Đề cương học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11 | Global Success

Đề cương giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 11 năm 2023 được sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề luyện thi tiếng Anh gồm nhiều dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 11 khác nhau.

Đề cương học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11 sách Global Success
Exercise 1.Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. genius
B. gorilla
C. global
D. gases
2. A. pollution
B. poaching
C. pesticide
D. physical
3. A. warming
B. warn
C. walk
D. wasn't
4. A. floor
B. flood
C. moorland
D. door
5. A. increase
B. release
C. please
D. grease
Đáp án
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C
Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others
6. A. campaign
B. global
C. balance
D. carbon
7. A. natural
B. endangered
C. dangerous
D. habitat
8. A. rainforest
B. tropical
C. discover
D. animal
9. A. pollution
B. continue
C. enormous
D. disappear
10. A. devastated
B. environment
C. diversity
D. ecology .
Exercise 3. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences
11. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human
expansion of the green house . .
A. causes B. effect C. gas D. damage
12. China and the US emit the most in the world.
A. carbon dioxide B. water C. fossil fuels D. vapor
13. Climate change causes heatwaves, rising surface temperatures and .
A. sea levels B. ozone layer depletion C. floods D. gases
14. Switching to eco light bulb is one way to protect the environment.
A. energy-wasting B. energy-expending C. energy-lacking D. energy-saving
15. In Singapore, people try to 80% of all waste.
A. reprocess B. reclaim C. recycle D. reuse
16. We need to act quickly to to climate change, or it will be a disaster for the whole
A. adapt B. go back C. reverse D. transit
17. Last Sunday, the Youth Union a campaign to collect rubbish in the neighborhood.
A. has launched , B. launched C. was launched D. was launching
18. I to help students at a special school twice since I finished grade 11.
A. have volunteered B. had volunteered C. was volunteering D. volunteered
19. Don't forget to do the homework, ?
A. would you B. could you C. can you D. will you
20. You have to wear uniform when going to work, ?
A. haven't we B. have you C. do you D. don't you
21. We are supposed to submit the assignment by Friday, ?
A. don't we B. are we C. aren't we D. do we
22. I wish that dog would stop . It’s driving me mad.
A. bark B. barking C. being barked D. to bark
23. Carol’s parents always encouraged her hard at school.
A. being studied B. study C. studying D. to study
24. He will call me he arrives in HCM City.
A. while B. during C. as soon as D. by
25. I to the cinema if I free now.
A. would go/ were B. went/ would be C. will go/ were D. will go/ am
26. Eat your vegetables. They’ll you good.
A. make B. get C. have D. do
27. The key to losing weight is to more exercise.
A. get B. make C. go D. create
28. You should try to an alternative to all those sugary snacks you eat.
A. make B. find C. take D. do
29. We do our homework everyday as our teachers will punish those who don’t.
A. must B. should C. have to D. can
30. The children spend too much time playing computer games.
A. mustn't B. ought to not C. shouldn't D. Both B and C
31. The milk went within seven days from opening.
A. bad B. badly C. best D. well
32. This perfume amazing. I’ll buy it for my mum’s birthday.
A. feels B. sounds C. looks D. smells
33. Many of my classmates are to help our community recycle goods.
A. bored B. hard C. happy D. sorry
34. My teacher always gives me advice suitable career in the future.
A. choosing B. to choose C. choose D. not to choose
35. During twentieth century, population of world grew from 1.65 billion to 6
A. Ø-the-the B. the-the -the C. Ø-a-the D. the-a-the
36. biggest problem that megacities have is how to provide food and water for
their inhabitants.
A. Ø-the-the B. The-the-the C. The-a-Ø D. The-Ø-Ø
37. Todd Endris, lived next to the beach, was out on his surfboard.
A. that B. whom C. who D. which
38. The book my father bought me yesterday is about Planet Earth.
A. that B. what C. ,which D. whose
39. Who are those people getting help ?
A. to B. from C. of D. for
40. These situations are very difficult to deal .
A. about B. at C. for D. with
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
41. Humans will enjoy longer life expectancy when they are more conscious of what they eat and do.
A. aware of B. capable of C. responsible for D. suitable for
42. Consuming nuts can boost your heart health and lifespan.
A. Eating B. Ingesting C. Inhaling D. Swallowing
43. Global warming is one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays.
A. causes B. factors C. concerns D. agreements
44. Land erosion is mainly caused by widespread deforestation.
A. afforestation B. reforestation C. logging D. lawn mowing
45. Most people admit that they contribute to global warming.
A. be partly responsible for B. disapprove C. neglect D. cause
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. I have followed a special diet and joined a fitness class for overweight people for over six
A. refused B. obeyed C. adhered to D. carried on
47. Her family totally supported her during her fight against obesity.
A. aided B. discouraged C. assisted D. promoted
48. Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming.
