Đề thi HSG tỉnh lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh (2005 - 2006)

Đề thi HSG tỉnh lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh (2005 - 2006) được biên soạn dưới dạng file PDF cho các bạn học sinh tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem.

Gi¸oc vµ §µo o §Ò thi chän häc sinh giái cÊp tØnh líp 9 -thcs
Thanh Ho¸ N¨m häc 2005-2006
M«n tiÕng anh ( B¶ng A )
Thêi gian lµm bµi: 150 phót ( Kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò )
(§Ò thi gåm 03 trang)
Question 1: Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that
of the others.
1. A. concerned B. received C. attached D. concealed
2. A. teacher B. clear C. reason D. mean
3. A. check B. cheese C. chemistry D. cherry
4. A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays
5. A. name B. flame C. man D. fame
Question 2: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. He (have) four cars. All of them are Rolls-Royces
2. I (have) lunch with my mother tomorrow.
3. It's nice to be back here in London. This is the second time I (come) here.
4. Look ! Her eyes (be) red and wet. She must (cry)
5. Did you hear me come in last night ? No, I (be) asleep
6. So far we (not notice) anything unusual, but we (not pay ) very close attention.
7. He shouldn’t (tell) about our plan. He can't keep any secrete.
8. "Come on Ladies" She shouted. "There is nothing to be afraid of. The mice (leave) the
9. The children enjoy (allow) (stay) up late when there's something special on TV.
10. You (drive) all day. Let me ( drive) now.
11. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there.
12. I won't let you go until I (tell) the truth.
Question 3: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences
1. He suffered from constant ............... (sleep)
2. It seems ................. to change the timetable. (logic)
3. His .............with the local languages surprised me ( familiar)
4. My brother lives in a ...............area. ( reside)
5. He was always ........to his father's wishes. (obey)
6. the children were surprised at the sudden ...........of their teacher. ( enter)
7. He is looking ..............thinner ( appreciate)
8. The water in this lake is rather ................, like sea water. ( salt)
9. The.............of his wife was a great blow to him. ( lose)
10. Trung's sense of humor ..........him from other students. ( distinct)
Question 4: Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.
1. You can't ..................me! I know that story isnt true.
a. lie b. fool c. do d. cheat
2. She`s so ..................that she refuses to put the fire on, even in the middle of winter.
a. greedy b. selfish c. self-centred d. mean
3. He said he hasn`t got it now, ................?
a. hasn`t he b. doesn`t he c. did he d. didn`t he
4. Anne is busy ................... a letter
a. wrote b. write c. writing d. written
5. The carpenter will repair the..................chair.
a. break b. broken c. breaking d. has broken
§Ò thi chÝnh thøc
6. We welcome you to our city. You .......... to our city.
a- Welcome b- are welcome c- have welcomed d- are welcoming
7. It was ............ an interesting book that he couldn't put it down.
a- very b- enough c- such d- so
8. I congratulate him ............ his success.
a- in b- at c- with d- on
9. We saw some people ........... car had broken down.
a- them b- their c- whose d- of which
10. ........... doesn't seem to be anyone at home.
a- It b- One c- There d- When ever
11. The sun was ......... clouds.
a- after b- in front of c- behind d- beside
12. I'm sure he didn’t do it ...............purpose
a. in b. with c. for d. on
13. Children! It's time you ...........away those toys.
a. to tidy b. tidy c. tidied d. should tidy
14. We were walking down the street when it began to rain ............
a. greatly b. heavily c. severally d. very big.
15. My bag's gone. I've been ...........
a. stolen b. robbed c. kidnapped d. thieved
Question 5: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the way ...1.....which man polluted
his ....2... . Man dities the air ....3....... gases and smoke, poisons the ..4....... with chemicals
and others substances, and damages the .....5...... with too many fertilizers and
pesticides. ........6... also pollutes his surroundings .......7...... various other ways. For
example, people ....8..... natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and ...9.....
the water. They operate the machines and motor vehicles and ....10...... the air with
disturbing noise.
Question 6: Read the passage carfully and then answer the questions above.
Would you like a robot in your house? It is now generally accepted that in the future
robots will take over many of uor tasks, especially jobs of a repetive nature. But it's doubtful
if robots will ever be able to do any of the more creative types of work-or indeed if people
would want them to . In the home robots would probably be used to do the cleaning, table-
laying scrubbing and washing up, but it's considered unlike so far that they'll be used to do
cooking- at least not in the near future. Robots in the home might not be creative enough to
do the cooking, plan the meals, and so on. They would be used as slaves, thereby freeing
people to do more of the things they wanted.
