success within
over half of them believed it was good. a company.
The biggest improvement over half our customers
Employees are encouraged to develop which
would like to see is for us to offer bigger discounts
improves their personal performance and, in turn,
for regular orders over €20,000. When asked what
the performance of the company.
other improvements we could make, nearly
a quarter of respondents suggested that 6
communication could be improved because staff 1 nurturing
don’t respond to emails quickly enough. 12 percent 2 compassionate
of customers also suggested that we offer 3 evolve
a maintenance service for al our products. The 4 benefits
findings therefore demonstrate that we should look 5 isolated
at ways to improve our price structure and expand 6 mentoring our product range. 7 leadership 8 mistrust 9 candid 10 feedback
Business Partner B2+ Coursebook © Pearson Education 2019 6
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 11 peers
8 It is very difficult for them to no longer be close with former teammates. 7 1 b 4A 2 a emphasise 3 c
(It was acts of kindness combined with a friendly 4 b
culture that moderated risk-taking and reduced 5 c
health problems. – The sentence emphasises the 6 a subject.)
(What another business had to do was become 8
tougher and … – The sentence emphasises the 1 cooperative atmosphere action.) 2 feedback 3 mutual y beneficial 4B 4 isolated 1 b 5 best interests 2 d 6 nurturing 3 a 7 leadership 4 c 8 evolve 4C 9
1 The sentence starts with ‘It …’ and emphasises Students’ own answers the CEO, which is the object.
2 The sentence starts with ‘The thing …’ and 10A/B/C
emphasises the weekly meeting, which is a noun Students’ own answers phrase.
3 The sentence starts with ‘It …’ and emphasises
the line manager, which is new information and is 2.2 Kindness or success?
contrasted with ‘his col eagues’, which was already known information. 1
4 The sentence starts with ‘What … ’ and 1 c
emphasises that they wil have to change the 2 d feedback loops (the action). 3 b 4 a 5
1 f (explanation d – verb phrase) 2
2 d (explanation b – subject)
Compassion among teammates is admirable but 3 a (explanation c – action)
managers have to take a different view.
4 e (explanation d – noun phrase) 5 b (explanation c – action) 3
6 c (explanation a – new information)
1 The unusual specification was that a candidate
should always ‘exude kindness’.
2 Employees behaved in a more positive way, 6
1 It was after the fire that he rehired his entire
those who gave and received felt happier in
general, risk-taking was reduced and there were workforce.
2 What we wil have to do is to rethink our fewer health problems.
3 Employees may feel that he or she broke a
conditions of employment. / What we wil have
to rethink are our conditions of employment.
promise if staff have to be let go.
4 It is worse to keep staff if it negatively affects the
3 It is the supplier in Mexico who my boss is trying to reach. business in the long term.
5 The owner of a textile company rehired al his
4 Something he always says (to his employees)
is (that) he wil not break his promise to his
staff after a fire instead of sending jobs overseas
and caused a number of bankruptcies. employees.
5 It was the boring work that made him leave,
6 The CEO found no problem balancing difficult decisions with empathy.
not the office atmosphere, which was pleasant.
6 The most promising candidate for the vacancy
7 They do not need to be total y separate from each
seems to be the last person we wil speak to.
other but they are very hard to balance. Business Partner B2+ Co 7
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 7A Option B Students' own answers
Advantages: David and Prisha come across as
professionals, and they also protect the image of the company. 2.3 Communication skills:
Disadvantages: They risk offending Meghan, by
rejecting her ideas, and they also raise the Changing an agreement
suspicions of Richard, who’s now wondering 1A/B
whether they have a hidden agenda. Students’ own answers 7A 2
1 b (d is also possible, but is not the phrase used
1 They didn’t take the lead in the meeting and this in the video)
has resulted in Overlander now having unrealistic
2 d (b is also possible, but is not the phrase used
expectations. It can’t be done within the budget, let in the video) alone make a profit. 3 f
2 She suggests being honest and accepting 4 e
responsibility for misjudging the situation. 5 a
3 He feels this approach wil make Happenings 6 c look unprofessional. 7B 3B Possible answers Option A Expressing honesty:
1 She is honest and wants to be transparent. I’l be upfront here ...
She explains that they agreed to things they Believe me when I say that … can’t actual y deliver.
Explaining your business ethic:
2 She is negative/unimpressed/not pleased;
In our company, we firmly believe in …
she doesn’t understand why they accepted her
We feel it is moral y wrong to … requests. Reassuring the client:
3 Incompetent, unprofessional, inexperienced.
We have your best interests at heart when …
He says it hasn’t ‘fil ed him with confidence’.
We have absolutely no intention of …
4 Possible answer: Not entirely successful, but
Showing reflection / further analysis:
Meghan and Richard do at least seem prepared On further analysis … to discuss the new proposal. On greater inspection … Emphasising experience: Option B
After (15) years in the business …
1 She suggests the initial proposal could be
As a result of much personal experience ... improved.