A. Shrinking B. Declining C. Decreasing D. Increasing
49. We should grow more trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide from the
A. emit B. take in C. consume D. cut off
50. Releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can lead to global warming.
A. result in B. result from C. cause D. activate
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
51. Jack's father advised him not eating fast food every
day. A B C D
52. I’m disappointed seeing the polluted river in our
city. A B C D
53. Climate change seems more seriously in the recent decades.
54. Poland, where is in central Europe, has a very diverse
climate. A B C D
55. It is the upcoming typhoon that I worry for.
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the
following exchanges.
56. Nam: What are the main health problems young people
face? Lan:
A. There are so many health problems these days.
B. Young people tend to eat a lot of convenience food.
C. Diabetes and obesity are the biggest threats to them
D. It is easy for young people to overcome their health problems.
57. Nam: What are the main threats to the environment
today? Lan:
A. Threats are possible dangers to the environment.
B. Probably deforestation and global warming.
C. Environmental pollution is a big issue for our planet.
D. We need a clean environment to live in.
58. Lan: How can ordinary people help protect the
environment? Nam:
A. What can ordinary people do to help the environment?
B. Environment really needs our help.
C. We may use environmentally-friendly products.
D. Both governments and individuals are to blame on.
59. Nam: What are the consequences of global
warming? Lan:
A. Global warming causes many consequences.
B. Consequences of global warming is catastrophic.
C. Icebergs melt and low-lying areas are flooded.
D. More trees are being cut down.
60. Lan: How can we help to fight
deforestation? Nam:
A. We may recycle paper and buy recycled paper products.
B. We may cut down trees at an alarming rate.
C. We should only cut branches of big trees.
D. We should set up animal ranches near forests.
Exercise 8. Choose the one option - A, B, C or D - that best completes the passage
We are probably all (61) at some point in our lives of not caring for the environment as
much as we should. Perhaps we drop litter without thinking, or cause (62) by using our cars
when it's not necessary. However, the real environmental (63) are those big businesses
which ignore the law. For many years now, (64) have attempted to protect
the environment by making businesses responsible for making sure that the chemical they use don't
add to the destruction of the environment.
The problem for businesses is that the (65) of the environment costs money, and businesses
will always try to (66) their costs if they can. Some of them do this by simply putting chemical
into rivers when they have finished with them, leading to the (67) of major
problems. Although government inspectors may try to catch them doing it, it can be very difficult
to get (68) that a particular business is responsible for an
environmental problem. lt really depends(69) not only the government but also businesses and
individuals as well. All people need to contribute to (70) the
(Source: Adapted from Laser B1+)
B. proud
C. sorry
D. tired
B. pollution
C. accidents
D. trouble
B. crimes
C. criminals
D. doers
B. politics
C. parties
D. residents
B. protection
C. destruction
B. raise
C. lower
D. save
B. creativity
C. creator
D. creature
B. proof
C. waterproof
D. prove
B. at
C. on
D. in
B. protect
C. protected
D. protection
Exercise 9. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers.
The costs and benefits of global warming will vary greatly from area to area. For moderate climate
change, the balance can be difficult to assess. But the larger the change in climate, the more
negative the consequences will become. Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier,
for most people. This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the
climate we now have. People in some temperate zones may benefit from milder winters, more
abundant rainfall, and expanding crop production zones. But people in other areas will suffer from
increased heat waves, coastal erosion, rising sea level, more erratic rainfall, and droughts.
The crops, natural vegetation, and domesticated and wild animals (including seafood) that sustain
people in a given area may be unable to adapt to local or regional changes in climate. The ranges of
diseases and insect pests that are limited by temperature may expand, if other environmental
conditions are also favorable.
In its summary report on the impacts of climate change, the Intergovernmental panel on Climate
Change stated, "Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage
costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time."
(Source: Adapted from the National Assessment Report by the U.S. Global
Research Program)
71. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Environment pollution is real. B. Reasons why low-lying areas are flooded.
C. Solutions to global warming. D. Reasons why global warming is a
problem. 72 which of the following is TRUE as the result of global warming?
