Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery

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Đề cương học 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery
I. Từ vựng
Unit 1. That’s my digital world!
Unit 2. Wild nature
Unit 3. Leisure activities
Unit 4. A teenager’s life
II. Ng âm
1. Âm / - /ɔː/
2. Trọng âm danh từ động từ 2 âm tiết
3. Trọng âm từ đuôi -oo, -oon, -ese, -eer, -ee
4. Trọng âm từ đuôi -hood, -ous, -er, -ed, -ing
III. Ng pháp
1. Thì hiện tại đơn
2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
3. Động từ tình thái
4. V + V-ing/ to V
5. was/ were
6. Thì quá khứ đơn
7. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
8. So sánh hơn so nh nhất của tính từ
9. Danh từ đếm được không đếm được
10. too/ so/ either/ neither
11. Cụm động từ
IV. c dạng bài tập ôn luyện
I. Complete the words in the sentences.
1. My phone has no power - I need to find my c_________.
2. This s_________ s_________ is great for taking photos of yourself.
3. Do you usually s_________ photos with your friends online?
4. I love music, so I d_________ a lot of songs.
5. I hate that TV show - it's a_________!
6. It's really hot and sunny today - it's a p_________ day to go to the beach!
II. Choose the correct option.
1. The stars/leaves fall off the trees in winter.
2. We found a small path/sky going through the forest.
3. We tried to have/make a shelter, but it was too difficult.
4. Scientists watched/discovered some unusual plants near the river.
5. This book is completely/really interesting.
6. You won the game? That's absolutely/ very fantastic!
III. Complete the sentences with the words below.
cake dance life party toilet vacation
1. I'm looking forward to lying on the beach in my summer __________.
2. Don't forget to buy some __________ paper for the bathroom.
3. You can do a square __________ to this music.
4. He doesn't enjoy country __________ and can't wait to move to the city!
5. You look lovely in your __________ dress!
6. I've never tried corn__________, but it sounds delicious.
V. Choose the best answer for each question.
1. Many physical changes such as voice changes occur during __________.
A. childhood
B. adolescence
C. adulthood
D. old age
2. __________ is a necessary skill for students to achieve good academic results.
A. Abstract thinking
B. Think abstractly
C. Goal setting
D. Set goals
3. My friend, Nam, faces a lot of __________ pressure. He isn’t allowed to go out with
his friends, and to keep secrets from his parents.
A. parental
B. peer
C. friend
D. teacher
4. Fourteen is a pretty normal age for a girl to reach __________.
A. adulthood
B. puberty
C. teenage years
D. adolescence
5. When a student cannot __________ with others, he or she will often become a
__________ of bullying.
A. get together - victim
B. get along - victim
C. get away - solution
D. get on - solution
B. Ng âm
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. problem B. violence C. together D. compare
2. A. block B. novel C. your D. iPod
3. A. reporter B. technology C. perform D. roar
4. A. poor B. cold C. pour D. awful
5. A. clock B. import C. hospital D. dolphin
Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.
1. A. romantic B. producer C. episode D. dramatic
2. A. costume B. escape C. thriller D. movement
3. A. childhood B. teenage C. adolescence D. adulthood
4. A. bullying B. addicted C. interested D. influence
5. A. sunset B. degree C. sunshine D. thunder
III. Ng pháp
Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
1. I _________ (usually/take) photos on my phone, but today I _________ (use) my
2. Jez _________ (learn) the guitar at the moment because he _________ (want) to be in
a band
3. I _________ (try) to text Anna now because I_________ (need) to speak to her.
4. We _________ (usually/cycle) to school, but it _________ (rain) today, so we
_________ (go) by bus.
5. I _________ (look) for my charger. I _________ (not know) where I left it.
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. My grandma is trying _______ (learn) how to upload pictures.
2. Why don't you come to my house when you finish _______ (do) your homework?
3. We're planning _______ (go) to France in the summer holidays.
4. Are you interested in _______ (see) the new James Bond film?
5. Mark never offers _______ (do) the washing up!
6. My sister sometimes asks me _______ (help) her with her homework.
Exercise 3
Choose the correct option.
1. The storm came/was coming suddenly when the farmers were harvesting/harvested the
2 The sky was getting/got cloudy while we were running / ran in the park. Five minutes
later, the sun disappeared/was disappearing from the sky.
3. John was hearing/heard about the tsunami in Indonesia on the radio while he was
driving/drove a car.
4. The storm wind was blowing/ blew strong while thousands of people tried/were
trying to move away from the dangerous area.
5. The TV reporter announced/was announcing the recent earthquake when I was
having/had dinner.
