Environmental problems, their causes, and sustainability | Bài giảng chương 1 học phần Environmental Science | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Has been sustained for billions of years by solar energy, biodiversity, and chemical cycling. Depends on energy from the sun and natural capital provided by the earth. Can been preserved by shifting towards full-cost pricing and winwin solutions. An interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment. It integrates information and ideas from the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

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Environmental problems, their causes, and sustainability | Bài giảng chương 1 học phần Environmental Science | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Has been sustained for billions of years by solar energy, biodiversity, and chemical cycling. Depends on energy from the sun and natural capital provided by the earth. Can been preserved by shifting towards full-cost pricing and winwin solutions. An interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment. It integrates information and ideas from the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

63 32 lượt tải Tải xuống
Downloaded by 0136_Tr?n Th?o Vy (maggiecohans274@gmail.com)
Presented by Nguyen Thi Hoang Hai
Chapter 1
Environmental Problems,
Their Causes, and
Environmental Science
How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?
Why Do We Have Environmental Problems?
What Is an Environmentally Sustainable Society?
Sustainability Defined
The ability of ecosystems and human cultural systems to
survive, flourish, and adapt together
to constantly
changing environments over long periods of time.
What Are Some Principles of Sustainability?
Life on the earth:
Has been sustained for billions of years by solar energy,
biodiversity, and chemical cycling
Depends on energy from the sun and natural capital provided by
the earth
Can been preserved by shifting towards full-cost pricing and win-
win solutions
Environmental Science Is a Study of Our Interactions
With the World
What is the environment?
Everything around us, living and nonliving
Environmental science
An interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living
and nonliving parts of their environment.
It integrates information and ideas from the natural sciences, the
social sciences and the humanities.
What Are the Goals of Environmental Science?
To learn how life on the earth has survived and thrived
To understand how we interact with the environment
To find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more
Key component of environmental science is ecology
the biological science that studies how living things interact with
one another and with their environment.
These living things are called organisms. Each organism belongs
to a species.
Group of organisms in a defined geographic area (terrestrial or
marine) that interact with each other and their environment
A social movement dedicated to sustaining the earth’s life
Three Scientific Principles of Sustainability
Dependence on solar energy
Supplies nutrients, directly and indirectly
Provides ecosystem services and adaptability
Chemical/nutrient cycling
In nature, waste = useful resources
Interdependence, not independence, is what sustains life
Lessons From Nature
Sustainability Has Certain Key Components
Natural capital
Natural resources
Ecosystem services
How do humans degrade natural capital?
By using renewable resources faster than nature can restore them
By overloading natural resources with pollution and waste
Natural Capital = Natural Resources +
Ecosystem Services
Sustainability Solutions
Solutions cross disciplines
Scientific versus economic and political solutions
There are trade-offs and compromises
Corporate subsidies can encourage sustainability
Daily individual and local contributions matter
Other Principles of Sustainability
from the Social Sciences
Full-cost pricing
Win-win solutions
political science
A responsibility to future
generations (ethics)
What is a Resource?
A resource is anything we obtain from the environment
Can be readily available for use
can require technology to acquire
Sustainable solutions for resource use
Resources Are Inexhaustible, Renewable, and
Inexhaustible resources
Perpetually available and expected to last
Renewable resources
Replenished by natural processes within their sustainable yield
Nonrenewable/exhaustible resources
Available in fixed quantities that can be renewed, but only through
long-term geologic processes
Countries Differ in Resource Use and
Environmental Impact
Industrialized countries
% of world’s population (United States, Canada, Western
Developing countries
% of world’s population
Middle income, moderately developed countries (China, India, Brazil)
Low income, least developed countries (Nigeria, Bangladesh, Haiti)
How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting
the Earth?
Over time, growth of ecological footprints depletes and
degrades earth’s natural capital (natural resources and
ecosystem services)
Environmental degradation
Is there any good news?
| 1/43

