Final test_Business Communication - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương

Final test_Business Communication - Business English | Trường Đại học Hùng Vương được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Topic 1: Workplace Communication Today
1. Analyze the communication process model (draw the model, describe key factors: sender,
receiver, encode, decode, channel, feedback, noise and explain how the model works)
The communication process model is a conceptual framework that helps us understand
how communication occurs between a sender and a receiver. It illustrates the flow of
information and the key factors involved in the communication process. Here's a
breakdown of the model:
1. Sender: The sender is the individual or entity initiating the communication. They have a
message or information they want to convey to the receiver. The sender's role is to encode
the message in a format that can be understood by the receiver.
2. Message: The message refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts that the sender
wants to communicate. It can be in the form of verbal, written, or non-verbal
3. Encoding: Encoding is the process of converting the sender's message into a symbolic
form that can be transmitted to the receiver. It involves selecting the appropriate words,
symbols, or gestures to convey the intended meaning of the message.
4. Channel: The channel is the medium through which the encoded message is transmitted
from the sender to the receiver. It can be face-to-face conversation, telephone, email, social
media, or any other communication medium.
5. Noise: Noise refers to any interference or distortion that may disrupt the communication
process and affect the accurate transmission or reception of the message. It can be physical
noise (e.g., background noise), semantic noise (e.g., language barriers or jargon), or
psychological noise (e.g., distractions or preconceived notions).
6. Receiver: The receiver is the intended recipient of the message. Their role is to decode
the message by interpreting the symbols and extracting meaning from the received
7. Decoding: Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and assigns meaning
to the message received from the sender. It involves understanding the symbols, language,
and context of the communication to derive the intended meaning.
8. Feedback: Feedback is the response or reaction provided by the receiver to the sender's
message. It allows the sender to assess the effectiveness of their communication and make
any necessary adjustments. Feedback can be verbal or non-verbal and helps ensure that
the message was accurately understood.
The communication process model works by illustrating the sequential steps involved in
communication. The sender encodes the message, which is then transmitted through a
chosen channel to the receiver. The receiver decodes the message and provides feedback to
the sender, completing the feedback loop. Throughout this process, noise can interrupt or
distort the communication, potentially affecting the accuracy and effectiveness of the
It's important to note that communication is a dynamic and complex process, influenced by
various factors such as cultural differences, individual perceptions, and context. The
communication process model provides a simplified framework for understanding the
basic elements and flow of communication but may not capture all the intricacies and
nuances that can occur in real-life interactions.
2. Analyze some main communication barriers and suggest solutions to overcome those
Barrier Description Solution
1. Language Barriers
Differences in language and vocabulary
can lead to misunderstandings.
Use clear and simple language. Provide
translations or use interpreters if necessary.
Encourage language learning and cultural
2. Cultural Barriers
Differing cultural norms, values, and
communication styles can create
Promote cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Encourage open dialogue about cultural
differences. Use diverse teams to foster a
multicultural perspective.
3. Physical Barriers
Physical separation or environmental
factors can impede communication.
Utilize technology for virtual communication.
Arrange face-to-face meetings when possible.
Create an open and accessible physical
4. Emotional Barriers
Emotional states, such as stress or
personal issues, can affect
Encourage a supportive and empathetic
environment. Provide resources for stress
management. Foster open communication
channels for addressing personal concerns.
5. Perceptual Barriers
Differences in perception and
interpretation of information.
Confirm understanding by seeking feedback.
Use visual aids to supplement verbal
communication. Encourage active listening
and clarification.
6. Information
Excessive information can overwhelm and
lead to selective attention.
Prioritize information. Use concise and clear
messages. Provide additional resources for in-
Barrier Description Solution
depth understanding.
7. Lack of Feedback
Absence of feedback can hinder
understanding and correction.
Encourage open communication channels for
feedback. Implement regular check-ins and
assessments. Ensure feedback is constructive
and specific.
8. Technological
Issues with communication tools and
Invest in reliable communication tools.
Provide training on technology use. Have
contingency plans for technical issues.
9. Hierarchy and
Power Dynamics
Hierarchical structures can stifle open
communication, especially from lower
Promote a culture of open communication.
Encourage feedback from all levels.
Implement anonymous suggestion systems.
10. Assumptions and
Preconceived notions and stereotypes can
lead to misinterpretation.
Challenge assumptions. Encourage
individuals to share their perspectives.
Provide education on diversity and inclusion.
Communication is a fundamental aspect of human
interaction, serving as the cornerstone of
understanding, collaboration, and connection.
However, despite its importance, various barriers
can impede the smooth flow of information,
hindering effective communication. Identifying and
addressing these barriers is crucial for fostering
clear, meaningful interactions. In this essay, we will
analyze some main communication barriers and
propose practical solutions to overcome them.
1. Language Barriers:
One of the most common communication barriers is
the diversity of languages spoken in a globalized
world. Individuals from different linguistic
backgrounds may struggle to convey their thoughts
accurately, leading to misunderstandings.
Solution: Encouraging language diversity training
can help individuals become more proficient in
multiple languages. Additionally, utilizing
translation tools and hiring interpreters when
needed can bridge language gaps and enhance
2. Cultural Differences:
Cultural variations in communication styles, non-
verbal cues, and expectations can create significant
barriers. Misinterpretations may arise due to
differing cultural norms regarding eye contact,
gestures, or the appropriate level of formality.
