Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 HK1 năm 2022-2023

Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 HK1 năm 2022-2023 theo chương trình chuẩn. Tài liệu được biên soạn dưới dạng file pdf gồm 6 trang chứa nhiều bài tập hay và bổ ích giúp bạn dễ dàng tham khảo và ôn tập đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

NĂM HỌC 2022-2023- TING ANH LP 11
Which underlined word is pronounced differently from the rest?
1. A. community B. confident C. financial D. reconcile
2. A. elegant B. cognitive C. progress D. generation
3. A. extended B. expensive C. extra D. external
4. A. childcare B. blind C. integrate D. decisive
5. A. afford B. assistant C. date D. comfortable
6. A. distract B. brand C. generation D. romantic
7. A. conservative B. conflict C. forbid D. objection
8. A. flashy B. relationship C. dating D. matchmaking
9. A. remind B. reliable C. determined D. self esteem
10. A. donate B. slogan C. record D. mobility
Which word has stress different from the others?
1.A. permission B. persuade C. fulfill D. tension
2.A. enthusiastic B. confidence C. tension D. matchmaking
3. A. protective B. potential C. motivated D. priority
4. A. access B. burden C. campaign D. conflict
5. A. charity B. attitude C. counsellor D. disabled
6. A. argument B. impairment C. integrate D. physical
7. A. sympathetic B. humanitarian C. independent D. interpersonal
8. A. fashionable B. prioritise C. mobility D. experience
9. A. purpose B. confident C. policy D. provide
10.A. solidarity B. cooperation C. opportunity D. popularity
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
1. The right of every nation is to lead its national existence free from external ____________ .
A. involvement B. prevention C. interference D. interruption
2. The ASEAN School Games focus on promoting ASEAN ______ in the youth through school sports.
A. solidity B. support C. solidarity D. agreement
3. ASEAN is the dynamic and harmonious community that is aware and proud of its _______, culture and
A. characteristic B. identity C. state D. variety
4. One of the purposes of ASEAN is to promote regional peace and ______.
A. conflict B. stability C. stabilization D. disturbance
5. Mary __________ her boyfriend last week. She couldn't stand his complaining anymore.
A. broke up with B. reconcilled with C. broke out D. quarrelled at
6. He is in a _______ at the moment.
A. date B. relationship C. romance D. argument
7. Love is very different from _______.
A. leadership B. spaceship C. friendship D.scholarship
8. Parents should try to see things from a teenager’s _________.
A. difference B. conflict C. viewpoint D. choice
9. My little cousin is becoming more …….. so my aunt has more time for herself
A. independent B. relative C. active D. confident
10. He broke the glass vase during a(n) ____ with his cousin.
A. argument B. relationship C.decision D. motivation
1. It's time for you to stop relying _______ your parents.
A.on B. in C. at D.of
2. Members states must act in accordance……….the Constitution of Asean.
A. with B. for C. of D. From
3. In 2010, the team consisted _______ ten founding members, but now it expands to include more than thirty
A. to B. for C. of D. about
4. It was on New Year’s Eve that Mary broke up _______ her boyfriend.
A. at B. with C. to D. from
5. Many volunteers have taken part _______ our programmes since the campaign was launched
A. from B. on C. to D. in
6. Confidence is one’s belief _______ their own ability.
A. in B. on C. for D. over
7. She frequently volunteers _______ extra work because she really likes her job.
A. to B. for C. with D. in
8. The Asian Charter came _______ force on December 2008.
A. up with B. into C. out of D. up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
1. The government really must to do something about unemployemnt.
A. The B. must C. to do D. about unemployemnt
2. She was surprised seeing him at the party.
A. was B. surprised C. seeing D. at
3. After a two-hour discussion, we decided expanding the car market in America.
A. two- hour B. decided C. market D. expanding
4. We’re looking forward to see you again
A. we’re B. forward to C. see D. again
5. I couldn’t help laugh when I saw that comedy.
A.couldn’t help B.laugh C.that D. Comedy
6. Her husband has become a millionaire. She mustn’t work hard now.
A. has B. a C. mustn’t D. hard
7. You shouldn’t reveal our customers’ information to any third party. That’s the rule.
A. shouldn’t B. customers’ C. to D. third
8. Get out of the grass! You don’t have to walk on the grass here.
A. out of B. don’t have to C. walk on D. grass here
9. You mustn’t feed the dog. I’ve already fed it.
A. you B. mustn’t C. feed D. fed
