Conservation - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Conservation - English Reading 3 | Trường Đại học Văn hóa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. protect (v) [prə’tekt]: bảo vệ
2. leopard (n) [‘lepəd]: con báo
3. flexible (a) [‘fleksəbl: linh họat, dễ sai khiến
4. loss (n) [lɔs]: mất
5. destroy (v) [di’strɔi]: phá hủy
6. variety (n) [və’raiəti]: sự đa dạng
7. species (n) [‘spi:∫i:z]: lòai
8. eliminate (v) [i’limineit]: hủy diệt
9. medicine (n) [‘medsn; ‘medisn]: thuốc
10. cancer (n) [‘kænsə]: ung thư
11. constant (a) [‘kɔnstənt]: thường xuyên
12. constantly (adv) [‘kɔnstəntli]: liên tục
13. supply (n) [sə’plai]: nguồn cung cấp
14. crop (n) [krɔp]: cây trồng
15. hydroelectric (a) [,haidroui’lektrik]: thủy điện
16. dam (n) [dæm]: đập ( nước)
17. play (v) an important [im’pɔ:tənt] part: giữ một vai
trò quan trọng
18. circulation (n) [,sə:kju’lei∫n]: sự tuần hòan
19. conserve (v) [kən’sə:v]: giữ lại
20. run [rʌn] off (v): chảy đi mất
21. take away (v) [‘teik ə’wei]: mang theo
22. valuable (a) [‘væljuəbl]: quý giá
23. soil (n) [sɔil]: đất
24. frequent (a) [‘fri:kwənt]: thường xuyên
25. flood (n) [flʌd]: lũ,lụt.
26. damage (n) [‘dæmidʒ]: sự tàn phá, sự thiệt hại
27. threaten (v) [‘θretn]: đe dọa
28. polluted (a) [pə’lu:təd]: bị ô nhiễm
29. disappearance (n) [,disə’piərəns]: sự biến mất
30. worsen (v) [‘wə:sn]: làm tồi tệ đi
31. pass [pɑ:s] a law ( exp.): thông qua một đạo luật.
32. in someone’s defence/ in something‘s defence
[di’fens]:để bảo vệ ai đó / để bảo vệ cái gì
33. in nature‘s defence : để bảo vệ tự nhiên
34. concern (v) [kən’sə:n]: liên quan đến
35. power of falling [‘fɔ:liη] water : năng lượng dòng
36. electricity (n) [i,lek’trisiti]: điện
37. remove (v) [ri’mu:v] : hủy đi, bỏ đi
38. get rid of (exp.): bỏ đi
39. completely (adv) [kəm’pli:tli]: tòan bộ, hòan tòan
40. liquid (n) [‘likwid]: chất lỏng
41. flow [flou] off (v) chảy đi mất
42. treat (v) [tri:t]: chữ trị
43. vegetation (n) [,vedʒi’tei∫n]: việc trồng cây
44. do harm [hɑ:m] to (exp.): gây hại tới
45. erosion (n) [i’rouʒn]: sự xói mòn
46. consequence (n) [‘kɔnsikwəns]: hậu qủa, kết quả
47. planet (n) [‘plænit]: hành tinh
48. destruction (n) [dis’trʌk∫n]: sự phá hủy
49. feature (n) [‘fi:t∫ə]: đặc điểm
50. sensitive (a) [‘sensətiv]: nhạy cảm
51. imprision (v) [im’prizn]: giam giữ
52. endangered [in’deindʒəd] species (a): những lòai
có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng.
53. reconstruct (v) [‘ri:kən’strʌkt]: tái tạo
54. breed (v) [bri:d]: nhân giống
55. policy (n) [‘pɔləsi]: chính sách
56. at times [‘taimz]: có những lúc
57. risky (a) [‘riski]: rủi ro
58. injure (v) [‘indʒə]: làm bị thưong
59. suffer [‘sʌfə] from (v): đau, đau khổ
60. dangerous (a) [‘deindʒrəs]: nguy hiểm
61. develop (v) [di’veləp]: phát triển
62. disease (n) [di’zi:z]: bệnh tật, tệ nạn
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:
1/ A. conserva B. na C. men D. ques tion tion tion tion
2/ A. m dicine B. prot ct C. sp cies D. ne e e ever
3/ A. v riety B. p ttern C. v ry D. b ck a a a a
4/ A. paint B. protest C. fetch D. erod ed ed ed ed
5/ A. pollute B. devel p C. c nstant D. pro o ovide
6/ A. m st B. nat ral C. h nt D. f n u u u u
7/ A. sc entist B. m llion C. pol ce D. med cal i i i i
8/ A. sorr B. monthl C. sk D. usuall y y y y
9/ A. cup B. photo C. failure D. alway s s s s
10/ A. tea B. mu C. s ool D. ch ch ch choice
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. vegetation B. eliminate C. disappearance D. intonation
2/ A. photo B. rapid C. pattern D. about
3/ A. environment B. understanding C. population D. conservation
4/ A. impossibly B. especially C. naturally D. importantly
5/ A. medical B. pollutant C. imprison D. protective
6/ A. conserve B. disease C. wildlife D. expand
7/ A. illness B. slowly C. spoken D. police
8/ A. correction B. motorway C. addition D. erosion
9/ A. damage B. pollute C. defense D. erode
10/ A. power B. autumn C. allow D. order
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ To electricity, we are cutting down on our central heating. conserve
A. protect B. hold C. make D. do
2/ The loss of much forest is Earth’s plant and animal variety. destroying
A. consuming B. demolishing C. erasing D. removing
3/ The loss of much forest is destroying Earth’s plant and animal variety.
A. change B. kind C. type D. collection
4/ This is worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with values as medicines against cancer, AIDS, especially
heart disease and many other sicknesses.
A. well B. suddenly C. particularly D. highly
5/ This is especially when there are about 3,000 plants with values as medicines against cancer, AIDS, worrying
heart disease and many other sicknesses.
A. annoying B. hurting C. caring D. fearing
6/ This is especially worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with values as medicines against cancer, AIDS,
heart and many other sicknesses. disease
A. illness B. disorder C. derangement D. derangement
7/ Man and most animals need a supply of water to live. constant
A. uniform B. changeless C. true D. steady
8/ Without plants, most water would run off as soon as it falls, taking away valuable soil.
A. costly B. estimable C. cherished D. admirable
9/ But we can stop adding the problem while scientists search for answers, and laws are passed in nature’s defense.
A. frisk B. rifle C. track D. examine
10/ Each year about fifty hundred species of plants and animals are already being . eliminated
A. dropped B. removed C. kicked D. tossed
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ I'm not being lazy - I'm just conserving my energy for later.
A. using up B. shooting off C. going out D. throwing away
2/ This is especially worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with value as medicines against cancer, AIDS, heart
disease and many other sicknesses.
A. unimportantly B. normally C. balefully D. infamously
3/ We may never know the cost of this destruction. true
A. imaginary B. dishonest C. unlawful D. disloyal
4/ Man and most animals need a supply of water to live. constant
A. fitful B. faithless C. uncertain D. weak
5/ run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during fry seasons. Rapid
A. Bad B. Weak C. Slow D. Ugly
6/ Rapid run-off would cause floods and leave little water during fry seasons. frequent
A. sometimes B. unusual C. irregular D. little
7/ The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.
A. done B. made C. defended D. varied
8/ We cannot clean up our rivers and seas overnight. polluted
A. cleared B. purified C. honored D. respected
9/ We can do something to the earth. save
A. waste B. kick C. shoot D. throw
10/ At times, this can be , and the keepers have been injured and one has been killed. risky
A. good B. useful C. healthy D. secure
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ The bridge is a marvelous work of engineering and _______.