Gi i Thi u:
Giao tiếếp m t khía c nh c b n c a t ng tác ơ ươ
gi a con ng i, đóng vai t nh nếền móng c a ườ ư
s hi u biếết, h p tác kếết nốếi. Tuy nhiến, m c
quan tr ng, nh ng có nhiếều rào c n th làm tr ư
ng i cho quá trình truyếền đ t thống tin m t cách
tr n tru, làm tr ng i cho giao tiếếp hi u qu . Vi cơ
nh n di n gi i quyếết nh ng rào c n này quan
tr ng đ thúc đ y t ng tác ràng ý nghĩa. ươ
Trong bài lu n này, chúng ta seẽ phân tích m t sốế rào
c n chính vếề giao tiếếp đếề xuâết nh ng gi i pháp
th c tếế đ v t qua chúng. ượ
Rào C n Ngốn Ng : M t trong nh ng rào c n giao
tiếếp ph biếến nhâết s đa d ng c a các ngốn ng
đ c s d ng trong thếế gi i hóa. Nh ng ng i ượ ườ
nguốền gốếc ngốn ng khác nhau có th g p khó khăn
trong vi c truyếền đ t suy nghĩ c a h m t cách
chính xác, dâẽn đếến hi u lâềm.
Gi i pháp: Khuyếến khích đào t o đa d ng ngốn ng
th giúp nhân tr nến thành th o h n trong ơ
nhiếều ngốn ng . Ngoài ra, vi c s d ng cống c d ch
thuế thống d ch viến khi câền thiếết th kếết nốếi
kho ng cách ngốn ng và nâng cao s hi u biếết.
S Khác Bi t n Hóa: S biếến đ i vếề phong cách
giao tiếếp, c ch phi ngốn, kỳ v ng trong văn hóa
có th t o ra rào c n đáng k . Hi u lâềm có th xuâết
phát t s khác bi t vếề quy tăếc văn hóa đốếi v i liến
l c băềng ánh măết, c ch ho c m c đ l ch s phù
h p.
Gi i pháp: Khuyếến khích đào t o nh n th c văn hóa
th t o điếều ki n cho s hi u biếết đánh giá
cao phong cách giao tiếếp đa d ng. Khuyếến khích
giao tiếếp m c a vếề s khác bi t văn hóa trong m t
Solution: Promoting cultural awareness training
can foster understanding and appreciation for
diverse communication styles. Encouraging open
dialogue about cultural differences within a team or
organization can also enhance awareness and
3. Technological Barriers:
In the digital age, reliance on technology for
communication introduces its own set of challenges.
Technical glitches, poor internet connectivity, or
unfamiliarity with communication platforms can
disrupt the flow of information.
Solution: Providing comprehensive technology
training and support can empower individuals to
navigate digital communication tools effectively.
Regular updates and troubleshooting resources can
mitigate technical issues, ensuring a smoother
communication process.
4. Lack of Feedback:
Communication is a two-way street, and a lack of
feedback can hinder progress. When individuals do
not receive confirmation or clarification, they may
feel uncertain about the success of their message.
Solution: Establishing a culture of open
communication where feedback is actively
encouraged can alleviate this barrier. Regular check-
ins, constructive criticism, and acknowledgment of
received messages contribute to a more transparent
and effective communication environment.
5. Psychological Barriers:
Emotions can act as both facilitators and barriers to
communication. Negative emotions, such as stress,
anxiety, or frustration, can impede one's ability to
express themselves clearly, while emotional
intelligence is essential for understanding others.
Solution: Implementing stress management
programs, fostering a supportive work environment,
and promoting emotional intelligence training can
help individuals navigate and overcome emotional
barriers. Encouraging empathy and active listening
also play pivotal roles in creating emotionally
intelligent communication.
nhóm ho c t ch c cũng th nâng cao s nh n
th c và tinh tếế.
Rào C n Cống Ngh : Trong th i đ i kyẽ thu t sốế, s
ph thu c vào cống ngh cho giao tiếếp đ a ra ư
nh ng thách th c riếng. S cốế kyẽ thu t, kếết nốếi
internet kém, ho c s khống quen v i các nếền t ng
giao tiếếp có th làm gián đo n luốềng thống tin.
Gi i pháp: Cung câếp đào t o hốẽ tr cống ngh
toàn di n th giúp nhân điếều h ng cống c ướ
giao tiếếp kyẽ thu t sốế m t cách hi u qu . Vi c c p
nh t đ nh kỳ nguốền l c khăếc ph c s cốế th
gi m b t vâến đếề kyẽ thu t, đ m b o quá trình giao
tiếếp tr n tru h n.ơ ơ
Thiếếu Ph n Hốềi: Giao tiếếp m t con đ ng hai ườ
chiếều, thiếếu ph n hốềi th làm ch m tiếến trình.
Khi ng i ta khống nh n đ c xác nh n ho c làmườ ượ
rõ, h th c m thâếy khống chăếc chăến vếề s thành
cống c a thống đi p c a mình.
