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Environment - English | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế
Environment - English | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Tiếng anh 1 (ENGL 101E) 228 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế 429 tài liệu
Environment - English | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế
Environment - English | Trường Đại Học Ngoại ngữ Huế được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Tiếng anh 1 (ENGL 101E) 228 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế 429 tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế
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Actual Script: Before the lesson:
Volunteers to divide the students into groups of 5 (to be that way for the entirety of the lesson)
Distribute the worksheet for the lesson Slide Speaker (To-say) To-do (Speaker) 2
Xin Chao! My name is (Your name).
Hana sẽ giới thiệu cho chúng ta về các bạn của cô ấy
I would like to introduce you to my friends that
are here with me today. (Facilitators/volunteers to introduce themselves)
Can we have 2 people come to introduce yourselves?
Today, we’re going to be talking about
environmental sustainability. Can anyone tell
me what environmental sustainability means?
Học môn khoa học rồi các bạn có (Wait for response)
nhớ thuật ngữ Môi trường bền vững
Yes, environmental sustainability means
Đúng rồi thì môi trường sống ta có
making sure we protect the Earth, and keep it
thể hiểu đ giản là cách bảo vệ trái
clean, so many many years from now, people
đất giữ cho môi trường sạch đẹp cho
and animals will still have a home.
các con người và các sinh vật sau này
My favourite animal is (an animal). (Click) 3
Now that you know what our favourite animals Các bạn đã biết đc dv yêu thích các
are, it’s time for you to tell us yours by drawing anh chị đây rồi thì mik Đến trag 2
them! You each have 10 minutes to draw and
bạn sẽ có 10 phút để vẽ loài đv yêu
colour your favourite animals, whether a thích của mik
panda or a tiger or anything else! You can go
to page 2 of the worksheet to do that. (Give them 10 minutes to draw) (Click) Slide Speaker (To-say) To-do (Speaker) 4
Thank you for sharing with us your favourite
1 điều đáng tiết Tất cả biến mất nếu
animal, the animals you guys drew looked so
như chúng ta ko thực hiện giải pháp cute!
nào hay ít nhất cải thiện mt ở Vn
[please remind students to keep
But, all your favourite animals might slowly
their eyes peeled throughout the
disappear if we don’t do anything now to solve lesson bc they will need to fill their
or at least improve the environmental issues in worksheet, the underlined words Vietnam.
are the words which require them to fill in the worksheet.]
-here’s where you click 8 times-
Ghi nhớ kĩ các từ vựng gạch chân để điền tờ bài làm
We don’t want to see our favourite animals
gone right! So today, we will be sharing more
about environmental issues in Vietnam and
*Click 8 times such that all the
guiding you on what you can do to help!
animals on the screen fade away*
Cùng nhau chia sẽ các vấn đề mt (Click)
ở VN và cúng cấp cho các bạn
những giải phap để thực hiện 5
Does anyone here know what environmental
If children enthusiastically issues are? answer correctly→compliment them!
Essentially, environmental issues are
If they give a wrong answer → “Not
problems affecting the world that we live in,
quite but good try! Anyone wanna
because of human activities. Now, it’s okay if
give it a go again?” --> reveal the
you still don’t understand the term, because
answer if no one answers correctly
later on, we'll be giving you guys more
Vấn đề mt là những vấn do cn examples for you to better
gây ra ảnh hưởng môi trường understand. chúng ta sống toàn tg
Đừng lo vì slide sau chúng ta sẽ (Click)
dc cung cấp nhiều Vd hơn để
hiểu sâu hơn về thuật ngữ này If no one answers,
Try to encourage them to speak
up→ “ We’re all here to learn, don’t
be shy! Just try.”--> if silence persists then just move on.
