Câu hỏi ôn tập học kỳ 1 Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2022-2023

Câu hỏi ôn tập học kỳ 1 Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2022-2023 được soạn dưới dạng file PDF gồm 4 trang giúp các bạn ôn tập, tham khảo và chuẩn bị tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.

Trang 1
NĂM HC 2022 2023
Môn: TING ANH - LỚP 10
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. relax B. attract C. comment D. perform
2. A. singer B. receive C. perform D. release
3. A. damage B. laundry C. manner D. routine
4. A. answer B. visit C. delay D. value
5. A. equipment B. gratitude C. computer D. material
6. A. breadwinner B. awareness C. announcement D. location
7. A. benefit B. awareness C. computer D. donation
8. A. melody B. festival C. confidence D. contestant
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. We buy _______ food at the farmers' market. It costs a little bit more, but we think it's better for our health.
A. organic B. non-organic C. healthy D. wealthy
2. We’ll organize more activities to ______local people’s awareness of environmental issues.
A. take B. raise C. have D. get
3. More people _________ a green lifestyle because it is good for the environment.
A. adopt B. conclude C. compose D. create
4. He is very ___________. He is always willing to give a lot of money to charity.
A. honest B. generous C. enthusiastic D. modest
5. These ____ children encounter many problems and really need our help.
A. disadvantaged B. advantaged C. disadvantage D. advantage
6. We need to be _______________ when we record the donations.
A. careful B. careless C. carelessly D. carefully
7. If you can do something to help others, you will find your life ____.
A. meaningful B. meaningless C. helpless D. interested
8. This charity provides financial support and mental comfort to ____ children.
A. advantaged B. disadvantaged C. advantageous D. disadvantageous
9. I am ___________________ in community development activities.
A. interested B. interesting C. excited D. exciting
10. Doing household chores helps develop children’s gratitude ______ their parents.
A. of B. about C. for D. to
11. In my family, my mum does the cooking, and my dad shops …………… groceries.
A. in B. for C. of D. at
12. The city council is responsible _______ keeping the streets clean.
A. of B. about C. for D. to
13. Both students and local people will take part _______ the event.
A. of B. about C. in D. to
14. To Hoa, her father is the greatest person in the world and he always _______ her.
A. takes responsibility B. makes a decision
C. takes up D. sets a good example for
15. The club’s activities will _______ environmental issues.
A. raise people’s awareness of B. clean up
C. in search of D. get knowledge of
16. Parents should encourage their children to _____ doing household chores in the family.
A. take responsibility for B. raise awareness of
C. take care of D. pay attention to
17. If parents behave well, they will _______ their children.
A. take responsibility B. take care of
C. set a good example for D. make a decision
18. His father reminded him _______ her tidy the house.
A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned
Trang 2
19. I’m planning_________ my children to the new amusement park this weekend.
A. taking B. to take C. take D. to taking
21. Dad promised _________ us to the circus on Sunday.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
22. The teacher asked all her students _______ the music performance.
A. attend B. attending C. attended D. to attend
23. While I ________ home from school, it ________ to rain. I was so soaking wet!
A. walk/ starts B. walked/ was starting
C. was walking/ was starting D. was walking/ started
24. While Tom and I ____, someone ____ at the door.
A. were talking - knocked B. were talking - was knocking
C. talked - knocked D. talked - was knocking
25. While he _____________ the house, he_____________ some glasses
A. was cleaning - broke B. was cleaning - was breaking
C. cleaned - was breaking D. cleaned - broke
26. It _____________ to rain while my dad _____________ the flowers in the garden.
A. started - was watering B. was starting - was watering
C. was starting - watered D. started - watered
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following question.
27. She decided to find a job to earn money instead of just living at home and being a housekeeper.
A. lend B. make C. borrow D. raise
28. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties.
A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
29. Volunteer Club has organised various volunteering activities for all students to participate.
A. look after B. take after B. take part in D. check in
30. In this round, the contestants have to form pairs and choose a song to perform
with their partners.
A. supporters B. competitors C. spectators D. performances
Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each numbered blank (from 1 to 5 ).
There are many things in life which you have to do whether you like it or not. One of such things is household (1) . It is
what someone in the family has to do every day in spite of his or her wish and desire. You can hardly find a person (2)
doesn't like comfort, delicious food, clean and tidy clothes. But these things need somebody's attention and doing them. It's
called housework.
I think it is not a bad idea to (3) household duties. If every (4) ___ of the family does his bit about the
housework, it isn't difficult or boring and proves the proverb: "Many hands make light work". For example, the children
should keep their own rooms (5) ______, make their beds, lay the table for meals, clear away the dishes and wash up. The
mother could then concentrate on the more specialized jobs of cooking, ironing, mending, and shopping. The father should do
more difficult physical work. This is an ideal variant for me how to keep house.
