Đề cương ôn tập HK1 Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2022-2023

Đề cương ôn tập HK1 Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2022-2023 được soạn dưới dạng file PDF gồm 15 trang giúp các bạn ôn tập, tham khảo và chuẩn bị tốt cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.

Trang 1
NĂM HỌC 2022-2023 HỌC I - MÔN: ANH 10
§ Theme: Family life, Humana and the environment, Music, For a better community, Inventions
§ Speaking:
Explaining why children should or shouldn’t do housework
Talking about ways to live green
Talking about TV shows
Talking about the benefits of volunteering activities
Talking about inventions and their uses
§ Listening: Listening for specific information
§ Pronunciation:
consonant blends: /br/, /kr/, /tr/, /kl/, /pl/, /gr/, /pr/
stress in two-syllable words
stress in two-syllable words with the same spelling
stress in three-syllable nouns
§ Writing:
Write about family routines
Write about ways to improve the environment
Write a blog about an experience at a music event
Write an application letter for volunteer work
Write about the benefits of an invention
§ Grammar:
Tenses review: Present Simple, Present Continuous, The Future with WILL and be going to,
Past Simple, Past Continuous with WHEN & WHILE, Present Perfect
The Passive
Adjectives of attitude: Ving/ Ved
Adjective suffixes: full, less
Compound sentences
Infinitives with TO and without TO
- Gerunds
Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. boost
B. food
C. flooded
D. cool
2. A. divide
B. breadwinner
C. routine
D. children
3. A. instrument
B. version
C. song
D. semi-final
4. A. moment
B. develop
C. suppose
D. groceries
5. A. eco-friendly
B. impact
C. electricity
D. recycle
6. A. festival
B. semi-final
C. media
D. comment
7. A. educational
B. equipment
C. electronic
D. benefit
8. A. eliminate
B. series
C. messaging
D. preferred
9. A. success
B. hopeless
B. endless
D. harmless
10. A. produce
B. reusable
C. sustainable
D. union
11. A. useful
B. introduce
C. community
D. volunteer
12. A. smartphone
B. improve
C. robot
D. control
Trang 2
13. A. distance
B. amaze
C. appreciate
14. A. emission
B. electricity
C. effect
15. A. housework
B. wrong
C. whenever
16. A. cycling
B. usually
C. heavy
17. A. hour
B. honest
C. household
18. A. costume
B. musical
C. instrument
19. A. charity
B. chance
C. choose
20. A. mobile
B. dimensional
C. invent
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
1. A. celebrate
B. national
C. appreciate
2. A. household
B. routine
C. strengthen
3. A. necessary
B. experience
C. spotlessly
4. A. together
B. respectively
C. traditional
5. A. adopt
B. improve
C. reduce
6. A. environmental
B. environment
C. sustainable
7. A. estimate
B. emisison
C. material
8. A. chemical
B. organic
C. energy
9. A. plastic
B. harmful
C. pollute
10. A. instrument
B. musical
C. teenager
11. A. participant
B. identify
C. audience
12. A. perform
B. attract
C. talented
13. A. ordinary
B. argument
C. organiser
14. A. volunteer
B. orphanage
C. confidence
15. A. donate
B. remote
C. item
16. A. various
B. deliver
C. gratitude
17. A. participate
B. community
C. experience
18. A. convenient
B. educational
C. equipment
19. A. control
B. distance
C. robot
20. A. customer
B. furniture
C. invention
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of the given word.
1. Sulphur dioxide is one of several ............................... that are released into the atmosphere. (pollute)
2. from the factory could be contaminating nearby wells. (pollute)
3. If something is .............................. , you can throw it away. (dispose)
4. Some farmers were ............................... animal carcasses in secret. (dispose)
5. If you can use something like a bag or a plate again, we call it ................................ (reuse)
6. We have collected waste for ................................in our school for more than ten years. (recycle)
7. I always keep a wastebasket in my bedroom for .............................. things like cans or paper. (recycle)
8. If you eat one apple a day you will lose ................................ build healthy bones, and prevent diseases
cancer. (weigh)
9. The most important thing in a competition is our ………………….. and
10. How many ………………….. are there in the competition? (compete)
11. The two sisters have always been … …………………..but they're also very ............................... of
other. (compete/support)
12. The fathers nowadays are not the only breadwinner in the family, and they get more
in housework and parenting. (involve)
13. Do you agree with the concept that everyone should have ............................... of opportunity?
14. They are not the only ............................... in the family, and they get more involved in housework and
Trang 3
parenting. (breadwinning)
15. Daily exercise and weight control are key to staying .............................. (health)
16. That solar power plant isn’t supplying our ................................with enough energy. (commune)
17. Mrs Brown does not do many ................................ duties, she just shops for groceries. (house)
18. Housework has ................................ been regarded as women’s work. (tradition)
19. The school uses a combination of modern and ................................ methods for teaching reading.
20. Thanks to her advices, I can overcome ................................ in my life. (difficult)
21. These students take care of the old and the sick ................................ and I appreciate this. (volunteer)
22. The work of the charity is funded by ................................ donations. (volunteer)
23. Nowadays nearly every university in Viet Nam has a ................................ group. (voluntarily)
24. If you become one of the ............................... at our school, you will find that it is difficult job but you
will have valuable first hand experience. (volunteer)
25. By bringing ............................... to other people, you will be happy, too. (happy)
26. One area that the organization particularly focuses on is ................................(educate)
27. The purpose of this program is to provide education for homeless and ................................ children.
28. If you’re too trusting, other people will take ............................... of you. (advantaged)
29. The new law allow school districts to spent more money on less ............................... children.
30. Music can communicate the musician's or composer's ................................. (emotional)
31. The aim of the show is to find a ............................... who will get a big sum of money. (win)
32. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide a person ............................... to the atmosphere.
33. A voluntary funded agency, UNICEF relies on ................................ from governments and private
( contribute)
34. Husband and wife should have a similar role. They should share housework, .............................. ,
homemaking, financial burden. (parent)
35. A ............................... is a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a job. (music)
36. Which is the most popular ………………….. instrument in Vietnam? (music)
37. Our recent ............................... in medicine is the development of laser in treating cancer. (achieve)
38. Van Cao is one of the most well-known ................................ in Vietnam. (compose)
39. He .............................. all his life to helping the poor and the lonely. (dedication)
40. She is ............................... her job at the charity centre. She spends most of her free time there.
41. Hai has been working in ............................... areas for several years and finds it useful to help the
there. (remotely)
42. Children in remote and ............................... areas have poor living conditions. (mountain)
43. The World Cup is followed with ............................... interest around the globe. (passion)
44. No other ………………….. has been able to do as good as they did in their final …………………..
45. A ............................... can consist of one person or several and may take place anywhere and last for
length of time. (perform)
46. Chopin suffered from poor health since ............................... (child).
47. The minister is said to have been brought up in an ………………….. before being adopted by a
rich married couple. (orphan)
48. Please make yourselves ............................... while I get dinner ready. (comfort)
49. On this ............................... occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.
50. It’s hard to understand this article thoroughly because it is full of ............................... terms.
51. If you try to work effectively for one year, you will be able to get a… .......................... (promote)
Trang 4
apps,volunteers, community, donate, charity , inventions, remote, boost, advertisement,
experiences, generous, installed
52. In some parts of the world, people are still divided into different ................................ classes. (society)
53. Your son is rather uncommunicative. You should encourage him to ................................ more.
54. The final competition included the ............................... of three classes. (represent)
55. A small percentage of TV advertising include .............................. about local community activities.
56. The teacher’s comments are designed to help improve your …………………..
57. The company has decided to withdraw from some of its ............................... (sponsor)
58. A voluntary funded agency, UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private
………………….. (donate)
59. Organ… .......................... is allowing doctors to use an organ from your body after your death in order
save a sick person’s life. (donate)
60. Many local people give money as a ………………….. to the ................................ children in this area.
They are kind ............................... (donate, advantage, donate)
61. Carbon dioxide is a type of ................................ which is believed to be damaging our environment by
causing global warming. (emit)
62. Vaccination has been considered among the most important ................................ in medicine. (invent)
63. We are looking for camp helpers who are hard-working, ............................... , and able to organize
activities for young children. (energy)
64. We’re seeking for the ............................... musician to join our entertainment company. (talent)
65. The ............................... have to suffer from a serious physical or mental disability. (handicap)
66. Volunteers can work with many ............................... children who were harmed by Agent Orange in
childcare centers. (able)
67. I shall do the job to the best of my ............................... (able)
68. It is important that ................................ read the guidance before they apply (apply)
69. Mary wrote a letter of ............................... to Microsoft yesterday after seeing their advertisement in
morning. (apply)
70. Scientists are looking for an ............................... way to reduce energy consumption. (effect)
71. He department needs three more computers in order to work most ........................... effectively.
72. The Club has ................................many volunteering activities for all students to participate.
72. He has just found a job advertisement from a non-governmental ................................ (organize)
74. Nowadays more and more teenagers and young people are getting involved in …………………..
activities. (charitable)
75. You can now learn a new language in the ............................... of your own home. (convenient)
76. The most ............................... design will be awarded a prize. (innovate)
77. Do you feel ............................... about the result? - Yes, I think I performed well at the interview.
78. A digital camera is more ................................ than a film camera since you don’t have to buy rolls of
films. (economy)
Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word in the box.
