Ethics final test - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

Ethics final test - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Surigao City
Final Examination
Name:______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________
Year/Section:_________________________________________ Score:_____________________________
I. Remembering. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
______1. It implies standards and purports the belief that excellent performance in our role in life represents the supreme good.
A. Altruism B. Discovery C.Excellence D. Heroism
______2. It is a purpose built in serving its customers in a way that is beyond standard obligation.
A. Altruism B. Discovery C.Excellence D. Heroism
______3. It is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or
A. Ethical dilemma B. Ethical Issues C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______4. Arises in a situation concerning right or wrong when values are in conflict.
A. Ethical dilemma B. Ethical Issues C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______5. It takes up so many forms and sizes, it can be in the form of financial misconduct or misrepresentation.
A. Degradation B. Fraud C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______6. A distortion of competition is a situation in which competitors compete on unequal terms because of favorable or advantageous
condition applied to some competitors but not to others.
A. Degradation B. Fraud C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______7.When two or more companies set higher than average prices for a product or service
A. Fraud B. Price Fixing C. Output Restriction D. Unfair Communication
______8. A legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the
contract by non-performance or interference with the other party’s performance.
A. Breach of Contract B.Exclusive dealings C.Fraud D. Output Restriction
______9. Are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good.
A. Social Enterprise B. Social Entrepreneur C. Social responsibility D. Social Issues
______10. Individuals with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problem.
A. Social Enterprise B. Social Entrepreneur C. Social responsibility D. Social Issues
Test II. Understanding. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
______11. Practicing espionage, bribery, or outright theft to obtain economically advantageous information in the possession of another is an
example of what unethical act ?
A. Dumping B. Exclusive dealing C. Price fixing D. Trademark Infringement
______12. What is the best example of unfair competition?
A. A company under-reporting of profit
B. A company lied to its shareholders
C. A company spread false information about the quality of their products
D. A company defraud investors into thinking they have higher returns
______13. What is most likely to happen if firms in a perfectly competitive industry are suffering an economic loss?
A. Overtime, some firms leave the industry, so the price falls and the economic loss decreases.
B. Overtime, some firms leave the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss decreases.
C. Overtime, other firms enter the industry, so the price falls and the economic loss decreases.
D. Overtime, other firms enter the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss decreases.
_____14. The statement “Non-respect of agreement” means that:
A. A binding agreement is not honored by one or more parties by non performance
B. Delaying the date of performance of the contract with the permission of other party
C. Non performance of the agreement by the party due to unforeseen events
D. Fulfilling the contact by both parties
_____15. Which of the following is NOT an example of BAD personnel and customer relations?
A. Discrimination and harassment in the workplace
B. Mistreating Employees
C. Overworking the employees to have more production
D. Ensuring employee safety working condition
_____16. A recommended way of minimizing unethical behavior is for employees to
A. Write anonymous notes to ethical violators
B. Immediately report all suspicious behavior to top management
C. Spend part of their vacation preparing a personal philosophy of ethics
D. Confront fellow employees about ethical deviation
_____17 The ethical dilemma of choosing between two rights refers to
A. Choosing between the lesser of two evils
B. Deciding which of two employees rights is the most important
C. Deciding to offer a bribe or lose out on an important opportunity
D. Choosing between the two types of sexual harassment
_____18. The stakeholder view of social responsibility states that organizations must respond to the needs of
A. Employees and customers
B. Shareholders and owners
C. All interested parties
D. All those who might sue the organization.
_____19. Which of the following is NOT recommended as a method for a company to protect itself against sexual harassment charges?
A. Develop a zero-tolerance policy on harassment and communicate it to employees.
B. Retaliate swiftly against employees who bring forth charges of harassment
C. Give swift and sure punishment to harassers.
D. Train managers at all levels on sexual harassment issues.
_____20. Unethical behavior is often triggered by
A. Pressure from higher management to achieve goals.
B. An organizational atmosphere that condones such behavior
C. Both a & b
D. A system of checks and balances
Test III. Applying. Read the paragraph and identify what violation applies in the situations below. Write the letter of your answer.
