Chinh phục 600 từ vựng Toeic một cách nhanh nhất | Sách tiếng anh Trường đại học sư phạm kĩ thuật TP. Hồ Chí Minh

1/ Abide by to comply with, to conform; Ex: The two parties agreed to abide by the judge’s decision. 2/ Agreement /['gri:m[nt/ n. a mutual arrangement, a contract (hợp đồng, giao kèo); Ex: According to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the event; 3/ Assurance / n. q guarantee, confidence (sợ chắc chắn; sợ tin chắc) Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!


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Chinh phục 600 từ vựng Toeic một cách nhanh nhất | Sách tiếng anh Trường đại học sư phạm kĩ thuật TP. Hồ Chí Minh

1/ Abide by to comply with, to conform; Ex: The two parties agreed to abide by the judge’s decision. 2/ Agreement /['gri:m[nt/ n. a mutual arrangement, a contract (hợp đồng, giao kèo); Ex: According to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the event; 3/ Assurance / n. q guarantee, confidence (sợ chắc chắn; sợ tin chắc) Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

52 26 lượt tải Tải xuống
LÞI GI I THIÞ ÞU .............................................................................................................. iv
Lessons 1 – 5 General Business
1. Contracts. .......................................................................................... 1
2. Marketing ......................................................................................... 3
3. Warranties ......................................................................................... 5
4. Business Planning ............................................................................. 7
5. Conferences ...................................................................................... 9
Lessons 6 – 10 Office Issues
6. Computers ....................................................................................... 11
7. Office Technology .......................................................................... 13
8. Office Procedures ........................................................................... 15
9. Electronics ...................................................................................... 17
10. Correspondence ............................................................................ 19
Lessons 11 – 15 Personel
11. Job Advertising and Recruiting .................................................... 21
12. Applying and Interviewing ........................................................... 23
13. Hiring and Training ...................................................................... 25
14. Salaries and Benefits .................................................................... 27
15. Promotions, Pensions, and Awards .............................................. 29
Lessons 16 – 20 Purchasing
16. Shopping ....................................................................................... 31
17. Ordering Supplies ......................................................................... 33
18. Shipping ........................................................................................ 35
19. Invoices ......................................................................................... 37
20. Inventory ....................................................................................... 39
Lessons 21 – 25 Financing and Budgeting
21. Banking ......................................................................................... 41
22. Accounting ................................................................................... 43
23. Investments ................................................................................... 45
24. Taxes ............................................................................................. 47
25. Financial Statements ..................................................................... 49
Lessons 26 – 30 Management Issues
26. Property and Department .............................................................. 51
27. Board Meetings and Committees ................................................. 53
28. Quality Control ............................................................................. 55
29. Product Development ................................................................... 57
30. Renting and Leasing ..................................................................... 59
Lessons 31 – 35 Restaurants and Events
31. Selecting a Restaurant .................................................................. 61
32. Eating Out ..................................................................................... 63
33. Ordering Lunch ............................................................................ 65
34. Cooking as a Career ...................................................................... 67
35. Events ........................................................................................... 69
Lessons 36 – 40 Travel
36. General Travel .............................................................................. 71
37. Airlines ......................................................................................... 73
38. Trains ............................................................................................ 75
39. Hotels ............................................................................................ 77
40. Car Rental ..................................................................................... 79
Lessons 41 – 45 Entertainment
41. Movies .......................................................................................... 81
42. Theater .......................................................................................... 83
43. Music ............................................................................................ 85
44. Museums ....................................................................................... 87
45. Media ............................................................................................ 89
Lessons 46 – 50 Health
46. Doctor’s Office ............................................................................. 91
47. Dentist’s Office ............................................................................ 93
48. Health Insurance ........................................................................... 95
49. Hospital ......................................................................................... 97
50. Phamacy ....................................................................................... 99
Các b n thân m n! ¿ ¿
Ch¿c h n v¿ ßi dân luy n thi Toeic thì cu n ß ß 600 essential words for the Toeic ±ÿc coi
nh± cu n sách g i ß ß ¿u mà b n nào ôn thi Toeic c ng nên có. N i dung c a cu n sách ¿ i ß ÿ ß
±ÿ ß ßc chia thành 50 bài v i 50 chÿ tÿ vÿng khác, mßi bài gßm 12 tÿ vÿng r¿t hÿu ích
và hay g p trong các k thi Toeic.¿ ÿ
Tuy nhiên, ã r t nhi u b n c m th y n n lòng khi h c quy n y m c c ¿ ß ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ß ß ¿ ±ÿ
thi¿t k khá công phu t m . Nguyên nhân ch y u là do cu n sách này c vi t b ng ¿ ß ß ÿ ¿ ß ±ÿ ¿ ¿
ti¿ng Anh, nên không ngh)a ti ng Vi t cho t ng t . H¿ ß ÿ ÿ ¡n n a, các t mÿ ÿ ßi trong cußn
sách này l i không có phiên âm và file nghe cho t ng t . Th y c s n khi h c, ¿ ÿ ÿ ¿ ±ÿ ÿ khó kh ß
cßng ßng Anh ngÿ Action English chúng tôi ã ph i h p v i Toeic Book Store biên so n ß ÿ ß ¿
ß kh¿c phÿc nhÿng ph¿n còn thi¿u này cÿa cußn sách. Cußn 600 essential words phiên
b¿n c i ti n c biên so n g m 100 trang b sung nh n còn thi u c a cu n g c ¿ ¿ ±ÿ ¿ ß ß ÿng ph¿ ¿ ÿ ß ß
wNgh)a ti ng Vi t c a t ng t m¿ ß ÿ ÿ ÿ ßi trong bài
wCó file nghe riêng cho t ng t gi ng b n ng , giúp các b n làm quen v i các t m i 1 ÿ ÿ ß ¿ ÿ ¿ ß ÿ ß
cách d nh t (Sách c kèm theo mi n phí 1 cd file nghe các t - 50 bài)ß ¿ ±ÿ ß ÿ
xPhiên âm các t chu n theo t n Oxfordÿ ¿ ÿ iß
Hy v ng v i ph n b sung thêm này, các b n th d dàng h m i cho bài thi ß ß ¿ ß ¿ ß ß ßc các tÿ ß
Toeic. Xin chân thành cám n !¡
B¿n quy n : Trung Hi u và Vi t Nga ( ß ¿ ß
Ng±ßi th c hi n: C ng Anh ng Action English ÿ ß ßng ß ÿ
Lesson 1: Contracts
(hÿp ng, giao kèo, kh c, gi y ký k t) ß ¿ ±ß ¿ ¿
1/ Abide by / &jb d/ v. to comply with, to conform: tuân th , tôn tr ng ÿ ß
Ex: The two parties agreed to abide by the judge’s decision.