10. During the lesson, students don’t have to leave class without the teacher’s permission.
A. During the lesson B. don’t have to C. without D. permission
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
1. The last time I (go) ______________ to HN was in May
A. go B. was going C. went D. have gone
2. I ……………. the report last week.
A. was completed B. completed C. have completed D. am completed
3. The rain ……………….. 3 hours ago.
A. has stopped B. stopped C. didn’t stopped D. hasn’t stopped
4. I have eaten three ice-creams since we ……………… at the airport.
A. arrived B. have arrived C. arrive D. are arriving
5. You ……………… a lot since the last time I saw you.
A. changed B. has changed C. is changing D. have changed
6. He………. more concerned about his social status since he started working there.
A. has been become B. has become C. became D. will become
7. Travel ………… into a huge industry in the last few decades.
A. has turned B. is turning C. had turning D. have turned
8. I (have ) _____________ this toy since my birthday.
A. had B. have had C. had had D. have
1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.
Being able to take care of yourself and not having to (1) _________on anyone else. That is what many
young people (2) _________ for. However, the ability to live independently does not develop naturally: you need
a number of life skills to stop relying on your parents and older siblings. Among those skills, time (3) _________is
probably the most important one. With good time management skills, you can build your confidence and (4)
_________. These skills will also help you perform your daily tasks, including your responsibilities at school and
at home. If you can use your time wisely, you will not feel very stressed when exam dates are approaching. You
can act more independently and responsibly get better grades at school and have more time for your family and
1. A. rely B. refer C. keep D. trust
2. A. care B. strive C. look D. call
3. A. entertainment B. installment C. development D. management
4. A. influence B. self-fulfillment C. creative D. self-esteem
2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.
In the United States, volunteering is (1)______as a good way to give children a sense of community
responsibility and to bring the family together. Volunteerism is (2)______across the United States today because
people are trying to put more emphasis on family togetherness, and they are looking (3)______ways to help young
people have a feeling of hope and satisfaction. It is (4)______that volunteering helps children discover their
talents, develop their skills, and learn about cooperation and problem solving.
1. A. respected B. viewed C. inspected D. showed
2. A. growing B. traveling C. extending D. forming
3. A. on B. of C. for D. at
4. A. regarded B. believed C. concerned D. accepted
3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.
Around the age of seventeen, you have to make one of the most important (1) ____________in your life. Do
you stay on at school and hopefully go to university later ? Or do you leave school to start work or a training
(2)___________? This is your decision, but you should remember two things: there is more unemployment among
young people who have not been to university, and people with the right (3)______________have a big advantage
in the job market. If you make the decision to go straight into a job, there are many opportunities for training.
While you are earning, you can also take evening classes to gain qualifications, which will help you to get ahead in
your career more quickly. Another possibility is that you start work and take a break to study when you are older.
This is the best way to save up money for your studies, and (4)____________practical experience.
1.A.choices B.decisions C.ways D. decision
2.A.school B.class C.course D.term
3.A.notes B.papers C.arts D.skills
4. A. get B. make C. getting D. making
4. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have two children, Lara 10 and Peter is 16. Mrs. Nelson first discovered that Peter was
getting into trouble when school rang her to say that he hadn’t turned up that day, or the day before. She realized
right away that he had been truanting.
Peter's behavior was causing conflict in the house and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were both concerned. They had
different views of how they should deal with Peter's behavior, and this led to rows that upset the whole family.
They decided to prevent Peter from going out with his friends, but this just made him more stubborn, and he would
continue to miss school and stay outside his curfew.