[“seems like everyone hasn't heard
of it! But it’s okay, I’ll explain what it means.”] 6
The first environmental issue we will be going
through is food contamination. (Click) 7
Food contamination happens when food
Top 3 vấn đề mt nhức nhối ở vn
becomes dirty. It is the top 3 environmental
Khi ăn những thực phẩm ko an toàn
issue in Vietnam. Eating unclean food can
sk này thì chúng ta dễ bị đau bụng make you feel sick
và trầm trọng hơn có thể nhập viện vì ngộ độc tp
Do fill in the blank on page 3 of your
[please remind students to do their worksheet!
worksheet, the underlined words
are the words which require them to fill in the worksheet.] (Click) 8
Now, let’s learn about the 3 types of food
contamination: chemical, bacterial, and physical (Click) 9
First type of contamination we have here is chemical contamination!
This happens when the food that we eat has
harmful chemicals on it which make us fall sick. (Click) 10
Luckily, we can do a few things to protect
Mua từ những người bán mà đảm
ourselves from chemical food contamination. bảo đc vs thực phẩm
Mua thịt bún từ của hàng mà các
We can buy food from people who handle food nhân viên đeo bao tay
properly. For example, buying from people
Hãy nhớ rằng trước khi ăn rữa sơ
who wear gloves when making the food để loại bỏ các chất
Để thức ăn tránh xa khỏi các hóa
Be sure to rinse fruits and vegetables in water
before eating to get rid of the chemicals. chất xa phòn rữa tay
We should also keep chemicals, such as hand soap, far away from food
Do fill in the blank on page 3 of your worksheet! (Click) 11
But a more common type of food
Các vi khuẩn độc hại có thể xâm
contamination is because of bacteria. These
nhập vào th ăn nếu chúng ta chế
harmful bacteria can get on our food because biến sai cách we handle food wrongly. (Click) 12
To protect ourselves from bacteria, we can
Học các nấu ăn chuẩn xác đặc biệt
các loại thịt sống. Chúng ta nên nấu
Learn how to cook our food well, which is
chín để loai bỏ vi k độc hại
especially important for meats because raw
meats have bacteria found on them. Once the
meat are cooked, the bacteria dies.
Luôn luôn nhớ phải để thức ăn
chính xa khỏi những đồ sống để
Always put your cooked dishes a safe distance tránh nhiễm vi khuẩn away from your raw food and
Đồng thời các vật dụng nhà bêp
phải đc phân 2 loại riêng 1 sống 1
Make sure that you use different utensils when chín như cái thớt thái salad vs thịt
dealing with both raw and cooked food. This is
to prevent the spread of bacteria from one
sống ko thể dùng chung để ngăn place to another
ngừa sự lây lan vi khuẩn
Do fill in the blank on page 4 of your worksheet! (Click) Vật lý 13
Last type of contamination is physical. It
Khi các vật thể lạ rơi vào trong th
happens when things fall onto the food. ăn nè
Ví dụ như tóc rơi trong dĩa t ăn (Click) Các đồ vậawnnha 14
So to protect ourselves from physical food contamination, we should
→ remove all accessories such as rings,
watches, bracelets, and necklaces as they might drop into the food.
Don’t cook with an injury on your hand
Tránh nấu ăn khi bạn bị thương ở
because plaster might fall off and get mixed tay vì băng y tế sẽ rơi with the food.
Especially for girls with long hair, tie up your Cột tóc gọn gàng hair when cooking (Click) 15
That’s all about food contamination! Another 8 min
issue we will be talking about is deforestation. (Click) 16
Deforestation is the removal of forests and
Các khu rừng bị tàn phá triệt hạ để
trees to make the land available to build xây dựng factories, houses and roads.
Do fill in the blank on page 5 of your worksheet!
