Entry test - Tiếng Anh cơ sở (FL1128) | Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội

You can do this test before using the book to help you choose what to study. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C, for each question

You can do this test before using the book to help you choose what to study. Choose the correct
answer, A, B, or C, for each queson.
1 I that Dave’s put his house up
for sale.
A ’m seeing
B see
C ’ve been seeing
2 John me three mes already
this morning, and I’ve only been at work for
an hour.
A had phoned
B phoned
C s phoned
3 When I said I’d visit them in New Zealand, I
how expensive the
airfare would be.
A haven’t realised
B hadn’t realised
C hadn’t been realising
4 If you give me your coat, I it
up for you.
A ’ll hang
B ’m going to hang
C ’m hanging
5 Give me a ring when you
back home.
A get
B will get
C are geng
6 The peace talks today, but last
weekend the meeng was postponed
A were to start
B are starng
C were to have started
7 Nixon fell o his bike early in the race but
connue aer receiving medical
A can
B could
C was able to
8 The blue whale grow up to
30 metres long.
A might
B can
C could
9 When the snow blocked the road, motorists
abandon their cars and walk.
A have to
B must
C had to
10 Have you eaten all the cake? You
have le some for me!
A might
B may can
Entry test
Entry test
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
11 My parents gave me the money for the car. I
have aorded to buy it myself.
A couldn’t B can’t
C mustn’t
12 I have listened to your advice and
started out before the rush hour.
A must
B had beer
C ought to
13 Today’s Times reporng that the
number of people emigrang from the
country risen to record levels.
A is ... have
B is ... has
C are ... have
14 found that most people listen to
the radio for longer than they watch
television. A A recent research has
B Recent research has
C Recent researches have
15 Sciensts are predicng that Britain will
have as cold as Canada’s within a
hundred years unless global warming is
brought under control.
A the climate
B climate
C a climate
16 welcome the decision to turn
street lights o at midnight.
A Not all residents in the area
B All residents in the area don’t
C Not any residents in the area
17 He had a neat beard and a small gold earring
in ear.
A every
B each of
C each
18 Although the villagers were very poor, they
were always happy to share with us
food they had.
A the few
B lile
C the lile
19 The new magazine for teenagers is
A weekly to be published
B to be weekly published
C to be published weekly
20 The conference has been a great success,
and I’d like to thank all the .
A people involved
B very involved people
C involved people
21 I felt bad him with all the
washing up aer the meal, but I had to get
back to work.
A to leave B leaving
C leave
22 It wasn’t the holiday I’ve ever had,
but it was certainly the .
A cheapest ... most relaxing
B cheapest ... relaxingest
C most cheap ... most relaxing
23 Some people in the factory were found to
be earning a dollar a day.
A as lile as
B as few as
C so lile as
24 When I started to put up the shelves, I
discovered that it wasn’t I’d rst
A as easy job as
B as easy a job
C as easy a job as
25 If you , maybe I can help you solve
A explain me the problem
B explain the problem to me
C explain the problem for me
26 I’ve been doing lots of training in the gym to
prepare the marathon.
A me for running
B myself to run
C myself for running
27 Considering that we don’t have many
interests in common, we get along
quite well.
A with each another
B with each other
C for each other
28 Aer being away for so long, I’m really
looking forward back home.
A to geng
B geng
C to get
29 I oen don’t have me to eat a proper
lunch, so I just a banana.
A make to do with
B make do for
C make do with
30 I waited before going to work.
A for the post arriving
B for the post to arrive
C to the post to arrive
31 In 1927, Belgian-born Georges Lemaitre
published his explanaon of the creaon
of the universe became known as
the Big Bang theory.
A which
B , which
C that
32 As warm air rises, it mixes with cooler air
above and cools to a point it stops
A where
B that
C which
33 The police held three men for quesoning,
all denied any part in the robbery.
A of whom
B whom
C of which
34 The oce block now in the city
centre will be the highest in the country.
A being built
Entry test
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lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
B building built
35 The last person the room should
switch o the lights.
A le
B leaves
C to leave
36 I’m looking for a relavely cheap digital
camera, and relavely cheap.
A is easy to use
B easy using
C easy to use
37 I was just about to ring the bell the
door opened.
