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Đề cương ôn tập môn Văn hóa Anh có đáp án của Đại học Hải Phòng giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng ôn tập và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Review: Choose the best answer
1. There are about …………..islands in The British Isles.
A. 2000 B. 3000 C. 4000 D. 5000
2. What is the luckiest type of first footer in England on New Year’s day?
A. A young man C. a choppy child
B. A tall dark man D. a friend of father
3. Students taking …………study traditional subjects such as French, Physics or History
B.As B. A levels C. GNVQs
What is the surname of the British royal family?
Robinson B. Wilson C. Windsor
D. Jackson
How many Houses are there in the British Parliament?
1 B. 2 C. 3
D. 4
6. Traditionally, the Harvest Festival in Britain was held to …………for a good harvest.
A. Enjoy clean food B. party C. sell D. say thank you to God
7. It is very difficult for …………without work because they receive very little money from the
A. Young people under 18 C. children under 16
B. Adults D. young people
8. British people must pay VAT on all ………….and electricity.
A. Food B. drinks C. gas D. powers
9. There are many couples living together before…….and they call the person they live with a
A. divorce B. getting married C. separated D. having children
10. Who is the head of the state of Britain at the moment?
A. Queen Elizabeth I C. The Prime Minister
B. Queen Elizabeth II D. King Charles III
11. The general elections must be held ………..
A. Every 3 years B. every 4 years C. every 5 years D. every 6 years
12. Students have to try to get a place at another university or college before the new term starts in
early …
A. September B. August C. June D. October
13. On New Year’s Eve, everybody in Britain sings Auld Lang Syne, a poem by the Scottish poet
A. Oliver Twist B. Walter Scott C. Robert Burns D. Robert Fergusson
14. Why do the people in Britain live in their own house?
A. Because of the freedom C. They want to live with their family B. Low rented
accommodation D. Not enough accommodation for rent
15. How old can the British people vote in a general election?
A. 16 or over B. 17 or over C. 18 or over D. 19 or over
16. British people use ……..to keep their house warm.
A. Thick curtains and carpets C. fireplaces and wood stove
B. Thick blankets and pillows D. heaters
17. Which is the official religion in Britain?
A. Sikhism B. Christianity C. Judaism D. Islam
18. Most secondary schools in Britain are …………
A. Comprehensive schools C. Grammar schools B. Free schools D. Secondary
modern schools
19. How old can the British people vote in a general election?
A. 16 or over B. 17 or over C. 18 or over D. 19 or over
20. The largest island in The British Isles is …….
A. Ireland B. Isle of Man C. England D. Great Britain
21. About 70% people work in service industries, not included:
A. Insurance B. Retailing C. Tourism D. Weaving
22. There are about ……..islands in The British Isles.
A. 2000 B. 3000 C. 4000 D. 5000
23. Another name of Pancake Day is ……
A. Pfannkuchen Monday C. Lant Friday
B. Shrove Tuesday D. Latha Sunday
24. People are more likely to eat ………….. than to go out to eat in a posh restaurant in Britain.
A. Hot food B. Cold food C. Fast food D. All of them
25. The May Day is a festival to celebrate …
A. The harvest B. the Royal C. the end of winter D. End of spring
26. In the following houses, which is usually quite far from center, but near the countryside?
A. block of flat C. semi-detached house
B. detached house D. terraced house
27. Most British people _______ when they they are waiting for the bus or waiting to be served in a
A. jump B. hustle C. queue D. play game
28. Hundreds of veteran cars are driven from …to…….on the south coast of England.
A. London / Birmingham C. Birmingham / London
B. London / Brighton D. Brighton / Oxford
29. Who does the true power lie with?
A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. The Cabinet D. Both B&C
30. Most …………expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them.
A. British people B. Vietnamese people C. Australian people D. French people
31. Why do most British students choose to go to university a long way from their home town?
A. They want to be independent B. They want to live away from home C.
They want to develop new interests D. All are correct
32. People give each other ……...Easter eggs on Easter Sunday.
A. chocolate B. Vanilla C. Powder D. Franppe
33. Who is the most important person in Parliament?
A. The Queen C. The Prime Minster B. the Cabinet D. the
Archbishop of Canterbury
34. What do the British grow in their garden?
A. Flowers and grasses B. Timbers C. Fruit-trees D. Grasses 35. You can get married
in _______or in a registry office.
A. church B.couples’s home where they live together
C. your parents’s home D.Where the man propose to his girl 36.
The general elections must be held ………..