Gi i pháp: Thiếết l p m t văn hóa giao tiếếp m c a,
n i ph n hốềi đ c khuyếến khích m t cách tích c c,ơ ượ
th gi m b t rào c n này. Ki m tra đ nh kỳ, phế
bình xây d ng và cống nh n các thống đi p đã nh n
đ c đếều đóng góp vào m t mối tr ng giao tiếếpượ ườ
minh b ch và hi u qu h n. ơ
Rào C n Tâm Lý: Tâm lý có th đóng vai trò là ng i ườ
hốẽ tr c n tr giao tiếếp. Các c m xúc tiếu c c,
nh căng th ng, lo ếng, ho c s frustrate, thư
làm tr ng i cho kh năng diếẽn đ t m t cách
ràng, trong khi s thống minh c m xúc quan
tr ng đ hi u biếết ng i khác. ườ
Gi i pháp: Th c hi n các ch ng trình qu n lý căng ươ
th ng, t o mối tr ng làm vi c hốẽ tr khuyếến ườ
khích đào t o vếề trí tu c m xúc có th giúp cá nhân
điếều h ng v t qua rào c n tâm . Khuyếếnướ ượ
khích lòng trăếc n lăếng nghe tích c c cũng đóng
vai trò quan tr ng trong vi c t o ra giao tiếếp thống
minh c m xúc.
Kếết Lu n:
Giao tiếếp hi u qu nếền t ng c a mốếi quan h
nhân và chuyến nghi p thành cống. Băềng cách nh n
di n gi i quyếết các rào c n giao tiếếp, nhân
t ch c th phát tri n m t mối tr ng đánh giá ườ
cao s ràng, hi u biếết h p tác. Rào c n ngốn
ng văn hóa th đ c gi m nh thống qua ượ
giáo d c và nh n th c, thách th c cống ngh có th
đ c đốếi phó thống qua đào t o hốẽ tr , ràoượ
c n tâm th đ c v t qua băềng cách thúc ượ ượ
Effective communication is the bedrock of successful
personal and professional relationships. By
recognizing and addressing communication barriers,
individuals and organizations can cultivate an
environment that values clarity, understanding, and
collaboration. Language and cultural barriers can be
mitigated through education and awareness,
technological challenges can be addressed with
training and support, and emotional barriers can be
overcome by fostering emotional intelligence and a
supportive atmosphere. Through these strategies, we
can break down communication barriers and pave
the way for more meaningful connections in an
increasingly interconnected world.
đ y trí tu c m xúc mối tr ng hốẽ tr . Thống ườ
qua nh ng chiếến l c này, chúng ta th phá v ượ
các rào c n giao tiếếp m đ ng cho nh ng mốếi ườ
quan h ý nghĩa h n trong m t thếế gi i ngày càng ơ
kếết nốếi.
Suggest specific solutions for the following cases:
1.You assigned the group task to your member but he is not good at English language skill
2.You tried to explain the importance of the group task to your members but some of them
were chatting on the phone
3.You are trying to send your group leader a message to let him know about the reason
why you was late for the group meeting but your phone ran out of battery
Case Description Barrier Solution
1 The situation at hand
underscores the
importance of
addressing language
barriers within the
team. While the task
itself may be well-
defined and
significant, the team
member's limited
English language skills
pose a unique
challenge that needs to
be navigated
Psychological Barrier -
Limited English Language
- Inadequate Language Skills:
The foremost psychological
barrier in this context relates
to the individual's limited
proficiency in the English
language. This deficiency can
act as a significant
impediment to effective
communication within the
- Communication Frustration:
Limited language skills can
lead to communication
frustration for the team
member, potentially causing
them to feel anxious or self-
conscious about their ability
to express ideas and opinions
- Provide Clear Instructions: Would give clear
and concise instructions for the task in simple
language. Use bullet points, or visuals to
supplement my instructions if it is necessary
- Be Patient and Supportive: Most importantly,
I have to try to be understanding and patient
toward that group member's language
challenges. Create a supportive and inclusive
team environment where everyone feels
comfortable sharing their ideas.
- Use Simple Language: Encourage the use of
simple and straightforward language when
discussing the task. Avoid using complex
vocabulary or idiomatic expressions that may
be difficult for the member to understand.
2 The situation involves
a group task
explanation where you,
Psychological Barrier:
- Distractions: The primary
barrier here is distractions
- Establish Ground Rules: Politely request that
team members silence their phones or put
them on vibrate mode and refrain from texting
as the leader or
communicator, are
trying to convey the
importance of the task
to your team members.
Some team members
are not paying
attention and are
instead engaged in
phone conversations or
caused by phone usage. This
can hinder effective
communication and prevent
team members from grasping
the importance of the task.
- Lack of Engagement: Phone
usage indicates a lack of
engagement or interest in the
topic being discussed, which
can impact team morale and
or taking calls during the meeting.
- Engage and Interact: Use storytelling, visuals,
or real-life examples to make the task's
importance relatable and interesting.
Encourage questions and discussions to involve
team members actively.
- Individual Follow-up: Talk to those who were
on their phones privately and ask if they have
any questions or concerns about the task. Offer
additional explanations or clarifications to
ensure everyone understands.
- Regularly seek feedback from your team
about the effectiveness of your communication
and any barriers they face. Use this feedback to
refine your communication strategies and
adapt to their needs.
- Lead by Example: Show your dedication to
the task by actively participating in
discussions, being attentive, and refraining
from phone usage during meetings. Lead by
example to encourage others to follow suit.
3 In this situation, you
are attempting to
inform your group
leader about the
reason for your
lateness to the group
meeting. However, you
encounter the barrier
of your phone running
out of battery, which
prevents you from
directly sending a
Physical barriers: The main
barrier in this situation is the
lack of a functional phone due
to a drained battery. This
prevents you from
communicating with your
group leader using the typical
methods of instant
messaging, calling, or texting.