2/ Agreement /['gri:m[nt/ n. a mutual arrangement, a contract (hÿp ßng, giao kèo)
Ex: According to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the event
3/ Assurance / i['(u[r[ns/ n. q guarantee, confidence (s ch c ch n; s tin ch c; ÿ ¿ ¿ ÿ ¿ ßu
ch¿c ch n, u tin ch c) ¿ iß ¿
Ex: The sales associate gave his assurance that the missing keyboard would be replaced
the next day
4/ Cancel /Êkans([)l/ v. to annul, to call off (h y b ) ÿ ß
Ex: The cancellation of her flight caused her problems for the rest of the week
5/ Determine /di't[:min/ v. to find out, to influence (ßnh, xác ßnh, ßnh rõ)
Ex: After reading the contract, I was still unable to determine if our company was liable
for back wages
6/ Engage / in'geid / v. to hire, to involve+ ( dàn x p tuy n d ng m t ng i; thuê môt + ¿ ß ß ÿ ß ±ß
Ex: Before engaging in a new business, it is important to do through research
7/ Establish /is'tæbli+/ v. to institute permanently, to bring about ( lâp
, thành l p ¿
, thi¿t lâp
, ki¿n lâp
Ex: The merger of the two companies established a powerful new corporation
8/ Obligate / ' bligei/ v. to bind legally or morally ( bV ¿ t bc #
, ép
bußc) Ex: The contractor was obligated by the contract to work 40 hours a
week Obligation /, n/ n. obligatory adj. ( ngh a vVbli'gei+ ) ÿ, bß
n phâ_ )
9/ Party /Êpti/ n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or
sides (bu i ti c, liên hoan) concerned in a legal matter ( tham gia, bi t v ho c ng hô ß ß ¿ ß ÿ
(môt k¿ ho ch, ¿
hành ô_ g..)
Ex: The parties agreed to a settlement in their contract dispute
10/ Provision /provision/ n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulation (ißu kho n) ¿
Provider n. provision n.
Ex: The father made provisions for his children through his will
11/ Resolve /ri'zVlv/ v. to deal with successfully, to declare ( quy¿t tâm , ý kiên
Ex: The mediator was able to resolve the problem to everyone’s satisfaction
12/ Specify /spesi, fai/ v. to mention explicitly (ch , ghi rõ, ß ßnh rõ, ghi chú vào
ph¿n chi ti t k¿ ÿ thu t) ¿
Specification n. (s ch rõ, s nh rõ) specific adj. (rõ ràng, rành m ch) ÿ ß ÿ ß ¿
Ex: In a contract, one specific word can change the meaning dramatically
Lesson 2: Marketing
(thß tr ng, n i tiêu th ; khách hàng) ±ß ¡ ÿ
1/ Attract /['trækt/ v. to draw by appeal (thu hút, h p d n, lôi cu¿ ¿ ßn)
Attraction n. attractive adj.
Ex: The display attracted a number of people at the convention
2/ Compare /k m'pe[ [/ v. to examine similarities and differences
Ex: Once the customer compared the two products, her choice was easy
(+ with) so, i chi u ß ¿
to compare the orginal with the copy
so nguyên b n v i b n sao ¿ ß ¿
(+ to) so sánh
poets often compare sleep to death
các nhà th th ng so sánh gi c ng v i cái ch t ¡ ±ß ¿ ÿ ß ¿
(ngôn ngÿ h c) t o c p so sánh (c a tính t , phó t ) ß ¿ ¿ ÿ ÿ ÿ
Comparison n/k m'pærisn/. comparable /' /adj. (có th so sánh [ kVmp[r[bl ß ±ÿc)
3/ Compete /k[m'pi:t/ v. to strive against a rival ( ua tranh, ganh ua, c nh tranh) ¿
Ex: In the competition for afternoon diners, Hector’s has come out on top
4/ Consume /k[n'sju:m/ v. to absorb, to use up (dùng, tiêu th ) ÿ
Consumer / / n. ng i tiêu dùng, ng i tiêu th (hàng hoá, th c ph m...) k[n m['sju: ±ß ±ß ÿ ÿ ¿
consumable / / adj. (có th n c, có th tiêu th c) k[n m[bl'sju: ß ±ÿ ß ÿ ±ÿ
Ex: The business plans consumed all of Fritz’s attention this fall
5/ Convince /k[n'vins/ v. to bring to believe by argument, to persuade (làm cho tin,
làm cho nghe theo, thuy t ph c) ¿ ÿ
Ex: The salesman convinced his customer to by his entire inventory of pens
6/ Current /Êk&r([)nt/ adj. Happening or existing at the present time, adv. To be on top
of things (chi u, h ng (d lu n, t t ng...) ß ±ß ± ¿ ± ±ß
Ex: We are currently exploring plans to update the MX3 model
7/ Fad /fæd/ n. a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time, a craze (m t) ß
Ex: Classic tastes may seem boring but they have proven to resist fads
8/ Inspire /in'spai[/ v. to spur on, to stimulate imagination or emotion. (truy n (c m ß ¿
hÿng, ý ngh)...); truy n c m h ng cho (ai), gây c m h ng cho (ai) ß ¿ ÿ ¿ ÿ
Ex: His work is an inspiration to the marketing department
9/ Market /Êmkjt/ v. the course of buying and selling a product, n. the demand for a
product (giá th tr tình hình th tr ng) ß ±ßng; ß ±ß
Marketing n. marketable adj.
Ex: The market for brightly colored clothing was brisk last year, but it’s moving
sluggishly this year
10/ Persuade /p['sweid/ v. to move by argument or logic (làm cho tin; thuy t ph c) ¿ ÿ
Ex: The seminar teaches techniques of persuasion to increase sales
11/ Productive /pr ktd& jv/ adj. Constructive, high yield (s n xu t) ¿ ¿
Ex: The unproductive sales meeting brought many staff complaints
12/ Satisfy /'sætisfai/ v. to make happy (làm tho mãn, làm v a lòng, áp ng ¿ ÿ ÿ
(±ÿc yêu c u, u ki n...)) ¿ iß ß
Ex: Your satisfaction is guaranteed or you’ll get your money back
Lesson 3: Warranties
(Sÿ b o m) ¿ ¿
1/ Characteristic /,kærikt['ristik/ adj. Revealing of individual traits (riêng, riêng bi t, ß
¿ ¿c thù, c tr±ng)
Ex : One characteristic of the store is that it is slow in mailing refund checks
2/ Consequence /'k nsikwV [ns/ n. that which follows necessarily (t m quan tr ng, tính ¿ ß
trßng ¿i)
Ex : As a consequence of not having seen a dentist for several years, Lydia had several
3/ Consider /k n'sid[ [/ v. to think about carefully (cân nh c, xem xét, suy xét, suy ¿
Consideration n. considerable
Ex: After considering all the options, Della decided to by a used car
4/ Cover /Êk&v[/ v. to provide protection against (che, phÿ, bao ph , bao trùm, bao ÿ
Ex: Will my medical insurance cover this surgery?