1. If you don't have time to volunteer, you can. ......................... money and food.
2. .................................. have a chance to interact with new cultures, try new food, meet new people,
and speak new languages.
3. Volunteering has helped us gain life ......................... and find my sense of purpose in life.
Trang 5
4. Thanks to many .............................. donations, we are building many houses for poor people.
5. is a system of giving money, food, or help to those who are in need because they are
ill, poor, or homeless.
6. The ...................... allow students to communicate and learn at the same time.
7. There are many valuable and meaningful ...........................
8. Put an ................................... in the local paper to sell your house.
9. Comunity service can also. ............. our confidence and help us learn many useful skills.
10. They have just ...................... some interesting software on the school computers.
11. The learning conditions of children in some ................................... mountainous areas are really bad.
12. The local ................................... was shocked by the murders.
Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word in the box.
washing - up
enormous for
1. A is a person who manages a home and often raises children instead of earning
money from a job.
2. A is the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs.
3. In a food store, shop or supermarket, you can buy a lot of such as food and clothes.
4. There are a lot of dirty clothes and sheets in Tom’s room, so it’s time for him to do his
5. Traditionally, girls have to do which consists of cleaning plates, pans, glasses, forks,
etc. after a meal.
6. When I’ve done my _ which involve cleaning the floor and washing the curtain, I
will go out with my friends.
7. In my family, everyone the household duties. My mother cooks, my father cleans,
my sister does all the laundry and I do the washing - up.
8. In many cultures, a father is the breadwinner, who is responsible the family finances.
9. A variety of people do not realize the benefits of joining hands to do housework in
a family.
10. At school, Jack is very time with them.
with his teachers and friends. He likes to meet and spend
Exercise 4: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word in the box.
1. There are many things you can do to become an ....................... person.
2. The two countries discussed important environmental ............................. at the meeting last week.
3. The aim of the program is to improve the environment and ……………..people to adopt a
greener lifestyle.
4. We shouldn’t throw away used household items. Instead, we can sort and ....................... them.
5. Turning off all electrical appliances when going out is an easy way to save …………….
6. Which of the following ........................... do you think teenagers should do to live green?
7. This small action can keep the environment clean and make it .................. for everyone.
8. There are some ways the children can do to .......................... the environment in their school.
9. Instead of using private vehicles such as car or motorbike, people should use public ............................ ,
walk or cycle as much as possible.
10. These simple activities can help… ................. carbon footprint and the impact on the environment.
Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Parents are recommended to collaborate with teachers in educating children.
part B. cooperate C. separate D. disagree
Trang 6
2. We always split the housework equally - my mom cooks, my dad cleans the house and I do the
washing- up.
join B. break C. share D. pick up
3. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties.
views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
4. In spite of poverty, we manage to raise our children properly.
give up B. go up C. make up D. bring up
5. Can you break down our expenses by month and by region?
to divide something into smaller parts.
to add something into bigger parts.
to divide something into bigger parts.
to fix something
6. Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.
shade B. situation C. trash D. transport
7. People should adopt green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources.
finish B. choose C. give up D. neglect
8. Global warming is one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays.
causes B. factor C. concerns D. agreements
9. But for your support, our band couldn’t have won the Grand Music competition.
show B. quiz C. contest D. tour
10. We’re seeking for the talented musician to join our entertainment company.
good B. famous C. great D. gifted
11. People emigrated to Germany and France in search of work.
to look for B. to vanish C. to recognize D. to agree
12. “Cindy”, which originated in North California, is a popular American folk song.
came from B. finished C. made D. recognized
13. Every month, the volunteer group go to remote and mountainous areas to help those in need.
empty B. faraway C. crowded D. poor
14. Mother Teresa devoted herself to caring for the sick and the poor.
spent B. contributed C. gave up D. dedicated
15. She never participates in any of our discussions, does she?
spent B. contributed C. take part in D. dedicated
16. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents.
brought up B. awake C. rose D. called up
17. An organization for Educational Development co-operated with our school to set up free English
classes for the poor in the area.
launched B. conducted C. established D. discovered
18. That homeless child would have died if we hadn't been able to find a suitable blood donor.
giver B. maker C.taker D. sender
19. A robot named Sophia can even communicate with people by using human language and expressing
keep B. from head to toe C.conceal D. talk to
20. A smartphone is too costly for him to even have a normal one.
economical B. expensive C. priceless D. valuable
Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. We must strike a balance between reckless spending and penny-pinching
a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same
a state that things are of equal weight or force
a state that things are of importance
a situation that things change frequently in amount
2. In my view, husbands should contribute to the household duties in order to reduce burden on their
minimise B. lower C. decrease D. increase
Trang 7
3. My husband willingly helps me do the chores at weekends so that I can have more time to relax.
eagerly B. reluctantly C. agreeably D. readily
4. When having days off, he always helps his wife tidy up the house.
clear up B. sort out C.arrange D. mess up
5. I’m trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat.
increase B. decrease C. reduce D. cut off
6. A committee has been set up to organize social events for the students.
established B. contributed C. introduce D. give out
7. We're seeking for the talented musician to join our entertainment company.
accomplished B. famous C. unskilled D. gifted
8. To have chance to enter the final round, you have to eliminate lots of competitors.
retain B. remove C. restrict D. reject
9. She was given a prize for her achievement in classical and traditional music.
success B. feat C. failure D. accomplishment
10. Chau van singing is an ancient form of Vietnamese performance art which combines singing and
modern B. primitive C. of long ago D. antique
11. Being one of the main characters of the Titanic, Jack Dawson is a young and generous adventurer.
lofty B. benevolent C. greedy D. beneficent
12. Volunteering also means getting to meet people with a similar passion.
alike B. identical C. common D. distinct
13. Fund raising for charity is a meaningful thing for everyone to do to help the community.
meaningless B. significant C. important D. considerate
14. For a cleaner and greener community, everyone should reduce the amount of trash and take care of
our environment.
look after B. take after C. look out for D. wipe out
15. Sadly, many non-disabled people have negative attitudes toward children with cognitive impairments
in developing countries.
helpless B. disappointing C. pessimistic D. positive
16. The theme of the upcoming conference is to remove barriers to create an inclusive and accessible
society for all.
abolish B. stick to C. get rid of D. keep
17. Even the best invention may have drawbacks. A laptop, for example, is expensive so many people
cannot afford it.
advantages B. disadvantages C. shortcomings D. weaknesses
18. Washing machine or vacuum cleaner can help you to save time while doing housework.
consume B. distribute C. spend D. waste
19. A digital camera is convenient as it is quick to view and delete as well as easy to transfer photos to a
harmful B. inexpensive C. uninteresting D. useless
20. Many people are afraid that computers with superhuman intelligence will destroy humanity.
awareness B. perception C. stupidity D. wisdom
Exercise 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb forms:
1. Bill decided (buy) .............................. a new car rather than a used one.
2. I really dislike (ask) ............................. personal question when I am on duty.
3. Gregory is a vegetarian. He .......................... (not/eat) meat.
4. I .......................... (1ook) for the manager. I can't find him anywhere.
5. We are successful because we .......................... (take) the time to talk to our customers.
6. John ........................... (deal) with all the enquiries about sales.
7. At the moment we .......................... (make) a training video for Siemens.
8. How long .......................... (she/study) German?
9. When ........................... (he/begin) to study Business Administration?
10. Who .......................... ( write ) the play Dancing at Lughnasa.
Trang 8
11. (you/visit) any museums when you were in Sofia
12. Henry has a perfect school record. He ........................... (not/be) sick this year.
13. Prices .......................... (go) up. Things are much more expensive this week
14. What .......................... (happen) to you. I waited all afternoon for you.
15. He ......................... already (go)......................... before I (come) ......................... there.
16. After my sister (wash)......................... her clothes she (begin) .......................... to study.
17. Bill ( work)......................... at the University for 40 years before he ( retire).........................
18. A: Oh. I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money.
B: Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry .......................... you some (I/lend).
19. A: I’ve got a headache. B: Have you? Wait there and. ................... an aspirin for you.( I/get)
20. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B ........................... the car (I/wash)
21. While I ......................... (have) a bath, someone ........................... (knock) on the door.
22. When I nearly reached the office, I suddenly ......................... (remember) I
(forget) to
turn off the gas stove.
23. Laura felt so tired that she .......................... fall) asleep on the sofa.
24. While Pat ......................... clean) the house, she ......................... (notice) a secret door behind
the wardrobe.
25. They had a good rest when all their guests .......................... (leave).
26. When .......................... you, last play) for the national team?
27. I .......................... (not, listen), so I missed what the teacher said.
28. It .......................... (rain) hard all day yesterday.
29. James ......................... (drive) home along a deserted street when he ......................... (see) a
strange animal.