A. destroy B. destruction C. destructive D. destructively
2/ Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks _______.
A. variety B. various C. varied D. variable
3/ He owns a series of _______ across the US and beyond.
A. industries B. industrials C. industrious D. industrialize
4/ He says he'll tell the authorities but it's just an empty ______.
A. threat B. threaten C. threatening D. threateningly
5/ I'm sick of _______-heart liberal politicians.
A. blood B. bloody C. bleed D. bleeding
6/ In the movie, he plays a concerned and _______ father trying to bring up two teenage children on
his own.
A. sense B. sensitive C. sensible D. senseless
7/ As a child I had an _______ friend called Polly.
A. image B. imagine C. imaginative D. imaginary
8/ Phone me if there are any new _______.
A. develop B. developed C. developing D. developments
9/ If you don't have anything _______ to say, I'd rather you kept quiet.
A. construct B. constructors C. constructive D. construction
10/ A healthy body will be able to fight off the illness _______ without the use of medicine.
A. nature B. natural C. naturalize D. naturally
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ The plot was surrounded by a stone wall and _______ with flowering trees.
A. planted B. destroyed C. eliminated D. worried
2/ For them, the house's main _______ lay in its quiet country location.
A. interest B. value C. conserve D. cost
3/ Farmers were dumping or burying the _______ animals.
A. ill B. sick C. endangered D. diseased
4/ The baby was born with a surprising _______ of black hair.
A. grass B. plant C. tree D. bush
5/ There were so many different _______ of bread that I didn't know which to buy.
A. varieties B. differences C. changes D. types
6/ The bay _______ by the enemy many years ago.
A. was used to be attacked B. used to be attacked
C. was used for being attacked D. used to attack
7/ The report will be read _______.
A. at the conference by Dr. Blake at 3 p.m.
B. at the conference at 3 p.m. by Dr. Blake
C. by Dr. Blake at the conference at 3 p.m.
D. at 3 p.m. by Dr. Blake at the conference
8/ That man has never been known _______ before.
A. lie B. to lie C. lying D. has lied
9/ Tom is having someone _______ the newspaper to her.
A. bring B. to bring C. bringing D. who brings
10/ We don’t get anyone _______ the kitchen everyday.
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. who cleans
VII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ (A) Because of her father (B) has been (C) seriously ill, she (D) can’t go to the meeting.
2/ (A) Though Linh was (B) not good at (C) playing badminton, she managed (D) to win her opponents.
3/ He (A) is known that (B) these questions are (C) so difficult that he (D) can’t answer them.
4/ (A) This water isn’t (B) warm enough for the (C) young boys (D) to swim.
5/ Last week (A) unless my mother (B) had had (C) enough money, she (D) would have bought that toy for me.
6/ We (A) remember that (B) last time Vinh (C) wore those jeans (D) was at Khoa’s birthday party.
7/ (A) It often takes me about (B) fifteen minutes (C) to go to work from here (D) by foot.
8/ We’re sure that (A) it was not (B) until (C) fifth year that he (D) could speak Chinese well.
9/ It’s said that (A) huge progress (B) has been made in lots of fields of science (C) in the last (D) few years.
10/ People say (A) that it is (B) such polluted air that they (C) can’t breath, (D) don’t they?
I. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
eroded audience policy imprisoned constantly
eliminated variety clean-up figures spread
1/ He's _______ changing his mind.
2/ The fire _______ very rapidly because of the strong wind.
3/ The secret to public speaking is to get the _______ on your side.
4/ There are several reclining _______ in the painting.
5/ Wind and rain have _______ the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
6/ Residents have called for a _______ campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.
7/ They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security _______.
8/ When preparing meals, you need to think about _______ and taste as well as nutritional value.
9/ He was _______ in 1965 for attempted murder.
10/ We _______ the possibility that it could have been an accident.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:
1. Are you __________________ that enough people will attend the event? (CONFIDE)
2. England played __________________ throughout the game. (AWFUL)
3. The __________________ of flour, water and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours. (MIX)
4. I think the __________________ thing to do is phone before you go and ask for directions. (SENSE)
5. I've got this strange __________________ in my stomach. (FEEL)
6. The __________________ of profits was due to careless management. (ERODE)
7. Unusually high winds left a trail of __________________ over southern Britain. (DESTRUCTIBLE)
8. Her competence as a teacher is __________________. (COMPETENT)
9. She's at that age where she's starting to get __________________ in boys. (INTEREST)
10. Older people tend to be quite _____________and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances. (CONSERVE)
III. Use the active or passive form to complete this passage:
Conservation, sustainable use and protection of natural resources (1- include) ______________ plants,
animals, mineral deposits, soils, clean water, clean air, and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
Natural resources (2- group) ______________ into two categories, renewable and nonrenewable. A renewable
resource (3- be) ______________ one that (4- may replace) ______________ over time by natural processes, such
as fish populations or natural vegetation, or (5- be) ______________ inexhaustible, such as solar energy. The goal
of renewable resource conservation (6- be/ ensure) ______________ that such resources (7- not consume)
______________ faster than they (8- replace) _______. Nonrenewable resources (9- be) ______________ those in
limited supply that (10- cannot replace or can replace) ______________ only over extremely long periods of time.
Nonrenewable resources (11- include) ______________ fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as iron ore and gold
ore. Conservation activities for nonrenewable resources (12- focus) ______________ on maintaining an adequate
supply of these resources well into the future.
IV. Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets, beginning as shown:
1. “Why don’t you wait for me at the park, Thanh?” said Linh. (Thanh)
Linh suggested ____________________________________ at the park.
2. “Although she overslept, Mai wasn’t late for school.” (up)
Despite _______________________ on time, Mai wasn’t late for school.
3. We haven’t eaten food like this before. (time)
This is the ____________________________________ this sort of food.
4. After a long chase, the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief. (to)
After a long chase, ___________________________________ the thief.
5. Dung was supposed to write to her pen friend yesterday. (ought)
Dung _______________________________ to her pen friend yesterday.
6. Your handwriting is so small that I can hardly read it. (such)
You ______________________________________ I can hardly read it.
7. Someone has to pick them up from the airport. (up)
They ________________________________________ from the airport.
8. I wish I hadn’t told her what we were planning to do this morning. (regret)
I ___________________________________________ for this morning.
9. We were surprised to see Long leave the room. (surprise)
To ___________________________________________ the room early.
10. All the witnesses said that the accident was his fault. (blame)
All the witnesses said ______________________________ the accident.
V. Choose the correct sentence (a, b, c, or d) made from suggested words.
1. we/ now/ faced/ problems/ environment.
A. We are now faced to the problems of environment.
B. We now faced with the problems of the environment.
C. We are now faced with the problems of the environment.
D. We are now faced by the problems of environment.
2. erosion/ soil/ result/ when / forests/ cut/ carelessly.
A. Soil erosion results when forests are cut carelessly.
B. When soil erosion results, forests are cut down carelessly.
C. When forests cut carelessly, soil erosion results.
D. Soil erosion results when forests are cut down carelessly.
3. rivers/ streams/ seas/ dirtied/ activities/ land.
A. Rivers, streams, and seas is being' dirtied by activities on land.
B. Rivers, streams, and seas are being dirtied by activities on land.
C. Rivers, streams, and seas is being dirtied by land activities.
D. Rivers, streams, and seas are being dirtied activities on land.
4. polluted/ air/ be/ chiefly/ city problem.
A. Polluted air chiefly is a city problem.
B. Polluted air is chiefly city problem.
C. Polluted air is chiefly a city problem.
D. Polluted air is a city problem chiefly.
5. plants/ species/ many/ animals/ be/ danger/ extinction.