A as
B when
C while
38 Football is the most popular sport in the
country more people pay to watch
it than any other.
A inasmuch as
B inasmuch that
C as much as
39 She avoided telling Alan what she thought of
his painng oend him.
A not
B so not to
C in order not to
40 If I more me, I’d like to learn to
play a musical instrument.
A will have
B would have
C had
41 Look at those clouds. It’ll be amazing
have heavy rain before long.
A if don’t we
B if we don’t
C unless we
42 Its sll hot in here the
aircondioning is turned up high.
A even though
B unless
C even if
43 on a box, I was just able to see
through the window.
A Standing
B I stood
C Stood
44 in the fridge, sh should stay fresh
for two or three days.
A Keeping
B Having kept
C Kept
45 him playing football, you’d think
he was a professional.
A Saw
B See
C To see
46 Today’s victory over United doesn’t change
the team has been playing poorly
for most of the season.
A the fact
B the fact that
C that
he should take responsibility for
to the company over the last few months.
A has happened
B what has happened
C that has happened
48 A commiee has been set up to decide
or not the two colleges should
A whether
B unless
C if
49 Nick is always out playing football or
cycling, his brother prefers to stay
indoors reading or watching television.
A in contrast
B whereas
C instead
50 She wasn’t worried about having to sing in
front of so many people. , she
seemed to be looking forward to it.
A On the one hand
B On the other hand
C On the contrary
51 I hate going to the denst I’ve
never had to have any treatment on my
A even so
B even though
C however
52 I remember to the zoo when I
was very young.
A was taken
B being taken
C to be taken
her kitchen, unconscious.
A lying
B to lie
C lie
54 He aer he sent an email
around the oce making fun of the
manager. A got himself dismissed
B dismissed himself
C had himself dismissed
55 At rst I didn’t want to have a burglar
alarm, but eventually he was a
good idea.
A persuaded that
B persuaded me that it
47 Mr Thomas is managing director and so 53 She was found
Entry test
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lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
C persuaded it
56 She asked me why to work any
A did I not walk
B didn’t I walk
C I didn’t walk
57 They recommended that a new bridge
across the river in the city
A should build
B to be built
C be built
58 ‘Do you think Claire really wants to come
with us?’ ‘I .
A suspect not
B suspect not so don’t suspect so
59 I didn’t think I’d enjoy watching basketball
much, but .
A I did
B I did so
C so I did
60 We won the game although we .
A deserved not
B didn’t deserve to
C deserve
61 There was no public transport on the island
so hire bikes and cycle to a
dierent beach every day.
A what we did
B that we did was to
C what we did was to
62 I helped Tim clean the house from top to
boom, but ‘thank you’.
A not he did once say
B not once did he say
C not once he did say
63 , she would be the youngest ever
leader of the Republic Party.
A She were to be elected
B Were she to be elected
C Were to be elected
64 over the last year.
A There has been a spectacularly rise in
the price of sugar
B The price of sugar has risen spectacular
C There has been a spectacular rise in the
price of sugar
65 I rst tried to contact with Mr
Rogers by phone, but when there was no
answer I emailed him instead.
A make
B have
C take
66 The government to prevent the
press reporng stories about the Prime
Ministers children.
A took swi acon
B acted swi
C made swi acon
67 Tina rarely dies up her bedroom. She just
doesn’t see important.
A as
B it as
C it
68 Everyone was at the meeng, and by the
me I got to the hall to sit.
A there were nowhere
B it was nowhere
C there was nowhere
69 I don’t think I’ll get the job, but in
an applicaon.
A its no harm in pung
B there’s no harm in pung
C there’s no harm to put
70 He tricked expensive holiday
insurance when it wasn’t really necessary.
A into buying
B me into buying
C me to buying
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
71 Just put all the paperwork on my desk and I’ll sort later.
A out
B out it
C it out
72 Let me help your coat.
A you on with
B on with
C on you with
73 Protestors have handed a peon to the government with a demand on the
levels of air polluon in the region.
