Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 2 Clothing có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ đề để học tốt tiếng Anh lớp 9 cũ, đề luyện tập tiếng Anh Unit 2 Clothing có đáp án dưới đây bao gồm nhiều tài liệu là các bài tập giúp các em học sinh nắm được cách làm các bài tập Unit 2 trong sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 9.

I. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. It’s becoming _____________ to wear short skirts and faded jeans again. (fashion)
2. If the industry doesn’t __________, it will not survive. (modern)
3. Workers liked to wear jeans because the materials made from cotton was very strong and
________ wear out. (hard)
4. Vietnamese women usually wear the ao dai, _______on special occasions. (especial)
5. The ___________ of people prefer TV to audio. (major)
6. Travelling by subway is fast, ___________, and cheap. (convinience)
7. The program examine the role of women in ___________ society. (mordenize)
8. Dreams are a rich source of ___________ for some writers. (inspire)
9. Don’t you believe in ___________ between men and women? (equal)
10. I need you there to offer words of ___________. (encourange)
11. The worldwide ___________ situation is getting worse and worse. (economy)
12. He wants to make a good ___________ on everyone he meets (impress)
13. She had no formal ___________ in music. (instruct)
14. Susan always dresses very ___________. (fashion)
15. Angkor Watt used to be a ___________ center. (religion)
16. You’ve made your parents very ___________. (pride)
II. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. She already (watch) _____________ this movie.
2. He (write) ___________ his report yet?
3. We (travel) ________ to New York lately.
4. They (not give) __________ his decision yet.
5. Tracy (not see) ________ her friend for 2 years.
6. I (be) _________ to London three times.
7. It (rain) _________ since I stopped my work.
8. This is the second time I (meet) _________ him.
9. They (walk) _________ for more than 2 hours.
10. You (get) __________ married yet?
III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentence:
1. .English.........all over the world?
A. Is/ learnt
B. Is/ learn
C. Has/ learnt
D. Was/ learn
2. My car...................yet.
A. isn't repaired
B. wasn't repaired
C. hasn't been repaired
D. won't be repaired
3. I................to her party last night.
A. invite
B. invites
C. was invited
D. invited
4. It's time we.............the bus.
A. catch
B. catching
C. caught
D. to catch
5. They wish they.............a new house.
A. had
B. have
C. will have
D. would have
6. Vietnamese women usually wear the Ao dai, ............on important celebrations.
A. special
B. specially
C. especial
D. especially
7. Young people are fond of.............Jeans .
A. to wear
B. wearing
C. wore
D. worn
8. Some designers have.......the Ao Dai by printing lines of poetry on it.
A. modernize
B. modernized
C. modern
D. modernly
9. She.........to the national theatre by the Greens last night.
A. took
B. is taken
C. takes
D. was taken
10. He...with his friends in an apartment in Hue since last week.
A. has lived
B. living
C. lives
D. lived
11. We haven't kept in touch with each other................
A. since 6 months
B. for 6 years
C. 6 years ago
D. over 6 months
12. The test must be done............
A. care
B. careful
C. carefully
D. none is correct
13. Flower....love
A. symbol
B. symbolize
C. symbolizes
D. symbolization
IV. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the passage:
My (1)...........is that high school students should wear casual clothes. (2).........., casual clothes
make students feel comfortable because they don't feel(3)................to wear uniforms that they
don't like. (4)........, wearing casual clothes give students freedom of choice. They have rights to
choose (5).........., colors and fashion of clothes that they love. (6)................., casual clothes make
school more colorful and lively. In (7)..............., students, particularly high school students should
wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is (8)..........comfortable and fun.