30. The robbers ......................... (run) away by the time the police .......................... arrive).
31. I caught him (climb) ......................... over my wall. I asked him (explain) ........................... but he
(say) ......................... anything, so in the end I had (let) ......................... him (go) .........................
32. I'm not used to (drive) ........................... on the left.
33. It is pleasant (sit) ......................... by the fire at night and (hear) ......................... the wind
......................... outside.
............................ soups and porridges for him. I can't go on (waste. ........................... my best years.'
35. I remember (enter) ............................ the post office, but I forgot (post) ............................ the
letter, which is still in my briefcase.
36. Tell her (not be late) ............................. for school again.
37. The doctor persuaded the patient (stay). ............................ in hospital for 3 days more.
38. Mr. Smith encouraged his children (study) ............................. Chinese.
39. We watched the little girl (walk). ........................... across the street.
40. Though he often made his little sister (cry) ......................today he was made (cry) .......................... by
1. I (not hear) from him since he (disappear) two years ago.
2. This time yesterday they (sit) in the train on their way to Paris.
3. I came late to class. When I (enter) the teacher (write) something on
the blackboard.
4. She (get) into her shoes, (put) on her coat and (go) to the door.
5. When I (be) a child, I (want) to be a doctor.
6. At 4 p.m. yesterday? Well, I (work) in my office at that time.
7. The audience (listen) to everything he said last night.
8. Yesterday thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur
coats while the guests (dance)
9. Tom (not come) here tomorrow.
Trang 9
10. John (watch) TV at 8 last evening.
11. What you (do) when I (ring) you last night?
12. John (drive) that car ever since I (know) him.
13. Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
14. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games.
15. My brother (join) the army when he (be) young.
16. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work.
17. They think he (be) here last night.
18. Lien (not go) to the movie theater tomorrow. She (stay) at home and
watch TV.
19. He keeps (hope) and (pray) that things will get better.
20. I don't know why he avoids (meet) me.
21. The boy admitted (break) my ancient flower vase.
22. I promise (not tell) you a lie.
23. The students stopped (talk) when the teacher came in.
24. I'll try (not make) the same mistake again.
25. Would you mind (give) me a hand?
26. After (hear) the conditions, I decided (not enter) for the competition.
27. Your hair needs (cut) You'd better (have) it done
– unless you'd like me (have) a go at it for you.
28. The children prefer (watch) TV to (read)
29. It took me three days (find) out the old photograph.
30. Do you remember (read) about it? No, at that time I was too young (read) _
31. My brother is a stamp collector. He started (collect) stamps when he was 15 years old.
32. It's difficult (get) used to getting up early.
33. A strange man (watch) coming into your house at the time.
34. Trees (plan) since it stopped raining.
35. The house (build) _ two years ago.
36. We can't go along here because the road (repair) now.
37. We (wake) by a loud noise last night.
38. Today, many serious childhood diseases (can prevent) by early immunization.
39. Did they let you (use) your mobile phone at workplace?
40. The teacher made us (finish) all of these exercises before 5 p.m
Exercise 8: Circle the best answer
1. When I last saw him, he in London.
has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living
2. We Dorothy since last Saturday.
don’t see B. left C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen
3. The train half an hour ago.
has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left
4. Christopher Columbus American more than 500 years ago.
discovered B. has discovered
C. had discovered D. had been discovering
5. He fell down when he towards the church.
run B. runs C. was running D. had run
6. I’ll come and see you before I for the States.
leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave
7. John a book when I saw him.
is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading
8. Her brother in Canada at present.
working B. works C. is working D. work
9. Her father when she was a small girl.
dies B. died C. has died D. had died
Trang 10
10. Since , I have heard nothing from him.
he had left B. he left C. he has left D. he was left
11. Henry into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.
was going B. went C. has gone D. did go
12. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he dinner.
finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finishing
13. I from him since he two years ago.
hadn't heard; disappeared B. haven't heard; disappeared
C. didn't hear; has disappeared D. will not hear; disappears
14. I will tell John about it .
when I will see him this afternoon. B. when I see him this afternoon.
C. when I saw him this afternoon. D. after I had seen him this afternoon.
15. I have heard nothing from him since he school.
had left B. left C. has left D. leaves
16. He fell down while he towards the church.
run B. runs C. was running D. had run
17. Bill’s mother won’t let him go out with his friends .
when he finished his homework B. after he had finished his homework
C. once he finished his homework D. until he has finished his homework
18. Her academic performance has greatly improved since she her study methods.
will change B. changed C. was changing D. would change
19. You may not see how important your family is .
after you had lived far from home B. when you were living far from home
C. until you live far from home D. as soon as you lived far from home
20. The city has changed a lot since I last it.
visited B. would visit C. will visit D. visit
21. He will take the dog out for a walk .
as soon as he finished dinner B. as soon as he will finish
C. as soon as he has finished B. as soon as he was finishing
22. Ask her to come and see me .
when she finished her work B. when she has finished her work
C. after she had finished her work D. as soon as she was finishing her work.
Exercise 9: Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition.
1. This book contributes little ............... our understanding of the subject.
2. Children might benefit a lot ................ sharing housework with their parents.
3. Disabled people can’t communicate well ........................ others
4. It is unfair to state that a woman’s job is to look .............. everyone in the family and takes care
the house
5. There are many devices which are suitable ....................... teaching and studying.
6. It’s actually a lot of fun to learn ...................... educational apps.
7. I really care ...................... people with disabilities.
8. He and his wife shared a passion ................ classical music.
9. I haven’t made ................................. my mind yet.
10. This figure graduated .................... a very famous music school and devoted his life .................. arts.
11. Van Cao was remembered .......................... one of the most important musicians in VN.
12. The loser will be eliminated .......................... the contest.
13. It takes thousands of years for plastic waste to break down .................... small pieces.
14. The Volunteer Club was set ........................... shortly after the school was opened.
15. I knew about that job just .......................... chance
16. You can take the laptop ............................... you because it is small and light.
17. Modern devices can help you deal ........................... these issues easily.
18. Different courses have been prepared to provide students ............................ life skills.
19. Volunteering activities can help us come into contact ..................... other teenagers with similar
Trang 11
20. Volunteering has helped me gain life experiences and find my sense ……… purpose .............. life.
21. I would like to apply .................. the accountant position in your company.
22. The audience can vote .................. their favourite singer.
23. Scientists have been working very hard ……… search …….. new kinds of medicine to cure
cancer patients.
24. Music plays an important role ................. many fields of life.
25. Simple activities can help reduce your carbon footprint and your impact ............... the environment.
26. Too much CO2 can lead ............... pollution and other serious problems.
27. Do you have any plans ...................... your next advertising campaign?
28. Don’t leave your appliances …………. when they are not ................... use.
29. The government should raise people’s awareness .................... environmental protection.
30. Parents should encourage their kids to share housework ……… their own good as well as the good
of the whole family.
Exercise 10: Complete the sentences by choosing a word from the box.
amusing /
confusing / confused exciting / excited
terrified / terrifying
hopeful/hopeless meaningful/meaningless
1. he works very hard. It’s not .................. that he’s always tired.
2. I don’t have anything to do. I’m ……………. .
3. The teacher’s explanation was ........................... Most of the students didn’t understand it.
4. I’ve been working hard all day, and now I’m …………….
5. Tom is good at telling funny stories. He can be a very ....................... person.
6. I’m starting a new job next week. I’m very ....................... about it.
7. The lecture was ......................I fell asleep.
8. She was very ..................... to see him there.
9. It was a really ........................... experience. Everybody was shocked.
10. In the past, girls were often very ......................... when they stood in front of boys.
11. I promise I will spend a ........................ night tomorrow to help you finish the assignment.
12. He felt confused and ............................ after losing his job.
13. I am an excellent student and I feel very .......................... about my bright future.
14-15. Your job is very ………… …… I also want to do something .......................... for our society.
Exercise 11: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
1. Mommy, someone are calling me from an unknown number. I won’t answer it.
2. My alarm rings at 6 o’clock every morning. Therefore, I always went to school on time.
3. We can’t play golf. It rains hard outside.
4. Ms. Lien is so kind that she is donating thousands of pounds to charity twice yearly.
5. Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical treatment in the world.
6. Many fatal accidents is caused by careless driving.
7. The practice of acupuncture is rooted in the idea of promoting harmony among humans and the
world around them.
8. Lan studied hard for the final test, but she passed with flying colours.
9. She’s counting her calories, so she really wants to eat dessert after meals.
10. Dogs are loyal pets, for they will never make you feeling betrayed.
11. We went to the Korean restaurant, so we found out it was closed early.
12. Don’t forget your passport, and you’ll have trouble checking in.
13. The lives of disadvantaged students are often very different for those of their more wealthy peers.
14. There are lots of amused ways to volunteer in the arts such as teaching, designing and assisting with
a variety of arts and crafts.