5/ Expire /iks'pai t)[/ v. to come to an end (mãn h n, k t thúc, h t hi u l c (lu¿ ¿ ¿ ß ÿ ¿ ;
mai m t, m t i) ß ¿
Ex: Have you checked the expiration date on this yogurt?
6/ Frequently /'fri:kw[nt/ adv. Occurring commonly, widespread (th±ßng xuyên, hay
x¿y ra, có luôn)
Ex: Appliances frequently come with a one-year warranty
7/ Imply /im'plai/ v. to indicate by inference (ý nói ý; bao hàm ý) ; ngÿ
Ex: The guarantee on the Ipod implied that all damages were covered under warranty for
one year.
8/ Promise / i iÊpr mR js/ v. n. to pledge to do, bring about, or provide (l i h a, ß ÿ ßu h a, ÿ ßu
h¿n c; s h a h n) ±ß ÿ ÿ ¿
Ex: A warranty is a promise the manufacture makes to the customer
9/ Protect /prt[kt/ v. to guard (b o v b o v , chê ch¿ ß, sÿ ¿ ß ß)
Protection n. protective adj.
Ex: Consumer laws are designed to protect the public against unscrupulous vendors
10/ Reputation /,repju:'tei(n/ n. the overall quality of character (ti ng t t, thanh ¿ ß
danh, danh ti¿ng)
Reputable adj. Reputed adj. (' ) (có ti ng t t, danh giá; áng kính tr ng) repjut[bl ¿ ß ß
Ex: The company knew that the reputation of its products was the most important assest
it had
11/ Require /ri'kwai[/ v. to deem necessary or essential ( òi h i, yêu c ß ¿u)
Requirement n. requisite adj.
Ex: The law requires that each item clearly display the warranty information.
12/ Vary /'ve[ri/ v. to be different from another, to change (làm cho khác nhau,
thay i, bi n i) ß ¿ ß
Ex: There’s a variety of standard terms that you’ll find in warranties
Lesson 4: Business Planning
(K¿ ho ch kinh doanh) ¿
1/ Address / [dr s/ v. to direct to the attention of ( a ch , chuy n i t i ) ß ß ß ß
Ex: The article praised her address to the steering committee
2/ Avoid /['vVid/ v. to stay clear of, to keep from happening (tránh, tránh xa)
Ex: To avoid going out of business, owners should prepare a proper business plan
3/ Demonstrate /'dem[nstreit/ v. to show clearly and deliberately, to present by
example ( ch ng minh, gi i thích, bày t , bi u l , làm th y rõ) ÿ ¿ ß ß ß ¿
Ex: The professor demonstrated through a case study that a business plan can impress a
Demonstration n. demonstrative adj.
4/ Develop /di'vel[p/ v. to expand, progress, or improve (phát tri n, mß ß
mang, m r ng, khu ch tr ng, làm cho phát t) ß ß ¿ ±¡ ¿
Ex: The restaurant wanda opened ten years ago has developed into a national chain
Development n. developer n.
5/ Evaluate /i'væljueit/ v. to determine the value or impact of ( c l ng , nh giá) ±ß ±ÿ ß
Evaluation n. evaluator n.
Ex: The lenders evaluated our creditability and decided to loan us money
6/ Gather /'gæð[/ v. to accumulate, to conclude (t p h¿ ÿp l i, t h p l i, kéo n) ¿ ÿ ß ¿ ¿
Ex: I gather that interest rates for small businesses will soon change
7/ Offer /ÊRf[/ v. to propose, to present in order to meet a need or satisfy a
requirement ( a ra ngh ) ± ß ß
Ex: devon accepted our offer to write the business plan
8/ Primary /'praim[ri/ adj. Most important, first in a list, series, or sequence (ch ÿ
y¿u, chính, b c nh t) ¿ ¿
Ex: The developers are thinking primarily of how to enter the south American market
9/ Risk /rjsk/ n. the chance of loss or damage (s r i ro, s nguy hi m) ÿ ÿ ÿ ß
Ex: Expanding into a new market is a big risk
10/ Strategy /'strætid¦i)/ n. a plan of action (chi n l¿ ±ÿc)
Ex: Let’s develop a strategy for promoting our ice cream parlor
Strategize n. strategic adj.
11/ Strong /strRK/ adj. Powerful, economically or financially sound (m nh kh e, b n ¿ ß ß
Ex: Even in a strong economic climate many businesses fail, so do your planning
12/ Substitute /'s&bstitju:t/ v. to take the place of another (th , thay th ) ¿ ¿
Ex: There is no substitution for hard work and perseverance
Lesson 5: Conferences
(Hßi ngh ) ß
1/ Accommodate / i['k mV [deit/ v. to fit, to provide with something needed ( ßu ti t, ¿
làm cho thích nghi, làm cho phù h p) ÿ
Accommodation n. accommodating adj.
Ex: The meeting room was large enough to accommodate the various needs of the groups
using it
2/ Arrangement /['reind m¦ [nt/ n , the plan or organization (s s p x p, s s p ÿ ¿ ¿ ÿ ¿ ¿t, cái
±ÿ ±ÿ ¿c s¿p x¿p, cái c s¿p t)
Ex: The arrangement of speakers was alphabetical to avoid any hurt feelings
3/ Association /[,sousi'ei(n/ n, an organization of persons or groups having a
common interest (h i, h i liên hi oàn th , công ty) ß ß ßp;  ß
Ex: Local telephone companies formed an association to serve common goals, meet their
common needs, and improve efficiency
4/ Attend /['tend/ v, to go to, to pay attention to (d , có m t) ÿ ¿
Attendee n., attendance n.
