End test 1 semester 2 - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

End-test 1-semester 2 - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

End-of-term Test 1 (Semester 2)
Time: 45 minutes
(45 minutes; 8 points)
(2 points)
Task 1. Listen to Kate and James talking about houses in the future.
Tick ( ) T (True) 🗸 or F (False). You will listen TWICE.
James wants to live another planet. on
James’ house will have fifteen rooms.
James’ kitchen can give the smell food. of
James’ robot might speak language. Martian’s
Task 2. Listen to Mr. Wilson talking about the Future City competition. Fill in
each gap with ONE WORD OR A NUMBER. You will listen TWICE.
- Grade 6
, 7 , 8 students
- Compete (1) teams in
- Living the (2) on
- an essay
- a model the city of
- a (3) plan
- a presentation video
- a scholarship of (4) $
Full name: .............................................................
(2 points)
Task 1. Read the text about recycling. Circle the best answer A, B or C.
Recycling is beneficial. First, recycling means less trash, so it saves space in
landfills. Second, if we use materials again, we can take fewer resources from the
Earth. Third, recycling materials produce less pollution, so it helps to keep our
environment clean.
So what can you do? Be sure to recycle everything you can at home and school.
Always drop your used aluminum cans and plastic bottles in a recycling bin.
Remember to put paper items like the newspaper, cereal boxes, and homework
pages into the recycling bin, too. Besides, find creative ways to reuse old items
before throwing them away.
Here are some fun facts about recycling. Old paper can be recycled around seven
times. Glass is one of the best recycling materials. Clear glass can be recycled
over and over again. In 2009, the United States recycled around 30% of all its
waste they found ways recyle around 7 million tons and to of metals.
1. What is NOT a benefit recycling? of
A. It helps to protect the environment.
B. It saves the resources. Earth’s
C. It makes landfills safer places.
2. What can you drop the recycling bin? in
A. Glass bottles.
B. Paper worksheets.
C. Old cereal.
3. Which is the best recycling material?
A. Metal.
B. Old paper.
C. Glass.
4. What might the best title for this reading passage? be
A. All about recycling
B. Reuse Reduce Recycle
C. Advantages and disadvantages of recycling
Task 2. Circle the correct option to complete each blank.
Havana is the capital, and also the largest city (1) Cuba. Havana celebrated
its in to 500
birthday 2019. There are amazing things see and (2)
in and this city. For example, you can visit the National Aquarium the house of
Fuster, a well-known artist in Cuba. He decided to turn his house and the entire
(3) into a work of art. Don’t forget to have fun with the street performers.
You might even get a free dancing lesson from some local people. Food in Havana is
great. Kids might love to try Coppelia Ice Cream and Cuban sandwich. For adults,
don’t miss Mojitos and Bucanero Beer, course, coffee. and of It delicious a is and
(4) of daily life here.
1 A. at
B. of
C. on
2 A. do
B. go
C. view
3 neighbourhood A.
B. neighbour
C. area
4 thing A.
B. piece
C. part
(2 points)
Task 1. Rearrange the sentences. You cannot change the words. Here is an example.
0. There/ library/many/ the/ books/ are/ in/.
Answer: 0. There are many books the library. in
1. library/ loudly/ speak/ in/ the/ . don’t/
2. car/ downtown/ An/ yesterday/ ,/ a / and/drove/ it/ rented.
3. might/ do/ you / control/ think / robots/ our world/ future/ the/ ? in/
4. one/ largest/ The Mekong River/ of/ the/ the / rivers/ / is/ world/ . in
2. Write an email to Linda and tell her about your favourite TV programme.
(40-60 words)
You can use the following ideas as cues.
- What is your favourite TV programme?
- Which channel can you watch on? When can you watch TV it it?
- What do you like best about that TV programme?
(2 points)
Task Choose the word with a different 1. way of pronunciation in the underlined
part. Circle A, B or C.
1. A. theatre
B. than
C. think
2. A. cont st e
B. xercise e
C. expensive
3. A. g ame
B. g teway a
C. r cket a
4. A. grow
B. t owel
C. f ound
Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. Refrigerators (be) invented in 1834.
