Bài kiểm tra quá trình Speaking 3 - Ngôn ngữ Anh | Đại học Mở Hà Nội

Task 2: You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another TWO minutes to do the task as you are instructed to. You are talking to your friend about one of technical equipment that you can’t live without. Use appropriate tenses and structures to provide him/her with some information based on the following suggestions. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

I want to tell you about a piece of technical equipment I can’t live without my mobile phone. It’s the
latest version of iphone until this moment, They are going to release a new modal. I love white color so
its white with a large touchscreen and a slim design, which make It easy to handle. It has become an
essential part of my daily life since a year ago when I bought it to replace my old phone.
I can’t imagine my life without my phone. Normaly, I use it nearly 6 hours a day and even more.
Firstly, I use my phone to stay connected with friends and family through calls and messages or video
chat at anytime. It also helps me manage my schedule with calendar and reminder features. Additionally,
I rely on it for entertainment, like watching videos, updating news, checking facebook notification.
Task 2: You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another TWO minutes to do the task
as you are instructed to. You are talking to your friend about one of technical equipment that you
can’t live without. Use appropriate tenses and structures to provide him/her with some information based
on the following suggestions: (Nói tình huống: Bạn đang nói chuyện với bạn về một thiết bị điện tử
bạn không thể sống thiếu. Hãy cung cấp cho bạn thân của bạn những thông tin dựa theo các gợi ý sau và
sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu cùng cấu trúc câu phù hợp)
- What technical equipment is; - How it looks like - When you bought it - Explain why you can’t live
without it.
“Should children be allowed to use mobile phones?” This is a question that many parents and
educators trouble with, as mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. I
believe that children should indeed be allowed to use mobile phones under parent’s control.
Firstly, mobile phones can enhance communication and connect to family, this is about safety
issues. In urgent cases, having a phone allows children to contact their parents or guardians
quickly. For instance, if a child is stuck after school, they can easily call for help rather than
waiting anxiously. Additionally, Parents can easily keep in touch with their children and know
their whereabouts through GPS tracking
Task 3: You have one minute to prepare and two minutes to deliver a speech on the given topic.
You are expected to deliver all three parts, including Introduction, Development and Conclusion.
Remember to use linking words. (Thảo luận: “Có nên cho trẻ em sử dụng điện thoại hay không?”. Bạn
cần trình bày ý tưởng với các ý bổ trợ và ví dụ thực tiễn minh họa. Phần thảo luận cần đủ 3 phần: Mở
đầu, Phát triển và Kết luận) “Should children be allowed to use mobile phone.?”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
Secondly, mobile phones provide access to educational resources. Many apps and websites offer
learning tools that can aid in a child’s education. For example, during the pandemic, students
relied heavily on their phones for online classes and educational content. There are numerous
apps and websites designed to help children learn math, languages, and other subjects in an
engaging way. For example, apps like Duolingo make language learning fun and interactive.
They even can learn anywhere and anytime within handle mobile phones.
However, it is crucial to set boundaries for children when they use mobile phone. Parents should
monitor usage and ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate content or excessive
screen time. This way, they can enjoy the benefits while minimizing potential risks such as
addiction and negatively impact a child’s physical and mental health..
In conclusion, while there are concerns about children using mobile phones, I believe that with
proper guidelines and supervision, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Allowing
children to use mobile phones can foster communication and enhance learning opportunities in
today’s technological breakthrough.
Moreover, my phone is my go-to device for accessing information. Whether I need to check the news,
look up a recipe, or find directions, it’s always there to assist me. The convenience of having all these
functions in one device is something I can’t imagine living without.
In summary, my mobile phone is not just a gadget; it’s a vital tool that helps me stay organized, informed,
and entertained. I truly can’t live without it. I believe that living without it would be quite challenging.