Over the coming weeks, family life became more and more difficult. Mr. and Mrs. felt that they could no
longer do this on their own and asked the school to help. They arranged for Peter to talk to someone he trusted,
and they made an agreement for him gradually attending school again. He was also given some time to catch up
with the work he had missed.
As he started to talk it through, Peter realized that he had been unhappy at school for a while. He admitted
that he had felt lonely since his best friend moved away and another group had persuaded him to skip school. As
he missed more and more school, it became harder to go back.
Peter was encouraged to tell his parents how much he missed his friend and that he ought to spend time with
his dad playing football or fishing. Mr. Nelson thought he had grown out of that a long time ago but was pleased to
spend time with Peter again.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson tried to notice every day when Peter achieved his goal of attending being on time and
remembering to do his homework. It took a little longer for Peter's friendship to return to normal and Peter has had
to learn to prove himself trustworthy to his parents , but gradually Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are learning to trust Peter
1. The conflict in the Nelsons was due to the fact that--------- .
A. Peter had been truanting at school B. Peter was getting into trouble at school.
C. they paid too much attention to Lara. D. they didn't agree on the solution to Peter's problem.
2. The school applied all the following things to help Peter EXCEPT that---------
A. they helped the Nelsons solve the problem on their own
B. they agreed to allow him to come back to school
C.they helped him to catch up with his study
D. they tried to make his communication with his friends better.
3. The reason why Peter got into trouble was that
A. it became harder for him to miss school
B. he couldn't talk about his problem at home and at school
C. some of his friends had negative impact on him
D. he wanted to move away with his best friend
4. The best solution to Peter's problem was that
A. he went fishing with his dad again
B. the school and family have helped and trusted him
C. he could do his homework and go to school on time
D. it took him a longtime to have normal friendship again
5. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The year 2015 is a major year for Singapore sports! December 2015 will see Singapore hosting the 8th
ASEAN Para Games. It is the first time in the history Singapore hosts the ASEAN Para Games for the persons
with disabilities of this scale. Let's see how we are going to Celebrate the Extraordinary!
The ASEAN Para Games - an every-two-year multi-sport event organised by the ASEAN Para Sports Federation
(APSF) for athletes with a disability - will be hosted here in conjunction with our 50th anniversary of
independence. The eighth Games, expected to host 3,000 athletes and officials, will wrap up Singapore's 50th
birthday celebrations. The seven-day multi-sport event will have its competition venues mainly at the Singapore
Sports Hub and Kallang areas. There will be 15 sports in the 8th ASEAN Para Games. Beyond physical fitness, we
believe in the power of sports to strengthen the character, uplift the spirits, and bond the community.
Adopting the theme of Celebrate the Extraordinary, the Games aims to stimulate friendship and solidarity
amongst persons with disabilities in the ASEAN region, to encourage sport for the differently abled, and to
integrate persons with disabilities into the society through sport. It will serve as a platform for promoting the
bloc's motto "One Vision, One Identity, One Community".
1. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Singapore sports events B. Celebrate the Extraordinary!
C. Who come to the Games? D. The seventh ASEAN Para Games
2. The word “It” in the last paragraph refers to ______.
A. the ASEAN region B. the ASEAN motto C. Singapore D. the Games
3. If the Games is held every two years, the 9th ASEAN Para Games will be organised in _____.
A. 2016 B. 2017 C. 2018 D. 2019
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the power of sports?
A. Improve physical health. B. Inspire people’s spirits.
C. Connect the society. D. Recognise individual character.
6. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Welcome to Get Involved! Our weekly programme about inspirational young people. Today, I’ll tell you the
amazing story of an outstanding young person with a disability. Nguyen Anh was born with “glass-born disease”,
a genetic disorder causing fragile bones, and had fractured bones over 30 times. She is unable to run around like
her friends and has to use a wheelchair. Despite her disability, she always has a smile on her face. She believes
that she is luckier than other people with disabilities because she has many supportive friends and teachers.