A. Many species of plants and animals are in danger of extinction.
B. Many species of plants and animals are danger of extinction.
C. Many plants and animals were in danger of species extinction.
D. Species of plants and, animals are in many dangers of extinction.
6. laws/ must/ some/ pass/ help/ protect/ environment.
A. Some laws must pass to help protect our environment.
B. Some laws must be passed to help protect our environment.
C. Some laws must be passed help to protect our environment.
D. Some laws must passed to help protect our environment.
I. Read the following paragraph, then choose the correct verb form to fill in each blank.
When man first learned how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The first fuel he used was
probably wood. As time (1) ________, man eventual discovered that substances such as coal and oil (2) ________.
Coal (3) __________ very widely as a source of energy until the last century. With the coming of the industrial
revolution, it was soon realized that production (4) _________ if coal was used instead of wood. Nowadays. many
of the huge factories and electricity generating stations (5) _________ to function if there was no coal In the last
twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal (6) _________. As a result, there have been changes in the coal
industry. It (7) _________ that more people (8) _________ coal if oil and gas were not so readily available. There is
more than enough coal in the world for man's needs for the next two hundred years if our use of coal (9) _________.
Unfortunately, however, about half of the world's coal (10) _______. Mining much of it (11) _______ very expensive
even if it was possible to use new equipment.
1. A. passes B. used to pass C. would pass D. passed
2. A. are burning B. would burn C. have burnt D. were burnt
3. A. not used B. did not use C. not using D. was not used
4. A. doubles B. had doubled C. will double D. would double
5. A. were unable B. would be unable C. will be unable D. are unable
6. A. has declined B. will decline C. declines D. would decline
7. A. believed B. is believing C. believing D. is believed
8. A. would use B. used C. use D. will use
9. A. did not increase B. would not increase C. does not increase D. may not increase
10. A. would never use B. may never be used C. would never be used D. may never use
11. A. was B. used to be C. would be D. has been
II. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
We are all slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is so much smoke
in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world's cities. In one well-known city, for example, poisonous
gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks.
We have cut- down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result,
farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice. Moreover,
we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are quickly disappearing. For instant, tigers are rare
in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive. However, it isn't enough simply to talk about
the problem. We must act now before it is too late to do anything about it. Join us now. Save the Earth. This is
too important to ignore.
1. The seas and rivers nowadays _____________.
A. cannot be swum in B. are less dirty than they used to be
C. are dirty enough to swim in D. are contaminated
2. Smoke _____________.
A. is harmful to health B. is full of the big cities
C. causes a healthy life D. makes life in big cities difficult
3. In one well-known city, traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks _____________.
A. in order to protect themselves from being injured B. because there are so many cars on the streets
C. in spite of poisonous gases D. because of air pollution
4. Why do farmers impart of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat?
A. Because many trees have been planted. B. Because people cut down many trees.
C. Because there is too little rice. D. Because there are large areas of land that can’t be used.
5. Wild animals are _____________.
A. in danger of extinction B. being protected from natural environment
C. killed so many that they cannot live in the forests D. so rare that they cannot survive
6. What's the best title for the passage?
A. Conservation B. Protect the Natures! C. The Environment D. Save the Earth!
III. Choose the words or phrases that best complete this passage.
Conservation is the (1) ________and preservation of natural resources, so that they can continue (2)
_________and enjoyed. In the past, most people believed that the world's (3) ___________could never be used
up. Today, we know that (4) __________ is not true. An important part of conservation is the (5) ________of waste
- waste of forests, soil, wild-life, (6) __________ and human lives. As important is the fight (7) __________ pollution
of our (8) __________, in particular, the dirtying and poisoning of air and water. Conservation is (9) __________
concerned with the reclaiming of land by (10) __________ deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea.
A. destruction B. safeguarding C. prevention D. damage
A. to use B. being used C. to be used D. used
A. resources B. supplies C. gases D. property
A. which B. this C. that D. there
A. circulation B. preservation C. prevention D. defense
A. gases B. coals C. diamonds D. minerals
A. for B. against C. to D. on
A. neighborhood B. surroundings C. environment
D. Earth
A. also B. only C. enough D. as well
A. widening B. using C. irrigating D. preserving
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
We all want to live in a clean and green world and breathe pollution free air. For this kind of environment,
we desperately need a fossil fuel free world. Scientists are toiling hard to come up (1) ______ alternative fuels
which can replace conventional fuels. One such study was presented at the 237th National Meeting of the
American Chemical Society. This study throws interesting light on the first economical, eco-friendly process to (2)
______ algae oil into biodiesel fuel. The scientists are quite hopeful that one day America will become independent
(3) ______ fossil fuels. Ben Wen is the (4) ______ researcher and vice president of United Environment and Energy
LLC, Horseheads, N.Y. According to him, “This is the first economical way to produce biodiesel from algae oil. It
costs much less than conventional processes because you would need a much smaller factory, there (5) ______ no
water disposal costs, and the process is considerably faster.”
Question 1: A. to B. against C. with D. for
Question 2: A. adapt B. transform C. modify D. alter
Question 3: A. on B. from C. with D. of
Question 4: A. lead B. top C. summit D. peak
Question 5: A. were B. are C. had D. have
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best first each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)________. Many species of
animals are threatened, and could easily become (2)________ if we do not make an effort to protect them. In
some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots,
are caught (3)________and sold as pets. For many animals and birds the problem is that their habitat - the place
where they live - is disappearing. More land is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open
spaces than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them to grow better crops, but these
chemicals pollute the environment and (4)________ wildlife. The most successful animals on earth - human beings
- will soon be the only ones (5)________, unless we can solve this problem.
Question 1: A. threat B. problem C. danger D. vanishing
Question 2: A. disappeared B. vanished C. extinct D. empty
Question 3: A. for life B. alive C. lively D. for living
Question 4: A. spoil B. wound C. wrong D. harm
Question 5: A. left B. over C. staying D. survive
VI. Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
Conservation, sustainable use and protection of (1)_______resources including plants, animals, mineral
deposits, soils, clean (2) ____, clean air, and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Natural (3) ______
are grouped into two categories, renewable and nonrenewable. A (4)_____ resource is one that may be replaced
over time by natural processes, (5)______ fish populations or natural vegetation, or is inexhaustible, such as
(6)______ energy. The goal of renewable resource conservation is to ensure (7)______ such resources are not
consumed faster than they are (8)______. Nonrenewable resources are those in limited supply that cannot be
replaced (9)______ can be replaced only over extremely long (10)______ of time. Nonrenewable resources include
fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as (11)______ ore and gold ore. Conservation activities for nonrenewable
resources focus (12)______ maintaining an adequate supply of these resources well into the future. Natural
resources are conserved for their biological, economic, and recreational values, (13)______ their natural beauty
and importance to local cultures. (14) _____, tropical rain forests are protected for their important role in both
global ecology and the economic livelihood of the local culture; a coral reef may be (15)_____ for its recreational
value for scuba divers; and a scenic river may be protected for its natural beauty.
. A. national B. international C. natural D. lively
. A. lakes B. stones C. sand D. water
. A. resources B. gases C. fuels D. plants
. A. renewable B. nonrenewable C. new D. modern
. A. such B. such a C. as D. like
. A. solar B. earthly C. lunar D. polar
. A. it B. which C. that D. what
. A. installed B. put C. placed D. replaced
. A. and B. but C. or D. so
. A. ways B. periods C. spaces D. steps
. A. iron B. water C. metal D. gold
. A. in B. on C. at D. by
. A. like B. also C. and D. as well as
. A. However B. Nevertheless C. For example D. In fact
. A. killed B. protected C. fed D. left
VII. Read the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
Conservation conflicts when natural-resource shortages develop in the face of steadily increasing arise
demands from a growing human population. Controversy frequently surrounds how a resource should be used, or
allocated, and for whom. For example, a river may supply water for agricultural irrigation, habitat for fish, and
water-generated electricity for a factory. Farmers, fishers, and industry leaders vie for unrestricted access to this
river, but such freedom could destroy the resource, and conservation methods are necessary to protect the river
for future use.