2 She is somewhat offended as al the ideas 8
agreed on in the first meeting had come from her. 1 to be honest
3 She assures him that the new proposal wil be
2 would rather discuss this face to face.
of the same standard and wil make life easier 3 After careful consideration for everyone.
4 Drawing on our company’s experience
4 Possible answer: This approach demonstrates 5 If the truth be told
a company that provides solutions. They come 6 am putting you first
across as professional and wanting to provide an
improved service for their clients. However, they
wil need to make sure they demonstrate they aren’t
2.4 Business skills: Collaboration
just trying to lower costs and provide a lower quality
service in order to maximise their profit. 1 Students’ own answers 5 2A Option A
Ask quiet individuals to speak up / quieten louder
Advantages: Prisha and David are honest and individuals.
transparent, which means the business relationship
Encourage people to say what they think; show
between the two companies is not harmed.
respect for and curiosity about ideas different to
Disadvantages: However, Meghan and Richard are their own.
not happy about it, and are left wondering whether
Prisha and David know what they’re doing.
Focus on common ground and shared objectives.
Business Partner B2+ Coursebook © Pearson Education 2019 8
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 2B
8 h: Manage different views positively Students’ own answers 4B 3A
1 e: Paraphrase to ensure team understanding 1 10 percent
2 b: Include quieter individuals
2 to invest more in digital marketing
3 d: Make people engage with others’ ideas
3 In Germany and the UK, online sales are low for
4 c: Encourage people to be creative
this. People stil buy luxury chocolate in stores.
5 h: Manage different views positively
People stil respond wel to traditional advertising.
6 g: Quieten louder individuals
4 She advises them to take a break and then see
7 a: Ask people directly for solutions
how they can come up with solutions. 8 f: Focus on common ground 3B
Patrizia tries hard to facilitate the meeting 2.5 Writing: Emails –
effectively. She introduces the topic clearly, Stating requirements
emphasising common interest and encourages
people to be open and creative to produce good 1
ideas and solutions. She invites people to speak by 1 have
name, and asks clear short questions to help 2 if
people express themselves. She reminds people to 3 to
stay open and not to dismiss others’ ideas too 4 out
quickly. Frank and Ray argue a little with each 5 were
other, and exclude Maria and Arun from speaking, 6 are
making the discussion unproductive. Patrizia 7 them
decides to stop the meeting and encourages people 8 with
to think about how to come up with solutions, which 9 order
is useful time out for the team. 10 win/get 3C 2
1 investment in website functionality 1 contact
2 He sees digital marketing as the main issue, not 2 Firstly
just the website. He says they are fal ing behind 3 would like their competitors.
4 so that you can / in order to
3 send some data from the USA which shows the 5 speak to
impact of digital marketing on sales 6 Secondly
4 She asks Maria to prepare a business case for 7 is important
website investment and for Ray to liaise with Maria 8 to encourage customers/them and give support. 9 prepare 10 Next 3D 11 you need to
In the second part of the meeting, Patrizia 12 for 13 arrange
continues to draw people into the meeting quite
skilful y and she encourages the participants to 14 Final y 15 expect you to
engage with each other’s ideas and so builds on col aboration. 16 (in order) to
At the end of the meeting, she gives clear direction
to individuals on what they need to do next so that 3A
the meeting can be productive and lead to genuine Model answer results. Dear Helena,
Further to our meeting this morning about how you 4A
could meet your sales targets, I’m writing to confirm 1 f: Focus on common ground that you should:
2 c: Encourage people to be creative
• prepare a feedback survey for al our existing
3 a: Ask people directly for solutions customers.
4 d: Make people engage with others’ ideas
• fol ow this up with phone cal s to individual
5 e: Paraphrase to ensure team understanding
purchasing managers so that you can discuss
6 b: Include quieter individuals
the results of the survey or encourage them to
7 g: Quieten louder individuals
complete it if they fail to do so. Business Partner B2+ Co 9
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key
• arrange meetings with current customers
many aspects of people’s lives.’ Students may also
to encourage them to increase their orders and
have additional and more detailed information about
in order to see if there are other ways we can
M-Sente that they have picked up from the video, help them.
but at this point it is enough that they understand
• phone or email ten potential new customers
the basic function and that it has been successful. each week.
• arrange meetings with at least two new 3 potential customers each week.
1 T (Presenter: ‘In some sub-Saharan African
If you are successful implementing these actions,
countries, like Uganda, less than a quarter of
then you should be able to meet your sales targets.
the population have a bank account.’) Best,
2 F (Joseph Arinaitwe: ‘Secondly, the cost of Anita Sealake
opening a bank account in this part of the world
is stil very prohibitive. Thirdly, the cost of 3B
maintaining a bank account is very high.’) Model answer
3 F (It can be sending money person to person Dear David,
or to a business. Stephen Waiswa: ‘It is, in the
Further to our meeting this morning about how
ordinary language, sending of money from one
you could improve your productivity, I’m writing to
person to another.’ and Presenter: ‘Customers
confirm that there are a few things which you could
can also use the system to send money to friends
do to improve your performance. and relatives …’)
Firstly, I would like you to plan your work better
4 T (Presenter: ‘An agent, usual y a shopkeeper,
and in order to do that I think you should attend
can accept your deposit and top up your balance,
a training course on time management. I attach
which is saved to the SIM card in your phone.’)
details of suitable courses you could consider.