Nguyen Anh has been interested in singing since an early age. Eager to join Charitable campaigns, she has
been using her talent to perform at Voice of Viet Nam since she was eight. She has taken part in broadcasting radio
messages to rural villagers. She has been honoured by UNICEF as an outstanding child with disabilities. Now, as a
Friend of UNICEF Viet Nam, she continues to inspire others, and use her talent and determination to help children
with disabilities.
She became a success when she auditioned for the television show Vietnam’s Got Talent. She immediately
received national and international recognition.
Her smile and kind voice will definitely continue to encourage people with disabilities to fulfill their potential.
Her inspiring words are what we would like you to think about. "You can do a lot of things if people believe in you
and actually treat you equally.
1. . Due to ________, UNICEF has honored Nguyen Anh as an outstanding child with disabilities.
A. her taking part in charitable campaigns B. her disability
C. her “glass-born disease” D. Her smile and kind voice
2. . The word fragile in the first paragraph refers to ________.
A. quickly break B. daily glass C. easily broken D. extremely soft
3. . It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. everybody has ability of working
B. no one is disabled
C. there are still many outstanding people
D. people with disabilities are part of our communities
4. . The lesson we can learn from the story is that everyone can succeed if they are ______.
A. encouraged after teachers and friends B. taking part in charity
C. honoured by UNICEF D. trusted and treated equally
Give the correct form of the word in brackets:
1.Teenagers ought to live_____________. It is impossible to rely on their parents all times. (depend)
2. You shouldn’t use words like ‘dumb’ or ‘deaf’. It’s ______________ (respect)
3. You need to gain ________________ in your ability to perform before public. (confident)
4. We can help people in need by making a ____________ to a charity. (donate)
5. She just needed someone who would lend a___________ ear to her once in a while.( sympathy)
6. Time-management skills will also help you to perform your daily tasks, including your ____________ at school
and at home. (responsible)
7. Hearing ____________ people should wear hearing equipment. ( impair)
8.________ is the quality of being able to be trusted to do what somebody wants or needs. ( rely)
1. independently 2. disrespectful 3. confidence 4. donation
5. sympathetic 6. responsibilities 7. impaired 8. Reliability
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Preview text:

Which underlined word is pronounced differently from the rest? 1. A. community B. confident C. financial D. reconcile 2. A. elegant B. cognitive C. progress D. generation 3. A. extended B. expensive C. extra D. external 4. A. childcare B. blind C. integrate D. decisive 5. A. afford B. assistant C. date D. comfortable
6. A. distract B. brand C. generation D. romantic 7. A. conservative B. conflict
C. forbid D. objection
8. A. flashy B. relationship C. dating D. matchmaking
9. A. remind B. reliable C. determined D. self –esteem
10. A. donate B. slogan C. record D. mobility STRESS:
Which word has stress different from the others?
1.A. permission B. persuade C. fulfill D. tension 2.A. enthusiastic B. confidence C. tension D. matchmaking 3. A. protective B. potential C. motivated D. priority 4. A. access B. burden C. campaign D. conflict 5. A. charity B. attitude C. counsellor D. disabled 6. A. argument B. impairment C. integrate D. physical 7. A. sympathetic B. humanitarian C. independent D. interpersonal 8. A. fashionable B. prioritise C. mobility D. experience 9. A. purpose B. confident C. policy D. provide 10.A. solidarity B. cooperation C. opportunity D. popularity VOCABULARY
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer

1. The right of every nation is to lead its national existence free from external ____________ . A. involvement B. prevention C. interference D. interruption
2. The ASEAN School Games focus on promoting ASEAN ______ in the youth through school sports. A. solidity B. support C. solidarity D. agreement
3. ASEAN is the dynamic and harmonious community that is aware and proud of its _______, culture and heritage. A. characteristic B. identity C. state D. variety
4. One of the purposes of ASEAN is to promote regional peace and ______. A. conflict B. stability C. stabilization D. disturbance
5. Mary __________ her boyfriend last week. She couldn't stand his complaining anymore. A. broke up with B. reconcilled with C. broke out D. quarrelled at