A for immediate acon
B for immediate act
C to immediate acon
74 He travelled everywhere by train because of his fear .
A to y
B in ying
C of ying
75 I was really annoyed the rubbish that had been thrown into my garden.
A with
B about
C at
1 B (Unit 1) 2 C (
Unit 1) 3 B (Unit 1)
4 A (Unit 2)
5 A (Unit 2)
6 C (Unit 2)
7 C (Unit 3) 8 B
(Unit 3) 9 C (
Unit 3)
10 A (Unit 4)
11 A (Unit 4) 12 C
(Unit 4) 13 B (
Unit 5)
Entry test
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
14 B (Unit 5) 15 C
(Unit 5) 16 A (
Unit 6)
17 C (Unit 6)
18 C (Unit 6)
19 C (Unit 7) 20 A
(Unit 7) 21 B (
Unit 7)
22 A (Unit 8)
23 A (Unit 8) 24 C
(Unit 8) 25 B (
Unit 9) 26 C (
Unit 9) 27 B (
Unit 9)
28 A (Unit 10) 29 C
(Unit 10) 30 B (
Unit 10) 31 B (Unit
32 A (Unit 11)
33 A (Unit 11) 34 A
(Unit 12)
35 C (Unit 12)
36 C (Unit 12) 37 B
(Unit 13)
38 A (Unit 13) 39 C
(Unit 13)
43 A (Unit 15)
44 C (Unit 15)
45 C (Unit 15) 46 B
(Unit 16)
lOMoARcPSD| 45254322
53 A (
Unit 18)
54 A (
Unit 18)
55 B (
Unit 19)
56 C (
Unit 19)
57 C (Unit 19)
58 A (Unit 20)
59 A (Unit 20) 60 B
(Unit 20) 61 C
(Unit 21) 62 B
(Unit 21)
65 A (
Unit 22)
66 A (
Unit 22)
67 B (
Unit 23)
68 C (
Unit 23)
69 B (
Unit 23)
72 A (
Unit 24)
73 A (
Unit 25)
74 C (
Unit 25)
75 B (
Unit 25)
| 1/11

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lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Entry test
You can do this test before using the book to help you choose what to study. Choose the correct
answer, A, B, or C, for each question. C are getting 6 The peace talks today, but last 1 I
that Dave’s put his house up
weekend the meeting was postponed for sale. indefinitely. A ’m seeing A were to start B see B are starting C ’ve been seeing C were to have started 2 John me three times already
7 Nixon fell off his bike early in the race but
this morning, and I’ve only been at work for
continue after receiving medical an hour. treatment. A had phoned A can B phoned B could C ’s phoned C was able to
3 When I said I’d visit them in New Zealand, I 8 The blue whale grow up to how expensive the 30 metres long. airfare would be. A might A haven’t realised B can B hadn’t realised C could C hadn’t been realising
9 When the snow blocked the road, motorists
4 If you give me your coat, I it abandon their cars and walk. up for you. A have to A ’ll hang B must B ’m going to hang C had to C ’m hanging
10 Have you eaten all the cake? You 5 Give me a ring when you have left some for me! back home. A might A get B may can B will get C lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322
11 My parents gave me the money for the car. I
17 He had a neat beard and a small gold earring
have afforded to buy it myself. in ear. A couldn’t B can’t A every C mustn’t B each of C each 12 I
have listened to your advice and
started out before the rush hour.
18 Although the villagers were very poor, they A must
were always happy to share with us B had better food they had. C ought to A the few B little 13 Today’s Times reporting that the C the little
number of people emigrating from the country risen to record levels.
19 The new magazine for teenagers is A is ... have . B is ... has A weekly to be published C are ... have B to be weekly published C to be published weekly 14
found that most people listen to
the radio for longer than they watch
20 The conference has been a great success,
television. A A recent research has
and I’d like to thank all the . B Recent research has A people involved C Recent researches have B very involved people C involved people
15 Scientists are predicting that Britain will have
as cold as Canada’s within a 21 I felt bad him with all the
hundred years unless global warming is
washing up after the meal, but I had to get brought under control. back to work. A the climate A to leave B leaving B climate C leave C a climate 22 It wasn’t the holiday I’ve ever had, 16 welcome the decision to turn but it was certainly the .