1.A. opine B. opinion C. opinionable D. opinions
2. A. One B. Once C. First D. Firstly
3. A. constrain B. constraint C. constrained D. constrainedly
4. A. Secondly B. twice C. Second D. Two
5. A. size B. sized C. sizeable D. sizer
6. A. Final B. Finally C. Finalize D. Finality
7. A. conclude B. conclusivenience C. conclusive D. conclusion
8. A. convenience B. inconvenience C. Convenient D. inconvenient
V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D that is the same meaning with the italic
1. Food can't be sold on the sidewalk.
A. They can't sold food on the sidewalk.
B. They can't be sold food on the sidewalk
C. They can't sell food on the sidewalk
D. They can not sold food on the sidewalk
2. The flowers shouldn't be cut in this garden.
A. You shouldn't be cut the flowers in this garden.
B. You shouldn't cutting the flowers in this garden.
C. You shouldn't cut the flowers in this garden.
D. You should cut the flowers in this garden.
3. When was this car bought?
A. When do they buy this car?
B. When did they bought this car?
C. When did they buy this car?
D. When are they bought this car?
4. Why isn't she taken to the cinema with them?
A. Why don't they taken her to the cinema with them?
B. Why doesn't she take to the cinema with them?
C. Why doesn't she take them to the cinema?
D. Why don't they take her to the cinema with them?
5. Who was she invited to the party by?
A. Who invited her to the party by?
B. Who invited her to the party?
C. Whom invites her to the party?
D. Whom invited her to the party by?
VI. Read about Monika Kovak and choose the correct form of the verb.
Monila Kovak is a tennis player. She is only 14 years old, but she (1) already won/ has already
won many tournaments in her life. She (2) started/ has started playing tennis with her father
when she was three years old. Two years ago she (3) came/ has come to the United States to a
famous tennis school in California.
Monika and her father (4) travelled/ have travelled to many countries. Last month they (5) went/
have gone to a tournament in Australia. Monika (6) played/ has played well, but she (7) didn’t
win/ hasn’t won. She (8) didn’t play/ hasn’t played at Wimbledon yet, but she hoped to play
there next year.
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. Jane wishes she......(know) how to dance
2. I wish my parents.......(not/work) on Sunday
3. Have you ever wish you......(can fly) as a bird?
4. We all wish we.......(have) more money, don't we?
5. I wish I.....(live) in a big city.It's so boring in the country
6. The boys wish they.....(be) tall enough to play basketball
7. I wish the teacher......(not/be) going to give an exam tomorrow
8. Mai knows a E, so she wishes she.......(can speak) it fluently
9. I wish the sun......(shine) right now so thay we could go swimming
10. I wish I.....(wear) a coat now.It's so cold today
Change the following sentences from the active into the passive
1. My sister gave me a new pair of jeans on my fifteenth birthday.
2. My workers are building a supermarket on our street.
3. The zoo keepers feed the animals twice a day
4. They have sold their car to pay their debt
5. We are going to grow flowers in front of garden.
Đáp án Bài tp tiếng Anh lp 9 Unit 2
I. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. It’s becoming _______fashionable______ to wear short skirts and faded jeans again. (fashion)
