Book - Lesson 1,2 - Reading Level 1 | Trường Đại Học Duy Tân

The present simple tense is formed by using the bare infinitive, but if the subject is the third singular person, -s/-(i)es must be added to the verb. The verb be is changed as am/is/are depending on the subject. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Present Simple Tense
The present simple tense is used to describe a habitual action, a general truth, or an
existing state at present.
The present simple tense is formed by using the bare infinitive, but if the subject is the
third singular person, -s/-(i)es must be added to the verb. The verb is changed as be
am/is/are depending on the subject.
* Structure: Subject + Verb - bare infinitive
Verb_ s/es
They/start/their work/at 9 in the morning. (A habitual action)
Mr. Parker / is/ busy/ now. (A state at present)
* The usages of present simple tense
1. When referring to habits, daily routines, facts or truths
2. When referring to schedules (of films, events, matches, means of transportation,
etc.), we mostly use the present simple tense.
According to this schedule, the presentation starts at 7.
The workshop ends in an hour.
3. In adverb clauses of time (starting with when, until, as soon as, before, after, etc.)
and first conditional clauses (starting with ), we also use the present simple tense.if
Before you submit it, you should check it once again. (will submit: x)
If they complete the project tomorrow, they will have a party. (will complete: x)
*The adverbs of present simple tense
always, frequently, generally, hardly, ever, never, normally, occasionally, often, rarely,
regularly, seldom, sometimes, usually, once a month, twice a week, three times a day,
on Saturdays, every Tuesday
I. Complete the following sentences with the present simple tense of the verbs given
in brackets.
1. (get) He always ____________ to work at 8 o’clock.
2. (work) They ____________ as consultants
3. (go) The manager ____________ on a business trip every month.
4. (review) When she ____________ the report, she will bring it to you.
5 (start) My company’s Christmas party ____________ at 9 tonight.
6. (be) An analysis report on the stock market ____________ on your desk.
II. Complete the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. The sales meeting usually ____________ at 5.
A. begins B. begin C. beginning D. will begin
2. If he ____________ the team, we will start the project right away.
A. join B. joins C. joined D. will join
I. Use the correct form of the verbs in the blankets.
1) Anne _______my questions. (not/to answer)
2) ______they ______ tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)
3) This girl _______ trousers at school. (not/to wear)
4) _______ Mr Barker _________ Physics? (to teach)
5) The guinea pigs ________ under the desk. (not/to hide)
6) ________ Ken often __________ the school bus? (to miss)
7) The poster ________ on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)
8) _________ for the tickets? (you/to pay)
9) The boys __________ stones. (not/to throw)
10) ________ the bells of your church still __________? (to ring)
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence
1 - He ____ lemonade with milk at all.
A. don't like B. doesn't like
C. doesn't likes D. don't likes
2 - My dog ___ a lot of food when he's hungry.
A. don't eat B. doesn't eats
C. eat D. eats
3 - My brother's daughter ___ to a good school.
A. go B. goes
C. going D. don't go
4 - John ___ a lot of English movies in his free time.
A. watch B. watches
C. don't watch D. doesn't watches
5 - It _____ sense.
A. don't make B. doesn't makes
C. doesn't make D. don't makes
6 - I _____ as a manager of the restaurant.
A. work B. works
C. workes D. doesn't work
7 - You _____ to do it.
A. don't have B. doesn't has
C. doesn't have D. don't has
8 - She ____ any brothers.
A. doesn't has B. don't has
C. don't have D. doesn't have
9 - The flight from Da nang to Ho Chi Minh city _____ an hour.
A. take B. takes
C. taking D. taken
10 - I _____ to do my homework after school.
A. want B. wants
C. wanting D. wanted
11 - Peggy sometimes ____ to his relatives by bus.
A. come B. comes
C. coming D. comeing
12 - She ____ how to use the laptop.
A. don't know B. doesn't knows
C. doesn't know D. don't knows
13 - She ____ her best to study well.
A. try B. trys
C. tryes D. tries
14 - They _____ football every weekend.
A. play B. plays
C. playes D. playing
15 - The exam on TOEIC _____ two hours.
A. last B. lastes
C. lasts D. lasting
Past Simple Tense
The past simple tense is used to describe an action, an event, or a condition that
happened in the past, sometime before the moment of speaking.
For regular verbs, it is formed by adding –(e)d to the bare infinitive.