15. Mahatma Gandhi fought against the rights of poor people and women in India and became a hero
Trang 12
for millions of people.
16. While he and his wile Ali first went to Africa, they worked in a refugee camp for a month.
17. He worked in a big bank in London when suddenly he decided to leave this city to take part in
Volunteer Bolivia.
18. IBM is an artificial intelligence computer system and is used to answering questions posed in
natural language.
19. Vaccination has been used for a long time for prevent diseases.
1. 20. After a two- hour discussion, we decided expanding the car market in America the following
Exercise 12: Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays
the same.
1. Mike left the office before Ken arrived there.
àWhen ..................................................................................................................
2. I haven't been to the supermarket for three weeks.
àThe last time .......................................................................................................
3. We started working on this project a year ago.
àWe have ..............................................................................................................
4. During the English lesson, the lights went out.
5. How long have they lived in this neighborhood?
àWhen ................................................................................................................... ?
6. When you phoned Anne, it was her lunch time.
7. Just after finishing his homework, Joe turned on the TV.
àAs soon as .....................................................................................................
8. I was confused because the instructions were only in Spanish
à The instructions .................................................... ………………….
9. Does the project interest you ?
à Are you ........................................................................................ ?
10. Would you please do it for me?
à Would.........................................................................................
11. She crossed the road. I saw her
à I saw ………………………………………………………….
12. They sang a song. I heard them
à I heard ……………………………………………………….
13. The children are interested in going in the rain.
àThe children enjoy.....................................................................
14. Why don’t we go out for a meal tonight?
à I suggest ............................................................................................
15. It took her 2 hours to drive from London to Edinburgh.
à She spent ............................................................................................
16. My parents don’t allow me to play games on computer.
à My parents don’t let.......................................................................................
17. She doesn’t usually stay up so late.
àShe is not used ...................................................................................
18. My grandfather is very weak. He can’t lift the box.
à My grandfather is too ......................................................................
19. She was very stupid when she went out without a raincoat.
à It was very stupid of ...............................................................
20. They got out of the car.
à I watched them.....................................................................................
21. Somebody has robbed the bank near our house.
à The bank …………………………………………………
22. Somebody told me to wait outside.
Trang 13
à I …………………………………………………………….
23. They will complete the new high way from north to south next year.
à The new …………………………………………………….……
24. My aunt made this sweater for her son.
à This …………………………………………………….…………
25. My teacher asked me to be here at 10 am.
à I …………………………………………………….……………
26. Most students are frightened of speaking a foreign language
à Speaking a foreign language is ......................................................
27. The meeting was so boring that I almost fell asleep
à I ……………………………................. …………………..
28. The teacher found her pupil’s exam results disappointing
à The teacher was ………………………………………………
29. It is three months since he last attended a meeting.
àHe hasn’t…………………………………………………………
30. They consider acupuncture is very safe with enough precautions.
à Acupuncture is ………………………………………………………
Write complete sentences to use the given cues.
1. Nowadays / life skills / as / cook / clean / take care / others / really necessary / kids / when / grow up.
2. every two weeks / Saturday / we / often have / big party / all family members / and / clean /
house / together / after that.
3. live green, / we / recycle / used items / so that / protect / natural resources.
4. we / not drop litter / street / because / this / make / street / dirty / pollute / environment.
5. people / watch / Vietnam Idol / not only / see / participants / sing / but also / hear / comments / judges,
/ who / play / important role / competition.
6. last year, / festival / take place / big country park / we / have / chance / see / favourite idols / stage.
7. music festival / last night, / there / lot / exciting performances / many famous bands / singers / from all
/ world.
8. community service / not only / benefit / local area / but also / boost / confidence / and / help / learn /
many useful skills.
9. I / interested / community development projects / because / I / really care / life / people / community.
10. I / available / interview / any weekday / and I / start / work / whenever / need.
11. since / laptops / invent, / they / allow / study better / work faster.
Trang 14
12. computer programmes / help / customers / plan / holidays, / books / flights / hotels / answer
Complete the following conversation by circling the best answers.
1. Lan: Nam, do you think family routines are necessary?
Nam: Yes, each family should have some routines to help build strong family bonds.
A. I’m not sure that B. I strongly believe that C. I agree that D. I hope that
2. Lan: do you think teens should learn how to cook?
Nam: Well, they can learn to cook when they start their own families. As students, they
should spend all their time studying,
A. I suppose that B. I hope that C. I doubt that D. I agree that
3. Mai: I want to reduce my carbon footprint.
Lan: You should change your daily habits. For example, you should take shorter showers to save energy.
A. What should I do, Lan? B. How about the exam, Lan?
C. What do you have, Lan? D. How do I change my routine, Lan?
4. Tuan: Can you give me some advice about living green?
Minh: use more organic food because it’s good for your health and the environment.
A. I advise you to B. I want you to C. I tell you to D. I ask you to
5. Phong: Let’s go to the school concert on Saturday evening, Nam! Nam: . Where can we meet?
A. I’d love to B. I don’t feel like it C. I’m sorry D. What about you
6. Peter: we talk about the benefits of music in our next presentation? Mike: That’s a good
A. Let’s B. What about C. Why don’t D. How
7. Tom: Mai, do you still want to do volunteer work? We need more volunteers at the food bank
this Sunday.
Mai: Yes, I do. Helping people always makes me feel ......................... Who can I contact?
A. very excited B. very exciting C. a little bit stressed D. really disappointed
8. Kim: Van, our club needs more volunteers to receive and record donations. Do you have free
time to help?
Van: Yes, I do. I’m .................. When can I start?
A. a little stressed B. really interesting C. a bit confused D. very interested
9. Customer: I’m looking for a new smartphone. Do you have new models? Shop assistant: Of course,
but can you ........................................................................ about your needs first?
A. help ne know B. show me C. make me know D. let me know
10. Shop assistant: We have a lot of smartphones here. Please take a look. Customer: Hmm It's hard to
choose. one for me?
A. Can you advise B. Can you give one for me?
C. Can you recommend D. Can you tell
Reading the following passage then answer the questions by circling the letters A, B, C or D
Except for a few unfortunate individuals, no law in this world can go against the fact that for most of us
our family is an essential part of our lives. The moment you enter this cruel world, where each man is for
himself, there are some near and dear ones out there who will do anything to ensure your happiness.
We are nothing more than a vulnerable and fragile object, without someone taking care of us on our
arrival in this world. Despite all the odds, your family will take care of your well-being, and try their best to
provide you the greatest comforts in the world. No one out there, except your family must forgive the endless
number of mistakes you may make in your life. Apart from teaching you forgive and forget lessons, they are
always there for you, when you need them the most.
Trang 15
Family is the only place where children study a lot after school. In school, teachers teach children about
the subjects which will help them to find a good job in future. But at home, parents teach children about good
habits. They are not only the elements which help the children to shape their personalities but they also
prepare them a sustainable and bright future.
A good family makes a greater society. Father, mother, children have to work in order to build a strong
family. If any one of them fail, the whole family may collapse. The good name of the whole family can be
ruined by a single member of the family. In order to avoid that unhappy scenario, every family member has
to work hard and try their best. As a result, they will set good examples lor the whole society. Families
impacts very much on society and societies create countries.
Question 1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
Family is a vital part of your life.
We will effortlessly be damaged without our family.
Some laws in the world may oppose the functions ot family.
Not everyone has a family.
Question 2. In the writer's opinion, .
family creates some easily-spoilt creatures
it is not the function of the family to make sure we are happy
your family will be with you regardless of difficulties
people can be easily forgiven by people around
Question 3. To children, family plays a role in _ .
A. encouraging them to study a lot at school B. helping them to find a good job
C. developing their personal traits D. teaching them academic subjects
Question 4. The word "They" in the passage refers to .
A. children B. good habits C. parents D. teachers
Question 5. The word "ruined" in the passage is closest in meaning to .
A. saved B. destroyed C. constructed D. built
Question 6. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. family and society B. The importance of family
C. Educational role of family D. The birth of fragile object
Read the passage and fill in the numbered blanks to complete it.
English is a very useful language. If we ...(1)... English, we can go to any countries we like. We will not
find it hard to make people understand. ...(2)... we want to say. English also helps us to learn all kinds of
...(3)... . Hundreds of books are written in English every day in ...(4)... countries. English has also helped
us to spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the world. Therefore, the English ...(5). has helped to
spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the world.
Question 1: A. want
B. do
C. work
D. know
Question 2: A.
B. what
C. who
D. when
Question 3: A.
B. friends
C. subjects
D. teachers
Question 4: A. a
B. the
C. many
D. much
Question 5: A.