5 F (Presenter: ‘money can then be transferred
Secondly, it is important that you maximise the
to another account through a text message for
use of your time so that you can have more time a smal fee.’)
for customers. Therefore, I expect you to limit the
6 F (Presenter: ‘This system doesn’t require
amount of time you spend in your daily meetings
an internet connection so people can use even
with the team to no more than 15 minutes. a very basic phone.’)
Next, I expect you to try to listen more actively to
7 T (Presenter: ‘It can be used to pay for anything
your team to make the most of their ideas. Several
from food to gas and electricity.’ and Leonard
of them have complained that you have not been
Massa: ‘People are going in for the service of
listening to their ideas and proposals.
M-Sente because of the various services offered
And, final y, you need to delegate more tasks and
like paying for utility bil s.’ Also, Presenter:
not try to do everything yourself, which wil leave
‘Customers can also use the system to send money
more time for customer interaction. The members
to friends and relatives and can even have their
of your team need you to trust them and they need
salary paid directly into their M-Sente account.’)
to learn to have more responsibility.
8 F (Presenter: ‘Mobile money services provide
If you are successful implementing these actions,
financial freedom for people in developing countries
then I might be able to recommend you for
and benefit the economy from the bottom up.’) promotion. Al the best, 4 Ken Baring Students' own answers 5 Unit 3 Money matters 1 account(s) 2 accountant 3 balance 3.1 Mobile banking 4 bank 1 5 bank Students' own answers 6 banker 7 branch 2 8 deposit Suggested answers 9 financial
It’s a mobile payment / money transfer service 10 finance
and it’s been very successful in Uganda. Presenter: 11 pay
‘This is why the mobile money service M-Sente has 12 payment
become popular and has significantly improved 13 prohibit
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Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 14 prohibitive/prohibited
Have you withdrawn money from an ATM / cash 15 save
dispenser recently? / How often do you usual y 16 savings
withdraw money from an ATM / cash dispenser? 17 top up 18 transaction 10 A & B 19 transfer Students' own answers 20 withdraw 6 3.2 Managing money Suggested answers 1A
For example, ‘Pay by/in cash means to pay with
1 expenses = money that you spend on rent, food,
money using notes and/or coins.’
and things such as electricity, gas etc.; come up =
Payment methods involving a bank: cheques, credit arise/happen unexpectedly
card, debit card, direct debit (e.g. to pay regular
2 set up = make the arrangements that are
monthly payments such as the rent and bil s), and
necessary for something to happen, or establish;
a money order. Fees are something the bank may
a trust fund = money that belongs to one person,
charge customers, but they are not payment but is control ed by another methods.
3 get by (on) = have enough money to buy the
things you need, but no more; an allowance = 7
an amount of money that you are given regularly 1 rent
or for a special purpose, e.g. a monthly al owance; 2 account
grant = an amount of money given to someone, 3 orders
especial y by the government, for a particular 4 banking
purpose e.g. a student grant, a research grant, etc. 5 debit
4 dip into = use some of an amount of money that 6 transfer
you have; savings = al the money that you have 7 finances saved, especial y in a bank 8 save 9 transactions 1B 10 fees Students' own answers 11 cards 12 bil s 2A
putting down a deposit on his accommodation, 8
buying clothes, heating, going out, eating out,
1 I hardly ever withdraw cash from ATMs. public transport
2 It’s never safe to carry out banking transactions on your phone. 2B
3 Paying by credit card is easy but the fees can
started working after school, lived at home, saved be prohibitive.
money every month, inherited some money, got
4 Mobile banking means I never have to visit my some money in a trust fund local branch.
5 I always pay utility companies using direct debit. 3 Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers – also see summaries in Exercise 4. 9A Suggested questions 4
How did you/people use to bank before mobile 1 trouble phones? 2 budget
When was the last time you checked your balance 3 rent online? 4 debts
When was the last time you dealt with a bank 5 account cashier in person? 6 al owance
When was the last time you looked at your bank 7 costs balance on paper? 8 bil s
Have you ever used your mobile phone for 9 mortgage a (banking) transaction? When? 10 inherited
Have you visited your branch recently? / How often 11 unexpected
do you usual y visit your branch? Business Partner B2+ Co 11
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 12 initiative
final preposition is category 2, e.g. ‘I’m working 13 financial
45 hours a week but with so much to do I’m stil 14 loan fal ing behind.’ 5 7C Students’ own answers
carry on (e.g. spending money, living with your mother) 6A
cut down on (e.g. working long hours, using my
Aaron: put (a deposit) down, carried on, going out, credit card)
ran up, dip into, paid off, put up, cut down on,
fal behind with (e.g. inputting the data, paying eating out the rent)
Bethan: carried on, put (some money) by, set up,
look forward to (e.g. meeting you on Friday, visiting
goes up, breaks down, get by on, taking out your New York office)
put off (e.g. talking to the bank manager, preparing 6B my presentation)
Aaron: put (a deposit) down [transitive], carried on
look into (e.g. buying another property, investing in
(spending) [transitive*], going out [intransitive], ran a hedge fund)
up (huge debts) [transitive], dip into (his savings
account) [transitive], paid off (his debts) [transitive], 8
put up (his student al owance) [transitive], cut down
1 Many students have trouble getting by on
on (his transport costs) [transitive], eating out a student grant. [intransitive]
2 I often put off making a record of my expenses.
Bethan: carried on (living with her mother)
3 It’s easy to save if you put by a little money / put
[transitive*], put (some money) by [transitive], set up a little money by each month.