I / received / your order sheet. (An action happened before the time of speaking)
The price / went up. ( is an irregular verb.)Go
* Structure: Subject + Verb_ed
Verb - irregular
Common irregular verbs
Present Past Present Past Present Past Present Past
go went make made leave left give gave
take took cut cut write wrote quit quit
* The usages of past simple tense
- Finished events in the past with no connection to the present:
Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa.
- For stories / lists of events:
He went to a café, sat down and lit a cigarette.
Yesterday I went to the library, met a friend for lunch, and played tennis.
* The adverbs of past simple tense
Below are adverbs and phrases which are commonly used in the past simple tense.
Number + day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s)
+ ago, last + night/week/year, in + year,
The audit ended yesterday
Thomas quit his job three months ago
He left the company last year
I. Complete the following sentences with the past simple tense of the verbs given in
1. (work) I ___________ all night long yesterday.
2. (give) The president ___________ a speech yesterday.
3. (close) They ___________ the deal.
4. (like) The executive board ___________ my suggestion.
5. (write) I ___________ a letter of complaint last month.
6. (start) The film ___________ looking for workers three month.
II. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each
1. My boss ___________ on a business trip last Friday.
A. go B. went C. goes D. going
2. Last week, he successfully ___________ the project.
A. fnishes B. finish C. finished D. will finish
I. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.
Infinitive Simple Past
1. meet
2. drive
3. speak
4. put
5. write
6. sing
7. do
8. sit
9. stand
10. run
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence
1. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.
A. was write B. wrote
C. write D. was wrote
2. We ___________ David in town a few days ago.
A. didn't see B. was saw
C. didn't saw D. seen
3. She ___________ too much chocolate one hour ago.
A. didn't eated B. didn't ated
C. didn't ate D. didn't eat
4. Who ___________ the match last 2 weeks?
A. wan B. wun
C. won D. winned
5. ___________ Tom ________ to the cinema three times last week?
A. was/ go B. was/ went
C. did/ go D. did/ goed
6. I __________ a lot of money yesterday. I __________ an expensive dress.
A. spend / buy B. spent / buy
C. spent / bought D. was spent / bought
7. It was cold, so I _____________ the window.
A. shut B. was shut
C. am shut D. shutted
8. What __________ you _________ last weekend?
A. were / do B. did / did
C. did / do D. do / did
9. He _________ very fast in the race this morning.
A. ran B. run
C. runs D. runned
10. She _________ the newspaper on the train when she came back from her trip.
A. read B. readed
C. red D. reads
| 1/10

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LESSON 1 Present Simple Tense
The present simple tense is used to describe a habitual action, a general truth, or an existing state at present.
The present simple tense is formed by using the bare infinitive, but if the subject is the
third singular person, -s/-(i)es must be added to the verb. The verb be is changed as
am/is/are depending on the subject.
* Structure: Subject + Verb - bare infinitive Verb_ s/es
They/start/their work/at 9 in the morning. (A habitual action)
Mr. Parker / is/ busy/ now. (A state at present)
* The usages of present simple tense
1. When referring to habits, daily routines, facts or truths
2. When referring to schedules (of films, events, matches, means of transportation,
etc.), we mostly use the present simple tense.
According to this schedule, the presentation starts at 7. The workshop ends in an hour.
3. In adverb clauses of time (starting with when, until, as soon as, before, after, etc.)
and first conditional clauses (starting with if), we also use the present simple tense.
Before you submit it, you should check it once again. (will submit: x)
If they complete the project tomorrow, they will have a party. (will complete: x)
*The adverbs of present simple tense
always, frequently, generally, hardly, ever, never, normally, occasionally, often, rarely,
regularly, seldom, sometimes, usually, once a month, twice a week, three times a day, on Saturdays, every Tuesday A. PRACTICE
I. Complete the following sentences with the present simple tense of the verbs given in brackets.
1. (get) He always ____________ to work at 8 o’clock.
2. (work) They ____________ as consultants
3. (go) The manager ____________ on a business trip every month.
4. (review) When she ____________ the report, she will bring it to you.
5 (start) My company’s Christmas party ____________ at 9 tonight.
6. (be) An analysis report on the stock market ____________ on your desk.