In conclusion, while mobile phones offer educational benefits and enhance safety, the
potential risks cannot be ignored. It is crucial for parents to monitor and regulate their
children’s phone usage, ensuring a balanced approach. By setting clear boundaries and
encouraging responsible use, we can help children reap the benefits of technology while
minimizing its negative impacts.
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Task 2: You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another TWO minutes to do the task
as you are instructed to. You are talking to your friend about one of technical equipment that you
can’t live without. Use appropriate tenses and structures to provide him/her with some information based
on the following suggestions: (Nói tình huống: Bạn đang nói chuyện với bạn về một thiết bị điện tử mà
bạn không thể sống thiếu. Hãy cung cấp cho bạn thân của bạn những thông tin dựa theo các gợi ý sau và
sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu cùng cấu trúc câu phù hợp)
- What technical equipment is; - How it looks like - When you bought it - Explain why you can’t live
without it.
I want to tell you about a piece of technical equipment I can’t live without – my mobile phone. It’s the
latest version of iphone until this moment, They are going to release a new modal. I love white color so
its white with a large touchscreen and a slim design, which make It easy to handle. It has become an
essential part of my daily life since a year ago when I bought it to replace my old phone.
I can’t imagine my life without my phone. Normaly, I use it nearly 6 hours a day and even more.
Firstly, I use my phone to stay connected with friends and family through calls and messages or video
chat at anytime. It also helps me manage my schedule with calendar and reminder features. Additionally,
I rely on it for entertainment, like watching videos, updating news, checking facebook notification.
Moreover, my phone is my go-to device for accessing information. Whether I need to check the news,
look up a recipe, or find directions, it’s always there to assist me. The convenience of having all these
functions in one device is something I can’t imagine living without.
In summary, my mobile phone is not just a gadget; it’s a vital tool that helps me stay organized, informed,
and entertained. I truly can’t live without it. I believe that living without it would be quite challenging.
Task 3: You have one minute to prepare and two minutes to deliver a speech on the given topic.
You are expected to deliver all three parts, including Introduction, Development and Conclusion.
Remember to use linking words. (Thảo luận: “Có nên cho trẻ em sử dụng điện thoại hay không?”. Bạn
cần trình bày ý tưởng với các ý bổ trợ và ví dụ thực tiễn minh họa. Phần thảo luận cần có đủ 3 phần: Mở
đầu, Phát triển và Kết luận) “Should children be allowed to use mobile phone.?”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
“Should children be allowed to use mobile phones?” This is a question that many parents and
educators trouble with, as mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. I
believe that children should indeed be allowed to use mobile phones under parent’s control.
Firstly, mobile phones can enhance communication and connect to family, this is about safety
issues. In urgent cases, having a phone allows children to contact their parents or guardians
quickly. For instance, if a child is stuck after school, they can easily call for help rather than
waiting anxiously. Additionally, Parents can easily keep in touch with their children and know
their whereabouts through GPS tracking
Secondly, mobile phones provide access to educational resources. Many apps and websites offer
learning tools that can aid in a child’s education. For example, during the pandemic, students
relied heavily on their phones for online classes and educational content. There are numerous
apps and websites designed to help children learn math, languages, and other subjects in an
engaging way. For example, apps like Duolingo make language learning fun and interactive.
They even can learn anywhere and anytime within handle mobile phones.
However, it is crucial to set boundaries for children when they use mobile phone. Parents should
monitor usage and ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate content or excessive
screen time. This way, they can enjoy the benefits while minimizing potential risks such as
addiction and negatively impact a child’s physical and mental health..
In conclusion, while there are concerns about children using mobile phones, I believe that with
proper guidelines and supervision, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Allowing
children to use mobile phones can foster communication and enhance learning opportunities in
today’s technological breakthrough. Development:
In conclusion, while mobile phones offer educational benefits and enhance safety, the
potential risks cannot be ignored. It is crucial for parents to monitor and regulate their
children’s phone usage, ensuring a balanced approach. By setting clear boundaries and
encouraging responsible use, we can help children reap the benefits of technology while
minimizing its negative impacts.