Bài giảng điện tử Tiếng anh 6 unit 1: My new school- Lesson 1 | Global Success

Giáo án powerpoint Tiếng anh 6 unit 1: My new school- Lesson 1 | Global Success với thiết kế hiện đại, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa giúp giáo viên có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để soạn giáo án Tiếng anh 6. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Groups of 6: Think of what you like on the rst day at school
I like new
I like new
friends and new
I like new friends
and new teachers
and ……………..…
Lesson 1. Getting
Unit 1
My new
SĐT 0905479734 (kb zalo, 50k/kh i/c
năm, powerpoint t so n, nhi u trò ch i) ơ
A special
Duy-Vy’s new
What are they exactly talking about?
Look at the picture and
answer these quesons.
Where are they?
What are Duy and Vy wearing?
Why it is a special day?
Ex 1. (p 6) Listen and read.
Phong: Hi, Vy.
Vy: Hi, Phong. Are you ready?
Phong: Just a minute.
Vy: Oh, this is Duy, my new friend.
Phong: Hi, Duy. Nice to meet you.
Duy: Hi, Phong. I live near here, and we go to the same school!
Phong: Good. Hmm, your school bag looks heavy.
Duy: Yes! I have new books, and we have new subjects to study.
Phong: And a new uniform, Duy! You look smart!
Duy: Thanks, Phong. We always look smart in our uniforms.
Phong: Let me put on my uniform. Then we can go.
Ex 2. (p 7) Read these sentences and underline the keywords .
Vy, Phong and Duy go to the same school.01
Duy is Phongs friend.02
Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.03
They have new subjects to study.04
Phong is wearing a school uniform.05
Vy, Phong and Duy go to the same school.
Duy is Phongs friend.
Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.
They have new subjects to study.
Phong is wearing a school uniform.
Ex 2. (p 7) Decide True (T) or False (F).
Vy, Phong and Duy go to the same school.01
Duy is Phongs friend.
Vy, Phong and Duy go to the same school.
Duy is Phongs friend.
Phong: Hi, Duy. Nice to meet you.
Duy: Hi, Phong. I live near here, and we go to the same school!
Vy: Oh, this is Duy, my new friend.
Ex 2. (p 7) Decide True (T) or False (F).
Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.03
They have new subjects to study.04
Phong is wearing a school uniform.05
Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.
They have new subjects to study.
Phong is wearing a school uniform.
Phong: And a new uniform, Duy! You look smart!
Duy: Yes! I have new books, and we have new subjects to study.
Phong: Let me put on my uniform. Then we can go.
Ex 3. (p 7) Write ONE word from the box in each gap.
go subjects has wear uniforms
1. Students __________ their uniforms on Monday.
2. Vy ___________ a new friend, Duy.
3. - Do Phong, Vy and Duy ___________ to the same school?
- Yes, they do
4. Students always look smart in their ___________.
5. - What ___________ do you like to study?
- I like to study English and history.
Ex 4. (p 7) Here are the school things that Vy, Phong, and Duy bring to school.
In 30 seconds, look and remember.
school bag compass
pencil sharpener
pencil case calculator
Write down the school things you remember.
Write as many school
things as you can.
School things races
| 1/14

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Groups of 6: Think of what you like on the first day at school I like new friends and new I like new friends teachers and new teachers I like new
and ……………..… friends CHAIN GAME Unit 1 My new Lesson 1. Getting school started OBJECTIVES
SĐT 0905479734 (kb zalo, 50k/kh i/ ố c năm, powerpoint t ự so n, ạ nhi u ề trò ch i ơ ) V Phon y g A special Duy-Vy’s new friend day Look at the picture and answer these questions. 0 Where are they? 1 0 What are Duy and Vy wearing? 2 0 Why it is a special day? 3
What are they exactly talking about?
Ex 1. (p 6) Listen and read. Phong: Hi, Vy.
Vy: Hi, Phong. Are you ready? Phong: Just a minute.
Vy: Oh, this is Duy, my new friend.
Phong: Hi, Duy. Nice to meet you. Duy:
Hi, Phong. I live near here, and we go to the same school!
Phong: Good. Hmm, your school bag looks heavy. Duy:
Yes! I have new books, and we have new subjects to study.
Phong: And a new uniform, Duy! You look smart! Duy:
Thanks, Phong. We always look smart in our uniforms.
Phong: Let me put on my uniform. Then we can go.
Ex 2. (p 7) Read these sentences and underline the keywords . 01 Vy V , y ,Phong a g nd Du y g o g o t o t o t h t e h e s a s m a e m e s c s h c o h o o l o . l 02 Duy is P hong’s s fri f en e d. 03 Phong g sa s y a s y s Duy Du y lo l o o k o s k s s m s a m rt ar t in in h is hi s u n u if ni o f rm o . rm 04 They e h av a e v e new e w subjec je t c s t t o t o s t s u t d u y d . y 05 Phong g is is we w a e rin a g ring a a s ch c o h o o l o u l nif i o f rm orm.
Ex 2. (p 7) Decide True (T) or False (F). 01 Vy V , y P hong a g nd Du y go g o t o t o t h t e h e s a s m a e m e s c s h c o h o o l o . l True.
Phong: Hi, Duy. Nice to meet you.
Duy: Hi, Phong. I live near here, and we go to the same school! 02 Duy is P hong’s ’ fri r en e d. False.
Vy: Oh, this is Duy, my new friend.
Ex 2. (p 7) Decide True (T) or False (F). 03 Phong g s ay a s y Du D y u y lo o lo k o s k s s m s a m r a t rt in in h i h s is u n u if n o if rm o . rm True.
Phong: And a new uniform, Duy! You look smart! 04 They e y hav a e v new e su s bjec e ts t s t o t o s t s u t d u y d . y True.
Duy: Yes! I have new books, and we have new subjects to study. 05 Phong g i s s w e w a e r a in ri g n g a a s c s h c o h o o l o lu n u if n o if rm o . rm False.
Phong: Let me put on my uniform. Then we can go.
Ex 3. (p 7) Write ONE word from the box in each gap. go subjects has wear uniforms
1. Students __________ their uniforms on Monday. wear
2. Vy ___________ a new friend, Duy. has
3. - Do Phong, Vy and Duy ______ g _
o ____ to the same school? - Yes, they do uniforms
4. Students always look smart in their ___________. subjects
5. - What ___________ do you like to study?
- I like to study English and history.
Ex 4. (p 7) Here are the school things that Vy, Phong, and Duy bring to school.
In 30 seconds, look and remember.
Write down the school things you remember. school bag compass pencil sharpener rubber pencil case calculator RECAP School things races Write as many school things as you can. Thank you!
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