Ex: The hotel manager attended to all our needs promptly
5/ Get in touch v, to make contact with (gi liên l c) ÿ ¿
Ex: As soon as we arrive at the hotel, we will get in touch with the manager about the
unexpected guests
6/ Hold /h[Nld/ v, to accommodate to conduct (t ch c, ti n hành) ; ß ÿ ¿
Ex: This meeting room holds at least 80 people comfortably
7/ Location /lou'kei(n/ n, a position or site (v trí) ß
Ex: The location of the meeting was changed from the Red Room to the Green Groom
8/ Overcrowded /'ouv['kraud/ a, too crowded (kéo vào quá ông, d n vào quá ß ông)
Ex: To avoid being crowded, we limited the number of guests that members could bring
9/ Register /Êr[d+jst[/ v, to record ( ng ký) 
Register n. registration n.
Ex: Hotels ask all guests to resgister and give a home address
10/ Select /sl[kt/ v, to choose from a group (ch n, l a ch n) ß ÿ ß
Selection n. selective adj.(s l a ch n) ÿ ÿ ß
Ex: The winners were a select group
11/ Session /Ês[(([)n/ n, a meeting bu i h p, k h p, khóa h c ß ß ÿ ß ß
Ex: Due to the popularity of this course, we will offer two sessions
12/ Take part in v, to join or participate ( tham gia, tham d ) ÿ
Ex: We could not get enough people to take part in the meeting, so we canceled it
Lesson 6: Computers
(Máy tính)
1/ Access /Êaks[s/ v, to obtain, to gain entry (truy c p, ¿ ±ßng vào)
Access n. accessible adj.
Ex: We accessed the information on the company’s website
2/ Allocate /'æl[keit/ v, to designate for a specific purpose (chß ßnh, chia ph n) ¿
Ex: The office manager did not allocate enough money to purchase software
3/ Compatible /k m’pæt[ [bl/ a, able to function together (t±¡ng tác, thích ÿng)
Ex: This operating system is not compitable with this model computer
4/ Delete /d li Òt/ v, to remove; to erase (xóa)
Ex: The technicians deleted all the data on the disk accidentally
5/ Display /d sple j/ n, what is visible on a monitor; v, to show (trình y, tr±ng
Ex: The light on the LCD display is too weak
6/ Duplicate /´dju:plikit/ v, to produce something equal; to make identical (b n sao, ¿
g¿p ôi)
Duplicate n. duplication n,
Ex: Before you leave, please duplicate that file by making a copy on the CD- ROM
7/ Fail /fejl/ v, not to succeed; not to work correctly (tr±ÿt, không thành công)
Failure n. fallible adj.
Ex: The repeated failure of her printer baffled the technician
8/ Figure out /Êfjg[/ v, to understand , to solve (ch ra, hi u ra) ß ß
Ex: We figured out that it would take uss at least ten minutes to download the file
9/ Ignore /jg nÊ / v, not to notice; to disregard (b qua, l i) ß ß
Ex: Don’t ignore the technician’s advice when connecting cables
10/ Search /s[Òt(/ v, to look for n, investigation (tìm ki m, tìm hi u) ; ¿ ß
Ex: Our search of the database produced very little information
11/ Shut down /(&t/ /daNn/ v, to turn off to cease operation ( óng l i, ng ng l i) ; ¿ ÿ ¿
Ex: Please shut down the computer before you leave
12/ Warn /wn/ v, to alert; to tell about a danger or problem (c¿nh báo)
Warning n. warning adj.
Ex: The red flashing light gives a warning to users that the battery is low
Lesson 7: Office Technology
1/ Affordable /[ÊfVÒd[b[l/ a, able to be paid for; not too expensive (h p lý) ÿ
Ex: The company’s first priority was to find an affordable phone system
2/ As needed adv, as necessary (c n thi t) ¿ ¿
Ex: The courier service did not come every day, only as needed
3/ Be in charge of v, to be in control or command of (có trách nhi m, ngh a v ) ß ) ÿ
Ex: Your computer should not be in charge of you, rather you should be in charge of your
4/ Capacity /k pas jti/ n, the ability to contain or hold; the maximum that
something can hold (s c ch a, kh n ng) ÿ ÿ ¿
Ex: The new conference room is much larger and has a capacity of one hundred people
5/ Durable /Êdj b(N[r[ [)l/ a, sturdy, strong, lasting (lâu bßn)
Ex: These chairs are more durable than the first ones we looked at
6/ Initiative / j(j[n tjv, - -/ n, the first step; an active role (sáng ki([ ¿n)
Initiate v. initiation n.
Ex: Employees are encouraged to take the initiative and share their ideas with
7/ Physical / iÊfjzjk([)l/ a, perceived by the senses (v t ch t, ¿ ¿ ßu gì ó liên quan
¿n tÿ nhiên)
Ex: The computer screen is making her physically sick
8/ Provider /prv&jd[/ n, a supplier (nhà cung c p) ¿
Provide v. provision n.
Ex: The department was extremely pleased with the service they received from the phone
9/ Recur /rjÊk[Ò/ v, to occur again or repeatedly (tái di n, tái hiß ßn)
Recurrence n. recurring adj.
Ex: The managers did not want that particular error to recur
10/ Reduction /rd&k(([)n/ n, a lessening , a decrease (thu nh , gi m bß ¿ ßt)
Reduce v. reducible adj.
Ex: The reduction in office staff has made it necessary to automate more job functions
11/ Stay on top of v, to know what is going on; to know the latest information (c p ¿
Ex: In this industry, you must stay on top of current developments
12/ Stock /stRk/ n, a supply; v, to keep on hand (d tr , c phÿ ÿ ß ¿n)
Ex: The employees stocked the shelves on a weekly basis
Lesson 8: Office Procedures
1/ Appreciate /[ÊpriÒ(jejt, -s -/ v, to recognize, understand the importance of; to be j
thankful for ( ánh giá cao)
Appreciation n. appreciated adj.
Ex: In appreciation of your hard work on the Castcon project, the department will hold a
casual lunch party on November third
2/ be made of v, to consist of (t o nên) ¿
Ex: This job will really test whay you are made of
3/ Bring in /brjK/ v, to hire or recruit; to cause to appear (d n t i, mang t¿ ß ßi )
Ex: The company president wanted to bring on an efficiency consultant
4/ Casual / jÊka+ N[l, -zj-/ a, informal (thân m t, không nghi th c) ¿ ÿ
Ex: On Fridays, most employees dress casually
5/ Code /k[Nd/ n, rules of behavior (b lu t, quy lu t) ß ¿ ¿
Ex: The new employees observed the unwritten code of conduct in their first week on the
6/ Be exposed to /jkÊsp[Nz, k-/ v, to become aware of; to gain experience in [
Ex: The new hires’ week in each department exposed them to the various functions in the
7/ Glimpse /gljm(p)s/ n, a quick look (l±ßt qua, thoáng qua)
Ex: The secretary caught a glimpse or her new boss as she was leaving the office
8/ Out of a, no longer having, missing (h t, m t) ¿ ¿
Ex: Orders should be placed before you run out of the supplies
9/ Outdated /a deNtÊ jtjd/ a, obsolete; not currently in use (h t h n) ¿ ¿
Ex: Before you do a mailing, make sure that none of the addresses is outdated
10/ Practice /Êpraktjs/ n, method of doing something (t p luy¿ ßn)
Practice v. practical adj. (c ng c , gia c ) ÿ ß ß
Ex: Bill practiced answering the telephone until he was satisfied
11/ Reinforce /riÒjnÊfs/ v, to strengthen, support (c ng c , gia c ) ÿ ß ß
Reinforcement n. reinforcing gerund
Ex: Employees reinforced their learning with practice in the workplace.