B. knowledge
C. countries
D. language
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Preview text:

§ Theme: Family life, Humana and the environment, Music, For a better community, Inventions § Speaking: -
Explaining why children should or shouldn’t do housework -
Talking about ways to live green - Talking about TV shows -
Talking about the benefits of volunteering activities -
Talking about inventions and their uses
§ Listening: Listening for specific information § Pronunciation: -
consonant blends: /br/, /kr/, /tr/, /kl/, /pl/, /gr/, /pr/ - stress in two-syllable words -
stress in two-syllable words with the same spelling -
stress in three-syllable nouns § Writing: - Write about family routines -
Write about ways to improve the environment -
Write a blog about an experience at a music event -
Write an application letter for volunteer work -
Write about the benefits of an invention § Grammar: -
Tenses review: Present Simple, Present Continuous, The Future with WILL and be going to,
Past Simple, Past Continuous with WHEN & WHILE, Present Perfect - The Passive -
Adjectives of attitude: Ving/ Ved -
Adjective suffixes: full, less - Compound sentences -
Infinitives with TO and without TO - Gerunds B. PRACTICE TESTS I. PRONUNCIATION
Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1. A. boost B. food C. flooded D. cool 2. A. divide B. breadwinner C. routine D. children 3. A. instrument B. version C. song D. semi-final 4. A. moment B. develop C. suppose D. groceries 5. A. eco-friendly B. impact C. electricity D. recycle 6. A. festival B. semi-final C. media D. comment 7. A. educational B. equipment C. electronic D. benefit 8. A. eliminate B. series C. messaging D. preferred 9. A. success B. hopeless B. endless D. harmless 10. A. produce B. reusable C. sustainable D. union 11. A. useful B. introduce C. community D. volunteer 12. A. smartphone B. improve C. robot D. control Trang 1 13. A. distance B. amaze C. appreciate D. task 14. A. emission B. electricity C. effect D. reduce 15. A. housework B. wrong C. whenever D. wonderful 16. A. cycling B. usually C. heavy D. laundry 17. A. hour B. honest C. household D. exhausted 18. A. costume B. musical C. instrument D. musician 19. A. charity B. chance C. choose D. character 20. A. mobile B. dimensional C. invent D. decision
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
1. A. celebrate B. national C. appreciate D. benefit 2. A. household B. routine C. strengthen D. physics 3. A. necessary B. experience C. spotlessly D. interested 4. A. together B. respectively C. traditional D. equally 5. A. adopt B. improve C. reduce D. litter 6. A. environmental B. environment C. sustainable D. appliance 7. A. estimate B. emisison C. material D. recycle 8. A. chemical B. organic C. energy D. dangerous 9. A. plastic B. harmful C. pollute D. dirty 10. A. instrument B. musical C. teenager D. excited 11. A. participant B. identify C. audience D. eliminate 12. A. perform B. attract C. talented D. receive 13. A. ordinary B. argument C. organiser D. develop 14. A. volunteer B. orphanage C. confidence D. generous 15. A. donate B. remote C. item D. provide 16. A. various B. deliver C. gratitude D. suffering 17. A. participate B. community C. experience D. management 18. A. convenient B. educational C. equipment D. experiment 19. A. control B. distance C. robot D. measure 20. A. customer B. furniture C. invention D. century
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of the given word.
1. Sulphur dioxide is one of several ............................... that are released into the atmosphere. (pollute)
2. from the factory could be contaminating nearby wells. (pollute)
3. If something is .............................. , you can throw it away. (dispose)
4. Some farmers were ............................... animal carcasses in secret. (dispose)
5. If you can use something like a bag or a plate again, we call it ................................ (reuse)
6. We have collected waste for ................................in our school for more than ten years. (recycle)
7. I always keep a wastebasket in my bedroom for .............................. things like cans or paper. (recycle)
8. If you eat one apple a day you will lose ................................ build healthy bones, and prevent diseases like cancer. (weigh)
9. The most important thing in a competition is our ………………….. and (participate/ enjoy)
10. How many ………………….. are there in the competition? (compete)
11. The two sisters have always been … …………………..but they're also very ............................... of each
other. (compete/support)
12. The fathers nowadays are not the only breadwinner in the family, and they get more …………………..
in housework and parenting. (involve)
13. Do you agree with the concept that everyone should have ............................... of opportunity? (equal)
14. They are not the only ............................... in the family, and they get more involved in housework and Trang 2
parenting. (breadwinning)
15. Daily exercise and weight control are key to staying .............................. (health)
16. That solar power plant isn’t supplying our ................................with enough energy. (commune)
17. Mrs Brown does not do many ................................ duties, she just shops for groceries. (house)
18. Housework has ................................ been regarded as women’s work. (tradition)
19. The school uses a combination of modern and ................................ methods for teaching reading. (tradition)
20. Thanks to her advices, I can overcome ................................ in my life. (difficult)
21. These students take care of the old and the sick ................................ and I appreciate this. (volunteer)
22. The work of the charity is funded by ................................ donations. (volunteer)
23. Nowadays nearly every university in Viet Nam has a ................................ group. (voluntarily)
24. If you become one of the ............................... at our school, you will find that it is difficult job but you
will have valuable first hand experience. (volunteer)
25. By bringing ............................... to other people, you will be happy, too. (happy)
26. One area that the organization particularly focuses on is ................................(educate)
27. The purpose of this program is to provide education for homeless and ................................ children. (advantage)
28. If you’re too trusting, other people will take ............................... of you. (advantaged)
29. The new law allow school districts to spent more money on less ............................... children. (advantage)
30. Music can communicate the musician's or composer's ................................. (emotional)
31. The aim of the show is to find a ............................... who will get a big sum of money. (win)
32. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide a person ............................... to the atmosphere. (contribute)
33. A voluntary funded agency, UNICEF relies on ................................ from governments and private donors. ( contribute)
34. Husband and wife should have a similar role. They should share housework, .............................. ,
homemaking, financial burden. (parent)
35. A ............................... is a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a job. (music)
36. Which is the most popular ………………….. instrument in Vietnam? (music)
37. Our recent ............................... in medicine is the development of laser in treating cancer. (achieve)
38. Van Cao is one of the most well-known ................................ in Vietnam. (compose)
39. He .............................. all his life to helping the poor and the lonely. (dedication)
40. She is ............................... her job at the charity centre. She spends most of her free time there. (dedication)
41. Hai has been working in ............................... areas for several years and finds it useful to help the people there. (remotely)
42. Children in remote and ............................... areas have poor living conditions. (mountain)
43. The World Cup is followed with ............................... interest around the globe. (passion)
44. No other ………………….. has been able to do as good as they did in their final ………………….. (perform)
45. A ............................... can consist of one person or several and may take place anywhere and last for any
length of time. (perform)
46. Chopin suffered from poor health since ............................... (child).
47. The minister is said to have been brought up in an ………………….. before being adopted by a
rich married couple. (orphan)
48. Please make yourselves ............................... while I get dinner ready. (comfort)
49. On this ............................... occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association. (memory)
50. It’s hard to understand this article thoroughly because it is full of ............................... terms. (technique)
51. If you try to work effectively for one year, you will be able to get a… .......................... (promote) Trang 3
52. In some parts of the world, people are still divided into different ................................ classes. (society)
53. Your son is rather uncommunicative. You should encourage him to ................................ more. (society)
54. The final competition included the ............................... of three classes. (represent)
55. A small percentage of TV advertising include .............................. about local community activities. (announce)
56. The teacher’s comments are designed to help improve your ………………….. and………………….. (know/understand)
57. The company has decided to withdraw from some of its ............................... (sponsor)
58. A voluntary funded agency, UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private
………………….. (donate)
59. Organ… .......................... is allowing doctors to use an organ from your body after your death in order to
save a sick person’s life. (donate)
60. Many local people give money as a ………………….. to the ................................ children in this area.
They are kind ............................... (donate, advantage, donate)
61. Carbon dioxide is a type of ................................ which is believed to be damaging our environment by
causing global warming. (emit)
62. Vaccination has been considered among the most important ................................ in medicine. (invent)
63. We are looking for camp helpers who are hard-working, ............................... , and able to organize
activities for young children. (energy)
64. We’re seeking for the ............................... musician to join our entertainment company. (talent)
65. The ............................... have to suffer from a serious physical or mental disability. (handicap)
66. Volunteers can work with many ............................... children who were harmed by Agent Orange in childcare centers. (able)
67. I shall do the job to the best of my ............................... (able)
68. It is important that ................................ read the guidance before they apply (apply)
69. Mary wrote a letter of ............................... to Microsoft yesterday after seeing their advertisement in the morning. (apply)
70. Scientists are looking for an ............................... way to reduce energy consumption. (effect)
71. He department needs three more computers in order to work most ........................... effectively. (effect)
72. The Club has ................................many volunteering activities for all students to participate. (organize)
72. He has just found a job advertisement from a non-governmental ................................ (organize)
74. Nowadays more and more teenagers and young people are getting involved in ………………….. activities. (charitable)
75. You can now learn a new language in the ............................... of your own home. (convenient)
76. The most ............................... design will be awarded a prize. (innovate)
77. Do you feel ............................... about the result? - Yes, I think I performed well at the interview. (hope)
78. A digital camera is more ................................ than a film camera since you don’t have to buy rolls of films. (economy)
Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word in the box.
apps,volunteers, community, donate, charity , inventions, remote, boost, advertisement,
experiences, generous, installed
1. If you don't have time to volunteer, you can. ......................... money and food.
2. .................................. have a chance to interact with new cultures, try new food, meet new people, and speak new languages.