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Chapter 1 Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability
Presented by Nguyen Thi Hoang Hai
Downloaded by 0136_Tr?n Th?o Vy (maggiecohans274@gmail.com) Environmental Science 2 lOMoARcPSD|47231818 Outline
1. What Are Some Principles of Sustainability?
2. How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?
3. Why Do We Have Environmental Problems?
4. What Is an Environmentally Sustainable Society? 3 lOMoARcPSD|47231818 Sustainability Defined
The ability of ecosystems and human cultural systems to
survive, flourish, and adapt together to constantly
changing environments over long periods of time. 4 lOMoARcPSD|47231818
1.1 What Are Some Principles of Sustainability? Life on the earth:
• Has been sustained for billions of years by solar energy,
biodiversity, and chemical cycling
• Depends on energy from the sun and natural capital provided by the earth
• Can been preserved by shifting towards full-cost pricing and win- win solutions 5 lOMoARcPSD|47231818
Environmental Science Is a Study of Our Interactions With the World What is the environment?
• Everything around us, living and nonliving Environmental science
• An interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living
and nonliving parts of their environment.
• It integrates information and ideas from the natural sciences, the
social sciences and the humanities. 6 lOMoARcPSD|47231818
What Are the Goals of Environmental Science?
To learn how life on the earth has survived and thrived
To understand how we interact with the environment
To find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainably 7 lOMoARcPSD|47231818
Key component of environmental science is ecology Ecology
• the biological science that studies how living things interact with
one another and with their environment.
• These living things are called organisms. Each organism belongs to a species. Ecosystem:
• Group of organisms in a defined geographic area (terrestrial or
marine) that interact with each other and their environment Environmentalism:
• A social movement dedicated to sustaining the earth’s life - support 8 system lOMoARcPSD|47231818
Three Scientific Principles of Sustainability Dependence on solar energy
• Supplies nutrients, directly and indirectly Biodiversity
• Provides ecosystem services and adaptability Chemical/nutrient cycling
• In nature, waste = useful resources
Interdependence, not independence, is what sustains life 9 lOMoARcPSD|47231818 Lessons From Nature 10 lOMoARcPSD|47231818
Sustainability Has Certain Key Components Natural capital • Natural resources • Ecosystem services
How do humans degrade natural capital?
• By using renewable resources faster than nature can restore them
• By overloading natural resources with pollution and waste 11
Natural Capital = Natural lOMoARcPSD|Resourc 47231818 es + Ecosystem Services 12 lOMoARcPSD|47231818
Sustainability Solutions Solutions cross disciplines
• Scientific versus economic and political solutions
There are trade-offs and compromises
• Corporate subsidies can encourage sustainability
• Daily individual and local contributions matter 13
Other Principles of Sustainabili lOMoARcPSD|47231818 ty
from the Social Sciences Full-cost pricing ( economics ) Win-win solutions ( political science ) A responsibility to future generations (ethics) 14 lOMoARcPSD|47231818 What is a Resource?
A resource is anything we obtain from the environment
• Can be readily available for use
• Or – can require technology to acquire
Sustainable solutions for resource use • Reduce • Reuse • Recycle 15
Resources Are Inexhaustible, Ren lOMoARcPSD|47231818 ewable, and Nonrenewable Inexhaustible resources
• Perpetually available and expected to last Renewable resources
• Replenished by natural processes within their sustainable yield
Nonrenewable/exhaustible resources
• Available in fixed quantities that can be renewed, but only through long-term geologic processes 16 lOMoARcPSD|47231818 17
Countries Differ in Resour lOMoARcPSD|47231818 ce Use and Environmental Impact Industrialized countries
• 17 % of world’s population (United States, Canada, Western Europe) Developing countries
• 83 % of world’s population
 Middle income, moderately developed countries (China, India, Brazil)
 Low income, least developed countries (Nigeria, Bangladesh, Haiti) 18
1.2 How Are Our Ecological Fo lOMoARcPSD|47231818 otprints Affecting the Earth?
Over time, growth of ecological footprints depletes and
degrades earth’s natural capital (natural resources and ecosystem services) • Environmental degradation Is there any good news? 19 lOMoARcPSD|47231818 20