2. Space robot can (help) scientists to explore other planets.
3. If there is no water, plants (die).
4. you (live) on Mars the future? in
Task 3. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle B A, or C.
1. When out, dad always carries the bag all. we go my of
heavy heavier heaviestB. C.
2. I’m writing poem poem. is about 3Rs.
a/ a/ The B. A C. an/ The
3. Fansipan Peak is than Son Tra Mountain.
more high higher highestB. C.
4. When you create new products from used materials, you are .
recycling reducing reusingB. C.
5. My home robot can clothes for me.
plant water ironB. C.
6. When I have free time, I like to the Internet.
go B. surf playC.
7. In the future, robots can work a keep our house feelings. as to
watch guard viewerB. C.
8. If you come Vietnam, forget try street food. to don’t to its
tasty easy C. helpfulB.
(2 points, approximately 3-5 minutes/ one pair of students)
* Notes: Teacher need ask all questions task to in 1.
Task 1. Now talk about your favourite TV programme. Are you ready?
1. Do you like robots? Why/ Why not?
2. What kind robot will you have the future? of in
3. What will your robot look like?
4. What will your robot be able do? to
Task 2: Each of you will now receive a card. On the card there is a picture and
clues for five questions. You should use the words to make questions
and ask your friends. Your friend will answer the questions based
on the picture he/ she has.
Card A
Use the words given below to
make questions. Ask your friend
about his/ her picture listen and
to the answers.
1. What/ room?
2. How many/ people?
3. What/ the woman/ doing?
4. What/ front of/ man? in
5. What/ kitchen/ your future
house/ like? look
Now, your friends will ask you
questions about your picture.
Answer his/ her questions.
Card B
Use the words given below to
make questions. Ask your friend
about his/ her picture listen and
to the answers.
1. What/ room?
2. How many/ people?
3. What/ the man/ sitting on?
4. What/ the robot/ doing?
5. What/you/ think/ robot/ do/
the future?
Now, your friends will ask you
questions about your picture.
Answer his/ her questions.
| 1/6

Preview text:

Full name: ............................................................. Mark:
School: ..................................................................
Class: .....................................................................
End-of-term Test 1 (Semester 2) Time: 45 minutes
A. WRITTEN TEST (45 minutes; 8 points) I LISTENING . (2 points)
Task 1. Listen to Kate and James talking about houses in the future.
Tick (🗸) T (True) or F (False). You will listen TWICE. T F 1. James wants to live o n another planet. 2.
James’ house will have fifteen rooms. 3.
James’ kitchen can give the smell o fo f od. 4.
James’ robot might speak Martian’s language.
Task 2. Listen to Mr. Wilson talking about the Future City competition. Fill in
each gap with ONE WORD OR A NUMBER. You will listen TWICE.
- Grade 6th, 7th, and 8th students Participants - Compete in (1) teams Topic - Living o the (2) n - an essay - a model o the f city Products - a (3) plan - a presentation video Prize - a scholarship of (4) $ 1
II. READING (2 points)
Task 1. Read the text about recycling. Circle the best answer A, B or C.
Recycling is beneficial. First, recycling means less trash, so it saves space in
landfills. Second, if we use materials again, we can take fewer resources from the
Earth. Third, recycling materials produce less pollution, so it helps to keep our environment clean.
So what can you do? Be sure to recycle everything you can at home and school.
Always drop your used aluminum cans and plastic bottles in a recycling bin.
Remember to put paper items like the newspaper, cereal boxes, and homework
pages into the recycling bin, too. Besides, find creative ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.
Here are some fun facts about recycling. Old paper can be recycled around seven
times. Glass is one of the best recycling materials. Clear glass can be recycled
over and over again. In 2009, the United States recycled around 30% of all its
waste and they found ways to recyle around 7 million tons of metals. 1. What is NOT a benefit o f recycling?
A. It helps to protect the environment.
B. It saves the Earth’s resources.
C. It makes landfills safer places.
2. What can you drop in the recycling bin? A. Glass bottles. B. Paper worksheets. C. Old cereal.
3. Which is the best recycling material? A. Metal. B. Old paper. C. Glass.
4. What might be the best title for this reading passage? A. All about recycling
B. Reuse – Reduce – Recycle
C. Advantages and disadvantages of recycling 2
Task 2. Circle the correct option to complete each blank.