A. Every 3 years B. every 4 years C. every 5 years D. every 6 years 37.
On 1st April, when people discover the joke, you say …..
A. April Joke B. April Treat C. April Dupe D. April Fool
38. …………is Halloween festival to celebrate the return of the souls of the dead who come back to
visit places where they used to live.
A. 31 October B. 9 November C. 24 September D. 30 October
39. What word is used to describe an area with its own local government?
A. Canton B. Region C. County D.District
40. The City is one of the most important...............centres.
A. Shopping B. Financial C. Tourist D. Entertainment
41. ……………… is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain.
A. Hamburger or French fries B. Pizza C. Fried chicken D. All are inaccurate 42.
Students in Britain do not take exams in these subjects:
A. Physical Education, Religious Education and Sex Education
B. English language, Sex education and Information Technology
C. Physical Education, English literature and Sex Education
D. Religious Education, French and English literature
43. What is Diwali often called?
A. Festival of Water B. Festival of Fire C. Festival of Lights D. Festival of Sun
44. On Saint valentine’s Day, people send a …… to someone they love, fancy, admire or secretly
A. turkeys B. Clothes C. Ring D. Valentine’s card
45. How many main kinds of houses are there in Britain?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
46. What does the King do as head of the Commonwealth?
A: He appoints the Prime Minister to meet the prime Minister of the member states
B: He gives a state banquet
C: He meets and entertains the Prime Ministers of the members of the states
D: He visits most parts of the world
47. Students taking …………study traditional subjects, such as French, Physics or History
A. B.As B. A levels C. GNVQs D. GCSEs
48. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and ……
A. Northern Ireland B. Wales C. Republic of Ireland D. Cardiff
49. In February, people bring their ………..to take part in Crufts Dog Show.
A. Valuable dogs C. Helpful dogs
B. Important dogs D. Money
50. What do Jews do to celebrate their New Year, Rosh Hashanah?
A. Lighting up candles C. receiving lucky money
B. Sending cards D. Painting patterns on the feet and hands of the children
51. Finding somewhere cheap to live is rather difficult in Britain because _________.
A. there is not enough council housing or cheap rented accommodation
B.they want to save money
C.they want to choose somewhere not only being cheap but also convenient.
D.there is not enough money to pay for rented accommodation
52. At the age of______, students can leave school.
A. 18 B.19 C.16 D.17
53. Which is the official religion in Britain?
A. Sikhism B. Christianity C. Judaism D. Islam
54. ……………is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain?
A. Hamburger or French fries C. Fried chicken
B. Pizza D. All are incorrect
55. In the evening of Halloween, there are lots of Halloween ……..in which people dress up as
witches, ghosts, devils…
A. Fancy dress parties B. pumkin eating C. Car show D. pantomimes
56. Who is the most important person in Parliament?
A. The Prime Minister B. The Queen
C. The Cabinet D. The Archbishop of Canterbury
57. Oxford and Cambridge universities have held the Boat Race on the ….in London.
A. River Dee, Wale B. River Medway C. River Thames D. River Wharfe
1. What two ‘Houses’ does the British Parliament consist of?
Which is more powerful?
House of Commons and House of Lord. House of commons is more powerful.
2. What is the purpose of Trooping the colour? To celebrate the
Queen’s official birthday
3. Who take state schools in Britain? Children of all abilities
4. Which countries make up the United Kingdom? England,
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
5. What is the purpose of Harvest festival?
To say thank you to God for a good harvest.
6. What are the characteristics of most British police-officers?
Friendly, helpful, polite
7. At what age can students in Britain leave school?
At the age of 16
8. Who is the head of the Commonwealth? King Charles III
9. Why is it not easy to find somewhere cheap to live in Britain?
Because there is not enough council housing or cheap rented accommodation.
10. What does Christmas dinner include? roast turkey, roast
potatoes and Brussels sprouts, followed by Christmas pudding
11. What is the song people sing on the New Year’s Eve? Auld
Lang Syne
12. Who has true power in the British political system?Prime
Minister and his or her Cabinet
13. Which countries have their own local parliament, Scotland and
Wales or England and Ireland? - Scotland and Wales
14. How many A levels do students need to go to university?
Three A levels
15. How do British people keep their house warm?Using thick
curtains and carpets
16. Where does the British Prime Minister live?
10 Downing Street
17. What do the large companies often invest?
The large companies often invest a lot of money in research and development of products
18.Which country doesn’t .have the most important relationship today with the European
Union, Britain or Spain?