Conflicts worsen when a natural resource crosses political boundaries. For example, the headwaters, or
source, of a major river may be located in a different country than the country through which the river flows. There
is no guarantee that the river source will be protected to accommodate resource needs downstream. In addition,
the way in which one natural resource is managed has a direct effect upon other natural resources. Cutting down
a forest near a river, for instance, increases erosion, the wearing away of topsoil, and can lead to flooding. Eroded
soil and silt cloud the river and adversely affect many organisms such as fish and important aquatic plants that
require clean, clear freshwater for survival.
New vocabulary:
- controversy (n.): sự tranh luận, sự tranh cải
- to allocate (v.): chỉ định; cấp cho; phân phối
- to vie (v.): ganh đua, thi đua
- headwater (n.): thượng nguồn, thượng lưư; (pl.) nước nguồn
- silt (n.): bùn, phù sa; (adj.): đầy bùn
- adverse (adj.): đối nghịch; bất lợi
1/ What does “arise” in line 1 mean?
A. stand up B. sit up C. get up D. spring up
2/ What does “supply” in line 4 mean?
A. cover B. provide C. make up for D. compensate for
3/ What does “methods” in line 7 mean?
A. plans B. orders C. ways D. structures
4/ Which word in the reading means “a promise that something will be done or will happen, especially a written
promise by a company to repair or change a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time”?
A. guarantee B. shortage C. population D. habitat
5/ Which word in the reading means “living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water”?
A. necessary B. major C. fresh D. aquatic
6/ When do conflicts decline?
A. when natural-resource shortages increase in the features of gradually increasing demands from a rising
human population
B. when a natural resource crosses political borders
C. when freedom could destroy the resource
D. when eroded soil and silt cloud affect many organisms
7/ What may bring water to agricultural irrigation?
A. a river B. topsoil C. erosion D. a forest
8/ Which sentence below is not correct?
A. Argument often surrounds how a source should be used, or allocated, and for whom.
B. A river may provide water for agricultural irrigation, habitat for fish, and water-generated electricity for a
C. Conservation methods are incidental to care for the river for future use.
D. Farmers, fishers, and industry leaders vie for open access to this river.
9/ Which sentence below is true?
A. Conflicts improve when a natural resource crosses political borders.
B. The source of a main river may be located in the country through which the river flows than a different
C. There is assurance that the river source will be confined to provide accommodation for resource needs
D. The way where one ordinary source is managed has a direct effect upon other ordinary sources.
10/ What is the passage above mainly about?
A. Natural-resource shortages
B. Agricultural irrigation
C. The headwaters of a major river
D. Conservation conflicts
VIII. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
We know that every year less than 100 people are attacked by sharks and about 5 to 10 of these people die.
But, let’s look at the other side of the story – How many sharks do people kill? Well, I think you already know this:
People kill many more sharks. Every year, people hunt and kill thousands of sharks. One reason people kill sharks
is for sport; they hunt them just for fun. Some people started to have contests to see who kill the most sharks or
he bigger sharks. Another reason that people kill sharks is for food. In some countries, such as the United States
and Great Britain, shark meat is a popular food. In other countries, such as China, people use shark fins to make
soup. Because so many people like to eat shark, fishing boats catch a lot of sharks to sell for food.
So, for both of these reasons, people are killing many sharks. Some biologists are getting worried that the
number of sharks is getting too small. That’s why many biologists think we should stop killing so many sharks, and
instead try to protect them or else some day they may all be gone. Some countries have already passed some
laws to help protect sharks. The United States, for example, has passed laws that limit the number of sharks that
people can kill or food or for sport. So even though some people like to hunt sharks, we do need to protect them.
How many sharks are hunted and killed every year?
A. one hundred B. many C. five to ten D. thousands
People want to kill sharks because _____________
A. they are afraid of sharks B. shark meat is a popular food
C. they get their enjoyment from killing sharks. D. b and c are correct.
The number of sharks in the world is _____________
A. getting worried by some biologists. B. being killed
C. getting bigger D. getting smaller.
Why do billowing wants to protect sharks?
A. Because they want to learn more about sharks.
B. Because they are afraid some days sharks may no longer exist.
C. Because of the number of sharks that were killed
D. Because shark fins can be used in medicine.
Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A. People like to hunt sharks.
B. Laws have been passed in sharks’ defence.
C. The governments prohibited people from killing sharks.
D. People are killing many sharks for some reasons.
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7
Pollution emitted in industrial areas represents a threat to human health and the surrounding natural
resources. We have a tendency to believe that the production processes are the only source of environmental
damage, and often forget about the possible long-term effects of harmful production practices. We may think that
the closure of these huge industrial areas would improve the quality of the environment. Unfortunately, this
ignores the threat of the remaining waste, which is abandoned and poorly stored. It represents an even bigger
danger because stands neglected as it degrades and leaks into the earth without any control at all. it
Changes in the water chemistry due to surface water contamination can affect all levels of an ecosystem.
It can affect the health of lower food chain organisms and, consequently, the availability of food up through the
food chain. It can damage the health of wetlands and damage their ability to support healthy ecosystems, control
flooding, and filter pollutants from storm water runoff. The health of animals and humans are affected when they
drink or bathe in contaminated water. In addition water-based organisms, like fish and shellfish, can pile up and
concentrate contaminants in their bodies. When other animals or humans eat these organisms, they receive a
much higher dose of contaminant than they would have if they had been directly exposed to the original
Contaminated groundwater can badly affect animals, plants and humans if it is removed from the ground
by manmade or natural processes. Depending on the study of rocks of the area, groundwater may rise to the
surface through springs or seeps, flow sideways into nearby rivers, streams, or ponds, or sink deeper into the earth.
In many parts of fhe world, groundwater is pumped out of the ground to be used for drinking, bathing, other
household uses, agriculture, and industry.
Contaminants in the soil can harm plants when they take up the contamination through their roots. Eating,
breathing in, or touching contaminated soil, as well as eating plants or animals that have piled up soil contaminants
can badly affect the health of humans and animals.
Air pollution can cause breathing-related problems and other bad health effects as contaminants are
absorbed from the lungs into other parts of the body. Certain air contaminants can also harm animals and humans
when they contact the skin. Plants rely on breathing for their growth and can also be affected by exposure to
contaminants moved in the air.
Question 1: What is the topic of the passage?
A. Sources of environmental damage B. The pollution from the city
C. Bad effects of industrial waste D. The quality of the environment
Question 2: According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as______.
A. a danger to the environment B. the only source of pollution
C. the utmost harmful activity D. a threat to human health
Question 3: The word “it” in the first paragraph refers to______.
A. the remaining waste B. a danger
C. the environment D. the threat of the remaining waste
Question 4: Which of the followings affect an ecosystem as the whole?
A. Surface water contamination B. Soil contamination
C. Groundwater contamination D. Air contamination
Question 5: According to the passage, which of the followings supports healthy ecosystems?
A. Lower food chain organisms B. Animals C. Water-based organisms D. Wetlands
Question 6: Which of the followings is NOT badly affected by contaminated groundwater?
A. Human B. Plants C. Rocks D. Animals
Question 7: Which of the followings is the flow of water from the ground to the surface?
A. Streams B. Ponds C. Rivers D. Springs
Question 8: Which of the followings has the closest meaning to the word “absorbed” in the last paragraph?