(a trust fund) [transitive], goes up [intransitive],
4 I’l pay back the money / pay the money back by
breaks down [intransitive], get by on (a low income) the end of the month.
[transitive**], taking out (a loan) [transitive]
5 I would ask my parents for money if I ran up
* carry on (meaning ‘continue’) in the summaries is huge debts.
transitive, but in other contexts it can be intransitive,
6 If we carry on spending like this, we’l need to
e.g. ‘I’m too tired. I can’t carry on!’ take out a loan.
** get by on (meaning ‘survive with’) in Bethan’s
7 Are you looking forward to having your own
summary is transitive, but the associated verb get place after col ege?
by (meaning ‘survive’) is intransitive, e.g. ‘I don’t
8 Have you looked into opening a savings account?
earn a lot but I manage to get by.’ 9A & B 7A Students' own answers 1 c 2 b 9C 3 a Model answer
My friend Francesco graduated with a degree 7B
in engineering and only US $1,000 in his bank
1 (transitive, separable): pay back, put by, put off,
account. He started working ful -time as a civil run up, set up
engineer on a US $32,000 salary after tax. He
2 (transitive, non-separable): cut down on**, look
was lucky enough to have parents who let him
into, fal behind with***, look forward to*
carry on living with them for low rent including
3 (intransitive, i.e. no object): carry on*, eat out
food and bil s. So he started paying off the loans
* carry on (meaning ‘continue’) when used alone
with the highest interest rates. After tax, he was
is intransitive, e.g. ‘I’m too tired. I can’t carry on!’.
paying about 65 percent of his salary on the student
In other contexts (as in the summary in Exercise 4),
loan and 20 percent to his parents for rent and bil s,
it can be transitive, e.g. ‘We carried on preparing for
which left him about €13 per day. Living on only
the presentation even though we thought it might
€13 a day meant he had to make changes: he be cancel ed.’
bought clothes only when necessary, he had to
** cut down on (meaning ‘reduce’) is in category 3
give up eating out, and he took up new hobbies
but when used without the final preposition is
like hiking. But, economical y, his best option was
category 2, e.g. ‘You drink too much coffee. You
to pay the loans back as quickly as possible and real y should cut down.’
save money on paying high interest. It was
*** fal behind with (meaning to not do things fast
depressing at first but then he got used to it and
enough) is in category 3 but when used without the
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paid off his student loans after four and a half 5 years.
In Option A, Sonia just gives the facts and figures
of the event, focusing on the budget and the deals
that have been struck up with the vendors. The 3.3 Communication skills:
advantage of this approach is that it provides the
information that is important to the Finance Presentation styles
Manager of Claremont. And it shows that 1
Happenings is on top of the business side of things. Students’ own answers
The disadvantage, however, is that it doesn’t make
for a very exciting presentation. 2A
In Option B, Sonia is more dramatic in her Possible answers
approach. She appeals to the senses and asks
To know who you wil be presenting to in order to
her audience to visualise what the event wil be
choose the correct tone and/or approach for your
like. The advantage of this approach is it makes
presentation. This could involve knowing your
for a more exciting and emotive presentation that is
audience’s job roles, business history,
more likely to draw the client in. The disadvantage
demographic, personality traits, location, values,
is that it does not provide the facts and figures that
interests, approach to business, etc.