1. What kind of job would a robot take over?
2. What are the types of creative jobs?
3. Can robots do creative work ? Why?
4. what would people use robots for?
5. Would you like a robot in your house ? If yes why? If no, Why not?
Question 7:
a) Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it
1. He hardly knows nothing about it.
2. Swimming is a good sport for our health
3. Your friends went to your native village last weekend, weren't they?
4. I'd like to go out for dinner, but I don’t feel like to eat out tonight
5. There have been little rain this summer
b) Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
1. Dick / listening / classical music / when / friend / arrived.
2. They /warn / us / not/ sleep/ without/ mosquito nets.
3. the past/ most people/ believed/ world's resources / can / never / use up.
4. My sister / learn / English / two years now.
5. Before / give / evidence / you must / swear/ say / truth.
Question 8: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues
1. He forgot about the bag until he got home.
- Not until .................................................
2. Phong looks very happy . His father has given him a present.
- Phong, whose...........................................
3. He was a fool to say that
- It is..........................................................
4. Ann is good-looking and well-behaved.
- Not only .....................................................
5. Henry regretted buying the second-hand car.
- Henry wished......................................
6. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
- No matter .................................................
7. I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang.
-I was ..........................................................
8. My English friend finds using chopsticks difficult.
- My English friend isn't ..............................
9. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievement.
- Much .........................................................
10. She was not only bad-tempered but very lazy
- As well................................................
Së gi¸o dôc vµ ®µo t¹o ®¸p ¸n - híng dÉn chÊm ®Ò thi chän häc sinh
giái líp 9 - THCS
Thanh Ho¸ N¨m häc 2005 - 2006
M«n : TiÕng Anh (®Ò chÝnh thøc b¶ng A)
A- ®¸p ¸n
Question1: ( 5points)
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
Question 2: (15 points)
1. has had 7.be told
2. am having 8. have left
3. have come 9. being allowed - to stay
4. are - have cried 10 have been driving - drive
5. had been 11. will have been sold
6. haven't noticed - haven't been paying 12. am told/ have been told
Question 3: ( 10 points)
1. sleeplessness 6.entry
2. illogical 7.appreciatively
3. familiarity 8. salty
4. residential 9. loss
5. disobedient 10. distinguishes
Question 4: (15 points)
1. b 9. c
2. d 10. c
3. d 11. c
4. c 12. d
5. b 13. c
6. b 14. b
7. c 15. b
8. d
Question 5:(10 points)
1. in/by 6. he/man
2. surroundings 7. in
3. with 8. destroy
4. water 9. in
5. soil/land 10. pollute
Question 6: ( 5 points)
1. Many of our tasks, especially jobs of a repetitive nature.
2. Types of job that people would want them to do.
3. No, they can't . Because they might not be creative enough.
4. People would use robots as slaves, thereby freeing people to do more of things they
5. No, I would not. Because there are many persons(people) in my house.
Question 7: ( 10 points)
a)(5 points)
1. C anything
2. B a sport good
3. D didn’t they.
4. D eating
5. B. has
b) ( 5 points)
1. Dick was listening to classical music when his friend arrived.
2. They warned us not to sleep without mosquito nets.
3. In the past, most people believed that the world's resources could be never used up.
4. My sister has been learning English for two years now.
5. Before giving the evidence, you must swear that you will say the truth.
Question 8: (10 points)
1. Not until he got home did he remember about the bag.
2. Phong, whose father has given him a present looks very happy.
3. It's foolish of him to say that.
4. Not only is Ann good-looking (but) she is also well-behaved.
5. Henry wished he hadn't bought the second hand car.
6. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the money.