Question 1. A. chores B. responsibilities C. groceries D. laundries
Question 2. A. who B. whom C. which D. where
Question 3. A. keep B. do C. make D. share
Question 4. A. son B. daughter C. member D. parent
Question 5. A. tidy B. mess C. dirty D. disorder
A recent study shows that an unequal share of household chores is still the norm in many households, (1) ____ the fact that
many more women now have jobs. In a survey of 1,256 people ages between 18 and 65, men said they contributed an average of
37 per cent of the total housework, while the women (2) ____ their share to be nearly double that, at 70 per cent. This ratio was
not affected by whether the woman (3) ____ or not.
When they were asked what they thought was a fair division of labour, women with jobs felt that housework should be shared
equally between male and female partners. Women (4) ____ did not work outside the home were satisfied to perform 80 per cent
- the majority of housework - if their husbands did the (5) ____. Research has shown that if levels increase beyond these
percentages, women become unhappy and anxious, and feel they are unimportant.
Question 1. A. although B. despite C. because of D. because
Question 2. A. guessed B. judged C. estimated D. valued
Question 3. A. was working B. worked C. works D. work
Trang 3
Question 4. A. which B. who C. what D. why
Question 5. A. remaining B. remain C. remainder D. remained
PART 1: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction (0,5 pt).
Question 1: He advised them not talking in the class
A. class B. He C. not talking D. in
Question 2: Sue plans study abroad next year according to her parents’ advice.
A. study B. plans C. accorrding to D. advice
Question 3: I expect seeing my long-lost friend Adam in Berlin on this trip. It's been too long.
A. long- lost B. seeing C. on D. It’s been
Question 4: Don’t forget locking the door before going to bed.
A. locking B. Don’t C. going D. before
Question 5: She had disappeared for 3 days, and they are still looking for her now.
A. for her B. and C. had disappeared D. are still
Question 6: Ann and Susan had known each other since they were at school.
A. since B. had known C. each other D. were
Question 7: It’s the first time I saw this film
A. this film B. It’s C. time D. saw
Question 8: Up to now, there had been no woman being chosen the US president.
A. no B. had been C. up to now D. being chosen
PART 2: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. He hasn’t played tennis since 1990.
à He last __________________________________________________.
2. Nam hasn’t seen her for 2 months.
à Nam last __________________________________________________.
3. I haven’t attended the club since 1988.
à I last __________________________________________________.
4. They haven’t eaten this kind of food for 2 years.
à They last __________________________________________________.
5. Their parents allow them to go out on Sundays.
à They ____________________________________________________________________
6. Mr Long makes the students do the projects on protecting environment.
à The students ___________________________________________________________
7. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.
à A lot of money ____________________________________________________________________
8. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.
à English ____________________________________________________________________
9. You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed.
à There's no point_______________________________________.
10. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
à He regretted______________________________________.
11. I wished I had gone for a picnic with my classmate.
à I regretted ______________________________________.
12. It won't be difficult to get a ticket for the game.
à You won't have any__________________________________________.
PART 3: You saw this job advert for a volunteer at the local food bank and want to apply. Write an application letter for
this position (80 - 100 words)
Do you have a couple of hours to spare in the afternoon?
The Local Food Bank needs young and energetic volunteers to help give free food
to the needy.!
Trang 4
SCHOOL YEAR: 2022 2023
I/ Introduction:
Part 1. Self-introduction: (0,5 pt)
Students introduce about themselves: name, age, family, class, school, , …….
Part 2. Topics: (1.pt): Students choose one in three topics
Part 3. Answer the questions: (0.5pt): Teacher asks one - two questions Student answers.
Part 1: Self-introduction (0.5 pt)
Part 2 & Part 3:(1.5 pts)
1/ Topic 1: Talk about why children should or should not do housework
You can use the following cues:
+ why children should do housework/ should not do housework
+ the benefit the children do housework
+ ............
Q & A: 1. What household chores do you usually do in your family?
2. Which of the chores do you like/ dislike doing the most? Why? / Why not?
3. What benefits do you think you can get from sharing household chores.
2/ Topic 2: Talk about a TV music show that you like.
You can use the following questions as cues:
+ What is it?
+ How do you know it?
+ What it is like?
+ Why do you like it?
Q & A: 1. What are the names of music shows on TV channels?
2. What are your favorite music shows? What do you think about them?
3. What do you think if music disappears in our life one day? Can we live without music?
4. Who do you watch it with?
5. What do you dislike about the show?
6. When do you often listen to music?
7. Why do you like listening to music?
8. Who is your favourite singer?
9. What are the benefits of music in our life?
3/ Topic 3: Talk about volunteering activities
You can use the following cues:
+ kind of volunteering activity
+ benefits of that volunteering activity
Q & A: 1. Have you ever taken part in a volunteering activity?
2. How often do you join a volunteering activity?
| 1/4