- Use Another Device: If you have access to
another device (like a computer or a friend's
phone), you can use it to send a message to
your group leader. You can use email, a
messaging app like Messenger, Zalo, or any
other platform you typically communicate
- Write a Note: If you don't have access to any
other device, you can write a brief note
explaining the reason for your lateness. You
can then either hand it to your group leader in
person (if you're at the meeting location) or
ask a member to pass it on for you.
- Use a Public Computer or Phone: If you're in a
public place or a library, you might find a
computer or phone that you can use
temporarily to send a message. Just ensure you
log out of any accounts when you're finished.
- Seek Assistance from Others: If you're in a
public space, consider asking someone nearby
if you can make a quick call or send a message
explaining your situation.
- Charge Your Phone Quickly: If you have access
to a charger and an outlet, try charging your
phone for a few minutes to gain enough power
to send a brief message. Explain the situation
to your group leader as soon as your phone has
enough charge.
- Inform Someone in the Group: If you have a
trusted team member's contact information
memorized, you can ask them to pass along the
message to the group leader on your behalf.
The key is to communicate your situation as
soon as possible to let your group leader know
why you were late. Apologize for the delay and
assure them that you will be there as soon as
possible. Communication is important in such
situations to maintain transparency and
professionalism within the group.
Case Description Barriers Solutions
1 Sender is
assigning the
group task to
One member
team is having
problems when
trying to receive
from the sender
due to lack of
language skill.
Language problems are
what the receiver is
dealing with in this
situation. Due to a lack of
linguistic skills, the
receiver cannot
understand the
frustration: results from
unclear expression,
differing cultural or
contextual backgrounds,
emotional barriers, or
inadequate feedback,
leading to frustration,
confusion, and hindered
progress in effective
For sender:
Speak slowly, avoid using advanced
words, use the most basic concept: help
the listener to attain as much information
as possible..
Provide language resources, such as
Using more body language to express the
Divide the task into smaller pieces: help
the receiver easier to process the task.
For receiver:
Improve English skills, especially listening
Pay full attention.
Ask questions immediately when having
trouble in processing information.
2 Group leader
tried to explain
the importance
of the group task
to members, but
some of them
were chatting on
the phone. This
is a problem
because it shows
that they are not
paying attention
to the leader or
to the task at
hand. This can
lead to
gs, missed
deadlines, and
poor quality
Nonverbal distractions:
The receiver can't hear
what the sender has to
say because of the phone's
Lack of interest: They
may not be interested in
the task or they may not
understand why it is
Disrespect: They may
not respect the leader or
leader’s authority.
Remove distractions: Ask your team
members to put their phones away and to
find a quiet place to work.
Explain the importance of the task:
Make sure your team members
understand why the task is important and
how it contributes to the overall goal of
the group.
Be assertive: Speak clearly and
confidently, and make eye contact with
your team members.
3 Problem:
Your phone ran
out of battery
so you cannot
Physical barriers which
prevent effective
communication. This is
the main barrier that
For sender:
An alternative way: Borrow a
colleague's phone or use a computer to
send an email or a message through a
explain the
reason for being
prevents you contacting
the group leader to
explain the reason for
being late.
messaging app.
Be Prompt: send a brief message
explaining your situation and the reason.
Take Responsibility: Accept
responsibility and assure that you will
make every effort to avoid such situations
in the future.
Plan Ahead: In the future, plan to charge
your phone.
For receiver:
Establish Backup Communication:
Have alternative communication channels
in place, such as an email address or
secondary phone number, for urgent
Check Other Platforms: Regularly
monitor other communication tools, like
email or messaging apps, in case of urgent
messages from group members.
Show Understanding: Be understanding
and flexible when a group member
informs you of technical difficulties
causing their delay.
3. Give examples of Written, Oral and Electronic communication channels
Written Communication:
Emails: Sending and receiving messages electronically through email
Reports: Comprehensive documents providing information, analysis, and
Letters: Formal written communication often used for official or external
Memoranda (Memos): Brief written messages within an organization for
internal communication.
Notes: Handwritten or typed brief messages for informal communication.
Oral Communication:
Face-to-Face Meetings: Direct communication between individuals in person.
Phone Conversations: Verbal communication over the phone.
Presentations: Delivering information verbally to an audience.
Interviews: Conversations between an interviewer and interviewee.
Team Briefings: Informal discussions within a team or group.
Electronic Communication:
Video Conferencing: Virtual meetings using platforms like Zoom or Microsoft
Instant Messaging: Real-time text communication through platforms like
Slack or WhatsApp.
Social Media: Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for public
Blogs: Online articles or posts conveying information or opinions.
Podcasts: Digital audio files for delivering content to a listening audience.
4. Explain Information flow model including Upward, Downward and Horizontal flow and
describe some formal channels in each one)
The Information Flow Model is a conceptual framework that describes how information is
communicated within an organization. It highlights three primary directions of
communication: upward, downward, and horizontal. Each direction serves specific
purposes and involves different channels of communication. Here's an overview of each:
1. Upward Communication:
Definition: Upward communication refers to the flow of information from
lower levels of an organization to higher levels.
Purpose: It enables employees to share feedback, suggestions, and information
with their managers or higher-ups.
Formal Channels:
Employee Surveys: Organizations often conduct surveys to gather
feedback and opinions from employees.
Performance Appraisals: Employees communicate their
achievements, challenges, and development needs during
performance reviews.
Grievance Redressal Systems: Employees can use formal systems to
communicate grievances and seek resolution.
2. Downward Communication:
Definition: Downward communication involves the flow of information from
higher levels of an organization to lower levels.
Purpose: It is used to convey instructions, policies, goals, and other important
information to employees.