6. He is in a _______ at the moment. A. date B. relationship C. romance D. argument
7. Love is very different from _______. A. leadership B. spaceship C. friendship D.scholarship
8. Parents should try to see things from a teenager’s _________. A. difference B. conflict C. viewpoint D. choice
9. My little cousin is becoming more …….. so my aunt has more time for herself A. independent B. relative C. active D. confident
10. He broke the glass vase during a(n) ____ with his cousin. A. argument B. relationship C.decision D. motivation PREPOSITION
1. It's time for you to stop relying _______ your parents. A.on B. in C. at D.of
2. Members states must act in accordance ………….the Constitution of Asean. A. with B. for C. of D. From
3. In 2010, the team consisted _______ ten founding members, but now it expands to include more than thirty members. A. to B. for C. of D. about
4. It was on New Year’s Eve that Mary broke up _______ her boyfriend. A. at B. with C. to D. from
5. Many volunteers have taken part _______ our programmes since the campaign was launched A. from B. on C. to D. in
6. Confidence is one’s belief _______ their own ability. A. in B. on C. for D. over
7. She frequently volunteers _______ extra work because she really likes her job. A. to B. for C. with D. in
8. The Asian Charter came _______ force on December 2008. A. up with B. into C. out of D. up GRAMMAR
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. The government really must to do something about unemployemnt. A. The B. must C. to do D. about unemployemnt
2. She was surprised seeing him at the party. A. was B. surprised C. seeing D. at
3. After a two-hour discussion, we decided expanding the car market in America. A. two- hour B. decided C. market D. expanding
4. We’re looking forward to see you again A. we’re B. forward to C. see D. again
5. I couldn’t help laugh when I saw that comedy. A.couldn’t help B.laugh C.that D. Comedy
6. Her husband has become a millionaire. She mustn’t work hard now. A. has B. a C. mustn’t D. hard
7. You shouldn’t reveal our customers’ information to any third party. That’s the rule. A. shouldn’t B. customers’ C. to D. third
8. Get out of the grass! You don’t have to walk on the grass here. A. out of B. don’t have to C. walk on D. grass here
9. You mustn’t feed the dog. I’ve already fed it. A. you B. mustn’t C. feed D. fed
10. During the lesson, students don’t have to leave class without the teacher’s permission. A. During the lesson B. don’t have to C. without D. permission TENSES
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
1. The last time I (go) ______________ to HN was in May A. go B. was going C. went D. have gone
2. I ……………. the report last week. A. was completed B. completed C. have completed D. am completed
3. The rain ……………….. 3 hours ago. A. has stopped B. stopped C. didn’t stopped D. hasn’t stopped
4. I have eaten three ice-creams since we ……………… at the airport. A. arrived B. have arrived C. arrive D. are arriving PRESENT PERFECT
5. You ……………… a lot since the last time I saw you. A. changed B. has changed C. is changing D. have changed
6. He………. more concerned about his social status since he started working there. A. has been become B. has become C. became D. will become
7. Travel ………… into a huge industry in the last few decades. A. has turned B. is turning C. had turning D. have turned
8. I (have ) _____________ this toy since my birthday. A. had B. have had C. had had D. have READING COMPREHENSION
1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.

Being able to take care of yourself and not having to (1) _________on anyone else. That is what many
young people (2) _________ for. However, the ability to live independently does not develop naturally: you need
a number of life skills to stop relying on your parents and older siblings. Among those skills, time (3) _________is
probably the most important one. With good time management skills, you can build your confidence and (4)
_________. These skills will also help you perform your daily tasks, including your responsibilities at school and
at home. If you can use your time wisely, you will not feel very stressed when exam dates are approaching. You
can act more independently and responsibly get better grades at school and have more time for your family and friends. 1. A. rely B. refer C. keep D. trust 2. A. care B. strive C. look D. call 3. A. entertainment B. installment C. development D. management 4. A. influence B. self-fulfillment C. creative D. self-esteem
2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.