- Britain
19. what kinds of restaurants can you find in London?British, Italian, Chinese
and Indian restaurant
20. What do the people in Britain have in modern council housing estates?
Play areas for children, a community Centre where people live in estate can meet.
21. What is the most popular activity for boys and girls in the evening at
+) boys: Playing sport.
+) girls: Going out with friends.
22. What do the students do when they study part-time?
Students combine their studies with work
23. How many main kinds of houses are there in Britain?
4 types: detached house, semi-detached house, terraced house, and blocks of flat
24. Which companies in Britain often make expensive products?The successful
small manufacturing companies
25. What are the two big parties in the political system in the U.K?
Labour Party and Conservative Party.
26. What are the two big parties in the political system in the UK?Labour Party
and Conservative Party.
27. What do the students do when they study part-time?Students combine their
studies with work
28. What is the most popular activity for boys and girls in the evening at
+) boys: Playing sport.
+) girls: Going out with friends.
29. What does Christmas dinner include? roast turkey, roast potatoes and
Brussels sprouts, followed by Christmas pudding
30. How many A levels do students need to go to university? Three A levels
31. Who is the head of state of Britain?King Charles III
32. At what age can students in Britain leave school?
At the age of 16
33. What are the characteristics of most British police-officer?Friendly, helpful,
34. What is the purpose of Harvest festival?To say thank you to God for a good
35. Which countries make up the United Kingdom?England, Scotland, Wales,
Northern Ireland
36. Who has true power in the British political system?
Prime Minister and his or her Cabinet
37. Why is it not easy to find somewhere cheap to live in Britain?
Because there is not enough council housing or cheap rented accommodation.
38. What is the purpose of Trooping the colour?
To celebrate the Queen’s official birthday 39.
Who is the head of the Commonwealth? King
Charles III
Review topics
1. 4 main points about British Isles.
- The British Isles is the name for a collection of about 4.000 islands, including Great
Britain and Ireland.
- The name British Isles, is usually only seen on maps - Britain is spilt up into counties.
- The British flag, known as the Union Jack, is a combination of three flags: The Saint
Andrew’s cross, The Saint Patrick’s cross and the Saint George’s cross.
+ -is a red (symbolize Bravery, strength, and valor), white (Peace, honesty), and blue(Vigilance, justice,
loyalty, perseverance) flag
-with three crosses: the cross of St George (England), the cross of St Andrew (Scotland), and the cross of
St Patrick (Ireland)
+The cross of St George is a red cross on a white ground.
+The cross of St Andrew is a white saltire (diagonal cross) on a blue ground.
+The cross of St Patrick is a red saltire on a white ground.
2. 4 main points about the King of the UK.
- The King is the head of state. He is also the head of the judiciary and of the Church of
England, as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
- The King’s constitutional role is mainly symbolic.
- The most important function of the King is ceremonial.
- The King is the head of the Commonwealth. He meets and entertains the Prime Ministers
of themember states.
3. 4 main points about British Parliament.
- The British Parliament has two houses, or chambers: the House of Commons and the
House of Lords.
- The House of Commons is the most powerful and decides national policy, but the House
of Lords can ask the House of Commons to rewrite certain parts of a bill before it
becomes a new law.
- The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliaments
- Each MP is elected by voters in one constituency. The candidate who wins becomes the
MP in the House of Commons.
4. 4 main points about Christmas Day.
- The most important day of the holidays
- Festive activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, going to parties
- It’s a special time when children get presents from family, friends and Santa Claus.
- A traditional dinner includes roast turkey, roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts, followed
by Christmas pudding.
5. 4 main points about New Year celebrations in Britain.
- Most people see in the New Year with friends and relations.
- At midnight on New Year’s Eve, everybody joins hands and sings Auld Lang Syne.
- In Scotland and the North of England, people go first footing.
- On New Year’s Day (1 January) people make New Year’s resolution.
They decide to do something to improve their lives.
6. 4 main points about Secondary school education.
- Secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive schools, grammar schools and private
- Most secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive schools. These are state schools.
About 7% of students go to private schools. Most expensive private schools are called
public schools.
- During the school time, students have to take 3 standard assessment tests.
- Between the ages of 14 and 16 students study for GCSEs (General certificate of
Secondary Education).
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lOMoARcPSD| 36086670
Review: Choose the best answer 1.