A. All people suffer from global warming. B. All people benefit from global warming.
C. Life is more difficult for the majority of people. D. Life is easier for most
people. 73 In paragraph 1, the word "this" refers to .
A. harder life as a result of global warming B. easier life as a result of global warming
C. climate change on global scale D. flood in low-lying areas
74. In paragraph 2, the word "erratic" is closest in meaning to
A. predictable B. unpredictable C. changeable D. unchangeable
75. According to the passage, all of the following are the results of global warming EXCEPT
A. higher temperature B. coastal erosion C. increasing sea level D. stable rainfall
Exercise 10. Give the correct form of the given words to complete each sentence.
76. White ant eggs soup, a (special) from Laos, is topped with baby ants and
tastes like squid apparently.
77. Mom won’t let me take egg sandwiches to school because they are too (smell) .
78. A sore arm from the (inject)
COVID-19 vaccination.
is one of the most common side effects of the
79. (Forest) and the use of fossil fuels cause climate change.
80. The biggest cause of global warming is carbon dioxide (emit) from coal
burning power plants.
81. Changing air conditioner filters (regular)
may save you up to $150 a year.
will save about 160 kilos of CO2 and
82. We should look for other ways to (generation) electricity, such as solar or
wind energy.
83. There are some (solve) to help us reduce global warming.
84. (Legal) loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
85. With the recent (technology)
methods to discover new medicines.
developments, scientists should use alternative
Exercise 11. Put the verb into the correct forms and tenses.
86. Mr. Clark ( work)____________in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
87. Your car looks very clean. (You/wash)____________it?
88. There’s nothing you can do about this situation, so it’s no use (worry) _________
about it.
89. I’m sorry. I meant (write)____________to you, but I’ve been busy.
90. Nothing went wrong, (do)____________it?
91. After Jessica (finish)____________her degree, she intends to work in her father’s
92. We'll go to the national park as long as the weather (be)____________good.
93. This soup isn’t very good. It would taste better if it____________(not/be) so salty.
94. I wish I (have)____________the money to buy some new clothes, but I can’t afford
any at the moment.
95. He wore glasses and false beard so that he____________(recognize)
Đáp án
86.Mr. Clark ( work)_______worked_____in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
87.Your car looks very clean. (You/wash)_____Have you washed_______it?
88.There’s nothing you can do about this situation, so it’s no use (worry)
____worrying_____ about it.
89.I’m sorry. I meant (write)_____to have written_______to you, but I’ve been busy.
90.Nothing went wrong, (do)_____did_______it?
91.After Jessica (finish)_____finishes_______her degree, she intends to work in her
father’s company.
92.We'll go to the national park as long as the weather (be)_______is_____good.
93.This soup isn’t very good. It would taste better if it_____wasn’t_______(not/be) so
94.I wish I (have)_____had_______the money to buy some new clothes, but I can’t
afford any at the moment.
95.He wore glasses and false beard so that he_____wasn’t recognized_______(recognize)
Exercise 12. Use the hints or provided words to rewrite the sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the original one.
96. I began learning French 3 years ago.
I have
97. My neighbor said he would call the police.
My neighbor threatened
98. Am I late?
I , ?
99. The dog will attack you only if you move suddenly. (UNLESS)
The dog
100. The wind is blowing hard, so I won’t take the boat out for a ride
101. I’m allergic to nuts.
If only
102. She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed. (SO AS)
103. The students were excited when they heard that they had won the competition.
(use to-infinitive)
The students
104. That he decided to take part in the contest surprised all of us. (use the word
“decision” and to- infinitive )
105. We are able to slow down global warming. (use a Noun and to-infinitive )
We have
106. Felix Reeve is a journalist. His tape recorder was stolen. (use Relative clause)
107. A few days ago I met Diana. I hadn’t seen her for ages. (use Relative clause)
108. The house is empty now. I used to live there. (use Relative clause)
109. It would be a good idea for you to have a balanced diet to keep fit.
You ought
110. You are not allowed to leave the room without permission.
You must
Đáp án
96. I have learnt French for 3 years
My neighbor threatened to call the police.