A. Consumed B. Taken in C. Swallowed D. Piled up
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Preview text:

1. protect (v) [prə’tekt]: bảo vệ
33. in nature‘s defence : để bảo vệ tự nhiên
2. leopard (n) [‘lepəd]: con báo
34. concern (v) [kən’sə:n]: liên quan đến
3. flexible (a) [‘fleksəbl: linh họat, dễ sai khiến
35. power of falling [‘fɔ:liη] water : năng lượng dòng 4. loss (n) [lɔs]: mất chảy.
5. destroy (v) [di’strɔi]: phá hủy
36. electricity (n) [i,lek’trisiti]: điện
6. variety (n) [və’raiəti]: sự đa dạng
37. remove (v) [ri’mu:v] : hủy đi, bỏ đi
7. species (n) [‘spi:∫i:z]: lòai
38. get rid of (exp.): bỏ đi
8. eliminate (v) [i’limineit]: hủy diệt
39. completely (adv) [kəm’pli:tli]: tòan bộ, hòan tòan
9. medicine (n) [‘medsn; ‘medisn]: thuốc
40. liquid (n) [‘likwid]: chất lỏng
10. cancer (n) [‘kænsə]: ung thư
41. flow [flou] off (v) chảy đi mất
11. constant (a) [‘kɔnstənt]: thường xuyên
42. treat (v) [tri:t]: chữ trị
12. constantly (adv) [‘kɔnstəntli]: liên tục
43. vegetation (n) [,vedʒi’tei∫n]: việc trồng cây
13. supply (n) [sə’plai]: nguồn cung cấp
44. do harm [hɑ:m] to (exp.): gây hại tới
14. crop (n) [krɔp]: cây trồng
45. erosion (n) [i’rouʒn]: sự xói mòn
15. hydroelectric (a) [,haidroui’lektrik]: thủy điện
46. consequence (n) [‘kɔnsikwəns]: hậu qủa, kết quả
16. dam (n) [dæm]: đập ( nước)
47. planet (n) [‘plænit]: hành tinh
17. play (v) an important [im’pɔ:tənt] part: giữ một vai
48. destruction (n) [dis’trʌk∫n]: sự phá hủy trò quan trọng
49. feature (n) [‘fi:t∫ə]: đặc điểm
18. circulation (n) [,sə:kju’lei∫n]: sự tuần hòan
50. sensitive (a) [‘sensətiv]: nhạy cảm
19. conserve (v) [kən’sə:v]: giữ lại
51. imprision (v) [im’prizn]: giam giữ
20. run [rʌn] off (v): chảy đi mất
52. endangered [in’deindʒəd] species (a): những lòai
21. take away (v) [‘teik ə’wei]: mang theo
có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng.
22. valuable (a) [‘væljuəbl]: quý giá
53. reconstruct (v) [‘ri:kən’strʌkt]: tái tạo 23. soil (n) [sɔil]: đất
54. breed (v) [bri:d]: nhân giống
24. frequent (a) [‘fri:kwənt]: thường xuyên
55. policy (n) [‘pɔləsi]: chính sách
25. flood (n) [flʌd]: lũ,lụt.
56. at times [‘taimz]: có những lúc
26. damage (n) [‘dæmidʒ]: sự tàn phá, sự thiệt hại
57. risky (a) [‘riski]: rủi ro
27. threaten (v) [‘θretn]: đe dọa
58. injure (v) [‘indʒə]: làm bị thưong
28. polluted (a) [pə’lu:təd]: bị ô nhiễm
59. suffer [‘sʌfə] from (v): đau, đau khổ
29. disappearance (n) [,disə’piərəns]: sự biến mất
60. dangerous (a) [‘deindʒrəs]: nguy hiểm
30. worsen (v) [‘wə:sn]: làm tồi tệ đi
61. develop (v) [di’veləp]: phát triển
31. pass [pɑ:s] a law ( exp.): thông qua một đạo luật.
62. disease (n) [di’zi:z]: bệnh tật, tệ nạn
32. in someone’s defence/ in something‘s defence
[di’fens]:để bảo vệ ai đó / để bảo vệ cái gì 1 A. MULTIPLE CHOICES:
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group: 1/ A. conservation B. nation C. mention D. question 2/ A. medicine B. protect C. species D. never 3/ A. v riety a B. p ttern a C. vary D. back 4/ A. painted B. protested C. fetched D. eroded 5/ A. pollute B. develop C. constant D. provide 6/ A. must B. natural C. hunt D. fun 7/ A. scientist B. million C. police D. medical 8/ A. sorry B. monthly C. sky D. usually 9/ A. cups B. photos C. failures D. always 10/ A. teach B. much C. s o ch ol D. choice
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group: 1/ A. vegetation B. eliminate
C. disappearance D. intonation 2/ A. photo B. rapid C. pattern D. about 3/ A. environment
B. understanding C. population D. conservation 4/ A. impossibly B. especially C. naturally D. importantly 5/ A. medical B. pollutant C. imprison D. protective 6/ A. conserve B. disease C. wildlife D. expand 7/ A. illness B. slowly C. spoken D. police 8/ A. correction B. motorway C. addition D. erosion 9/ A. damage B. pollute C. defense D. erode 10/ A. power B. autumn C. allow D. order
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ To conserve electricity, we are cutting down on our central heating. A. protect B. hold C. make D. do
2/ The loss of much forest is destroying Earth’s plant and animal variety. A. consuming B. demolishing C. erasing D. removing
3/ The loss of much forest is destroying Earth’s plant and animal variety. A. change B. kind C. type D. collection 4/ This is
especially worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with values as medicines against cancer, AIDS,
heart disease and many other sicknesses. A. well B. suddenly C. particularly D. highly 5/ This is especially
worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with values as medicines against cancer, AIDS,
heart disease and many other sicknesses. A. annoying B. hurting C. caring D. fearing
6/ This is especially worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with values as medicines against cancer, AIDS,
heart disease and many other sicknesses. A. illness B. disorder C. derangement D. derangement
7/ Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. A. uniform B. changeless C. true D. steady
8/ Without plants, most water would run off as soon as it falls, taking away valuable soil. A. costly B. estimable C. cherished D. admirable
9/ But we can stop adding the problem while scientists search for answers, and laws are passed in nature’s defense. A. frisk B. rifle C. track D. examine
10/ Each year about fifty hundred species of plants and animals are already being . eliminated A. dropped B. removed C. kicked D. tossed 2
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ I'm not being lazy - I'm just conserving my energy for later. A. using up B. shooting off C. going out D. throwing away
2/ This is especially worrying when there are about 3,000 plants with value as medicines against cancer, AIDS, heart
disease and many other sicknesses. A. unimportantly B. normally C. balefully D. infamously 3/ We may never know the cos true t of this destruction. A. imaginary B. dishonest C. unlawful D. disloyal
4/ Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. A. fitful B. faithless C. uncertain D. weak
5/ Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during fry seasons. A. Bad B. Weak C. Slow D. Ugly
6/ Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during fry seasons. A. sometimes B. unusual C. irregular D. little
7/ The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad. A. done B. made C. defended D. varied
8/ We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight. A. cleared B. purified C. honored D. respected 9/ We can do something to the earth. save A. waste B. kick C. shoot D. throw 10/ At times, this can be , and the kee risky
pers have been injured and one has been killed. A. good B. useful C. healthy D. secure
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ The bridge is a marvelous work of engineering and _______. A. destroy B. destruction C. destructive D. destructively
2/ Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks _______. A. variety B. various C. varied D. variable
3/ He owns a series of _______ across the US and beyond. A. industries B. industrials C. industrious D. industrialize
4/ He says he'll tell the authorities but it's just an empty ______. A. threat B. threaten
C. threatening D. threateningly
5/ I'm sick of _______-heart liberal politicians. A. blood B. bloody C. bleed D. bleeding
6/ In the movie, he plays a concerned and _______ father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own. A. sense B. sensitive C. sensible D. senseless
7/ As a child I had an _______ friend called Polly. A. image B. imagine C. imaginative D. imaginary
8/ Phone me if there are any new _______. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. developments
9/ If you don't have anything _______ to say, I'd rather you kept quiet. A. construct
B. constructors C. constructive D. construction
10/ A healthy body will be able to fight off the illness _______ without the use of medicine. A. nature B. natural C. naturalize D. naturally
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ The plot was surrounded by a stone wall and _______ with flowering trees. A. planted B. destroyed C. eliminated D. worried 3
2/ For them, the house's main _______ lay in its quiet country location. A. interest B. value C. conserve D. cost
3/ Farmers were dumping or burying the _______ animals. A. ill B. sick C. endangered D. diseased
4/ The baby was born with a surprising _______ of black hair. A. grass B. plant C. tree D. bush
5/ There were so many different _______ of bread that I didn't know which to buy. A. varieties B. differences C. changes D. types
6/ The bay _______ by the enemy many years ago. A. was used to be attacked B. used to be attacked
C. was used for being attacked D. used to attack
7/ The report will be read _______.