There are about …………..islands in The British Isles. A. 2000 B. 3000 C. 4000 D. 5000 2.
What is the luckiest type of first footer in England on New Year’s day? A. A young man C. a choppy child B.
A tall dark man D. a friend of father 3.
Students taking …………study traditional subjects such as French, Physics or History A. B.As B. A levels C. GNVQs D. GCSEs 4.
What is the surname of the British royal family? A. Robinson B. Wilson C. Windsor D. Jackson 5.
How many Houses are there in the British Parliament? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6.
Traditionally, the Harvest Festival in Britain was held to …………for a good harvest. A. Enjoy clean food B. party C. sell
D. say thank you to God 7.
It is very difficult for …………without work because they receive very little money from the state. A. Young people under 18 C. children under 16 B. Adults
D. young people 8.
British people must pay VAT on all ………….and electricity. A. Food B. drinks C. gas D. powers 9.
There are many couples living together before…….and they call the person they live with a partner. A. divorce B. getting married C. separated D. having children 10.
Who is the head of the state of Britain at the moment? A.
Queen Elizabeth I C. The Prime Minister B.
Queen Elizabeth II D. King Charles III 11.
The general elections must be held ……….. A. Every 3 years B. every 4 years C. every 5 years D. every 6 years 12.
Students have to try to get a place at another university or college before the new term starts in early … A. September B. August C. June D. October 13.
On New Year’s Eve, everybody in Britain sings Auld Lang Syne, a poem by the Scottish poet …………? A. Oliver Twist B. Walter Scott C. Robert Burns D. Robert Fergusson 14.
Why do the people in Britain live in their own house? A. Because of the freedom
C. They want to live with their family B. Low rented accommodation
D. Not enough accommodation for rent 15.
How old can the British people vote in a general election? A. 16 or over B. 17 or over C. 18 or over D. 19 or over 16.
British people use ……..to keep their house warm. A.
Thick curtains and carpets C. fireplaces and wood stove B. Thick blankets and pillows D. heaters lOMoARcPSD| 36086670 17.
Which is the official religion in Britain? A. Sikhism B. Christianity C. Judaism D. Islam 18.
Most secondary schools in Britain are …………
A. Comprehensive schools C. Grammar schools B. Free schools D. Secondary modern schools 19.
How old can the British people vote in a general election? A. 16 or over B. 17 or over C. 18 or over D. 19 or over 20.
The largest island in The British Isles is ……. A. Ireland B. Isle of Man C. England D. Great Britain 21.
About 70% people work in service industries, not included: A. Insurance B. Retailing C. Tourism D. Weaving 22.
There are about ……..islands in The British Isles. A. 2000 B. 3000 C. 4000 D. 5000 23.
Another name of Pancake Day is …… A. Pfannkuchen Monday C. Lant Friday B.
Shrove Tuesday D. Latha Sunday 24.
People are more likely to eat ………….. than to go out to eat in a posh restaurant in Britain. A. Hot food B. Cold food C. Fast food D. All of them 25.
The May Day is a festival to celebrate … A. The harvest B. the Royal
C. the end of winter D. End of spring 26.
In the following houses, which is usually quite far from center, but near the countryside? A. block of flat C. semi-detached house B. detached house D. terraced house 27.
Most British people _______ when they they are waiting for the bus or waiting to be served in a shop. A. jump B. hustle C. queue D. play game 28.
Hundreds of veteran cars are driven from …to…….on the south coast of England. A. London / Birmingham C. Birmingham / London B. London / Brighton D. Brighton / Oxford
29. Who does the true power lie with? A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. The Cabinet D. Both B&C
30. Most …………expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them. A. British people
B. Vietnamese people C. Australian people D. French people
31. Why do most British students choose to go to university a long way from their home town?
A. They want to be independent
B. They want to live away from home C.
They want to develop new interests D. All are correct
32. People give each other ……...Easter eggs on Easter Sunday. A. chocolate B. Vanilla C. Powder D. Franppe lOMoARcPSD| 36086670
33. Who is the most important person in Parliament?
A. The Queen C. The Prime Minster B. the Cabinet D. the Archbishop of Canterbury 34.
What do the British grow in their garden?
A. Flowers and grasses B. Timbers C. Fruit-trees D. Grasses 35. You can get married
in _______or in a registry office. A. church
B.couples’s home where they live together C. your parents’s home
D.Where the man propose to his girl 36.
The general elections must be held ……….. A. Every 3 years B. every 4 years C. every 5 years D. every 6 years 37.