Havana is the capital, and also the largest city (1) Cuba. Havana celebrated
its 500th birthday in 2019. There are amazing things to see and (2)
in this city. For example, you can visit the National Aquarium and the house o f
Fuster, a well-known artist in Cuba. He decided to turn his house and the entire (3)
into a work of art. Don’t forget to have fun with the street performers.
You might even get a free dancing lesson from some local people. Food in Havana is
great. Kids might love to try Coppelia Ice Cream and Cuban sandwich. For adults,
don’t miss Mojitos and Bucanero Beer, and o
f course, coffee. It is delicious and a (4) of daily life here. 1 A .at B. of C. on 2 A. do B. g o C. view 3 A neighbour . hood B. neighbour C. area 4 A thing . B. piece C. part
III. WRITING (2 points)
Task 1. Rearrange the sentences. You cannot change the words. Here is an example.
0. There/ library/many/ the/ books/ are/ in/.
Answer: 0. There are many books in the library.
1. library/ loudly/ speak/ in/ don’t/ the/ . → .
2. car/ downtown/ An/ yesterday/ ,/ a / and/drove/ it/ rented. → .
3. might/ do/ you / control/ think / robots/ our world/ future/ in/ the/ ? → ?
4. one/ largest/ The Mekong River/ of/ the/ the / rivers/ in / is/ world/ . → . 3
2. Write an email to Linda and tell her about your favourite TV programme. (40-60 words)
You can use the following ideas as cues.
- What is your favourite TV programme? - Which T
V channel can you watch it on? When can you watch it?
- What do you like best about that TV programme?
Task 1 .Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined
part. Circle A, B or C. 1. A. theatre B. than C. think 2. A. contest B. exercise C. expensive 3. A. gam e B. gateway C. racket 4. A. grow B. towel C. found
Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. Refrigerators (be) invented in 1834. 2. Space robot can
(help) scientists to explore other planets. 4
3. If there is no water, plants (die). 4. you (live) on Mars in the future?
Task 3. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A B , or C. 1. When w e g ou o t, m dad always carr y ies the bag o f all. A. heavy B heavier . C heaviest . 2. I’m writing poem. poem is about 3Rs. A. a/ The B .a/ A C. an/ The 3. Fansipan Peak is than Son Tra Mountain. A. more high B higher . C highest . 4.
When you create new products from used materials, you are . A. recycling B reducing . C reusing . 5. My home robot can clothes for me. A. plant B water . C iron .
6. When I have free time, I like to the Internet. A. go B. surf C play . 7.
In the future, robots can work as a to keep our house feelings. A. watch B guar . d C viewer . 8. If you come to Vietnam, forg don’t et to try its street food. A. tasty B easy . C. helpful
B.SPEAKING TEST (2 points, approximately 3-5 minutes/ one pair of students) * Notes: Teacher
need to ask all questions i task n 1. Task 1. Now
talk about your favourite TV programme. Are you ready?
1. Do you like robots? Why/ Why not? 2. What kind o robot f will you have in the future?
3. What will your robot look like?
4. What will your robot be able to do? 5
Task 2: Each of you will now receive a card. On the card there is a picture and
clues for five questions. You should use the words to make questions
and ask your friends. Your friend will answer the questions based
on the picture he/ she has.
Card A
Use the words given below to
make questions. Ask your friend
about his/ her picture and listen to the answers.
1. What/ room? 2. How many/ people? 3. What/ the woman/ doing? 4. What/ i n front of/ man?
Now, your friends will ask you
questions about your picture.
5. What/ kitchen/ your future
Answer his/ her questions. house/ loo k like? Card B
Use the words given below to
make questions. Ask your friend
about his/ her picture and listen to the answers.
1. What/ room? 2. How many/ people? 3. What/ the man/ sitting on?
Now, your friends will ask you 4. What/ the robot/ doing?
questions about your picture.
5. What/you/ think/ robot/ do/
Answer his/ her questions. the future? 6