A. at the conference by Dr. Blake at 3 p.m.
B. at the conference at 3 p.m. by Dr. Blake
C. by Dr. Blake at the conference at 3 p.m.
D. at 3 p.m. by Dr. Blake at the conference
8/ That man has never been known _______ before. A. lie B. to lie C. lying D. has lied
9/ Tom is having someone _______ the newspaper to her. A. bring B. to bring C. bringing D. who brings
10/ We don’t get anyone _______ the kitchen everyday. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. who cleans
VII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ (A) Because of her father (B) has been (C) seriously ill, she (D) can’t go to the meeting.
2/ (A) Though Linh was (B) not good at (C) playing badminton, she managed (D) to win her opponents.
3/ He (A) is known that (B) these questions are (C) so difficult that he (D) can’t answer them.
4/ (A) This water isn’t (B) warm enough for the (C) young boys (D) to swim.
5/ Last week (A) unless my mother (B) had had (C) enough money, she (D) would have bought that toy for me.
6/ We (A) remember that (B) last time Vinh (C) wore those jeans (D) was at Khoa’s birthday party.
7/ (A) It often takes me about (B) fifteen minutes (C) to go to work from here (D) by foot.
8/ We’re sure that (A) it was not (B) until (C) fifth year that he (D) could speak Chinese well.
9/ It’s said that (A) huge progress (B) has been made in lots of fields of science (C) in the last (D) few years.
10/ People say (A) that it is (B) such polluted air that they (C) can’t breath, (D) don’t they? B. USE OF ENGLISH:
I. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the list below: eroded audience policy imprisoned constantly eliminated variety clean-up figures spread
1/ He's _______ changing his mind.
2/ The fire _______ very rapidly because of the strong wind.
3/ The secret to public speaking is to get the _______ on your side.
4/ There are several reclining _______ in the painting.
5/ Wind and rain have _______ the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
6/ Residents have called for a _______ campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.
7/ They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security _______.
8/ When preparing meals, you need to think about _______ and taste as well as nutritional value.
9/ He was _______ in 1965 for attempted murder.
10/ We _______ the possibility that it could have been an accident. 4
II. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:
1. Are you __________________ that enough people will attend the event? (CONFIDE)
2. England played __________________ throughout the game. (AWFUL)
3. The __________________ of flour, water and yeast is then left in a warm place for four hours. (MIX)
4. I think the __________________ thing to do is phone before you go and ask for directions. (SENSE)
5. I've got this strange __________________ in my stomach. (FEEL)
6. The __________________ of profits was due to careless management. (ERODE)
7. Unusually high winds left a trail of __________________ over southern Britain. (DESTRUCTIBLE)
8. Her competence as a teacher is __________________. (COMPETENT)
9. She's at that age where she's starting to get __________________ in boys. (INTEREST)
10. Older people tend to be quite _____________and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances. (CONSERVE)
III. Use the active or passive form to complete this passage:
Conservation, sustainable use and protection of natural resources (1- include) ______________ plants,
animals, mineral deposits, soils, clean water, clean air, and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
Natural resources (2- group) ______________ into two categories, renewable and nonrenewable. A renewable
resource (3- be) ______________ one that (4- may replace) ______________ over time by natural processes, such
as fish populations or natural vegetation, or (5- be) ______________ inexhaustible, such as solar energy. The goal
of renewable resource conservation (6- be/ ensure) ______________ that such resources (7- not consume)
______________ faster than they (8- replace) _______. Nonrenewable resources (9- be) ______________ those in
limited supply that (10- cannot replace or can replace) ______________ only over extremely long periods of time.
Nonrenewable resources (11- include) ______________ fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as iron ore and gold
ore. Conservation activities for nonrenewable resources (12- focus) ______________ on maintaining an adequate
supply of these resources well into the future.
IV. Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets, beginning as shown:
1. “Why don’t you wait for me at the park, Thanh?” said Linh. (Thanh)
→ Linh suggested ____________________________________ at the park.
2. “Although she overslept, Mai wasn’t late for school.” (up)
→ Despite _______________________ on time, Mai wasn’t late for school.
3. We haven’t eaten food like this before. (time)
→ This is the ____________________________________ this sort of food.
4. After a long chase, the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief. (to)
→ After a long chase, ___________________________________ the thief.
5. Dung was supposed to write to her pen friend yesterday. (ought)
→ Dung _______________________________ to her pen friend yesterday.
6. Your handwriting is so small that I can hardly read it. (such)
→ You ______________________________________ I can hardly read it.
7. Someone has to pick them up from the airport. (up)
→ They ________________________________________ from the airport.
8. I wish I hadn’t told her what we were planning to do this morning. (regret)
→ I ___________________________________________ for this morning.
9. We were surprised to see Long leave the room. (surprise)
→ To ___________________________________________ the room early.
10. All the witnesses said that the accident was his fault. (blame)
→ All the witnesses said ______________________________ the accident. 5
V. Choose the correct sentence (a, b, c, or d) made from suggested words.
1. we/ now/ faced/ problems/ environment.
A. We are now faced to the problems of environment.
B. We now faced with the problems of the environment.
C. We are now faced with the problems of the environment.
D. We are now faced by the problems of environment.
2. erosion/ soil/ result/ when / forests/ cut/ carelessly.
A. Soil erosion results when forests are cut carelessly.
B. When soil erosion results, forests are cut down carelessly.
C. When forests cut carelessly, soil erosion results.
D. Soil erosion results when forests are cut down carelessly.
3. rivers/ streams/ seas/ dirtied/ activities/ land.
A. Rivers, streams, and seas is being' dirtied by activities on land.
B. Rivers, streams, and seas are being dirtied by activities on land.
C. Rivers, streams, and seas is being dirtied by land activities.
D. Rivers, streams, and seas are being dirtied activities on land.
4. polluted/ air/ be/ chiefly/ city problem.
A. Polluted air chiefly is a city problem.
B. Polluted air is chiefly city problem.
C. Polluted air is chiefly a city problem.
D. Polluted air is a city problem chiefly.
5. plants/ species/ many/ animals/ be/ danger/ extinction.
A. Many species of plants and animals are in danger of extinction.
B. Many species of plants and animals are danger of extinction.
C. Many plants and animals were in danger of species extinction.
D. Species of plants and, animals are in many dangers of extinction.
6. laws/ must/ some/ pass/ help/ protect/ environment.