3. Volunteering has helped us gain life ......................... and find my sense of purpose in life. Trang 4
4. Thanks to many .............................. donations, we are building many houses for poor people.
5. is a system of giving money, food, or help to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or homeless.
6. The ...................... allow students to communicate and learn at the same time.
7. There are many valuable and meaningful ...........................
8. Put an ................................... in the local paper to sell your house.
9. Comunity service can also. ............. our confidence and help us learn many useful skills.
10. They have just ...................... some interesting software on the school computers.
11. The learning conditions of children in some ................................... mountainous areas are really bad.
12. The local ................................... was shocked by the murders.
Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word in the box. breadwinner groceries washing - up sociable laundry enormous for homemaker shares chores 1. A
is a person who manages a home and often raises children instead of earning money from a job. 2. A
is the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs.
3. In a food store, shop or supermarket, you can buy a lot of such as food and clothes.
4. There are a lot of dirty clothes and sheets in Tom’s room, so it’s time for him to do his
5. Traditionally, girls have to do
which consists of cleaning plates, pans, glasses, forks, etc. after a meal. 6. When I’ve done my _
which involve cleaning the floor and washing the curtain, I will go out with my friends. 7. In my family, everyone
the household duties. My mother cooks, my father cleans,
my sister does all the laundry and I do the washing - up.
8. In many cultures, a father is the breadwinner, who is responsible the family finances.
9. A variety of people do not realize the
benefits of joining hands to do housework in a family. 10. At school, Jack is very time with them.
with his teachers and friends. He likes to meet and spend
Exercise 4: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word in the box. encourag recycle reduce activities issues e transport improve eco-friendly energy safe
1. There are many things you can do to become an ....................... person.
2. The two countries discussed important environmental ............................. at the meeting last week.
3. The aim of the program is to improve the environment and ……………..people to adopt a greener lifestyle.
4. We shouldn’t throw away used household items. Instead, we can sort and ....................... them.
5. Turning off all electrical appliances when going out is an easy way to save …………….
6. Which of the following ........................... do you think teenagers should do to live green?
7. This small action can keep the environment clean and make it .................. for everyone.
8. There are some ways the children can do to .......................... the environment in their school.
9. Instead of using private vehicles such as car or motorbike, people should use public ............................ ,
walk or cycle as much as possible.
10. These simple activities can help… ................. carbon footprint and the impact on the environment.
Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Parents are recommended to collaborate with teachers in educating children. A. part B. cooperate C. separate D. disagree Trang 5
2. We always split the housework equally - my mom cooks, my dad cleans the house and I do the washing- up. A. join B. break C. share D. pick up
3. It is advisable that everyone in family shares the household duties. A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
4. In spite of poverty, we manage to raise our children properly. A. give up B. go up C. make up D. bring up
5. Can you break down our expenses by month and by region? A.
to divide something into smaller parts. B.
to add something into bigger parts. C.
to divide something into bigger parts. D. to fix something
6. Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish. A. shade B. situation C. trash D. transport
7. People should adopt green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources. A. finish B. choose C. give up D. neglect
8. Global warming is one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays. A. causes B. factor C. concerns D. agreements
9. But for your support, our band couldn’t have won the Grand Music competition. A. show B. quiz C. contest D. tour
10. We’re seeking for the talented musician to join our entertainment company. A. good B. famous C. great D. gifted
11. People emigrated to Germany and France in search of work. A. to look for B. to vanish C. to recognize D. to agree
12. “Cindy”, which originated in North California, is a popular American folk song. A. came from B. finished C. made D. recognized
13. Every month, the volunteer group go to remote and mountainous areas to help those in need. A. empty B. faraway C. crowded D. poor
14. Mother Teresa devoted herself to caring for the sick and the poor. A. spent B. contributed C. gave up D. dedicated
15. She never participates in any of our discussions, does she? A. spent B. contributed C. take part in D. dedicated
16. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents. A. brought up B. awake C. rose D. called up
17. An organization for Educational Development co-operated with our school to set up free English
classes for the poor in the area. A. launched B. conducted C. established D. discovered
18. That homeless child would have died if we hadn't been able to find a suitable blood donor. A. giver B. maker C.taker D. sender
19. A robot named Sophia can even communicate with people by using human language and expressing emotions. A. keep B. from head to toe C.conceal D. talk to
20. A smartphone is too costly for him to even have a normal one. A. economical B. expensive C. priceless D. valuable
Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. We must strike a balance between reckless spending and penny-pinching A.
a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same B.
a state that things are of equal weight or force C.
a state that things are of importance D.
a situation that things change frequently in amount
2. In my view, husbands should contribute to the household duties in order to reduce burden on their wives. A. minimise B. lower C. decrease D. increase Trang 6
3. My husband willingly helps me do the chores at weekends so that I can have more time to relax. A. eagerly B. reluctantly C. agreeably D. readily
4. When having days off, he always helps his wife tidy up the house. A. clear up B. sort out C.arrange D. mess up
5. I’m trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat. A. increase B. decrease C. reduce D. cut off
6. A committee has been set up to organize social events for the students. A. established B. contributed C. introduce D. give out
7. We're seeking for the talented musician to join our entertainment company. A. accomplished B. famous C. unskilled D. gifted
8. To have chance to enter the final round, you have to eliminate lots of competitors. A. retain B. remove C. restrict D. reject
9. She was given a prize for her achievement in classical and traditional music. A. success B. feat C. failure D. accomplishment
10. Chau van singing is an ancient form of Vietnamese performance art which combines singing and dancing. A. modern B. primitive C. of long ago D. antique
11. Being one of the main characters of the Titanic, Jack Dawson is a young and generous adventurer. A. lofty B. benevolent C. greedy D. beneficent
12. Volunteering also means getting to meet people with a similar passion. A. alike B. identical C. common D. distinct
13. Fund raising for charity is a meaningful thing for everyone to do to help the community. A. meaningless B. significant C. important D. considerate
14. For a cleaner and greener community, everyone should reduce the amount of trash and take care of our environment. A. look after B. take after C. look out for D. wipe out
15. Sadly, many non-disabled people have negative attitudes toward children with cognitive impairments in developing countries. A. helpless B. disappointing C. pessimistic D. positive
16. The theme of the upcoming conference is to remove barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all. A. abolish B. stick to C. get rid of D. keep
17. Even the best invention may have drawbacks. A laptop, for example, is expensive so many people cannot afford it. A. advantages B. disadvantages C. shortcomings D. weaknesses
18. Washing machine or vacuum cleaner can help you to save time while doing housework. A. consume B. distribute C. spend D. waste
19. A digital camera is convenient as it is quick to view and delete as well as easy to transfer photos to a computer. A. harmful B. inexpensive C. uninteresting D. useless
20. Many people are afraid that computers with superhuman intelligence will destroy humanity. A. awareness B. perception C. stupidity D. wisdom
Exercise 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb forms: PART A
1. Bill decided (buy) .............................. a new car rather than a used one.
2. I really dislike (ask) ............................. personal question when I am on duty.
3. Gregory is a vegetarian. He .......................... (not/eat) meat.
4. I .......................... (1ook) for the manager. I can't find him anywhere.
5. We are successful because we .......................... (take) the time to talk to our customers.
6. John ........................... (deal) with all the enquiries about sales.
7. At the moment we .......................... (make) a training video for Siemens.
8. How long .......................... (she/study) German?
9. When ........................... (he/begin) to study Business Administration?
10. Who .......................... ( write ) the play Dancing at Lughnasa. Trang 7
11. (you/visit) any museums when you were in Sofia
12. Henry has a perfect school record. He ........................... (not/be) sick this year.
13. Prices .......................... (go) up. Things are much more expensive this week
14. What .......................... (happen) to you. I waited all afternoon for you.
15. He ......................... already (go)......................... before I (come) ......................... there.
16. After my sister (wash)......................... her clothes she (begin) .......................... to study.
17. Bill ( work)......................... at the University for 40 years before he ( retire).........................
18. A: Oh. I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money.
B: Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry .......................... you some (I/lend).
19. A: I’ve got a headache. B: Have you? Wait there and. ................... an aspirin for you.( I/get)
20. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B ........................... the car (I/wash)
21. While I ......................... (have) a bath, someone ........................... (knock) on the door.
22. When I nearly reached the office, I suddenly ......................... (remember) I (forget) to turn off the gas stove.
23. Laura felt so tired that she .......................... fall) asleep on the sofa.
24. While Pat ......................... clean) the house, she ......................... (notice) a secret door behind the wardrobe.
25. They had a good rest when all their guests .......................... (leave).
26. When .......................... you, last play) for the national team?
27. I .......................... (not, listen), so I missed what the teacher said.
28. It .......................... (rain) hard all day yesterday.
29. James ......................... (drive) home along a deserted street when he ......................... (see) a strange animal.