Formal Channels:
Memos and Emails: Management can use written communication,
such as memos and emails, to disseminate information.
Policy Manuals: Organizations often provide employees with
manuals outlining company policies and procedures.
Team Meetings: Managers conduct meetings to communicate goals,
expectations, and updates to their teams.
3. Horizontal Communication:
Definition: Horizontal communication involves the exchange of information
among individuals or departments at the same organizational level.
Purpose: It facilitates coordination, collaboration, and problem-solving among
peers or colleagues.
Formal Channels:
Departmental Meetings: Different departments may hold regular
meetings to discuss projects, share information, and coordinate
Intranet Portals: Organizations often have internal communication
platforms where employees from different departments can share
Cross-functional Teams: Teams composed of members from different
departments work together to achieve specific goals, fostering
horizontal communication.
Each of these communication directions and formal channels is essential for the smooth
functioning of an organization. Effective communication ensures that information is
shared, understood, and acted upon appropriately, contributing to the overall success and
productivity of the organization.
5. How do you know about ethical behaviors? Give examples of positive and negative
ethical behaviors
Ethical behavior involves aligning one's conduct with accepted principles of right and
wrong, rooted in cultural, societal, religious, or philosophical beliefs. It is crucial in
personal, professional, and societal contexts, encompassing honesty, respect, responsibility,
fairness, compassion, and more. Ethical decision-making, often complex and context-
dependent, requires thoughtful consideration and adherence to high moral standards.
Promoting ethical behavior fosters trust, respect, and positive relationships, contributing
to the development of a moral and responsible community.
Positive Ethical Behaviors:
1. Honesty and Integrity:
Positive Example: Providing accurate information, being truthful in all
dealings, and maintaining consistency in actions and values.
2. Respect for Others:
Positive Example: Treating others with dignity, empathy, and courtesy,
regardless of differences in background, beliefs, or position.
3. Responsibility:
Positive Example: Taking ownership of one's actions, fulfilling obligations,
and being accountable for decisions and their consequences.
4. Fairness and Justice:
Positive Example: Treating all individuals equitably, ensuring impartiality in
decision-making, and promoting fairness in the distribution of resources or
5. Caring and Compassion:
Positive Example: Demonstrating concern for the well-being of others,
showing kindness, and offering support to those in need.
6. Civic and Social Responsibility:
Positive Example: Contributing to the community, participating in
charitable activities, and engaging in environmentally sustainable practices.
Negative Ethical Behaviors:
1. Dishonesty and Deception:
Negative Example: Providing false information, lying, or engaging in
deceitful practices to achieve personal or organizational goals.
2. Disrespect and Discrimination:
Negative Example: Treating others disrespectfully, engaging in
discriminatory practices based on factors such as race, gender, or religion.
3. Irresponsibility:
Negative Example: Avoiding accountability, failing to fulfill obligations, and
neglecting responsibilities that can harm individuals or organizations.
4. Unfair Treatment:
Negative Example: Favoritism, discrimination, or biased decision-making
that results in unjust treatment of certain individuals or groups.
5. Lack of Empathy:
Negative Example: Ignoring the needs and feelings of others, showing
indifference to the suffering or challenges faced by colleagues or
6. Unethical Business Practices:
Negative Example: Engaging in fraud, bribery, corruption, or other activities
that violate legal and moral standards in the business environment.
Ethical behavior is the foundation of a just and
moral society. It encompasses a set of principles that
guide individuals in distinguishing right from wrong
and making decisions that uphold fairness, honesty,
and integrity. Recognizing ethical behaviors is
crucial for personal growth, fostering healthy
relationships, and maintaining the overall well-being
of communities. In this essay, we will explore the
concept of ethical behavior, providing examples of
both positive and negative behaviors to illustrate the
impact of ethical decision-making.
Positive Ethical Behaviors:
1. Honesty and Transparency: Positive
ethical behavior involves being truthful and
transparent in all interactions. Individuals who
prioritize honesty build trust with others and
contribute to the creation of an environment where
open communication thrives. For example, an
employee who admits a mistake at work and takes
responsibility for it demonstrates positive ethical
2. Respect for Others: Treating others with
respect is a fundamental aspect of ethical conduct.
This includes recognizing and appreciating diversity,
valuing the opinions of others, and practicing
empathy. A leader who listens to and considers the
perspectives of team members, even when they differ,
exhibits positive ethical behavior.
3. Integrity: Integrity involves maintaining
consistency in one's principles and actions.
Individuals with integrity adhere to a strong moral
code, even when faced with challenging
circumstances. For instance, a business professional
who refuses to engage in unethical practices, despite
external pressure, demonstrates positive ethical
4. Fairness and Justice: Ethical behavior
requires a commitment to fairness and justice. This
involves treating all individuals impartially and
ensuring that decisions are made without bias. An
example of positive ethical behavior is a manager
who allocates resources or opportunities based on
merit rather than favoritism.
Gi i Thi u:
Hành vi đ o đ c nếền t ng c a m t h i cống
băềng đ o đ c. bao gốềm m t b nguyến tăếc
h ng dâẽn nhân phân bi t đúng sai đ a raướ ư
quyếết đ nh duy trì s cống băềng, trung th c và chính
tr c. Nh n th c vếề hành vi đ o đ c quan tr ng
đ phát tri n nhân, t o ra mốếi quan h kh e
m nh duy trì s phốền th nh c a c ng đốềng.