(click)(Click) for pictures to show (Click) 17
From 2010 to 2021, Hue has since lost 10 ha
14 sân vận động bóng đá
of natural forest (so that’s the size of about 14 Hay xem các trận bóng đá Tv nó rất football fields) rộng
(Click x 14 times) for animation to show (Click) 18
Because of deforestation, soil becomes more
Đất bị bở ra đẫn đến các nguy cơ
loose (click) and soil erosion occurs. Soil
xói mòn đát. Lớp trên mặt đất nơi
erosion is the removal of the topsoil, which is
cung cấp đa số chất dd cho cây bị
where there is most of the nutrients for the
biến mất khi dó khó có cây trồng
growth of plants(click). With no more topsoil, it sống trên đất này
will be difficult for plants to grow on deforested
land and earth’s surface becomes infertile (click)
Do fill in the blank on page 5 of your worksheet! (Click) 19
Because the land cannot absorb rainfall
(click), flooding occurs(click). It also allows
không hấp thụ nước mưa
for easy runoff of fertilisers and other applied
chemicals, so that can cause chemical
các dòng chảy bề mặt gồm các
contamination of our food as we have
phân bón hay các chất hóa học sẽ previously learnt!
nhiêm vào các rau củ quả gây ôn nhiễm thức ăn
Do fill in the blank on page 5 of your worksheet! (click)
Speaker to take note of the words in red 20
When deforestation happens, animals lose
their homes, leading to a loss of wildlife
(click). So, if we don’t solve this issue, your
favourite animals will disappear one by one,
and eventually, we might not even be able to
see your favourite animals in the future.
Do fill in the blank on page 5 of your worksheet! (Click) 21
The last environmental issue we will be talking Ôn
about is pollution, which is the top concern among Vietnamese. (Click) 22
Pollution is the process of making the earth sự hủy hoại môi dirty and unsafe to live.
trường trái đất bằng
bụi bẩn và các phế
Do fill in the blank on page 6 of your worksheet! thải có hại (click) 23
It can be caused by substances like plastic and oil and
Substances which pollute the environment are
known as (click) pollutants.
Do fill in the blank on page 6 of your worksheet! (click) 24
When we think of pollution, we usually think of
the rubbish we see on the roads. Actually,
there are actually other types of pollution such
as air pollution, water pollution, light and noise pollution. (click) 25
Air pollution is the release of harmful
Tồn tại các khí ga độc hại trong mtr
gases into the air. Air pollution becomes
ảnh hưởng xấu đến sk
harmful when we breathe in the dirty air.
Carbon monoxide is released by cars and
motorcycles on the road. People can have
health problems if they smell them for a long
period of time, isn’t that scary? (click) Các loại xe đời cũ 26
As mentioned, air pollution is a very serious
issue in Vietnam. Every year, 60 000 people
die because of air pollution. Among the main
causes of this pollution is transportation.
Vietnam now has many old vehicles which produce more air pollutants. (click) 27
Moving on to Water Pollution, it is the
V dụ Các oxi hòa tan trong nước
release of chemicals in the water.
thấp thì có nghĩa là mật độ oxi
trong nước thấp nó bị gây ra tù việc
Elab for sewage: Dissolved oxygen, which
các chất hữu cơ bị phân giải đi
means that there is a low level of oxygen in
the water, Low level of oxygen is also caused Hiểu nôm ns các rác thải khi vào
by the breaking down of organic materials,
sông hồ khiến sinh sống ở đó chết
such as sewage introduced into the water.-->
đi vì không có đủ ô cxi
causes the death of animals living in the sea
since there is insufficient oxygen
Speaker to take note of the words (click) in red 28
Lastly, land pollution: Substances and
activities which destroy the Earth’s surface
phá hủy bề mặt td và đát and soil
Elab for deforestation [just do a recap]: As
we mentioned earlier on, Deforestation is the
removal of forests and trees to make the land
available for economic/commercial activities. (click) Slide Speaker (To-say) To-do (Speaker)
Pause! Before we go to the next part of the -
lesson, we have something fun planned for you. (Click) Yes, it is game time! - (Click)
This game is called jeopardy and for this, you -
will have to play in teams that you are already divided into.
The goal of the game is to get the highest
points and you can do that by answering the
questions correctly! The screen will show you
fifteen questions, each with different points.