are stil the most fundamental aspect of any business. 3A
1 She is busy with the Overlander account. 7A
2 It’s a $40 bil ion industry. 1 opportunity
3 with images of a lavish and glamorous event 2 objective
4 that she is dealing with serious business people 3 visualise
and that with the Finance Manager being there, 4 aware
she wil have to make sure her numbers add up 5 anticipation 6 attention 3B 7 Picture Students’ own answers 8 breakdown 9 react 3C 10 think Option A
1 The hotel is an art deco building which reflects 7B
the aesthetics of the perfume bottle. Fact-based:
2 By keeping the press out, people wil be asking,
I would like to take this opportunity to
‘What’s going on in there?’ My objective today is to
3 that they have struck a deal with an exclusive As you are al aware
florist who wil give them a 60-percent discount in Now, turning our attention to
return for the coverage that the florist wil get
I’d like to give you a brief breakdown
4 dramatic, newsworthy, expensive, high (standard) Appealing to emotions/senses: Option B Try and visualise the looks on
1 by appealing to the clients’ senses and emotions
[You / Your guests / They] wil be able to feel
by asking them to visualise what the event wil be the anticipation of like Picture it
2 Possible answers: makes the event more
Imagine how everyone wil react when
exclusive; Claremont has ful control of coverage Can you think of anything more
and can then choose who to sel the photos to and
for how much; celebrities can have more fun and
‘misbehave’ if they know that their image is being 3.4 Business skills: protected by Claremont Defending your ideas
3 There wil be thousands of flowers cascading from enormous golden urns. 1
4 beautiful, sumptuous, extraordinary, historic, Students’ own answers
exclusive, perfect, enormous, incredible, magical, expensive 2 Students’ own answers Business Partner B2+ Co 13
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 3A 7 advance 1 d 8 assurance 2 g 9 matter 3 h 10 confidence 4 a 11 forced 5 b 12 resolution 6 e 7 c 2A 8 f
1 express our deep dissatisfaction
2 you kindly resolve this matter 3B 3 do
1 A and C from Exercise 2: An app feature that 4 be forced to seek
tracks your spending and an app feature that gives
5 prompt response and resolution
you personalised tips linked to your spending
Al the phrases in the table are very formal (VF). habits.
2 Her main objection is that they don’t have the time 2B
or budget to develop his ideas. She’s also Reason for writing
concerned about being distracted from their main
It is with deep regret that I am writing to complain
strategy if they decide to add these new app ideas. about … (VF)
3 They reach agreement. Marianne agrees in
We are very unhappy with your service. (SF)
principle to do Charlie’s first feature proposal now Action required
and the second one later, over time. The next step
We expect you to solve this immediately … (SF)
is that Charlie wil draft up a revised version of the
We would appreciate immediate action on this budget proposal. matter. (VF) Warning 3C
If you cannot sort this matter out, we wil find
Charlie original y suggests option 2 for both app another supplier. (SF)
features. They agree on Option 2 for the feature
If you do not reply immediately we shal have no
that tracks spending and Option 3 for the feature alternative but to … (VF)
that provides personalised tips. Closing
We hope to hear from you soon. (SF) 4A 1 reasons which warrant 3A 2 consider the big picture Model answer 3 best opportunity Dear Sir/Madam, 4 there might be objections
We are writing to express our deep dissatisfaction 5 break down the main reasons
with your bank and its customer service. 6 backing of others
Yesterday you apparently closed one of our
business accounts without informing us. When we 4B
contacted the bank, no-one was able to explain why
1 e (d is also possible but isn’t what was said in
this had happened. Furthermore, you overcharged the recording) us by €600 last month.
2 d (e is also possible but isn’t what was said in
We request you kindly resolve this matter the recording)
immediately and re-open our account. 3 a
We have been customers of this bank for a very 4 b
long time so, if you do not reply to this letter 5 c
immediately, we shal have no alternative but to
close al our accounts with your bank.
We look forward to your prompt response and
3.5 Writing: Letter of complaint resolution. Yours faithful y, 1 Sara Long 1 express 2 dissatisfaction 3 notice 3B Model answer 4 overdraft 5 payments Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction 6 charged
with your customer service. You recently agreed to
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a loan for the company and had promised to send
Pact’s growers in 2Vietnam Colombia has been
the contract as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this
growing coffee for four generations and they’ve
morning we received a letter from you stating that
often had to move 3part of their farm their whole
you were unable to give us the loan. Furthermore,
farm to a higher altitude. Coffee plants need 4humid
you failed to give any reasons for this refusal. We
wet and dry seasons to grow wel .
are sure this must be an administration error on
Il y is planning to 5decrease increase production. your part.
He says they might need to 6halve quadruple
I have tried cal ing you several times and have left
productivity to satisfy demand. Training
messages for you to cal me, but so far I have not
programmes for 7managers growers offer benefits
heard from you. As you know, we need this loan in
to 8companies like Il ycaffè both sides: growers
order to purchase new materials for the business
can protect their livelihood and coffee companies
and, if we do not have the money to do this, our
protect their 9produce supply. 10Climate change
business wil be in a very difficult situation, and
can be stopped and Although climate change may even fail.
cannot be stopped, there are ways to embrace the
We have had a long relationship with the bank and
chal enge. / Climate change cannot be stopped
would appreciate immediate action on this matter.
but there are ways to embrace the chal enge.
Your customer service policy promises to resolve
any problem by the end of the next business day. 5
It is now three days since I first contacted you to Suggested answers
explain the situation and we stil have received
Construction and infrastructure can be
no communication from you. If you do not reply
vulnerable to climate change because of their
immediately, I shal have no alternative but to
design, e.g. low resistance to storms, or location, contact your head office.
e.g. in areas prone to floods, landslides,
I request immediate acknowledgement of this
avalanches. They can be damaged by changing
letter and look forward to a prompt resolution to
climatic conditions or extreme weather, e.g. rising of this matter.
sea level, extreme precipitation and floods, extreme Yours faithful y,
low or high temperatures, heavy snowfal s, strong winds or storms, earthquakes.