Trong bài lu n này, chúng ta seẽ khám phá khái ni m
vếề hành vi đ o đ c, cung câếp ví d vếề c hành vi tích
c c tiếu c c đ minh h a tác đ ng c a quyếết
đ nh đ o đ c.
Hành Vi Đ o Đ c Tích C c:
1. Chân Thành Minh B ch: Hành vi đ o
đ c tích c c bao gốềm s chân thành minh b ch
trong m i t ng tác. Nh ng ng i u tiến chân ươ ườ ư
thành xây d ng niếềm tin v i ng i khác đóng ườ
góp vào vi c t o ra m t mối tr ng n i giao tiếếp ườ ơ
m c a phát tri n. Ví d , m t nhân viến th a nh n
sai lâềm t i n i làm vi c đ m nh n trách nhi m ơ
là ng i th c hi n hành vi đ o đ c tích c c.ườ
2. Tôn Tr ng Ng i Khác: ườ Đốếi x v i ng i ườ
khác m t cách tốn tr ng m t khía c nh c b n ơ
c a hành vi đ o đ c. Điếều này bao gốềm nh n biếết và
đánh giá s đa d ng, đánh giá ý kiếến c a ng i ườ
khác th c hành lòng thống c m. M t ng i lãnh ườ
đ oếng nghe xem xét quan đi m c a các thành
viến trong nhóm, ngay c khi chúng khác nhau, th
hi n hành vi đ o đ c tích c c.
3. Chính Tr c: Chính tr c bao gốềm vi c duy
trì s nhâết quán trong nguyến tăếc và hành đ ng c a
m t ng i. Nh ng ng i chính tr c tuân theo ườ ườ
m t đ o đ c m nh meẽ, ngay c khi đốếi m t v i
hoàn c nh khó khăn. d , m t chuyến gia kinh
doanh t chốếi tham gia vào các hành vi phi đ o đ c,
m c dù có áp l c t bến ngoài, làm thâếy hành vi đ o
đ c tích c c.
4. Công Bằằng Công Lý: Hành vi đ o đ c
yếu câều cam kếết v i s cống băềng cống lý. Điếều
này bao gốềm đốếi x v i tâết c m i ng i m t cách ườ
cống băềng và đ m b o răềng quyếết đ nh đ c đ a ra ượ ư
mà khống có đ ch ch. M t ví d vếề hành vi đ o đ c
tích c c m t qu n phân phốếi nguốền l c ho c
c h i d a trến cống băềng thay vì s thiến v .ơ
Hành Vi Đ o Đ c Tiếu C c:
Negative Ethical Behaviors:
1. Dishonesty and Deception: Negative
ethical behavior involves dishonesty, deception, or
the intentional withholding of information.
Individuals who engage in deceptive practices erode
trust and compromise the integrity of interpersonal
relationships. For instance, a student who plagiarizes
work is exhibiting negative ethical behavior.
2. Disrespect and Discrimination: Ethical
misconduct can manifest as disrespect,
discrimination, or the marginalization of others
based on factors such as race, gender, or
socioeconomic status. An employee who engages in
discriminatory behavior, creating a hostile work
environment, exemplifies negative ethical conduct.
3. Lack of Integrity: A lack of integrity
involves inconsistency between one's stated values
and actual behavior. Individuals who compromise
their principles for personal gain or convenience
demonstrate negative ethical behavior. For example,
a public figure who engages in corrupt practices
contradicts their professed commitment to ethical
4. Unfair Treatment: Negative ethical
behavior includes unfair treatment, favoritism, or
the manipulation of circumstances to benefit oneself
at the expense of others. A manager who shows
favoritism toward certain employees, neglecting
others, engages in negative ethical behavior that
undermines team morale and cohesion.
Understanding ethical behaviors is essential for the
well-being of individuals, organizations, and society
as a whole. Positive ethical behaviors, such as
honesty, respect, integrity, and fairness, contribute to
the establishment of trust and the cultivation of
healthy relationships. On the contrary, negative
ethical behaviors, characterized by dishonesty,
disrespect, a lack of integrity, and unfair treatment,
erode trust and can lead to detrimental
consequences. By recognizing and promoting
positive ethical behaviors, we can collectively work
towards creating a world where integrity, fairness,
and respect are the guiding principles in decision-
making and interactions.
1. Châất Vâấn và L a Dôấi: Hành vi đ o đ c tiếu
c c liến quan đếến s châết vâến, l a dốếi ho c gi
thống tin m t cách ch ý. Nh ng ng i tham gia ườ
vào các th c hành l a dốếi làm gi m mâết niếềm tin và
đe d a tính chính tr c c a mốếi quan h nhân.
d , m t sinh viến gian l n trong cống vi c đang th
hi n hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c.
2. Không Tôn Tr ng Phân Bi t Đôấi X :
Hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c th th hi n qua s
khống tốn tr ng, phân bi t đốếi x ho c s đ y lùi
ng i khác d a trến các yếếu tốế nh ch ng t c, gi iườ ư
tính ho c đ a v kinh tếế. M t nhân viến tham gia vào
hành vi phân bi t đốếi x , t o ra mối tr ng làm ườ
vi c khống thân thi n, th hi n hành vi đ o đ c
tiếu c c.
3. Thiếấu Chính Tr c: S thiếếu chính tr c bao
gốềm s khống nhâết quán gi a giá tr tuyến bốế
hành vi th c tếế. Nh ng ng i hy sinh nguyến tăếc ườ
c a mình l i ích nhân ho c thu n ti n th
hi n hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c. d , m t nhân v t
cống c ng tham gia vào các hành vi tham nhũng trái
v i cam kếết lãnh đ o đ o đ c c a mình.