street lights off at midnight. A cheapest ... most relaxing
A Not all residents in the area B cheapest ... relaxingest
B All residents in the area don’t
C most cheap ... most relaxing
C Not any residents in the area
23 Some people in the factory were found to be earning a dollar a day. 2 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Entry test A as little as
29 I often don’t have time to eat a proper B as few as lunch, so I just a banana. C so little as A make to do with B make do for
24 When I started to put up the shelves, I C make do with discovered that it wasn’t I’d first thought. 30 I waited before going to work. A as easy job as A for the post arriving B as easy a job B for the post to arrive C as easy a job as C to the post to arrive 25 If you , maybe I can help you solve
31 In 1927, Belgian-born Georges Lemaitre it.
published his explanation of the creation A explain me the problem of the universe became known as B explain the problem to me the Big Bang theory. C explain the problem for me A which B , which
26 I’ve been doing lots of training in the gym to C that prepare the marathon. A me for running
32 As warm air rises, it mixes with cooler air B myself to run above and cools to a point it stops C myself for running rising. A where
27 Considering that we don’t have many B that
interests in common, we get along C which quite well. A with each another
33 The police held three men for questioning, B with each other all
denied any part in the robbery. C for each other A of whom B whom
28 After being away for so long, I’m really C of which looking forward back home. A to getting 34 The office block now in the city B getting
centre will be the highest in the country. C to get A being built C lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 B building built
41 Look at those clouds. It’ll be amazing 35 The last person the room should have heavy rain before long. switch off the lights. A if don’t we A left B if we don’t B leaves C unless we C to leave 42 It’s still hot in here the
36 I’m looking for a relatively cheap digital
airconditioning is turned up high. camera, and relatively cheap. A even though A is easy to use B unless B easy using C even if C easy to use 43
on a box, I was just able to see
37 I was just about to ring the bell the through the window. door opened. A Standing A as B I stood B when C Stood C while 44
in the fridge, fish should stay fresh
38 Football is the most popular sport in the for two or three days. country more people pay to watch A Keeping it than any other. B Having kept A inasmuch as C Kept B inasmuch that 45
him playing football, you’d think C as much as he was a professional.
39 She avoided telling Alan what she thought of A Saw his painting offend him. B See A not C To see B so not to
46 Today’s victory over United doesn’t change C in order not to
the team has been playing poorly 40 If I
more time, I’d like to learn to for most of the season. play a musical instrument. A the fact A will have B the fact that B would have C that C had 4 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 Entry test
47 Mr Thomas is managing director and so 53 She was found
he should take responsibility for
51 I hate going to the dentist I’ve
to the company over the last few months.
never had to have any treatment on my A has happened teeth. B what has happened A even so C that has happened B even though C however
48 A committee has been set up to decide
or not the two colleges should 52 I remember to the zoo when I merge. was very young. A whether A was taken B unless B being taken C if C to be taken her kitchen, unconscious.
49 Nick is always out playing football or A lying cycling, his brother prefers to stay B to lie
indoors reading or watching television. C lie A in contrast B whereas 54 He after he sent an email C instead
around the office making fun of the
manager. A got himself dismissed
50 She wasn’t worried about having to sing in B dismissed himself front of so many people. , she C had himself dismissed
seemed to be looking forward to it. A On the one hand
55 At first I didn’t want to have a burglar B On the other hand alarm, but eventually he was a C On the contrary good idea. A persuaded that B persuaded me that it C lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 C persuaded it A not he did once say B not once did he say 56 She asked me why to work any C not once he did say more. A did I not walk 63
, she would be the youngest ever B didn’t I walk leader of the Republic Party. C I didn’t walk A She were to be elected B Were she to be elected
57 They recommended that a new bridge C Were to be elected across the river in the city centre. 64 over the last year. A should build
A There has been a spectacularly rise in B to be built the price of sugar C be built
B The price of sugar has risen spectacular
C There has been a spectacular rise in the
58 ‘Do you think Claire really wants to come price of sugar with us?’ ‘I .’ 65 I first tried to contact with Mr A suspect not
Rogers by phone, but when there was no
B suspect not so don’t suspect so answer I emailed him instead.