On 1st April, when people discover the joke, you say ….. A. April Joke B. April Treat C. April Dupe D. April Fool 38.
…………is Halloween festival to celebrate the return of the souls of the dead who come back to
visit places where they used to live. A. 31 October B. 9 November C. 24 September D. 30 October 39.
What word is used to describe an area with its own local government? A. Canton B. Region C. County D.District 40.
The City is one of the most important...............centres. A. Shopping B. Financial C. Tourist D. Entertainment 41.
……………… is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain. A.
Hamburger or French fries B. Pizza
C. Fried chicken D. All are inaccurate 42.
Students in Britain do not take exams in these subjects:
A. Physical Education, Religious Education and Sex Education
B. English language, Sex education and Information Technology
C. Physical Education, English literature and Sex Education
D. Religious Education, French and English literature
43. What is Diwali often called?
A. Festival of Water B. Festival of Fire C. Festival of Lights D. Festival of Sun 44.
On Saint valentine’s Day, people send a …… to someone they love, fancy, admire or secretly like. A. turkeys B. Clothes C. Ring D. Valentine’s card
45. How many main kinds of houses are there in Britain? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 46.
What does the King do as head of the Commonwealth?
A: He appoints the Prime Minister to meet the prime Minister of the member states B: He gives a state banquet
C: He meets and entertains the Prime Ministers of the members of the states
D: He visits most parts of the world 47.
Students taking …………study traditional subjects, such as French, Physics or History lOMoARcPSD| 36086670 A. B.As B. A levels C. GNVQs D. GCSEs 48.
Great Britain includes England, Scotland and …… A. Northern Ireland B. Wales C. Republic of Ireland D. Cardiff 49.
In February, people bring their ………..to take part in Crufts Dog Show. A. Valuable dogs C. Helpful dogs B. Important dogs D. Money 50.
What do Jews do to celebrate their New Year, Rosh Hashanah? A. Lighting up candles C. receiving lucky money B. Sending cards
D. Painting patterns on the feet and hands of the children
51. Finding somewhere cheap to live is rather difficult in Britain because _________.
A. there is not enough council housing or cheap rented accommodation B.they want to save money
C.they want to choose somewhere not only being cheap but also convenient.
D.there is not enough money to pay for rented accommodation
52. At the age of______, students can leave school. A. 18 B.19 C.16 D.17
53. Which is the official religion in Britain? A. Sikhism B. Christianity C. Judaism D. Islam 54.
……………is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain? A.
Hamburger or French fries C. Fried chicken B. Pizza D. All are incorrect 55.
In the evening of Halloween, there are lots of Halloween ……..in which people dress up as witches, ghosts, devils… A.
Fancy dress parties B. pumkin eating C. Car show D. pantomimes
56. Who is the most important person in Parliament? A. The Prime Minister B. The Queen C. The Cabinet
D. The Archbishop of Canterbury
57. Oxford and Cambridge universities have held the Boat Race on the ….in London. A. River Dee, Wale B. River Medway C. River Thames D. River Wharfe Questions 1.
What two ‘Houses’ does the British Parliament consist of? Which is more powerful?
House of Commons and House of Lord. House of commons is more powerful. 2.
What is the purpose of Trooping the colour? To celebrate the Queen’s official birthday 3.
Who take state schools in Britain? Children of all abilities lOMoARcPSD| 36086670 4.
Which countries make up the United Kingdom? England,
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 5.
What is the purpose of Harvest festival?
To say thank you to God for a good harvest. 6.
What are the characteristics of most British police-officers? Friendly, helpful, polite 7.
At what age can students in Britain leave school? At the age of 16 8.
Who is the head of the Commonwealth? King Charles III 9.
Why is it not easy to find somewhere cheap to live in Britain?
Because there is not enough council housing or cheap rented accommodation. 10.
What does Christmas dinner include? roast turkey, roast
potatoes and Brussels sprouts, followed by Christmas pudding 11.
What is the song people sing on the New Year’s Eve? Auld Lang Syne 12.
Who has true power in the British political system?Prime
Minister and his or her Cabinet 13.
Which countries have their own local parliament, Scotland and
Wales or England and Ireland? - Scotland and Wales 14.
How many A levels do students need to go to university? Three A levels 15.
How do British people keep their house warm?Using thick curtains and carpets 16.
Where does the British Prime Minister live? 10 Downing Street 17.
What do the large companies often invest?