Preview text:

NĂM HỌC 2022 – 2023
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. relax B. attract C. comment D. perform 2. A. singer B. receive C. perform D. release 3. A. damage B. laundry C. manner D. routine 4. A. answer B. visit C. delay D. value 5. A. equipment B. gratitude C. computer D. material 6. A. breadwinner B. awareness C. announcement D. location 7. A. benefit B. awareness C. computer D. donation 8. A. melody B. festival C. confidence D. contestant
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. We buy _______ food at the farmers' market. It costs a little bit more, but we think it's better for our health. A. organic B. non-organic C. healthy D. wealthy
2. We’ll organize more activities to ______local people’s awareness of environmental issues. A. take B. raise C. have D. get
3. More people _________ a green lifestyle because it is good for the environment. A. adopt B. conclude C. compose D. create
4. He is very ___________. He is always willing to give a lot of money to charity. A. honest B. generous C. enthusiastic D. modest
5. These ____ children encounter many problems and really need our help. A. disadvantaged B. advantaged C. disadvantage D. advantage
6. We need to be _______________ when we record the donations. A. careful B. careless C. carelessly D. carefully
7. If you can do something to help others, you will find your life ____. A. meaningful B. meaningless C. helpless D. interested
8. This charity provides financial support and mental comfort to ____ children. A. advantaged B. disadvantaged C. advantageous D. disadvantageous
9. I am ___________________ in community development activities. A. interested B. interesting C. excited D. exciting
10. Doing household chores helps develop children’s gratitude ______ their parents. A. of B. about C. for D. to
11. In my family, my mum does the cooking, and my dad shops …………… groceries. A. in B. for C. of D. at
12. The city council is responsible _______ keeping the streets clean. A. of B. about C. for D. to
13. Both students and local people will take part _______ the event. A. of B. about C. in D. to
14. To Hoa, her father is the greatest person in the world and he always _______ her. A. takes responsibility B. makes a decision C. takes up D. sets a good example for
15. The club’s activities will _______ environmental issues.
A. raise people’s awareness of B. clean up C. in search of D. get knowledge of
16. Parents should encourage their children to _____ doing household chores in the family. A. take responsibility for B. raise awareness of C. take care of D. pay attention to
17. If parents behave well, they will _______ their children. A. take responsibility B. take care of C. set a good example for D. make a decision
18. His father reminded him _______ her tidy the house. A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned Trang 1
19. I’m planning_________ my children to the new amusement park this weekend. A. taking B. to take C. take D. to taking
21. Dad promised _________ us to the circus on Sunday. A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
22. The teacher asked all her students _______ the music performance. A. attend B. attending C. attended D. to attend
23. While I ________ home from school, it ________ to rain. I was so soaking wet! A. walk/ starts B. walked/ was starting C. was walking/ was starting D. was walking/ started
24. While Tom and I ____, someone ____ at the door. A. were talking - knocked
B. were talking - was knocking C. talked - knocked D. talked - was knocking
25. While he _____________ the house, he_____________ some glasses
A. was cleaning - broke B. was cleaning - was breaking C. cleaned - was breaking D. cleaned - broke
26. It _____________ to rain while my dad _____________ the flowers in the garden. A. started - was watering
B. was starting - was watering C. was starting - watered D. started - watered
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following question.
27. She decided to find a job to earn money instead of just living at home and being a housekeeper. A. lend B. make C. borrow D. raise
28. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties. A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
29. Volunteer Club has organised various volunteering activities for all students to participate. A. look after B. take after B. take part in D. check in
30. In this round, the contestants have to form pairs and choose a song to perform with their partners. A. supporters B. competitors C. spectators D. performances II. READING: PART 1:
Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each numbered blank (from 1 to 5 ).
There are many things in life which you have to do whether you like it or not. One of such things is household (1) . It is
what someone in the family has to do every day in spite of his or her wish and desire. You can hardly find a person (2)
doesn't like comfort, delicious food, clean and tidy clothes. But these things need somebody's attention and doing them. It's called housework.
I think it is not a bad idea to (3)
household duties. If every (4) ___
of the family does his bit about the
housework, it isn't difficult or boring and proves the proverb: "Many hands make light work". For example, the children
should keep their own rooms (5) ______, make their beds, lay the table for meals, clear away the dishes and wash up. The
mother could then concentrate on the more specialized jobs of cooking, ironing, mending, and shopping. The father should do
more difficult physical work. This is an ideal variant for me how to keep house.
Question 1. A. chores B. responsibilities C. groceries D. laundries Question 2. A. who B. whom C. which D. where Question 3. A. keep B. do C. make D. share Question 4. A. son B. daughter C. member D. parent Question 5. A. tidy B. mess C. dirty D. disorder
A recent study shows that an unequal share of household chores is still the norm in many households, (1) ____ the fact that
many more women now have jobs. In a survey of 1,256 people ages between 18 and 65, men said they contributed an average of
37 per cent of the total housework, while the women (2) ____ their share to be nearly double that, at 70 per cent. This ratio was
not affected by whether the woman (3) ____ or not.
When they were asked what they thought was a fair division of labour, women with jobs felt that housework should be shared
equally between male and female partners. Women (4) ____ did not work outside the home were satisfied to perform 80 per cent
- the majority of housework - if their husbands did the (5) ____. Research has shown that if levels increase beyond these
percentages, women become unhappy and anxious, and feel they are unimportant. Question 1. A. although B. despite C. because of D. because Question 2. A. guessed B. judged C. estimated D. valued Question 3. A. was working B. worked C. works D. work Trang 2 Question 4. A. which B. who C. what D. why Question 5. A. remaining B. remain C. remainder D. remained III. WRITING:
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction (0,5 pt).
Question 1: He
advised them not talking in the class A. class B. He C. not talking D. in
Question 2: Sue plans study abroad next year according to her parents’ advice. A. study B. plans
C. accorrding to D. advice
Question 3: I expect seeing my long-lost friend Adam in Berlin on this trip. It's been too long. A. long- lost B. seeing C. on D. It’s been
Question 4: Don’t forget locking the door before going to bed. A. locking B. Don’t C. going D. before
Question 5: She had disappeared for 3 days, and they are still looking for her now. A. for her B. and
C. had disappeared D. are still
Question 6: Ann and Susan had known each other since they were at school. A. since B. had known C. each other D. were
Question 7: It’s the first time I saw this film A. this film B. It’s C. time D. saw
Question 8: Up to now, there had been no woman being chosen the US president. A. no B. had been C. up to now D. being chosen
PART 2: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. He hasn’t played tennis since 1990.
à He last __________________________________________________.
2. Nam hasn’t seen her for 2 months.
à Nam last __________________________________________________.
3. I haven’t attended the club since 1988.
à I last __________________________________________________.
4. They haven’t eaten this kind of food for 2 years.
à They last __________________________________________________.
5. Their parents allow them to go out on Sundays.
à They ____________________________________________________________________
6. Mr Long makes the students do the projects on protecting environment.
à The students ___________________________________________________________
7. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.
à A lot of money ____________________________________________________________________
8. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.
à English ____________________________________________________________________
9. You can try to get Jim to lend you his car, but you won't succeed.
à There's no point_______________________________________.
10. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
à He regretted______________________________________.
11. I wished I had gone for a picnic with my classmate.
à I regretted ______________________________________.
12. It won't be difficult to get a ticket for the game.
à You won't have any__________________________________________.
PART 3: You saw this job advert for a volunteer at the local food bank and want to apply. Write an application letter for
this position (80 - 100 words)