7. I was about to leave the house when the telephone rang.
8. My English friend isn't used to using chopsticks.
9. Much as I admired her achievements, I don’t really like her.
10. As well as being bad-tempered, she was very lazy.
B-ng dÉn chÊm
- Tæng ®iÓm toµn bµi: 80 points
- Thang ®iÓm 20
Tæng nh÷ng phÇn lµm ®óng
- §iÓm bµi thi =
| 1/5

Preview text:

Së Gi¸o dôc vµ §µo t¹o §Ò thi chän häc sinh giái cÊp tØnh líp 9 -thcs Thanh Ho¸ N¨m häc 2005-2006
M«n tiÕng anh ( B¶ng A )
§Ò thi chÝnh thøc Thêi gian lµm bµi: 150 phót ( Kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò )
(§Ò thi gåm 03 trang)
Question 1: Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. concerned B. received C. attached D. concealed 2. A. teacher B. clear C. reason D. mean 3. A. check B. cheese C. chemistry D. cherry 4. A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays 5. A. name B. flame C. man D. fame
Question 2: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. He (have) four cars. All of them are Rolls-Royces
2. I (have) lunch with my mother tomorrow.
3. It's nice to be back here in London. This is the second time I (come) here.
4. Look ! Her eyes (be) red and wet. She must (cry)
5. Did you hear me come in last night ? No, I (be) asleep
6. So far we (not notice) anything unusual, but we (not pay ) very close attention.
7. He shouldn’t (tell) about our plan. He can't keep any secrete.
8. "Come on Ladies" She shouted. "There is nothing to be afraid of. The mice (leave) the room".
9. The children enjoy (allow) (stay) up late when there's something special on TV.
10. You (drive) all day. Let me ( drive) now.
11. If we don’t hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we get there.
12. I won't let you go until I (tell) the truth.
Question 3: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences
1. He suffered from constant ............... (sleep)
2. It seems ................. to change the timetable. (logic)
3. His .............with the local languages surprised me ( familiar)
4. My brother lives in a ...............area. ( reside)
5. He was always ........to his father's wishes. (obey)
6. the children were surprised at the sudden ...........of their teacher. ( enter)
7. He is looking ..............thinner ( appreciate)
8. The water in this lake is rather ................, like sea water. ( salt)
9. The.............of his wife was a great blow to him. ( lose)
10. Trung's sense of humor ..........him from other students. ( distinct)
Question 4: Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.
1. You can't ..................me! I know that story isnt true. a. lie b. fool c. do d. cheat
2. She`s so ..................that she refuses to put the fire on, even in the middle of winter. a. greedy b. selfish c. self-centred d. mean
3. He said he hasn`t got it now, ................? a. hasn`t he b. doesn`t he c. did he d. didn`t he
4. Anne is busy ................... a letter a. wrote b. write c. writing d. written
5. The carpenter will repair the..................chair. a. break b. broken c. breaking d. has broken
6. We welcome you to our city. You .......... to our city. a- Welcome b- are welcome c- have welcomed d- are welcoming
7. It was ............ an interesting book that he couldn't put it down. a- very b- enough c- such d- so
8. I congratulate him ............ his success. a- in b- at c- with d- on
9. We saw some people ........... car had broken down. a- them b- their c- whose d- of which
10. ........... doesn't seem to be anyone at home. a- It b- One c- There d- When ever
11. The sun was ......... clouds. a- after b- in front of c- behind d- beside
12. I'm sure he didn’t do it ...............purpose a. in b. with c. for d. on
13. Children! It's time you ...........away those toys. a. to tidy b. tidy c. tidied d. should tidy
14. We were walking down the street when it began to rain ............ a. greatly b. heavily c. severally d. very big.
15. My bag's gone. I've been ........... a. stolen b. robbed c. kidnapped d. thieved
Question 5: Fill in each blank with one suitable word.
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the way ...1.....which man polluted
his ....2... . Man dities the air ....3....... gases and smoke, poisons the ..4....... with chemicals
and others substances, and damages the .....5...... with too many fertilizers and
pesticides. ........6... also pollutes his surroundings .......7...... various other ways. For
example, people ....8..... natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and ...9.....
the water. They operate the machines and motor vehicles and ....10...... the air with disturbing noise.
Question 6: Read the passage carfully and then answer the questions above.
Would you like a robot in your house? It is now generally accepted that in the future
robots will take over many of uor tasks, especially jobs of a repetive nature. But it's doubtful
if robots will ever be able to do any of the more creative types of work-or indeed if people
would want them to . In the home robots would probably be used to do the cleaning, table-
laying scrubbing and washing up, but it's considered unlike so far that they'll be used to do
cooking- at least not in the near future. Robots in the home might not be creative enough to
do the cooking, plan the meals, and so on. They would be used as slaves, thereby freeing
people to do more of the things they wanted.