The large companies often invest a lot of money in research and development of products
18.Which country doesn’t .have the most important relationship today with the European Union, Britain or Spain? - Britain 19.
what kinds of restaurants can you find in London?British, Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurant 20.
What do the people in Britain have in modern council housing estates?
Play areas for children, a community Centre where people live in estate can meet. 21.
What is the most popular activity for boys and girls in the evening at weekends? lOMoARcPSD| 36086670 +) boys: Playing sport.
+) girls: Going out with friends. 22.
What do the students do when they study part-time?
Students combine their studies with work 23.
How many main kinds of houses are there in Britain?
4 types: detached house, semi-detached house, terraced house, and blocks of flat 24.
Which companies in Britain often make expensive products?The successful small manufacturing companies 25.
What are the two big parties in the political system in the U.K?
Labour Party and Conservative Party. 26.
What are the two big parties in the political system in the UK?Labour Party and Conservative Party. 27.
What do the students do when they study part-time?Students combine their studies with work 28.
What is the most popular activity for boys and girls in the evening at weekends? +) boys: Playing sport.
+) girls: Going out with friends. 29.
What does Christmas dinner include? roast turkey, roast potatoes and
Brussels sprouts, followed by Christmas pudding 30.
How many A levels do students need to go to university? Three A levels 31.
Who is the head of state of Britain?King Charles III 32.
At what age can students in Britain leave school? At the age of 16 33.
What are the characteristics of most British police-officer?Friendly, helpful, polite 34.
What is the purpose of Harvest festival?To say thank you to God for a good harvest. 35.
Which countries make up the United Kingdom?England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 36.
Who has true power in the British political system?
Prime Minister and his or her Cabinet 37.
Why is it not easy to find somewhere cheap to live in Britain?
Because there is not enough council housing or cheap rented accommodation. 38.
What is the purpose of Trooping the colour? lOMoARcPSD| 36086670
To celebrate the Queen’s official birthday 39.
Who is the head of the Commonwealth? King Charles III Review topics
1. 4 main points about British Isles.
- The British Isles is the name for a collection of about 4.000 islands, including Great Britain and Ireland.
- The name British Isles, is usually only seen on maps -
Britain is spilt up into counties.
- The British flag, known as the Union Jack, is a combination of three flags: The Saint
Andrew’s cross, The Saint Patrick’s cross and the Saint George’s cross.
+ -is a red (symbolize Bravery, strength, and valor), white (Peace, honesty), and blue(Vigilance, justice, loyalty, perseverance) flag
-with three crosses: the cross of St George (England), the cross of St Andrew (Scotland), and the cross of St Patrick (Ireland)
+The cross of St George is a red cross on a white ground.
+The cross of St Andrew is a white saltire (diagonal cross) on a blue ground.
+The cross of St Patrick is a red saltire on a white ground. -
2. 4 main points about the King of the UK.
- The King is the head of state. He is also the head of the judiciary and of the Church of
England, as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
- The King’s constitutional role is mainly symbolic.
- The most important function of the King is ceremonial.
- The King is the head of the Commonwealth. He meets and entertains the Prime Ministers of themember states.
3. 4 main points about British Parliament.
- The British Parliament has two houses, or chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
- The House of Commons is the most powerful and decides national policy, but the House
of Lords can ask the House of Commons to rewrite certain parts of a bill before it becomes a new law.
- The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliaments
- Each MP is elected by voters in one constituency. The candidate who wins becomes the MP in the House of Commons.
4. 4 main points about Christmas Day.
- The most important day of the holidays
- Festive activities include exchanging presents, singing Christmas songs, going to parties -
It’s a special time when children get presents from family, friends and Santa Claus. lOMoARcPSD| 36086670
- A traditional dinner includes roast turkey, roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts, followed by Christmas pudding.
5. 4 main points about New Year celebrations in Britain.
- Most people see in the New Year with friends and relations.
- At midnight on New Year’s Eve, everybody joins hands and sings Auld Lang Syne.
- In Scotland and the North of England, people go first footing.
- On New Year’s Day (1 January) people make New Year’s resolution.
They decide to do something to improve their lives.
6. 4 main points about Secondary school education.
- Secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive schools, grammar schools and private schools
- Most secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive schools. These are state schools.
About 7% of students go to private schools. Most expensive private schools are called public schools.
- During the school time, students have to take 3 standard assessment tests.
- Between the ages of 14 and 16 students study for GCSEs (General certificate of Secondary Education).