In the United States, volunteering is (1)______as a good way to give children a sense of community
responsibility and to bring the family together. Volunteerism is (2)______across the United States today because
people are trying to put more emphasis on family togetherness, and they are looking (3)______ways to help young
people have a feeling of hope and satisfaction. It is (4)______that volunteering helps children discover their
talents, develop their skills, and learn about cooperation and problem solving. 1. A. respected B. viewed C. inspected D. showed 2. A. growing B. traveling C. extending D. forming 3. A. on B. of C. for D. at 4. A. regarded B. believed C. concerned D. accepted
3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.
Around the age of seventeen, you have to make one of the most important (1) ____________in your life. Do
you stay on at school and hopefully go to university later ? Or do you leave school to start work or a training
(2)___________? This is your decision, but you should remember two things: there is more unemployment among
young people who have not been to university, and people with the right (3)______________have a big advantage
in the job market. If you make the decision to go straight into a job, there are many opportunities for training.
While you are earning, you can also take evening classes to gain qualifications, which will help you to get ahead in
your career more quickly. Another possibility is that you start work and take a break to study when you are older.
This is the best way to save up money for your studies, and (4)____________practical experience. 1.A.choices B.decisions C.ways D. decision 2.A.school B.class C.course D.term 3.A.notes B.papers C.arts D.skills 4. A. get B. make C. getting D. making
4. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have two children, Lara 10 and Peter is 16. Mrs. Nelson first discovered that Peter was
getting into trouble when school rang her to say that he hadn’t turned up that day, or the day before. She realized
right away that he had been truanting.
Peter's behavior was causing conflict in the house and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were both concerned. They had
different views of how they should deal with Peter's behavior, and this led to rows that upset the whole family.
They decided to prevent Peter from going out with his friends, but this just made him more stubborn, and he would
continue to miss school and stay outside his curfew.
Over the coming weeks, family life became more and more difficult. Mr. and Mrs. felt that they could no
longer do this on their own and asked the school to help. They arranged for Peter to talk to someone he trusted,
and they made an agreement for him gradually attending school again. He was also given some time to catch up with the work he had missed.
As he started to talk it through, Peter realized that he had been unhappy at school for a while. He admitted
that he had felt lonely since his best friend moved away and another group had persuaded him to skip school. As
he missed more and more school, it became harder to go back.
Peter was encouraged to tell his parents how much he missed his friend and that he ought to spend time with
his dad playing football or fishing. Mr. Nelson thought he had grown out of that a long time ago but was pleased to spend time with Peter again.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson tried to notice every day when Peter achieved his goal of attending being on time and
remembering to do his homework. It took a little longer for Peter's friendship to return to normal and Peter has had
to learn to prove himself trustworthy to his parents , but gradually Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are learning to trust Peter again.
1. The conflict in the Nelsons was due to the fact that--------- .
A. Peter had been truanting at school B. Peter was getting into trouble at school.
C. they paid too much attention to Lara.
D. they didn't agree on the solution to Peter's problem.
2. The school applied all the following things to help Peter EXCEPT that---------
A. they helped the Nelsons solve the problem on their own
B. they agreed to allow him to come back to school
C.they helped him to catch up with his study
D. they tried to make his communication with his friends better.
3. The reason why Peter got into trouble was that
A. it became harder for him to miss school
B. he couldn't talk about his problem at home and at school
C. some of his friends had negative impact on him
D. he wanted to move away with his best friend
4. The best solution to Peter's problem was that
A. he went fishing with his dad again
B. the school and family have helped and trusted him
C. he could do his homework and go to school on time
D. it took him a longtime to have normal friendship again
5. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The year 2015 is a major year for Singapore sports! December 2015 will see Singapore hosting the 8th
ASEAN Para Games. It is the first time in the history Singapore hosts the ASEAN Para Games for the persons
with disabilities of this scale. Let's see how we are going to Celebrate the Extraordinary!