98. I am late, aren’t I?
99. The dog won’t attack you unless you move suddenly.
100. If the wind were not blowing hard, I wouldn’t take the boat out for ride.
106. Felix Reeve is a journalist whose tape recorder was stolen.
107. A few days ago I met Diana whom I hadn’t seen for ages.
108. The house wwho I used to live is empty now.
109. You ought to have a balanced diet to keep fit.
110. You must not leave the room without permission.
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Đề cương học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11 sách Global Success I. PHONETICS
Exercise 1.Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. genius B. gorilla C. global D. gases 2. A. pollution B. poaching C. pesticide D. physical 3. A. warming B. warn C. walk D. wasn't 4. A. floor B. flood C. moorland D. door 5. A. increase B. release C. please D. grease Đáp án 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C
Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others 6. A. campaign B. global C. balance D. carbon 7. A. natural B. endangered C. dangerous D. habitat 8. A. rainforest B. tropical C. discover D. animal 9. A. pollution B. continue C. enormous D. disappear 10. A. devastated B. environment C. diversity D. ecology .
Exercise 3. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences
11. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human
expansion of the green house . . A. causes B. effect C. gas D. damage
12. China and the US emit the most in the world. A. carbon dioxide B. water C. fossil fuels D. vapor
13. Climate change causes heatwaves, rising surface temperatures and . A. sea levels
B. ozone layer depletion C. floods D. gases 14. Switching to
eco light bulb is one way to protect the environment. A. energy-wasting B. energy-expending C. energy-lacking D. energy-saving
15. In Singapore, people try to 80% of all waste. A. reprocess B. reclaim C. recycle D. reuse 16. We need to act quickly to
to climate change, or it will be a disaster for the whole planet. A. adapt B. go back C. reverse D. transit
17. Last Sunday, the Youth Union
a campaign to collect rubbish in the neighborhood. A. has launched , B. launched C. was launched D. was launching 18. I
to help students at a special school twice since I finished grade 11. A. have volunteered B. had volunteered C. was volunteering D. volunteered
19. Don't forget to do the homework, ? A. would you B. could you C. can you D. will you
20. You have to wear uniform when going to work, ? A. haven't we B. have you C. do you D. don't you
21. We are supposed to submit the assignment by Friday, ? A. don't we B. are we C. aren't we D. do we
22. I wish that dog would stop . It’s driving me mad. A. bark B. barking C. being barked D. to bark
23. Carol’s parents always encouraged her hard at school. A. being studied B. study C. studying D. to study 24. He will call me he arrives in HCM City. A. while B. during C. as soon as D. by 25. I to the cinema if I free now. A. would go/ were B. went/ would be C. will go/ were D. will go/ am
26. Eat your vegetables. They’ll you good. A. make B. get C. have D. do
27. The key to losing weight is to more exercise. A. get B. make C. go D. create 28. You should try to
an alternative to all those sugary snacks you eat. A. make B. find C. take D. do 29. We
do our homework everyday as our teachers will punish those who don’t. A. must B. should C. have to D. can 30. The children
spend too much time playing computer games. A. mustn't B. ought to not C. shouldn't D. Both B and C 31. The milk went
within seven days from opening. A. bad B. badly C. best D. well 32. This perfume
amazing. I’ll buy it for my mum’s birthday. A. feels B. sounds C. looks D. smells 33. Many of my classmates are
to help our community recycle goods. A. bored B. hard C. happy D. sorry
34. My teacher always gives me advice
suitable career in the future. A. choosing B. to choose C. choose D. not to choose 35. During twentieth century, population of
world grew from 1.65 billion to 6 billion. A. Ø-the-the B. the-the -the C. Ø-a-the D. the-a-the 36.
biggest problem that megacities have is how to provide food and water for their inhabitants. A. Ø-the-the B. The-the-the C. The-a-Ø D. The-Ø-Ø 37. Todd Endris,
lived next to the beach, was out on his surfboard. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 38. The book
my father bought me yesterday is about Planet Earth. A. that B. what C. ,which D. whose
39. Who are those people getting help ? A. to B. from C. of D. for
40. These situations are very difficult to deal . A. about B. at C. for D. with
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
41. Humans will enjoy longer life expectancy when they are more conscious of what they eat and do. A. aware of B. capable of C. responsible for D. suitable for
42. Consuming nuts can boost your heart health and lifespan. A. Eating B. Ingesting C. Inhaling D. Swallowing
43. Global warming is one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays. A. causes B. factors C. concerns D. agreements
44. Land erosion is mainly caused by widespread deforestation. A. afforestation B. reforestation C. logging D. lawn mowing