_____21. A big jewelry company sells jewelries for P3000 per gram throughout the region. Another company goes into business and sells
jewelries in just P2900 per gram in one province of the region. In response, the first company lowers their prices just in that particular province to
P2800. The big jewelry is engaged in a violation referred to as
A. Monopoly
B. Price fixing
C. Output restriction
D. Trademark Infringement
_____22. A tennis shoe retail outlet wants to open a store in a Mall. About 3 months before the store opens the dominant local shoe outlet
negotiates contracts with four major shoe companies to be the exclusive distributor of their shoes. The tennis retail outlet is engaged in a violation
referred to as
A. Monopoly
B. Price fixing
C. Output restriction
D. Trademark Infringement
_____23. Insurance companies in SM have formed an association and agree that the association will develop a price list for insurance services for
the area. Insurance companies is engaged in a violation referred to as
A. Trademark Infringement
B. Price fixing
C. No violation, there is an act providing exemption for insurance businesses
D. Output restriction
_____24. A fuel distributor company declared that they are out of stock after hearing the news that there will be a consecutive global price drop
of diesel and gasoline this month. Fuel store is engaged in a violation referred to as
A. Monopoly
B. Price fixing
C. Output restriction
D. Trademark Infringement
_____25. The three bookstores want to make an agreement that they will advertise and focus on one third of the city. They will each take one
third and focus their resources advertising and market resources in that area. The three bookstores are engaged in a violation referred to as
A. Monopoly
B. Price fixing
C. Output restriction
D. Trademark Infringement
Test IV. Analysis. Choose the correct answer that coincide to the given example provided in each item. Write the letter of your answer.
I. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Employees
II. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Government
III. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Creditors
IV. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Suppliers
V. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Consumers
VI. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the General Public
VII. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Environment
_____26. Enforce Anti-Discrimination Law
A. B. C). D. I II III IV
_____27. Pay Wages and Taxes
_____28. Avoid Restrictive Trade Practices
A. B. C). D. IV II VII I
_____29. Provide Fair Return on Investment (ROI)
B. B. C). D. III IV V II
_____30. Avoid Coercion and Litigation
Test V. Evaluation. Read carefully each paragraph below. Write the letter of the correct answer.
______31. Paul runs a shop that sells printers. Paul is a perfect competitor and can sell each printer for a price of $300. The marginal cost of
selling one printer a day is $200; the marginal cost of selling a second printer is $250; and the marginal cost of selling a third printer is $350. To
maximize his profit, Paul should sell
A) two printers a day B) more than three printers a day C) three printers a day D) one printer a day.
_____32. Vanizza is an ethically centered production manager. One day, a problem arise in their department. As manager, she wants to avoid any
disappointments from their customer, so she will ship a product
A. Only after all its problems have been eliminated
B. Only if the shipping people use packing material that does not harm the environment
C. Only after an ethics committee has approved it
D. As quickly as she can to meet the customer’s schedule
_____33. Nicole, Mary Jena and Dianne are planning to open their milk-tea shop. During the operation, they noticed that Nicole rarely come to
the shop to help. Dianne and Mary Jena will
A. Exclude Nicole in the profit sharing
B. Ask her why she rarely come to the shop to know her reasons
C. Do not talk to Nicole anymore
D. Make a gossip to other friends
_____34. Team leader Richard is scheduled to prepare a performance of Sarah, a team member who also happens to be his wife’s closest friend.
After knowing this, Richard decline to prepare for the performance because
A. He might be accused of sexual harassment
B. He might be accused of misuse of corporate resources
C. He is dealing with confidential information
D. It is a conflict of interest
_____35. Hannah, the owner of a small telecommunications firm gives gifts of stock in her company to telephone company managers who
purchase her equipment. Her staff disagree with what what she did
A. Because it is a kind of kickbacks
B. Because she is misusing of corporate resources
C. Because it is a sexual harassment
D. Because Treating people unfairly
_____36. John has his own Website that carries ads for a dozen retailers. At night, John spends hours clicking on these sites so he can collect
commissions from the advertiser. This click fraud might cause John
A. To lose the confidence of his customer
B. An opportunity to continue work-at-home scam
C. To have more client in the future
D. To collect more commissions
_____37. A Korean chicken restaurant named its store “Louis Vuiton Dak” which is almost similar to the designer Louis Vuitton brand. The
restaurant’s logo and packaging are also closely mirrored the designer’s iconic imagery. After knowing this, the designer Louis Vuitton will most
A. Sue the restaurant for trademark infringement
B. Proud because they are being copied by others
C. Ignore it because they know they have a superior brand name
D. Ask for a share in the profit of Louis Vuiton Dak
_____38. The New York’s Coffee Culture Cafe launch a drink called “Freddocino” that appears similar to Starbuck’s “Frappucino”. The structure
of the name contains similarities to cause “confusion in the marketplace” and diminish “Starbuck’s brand equity”. Upon knowing this, Starbucks
most likely
A. Have a secret arrangement with Coffee Culture Cafe
B. File a case in court for copying their signature drink
C. Announce it in public about it and say negative words about the competitor
D. Let it pass, it’s normal anyway
_____39. Team leader Junnel is scheduled to prepare a performance of Sarah, a team member who also happens to be his wife’s closest friend.