A. Some laws must pass to help protect our environment.
B. Some laws must be passed to help protect our environment.
C. Some laws must be passed help to protect our environment.
D. Some laws must passed to help protect our environment. C. READING:
I. Read the following paragraph, then choose the correct verb form to fill in each blank.
When man first learned how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The first fuel he used was
probably wood. As time (1) ________, man eventual discovered that substances such as coal and oil (2) ________.
Coal (3) __________ very widely as a source of energy until the last century. With the coming of the industrial
revolution, it was soon realized that production (4) _________ if coal was used instead of wood. Nowadays. many
of the huge factories and electricity generating stations (5) _________ to function if there was no coal In the last
twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal (6) _________. As a result, there have been changes in the coal
industry. It (7) _________ that more people (8) _________ coal if oil and gas were not so readily available. There is
more than enough coal in the world for man's needs for the next two hundred years if our use of coal (9) _________.
Unfortunately, however, about half of the world's coal (10) _______. Mining much of it (11) _______ very expensive
even if it was possible to use new equipment. 1. A. passes B. used to pass C. would pass D. passed 2. A. are burning B. would burn C. have burnt D. were burnt 3. A. not used B. did not use C. not using D. was not used 4. A. doubles B. had doubled C. will double D. would double 5. A. were unable B. would be unable C. will be unable D. are unable 6 6. A. has declined B. will decline C. declines D. would decline 7. A. believed B. is believing C. believing D. is believed 8. A. would use B. used C. use D. will use 9. A. did not increase B. would not increase C. does not increase D. may not increase 10. A. would never use B. may never be used C. would never be used D. may never use 11. A. was B. used to be C. would be D. has been
II. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
We are all slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is so much smoke
in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world's cities. In one well-known city, for example, poisonous
gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks.
We have cut- down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result,
farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice. Moreover,
we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are quickly disappearing. For instant, tigers are rare
in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive. However, it isn't enough simply to talk about
the problem. We must act now before it is too late to do anything about it. Join us now. Save the Earth. This is too important to ignore.
1. The seas and rivers nowadays _____________. A. cannot be swum in
B. are less dirty than they used to be
C. are dirty enough to swim in D. are contaminated 2. Smoke _____________. A. is harmful to health B. is full of the big cities C. causes a healthy life
D. makes life in big cities difficult
3. In one well-known city, traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks _____________.
A. in order to protect themselves from being injured
B. because there are so many cars on the streets
C. in spite of poisonous gases D. because of air pollution
4. Why do farmers impart of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat?
A. Because many trees have been planted.
B. Because people cut down many trees.
C. Because there is too little rice.
D. Because there are large areas of land that can’t be used.
5. Wild animals are _____________. A. in danger of extinction
B. being protected from natural environment
C. killed so many that they cannot live in the forests
D. so rare that they cannot survive
6. What's the best title for the passage? A. Conservation B. Protect the Natures! C. The Environment D. Save the Earth!
III. Choose the words or phrases that best complete this passage.
Conservation is the (1) ________and preservation of natural resources, so that they can continue (2)
_________and enjoyed. In the past, most people believed that the world's (3) ___________could never be used
up. Today, we know that (4) __________ is not true. An important part of conservation is the (5) ________of waste
- waste of forests, soil, wild-life, (6) __________ and human lives. As important is the fight (7) __________ pollution
of our (8) __________, in particular, the dirtying and poisoning of air and water. Conservation is (9) __________
concerned with the reclaiming of land by (10) __________ deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea. 1. A. destruction B. safeguarding C. prevention D. damage 2. A. to use B. being used C. to be used D. used 3. A. resources B. supplies C. gases D. property 4. A. which B. this C. that D. there 5. A. circulation B. preservation C. prevention D. defense 6. A. gases B. coals C. diamonds D. minerals 7. A. for B. against C. to D. on 7 8. A. neighborhood B. surroundings C. environment D. Earth 9. A. also B. only C. enough D. as well 10. A. widening B. using C. irrigating D. preserving
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
We all want to live in a clean and green world and breathe pollution free air. For this kind of environment,
we desperately need a fossil fuel free world. Scientists are toiling hard to come up (1) ______ alternative fuels
which can replace conventional fuels. One such study was presented at the 237th National Meeting of the
American Chemical Society. This study throws interesting light on the first economical, eco-friendly process to (2)
______ algae oil into biodiesel fuel. The scientists are quite hopeful that one day America will become independent
(3) ______ fossil fuels. Ben Wen is the (4) ______ researcher and vice president of United Environment and Energy
LLC, Horseheads, N.Y. According to him, “This is the first economical way to produce biodiesel from algae oil. It
costs much less than conventional processes because you would need a much smaller factory, there (5) ______ no
water disposal costs, and the process is considerably faster.” Question 1: A. to B. against C. with D. for Question 2: A. adapt B. transform C. modify D. alter Question 3: A. on B. from C. with D. of Question 4: A. lead B. top C. summit D. peak Question 5: A. were B. are C. had D. have
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best first each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)________. Many species of
animals are threatened, and could easily become (2)________ if we do not make an effort to protect them. In
some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots,
are caught (3)________and sold as pets. For many animals and birds the problem is that their habitat - the place
where they live - is disappearing. More land is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open
spaces than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them to grow better crops, but these
chemicals pollute the environment and (4)________ wildlife. The most successful animals on earth - human beings
- will soon be the only ones (5)________, unless we can solve this problem. Question 1: A. threat B. problem C. danger D. vanishing Question 2: A. disappeared B. vanished C. extinct D. empty Question 3: A. for life B. alive C. lively D. for living Question 4: A. spoil B. wound C. wrong D. harm Question 5: A. left B. over C. staying D. survive
VI. Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
Conservation, sustainable use and protection of (1)_______resources including plants, animals, mineral
deposits, soils, clean (2) ____, clean air, and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Natural (3) ______
are grouped into two categories, renewable and nonrenewable. A (4)_____ resource is one that may be replaced
over time by natural processes, (5)______ fish populations or natural vegetation, or is inexhaustible, such as
(6)______ energy. The goal of renewable resource conservation is to ensure (7)______ such resources are not
consumed faster than they are (8)______. Nonrenewable resources are those in limited supply that cannot be
replaced (9)______ can be replaced only over extremely long (10)______ of time. Nonrenewable resources include
fossil fuels and mineral deposits, such as (11)______ ore and gold ore. Conservation activities for nonrenewable
resources focus (12)______ maintaining an adequate supply of these resources well into the future. Natural
resources are conserved for their biological, economic, and recreational values, (13)______ their natural beauty
and importance to local cultures. (14) _____, tropical rain forests are protected for their important role in both 8
global ecology and the economic livelihood of the local culture; a coral reef may be (15)_____ for its recreational
value for scuba divers; and a scenic river may be protected for its natural beauty. . A. national B. international C. natural D. lively . A. lakes B. stones C. sand D. water . A. resources B. gases C. fuels D. plants . A. renewable B. nonrenewable C. new D. modern . A. such B. such a C. as D. like . A. solar B. earthly C. lunar D. polar . A. it B. which C. that D. what . A. installed B. put C. placed D. replaced . A. and B. but C. or D. so . A. ways B. periods C. spaces D. steps . A. iron B. water C. metal D. gold . A. in B. on C. at D. by . A. like B. also C. and D. as well as . A. However B. Nevertheless C. For example D. In fact . A. killed B. protected C. fed D. left
VII. Read the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer: Conservation conflicts
arise when natural-resource shortages develop in the face of steadily increasing
demands from a growing human population. Controversy frequently surrounds how a resource should be used, or
allocated, and for whom. For example, a river may supply water for agricultural irrigation, habitat for fish, and
water-generated electricity for a factory. Farmers, fishers, and industry leaders vie for unrestricted access to this
river, but such freedom could destroy the resource, and conservation methods are necessary to protect the river for future use.