Energy: More intense and frequent heat waves Unit 4 Challenges
wil shift energy supply and demand patterns,
often in opposite directions. Further increases in 4.1 Environmental challenges
temperature and droughts may limit the availability
of cooling water for thermal power in summer 1
(lowering energy supply), whereas demand for air Students’ own answers
conditioning wil increase. In addition, more frequent
and intense extreme weather wil threaten physical 2B
energy infrastructure. Climate change also brings
Four words are not mentioned: decaffeinated,
increased uncertainty in weather patterns. This has
farmer (though farms are mentioned), ground (this
a direct negative impact in the long term on the
can relate to earth, which we see but which is not
production of renewable energy. Some examples
mentioned, and also ground coffee, which we
would be less sun or wind in certain areas, or more
neither see nor hear mentioned) and pesticides.
droughts affecting crops intended for the production of energy from biomass. 3
Insurance: The frequency and intensity of extreme 1 coffee company
weather is expected to change significantly as 2 (coffee) producers
a result of climate change. In the short term, 3 impact
premiums would rise gradual y and the insurance 4 Vietnam
market would absorb such changes without 5 dark brown
disruption. However, risk knowledge often 6 flood
advances in ‘steps’, which can lead to jumps in 7 dried artificial y
the price over a short period. In the longer term, 8 stronger plants
particularly in most vulnerable sectors or areas,
9 regulate water (irrigate also possible)
climate change could indirectly increase social
inequality as insurance premiums become 4 unaffordable for some people.
Stephen Rapaport 0is a farmer at the founder of
Tourism: economic consequences for regions
Pact Coffee. He says the best coffees need to grow
where tourism is important can be substantial, but
in a 1broad (very) specific temperature band. One of
this is also influenced by non-climatic factors, such Business Partner B2+ Co 15
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key
as the ability of tourists to adjust the timing of their 3
holidays. The suitability of southern Europe for Suggested answer
tourism, for example, is projected to decline
Because the ransomware targeted security
markedly during the summer months but improve
weaknesses in inter-connected/web-connected
in other seasons. Central Europe is projected to
devices and the use of bitcoin. (Bitcoin is a virtual
increase its tourism appeal throughout the year.
currency that is bought with a credit card and
Projected reductions in snow wil negatively affect
doesn’t involve a bank, and is therefore less secure
the winter sports industry in many regions.
than other types of online payment.) Al connected
devices are vulnerable to this type of attack, 6
particularly if they are not updated regularly.
box A – coffee; box B - chal enge
The attackers chose organisations that would suffer
more if they did not recover their data quickly. 7
These organisations are easy to extort or blackmail Dial 1
because they cannot afford for operations to stop.
Turn the dial two segments in a clockwise direction
or two segments in an anti-clockwise direction. 4
growing demand, high temperatures, sustainable 1 two thousand, Japan
solutions, unstable environment
2 Monday, appliance-ordering system Dial 2 3 (Spanish) telecom, Germany
Turn the dial one segment in a clockwise direction 4 suffer greatly
or three segments in an anti-clockwise direction.
5 outdated operating systems, targeted
pose a threat, face difficulties, extreme weather, 6 bitcoin / virtual currency humid atmosphere Dial 3
Turn the dial one segment in an anti-clockwise 5A
direction or three segments in a clockwise direction.
A had chosen; Past Perfect Simple
protect the environment, potential failure, predict
B has existed; Present Perfect Simple a problem, climate change
C wil have escaped; Future Perfect Simple 8 5B 1 c Examples of the Past Perfect: 2 a
He (Suga) had been told* of a number of victims 3 d in Japan. 4 c
Roughly 2,000 terminals at some 600 Japanese 5 b IP addresses had been hit*. 6 a
A UK plant belonging to Japan’s Nissan Motor had been targeted*. 9
Attackers had counted on victims being impatient 1 pose; threat to solve the problem that day.
2 difficulties (or chal enges/problems); unstable
*Note that these sentences use the Past Perfect
3 sustainable; growers/production passive form. 4 change; environment
Examples of the Present Perfect: 10A & B
Many of those affected have reportedly paid up. Students’ own answers
Ransomware … has become more prevalent with the spread of bitcoin. 4.2 Cyber challenges 6 b 1 Students’ own answers 7 1 wil have become 2 2 have never done 1 outdated 3 wil be using 2 spread
4 both are possible: wil have integrated / 3 incompatibility wil integrate 4 update 5 standstil 5 wil be
6 both are possible: is giving / has given
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7 both are possible: is not / has not been 1B
8 both are possible: had experimented / Suggested answers experimented People pleaser
9 both are possible: had given us / gave us
Prepare wel and know what you can accept and 10 never change
can’t accept in a negotiation, otherwise you wil
always be in a ‘lose’ position. Know your best 8A & B
alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) and Students’ own answers
be prepared to say ‘no’ and walk away. 8C Strong and uncompromising Model answer
Think about the impact on relationships if you
Technological challenges in the workplace
always want to get your way. This approach is
One of the biggest workplace chal enges that we
fine for one-off deals where you are not damaging
have faced recently is cyber security. The number
your reputation but not for building good long-term
of online devices in the world, and the lack of
relationships. Listen and empathise with the
privacy concerning our personal data has meant
other side. Be prepared to compromise or look
that it is much easier for hackers to use malware for win-win solutions.