30. The robbers ......................... (run) away by the time the police .......................... arrive).
31. I caught him (climb) ......................... over my wall. I asked him (explain) ........................... but he refused
(say) ......................... anything, so in the end I had (let) ......................... him (go) .........................
32. I'm not used to (drive) ........................... on the left.
33. It is pleasant (sit) ......................... by the fire at night and (hear) ......................... the wind (howl)
......................... outside.
34. Suddenly she burst out (cry) ............................ with the words 'I'm sick and tired of (make)
............................ soups and porridges for him. I can't go on (waste. ........................... my best years.'
35. I remember (enter) ............................ the post office, but I forgot (post) ............................ the
letter, which is still in my briefcase.
36. Tell her (not be late) ............................. for school again.
37. The doctor persuaded the patient (stay). ............................ in hospital for 3 days more.
38. Mr. Smith encouraged his children (study) ............................. Chinese.
39. We watched the little girl (walk). ........................... across the street.
40. Though he often made his little sister (cry) ......................today he was made (cry) .......................... by her. PART B 1. I (not hear) from him since he (disappear) two years ago.
2. This time yesterday they (sit)
in the train on their way to Paris.
3. I came late to class. When I (enter) the teacher (write) something on the blackboard. 4. She (get) into her shoes, (put) on her coat and (go) to the door. 5. When I (be) a child, I (want) to be a doctor.
6. At 4 p.m. yesterday? Well, I (work) in my office at that time. 7. The audience (listen)
to everything he said last night. 8. Yesterday thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur
coats while the guests (dance) 9. Tom (not come) here tomorrow. Trang 8 10. John (watch) TV at 8 last evening. 11. What you (do) when I (ring) you last night? 12. John (drive) that car ever since I (know) him. 13. Columbus (discover)
America more than 400 years ago.
14. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games. 15. My brother (join) the army when he (be) young. 16. He (lose)
his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. 17. They think he (be) here last night. 18. Lien (not go)
to the movie theater tomorrow. She (stay) at home and watch TV. 19. He keeps (hope) and (pray) that things will get better.
20. I don't know why he avoids (meet) me. 21. The boy admitted (break) my ancient flower vase. 22. I promise (not tell) you a lie.
23. The students stopped (talk) when the teacher came in. 24. I'll try (not make) the same mistake again. 25. Would you mind (give) me a hand? 26. After (hear)
the conditions, I decided (not enter) for the competition. 27. Your hair needs (cut) You'd better (have) it done tomorrow
– unless you'd like me (have) a go at it for you.
28. The children prefer (watch) TV to (read)
29. It took me three days (find) out the old photograph. 30. Do you remember (read)
about it? No, at that time I was too young (read) _ newspaper.
31. My brother is a stamp collector. He started (collect)
stamps when he was 15 years old. 32. It's difficult
(get) used to getting up early. 33. A strange man (watch)
coming into your house at the time. 34. Trees (plan) since it stopped raining. 35. The house (build) _ two years ago.
36. We can't go along here because the road (repair) now. 37. We (wake) by a loud noise last night.
38. Today, many serious childhood diseases (can prevent) by early immunization. 39. Did they let you (use)
your mobile phone at workplace?
40. The teacher made us (finish)
all of these exercises before 5 p.m
Exercise 8: Circle the best answer
1. When I last saw him, he in London. A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living 2. We Dorothy since last Saturday. A. don’t see B. left C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen 3. The train half an hour ago. A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left 4. Christopher Columbus
American more than 500 years ago. A. discovered B. has discovered C. had discovered D. had been discovering 5. He fell down when he towards the church. A. run B. runs C. was running D. had run
6. I’ll come and see you before I for the States. A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave 7. John a book when I saw him. A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading 8. Her brother in Canada at present. A. working B. works C. is working D. work 9. Her father when she was a small girl. A. dies B. died C. has died D. had died Trang 9 10. Since
, I have heard nothing from him. A. he had left B. he left C. he has left D. he was left 11. Henry
into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner. A. was going B. went C. has gone D. did go
12. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he dinner. A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finishing 13. I from him since he two years ago. A. hadn't heard; disappeared B. haven't heard; disappeared
C. didn't hear; has disappeared D. will not hear; disappears 14. I will tell John about it .
A. when I will see him this afternoon.
B. when I see him this afternoon.
C. when I saw him this afternoon.
D. after I had seen him this afternoon.
15. I have heard nothing from him since he school. A. had left B. left C. has left D. leaves 16. He fell down while he towards the church. A. run B. runs C. was running D. had run
17. Bill’s mother won’t let him go out with his friends .
A. when he finished his homework
B. after he had finished his homework
C. once he finished his homework
D. until he has finished his homework
18. Her academic performance has greatly improved since she her study methods. A. will change B. changed C. was changing D. would change
19. You may not see how important your family is .
A. after you had lived far from home
B. when you were living far from home
C. until you live far from home
D. as soon as you lived far from home
20. The city has changed a lot since I last it. A. visited B. would visit C. will visit D. visit
21. He will take the dog out for a walk .
A. as soon as he finished dinner B. as soon as he will finish C. as soon as he has finished
B. as soon as he was finishing
22. Ask her to come and see me . A. when she finished her work
B. when she has finished her work
C. after she had finished her work
D. as soon as she was finishing her work.
Exercise 9: Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition.
1. This book contributes little ............... our understanding of the subject.
2. Children might benefit a lot ................ sharing housework with their parents.
3. Disabled people can’t communicate well ........................ others
4. It is unfair to state that a woman’s job is to look .............. everyone in the family and takes care .............. the house
5. There are many devices which are suitable ....................... teaching and studying.
6. It’s actually a lot of fun to learn ...................... educational apps.
7. I really care ...................... people with disabilities.
8. He and his wife shared a passion ................ classical music.
9. I haven’t made ................................. my mind yet.
10. This figure graduated .................... a very famous music school and devoted his life .................. arts.
11. Van Cao was remembered .......................... one of the most important musicians in VN.
12. The loser will be eliminated .......................... the contest.
13. It takes thousands of years for plastic waste to break down .................... small pieces.
14. The Volunteer Club was set ........................... shortly after the school was opened.
15. I knew about that job just .......................... chance
16. You can take the laptop ............................... you because it is small and light.
17. Modern devices can help you deal ........................... these issues easily.
18. Different courses have been prepared to provide students ............................ life skills.
19. Volunteering activities can help us come into contact ..................... other teenagers with similar Trang 10 interests.
20. Volunteering has helped me gain life experiences and find my sense ……… purpose .............. life.
21. I would like to apply .................. the accountant position in your company.
22. The audience can vote .................. their favourite singer.
23. Scientists have been working very hard ……… search …….. new kinds of medicine to cure cancer patients.
24. Music plays an important role ................. many fields of life.
25. Simple activities can help reduce your carbon footprint and your impact ............... the environment.
26. Too much CO2 can lead ............... pollution and other serious problems.
27. Do you have any plans ...................... your next advertising campaign?
28. Don’t leave your appliances …………. when they are not ................... use.
29. The government should raise people’s awareness .................... environmental protection.
30. Parents should encourage their kids to share housework ……… their own good as well as the good of the whole family.
Exercise 10: Complete the sentences by choosing a word from the box. amusing /
confusing / confused exciting / excited terrified / terrifying amused sleepless/sleepf hopeful/hopeless meaningful/meaningless useful/useless ul
1. he works very hard. It’s not .................. that he’s always tired.
2. I don’t have anything to do. I’m ……………. .
3. The teacher’s explanation was ........................... Most of the students didn’t understand it.
4. I’ve been working hard all day, and now I’m …………….
5. Tom is good at telling funny stories. He can be a very ....................... person.
6. I’m starting a new job next week. I’m very ....................... about it.
7. The lecture was ......................I fell asleep.
8. She was very ..................... to see him there.
9. It was a really ........................... experience. Everybody was shocked.
10. In the past, girls were often very ......................... when they stood in front of boys.
11. I promise I will spend a ........................ night tomorrow to help you finish the assignment.
12. He felt confused and ............................ after losing his job.
13. I am an excellent student and I feel very .......................... about my bright future.
14-15. Your job is very ………… …… I also want to do something .......................... for our society.
Exercise 11: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
1. Mommy, someone are calling me from an unknown number. I won’t answer it.
2. My alarm rings at 6 o’clock every morning. Therefore, I always went to school on time.
3. We can’t play golf. It rains hard outside.
4. Ms. Lien is so kind that she is donating thousands of pounds to charity twice yearly.
5. Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical treatment in the world.
6. Many fatal accidents is caused by careless driving.
7. The practice of acupuncture is rooted in the idea of promoting harmony among humans and the world around them.
8. Lan studied hard for the final test, but she passed with flying colours.
9. She’s counting her calories, so she really wants to eat dessert after meals.
10. Dogs are loyal pets, for they will never make you feeling betrayed.
11. We went to the Korean restaurant, so we found out it was closed early.
12. Don’t forget your passport, and you’ll have trouble checking in.
13. The lives of disadvantaged students are often very different for those of their more wealthy peers.
14. There are lots of amused ways to volunteer in the arts such as teaching, designing and assisting with a variety of arts and crafts.
