Bài tập từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 10 Space Travel

Bài tập từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 10 Space Travel do tự biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các từ nằm trong chủ đề English in the World ở Tiếng Anh 9 mới đi kèm đáp án. Mời các em tham khảo bài sau đây.

Bài tp t vng Tiếng Anh lp 9 Unit 10 Space Travel
Match the words/ expressions in column A with their meanings in column B.
1. take off
a. fight, argument
2. a face-off
b. an agreement
3. spaceship
c. a strong position in business
4. a deal
d. rich
5. a foothold
e. becoming known
6. spaceport
f. a spacecraft that carries people through space
7. well-to-do
g. departure point for space flights
8. emerging
h. leave the ground and start flying
Complete the sentences using the given words
monitoring system
out of this world
over the moon
1. My father likes looking at the stars through a ______________.
2. Uncle John said that he has never seen any ______________ his life.
3. The astronauts ______________ the spacecraft very slowly because the wind outside
4. The plane is flying at an ______________ of 5 000 metres.
5. He has a wide knowledge of the ______________.
6. NASA has a very effective ______________ from the earth.
7. My brother is ______________ because he has just been selected to work in NASA.
8. These astronauts’ skills are ______________.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
1. I passed all my exams - I’m ______________!
A. over the moon
B. once in a blue moon
C. out of this world
D. the sky’s the limit
2. A ______________ is an enormous system of stars in outer space.
A. universe
B. solar system
C. comet
D. galaxy
3. Aircraft flying in ____________ arcs create microgravity for tests and simulations that
last 20-25seconds.
A. circular
B. parabolic
C. straight
4. NASA uses a variety of facilities to ____________ microgravity conditions.
5. At night the ISS can easily be seen from the Earth, as it flies at the _____________ of
320 kilometres above us.
Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.
Make your reservations now
The space tourism industry is officially open for (1) __________,and tickets are
going for a 20 million US dollars for a one-week stay in space. Despite reluctance from
NASA, Russia made American businessman Dennis Tito in first space tourist. Tito flew
into (2)__________ abroad a Russian Soyuz (3) __________ arrived al the Space Station
(ISS) on April 30, 2001. The second tourist, South African businessmanMark
Shuttleworth, took off (4) __________ the Russian Soyuz on April 25, 2002, also bound
for the ISS. Greg Olsen, an American businessman, became tourist number three to the
ISS on October 1, 2005.
On September 18, 2006, Anousheh Ansari, a telecommunications businessman, became
the first (5) __________ space tourist and the fourth space tourist overall. She was also
the first person of Iranian descent to make it into space. Charles Simonyi, a software
architect, became the fifth space tourist on April 7, 2007.
-The end-
Đáp án bài tập t vng Tiếng Anh lp 9 Unit 10
Match the words/ expressions in column A with their meanings in column B.
1. h
2. a
3. f
4. b
5. c
6. g
7. d
8. e
Complete the sentences using the given words
1. telesope
2. comets
3. descended
4. altitude
5. universe
6. monitoring
7. over the moon
8. out of this world
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
| 1/3

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Bài tập từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 10 Space Travel
Match the words/ expressions in column A with their meanings in column B. A B 1. take off a. fight, argument 2. a face-off b. an agreement 3. spaceship
c. a strong position in business 4. a deal d. rich 5. a foothold e. becoming known 6. spaceport
f. a spacecraft that carries people through space 7. well-to-do
g. departure point for space flights 8. emerging
h. leave the ground and start flying
Complete the sentences using the given words universe telescope monitoring system descended altitude out of this world comets over the moon
1. My father likes looking at the stars through a ______________.
2. Uncle John said that he has never seen any ______________ his life.
3. The astronauts ______________ the spacecraft very slowly because the wind outside was strong.
4. The plane is flying at an ______________ of 5 000 metres.
5. He has a wide knowledge of the ______________.
6. NASA has a very effective ______________ from the earth.
7. My brother is ______________ because he has just been selected to work in NASA.
8. These astronauts’ skills are ______________.
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
1. I passed all my exams - I’m ______________! A. over the moon B. once in a blue moon C. out of this world D. the sky’s the limit
2. A ______________ is an enormous system of stars in outer space. A. universe B. solar system C. comet D. galaxy
3. Aircraft flying in ____________ arcs create microgravity for tests and simulations that last 20-25seconds. A. circular B. parabolic C. straight D.oval
4. NASA uses a variety of facilities to ____________ microgravity conditions. A.do B.create C.invent D.perform
5. At night the ISS can easily be seen from the Earth, as it flies at the _____________ of 320 kilometres above us. A.level B.altitude C.attitude D.height
Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.
Make your reservations now
The space tourism industry is officially open for (1) __________,and tickets are
going for a 20 million US dollars for a one-week stay in space. Despite reluctance from
NASA, Russia made American businessman Dennis Tito in first space tourist. Tito flew
into (2)__________ abroad a Russian Soyuz (3) __________ arrived al the Space Station
(ISS) on April 30, 2001. The second tourist, South African businessmanMark
Shuttleworth, took off (4) __________ the Russian Soyuz on April 25, 2002, also bound
for the ISS. Greg Olsen, an American businessman, became tourist number three to the ISS on October 1, 2005.
On September 18, 2006, Anousheh Ansari, a telecommunications businessman, became
the first (5) __________ space tourist and the fourth space tourist overall. She was also
the first person of Iranian descent to make it into space. Charles Simonyi, a software
architect, became the fifth space tourist on April 7, 2007. -The end-
Đáp án bài tập từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 10
Match the words/ expressions in column A with their meanings in column B. 1. h 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. g 7. d 8. e
Complete the sentences using the given words 1. telesope 2. comets 3. descended 4. altitude 5. universe 6. monitoring 7. over the moon 8. out of this world system
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C