II. Complete the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. The sales meeting usually ____________ at 5. A. begins B. begin C. beginning D. will begin
2. If he ____________ the team, we will start the project right away. A. join B. joins C. joined D. will join B. FURTHER PRACTICE
I. Use the correct form of the verbs in the blankets.
1) Anne _______my questions. (not/to answer)
2) ______they ______ tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)
3) This girl _______ trousers at school. (not/to wear)
4) _______ Mr Barker _________ Physics? (to teach)
5) The guinea pigs ________ under the desk. (not/to hide)
6) ________ Ken often __________ the school bus? (to miss)
7) The poster ________ on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)
8) _________ for the tickets? (you/to pay)
9) The boys __________ stones. (not/to throw)
10) ________ the bells of your church still __________? (to ring)
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence
1 - He ____ lemonade with milk at all. A. don't like B. doesn't like C. doesn't likes D. don't likes
2 - My dog ___ a lot of food when he's hungry. A. don't eat B. doesn't eats C. eat D. eats
3 - My brother's daughter ___ to a good school. A. go B. goes C. going D. don't go
4 - John ___ a lot of English movies in his free time. A. watch B. watches C. don't watch D. doesn't watches 5 - It _____ sense. A. don't make B. doesn't makes C. doesn't make D. don't makes
6 - I _____ as a manager of the restaurant. A. work B. works C. workes D. doesn't work 7 - You _____ to do it. A. don't have B. doesn't has C. doesn't have D. don't has 8 - She ____ any brothers. A. doesn't has B. don't has C. don't have D. doesn't have
9 - The flight from Da nang to Ho Chi Minh city _____ an hour. A. take B. takes C. taking D. taken
10 - I _____ to do my homework after school. A. want B. wants C. wanting D. wanted
11 - Peggy sometimes ____ to his relatives by bus. A. come B. comes C. coming D. comeing
12 - She ____ how to use the laptop. A. don't know B. doesn't knows C. doesn't know D. don't knows
13 - She ____ her best to study well. A. try B. trys C. tryes D. tries
14 - They _____ football every weekend. A. play B. plays C. playes D. playing
15 - The exam on TOEIC _____ two hours. A. last B. lastes C. lasts D. lasting LESSON 2 Past Simple Tense
The past simple tense is used to describe an action, an event, or a condition that
happened in the past, sometime before the moment of speaking.
For regular verbs, it is formed by adding –(e)d to the bare infinitive.
I / received / your order sheet. (An action happened before the time of speaking)
The price / went up. (Go is an irregular verb.)
* Structure: Subject + Verb_ed Verb - irregular Common irregular verbs Present Past Present Past Present Past Present Past go went make made leave left give gave take took cut cut write wrote quit quit
* The usages of past simple tense
- Finished events in the past with no connection to the present:
Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa.
- For stories / lists of events:
He went to a café, sat down and lit a cigarette.
Yesterday I went to the library, met a friend for lunch, and played tennis.
* The adverbs of past simple tense
Below are adverbs and phrases which are commonly used in the past simple tense. Yesterday The audit ended yesterday
Number + day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s)
Thomas quit his job three months ago
+ ago, last + night/week/year, in + year, He left the company last year yesterday A. PRACTICE
I. Complete the following sentences with the past simple tense of the verbs given in brackets.
1. (work) I ___________ all night long yesterday.
2. (give) The president ___________ a speech yesterday.
3. (close) They ___________ the deal.
4. (like) The executive board ___________ my suggestion.
5. (write) I ___________ a letter of complaint last month.
6. (start) The film ___________ looking for workers three month.
II. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. My boss ___________ on a business trip last Friday. A. go B. went C. goes D. going
2. Last week, he successfully ___________ the project. A. fnishes B. finish C. finished D. will finish B. FURTHER PRACTICE
I. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs. Infinitive Simple Past 1. meet 2. drive 3. speak 4. put 5. write 6. sing 7. do 8. sit 9. stand 10. run
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence
1. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music. A. was write B. wrote C. write D. was wrote
2. We ___________ David in town a few days ago. A. didn't see B. was saw C. didn't saw D. seen
3. She ___________ too much chocolate one hour ago. A. didn't eated B. didn't ated C. didn't ate D. didn't eat
4. Who ___________ the match last 2 weeks? A. wan B. wun C. won D. winned
5. ___________ Tom ________ to the cinema three times last week? A. was/ go B. was/ went C. did/ go D. did/ goed
6. I __________ a lot of money yesterday. I __________ an expensive dress. A. spend / buy B. spent / buy C. spent / bought D. was spent / bought
7. It was cold, so I _____________ the window. A. shut B. was shut C. am shut D. shutted
8. What __________ you _________ last weekend? A. were / do B. did / did C. did / do D. do / did
9. He _________ very fast in the race this morning. A. ran B. run C. runs D. runned
10. She _________ the newspaper on the train when she came back from her trip. A. read B. readed C. red D. reads