12/ Verbal /Êv[Òb([)l/ a, oral (b ng l i nói ) ¿ ß
Verbalize v. verbally adv.
Ex: The guarantee was made only verbally
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i MþC LþC
LÞI GIÞI THIÞU .............................................................................................................. iv Lessons 1 – 5 General Business
1. Contracts. .......................................................................................... 1
2. Marketing ......................................................................................... 3
3. Warranties ......................................................................................... 5
4. Business Planning ............................................................................. 7
5. Conferences ...................................................................................... 9 Lessons 6 – 10 Office Issues
6. Computers ....................................................................................... 11
7. Office Technology .......................................................................... 13
8. Office Procedures ........................................................................... 15
9. Electronics ...................................................................................... 17
10. Correspondence ............................................................................ 19
Lessons 11 – 15 Personel
11. Job Advertising and Recruiting .................................................... 21
12. Applying and Interviewing ........................................................... 23
13. Hiring and Training ...................................................................... 25
14. Salaries and Benefits .................................................................... 27
15. Promotions, Pensions, and Awards .............................................. 29
Lessons 16 – 20 Purchasing
16. Shopping ....................................................................................... 31
17. Ordering Supplies ......................................................................... 33
18. Shipping ........................................................................................ 35
19. Invoices ......................................................................................... 37
20. Inventory ....................................................................................... 39
Lessons 21 – 25 Financing and Budgeting
21. Banking ......................................................................................... 41
22. Accounting ................................................................................... 43
23. Investments ................................................................................... 45
24. Taxes ............................................................................................. 47
25. Financial Statements ..................................................................... 49
Lessons 26 – 30 Management Issues
26. Property and Department .............................................................. 51
27. Board Meetings and Committees ................................................. 53
28. Quality Control ............................................................................. 55
29. Product Development ................................................................... 57
30. Renting and Leasing ..................................................................... 59
Lessons 31 – 35 Restaurants and Events
31. Selecting a Restaurant .................................................................. 61
32. Eating Out ..................................................................................... 63 ii
33. Ordering Lunch ............................................................................ 65
34. Cooking as a Career ...................................................................... 67
35. Events ........................................................................................... 69
Lessons 36 – 40 Travel
36. General Travel .............................................................................. 71
37. Airlines ......................................................................................... 73
38. Trains ............................................................................................ 75
39. Hotels ............................................................................................ 77
40. Car Rental ..................................................................................... 79
Lessons 41 – 45 Entertainment
41. Movies .......................................................................................... 81
42. Theater .......................................................................................... 83
43. Music ............................................................................................ 85
44. Museums ....................................................................................... 87
45. Media ............................................................................................ 89
Lessons 46 – 50 Health
46. Doctor’s Office ............................................................................. 91
47. Dentist’s Office ............................................................................ 93
48. Health Insurance ........................................................................... 95
49. Hospital ......................................................................................... 97
50. Phamacy ....................................................................................... 99 iv LÞI GIÞI THIÞU Các b¿n thân m¿n!
Ch¿c h¿n vßi dân luyßn thi Toeic thì cußn 600 essential words for the Toeic ±ÿc coi
nh± là cußn sách gßi ¿u mà b¿n nào ôn thi Toeic cing nên có. Nßi dung cÿa cußn sách
±ÿc chia thành 50 bài vßi 50 chÿ ß tÿ vÿng khác, mßi bài gßm 12 tÿ vÿng r¿t hÿu ích
và hay g¿p trong các kÿ thi Toeic.
Tuy nhiên, ã có r¿t nhißu b¿n c¿m th¿y n¿n lòng khi hßc quyßn này m¿c dù nó ±ÿc
thi¿t k¿ khá công phu và tß mß. Nguyên nhân chÿ y¿u là do cußn sách này ±ÿc vi¿t b¿ng
ti¿ng Anh, nên không có ngh)a ti¿ng Vißt cho tÿng tÿ. H¡n nÿa, các tÿ mßi trong cußn
sách này l¿i không có phiên âm và file nghe cho tÿng tÿ. Th¿y ±ÿc sÿ khó khn khi hßc,
cßng ßng Anh ngÿ Action English chúng tôi ã phßi hÿp vßi Toeic Book Store biên so¿n
ß kh¿c phÿc nhÿng ph¿n còn thi¿u này cÿa cußn sách. Cußn 600 essential words phiên
b¿n c¿i ti¿n ±ÿc biên so¿n gßm 100 trang bß sung nhÿng ph¿n còn thi¿u cÿa cußn gßc gßm:
wNgh)a ti¿ng Vißt cÿa tÿng tÿ mßi trong bài
wCó file nghe riêng cho tÿng tÿ gißng b¿n ngÿ, giúp các b¿n làm quen vßi các tÿ mßi 1
cách dß nh¿t (Sách ±ÿc kèm theo mißn phí 1 cd file nghe các tÿ - 50 bài)
xPhiên âm các tÿ chu¿n theo tÿ ißn Oxford
Hy vßng vßi ph¿n bß sung thêm này, các b¿n có thß dß dàng hßc các tÿ mßi cho bài thi
Toeic. Xin chân thành cám ¡n !
B¿n quyßn : Trung Hi¿u và Vißt Nga (
Ng±ßi thÿc hißn: Cßng ßng Anh ngÿ Action English 1 C
(hÿp ßng, giao kèo, kh¿ ±ßc, gi¿y ký k¿t)
1/ Abide by /[Êb&jd/ v. to comply with, to conform: tuân thÿ, tôn trßng
Ex: The two parties agreed to abide by the judge’s decision.