After knowing this, Junnel decline to prepare for the performance because
E. He might be accused of sexual harassment
F. He might be accused of misuse of corporate resources
G. He is dealing with confidential information
H. It is a conflict of interest
_____40. Justin see one of his close colleagues speaking inappropriately to another member of staff. This has been going for a while, and he is
sure that what he is seeing is sexual harassment. Justin know his colleague’s actions are wrong, but he don’t want to ruin the friendship he have
developed with them. If you were in Justin’s situation, you would
A. Report your colleague immediately to your superior.
B. Let it pass and ignore because you don’t want to ruin friendship.
C. Raise the issue directly with them and tell them your concerns.
D. Take photos of them and post it to social media.
Test IV.41-44 A. Creating. Suppose you are to create the criteria of “Corporate Social Responsibility” framework from bottom to
top. Encircle the letter the correct answer.
41. Which criteria should be the bottom? 43. Which criteria should be the second?
A. Legal Responsibility A. Legal Responsibility
B. Discretionary Responsibility B. Discretionary Responsibility
C. Economic Responsibility C. Economic Responsibility
D. Ethical Responsibility D. Ethical Responsibility
42. Which criteria should be the top? 44. Which criteria should be the top?
A. Legal Responsibility A. Legal Responsibility
B. Discretionary Responsibility B. Discretionary Responsibility
C. Economic Responsibility C. Economic Responsibility
D. Ethical Responsibility D. Ethical Responsibility
Decision Making Process Flow Chart
Corporate Social Responsibility
Identify the
ethical problem
45._____ 46._____ 47._____
50._____ 49._____ 48.______
B. 45-50. Arrange the “Decision Making” flow chart. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
I. Make a Decision
II. Evaluate the information
III. Collect Relevant Information
IV. Review Action
V. Act or Implement
VI. Consider Alternatives
45. Which step should be the second?
46. Which step should be the last?
A. C. V B. IV I D. III
47. Which step should be the third?
48. Which step should be the fourth?
49. Which step should be the sixth?
50. Which step should be the fifth?
D. C. I D. II B. I V V
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I. Remembering. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
______1. It implies standards and purports the belief that excellent performance in our role in life represents the supreme good. A. Altruism B. Discovery C.Excellence D. Heroism
______2. It is a purpose built in serving its customers in a way that is beyond standard obligation. A. Altruism B. Discovery C.Excellence D. Heroism
______3. It is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong. A. Ethical dilemma B. Ethical Issues C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______4. Arises in a situation concerning right or wrong when values are in conflict. A. Ethical dilemma B. Ethical Issues C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______5. It takes up so many forms and sizes, it can be in the form of financial misconduct or misrepresentation. A. Degradation B. Fraud C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______6. A distortion of competition is a situation in which competitors compete on unequal terms because of favorable or advantageous
condition applied to some competitors but not to others. A. Degradation B. Fraud C. Unfair competition D. Unfair Communication
______7.When two or more companies set higher than average prices for a product or service A. Fraud B. Price Fixing C. Output Restriction D. Unfair Communication
______8. A legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the
contract by non-performance or interference with the other party’s performance. A. Breach of Contract B.Exclusive dealings C.Fraud D. Output Restriction
______9. Are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good. A. Social Enterprise B. Social Entrepreneur C. Social responsibility D. Social Issues
______10. Individuals with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problem. A. Social Enterprise B. Social Entrepreneur C. Social responsibility D. Social Issues
Test II. Understanding. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
______11. Practicing espionage, bribery, or outright theft to obtain economically advantageous information in the possession of another is an
example of what unethical act ? A. Dumping B. Exclusive dealing C. Price fixing D. Trademark Infringement