2. If the industry doesn’t ______modernize____, it will not survive. (modern)
3. Workers liked to wear jeans because the materials made from cotton was very strong and
____hardly____ wear out. (hard)
4. Vietnamese women usually wear the ao dai, ___especially____on special occasions.
5. The ______majority_____ of people prefer TV to audio. (major)
6. Travelling by subway is fast, ____convenient_______, and cheap. (convinience)
7. The program examine the role of women in _____modern______ society. (mordenize)
8. Dreams are a rich source of ____inspiration_______ for some writers. (inspire)
9. Don’t you believe in ____equality_______ between men and women? (equal)
10. I need you there to offer words of ___encouragement________. (encourange)
11. The worldwide _____economic______ situation is getting worse and worse. (economy)
12. He wants to make a good _______impression____ on everyone he meets (impress)
13. She had no formal _____instruction______ in music. (instruct)
14. Susan always dresses very ____fashionably_______. (fashion)
15. Angkor Watt used to be a _____religious______ center. (religion)
16. You’ve made your parents very _____proud______. (pride)
1. has already watched
2. Has he written
3. have travelled
4. haven’t given
5. hasn’t seen
6. have been
7. has rained
8. have met
9. have walked
10. have you got
1. A.Is/ learnt
2. C. hasn't been repaired
3. C. was invited
4. C. caught
5. A. had
6. D. especially
7. B. wearing
8. B. modernized
9. D. was taken
10. A. has lived
11. B. for 6 years
12. C. carefully
13. C. symbolizes
1. B. opinion
2. D. Firstly
3. C. constrained
4. A. Secondly
5. A. size
6. B. Finally
7. D. conclusion
8. C. convenient
1. C. They can't sell food on the sidewalk
2. C. You shouldn't cut the flowers in this garden.
3. C. When did they buy this car?
4. C. Why doesn't she take them to the cinema?
5. B. Who invited her to the party?
VI. Read about Monika Kovak and choose the correct form of the verb.
Monila Kovak is a tennis player. She is only 14 years old, but she (1) has already won many
tournaments in her life. She (2) started playing tennis with her father when she was three years
old. Two years ago she (3) came to the United States to a famous tennis school in California.
Monika and her father (4) have travelled to many countries. Last month they (5) went to a
tournament in Australia. Monika (6) played well, but she (7) didn’t win. She (8) hasn’t played at
Wimbledon yet, but she hoped to play there next year.
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets
1.Jane wishes she knew(know) how to dance
2.I wish my parents didn't work(not/work) on Sunday
3.Have you ever wish you could fly(can fly) as a bird?
4.We all wish we had(have) more money, don't we?
5.I wish I lived (live) in a big city.It's so boring in the country
6.The boys wish they were(be) tall enough to play basketball
7.I wish the teacher were not/weren't(not/be) going to give an exam tomorrow
8.Mai knows a E, so she wishes she could speak(can speak) it fluently
9.I wish the sun shone/shined (shine) right now so thay we could go swimming
10.I wish I worn(wear) a coat now.It's so cold today
Change the following sentences from the active into the passive
1. I was given a new pair of jeans on my fifteenth birthday by my sister
A new pair of jeans was given to me on my fifteenth birthday by my sister
2. A supermarket is being built on our street (by the workers)
3. The animals are fed twice a day (by the zoo keepers)
4. Their car has been sold to pay their debt (by them)
5. Flowers are going to be grown in the front garden (by us)
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Preview text:

I. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. It’s becoming _____________ to wear short skirts and faded jeans again. (fashion)