2/ Agreement /['gri:m[nt/ n. a mutual arrangement, a contract (hÿp ßng, giao kèo)
Ex: According to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the event
3/ Assurance /['(u[r[ns/ n. q guarantee, confidence (sÿ ch¿c ch¿n; sÿ tin ch¿c; ißu
ch¿c ch¿n, ißu tin ch¿c)
Ex: The sales associate gave his assurance that the missing keyboard would be replaced the next day
4/ Cancel /Êkans([)l/ v. to annul, to call off (hÿy bß)
Ex: The cancellation of her flight caused her problems for the rest of the week
5/ Determine /di't[:min/ v. to find out, to influence (ßnh, xác ßnh, ßnh rõ)
Ex: After reading the contract, I was still unable to determine if our company was liable for back wages
6/ Engage / in'geid+/ v. to hire, to involve+ ( dàn x¿p ß tuyßn dÿng mßt ng±ßi; thuê môt ng±ß i)
Ex: Before engaging in a new business, it is important to do through research
7/ Establish /is'tæbli+/
v. to institute permanently, to bring about ( lâp #, thành l¿p
, thi¿t lâp# , ki¿n lâp# )
Ex: The merger of the two companies established a powerful new corporation WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 2 C
8/ Obligate / 'Vbligei/
v. to bind legally or morally ( b¿ t buôc # , ép
bußc) Ex: The contractor was obligated by the contract to work 40 hours a
week Obligation /,Vbli'gei+n/ n. obligatory adj. ( ngh)a vÿ, bß n phâ_ )
9/ Party /ÊpSÒti/ n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or
sides (bußi tißc, liên hoan) concerned in a legal matter ( tham gia, bi¿t vß hoc ÿ ng hô (môt k¿ ho¿ch, hành ô_ g..) môt
Ex: The parties agreed to a settlement in their contract dispute
10/ Provision /provision/ n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulation (ißu kho¿n) Provider n. provision n.
Ex: The father made provisions for his children through his will 11/ Resolve /ri'zVlv/
v. to deal with successfully, to declare ( quy¿t tâm , ý kiên quy¿t)
Ex: The mediator was able to resolve the problem to everyone’s satisfaction
12/ Specify /spesi, fai/
v. to mention explicitly (chß rõ, ghi rõ, ßnh rõ, ghi chú vào ph¿n chi ti¿t kÿ thu¿t)
Specification n. (sÿ chß rõ, sÿ ßnh rõ)
specific adj. (rõ ràng, rành m¿ch)
Ex: In a contract, one specific word can change the meaning dramatically WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 3 C
(thß tr±ßng, n¡i tiêu thÿ; khách hàng)
1/ Attract /['trækt/ v. to draw by appeal (thu hút, h¿p d¿n, lôi cußn) Attraction n. attractive adj.
Ex: The display attracted a number of people at the convention 2/ Compare /k[m'pe[/
v. to examine similarities and differences
Ex: Once the customer compared the two products, her choice was easy • (+ with) so, ßi chi¿u o to compare the orginal with the copy so nguyên b¿n vßi b¿n sao • (+ to) so sánh o poets often compare sleep to death
các nhà th¡ th±ßng so sánh gi¿c ngÿ vßi cái ch¿t •
(ngôn ngÿ hßc) t¿o c¿p so sánh (cÿa tính tÿ, phó tÿ) Comparison n/k[m'pærisn/.
comparable /'kVmp[r[bl/adj. (có thß so sánh ±ÿc) 3/ Compete /k[m'pi:t/
v. to strive against a rival (ua tranh, ganh ua, c¿nh tranh)
Ex: In the competition for afternoon diners, Hector’s has come out on top 4/ Consume /k[n'sju:m/
v. to absorb, to use up (dùng, tiêu thÿ)
Consumer /k[n'sju:m[/ n. ng±ßi tiêu dùng, ng±ßi tiêu thÿ (hàng hoá, thÿc ph¿m...)
consumable /k[n'sju:m[bl/ adj. (có thß n ±ÿc, có thß tiêu thÿ ±ÿc)
Ex: The business plans consumed all of Fritz’s attention this fall 5/ Convince /k[n'vins/
v. to bring to believe by argument, to persuade (làm cho tin,
làm cho nghe theo, thuy¿t phÿc)
Ex: The salesman convinced his customer to by his entire inventory of pens WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 4 C
6/ Current /Êk&r([)nt/ adj. Happening or existing at the present time, adv. To be on top
of things (chißu, h±ßng (d± lu¿n, t± t±ßng...)
Ex: We are currently exploring plans to update the MX3 model
7/ Fad /fæd/ n. a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time, a craze (mßt)
Ex: Classic tastes may seem boring but they have proven to resist fads
8/ Inspire /in'spai[/ v. to spur on, to stimulate imagination or emotion. (truyßn (c¿m
hÿng, ý ngh)...); truyßn c¿m hÿng cho (ai), gây c¿m hÿng cho (ai)
Ex: His work is an inspiration to the marketing department
9/ Market /ÊmSÒkjt/ v. the course of buying and selling a product, n. the demand for a
product (giá thß tr±ßng; tình hình thß tr±ßng) Marketing n. marketable adj.
Ex: The market for brightly colored clothing was brisk last year, but it’s moving sluggishly this year
10/ Persuade /p['sweid/ v. to move by argument or logic (làm cho tin; thuy¿t phÿc)
Ex: The seminar teaches techniques of persuasion to increase sales
11/ Productive /pr[Êd&ktjv/
adj. Constructive, high yield (s¿n xu¿t)
Ex: The unproductive sales meeting brought many staff complaints
12/ Satisfy /'sætisfai/
v. to make happy (làm tho¿ mãn, làm vÿa lòng, áp ÿng
(±ÿc yêu c¿u, ißu kißn...))
Ex: Your satisfaction is guaranteed or you’ll get your money back WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 5 C
ÞNG ÞNG ANH NGþ ACTION ENGLISH TOEIC BOOK STORE Lesson 3: Warranties (Sÿ b¿o ¿m)
1/ Characteristic /,kærikt['ristik/ adj. Revealing of individual traits (riêng, riêng bißt, ¿c thù, ¿c tr±ng)
Ex : One characteristic of the store is that it is slow in mailing refund checks 2/ Consequence
/'kVnsikw[ns/ n. that which follows necessarily (t¿m quan trßng, tính trßng ¿i)
Ex : As a consequence of not having seen a dentist for several years, Lydia had several cavities 3/ Consider /k[n'sid[/
v. to think about carefully (cân nh¿c, xem xét, suy xét, suy ngh)) Consideration n. considerable
Ex: After considering all the options, Della decided to by a used car 4/ Cover /Êk&v[/
v. to provide protection against (che, phÿ, bao phÿ, bao trùm, bao bßc)
Ex: Will my medical insurance cover this surgery? 5/ Expire /iks'pai[/
v. to come to an end (mãn h¿n, k¿t thúc, h¿t hißu lÿc (lu¿t); mai mßt, m¿t i)
Ex: Have you checked the expiration date on this yogurt?