45. Most people admit that they contribute to global warming.
A. be partly responsible for B. disapprove C. neglect D. cause
Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
46. I have followed a special diet and joined a fitness class for overweight people for over six months. A. refused B. obeyed C. adhered to D. carried on
47. Her family totally supported her during her fight against obesity. A. aided B. discouraged C. assisted D. promoted
48. Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming. A. Shrinking B. Declining C. Decreasing D. Increasing
49. We should grow more trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A. emit B. take in C. consume D. cut off
50. Releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can lead to global warming. A. result in B. result from C. cause D. activate
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
51. Jack's father advised him not eating fast food every day. A B C D
52. I’m disappointed seeing the polluted river in our city. A B C D
53. Climate change seems more seriously in the recent decades. A B C D
54. Poland, where is in central Europe, has a very diverse climate. A B C D
55. It is the upcoming typhoon that I worry for. A B C D III. LANGUAGE FUNCTION
Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
56. Nam: What are the main health problems young people face? Lan:
A. There are so many health problems these days.
B. Young people tend to eat a lot of convenience food.
C. Diabetes and obesity are the biggest threats to them
D. It is easy for young people to overcome their health problems.
57. Nam: What are the main threats to the environment today? Lan:
A. Threats are possible dangers to the environment.
B. Probably deforestation and global warming.
C. Environmental pollution is a big issue for our planet.
D. We need a clean environment to live in.
58. Lan: How can ordinary people help protect the environment? Nam:
A. What can ordinary people do to help the environment?
B. Environment really needs our help.
C. We may use environmentally-friendly products.
D. Both governments and individuals are to blame on.
59. Nam: What are the consequences of global warming? Lan:
A. Global warming causes many consequences.
B. Consequences of global warming is catastrophic.
C. Icebergs melt and low-lying areas are flooded.
D. More trees are being cut down.
60. Lan: How can we help to fight deforestation? Nam:
A. We may recycle paper and buy recycled paper products.
B. We may cut down trees at an alarming rate.
C. We should only cut branches of big trees.
D. We should set up animal ranches near forests. IV. CLOZE TEXT
Exercise 8. Choose the one option - A, B, C or D - that best completes the passage ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME We are probably all (61)
at some point in our lives of not caring for the environment as
much as we should. Perhaps we drop litter without thinking, or cause (62) by using our cars
when it's not necessary. However, the real environmental (63) are those big businesses
which ignore the law. For many years now, (64) have attempted to protect
the environment by making businesses responsible for making sure that the chemical they use don't
add to the destruction of the environment.
The problem for businesses is that the (65)
of the environment costs money, and businesses
will always try to (66) their costs if they can. Some of them do this by simply putting chemical
into rivers when they have finished with them, leading to the (67) of major
problems. Although government inspectors may try to catch them doing it, it can be very difficult to get (68)
that a particular business is responsible for an
environmental problem. lt really depends(69)
not only the government but also businesses and
individuals as well. All people need to contribute to (70) the environment.
(Source: Adapted from Laser B1+) 61. A. guilty B. proud C. sorry D. tired 62. A. damage B. pollution C. accidents D. trouble 63. A. agents B. crimes C. criminals D. doers 64. A. politicians B. politics C. parties D. residents 65. A. production B. protection C. destruction D. deforestation 66. A. stabilize B. raise C. lower D. save 67. A. creation B. creativity C. creator D. creature 68. A. improvement B. proof C. waterproof D. prove 69. A. over B. at C. on D. in 70. A. protecting B. protect C. protected D. protection
Exercise 9. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers.
The costs and benefits of global warming will vary greatly from area to area. For moderate climate
change, the balance can be difficult to assess. But the larger the change in climate, the more
negative the consequences will become. Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier,
for most people. This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the
climate we now have. People in some temperate zones may benefit from milder winters, more
abundant rainfall, and expanding crop production zones. But people in other areas will suffer from
increased heat waves, coastal erosion, rising sea level, more erratic rainfall, and droughts.
The crops, natural vegetation, and domesticated and wild animals (including seafood) that sustain
people in a given area may be unable to adapt to local or regional changes in climate. The ranges of
diseases and insect pests that are limited by temperature may expand, if other environmental
conditions are also favorable.
In its summary report on the impacts of climate change, the Intergovernmental panel on Climate
Change stated, "Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage
costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time."
(Source: Adapted from the National Assessment Report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program)
71. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Environment pollution is real.
B. Reasons why low-lying areas are flooded.
C. Solutions to global warming.
D. Reasons why global warming is a
problem. 72 which of the following is TRUE as the result of global warming?
A. All people suffer from global warming.
B. All people benefit from global warming.
C. Life is more difficult for the majority of people. D. Life is easier for most
people. 73 In paragraph 1, the word "this" refers to .