______12. What is the best example of unfair competition?
A. A company under-reporting of profit
B. A company lied to its shareholders
C. A company spread false information about the quality of their products
D. A company defraud investors into thinking they have higher returns
______13. What is most likely to happen if firms in a perfectly competitive industry are suffering an economic loss?
A. Overtime, some firms leave the industry, so the price falls and the economic loss decreases.
B. Overtime, some firms leave the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss decreases.
C. Overtime, other firms enter the industry, so the price falls and the economic loss decreases.
D. Overtime, other firms enter the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss decreases.
_____14. The statement “Non-respect of agreement” means that:
A. A binding agreement is not honored by one or more parties by non performance
B. Delaying the date of performance of the contract with the permission of other party
C. Non performance of the agreement by the party due to unforeseen events
D. Fulfilling the contact by both parties
_____15. Which of the following is NOT an example of BAD personnel and customer relations?
A. Discrimination and harassment in the workplace B. Mistreating Employees
C. Overworking the employees to have more production
D. Ensuring employee safety working condition
_____16. A recommended way of minimizing unethical behavior is for employees to
A. Write anonymous notes to ethical violators
B. Immediately report all suspicious behavior to top management
C. Spend part of their vacation preparing a personal philosophy of ethics
D. Confront fellow employees about ethical deviation
_____17 The ethical dilemma of choosing between two rights refers to
A. Choosing between the lesser of two evils
B. Deciding which of two employees rights is the most important
C. Deciding to offer a bribe or lose out on an important opportunity
D. Choosing between the two types of sexual harassment
_____18. The stakeholder view of social responsibility states that organizations must respond to the needs of A. Employees and customers B. Shareholders and owners C. All interested parties
D. All those who might sue the organization.
_____19. Which of the following is NOT recommended as a method for a company to protect itself against sexual harassment charges?
A. Develop a zero-tolerance policy on harassment and communicate it to employees.
B. Retaliate swiftly against employees who bring forth charges of harassment
C. Give swift and sure punishment to harassers.
D. Train managers at all levels on sexual harassment issues.
_____20. Unethical behavior is often triggered by
A. Pressure from higher management to achieve goals.
B. An organizational atmosphere that condones such behavior C. Both a & b
D. A system of checks and balances
Test III. Applying. Read the paragraph and identify what violation applies in the situations below. Write the letter of your answer.
_____21. A big jewelry company sells jewelries for P3000 per gram throughout the region. Another company goes into business and sells
jewelries in just P2900 per gram in one province of the region. In response, the first company lowers their prices just in that particular province to
P2800. The big jewelry is engaged in a violation referred to as A. Monopoly B. Price fixing C. Output restriction D. Trademark Infringement
_____22. A tennis shoe retail outlet wants to open a store in a Mall. About 3 months before the store opens the dominant local shoe outlet
negotiates contracts with four major shoe companies to be the exclusive distributor of their shoes. The tennis retail outlet is engaged in a violation referred to as A. Monopoly B. Price fixing C. Output restriction D. Trademark Infringement
_____23. Insurance companies in SM have formed an association and agree that the association will develop a price list for insurance services for
the area. Insurance companies is engaged in a violation referred to as A. Trademark Infringement B. Price fixing
C. No violation, there is an act providing exemption for insurance businesses D. Output restriction
_____24. A fuel distributor company declared that they are out of stock after hearing the news that there will be a consecutive global price drop
of diesel and gasoline this month. Fuel store is engaged in a violation referred to as A. Monopoly B. Price fixing C. Output restriction D. Trademark Infringement
_____25. The three bookstores want to make an agreement that they will advertise and focus on one third of the city. They will each take one
third and focus their resources advertising and market resources in that area. The three bookstores are engaged in a violation referred to as A. Monopoly B. Price fixing C. Output restriction D. Trademark Infringement
Test IV. Analysis. Choose the correct answer that coincide to the given example provided in each item. Write the letter of your answer. I.
Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Employees II.
Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Government
III. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Creditors
IV. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Suppliers V.
Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Consumers
VI. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the General Public
VII. Responsibilities and Accountabilities to the Environment
_____26. Enforce Anti-Discrimination Law A. I B. II C). III D. IV _____27. Pay Wages and Taxes A. III B. IV C). VII D. I
_____28. Avoid Restrictive Trade Practices A. IV B. II C). VII D. I
_____29. Provide Fair Return on Investment (ROI) B. III B. IV C). V D. II
_____30. Avoid Coercion and Litigation C. I B. IV C). VII D. III
Test V. Evaluation. Read carefully each paragraph below. Write the letter of the correct answer.
______31. Paul runs a shop that sells printers. Paul is a perfect competitor and can sell each printer for a price of $300. The marginal cost of
selling one printer a day is $200; the marginal cost of selling a second printer is $250; and the marginal cost of selling a third printer is $350. To
maximize his profit, Paul should sell
A) two printers a day B) more than three printers a day C) three printers a day D) one printer a day.