6/ Frequently /'fri:kw[nt/ adv. Occurring commonly, widespread (th±ßng xuyên, hay x¿y ra, có luôn)
Ex: Appliances frequently come with a one-year warranty WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 6 C
7/ Imply /im'plai/ v. to indicate by inference (ý nói; ngÿ ý; bao hàm ý)
Ex: The guarantee on the Ipod implied that all damages were covered under warranty for one year.
8/ Promise /ÊprRmjs/ v. n. to pledge to do, bring about, or provide (lßi hÿa, ißu hÿa, ißu h¿n ±ßc; sÿ hÿa h¿n)
Ex: A warranty is a promise the manufacture makes to the customer
9/ Protect /pr[Êt[kt/ v. to guard (b¿o vß, sÿ b¿o vß, chê chß) Protection n. protective adj.
Ex: Consumer laws are designed to protect the public against unscrupulous vendors
10/ Reputation /,repju:'tei(n/
n. the overall quality of character (ti¿ng tßt, thanh danh, danh ti¿ng) Reputable adj.
Reputed adj. ('repjut[bl) (có ti¿ng tßt, danh giá; áng kính trßng)
Ex: The company knew that the reputation of its products was the most important assest it had 11/ Require /ri'kwai[/
v. to deem necessary or essential (òi hßi, yêu c¿u) Requirement n. requisite adj.
Ex: The law requires that each item clearly display the warranty information. 12/ Vary /'ve[ri/
v. to be different from another, to change (làm cho khác nhau, thay ßi, bi¿n ßi)
Ex: There’s a variety of standard terms that you’ll find in warranties
Lesson 4: Business Planning WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 7 C
(K¿ ho¿ch kinh doanh) 1/ Address /[Êdr[s/
v. to direct to the attention of (ßa chß, chuyßn i tßi )
Ex: The article praised her address to the steering committee 2/ Avoid /['vVid/
v. to stay clear of, to keep from happening (tránh, tránh xa)
Ex: To avoid going out of business, owners should prepare a proper business plan
3/ Demonstrate /'dem[nstreit/
v. to show clearly and deliberately, to present by
example ( chÿng minh, gi¿i thích, bày tß, bißu lß, làm th¿y rõ)
Ex: The professor demonstrated through a case study that a business plan can impress a lender
Demonstration n. demonstrative adj. 4/ Develop /di'vel[p/
v. to expand, progress, or improve (phát trißn, mß
mang, mß rßng, khu¿ch tr±¡ng, làm cho phát ¿t)
Ex: The restaurant wanda opened ten years ago has developed into a national chain Development n. developer n.
5/ Evaluate /i'væljueit/
v. to determine the value or impact of (±ßc l±ÿng , ßnh giá) Evaluation n. evaluator n.
Ex: The lenders evaluated our creditability and decided to loan us money 6/ Gather /'gæð[/
v. to accumulate, to conclude (t¿p hÿp l¿i, tÿ hßp l¿i, kéo ¿n)
Ex: I gather that interest rates for small businesses will soon change 7/ Offer /ÊRf[/
v. to propose, to present in order to meet a need or satisfy a
requirement (±a ra ß nghß)
Ex: devon accepted our offer to write the business plan WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 8 C
adj. Most important, first in a list, series, or sequence (chÿ y¿u, chính, b¿c nh¿t)
Ex: The developers are thinking primarily of how to enter the south American market 9/ Risk
/rjsk/ n. the chance of loss or damage (sÿ rÿi ro, sÿ nguy hißm)
Ex: Expanding into a new market is a big risk
10/ Strategy /'strætid¦i)/
n. a plan of action (chi¿n l±ÿc)
Ex: Let’s develop a strategy for promoting our ice cream parlor Strategize n. strategic adj.
11/ Strong /strRK/ adj. Powerful, economically or financially sound (m¿nh khße, bßn vÿng)
Ex: Even in a strong economic climate many businesses fail, so do your planning carefully
12/ Substitute /'s&bstitju:t/
v. to take the place of another (th¿, thay th¿)
Ex: There is no substitution for hard work and perseverance WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 9 C
1/ Accommodate /['kVm[deit/
v. to fit, to provide with something needed (ißu ti¿t,
làm cho thích nghi, làm cho phù hÿp)
Accommodation n. accommodating adj.
Ex: The meeting room was large enough to accommodate the various needs of the groups using it
2/ Arrangement /['reind¦m[nt/ n , the plan or organization (sÿ s¿p x¿p, sÿ s¿p ¿t, cái
±ÿc s¿p x¿p, cái ±ÿc s¿p ¿t)
Ex: The arrangement of speakers was alphabetical to avoid any hurt feelings 3/ Association /[,sousi'ei(n/
n, an organization of persons or groups having a
common interest (hßi, hßi liên hißp; oàn thß, công ty)
Ex: Local telephone companies formed an association to serve common goals, meet their
common needs, and improve efficiency 4/ Attend /['tend/
v, to go to, to pay attention to (dÿ, có m¿t) Attendee n., attendance n.
Ex: The hotel manager attended to all our needs promptly 5/ Get in touch
v, to make contact with (giÿ liên l¿c)
Ex: As soon as we arrive at the hotel, we will get in touch with the manager about the unexpected guests
6/ Hold /h[Nld/ v, to accommodate; to conduct (tß chÿc, ti¿n hành)
Ex: This meeting room holds at least 80 people comfortably WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 10 TOEIC BOOK STORE
7/ Location /lou'kei(n/ n, a position or site (vß trí)
Ex: The location of the meeting was changed from the Red Room to the Green Groom
8/ Overcrowded /'ouv['kraud/ a, too crowded (kéo vào quá ông, dßn vào quá ông)
Ex: To avoid being crowded, we limited the number of guests that members could bring
9/ Register /Êr[d+jst[/ v, to record (ng ký) Register n. registration n.
Ex: Hotels ask all guests to resgister and give a home address
10/ Select /sjÊl[kt/ v, to choose from a group (chßn, lÿa chßn)
Selection n. selective adj.(sÿ lÿa chßn)
Ex: The winners were a select group
11/ Session /Ês[(([)n/ n, a meeting bußi hßp, kÿ hßp, khóa hßc
Ex: Due to the popularity of this course, we will offer two sessions 12/ Take part in
v, to join or participate ( tham gia, tham dÿ)
Ex: We could not get enough people to take part in the meeting, so we canceled it WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 11 TOEIC BOOK STORE Lesson 6: Computers (Máy tính) 1/ Access /Êaks[s/
v, to obtain, to gain entry (truy c¿p, ±ßng vào) Access n. accessible adj.