15. Mahatma Gandhi fought against the rights of poor people and women in India and became a hero Trang 11 for millions of people.
16. While he and his wile Ali first went to Africa, they worked in a refugee camp for a month.
17. He worked in a big bank in London when suddenly he decided to leave this city to take part in Volunteer Bolivia.
18. IBM is an artificial intelligence computer system and is used to answering questions posed in natural language.
19. Vaccination has been used for a long time for prevent diseases.
1. 20. After a two- hour discussion, we decided expanding the car market in America the following month.
Exercise 12: Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Mike left the office before Ken arrived there.
àWhen ..................................................................................................................
2. I haven't been to the supermarket for three weeks.
àThe last time .......................................................................................................
3. We started working on this project a year ago.
àWe have ..............................................................................................................
4. During the English lesson, the lights went out.
5. How long have they lived in this neighborhood?
àWhen ................................................................................................................... ?
6. When you phoned Anne, it was her lunch time.
7. Just after finishing his homework, Joe turned on the TV.
àAs soon as .....................................................................................................
8. I was confused because the instructions were only in Spanish
à The instructions .................................................... ………………….
9. Does the project interest you ?
à Are you ........................................................................................ ?
10. Would you please do it for me?
à Would.........................................................................................
11. She crossed the road. I saw her
à I saw ………………………………………………………….
12. They sang a song. I heard them
à I heard ……………………………………………………….
13. The children are interested in going in the rain.
àThe children enjoy.....................................................................
14. Why don’t we go out for a meal tonight?
à I suggest ............................................................................................
15. It took her 2 hours to drive from London to Edinburgh.
à She spent ............................................................................................
16. My parents don’t allow me to play games on computer.
à My parents don’t let.......................................................................................
17. She doesn’t usually stay up so late.
àShe is not used ...................................................................................
18. My grandfather is very weak. He can’t lift the box.
à My grandfather is too ......................................................................
19. She was very stupid when she went out without a raincoat.
à It was very stupid of ............................................................... 20. They got out of the car.
à I watched them.....................................................................................
21. Somebody has robbed the bank near our house.
à The bank …………………………………………………
22. Somebody told me to wait outside. Trang 12
à I …………………………………………………………….
23. They will complete the new high way from north to south next year.
à The new …………………………………………………….……
24. My aunt made this sweater for her son.
à This …………………………………………………….…………
25. My teacher asked me to be here at 10 am.
à I …………………………………………………….……………
26. Most students are frightened of speaking a foreign language
à Speaking a foreign language is ......................................................
27. The meeting was so boring that I almost fell asleep
à I ……………………………................. …………………..
28. The teacher found her pupil’s exam results disappointing
à The teacher was ………………………………………………
29. It is three months since he last attended a meeting.
àHe hasn’t…………………………………………………………
30. They consider acupuncture is very safe with enough precautions.
à Acupuncture is ……………………………………………………… WRITING
Write complete sentences to use the given cues.
1. Nowadays / life skills / as / cook / clean / take care / others / really necessary / kids / when / grow up.
2. every two weeks / Saturday / we / often have / big party / all family members / and / clean /
house / together / after that.
3. live green, / we / recycle / used items / so that / protect / natural resources.
4. we / not drop litter / street / because / this / make / street / dirty / pollute / environment.
5. people / watch / Vietnam Idol / not only / see / participants / sing / but also / hear / comments / judges,
/ who / play / important role / competition.
6. last year, / festival / take place / big country park / we / have / chance / see / favourite idols / stage.
7. music festival / last night, / there / lot / exciting performances / many famous bands / singers / from all / world.
8. community service / not only / benefit / local area / but also / boost / confidence / and / help / learn / many useful skills.
9. I / interested / community development projects / because / I / really care / life / people / community.
10. I / available / interview / any weekday / and I / start / work / whenever / need.
11. since / laptops / invent, / they / allow / study better / work faster. Trang 13
12. computer programmes / help / customers / plan / holidays, / books / flights / hotels / answer questions.
......................................................................................................................................................................... SPEAKING
Complete the following conversation by circling the best answers.
1. Lan: Nam, do you think family routines are necessary? Nam: Yes,
each family should have some routines to help build strong family bonds. A.
I’m not sure that B. I strongly believe that C. I agree that D. I hope that
2. Lan: do you think teens should learn how to cook? Nam: Well,
they can learn to cook when they start their own families. As students, they
should spend all their time studying, A. I suppose that B. I hope that C. I doubt that D. I agree that
3. Mai: I want to reduce my carbon footprint.
Lan: You should change your daily habits. For example, you should take shorter showers to save energy. A. What should I do, Lan? B. How about the exam, Lan? C. What do you have, Lan?
D. How do I change my routine, Lan?
4. Tuan: Can you give me some advice about living green? Minh:
use more organic food because it’s good for your health and the environment. A. I advise you to B. I want you to C. I tell you to D. I ask you to
5. Phong: Let’s go to the school concert on Saturday evening, Nam! Nam: . Where can we meet? A. I’d love to
B. I don’t feel like it C. I’m sorry D. What about you 6. Peter:
we talk about the benefits of music in our next presentation? Mike: That’s a good idea. A. Let’s B. What about C. Why don’t D. How
7. Tom: Mai, do you still want to do volunteer work? We need more volunteers at the food bank this Sunday.
Mai: Yes, I do. Helping people always makes me feel ......................... Who can I contact? A. very excited B. very exciting C. a little bit stressed D. really disappointed
8. Kim: Van, our club needs more volunteers to receive and record donations. Do you have free time to help?
Van: Yes, I do. I’m .................. When can I start? A. a little stressed
B. really interesting C. a bit confused D. very interested
9. Customer: I’m looking for a new smartphone. Do you have new models? Shop assistant: Of course,
but can you ........................................................................ about your needs first? A. help ne know B. show me C. make me know D. let me know
10. Shop assistant: We have a lot of smartphones here. Please take a look. Customer: Hmm It's hard to choose. one for me? A. Can you advise B. Can you give one for me? C. Can you recommend D. Can you tell READING COMPREHENSION
I. Reading the following passage then answer the questions by circling the letters A, B, C or D
Except for a few unfortunate individuals, no law in this world can go against the fact that for most of us
our family is an essential part of our lives. The moment you enter this cruel world, where each man is for
himself, there are some near and dear ones out there who will do anything to ensure your happiness.
We are nothing more than a vulnerable and fragile object, without someone taking care of us on our
arrival in this world. Despite all the odds, your family will take care of your well-being, and try their best to
provide you the greatest comforts in the world. No one out there, except your family must forgive the endless
number of mistakes you may make in your life. Apart from teaching you forgive and forget lessons, they are
always there for you, when you need them the most. Trang 14
Family is the only place where children study a lot after school. In school, teachers teach children about
the subjects which will help them to find a good job in future. But at home, parents teach children about good
habits. They are not only the elements which help the children to shape their personalities but they also
prepare them a sustainable and bright future.
A good family makes a greater society. Father, mother, children have to work in order to build a strong
family. If any one of them fail, the whole family may collapse. The good name of the whole family can be
ruined by a single member of the family. In order to avoid that unhappy scenario, every family member has
to work hard and try their best. As a result, they will set good examples lor the whole society. Families
impacts very much on society and societies create countries.
Question 1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A.
Family is a vital part of your life. B.
We will effortlessly be damaged without our family. C.
Some laws in the world may oppose the functions ot family. D. Not everyone has a family.
Question 2. In the writer's opinion, . A.
family creates some easily-spoilt creatures B.
it is not the function of the family to make sure we are happy C.
your family will be with you regardless of difficulties D.
people can be easily forgiven by people around
Question 3. To children, family plays a role in _ .
A. encouraging them to study a lot at school B. helping them to find a good job
C. developing their personal traits
D. teaching them academic subjects
Question 4. The word "They" in the passage refers to . A. children B. good habits C. parents D. teachers
Question 5. The word "ruined" in the passage is closest in meaning to . A. saved B. destroyed C. constructed D. built
Question 6. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. family and society
B. The importance of family
C. Educational role of family
D. The birth of fragile object
II. Read the passage and fill in the numbered blanks to complete it.
English is a very useful language. If we ...(1)... English, we can go to any countries we like. We will not
find it hard to make people understand. ...(2)... we want to say. English also helps us to learn all kinds of
...(3)... . Hundreds of books are written in English every day in ...(4)... countries. English has also helped
us to spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the world. Therefore, the English ...(5). has helped to
spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the world. Question 1: A. want B. do C. work D. know Question 2: A. B. what C. who D. when where Question 3: A. B. friends C. subjects D. teachers people Question 4: A. a B. the C. many D. much Question 5: A. B. knowledge C. countries D. language nation Trang 15