2. If the industry doesn’t __________, it will not survive. (modern)
3. Workers liked to wear jeans because the materials made from cotton was very strong and ________ wear out. (hard)
4. Vietnamese women usually wear the ao dai, _______on special occasions. (especial)
5. The ___________ of people prefer TV to audio. (major)
6. Travelling by subway is fast, ___________, and cheap. (convinience)
7. The program examine the role of women in ___________ society. (mordenize)
8. Dreams are a rich source of ___________ for some writers. (inspire)
9. Don’t you believe in ___________ between men and women? (equal)
10. I need you there to offer words of ___________. (encourange)
11. The worldwide ___________ situation is getting worse and worse. (economy)
12. He wants to make a good ___________ on everyone he meets (impress)
13. She had no formal ___________ in music. (instruct)
14. Susan always dresses very ___________. (fashion)
15. Angkor Watt used to be a ___________ center. (religion)
16. You’ve made your parents very ___________. (pride)
II. Give the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. She already (watch) _____________ this movie.
2. He (write) ___________ his report yet?
3. We (travel) ________ to New York lately.
4. They (not give) __________ his decision yet.
5. Tracy (not see) ________ her friend for 2 years.
6. I (be) _________ to London three times.
7. It (rain) _________ since I stopped my work.
8. This is the second time I (meet) _________ him.
9. They (walk) _________ for more than 2 hours.
10. You (get) __________ married yet?
III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentence:
1. .English.........all over the world? A. Is/ learnt B. Is/ learn C. Has/ learnt D. Was/ learn
2. My car...................yet. A. isn't repaired B. wasn't repaired C. hasn't been repaired D. won't be repaired
3. I................to her party last night. A. invite B. invites C. was invited D. invited
4. It's time we.............the bus. A. catch B. catching C. caught D. to catch
5. They wish they.............a new house. A. had B. have C. will have D. would have
6. Vietnamese women usually wear the Ao dai, ............on important celebrations. A. special B. specially C. especial D. especially
7. Young people are fond of.............Jeans . A. to wear B. wearing C. wore D. worn
8. Some designers have.......the Ao Dai by printing lines of poetry on it. A. modernize B. modernized C. modern D. modernly
9. She.........to the national theatre by the Greens last night. A. took B. is taken C. takes D. was taken
10. He...with his friends in an apartment in Hue since last week. A. has lived B. living C. lives D. lived
11. We haven't kept in touch with each other................ A. since 6 months B. for 6 years C. 6 years ago D. over 6 months
12. The test must be done............ A. care B. careful C. carefully D. none is correct 13. Flower....love A. symbol B. symbolize C. symbolizes D. symbolization
IV. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the passage:
My (1)...........is that high school students should wear casual clothes. (2).........., casual clothes
make students feel comfortable because they don't feel(3)................to wear uniforms that they
don't like. (4)........, wearing casual clothes give students freedom of choice. They have rights to
choose (5).........., colors and fashion of clothes that they love. (6)................., casual clothes make
school more colorful and lively. In (7)..............., students, particularly high school students should
wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is (8)..........comfortable and fun.
1.A. opine B. opinion C. opinionable D. opinions
2. A. One B. Once C. First D. Firstly
3. A. constrain B. constraint C. constrained D. constrainedly
4. A. Secondly B. twice C. Second D. Two
5. A. size B. sized C. sizeable D. sizer
6. A. Final B. Finally C. Finalize D. Finality
7. A. conclude B. conclusivenience C. conclusive D. conclusion
8. A. convenience B. inconvenience C. Convenient D. inconvenient
V. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D that is the same meaning with the italic sentence:
1. Food can't be sold on the sidewalk.
A. They can't sold food on the sidewalk.
B. They can't be sold food on the sidewalk
C. They can't sell food on the sidewalk
D. They can not sold food on the sidewalk
2. The flowers shouldn't be cut in this garden.
A. You shouldn't be cut the flowers in this garden.
B. You shouldn't cutting the flowers in this garden.
C. You shouldn't cut the flowers in this garden.
D. You should cut the flowers in this garden. 3. When was this car bought? A. When do they buy this car?
B. When did they bought this car?
C. When did they buy this car?
D. When are they bought this car?
4. Why isn't she taken to the cinema with them?
A. Why don't they taken her to the cinema with them?
B. Why doesn't she take to the cinema with them?
C. Why doesn't she take them to the cinema?
D. Why don't they take her to the cinema with them?
5. Who was she invited to the party by?
A. Who invited her to the party by?
B. Who invited her to the party?
C. Whom invites her to the party?
D. Whom invited her to the party by?
VI. Read about Monika Kovak and choose the correct form of the verb.
Monila Kovak is a tennis player. She is only 14 years old, but she (1) already won/ has already
won many tournaments in her life. She (2) started/ has started playing tennis with her father
when she was three years old. Two years ago she (3) came/ has come to the United States to a
famous tennis school in California.
Monika and her father (4) travelled/ have travelled to many countries. Last month they (5) went/
have gone to a tournament in Australia. Monika (6) played/ has played well, but she (7) didn’t
win/ hasn’t won. She (8) didn’t play/ hasn’t played at Wimbledon yet, but she hoped to play there next year.