4. Đôấi X Không Công Bằằng: Hành vi đ o
đ c tiếu c c bao gốềm đốếi x khống cống ềng, s
thiến v ho c thao túng hoàn c nh đ l i ích b n
thân làm t n th ng ng i khác. M t qu n ươ ườ
th hi n s thiến v đốếi v i nhân viến c th , b qua
nh ng ng i khác, th hi n hành vi đ o đ c tiếu ườ
c c làm suy gi m tinh thâền đốềng đ i và s găến kếết.
Kếết Lu n:
Hi u vếề hành vi đ o đ c quan tr ng cho s phốền
th nh c a nhân, t ch c toàn h i. Hành vi
đ o đ c tích c c, ch ng h n nh chân thành, tốn ư
tr ng, chính tr c cống băềng, đóng góp vào vi c
xây d ng niếềm tin t o ra mốếi quan h kh e
m nh. Ng c l i, hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c, đ c ượ
tr ng b i s châếtến, khống tốn tr ng, thiếếu chínhư
tr c đốếi x khống cống băềng, làm suy gi m niếềm
tin th dâẽn đếến h u qu h i. Băềng cách
nh n di n và khuyếến khích hành vi đ o đ c tích c c,
chúng ta th cùng nhau làm vi c đ t o ra m t
thếế gi i n i chính tr c, cống băềng tốn tr ng ơ
nguyến tăếc h ng dâẽn quyếết đ nh và t ng tác.ướ ươ
Topic 3: Communicating at work
Revise different kinds of writing thank-you email (Thanks for gifts, favor or hospitality)
Thank-You Email for a Favor/Gift
Dear [Recipient's Name],
How to write an email to a manager
(problems and suggested solutions)
I trust this message finds you well. I am
writing to express my deepest gratitude for
the recent favor/gift you extended to me.
Your generosity has truly touched my heart,
and I wanted to take a moment to convey
my appreciation.
Reasons for Writing: I wanted to convey
my sincere thanks for the [describe the favor
or gift] you graciously provided. Your
kindness has not gone unnoticed, and I am
genuinely grateful for your thoughtfulness.
Details of the Favor/Gift: The [favor/gift]
you offered is truly [describe the favor or
gift in detail]. The [mention specific details]
added a special touch that did not go
Utilization of the Favor/Gift: I wanted to
let you know that I have [used or plan to
use] the [favor/gift] in [describe how and
when you have or plan to use it]. It has
already [describe any positive impact or joy
it has brought].
Importance/Significance: The
[favor/gift] holds great importance for me
because [explain why it is important or
meaningful to you]. Your gesture has made
a positive impact on my [mention any
aspect of life or work it has influenced].
Promises and Wishes: I want to assure
you that I will [mention any promises or
commitments related to the favor/gift].
Your kindness inspires me, and I look
forward to [express any wishes or hopes
related to the relationship or future
Ending: Once again, thank you from the
bottom of my heart for your [favor/gift].
Your generosity has brightened my day, and
I am truly grateful for your presence in my
Signature: Warm regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am
reaching out to discuss some challenges
that have surfaced in our current work
environment. It is my intention to not only
highlight these issues but also to propose
potential solutions that could contribute to
a more effective and positive workplace.
Identified Problems:
1. Briefly outline the specific problems
or challenges being faced. Be clear
and concise in describing each issue.
Proposed Solutions:
1. Offer practical and constructive
solutions to address each identified
problem. Provide detailed
explanations for each proposed
2. Ensure that the suggested solutions
align with the overall goals and
values of the organization.
Request for Discussion:
1. Express a desire for open
communication and collaboration.
2. Invite your manager to share their
insights on the challenges and
proposed solutions.
3. Offer to schedule a meeting or
discussion to delve deeper into the
matter if necessary.
Closing: In conclusion, I believe that by
addressing these challenges proactively, we
can contribute to a more harmonious and
productive work environment. I appreciate
your time and consideration in reviewing
these proposed solutions.
Signature: Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Contact Information]
time off
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request time off from work for a
vacation. After careful consideration and planning, I have chosen the following dates for my
Start Date: [insert start date]
End Date: [insert end date]
I have taken steps to ensure that my current projects and responsibilities are up to date.
[Optional: If applicable, you may want to mention any colleagues who will be assisting during
your absence.] I am committed to providing any necessary information or documentation to
facilitate a smooth workflow in my absence.
I believe that taking this time off will allow me to return to work with a refreshed perspective
and increased productivity. I am confident in the team's ability to manage during my absence
and will make myself available for any questions or concerns prior to my departure.
Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete for this
request to be processed. I am happy to provide any additional information or discuss this
further if needed.
Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your consideration of my request.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
Asking a
related to
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust you are doing well. I am reaching out to seek clarification on a matter related to our
workplace. I have come across [specific situation or topic] and would appreciate your insights
to better understand the context and procedures involved.
If it suits your schedule, could we arrange a brief meeting or discussion at your earliest
convenience? Alternatively, if it's more appropriate, I am open to addressing this through
Your guidance is invaluable, and I believe your input will help me navigate this situation more
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
n on a
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have successfully completed
the task assigned to me [provide a brief description of the task]. I wanted to ensure you are
aware of the progress and that it meets the expectations outlined.
If there are any additional steps or if you require further details about the task, please do not
hesitate to let me know. I am more than happy to provide any necessary information.