You can choose any point you like and try and
answer the question. Keep in mind, that higher
points mean more difficult questions. You can
only see the question once you choose the
point, so choose them wisely because the
team which gets the highest score at the end,
will receive some fun prizes! So let’s start. (Click)
Now, one by one, each team can choose their - question! Slide Speaker (To-say) To-do (Speaker) 77
After learning what’s bad for the environment,
Những các chất hoạt động gây ảnh
it’s time to help a friend out. hưởng xấu đến mt
Đã đến lúc chúng ta phải cùng giúp (Click) đỡ 1 người bạn - Everybody say hello to Pingu!
Today, we will be helping Pingu save the -
environment by helping him make the right
choice. If anyone knows the answer, raise your
hand and you will win a prize if you get it
correct!* So, are all of you ready to help him *Note: If students seem to be out? Alright let’s go!
responsive,( nếu nhiệt tình there
will be no need to give prizes. If (Click) not, give away 1 prize per scenario. 78
One day, Pingu decided to go to the park
nearby. “It’s so hot today. 79 Should I walk to the park? (Click)
Or Take the motorcycle? The park is so near
but it’s so hot. What should I do?”
What should Pingu do everyone to save the environment? (Click)
That’s right/Oh no! Good try...
Chúng ta hãy đi bộ thay vì đi xe
Remember everyone, by walking instead of
mấy khi tới các đ điểm gần để giảm
riding a motorcycle, there will be no harmful thiểu lượng khí gas
gas/smoke produced. This prevents Pingu
Các bạn học hỏi từ Phin
from polluting the air. So like Pingu, if you can
walk instead of taking transportation
remember to do it because it will definitely save the environment. Ok? (Click) 80
Alright so after a short walk, Pingu reached the park and saw this …
“Oh no, that man is littering! Should I (Click) 81
Walk away and don’t do anything? (Click)
Or pick it up and throw it into the rubbish bin?”
What should Pingu do everyone? (Click)
That’s right/Oh no! Good try...
One of the ways to save the environment is to
keep it clean. So, if you see any trash/litter
lying around do remember to pick it up and
throw it into any rubbish bin ok? (Click) 82
After picking up the trash and throwing it away,
Pingu was walking by the river and saw this …
“That man is polluting the water! Should I (Click) 83
Stare at the fishes and don’t do anything because I’m shy or (uwu) (Click)
Tell him to pick the trash and not to pollute the
water?” What should Pingu do, everyone? (Click)
That’s right/Oh no! Good try…
Vận động mọi người cùng b vệ môi
It is always good to try to get others to save
trường là 1 việc làm rất tốt. Bạn
the environment too. Remind them nicely to do phải vượt lên khỏi sự e ngại nhẹ
their part to not pollute by littering, even if you
nhàng nhắc nhở họ bỏ rác đúng nơi
are shy. You are doing the right thing so be
quy định. Bạn đang làm điều đúng
confident and help others save the world too!
nên hãy tự tin lên cùng giúp mn Is that ok? bảo vệ trái đất (Click) 84
Today Pingu has learnt a lot about how to save
the environment. Let’s review and remember
Đã học đc nhiều điều hay trong
what Pingu has learnt today. Everyone, refer việc bv mt
to page 9 of your worksheets and fill in the
Nên chúng ta cùng ôn lại và ghi blanks. nhớ (Click)
Students to fill in the blanks in the corresponding section of the
First, Pingu learnt to reduce air pollution by
worksheet. Words bolded are the
walking or reducing the number of times he answers.
takes any vehicles to reduce the amount of
Hạn chế đi xe mấy giảm đi lwuwog
smoke/harmful gases released into the air. khói độc trong kk (Click)
Second, he learnt to keep the environment
clean by picking up trash we see and
throwing it into rubbish bins. (Click)
Finally, Pingu learnt to remind others to help
them save the environment by reminding
them not to pollute by littering. - Slide Speaker (To-say) To-do (Speaker) 85 Now, it’s ACTIVITY TIME!! - (Click)
Pingu has heard a lot about deforestation and
he wants to be able to do something to help. (Click)
AHA! Let’s join Pingu to grow plants to save the environment!! :))) (Click) 86
Today, we will be growing plants from plastic Tùy vào các loại bình
bottles. Depending on the type of bottle you
Chậu cây treo hay để trên bàn để
receive, you can either hang the bottle or ngắm cây phát triển
leave it to stand and watch the plant grow. You
too get to decorate your very own bottles. (Click) 87
Here are the things we’ll need. First half a
plastic bottle, one each for everyone. Second,
paintbrushes. Third, 2 paper plates. Fourth,
paint (which should be found at the front of the
class). Fifth, soil. Sixth, 1 green bean seed
each and finally, some coloured markers.