_____32. Vanizza is an ethically centered production manager. One day, a problem arise in their department. As manager, she wants to avoid any
disappointments from their customer, so she will ship a product
A. Only after all its problems have been eliminated
B. Only if the shipping people use packing material that does not harm the environment
C. Only after an ethics committee has approved it
D. As quickly as she can to meet the customer’s schedule
_____33. Nicole, Mary Jena and Dianne are planning to open their milk-tea shop. During the operation, they noticed that Nicole rarely come to
the shop to help. Dianne and Mary Jena will
A. Exclude Nicole in the profit sharing
B. Ask her why she rarely come to the shop to know her reasons
C. Do not talk to Nicole anymore
D. Make a gossip to other friends
_____34. Team leader Richard is scheduled to prepare a performance of Sarah, a team member who also happens to be his wife’s closest friend.
After knowing this, Richard decline to prepare for the performance because
A. He might be accused of sexual harassment
B. He might be accused of misuse of corporate resources
C. He is dealing with confidential information
D. It is a conflict of interest
_____35. Hannah, the owner of a small telecommunications firm gives gifts of stock in her company to telephone company managers who
purchase her equipment. Her staff disagree with what what she did
A. Because it is a kind of kickbacks
B. Because she is misusing of corporate resources
C. Because it is a sexual harassment
D. Because Treating people unfairly
_____36. John has his own Website that carries ads for a dozen retailers. At night, John spends hours clicking on these sites so he can collect
commissions from the advertiser. This click fraud might cause John A.
To lose the confidence of his customer B.
An opportunity to continue work-at-home scam C.
To have more client in the future D. To collect more commissions
_____37. A Korean chicken restaurant named its store “Louis Vuiton Dak” which is almost similar to the designer Louis Vuitton brand. The
restaurant’s logo and packaging are also closely mirrored the designer’s iconic imagery. After knowing this, the designer Louis Vuitton will most likely
A. Sue the restaurant for trademark infringement
B. Proud because they are being copied by others
C. Ignore it because they know they have a superior brand name
D. Ask for a share in the profit of Louis Vuiton Dak
_____38. The New York’s Coffee Culture Cafe launch a drink called “Freddocino” that appears similar to Starbuck’s “Frappucino”. The structure
of the name contains similarities to cause “confusion in the marketplace” and diminish “Starbuck’s brand equity”. Upon knowing this, Starbucks most likely
A. Have a secret arrangement with Coffee Culture Cafe
B. File a case in court for copying their signature drink
C. Announce it in public about it and say negative words about the competitor
D. Let it pass, it’s normal anyway
_____39. Team leader Junnel is scheduled to prepare a performance of Sarah, a team member who also happens to be his wife’s closest friend.
After knowing this, Junnel decline to prepare for the performance because
E. He might be accused of sexual harassment
F. He might be accused of misuse of corporate resources
G. He is dealing with confidential information
H. It is a conflict of interest
_____40. Justin see one of his close colleagues speaking inappropriately to another member of staff. This has been going for a while, and he is
sure that what he is seeing is sexual harassment. Justin know his colleague’s actions are wrong, but he don’t want to ruin the friendship he have
developed with them. If you were in Justin’s situation, you would
A. Report your colleague immediately to your superior.
B. Let it pass and ignore because you don’t want to ruin friendship.
C. Raise the issue directly with them and tell them your concerns.
D. Take photos of them and post it to social media.
Test IV.41-44 A. Creating. Suppose you are to create the criteria of “Corporate Social Responsibility” framework from bottom to
top. Encircle the letter the correct answer.

Corporate Social Responsibility
41. Which criteria should be the bottom?
43. Which criteria should be the second? A. Legal Responsibility A. Legal Responsibility
B. Discretionary Responsibility
B. Discretionary Responsibility C. Economic Responsibility C. Economic Responsibility D. Ethical Responsibility D. Ethical Responsibility
42. Which criteria should be the top?
44. Which criteria should be the top? A. Legal Responsibility A. Legal Responsibility
B. Discretionary Responsibility
B. Discretionary Responsibility C. Economic Responsibility C. Economic Responsibility
D. Ethical Responsibility D. Ethical Responsibility
Decision Making Process Flow Chart
B. 45-50. Arrange the “Decision Making” flow chart. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. I. Make a Decision
II. Evaluate the information
III. Collect Relevant Information IV. Review Action Identify the 45._____ 46._____ 47._____ V. ethical pro Act or Implement blem
VI. Consider Alternatives 50._____ 49._____ 48.______
45. Which step should be the second? A. II B. III C. V D. VI
46. Which step should be the last? A. V B. IV C. I D. III
47. Which step should be the third? A. II B. III C. V D. VI
48. Which step should be the fourth? B. II B. III C. V D. VI
49. Which step should be the sixth? C. II B. III C. V D. VI
50. Which step should be the fifth? D. II B. I C. IV D. V