1. What kind of job would a robot take over?
2. What are the types of creative jobs?
3. Can robots do creative work ? Why?
4. what would people use robots for?
5. Would you like a robot in your house ? If yes why? If no, Why not? Question 7:
a) Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct and correct it
1. He hardly knows nothing about it. A B C D
2. S wimming is a good sport for our health A B C D 3. Y
our friends went to your native village last weekend, weren't they? A B C D
4. I'd like to go out for dinner, but I don’t feel like to eat out tonight A B C D 5. The
re have been little rain this summer A B C D
b) Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.
1. Dick / listening / classical music / when / friend / arrived.
2. They /warn / us / not/ sleep/ without/ mosquito nets.
3. the past/ most people/ believed/ world's resources / can / never / use up.
4. My sister / learn / English / two years now.
5. Before / give / evidence / you must / swear/ say / truth.
Question 8: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues
1. He forgot about the bag until he got home.
- Not until .................................................
2. Phong looks very happy . His father has given him a present.
- Phong, whose........................................... 3. He was a fool to say that
- It is..........................................................
4. Ann is good-looking and well-behaved.
- Not only .....................................................
5. Henry regretted buying the second-hand car.
- Henry wished......................................
6. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
- No matter .................................................
7. I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang.
-I was ..........................................................
8. My English friend finds using chopsticks difficult.
- My English friend isn't ..............................
9. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievement.
- Much .........................................................
10. She was not only bad-tempered but very lazy
- As well................................................ Së gi¸o dôc vµ ®µo t¹o
®¸p ¸n - híng dÉn chÊm ®Ò thi chän häc sinh giái líp 9 - THCS Thanh Ho¸ N¨m häc 2005 - 2006
M«n : TiÕng Anh (®Ò chÝnh thøc b¶ng A) A- ®¸p ¸n Question1: ( 5points) 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C
Question 2: (15 points) 1. has had 7.be told 2. am having 8. have left 3. have come 9. being allowed - to stay 4. are - have cried 10 have been driving - drive 5. had been 11. will have been sold
6. haven't noticed - haven't been paying 12. am told/ have been told
Question 3: ( 10 points) 1. sleeplessness 6.entry 2. illogical 7.appreciatively 3. familiarity 8. salty 4. residential 9. loss 5. disobedient 10. distinguishes
Question 4: (15 points) 1. b 9. c 2. d 10. c 3. d 11. c 4. c 12. d 5. b 13. c 6. b 14. b 7. c 15. b 8. d
Question 5:(10 points) 1. in/by 6. he/man 2. surroundings 7. in 3. with 8. destroy 4. water 9. in 5. soil/land 10. pollute
Question 6: ( 5 points)
1. Many of our tasks, especially jobs of a repetitive nature.
2. Types of job that people would want them to do.
3. No, they can't . Because they might not be creative enough.
4. People would use robots as slaves, thereby freeing people to do more of things they wanted.
5. No, I would not. Because there are many persons(people) in my house.
Question 7: ( 10 points) a)(5 points) 1. C  anything 2. B  a sport good 3. D  didn’t they. 4. D  eating 5. B. has b) ( 5 points)
1. Dick was listening to classical music when his friend arrived.
2. They warned us not to sleep without mosquito nets.
3. In the past, most people believed that the world's resources could be never used up.
4. My sister has been learning English for two years now.
5. Before giving the evidence, you must swear that you will say the truth.
Question 8: (10 points)
1. Not until he got home did he remember about the bag.
2. Phong, whose father has given him a present looks very happy.
3. It's foolish of him to say that.
4. Not only is Ann good-looking (but) she is also well-behaved.
5. Henry wished he hadn't bought the second hand car.
6. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the money.
7. I was about to leave the house when the telephone rang.
8. My English friend isn't used to using chopsticks.
9. Much as I admired her achievements, I don’t really like her.
10. As well as being bad-tempered, she was very lazy. B- Híng dÉn chÊm
- Tæng ®iÓm toµn bµi: 80 points - Thang ®iÓm 20
Tæng nh÷ng phÇn lµm ®óng - §iÓm bµi thi = 4
Document Outline

  • Question 8: Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentences with the cues
    • Thanh Ho¸ N¨m häc 2005 - 2006
  • A- ®¸p ¸n