6. At 7.00 p.m. yesterday in New York, the snow fell/was falling.
Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in
1. I think the second film is ________ (good) than the first one.
2. The ________ (funny) part was when he fell in the swimming pool.
3. I think that having a good story is ________ (important) than having famous actors.
4. These are the ________ (uncomfortable) seats I've ever sat on!
5. Going to the cinema is ________ (exciting) than watching a film at home.
6. That's the ________ (bad) film I've ever seen -it was awful!
Exercise 5
Circle the correct answer to complete the dialogue below.
Hiếu: Hey Mia, I just found something very interesting on the Internet. There is a horror
film/horror films released in the cinema this weekend. Wanna form a team/teams to go
together on Sunday?
Mia: That is a good idea / are good ideas. I heard that Manu Rios is the main character.
His performance in his last horror movie is/are so gorgeous.
Hiếu: Yeah. That's cool. I can ask Jim and Tony to join. But I don't think they have many/
much free time on the weekend.
Mia: Why? Just tell them that there is/are a lot of nice reviews on this film in social
Hiếu: I'll try then, but I hope they don't read too much about the movie on the Internet.
There is/are audiences who already leaked a few scene/scenes of the movie.
Mia: Agree. I believe you can convince them. See you guy/guys on Sunday then. Bye!
Hiếu: Bye. Have a nice day/nice days!
Exercise 6
Choose the best option to complete the sentences.
1. Many teenagers are addicted to social media, and many adults are, ___________.
a. too b. so c. either
2. My classmate does not have a TikTok account, and ___________ do I.
a. neither b. either c. so
3. Jenny does not use emojis when texting messages, and I do not, ___________.
a. too b. neither c. either
4. During puberty, girls experience changes in their bodies and so ___________ boys.
a. does b. do c. are
5. Peer influence can be positive to adolescents and ___________ can parental influence.
a. so b. too c. neither
Exercise 7
Choose the correct option.
1. My parents did not let me go out with my friends. I broke down/up/in and cried a lot.
2. Due to age gaps, adolescents seldom get on/out/along with grandparents.
3. Many students give along /up/together doing school activities to avoid bullies.
4. She is under so much parental pressure. It's hard for her to get together / out of/
out with her parents to discuss her future plans.
5. Minh's father is always asking him to grow up/down/ along and act more mature.
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Đề cương học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery I. Từ vựng
Unit 1. That’s my digital world!  Unit 2. Wild nature  Unit 3. Leisure activities  Unit 4. A teenager’s life II. Ngữ âm 1. Âm /ɒ/ - /ɔː/
2. Trọng âm danh từ và động từ có 2 âm tiết
3. Trọng âm từ có đuôi -oo, -oon, -ese, -eer, -ee
4. Trọng âm từ có đuôi -hood, -ous, -er, -ed, -ing III. Ngữ pháp 1. Thì hiện tại đơn
2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn 3. Động từ tình thái 4. V + V-ing/ to V 5. was/ were 6. Thì quá khứ đơn
7. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn 1
8. So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất của tính từ
9. Danh từ đếm được và không đếm được 10. too/ so/ either/ neither 11. Cụm động từ
IV. Các dạng bài tập ôn luyện A. TỪ VỰNG
I. Complete the words in the sentences.
1. My phone has no power - I need to find my c_________.
2. This s_________ s_________ is great for taking photos of yourself.
3. Do you usually s_________ photos with your friends online?
4. I love music, so I d_________ a lot of songs.
5. I hate that TV show - it's a_________!
6. It's really hot and sunny today - it's a p_________ day to go to the beach!
II. Choose the correct option.
1. The stars/leaves fall off the trees in winter.
2. We found a small path/sky going through the forest.
3. We tried to have/make a shelter, but it was too difficult.
4. Scientists watched/discovered some unusual plants near the river. 2
5. This book is completely/really interesting.
6. You won the game? That's absolutely/ very fantastic!
III. Complete the sentences with the words below. cake dance life party toilet vacation
1. I'm looking forward to lying on the beach in my summer __________.
2. Don't forget to buy some __________ paper for the bathroom.
3. You can do a square __________ to this music.
4. He doesn't enjoy country __________ and can't wait to move to the city!
5. You look lovely in your __________ dress!
6. I've never tried corn__________, but it sounds delicious.
V. Choose the best answer for each question.
1. Many physical changes such as voice changes occur during __________. A. childhood B. adolescence C. adulthood D. old age
2. __________ is a necessary skill for students to achieve good academic results. 3 A. Abstract thinking B. Think abstractly C. Goal setting D. Set goals
3. My friend, Nam, faces a lot of __________ pressure. He isn’t allowed to go out with
his friends, and to keep secrets from his parents. A. parental B. peer C. friend D. teacher
4. Fourteen is a pretty normal age for a girl to reach __________. A. adulthood B. puberty C. teenage years D. adolescence
5. When a student cannot __________ with others, he or she will often become a __________ of bullying. A. get together - victim B. get along - victim C. get away - solution D. get on - solution B. Ngữ âm
Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. problem B. violence C. together D. compare 4 2. A. block B. novel C. your D. iPod 3. A. reporter B. technology C. perform D. roar 4. A. poor B. cold C. pour D. awful 5. A. clock B. import C. hospital D. dolphin
Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. 1. A. romantic B. producer C. episode D. dramatic 2. A. costume B. escape C. thriller D. movement 3. A. childhood B. teenage C. adolescence D. adulthood 4. A. bullying B. addicted C. interested D. influence 5. A. sunset B. degree C. sunshine D. thunder III. Ngữ pháp Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I _________ (usually/take) photos on my phone, but today I _________ (use) my camera.
2. Jez _________ (learn) the guitar at the moment because he _________ (want) to be in a band
3. I _________ (try) to text Anna now because I_________ (need) to speak to her.
4. We _________ (usually/cycle) to school, but it _________ (rain) today, so we _________ (go) by bus.
5. I _________ (look) for my charger. I _________ (not know) where I left it. Exercise 2 5
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. My grandma is trying _______ (learn) how to upload pictures.
2. Why don't you come to my house when you finish _______ (do) your homework?
3. We're planning _______ (go) to France in the summer holidays.
4. Are you interested in _______ (see) the new James Bond film?
5. Mark never offers _______ (do) the washing up!
6. My sister sometimes asks me _______ (help) her with her homework. Exercise 3
Choose the correct option.
1. The storm came/was coming suddenly when the farmers were harvesting/harvested the crops.
2 The sky was getting/got cloudy while we were running / ran in the park. Five minutes
later, the sun disappeared/was disappearing from the sky.
3. John was hearing/heard about the tsunami in Indonesia on the radio while he was driving/drove a car.
4. The storm wind was blowing/ blew strong while thousands of people tried/were
trying to move away from the dangerous area.
5. The TV reporter announced/was announcing the recent earthquake when I was having/had dinner.
6. At 7.00 p.m. yesterday in New York, the snow fell/was falling. Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 6
1. I think the second film is ________ (good) than the first one.
2. The ________ (funny) part was when he fell in the swimming pool.
3. I think that having a good story is ________ (important) than having famous actors.
4. These are the ________ (uncomfortable) seats I've ever sat on!
5. Going to the cinema is ________ (exciting) than watching a film at home.
6. That's the ________ (bad) film I've ever seen -it was awful! Exercise 5
Circle the correct answer to complete the dialogue below.
Hiếu: Hey Mia, I just found something very interesting on the Internet. There is a horror
film/horror films released in the cinema this weekend. Wanna form a team/teams to go together on Sunday?
Mia: That is a good idea / are good ideas. I heard that Manu Rios is the main character.
His performance in his last horror movie is/are so gorgeous.
Hiếu: Yeah. That's cool. I can ask Jim and Tony to join. But I don't think they have many/ much free time on the weekend.
Mia: Why? Just tell them that there is/are a lot of nice reviews on this film in social media.
Hiếu: I'll try then, but I hope they don't read too much about the movie on the Internet.
There is/are audiences who already leaked a few scene/scenes of the movie.
Mia: Agree. I believe you can convince them. See you guy/guys on Sunday then. Bye!
Hiếu: Bye. Have a nice day/nice days! Exercise 6
Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 7
1. Many teenagers are addicted to social media, and many adults are, ___________. a. too b. so c. either
2. My classmate does not have a TikTok account, and ___________ do I. a. neither b. either c. so
3. Jenny does not use emojis when texting messages, and I do not, ___________. a. too b. neither c. either
4. During puberty, girls experience changes in their bodies and so ___________ boys. a. does b. do c. are
5. Peer influence can be positive to adolescents and ___________ can parental influence. a. so b. too c. neither Exercise 7
Choose the correct option.
1. My parents did not let me go out with my friends. I broke down/up/in and cried a lot.
2. Due to age gaps, adolescents seldom get on/out/along with grandparents.
3. Many students give along /up/together doing school activities to avoid bullies.
4. She is under so much parental pressure. It's hard for her to get together / out of/
out with her parents to discuss her future plans.
5. Minh's father is always asking him to grow up/down/ along and act more mature. 8
Document Outline

  • Đề cương học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 8 English Discovery
    • I. Từ vựng
    • II. Ngữ âm
    • III. Ngữ pháp
    • IV. Các dạng bài tập ôn luyện
    • B. Ngữ âm
    • III. Ngữ pháp
      • Exercise 1
      • Exercise 2
      • Exercise 3
      • Exercise 4
      • Exercise 5
      • Exercise 6
      • Exercise 7