59 I didn’t think I’d enjoy watching basketball A make much, but . B have A I did C take B I did so C so I did 66 The government to prevent the
press reporting stories about the Prime
60 We won the game although we . Minister’s children. A deserved not A took swift action B didn’t deserve to B acted swift C deserve C made swift action
61 There was no public transport on the island
67 Tina rarely tidies up her bedroom. She just so hire bikes and cycle to a doesn’t see important. different beach every day. A as A what we did B it as B that we did was to C it C what we did was to
68 Everyone was at the meeting, and by the
62 I helped Tim clean the house from top to time I got to the hall to sit. bottom, but ‘thank you’. 6 A there were nowhere B it was nowhere C there was nowhere
69 I don’t think I’ll get the job, but in an application. A it’s no harm in putting
B there’s no harm in putting C there’s no harm to put 70 He tricked expensive holiday
insurance when it wasn’t really necessary. A into buying B me into buying C me to buying C lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 lOMoAR cPSD| 4525432 Entry test
71 Just put all the paperwork on my desk and I’ll sort later. A out B out it C it out 72 Let me help your coat. A you on with B on with C on you with
73 Protestors have handed a petition to the government with a demand on the
levels of air pollution in the region. A for immediate action B for immediate act C to immediate action
74 He travelled everywhere by train because of his fear . A to fly B in flying C of flying 75 I was really annoyed
the rubbish that had been thrown into my garden. A with B about C at Answers 7 C (➢ Unit 3) 8 B 1 B (➢ Unit 1) 2 C (➢ (➢ Unit 3) 9 C (➢ Unit 1) 3 B (➢ Unit 1) Unit 3) 4 A (➢ Unit 2) 10 A (➢ Unit 4) 5 A (➢ Unit 2) 11 A (➢ Unit 4) 12 C 6 C (➢ Unit 2) (➢ Unit 4) 13 B (➢ Unit 5) 8 14 B (➢ Unit 5) 15 C t (➢ Unit 5) 16 A (➢ 14 Unit 6) ) 41 17 C (➢ Unit 6) B 18 C (➢ Unit 6) ( 19 C (➢ Unit 7) 20 A ➢ (➢ Unit 7) 21 B (➢ U Unit 7) ni 22 A (➢ Unit 8) t 23 A (➢ Unit 8) 24 C 14 (➢ Unit 8) 25 B (➢ ) Unit 9) 26 C (➢ 42 A Unit 9) 27 B (➢ ( Unit 9) ➢ 28 A (➢ Unit 10) 29 C U (➢ Unit 10) 30 B (➢ ni Unit 10) 31 B (➢ Unit t 11) 14 32 A (➢ Unit 11) ) 33 A (➢ Unit 11) 34 A 43 A (➢ Unit 15) (➢ Unit 12) 44 C (➢ Unit 15) 35 C (➢ Unit 12) 45 C (➢ Unit 15) 46 B 36 C (➢ Unit 12) 37 B (➢ Unit 16) (➢ Unit 13) 47 38 A (➢ Unit 13) 39 C B (➢ Unit 13) ( 40 ➢ C U ( ni ➢ t U 16 ni ) 48 lOMoAR cPSD| 45254322 A 52 ( B ➢ ( U ➢ ni U t ni 16 t ) 18 49 ) B 53 A (➢ ( Unit 18) ➢ 54 A (➢ U Unit 18) ni 55 B (➢ t Unit 19) 17 56 C (➢ ) Unit 19) 50 57 C (➢ Unit 19) C ( 58 A (➢ Unit 20) ➢ 59 A (➢ Unit 20) 60 B U (➢ Unit 20) 61 C ni (➢ Unit 21) 62 B t (➢ Unit 21) 17 63 ) B 51 ( B ➢ ( U ➢ nit U 21 ni ) t 64 17 C ) ( 10 ➢ 73 A (➢ U Unit 25) nit 74 C (➢ 22 Unit 25) ) 75 B (➢ 65 A (➢ Unit 25) Unit 22) 66 A (➢ Unit 22) 67 B (➢ Unit 23) 68 C (➢ Unit 23) 69 B (➢ Unit 23) 70 B ( ➢ U nit 24 ) 71 C ( ➢ U nit 24 ) 72 A (➢ Unit 24)