Ex: We accessed the information on the company’s website
2/ Allocate /'æl[keit/
v, to designate for a specific purpose (chß ßnh, chia ph¿n)
Ex: The office manager did not allocate enough money to purchase software
3/ Compatible /k[m’pæt[bl/ a, able to function together (t±¡ng tác, thích ÿng)
Ex: This operating system is not compitable with this model computer 4/ Delete /djÊliÒt/ v, to remove; to erase (xóa)
Ex: The technicians deleted all the data on the disk accidentally 5/ Display /djÊsplej/
n, what is visible on a monitor; v, to show (trình bày, tr±ng bày)
Ex: The light on the LCD display is too weak
6/ Duplicate /´dju:plikit/
v, to produce something equal; to make identical (b¿n sao, g¿p ôi) Duplicate n. duplication n,
Ex: Before you leave, please duplicate that file by making a copy on the CD- ROM 7/ Fail /fejl/
v, not to succeed; not to work correctly (tr±ÿt, không thành công) Failure n. fallible adj.
Ex: The repeated failure of her printer baffled the technician WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 12 TOEIC BOOK STORE
8/ Figure out /Êfjg[/ v, to understand , to solve (chß ra, hißu ra)
Ex: We figured out that it would take uss at least ten minutes to download the file 9/ Ignore /jgÊnVÒ/
v, not to notice; to disregard (bß qua, lß i)
Ex: Don’t ignore the technician’s advice when connecting cables 10/ Search /s[Òt(/
v, to look for; n, investigation (tìm ki¿m, tìm hißu)
Ex: Our search of the database produced very little information
11/ Shut down /(&t/ /daNn/ v, to turn off; to cease operation (óng l¿i, ngÿng l¿i)
Ex: Please shut down the computer before you leave 12/ Warn /wVÒn/
v, to alert; to tell about a danger or problem (c¿nh báo) Warning n. warning adj.
Ex: The red flashing light gives a warning to users that the battery is low WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 13 TOEIC BOOK STORE
Lesson 7: Office Technology
1/ Affordable /[ÊfVÒd[b[l/ a, able to be paid for; not too expensive (hÿp lý)
Ex: The company’s first priority was to find an affordable phone system 2/ As needed
adv, as necessary (c¿n thi¿t)
Ex: The courier service did not come every day, only as needed
3/ Be in charge of v, to be in control or command of (có trách nhißm, ngh)a vÿ)
Ex: Your computer should not be in charge of you, rather you should be in charge of your computer 4/ Capacity /k[Êpasjti/
n, the ability to contain or hold; the maximum that
something can hold (sÿc chÿa, kh¿ nng)
Ex: The new conference room is much larger and has a capacity of one hundred people
5/ Durable /ÊdjN[r[b([)l/
a, sturdy, strong, lasting (lâu bßn)
Ex: These chairs are more durable than the first ones we looked at
6/ Initiative /jÊnj(j[tjv, -([-/
n, the first step; an active role (sáng ki¿n) Initiate v. initiation n.
Ex: Employees are encouraged to take the initiative and share their ideas with management
7/ Physical /Êfjzjk([)l/
a, perceived by the senses (v¿t ch¿t, ißu gì ó liên quan ¿n tÿ nhiên)
Ex: The computer screen is making her physically sick
8/ Provider /pr[Êv&jd[/
n, a supplier (nhà cung c¿p) WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 14 TOEIC BOOK STORE Provide v. provision n.
Ex: The department was extremely pleased with the service they received from the phone provider 9/ Recur /rjÊk[Ò/
v, to occur again or repeatedly (tái dißn, tái hißn) Recurrence n. recurring adj.
Ex: The managers did not want that particular error to recur
10/ Reduction /rjÊd&k(([)n/
n, a lessening , a decrease (thu nhß, gi¿m bßt) Reduce v. reducible adj.
Ex: The reduction in office staff has made it necessary to automate more job functions 11/ Stay on top of
v, to know what is going on; to know the latest information (c¿p nh¿t)
Ex: In this industry, you must stay on top of current developments 12/ Stock /stRk/
n, a supply; v, to keep on hand (dÿ trÿ, cß ph¿n)
Ex: The employees stocked the shelves on a weekly basis WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 15 TOEIC BOOK STORE
Lesson 8: Office Procedures
1/ Appreciate /[ÊpriÒ(jejt, -sj-/
v, to recognize, understand the importance of; to be
thankful for (ánh giá cao)
Appreciation n. appreciated adj.
Ex: In appreciation of your hard work on the Castcon project, the department will hold a
casual lunch party on November third 2/ be made of v, to consist of (t¿o nên)
Ex: This job will really test whay you are made of 3/ Bring in /brjK/
v, to hire or recruit; to cause to appear (d¿n tßi, mang tßi )
Ex: The company president wanted to bring on an efficiency consultant
4/ Casual /Êka+jN[l, -zj-/
a, informal (thân m¿t, không nghi thÿc)
Ex: On Fridays, most employees dress casually 5/ Code /k[Nd/
n, rules of behavior (bß lu¿t, quy lu¿t)
Ex: The new employees observed the unwritten code of conduct in their first week on the job
6/ Be exposed to /jkÊsp[Nz, [k-/ v, to become aware of; to gain experience in
Ex: The new hires’ week in each department exposed them to the various functions in the company 7/ Glimpse /gljm(p)s/
n, a quick look (l±ßt qua, thoáng qua)
Ex: The secretary caught a glimpse or her new boss as she was leaving the office 8/ Out of
a, no longer having, missing (h¿t, m¿t)
Ex: Orders should be placed before you run out of the supplies WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH 16 TOEIC BOOK STORE
9/ Outdated /aNtÊdejtjd/
a, obsolete; not currently in use (h¿t h¿n)
Ex: Before you do a mailing, make sure that none of the addresses is outdated
10/ Practice /Êpraktjs/
n, method of doing something (t¿p luyßn) Practice v.
practical adj. (cÿng cß, gia cß)
Ex: Bill practiced answering the telephone until he was satisfied
11/ Reinforce /riÒjnÊfVÒs/
v, to strengthen, support (cÿng cß, gia cß)
Reinforcement n. reinforcing gerund
Ex: Employees reinforced their learning with practice in the workplace. 12/ Verbal /Êv[Òb([)l/ a, oral (b¿ng lßi nói ) Verbalize v. verbally adv.
Ex: The guarantee was made only verbally WE CAN CONQUER ENGLISH