A. harder life as a result of global warming
B. easier life as a result of global warming
C. climate change on global scale D. flood in low-lying areas
74. In paragraph 2, the word "erratic" is closest in meaning to A. predictable B. unpredictable C. changeable D. unchangeable
75. According to the passage, all of the following are the results of global warming EXCEPT A. higher temperature B. coastal erosion C. increasing sea level D. stable rainfall PHẦN TỰ LUẬN VI. WORD FORMATION
Exercise 10. Give the correct form of the given words to complete each sentence.
76. White ant eggs soup, a (special)
from Laos, is topped with baby ants and tastes like squid apparently.
77. Mom won’t let me take egg sandwiches to school because they are too (smell) .
78. A sore arm from the (inject)
is one of the most common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination. 79. (Forest)
and the use of fossil fuels cause climate change.
80. The biggest cause of global warming is carbon dioxide (emit) from coal burning power plants.
81. Changing air conditioner filters (regular) will save ab out 160 kilos of CO2 and
may save you up to $150 a year.
82. We should look for other ways to (generation) electricity, such as solar or wind energy. 83. There are some (solve)
to help us reduce global warming. 84. (Legal)
loggers started to invade their land and destroy the forest.
85. With the recent (technology) develop
ments, scientists should use alternative
methods to discover new medicines.
Exercise 11. Put the verb into the correct forms and tenses.
86. Mr. Clark ( work)____________in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
87. Your car looks very clean. (You/wash)____________it?
88. There’s nothing you can do about this situation, so it’s no use (worry) _________ about it.
89. I’m sorry. I meant (write)____________to you, but I’ve been busy.
90. Nothing went wrong, (do)____________it?
91. After Jessica (finish)____________her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.
92. We'll go to the national park as long as the weather (be)____________good.
93. This soup isn’t very good. It would taste better if it____________(not/be) so salty.
94. I wish I (have)____________the money to buy some new clothes, but I can’t afford any at the moment.
95. He wore glasses and false beard so that he____________(recognize) Đáp án
86.Mr. Clark ( work)_______worked_____in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
87.Your car looks very clean. (You/wash)_____Have you washed_______it?
88.There’s nothing you can do about this situation, so it’s no use (worry) ____worrying_____ about it.
89.I’m sorry. I meant (write)_____to have written_______to you, but I’ve been busy.
90.Nothing went wrong, (do)_____did_______it?
91.After Jessica (finish)_____finishes_______her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.
92.We'll go to the national park as long as the weather (be)_______is_____good.
93.This soup isn’t very good. It would taste better if it_____wasn’t_______(not/be) so salty.
94.I wish I (have)_____had_______the money to buy some new clothes, but I can’t afford any at the moment.
95.He wore glasses and false beard so that he_____wasn’t recognized_______(recognize)
Exercise 12. Use the hints or provided words to rewrite the sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the original one.
96. I began learning French 3 years ago. → I have
97. My neighbor said he would call the police. → My neighbor threatened 98. Am I late? → I , ?
99. The dog will attack you only if you move suddenly. (UNLESS) → The dog 100.
The wind is blowing hard, so I won’t take the boat out for a ride
→ If _______________________________________________________________ 101. I’m allergic to nuts. → If only 102.
She locked the door. She didn’t want to be disturbed. (SO AS) → She 103.
The students were excited when they heard that they had won the competition. (use to-infinitive) → The students 104.
That he decided to take part in the contest surprised all of us. (use the word
“decision” and to- infinitive ) → 105.
We are able to slow down global warming. (use a Noun and to-infinitive ) → We have 106.
Felix Reeve is a journalist. His tape recorder was stolen. (use Relative clause) 107.
A few days ago I met Diana. I hadn’t seen her for ages. (use Relative clause) 108.
The house is empty now. I used to live there. (use Relative clause) → 109.
It would be a good idea for you to have a balanced diet to keep fit. → You ought 110.
You are not allowed to leave the room without permission. → You must Đáp án
96. I have learnt French for 3 years
97. My neighbor threatened to call the police. 98. I am late, aren’t I?
99. The dog won’t attack you unless you move suddenly.
100. If the wind were not blowing hard, I wouldn’t take the boat out for ride.
106. Felix Reeve is a journalist whose tape recorder was stolen.
107. A few days ago I met Diana whom I hadn’t seen for ages.
108. The house wwho I used to live is empty now.
109. You ought to have a balanced diet to keep fit.
110. You must not leave the room without permission.