Make sure you also have a small pail/bucket of water.
Do make sure that everyone has one-half of a
bottle. If any group is missing anything do let us know. (Click) 88
Ok. Get 2 members per group to come to the
front of the class with plates to collect the
Cac cái khay để đựng màu- paint.
Very important to stress the (Click)
words in red. This is to make sure
that they can see the plant grow &
Alright, since everyone has collected the paint
that they have somewhere to hold
for their group, it’s time to start decorating! We
the bottle in case the paint takes
will give you 10 minutes to paint the bottle. too long to dry
Everyone pay attention! Only paint the Cá
bottom half of the bottle so that you can see
the plant grow. Do not paint the full bottle ok!! Is everyone clear on this?
Great! Now go have fun and paint! (10mins) (Click)
Ok! Now that everyone is done painting, let’s
wait for the paint to dry. Put the painted bottles -
at the side for it to dry. One person, put the
paintbrushes into the bucket and bring it to the
front of the classroom. Another student bring
the plates and place them at the front of the classroom as well.
Meanwhile, it looks like Pingu has something else to share (Click) 89
Let’s learn what the plant needs to grow so
Cần 5 yếu tố để cây phát triển
that it can grow tall and healthy!
Make sure that the students are listening to you (Click)
*Note: This part is meant to fill the time to get
the paint to dry. This segment is to only run for 15 mins in total 90
Everyone, refer to page 10 of your worksheet
To get the students to answer the
and fill in the blanks! A plant needs ..
questions (no prizes to be given) (Click)
If students are not responsive, just Does anyone know this?
move on and give the answer. Go through it slowly. (Click)
[Yes!] It’s sunlight. One of the things plants
need to grow is sunlight! So make sure that
you always leave the plant in a place where it can get a lot of sunlight. (Click)
Next, does anyone know what this is? (Click)
[Yes!] It’s soil. Plants need soil to get nutrients for them to grow. (Click)
Now, does anyone know what this is? (Click)
Để quan hợp nơi cung thoáng đãng
[Yes!] It’s wind/air. We need to make sure that
plants get as much air as possible. So make sure that they get enough air! (Click)
Alright, how about this. Does anyone know what this is? (Click)
[Yes!] It’s water. This is one of the important Không bị thiếu nước
things that a plant needs to grow. Do make
sure to water the plant every day so that it
won’t get thirsty and grow into a healthy plant! (Click)
Finally, does anyone know what this is? (Click)
Nơi rộng rãi thoáng mát cây chỉ
[Yes!] It’s space. Make sure the plant has lots
phát triển tốt khi ko bị gò bó
of space to grow so that it can grow into a big healthy plant!
(Click) - either next slide (if there is time left
from the 15 mins allocated to wait for the
paint to dry) or to the slide continuing instructions 91*
Now that we have learnt what the plant needs,
*Note: This slide is only to be used
let’s quickly go through what the stages of a if there is time left from the
plant cycle are! Do remember to fill in page 11
allocated 15 mins for the paint to of your worksheets as well!
dry. This slide is pure teaching content (Click)
The first stage is the seed. All plants begin
from seed. They are very tiny and need lots of Giai đoạn đầu tiên
care before they can grow into the second stage. (Click)
After giving it constant air, water and sunlight,
the seed will grow into a sprout. You can see
small leaves popping out from the seed and its
roots will start growing into the soil. (Click) Phát triển thành cây con
With more air, water and sunlight, the sprout
will grow into a seedling. It will look so big
compared to when it was a sprout. (Click)
Finally, the seedling will grow into a plant!