Conflicts worsen when a natural resource crosses political boundaries. For example, the headwaters, or
source, of a major river may be located in a different country than the country through which the river flows. There
is no guarantee that the river source will be protected to accommodate resource needs downstream. In addition,
the way in which one natural resource is managed has a direct effect upon other natural resources. Cutting down
a forest near a river, for instance, increases erosion, the wearing away of topsoil, and can lead to flooding. Eroded
soil and silt cloud the river and adversely affect many organisms such as fish and important aquatic plants that
require clean, clear freshwater for survival. New vocabulary:
- controversy (n.): sự tranh luận, sự tranh cải
- to allocate (v.): chỉ định; cấp cho; phân phối
- to vie (v.): ganh đua, thi đua
- headwater (n.): thượng nguồn, thượng lưư; (pl.) nước nguồn
- silt (n.): bùn, phù sa; (adj.): đầy bùn
- adverse (adj.): đối nghịch; bất lợi
1/ What does “arise” in line 1 mean? A. stand up B. sit up C. get up D. spring up
2/ What does “supply” in line 4 mean? A. cover B. provide C. make up for D. compensate for
3/ What does “methods” in line 7 mean? A. plans B. orders C. ways D. structures
4/ Which word in the reading means “a promise that something will be done or will happen, especially a written
promise by a company to repair or change a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time”? A. guarantee B. shortage C. population D. habitat 9
5/ Which word in the reading means “living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water”? A. necessary B. major C. fresh D. aquatic 6/ When do conflicts decline?
A. when natural-resource shortages increase in the features of gradually increasing demands from a rising human population
B. when a natural resource crosses political borders
C. when freedom could destroy the resource
D. when eroded soil and silt cloud affect many organisms
7/ What may bring water to agricultural irrigation? A. a river B. topsoil C. erosion D. a forest
8/ Which sentence below is not correct?
A. Argument often surrounds how a source should be used, or allocated, and for whom.
B. A river may provide water for agricultural irrigation, habitat for fish, and water-generated electricity for a factory.
C. Conservation methods are incidental to care for the river for future use.
D. Farmers, fishers, and industry leaders vie for open access to this river.
9/ Which sentence below is true?
A. Conflicts improve when a natural resource crosses political borders.
B. The source of a main river may be located in the country through which the river flows than a different country.
C. There is assurance that the river source will be confined to provide accommodation for resource needs downstream.
D. The way where one ordinary source is managed has a direct effect upon other ordinary sources.
10/ What is the passage above mainly about? A. Natural-resource shortages B. Agricultural irrigation
C. The headwaters of a major river D. Conservation conflicts
VIII. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
We know that every year less than 100 people are attacked by sharks and about 5 to 10 of these people die.
But, let’s look at the other side of the story – How many sharks do people kill? Well, I think you already know this:
People kill many more sharks. Every year, people hunt and kill thousands of sharks. One reason people kill sharks
is for sport; they hunt them just for fun. Some people started to have contests to see who kill the most sharks or
he bigger sharks. Another reason that people kill sharks is for food. In some countries, such as the United States
and Great Britain, shark meat is a popular food. In other countries, such as China, people use shark fins to make
soup. Because so many people like to eat shark, fishing boats catch a lot of sharks to sell for food.
So, for both of these reasons, people are killing many sharks. Some biologists are getting worried that the
number of sharks is getting too small. That’s why many biologists think we should stop killing so many sharks, and
instead try to protect them – or else some day they may all be gone. Some countries have already passed some
laws to help protect sharks. The United States, for example, has passed laws that limit the number of sharks that
people can kill or food or for sport. So even though some people like to hunt sharks, we do need to protect them.
1. How many sharks are hunted and killed every year? A. one hundred B. many C. five to ten D. thousands
2. People want to kill sharks because _____________ A. they are afraid of sharks
B. shark meat is a popular food
C. they get their enjoyment from killing sharks. D. b and c are correct.
3. The number of sharks in the world is _____________
A. getting worried by some biologists. B. being killed 10 C. getting bigger D. getting smaller.
4. Why do billowing wants to protect sharks?
A. Because they want to learn more about sharks.
B. Because they are afraid some days sharks may no longer exist.
C. Because of the number of sharks that were killed
D. Because shark fins can be used in medicine.
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A. People like to hunt sharks.
B. Laws have been passed in sharks’ defence.
C. The governments prohibited people from killing sharks.
D. People are killing many sharks for some reasons.
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7
Pollution emitted in industrial areas represents a threat to human health and the surrounding natural
resources. We have a tendency to believe that the production processes are the only source of environmental
damage, and often forget about the possible long-term effects of harmful production practices. We may think that
the closure of these huge industrial areas would improve the quality of the environment. Unfortunately, this
ignores the threat of the remaining waste, which is abandoned and poorly stored. It represents an even bigger danger because stands it
neglected as it degrades and leaks into the earth without any control at all.
Changes in the water chemistry due to surface water contamination can affect all levels of an ecosystem.
It can affect the health of lower food chain organisms and, consequently, the availability of food up through the
food chain. It can damage the health of wetlands and damage their ability to support healthy ecosystems, control
flooding, and filter pollutants from storm water runoff. The health of animals and humans are affected when they
drink or bathe in contaminated water. In addition water-based organisms, like fish and shellfish, can pile up and
concentrate contaminants in their bodies. When other animals or humans eat these organisms, they receive a
much higher dose of contaminant than they would have if they had been directly exposed to the original contamination.
Contaminated groundwater can badly affect animals, plants and humans if it is removed from the ground
by manmade or natural processes. Depending on the study of rocks of the area, groundwater may rise to the
surface through springs or seeps, flow sideways into nearby rivers, streams, or ponds, or sink deeper into the earth.
In many parts of fhe world, groundwater is pumped out of the ground to be used for drinking, bathing, other
household uses, agriculture, and industry.
Contaminants in the soil can harm plants when they take up the contamination through their roots. Eating,
breathing in, or touching contaminated soil, as well as eating plants or animals that have piled up soil contaminants
can badly affect the health of humans and animals.
Air pollution can cause breathing-related problems and other bad health effects as contaminants are
absorbed from the lungs into other parts of the body. Certain air contaminants can also harm animals and humans
when they contact the skin. Plants rely on breathing for their growth and can also be affected by exposure to
contaminants moved in the air.
Question 1: What is the topic of the passage?
A. Sources of environmental damage
B. The pollution from the city
C. Bad effects of industrial waste
D. The quality of the environment
Question 2: According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as______.
A. a danger to the environment
B. the only source of pollution
C. the utmost harmful activity D. a threat to human health
Question 3: The word “it” in the first paragraph refers to______. A. the remaining waste B. a danger C. the environment
D. the threat of the remaining waste 11
Question 4: Which of the followings affect an ecosystem as the whole?
A. Surface water contamination B. Soil contamination C. Groundwater contamination D. Air contamination
Question 5: According to the passage, which of the followings supports healthy ecosystems? A. Lower food chain organisms B. Animals
C. Water-based organisms D. Wetlands
Question 6: Which of the followings is NOT badly affected by contaminated groundwater? A. Human B. Plants C. Rocks D. Animals
Question 7: Which of the followings is the flow of water from the ground to the surface? A. Streams B. Ponds C. Rivers D. Springs
Question 8: Which of the followings has the closest meaning to the word “absorbed” in the last paragraph? A. Consumed B. Taken in C. Swallowed D. Piled up 12