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. Jane wishes she......(know) how to dance
2. I wish my parents.......(not/work) on Sunday
3. Have you ever wish you......(can fly) as a bird?
4. We all wish we.......(have) more money, don't we?
5. I wish I.....(live) in a big city.It's so boring in the country
6. The boys wish they.....(be) tall enough to play basketball
7. I wish the teacher......(not/be) going to give an exam tomorrow
8. Mai knows a E, so she wishes she.......(can speak) it fluently
9. I wish the sun......(shine) right now so thay we could go swimming
10. I wish I.....(wear) a coat now.It's so cold today
Change the following sentences from the active into the passive
1. My sister gave me a new pair of jeans on my fifteenth birthday.
2. My workers are building a supermarket on our street.
3. The zoo keepers feed the animals twice a day
4. They have sold their car to pay their debt
5. We are going to grow flowers in front of garden.
Đáp án Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 2
I. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. It’s becoming _______fashionable______ to wear short skirts and faded jeans again. (fashion)
2. If the industry doesn’t ______modernize____, it will not survive. (modern)
3. Workers liked to wear jeans because the materials made from cotton was very strong and
____hardly____ wear out. (hard)
4. Vietnamese women usually wear the ao dai, ___especially____on special occasions. (especial)
5. The ______majority_____ of people prefer TV to audio. (major)
6. Travelling by subway is fast, ____convenient_______, and cheap. (convinience)
7. The program examine the role of women in _____modern______ society. (mordenize)
8. Dreams are a rich source of ____inspiration_______ for some writers. (inspire)
9. Don’t you believe in ____equality_______ between men and women? (equal)
10. I need you there to offer words of ___encouragement________. (encourange)
11. The worldwide _____economic______ situation is getting worse and worse. (economy)
12. He wants to make a good _______impression____ on everyone he meets (impress)
13. She had no formal _____instruction______ in music. (instruct)
14. Susan always dresses very ____fashionably_______. (fashion)
15. Angkor Watt used to be a _____religious______ center. (religion)
16. You’ve made your parents very _____proud______. (pride) II. 1. has already watched 2. Has he written 3. have travelled 4. haven’t given 5. hasn’t seen 6. have been 7. has rained 8. have met 9. have walked 10. have you got III. 1. A.Is/ learnt 2. C. hasn't been repaired 3. C. was invited 4. C. caught 5. A. had 6. D. especially 7. B. wearing 8. B. modernized 9. D. was taken 10. A. has lived 11. B. for 6 years 12. C. carefully 13. C. symbolizes IV. 1. B. opinion 2. D. Firstly 3. C. constrained 4. A. Secondly 5. A. size 6. B. Finally 7. D. conclusion 8. C. convenient V.
1. C. They can't sell food on the sidewalk
2. C. You shouldn't cut the flowers in this garden.
3. C. When did they buy this car?
4. C. Why doesn't she take them to the cinema?
5. B. Who invited her to the party?
VI. Read about Monika Kovak and choose the correct form of the verb.
Monila Kovak is a tennis player. She is only 14 years old, but she (1) has already won many
tournaments in her life. She (2) started playing tennis with her father when she was three years
old. Two years ago she (3) came to the United States to a famous tennis school in California.
Monika and her father (4) have travelled to many countries. Last month they (5) went to a
tournament in Australia. Monika (6) played well, but she (7) didn’t win. She (8) hasn’t played at
Wimbledon yet, but she hoped to play there next year.
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets
1.Jane wishes she knew(know) how to dance
2.I wish my parents didn't work(not/work) on Sunday
3.Have you ever wish you could fly(can fly) as a bird?
4.We all wish we had(have) more money, don't we?
5.I wish I lived (live) in a big city.It's so boring in the country
6.The boys wish they were(be) tall enough to play basketball
7.I wish the teacher were not/weren't(not/be) going to give an exam tomorrow
8.Mai knows a E, so she wishes she could speak(can speak) it fluently
9.I wish the sun shone/shined (shine) right now so thay we could go swimming
10.I wish I worn(wear) a coat now.It's so cold today
Change the following sentences from the active into the passive
1. I was given a new pair of jeans on my fifteenth birthday by my sister
A new pair of jeans was given to me on my fifteenth birthday by my sister
2. A supermarket is being built on our street (by the workers)
3. The animals are fed twice a day (by the zoo keepers)
4. Their car has been sold to pay their debt (by them)
5. Flowers are going to be grown in the front garden (by us)