Remember that I said the plant needs space to
grow. If the plant is too big for the bottle/pot,
shift it to a bigger pot if not plant it in a garden
so that it can have even more space to grow into a very big healthy plant!
Ok! It seems that your paint is dry but before
we continue, can anyone tell me how many
stages there are in a plant’s life cycle? Correct! (Click) 92
Ok everyone collect your bottles! We will give -
you 5 minutes to use the marker to decorate your bottles. (Click) 93
Alright, time’s up! Now, slowly and carefully
Students to use the spoon in the
scoop (xúc đất) and pour soil into the bottle.
bucket to pour it into the bottle (Click)
Make sure you don’t pour too much soil all the
way to the top. Like the photo, make sure to leave some space! (Click)
Ok now put the seed into the soil and cover it with some soil. (Click)
Done! After class, everyone needs to pour a
little bit of water so that the plant can grow. (Click) 94
Remember to always give it water and sunlight
when you keep it at home so that it can grow Class ends!
into a beautiful plant! We hope everyone
enjoyed today’s lesson. See you soon! Bye!! Jeopardy Answer Script Points Pollution Deforestation Mixed 10 Slide: 32 Slide: 47 Slide: 74
The correct answer is As you may remember, Yes, bacterial food False! Pollution can deforestation means cutting contamination is when food
actually be caused by down trees and not planting is in contact with bad other ways too like them. You may be wondering bacteria. transport and air why the answer is not burning conditioner.
down of trees by forest fires. Forest fires are a natural occurrence whereas deforestation is a man-made event.
Cháy rừng tự phát
sinh thuộc hiện tượng tự nhiên Nạn phá rừng 20 Slide: 35 Slide: 50 Slide: 67
The correct answer is Hue has been experiencing We need to stop the spread transportation!
deforestation for a few years. of bacteria!
However, it is up to us to stop this and regrow plants. 30 Slide: 38 Slide: 56 Slide: 77 Forest pollution is The answer is false. actually not a kind of Deforestation is bad for the [HINT: Your answer pollution.
soil! It makes it unfertile to
should be an example of grow crops. either physical or bacteria contamination] The correct answer is option B! You need to remove accessories to prevent physical contamination and not chemical food contamination. 40 Slide: 41 Slide: 59 Slide: 62 Well, water pollution Yes, the answer is 3rd. is a bad thing, which
[HINT: It lives in the water] Food contamination comes can cause diseases as the 3rd biggest concern in humans :(
Deforestation does not directly for Vietnamese. So affect fish. It is the humans remember to follow the who lose out on the oxygen steps we taught you today and the animals with their to prevent yourself from homes in the forests who lose falling sick. out the most. 50 Slide: 44 Slide: 56 Slide: 68 Even though plastic Hue has lost over 14 football Well, today we didn’t learn pollution is bad, it
fields of land to deforestation : about ozone layer depletion does not come under (
tầng ozon bị mỏng đi. But land pollution. It is if you want to learn more deforestation which about it, feel free to ask comes under it. your teachers.
The bonus question script! (20 points) Slide 96
Once all the 15 questions have been chosen, there will be one group who is left to choose 2
questions. So the speaker has to say this:
Wait, group 8, you have one more chance to win the prize. We have a bonus question for you worth 20 points!
(Read out the question and option)
Answer: Carbon dioxide is one of the many gases which causes air pollution! (The end)
Click on exit to go to the next segment
How the game functions:
The teams will first choose one point category, say pollution 20 points. You can click on
it, and the question slide will appear. Then once the children give their answers, click on
the answer button and the answer slide will appear.
Once the answer is shown, click on the home button and the jeopardy grid slide will appear again.
The speaker to go in chronological order for the groups to choose the questions. There
will be two rounds of questions.
Please note the questions that have been chosen as you go to keep track.
Take note of the points that each group receives for answering the questions correctly.
Once done with the game (after the bonus question is done), you may select exit on the
answer slide on the bonus question. This will take you to the next segment.