and ransomware. We have seen how fast
cyberattacks can spread: they will have 2
threatened thousands of organisations and 1 a new ‘green’ policy
institutions worldwide by the time your IT staff are
2 comply with their “environmental standards” able to stop them.
and have an international (ISO) environmental
Another technological chal enge is that we have certification
had to learn to live with 24-hour connectivity and
3 say ‘no’ and stand their ground firmly (because
be more flexible. Even though my company has
it wasn’t discussed as part of the bid)
given us training on mindfulness and relaxation
4 She says it’s not Meghan’s fault because they are
techniques, living with stress has become a way of
‘orders from on high’. She also feels that they can’t
life for me and my co-workers. 24-hour connectivity
just say ‘no’ as they need the business.
means that clients, suppliers, col eagues, family
and friends expect you to respond quickly, often 3A
in real-time. I imagine in five years’ time it will Students’ own answers
probably have become even more difficult to
separate our professional from our personal lives. 3B
Maintaining a good work-life balance wil continue Option A
to be the biggest chal enge for me. I only hope we
1 Al suppliers must have the ISO 14001
will have learnt how to deal with these chal enges certification.
more effectively by the time I retire!
2 They explain that there isn’t time to do the
audits before the event and the ISO certification
has major cost implications for them (and their 4.3 Communication skills: subcontractors).
Saying 'no' firmly and politely
3 That they start the ISO certification process.
Prisha sees the benefit of that but doesn’t want to 1A
incur extra costs at this stage. Suggested answers
4 It ends in stalemate as Meghan and Richard People pleaser
aren’t wil ing to provide any extra budget to make
Pros: you avoid conflict; you favour a perceived the event greener.
harmony in personal and professional relationships
Cons: you get stressed and frustrated by saying Option B
‘yes’ to things al the time, such as extra work;
1 Prisha mentions it wil take at least four to
people wil take advantage; you never get what six months. you want
2 Prisha does by suggesting that they can take Strong and uncompromising
other measures to make the event greener.
Pros: you are in a stronger position to get what
3 to make it greener by getting the outdoor caterers
you want in one-off negotiations
to use biodegradable tableware and recycling bins
Cons: there are risks to long-term relationships,
4 They don’t want to lose money on this contract
potential for conflict, especial y when dealing with with Overlander.
people with a similar attitude, and resentment from
others who always give in to you Business Partner B2+ Co 17
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 4
9 Let’s put our heads together and [see if we Suggested answers can find some other ways].
By staying firm when saying ‘no’ and giving clear
13 What if [the outdoor caterers] were to [use
reasons this forces the client, Overlander, to come some eco-friendly tableware]?
up with a solution that everyone can live with. The
15 Would you be willing to [take on the additional
risk is that Overlander perceive Happenings as
costs] if we were able to [make these changes]? inflexible.
The col ective responsibility approach shows that 7B
Prisha and David want to help but can’t, and that Students’ own answers
they have tried to come up with a solution
themselves before the meeting. Their offer to 8A
col aborate on more ideas has the risk that it Students’ own answers
could incur them extra costs on this project. 9A 5 Students’ own answers
1 Their firm approach ensures Happenings won’t
have any extra expenses on this project. However,
there may be a risk that they won’t get another 4.4 Business skills:
project from this client if they’re perceived as Challenging conversations inflexible.
2 It’s useful to explore options and reach 1A
a compromise where possible, especial y if
Fatima annoyed her manager by pushing for an
resources or extra time can be found. This helps
answer that her manager was clearly trying to
to preserve the relationship, and in the case of
avoid. As a result, communication between the
Happenings, there may be more likelihood of two has since broken down.
future projects from Overlander. However, the
risk is Happenings loses its profit margin on this 1B particular project. Possible answers
Fatima’s persistence in talking about the issue 6
might have been perceived as pushy or aggressive. Students’ own answers
Maybe this is why her boss became defensive. She
could have backed off, realising it was a bad time, 7A
and approached her manager at another time when Saying ‘no’ she was in a better mood.
1 There’s no way [we’l be able to get certified
Fatima could have worded it differently so as not to in just ten days].
imply that her manager’s ability to do the job was
4 Besides that, [there are major costs involved].
inadequate and, therefore, placing too much stress
5 For one thing [we’d have to pass a series of on her. audits].
6 For this precise reason, [we can’t get our 2 subcontractors to do it].
There is no explicitly correct answer here. What is
11 To put it simply, [there just isn’t time].
important is that students reflect on and discuss
their answers to the questions and give their own
Showing empathy / mutual understanding ideas based around this topic.
2 [I/We] can see that this puts [you] in a difficult position. 3A
7 It’s in [al our] interests to [find a satisfactory A: Abilities and skills solution].
2 strong PowerPoint, Excel and Word skil s
10 [We] appreciate that [your green policy is 3 team player important]. 5 structured and analytical
12 [I/We] totally understand [you didn’t know].