The ASEAN Para Games - an every-two-year multi-sport event organised by the ASEAN Para Sports Federation
(APSF) for athletes with a disability - will be hosted here in conjunction with our 50th anniversary of
independence. The eighth Games, expected to host 3,000 athletes and officials, will wrap up Singapore's 50th
birthday celebrations. The seven-day multi-sport event will have its competition venues mainly at the Singapore
Sports Hub and Kallang areas. There will be 15 sports in the 8th ASEAN Para Games. Beyond physical fitness, we
believe in the power of sports to strengthen the character, uplift the spirits, and bond the community.
Adopting the theme of Celebrate the Extraordinary, the Games aims to stimulate friendship and solidarity
amongst persons with disabilities in the ASEAN region, to encourage sport for the differently abled, and to
integrate persons with disabilities into the society through sport. It will serve as a platform for promoting the
bloc's motto "One Vision, One Identity, One Community".
1. What is the best title for the passage? A. Singapore sports events
B. Celebrate the Extraordinary! C. Who come to the Games?
D. The seventh ASEAN Para Games
2. The word “It” in the last paragraph refers to ______. A. the ASEAN region
B. the ASEAN motto C. Singapore D. the Games
3. If the Games is held every two years, the 9th ASEAN Para Games will be organised in _____. A. 2016 B. 2017 C. 2018 D. 2019
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the power of sports? A. Improve physical health.
B. Inspire people’s spirits. C. Connect the society.
D. Recognise individual character.
6. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Welcome to Get Involved! Our weekly programme about inspirational young people. Today, I’ll tell you the
amazing story of an outstanding young person with a disability. Nguyen Anh was born with “glass-born disease”,
a genetic disorder causing fragile bones, and had fractured bones over 30 times. She is unable to run around like
her friends and has to use a wheelchair. Despite her disability, she always has a smile on her face. She believes
that she is luckier than other people with disabilities because she has many supportive friends and teachers.
Nguyen Anh has been interested in singing since an early age. Eager to join Charitable campaigns, she has
been using her talent to perform at Voice of Viet Nam since she was eight. She has taken part in broadcasting radio
messages to rural villagers. She has been honoured by UNICEF as an outstanding child with disabilities. Now, as a
Friend of UNICEF Viet Nam, she continues to inspire others, and use her talent and determination to help children with disabilities.
She became a success when she auditioned for the television show Vietnam’s Got Talent. She immediately
received national and international recognition.
Her smile and kind voice will definitely continue to encourage people with disabilities to fulfill their potential.
Her inspiring words are what we would like you to think about. "You can do a lot of things if people believe in you
and actually treat you equally.

1. . Due to ________, UNICEF has honored Nguyen Anh as an outstanding child with disabilities.
A. her taking part in charitable campaigns B. her disability
C. her “glass-born disease”
D. Her smile and kind voice
2. . The word “fragile” in the first paragraph refers to ________. A. quickly break B. daily glass C. easily broken D. extremely soft
3. . It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. everybody has ability of working B. no one is disabled
C. there are still many outstanding people
D. people with disabilities are part of our communities
4. . The lesson we can learn from the story is that everyone can succeed if they are ______.
A. encouraged after teachers and friends
B. taking part in charity
C. honoured by UNICEF D. trusted and treated equally II. TỰ LUẬN WORD FORM
Give the correct form of the word in brackets:
1.Teenagers ought to live_____________. It is impossible to rely on their parents all times. (depend)
2. You shouldn’t use words like ‘dumb’ or ‘deaf’. It’s ______________ (respect)
3. You need to gain ________________ in your ability to perform before public. (confident)
4. We can help people in need by making a ____________ to a charity. (donate)
5. She just needed someone who would lend a___________ ear to her once in a while.( sympathy)
6. Time-management skills will also help you to perform your daily tasks, including your ____________ at school and at home. (responsible)
7. Hearing ____________ people should wear hearing equipment. ( impair)
8.________ is the quality of being able to be trusted to do what somebody wants or needs. ( rely) Key 1. independently
2. disrespectful 3. confidence 4. donation 5. sympathetic 6. responsibilities 7. impaired 8. Reliability THE END