Do you have a couple of hours to spare in the afternoon?
The Local Food Bank needs young and energetic volunteers to help give free food
to the needy. Trang 3
SCHOOL YEAR: 2022 – 2023 I/ Introduction:
Part 1. Self-introduction: (0,5 pt)
Students introduce about themselves: name, age, family, class, school, , …….
Part 2. Topics: (1.pt): Students choose one in three topics
Part 3. Answer the questions
: (0.5pt): Teacher asks one - two questions – Student answers. II/ CONTENT:
Part 1: Self-introduction (0.5 pt) Part 2 & Part 3:(1.5 pts)
1/ Topic 1: Talk about why children should or should not do housework

You can use the following cues:
+ why children should do housework/ should not do housework
+ the benefit the children do housework + ............

Q & A: 1. What household chores do you usually do in your family?
2. Which of the chores do you like/ dislike doing the most? Why? / Why not?
3. What benefits do you think you can get from sharing household chores.
2/ Topic 2: Talk about a TV music show that you like.
You can use the following questions as cues: + What is it? + How do you know it? + What it is like? + Why do you like it?
Q & A:
1. What are the names of music shows on TV channels?
2. What are your favorite music shows? What do you think about them?
3. What do you think if music disappears in our life one day? Can we live without music? 4. Who do you watch it with?
5. What do you dislike about the show?
6. When do you often listen to music?
7. Why do you like listening to music?
8. Who is your favourite singer?
9. What are the benefits of music in our life?
3/ Topic 3: Talk about volunteering activities
You can use the following cues:
+ kind of volunteering activity
+ benefits of that volunteering activity
Q & A: 1. Have you ever taken part in a volunteering activity?
2. How often do you join a volunteering activity? Trang 4