8 experience in project planning
14 We all want to [avoid a situation where it gets
9 proven ability to influence others and drive cancel ed]. meaningful change 10 good listener Exploring options
3 Let me tell you what [we can do].
B: Role-related responsibilities
8 If you were to just [start the process now],
1 work with other team leaders to align corporate would that [work for you]? strategy
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4 meet monthly and quarterly key performance 2B indicators (KPIs)
Introductory phrases Specific advice
6 work with the sales teams to develop promotional A reasonable produce a new low-cost campaigns approach would be to product.
7 help develop a flexible working scheme in Based on our we investigate possible the office research, it is courses of action
11 support the implementation of customer software essential that immediately. 12 supply monthly reports Having considered al you may want to change the options, your procedures. 3B In my opinion, the should invest in
1 She’s disappointed because she feels she got company a consultant. passed over for a promotion.
2 Martin says the team she is currently a member 3B
of would struggle if she had left them, to which she Model answer agrees.
Taking al the factors mentioned into account, the
3 She has met al her KPIs in the past nine months
research indicates several courses of action to
and also worked outside her role when it was
improve our green footprint. It is clear that there necessary.
is a lot of waste in the company. I would like to
4 They agree that she wil receive training for a new
recommend that the first thing the company do is future role.
carry out a waste review of the whole organisation.
It would be advisable to ensure we only use 3C
reusable pens and recycled paper in the offices.
Daniela uses the fol owing strategies: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8
In addition, we should recycle unwanted computers
and other devices, so we need to look for a local 4
business that does this. Furthermore, I recommend
Focus on the facts not the person: 2, 8
that we review our purchasing policy to ensure that
Confirm you’ve understood: 3, 5
everything we buy is manufactured sustainably and Find the positives: 1, 7
does not contain toxic substances. We should also
Ask questions to learn more: 4, 9
avoid replacing old office furniture wherever
Col aboratively identify a way forward 6, 10
possible and donate it to charity or try to refurbish it
so it can stil be used. Another area to look at is our
energy supply. In my opinion, it would be advisable 4.5 Writing:
to use an alternative energy supply such as wind or Proposals - Recommendations
solar. Final y, we should encourage staff to consider
the environment at al times, especial y their use of 1
paper, water, plastic and energy. It would be a good 1 an
idea to stop using plastic cups in drinks machines 2 that
and ask staff to bring their own mugs and water 3 order
bottles to work. Final y, we should encourage staff 4 too
to leave their cars at home and use public transport 5 would more. 6 more 7 for 8 not Unit 5 Global mobility 9 of 10 have 5.1 Secondments abroad 2A 1 1 recommend Students’ own answers 2 develop 3 advisable 2A 4 provide Students’ own answers 5 good idea 6 look into 2B c Business Partner B2+ Co 19
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com) Answer key 3
2 Will I be able to cope without knowing the 1 a, c language? 2 b, c
3 How expensive is the standard of living there? 3 a, c
4 Is there anything I need to know about Thailand 4 b, c before I make my decision? 5 a, b I look forward to your reply. Many thanks, 4 Peter Students’ own answers 9C & D 5 Students’ own answers 1 c 2 f 3 h 5.2 Relocation and retention 4 d 1A 5 a
1 found in many places, wide-ranging 6 e
2 a business that sel s a particular company’s 7 g product, especial y cars 8 b 3 from the beginning
4 completely developed, trained or established 6
5 a shop, company or organisation where products 1 adopt
are sold which is not owned by the producer of the 2 assignment products 3 compensation
6 not having enough people to fil particular jobs 4 globalised 5 immigrate 1B 6 mobile/mobilised Students’ own answers 7 process 8 relocated 2A 9 ship Possible answers 10 taxation
That if a company can accommodate an employee
who needs to move to another place, the company 7
wil keep that employee and his/her skil s set. 1 international network
Employees should be able to move freely to 2 assignment
other parts of the country where their employer 3 brief has a branch/store. 4 settle in 5 pay a deposit 2B 6 shipping/relocation B 8 3 Students’ own answers
1 T (‘… an unusual y broad-based effort in labor- scarce Japan.’) 9A
2 F (‘… has created a rehiring support network Students’ own answers
covering about 130,000 full-fledged workers …’)
3 F (‘… thus making it easier for them to be rehired 9B
at terms similar to their old workplace.’) Model answer
4 T (‘Toyota does not own equity stakes in most of Dear Jane, these auto sel ers.’)
I hope this email finds you wel .
5 T (‘The program aims to prevent work-ready
I currently have the chance to study in Thailand
talent going to competing automakers’ dealership
for a year as part of my course. However, before networks …’)
I make a decision, I wanted to ask you a few
6 F (‘Women make up more than a tenth of the
questions as you have been living there for employees covered …’) a number of years:
1 Do you think I wil be able to settle in quickly 4A
as it’s very different from where I live now? b
Business Partner B2+ Coursebook © Pearson Education 2019 20
Baixado por Marcelo Augusto (marcelo.augusto50000@gmail.com)