I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this project and look forward to your feedback.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
for a task's
Subject: Request for Deadline Extension
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the deadline for the task assigned to
me [briefly describe the task]. As I have been working on it, unforeseen challenges have
arisen that could impact the quality and completeness of the final deliverable.
In light of these challenges, I am kindly requesting an extension of [proposed extension
duration] to ensure that I can meet and exceed the expectations set for this task. I am
committed to delivering a high-quality output, and the extension will allow me the necessary
time to address the issues and produce the best possible results.
I understand the importance of timely project completion and will make every effort to
minimize any potential impact on the overall timeline. I am more than willing to discuss this
further or provide additional details if needed.
Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your consideration of this request.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
thanks and
Subject: Expression of Gratitude
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your
guidance and support. Your leadership has been instrumental in my professional
development, and I want to convey my appreciation for the opportunities you have provided
and the trust you have placed in me.
I am truly grateful for the positive work environment you cultivate, which fosters teamwork
and encourages innovation. Your mentorship has not only enhanced my skills but has also
inspired confidence in my abilities.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our team's success and for being a source of
inspiration. I am honored to be a part of this dynamic team and am eager to contribute to our
collective achievements.
If there is anything specific you would like to discuss or address, please feel free to let me
know. Once again, thank you for your leadership and support.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
regarding a
task or
Subject: Important Information Regarding [Task/Project Name]
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to share some crucial information regarding the
[task/project name] that I believe requires your attention.
[Provide a concise summary of the information or updates you want to share. Include any key
details, milestones, challenges, or decisions that need managerial input.]
I value your insights and guidance, and I believe your input is essential in ensuring the success
of this [task/project]. If possible, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further
with you at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am committed to the success of this initiative
and look forward to your valuable input.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
and suggest
Subject: Concerns and Proposed Solutions
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention some concerns I have
identified regarding [specific issue]. I believe addressing these concerns proactively will
contribute to a more efficient and productive work environment. I also have some suggested
solutions that I believe could help alleviate these challenges.
[Clearly and concisely outline the nature of your complaint. Provide any relevant details or
examples to support your concerns.]
I understand the importance of maintaining a positive working atmosphere, and I am
confident that with some adjustments, we can overcome these challenges. To that end, I
propose the following solutions:
[Suggested Solution 1]: [Briefly describe the first solution and how it addresses the issue.]
[Suggested Solution 2]: [Briefly describe the second solution and its potential impact.]
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these concerns and solutions with you further.
Perhaps we could schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience to explore these ideas and
collaborate on finding the most effective course of action.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate your commitment to the success of
our team and am confident that by working together, we can enhance our work environment.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
3. Thank-You Email for Hospitality:
Subject: Gratitude for Your Warm Hospitality
Dear [Host's Name],
I trust you are doing well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for the
warm hospitality you extended during my recent visit to your home. From the moment I
arrived, I felt incredibly welcomed, and your attention to detail did not go unnoticed.
Your graciousness made my stay enjoyable and memorable. I am truly fortunate to have
friends/family like you. I appreciate the effort you put into ensuring everyone felt
Looking forward to the next time we can get together. Thank you again for your kindness.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
4. Write an email to your manager after you got his gift (including 4 music festival
tickets and 1 week-family holiday package) after you won the best business
performance of the year
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust this message finds you well. I want to express my sincere appreciation for the
generous gifts following the recognition of winning the Best Business Performance of the
The music festival tickets and the one-week family holiday package are extraordinary,
surpassing any expectations I had. I'm thrilled about the upcoming music festival, planning
a delightful weekend with close friends. The family holiday is a cherished gift, and I eagerly
anticipate utilizing it for a week of quality time with my loved ones.
The significance of these gifts goes beyond their material value. They symbolize not just
professional achievement but also the unwavering support and encouragement from you
and the entire team. Your recognition has been pivotal to my success and serves as a
constant motivation to strive for excellence.
I assure you that I will make the most of these gifts, creating lasting memories with family
and friends. Your generosity has not only impacted my life but has also inspired me to
contribute positively within our team.
Thank you once again for your kindness and support. I am genuinely grateful for the trust
you have placed in me and look forward to furthering our collective success.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [RECIPIENT NAME],
I would like to extend and show my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the [DETAIL]
that the company provided me last [DATE 1]. I can say that the company never forgets to
cherish and recognize my hard work and efforts.
I am truly grateful and happy for the gift.
Thank You Letter For Gift From Boss
I would like to thank you for the [DETAILS] you gave me last [DATE]. It was such a pleasant
surprise to have received a wonderful gift from someone I truly look up to. This blessing
will not go in vain, as it is very important to my work, and I hope to be able to repay this
act of kindness from you by taking further strides to improve my work.
Again, thank you for the good thoughts. My gratitude does not end here.
All the best.
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [RECIPIENT NAME],
This letter is written to express my heartfelt gratitude for the [DETAIL] I received on [DATE
1] in honor of the newly opened branches of your business. I appreciate the valuable time
and effort you have spent in selecting the gift and I will truly treasure it.
I sincerely look forward to the future transactions with both of our companies and I thank
you once again for the thoughtful gesture.
2.Writing an email to a manager (problems and suggested solutions)
Write an email to your manager to complain about the old facilities
(fans/printers/computers...) in your office and suggest some relevant solutions.
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention some concerns
regarding the state of the facilities in our office. Over time, I have observed issues with
several elements, including fans, printers, and computers, which I believe are affecting our
overall productivity and comfort.
1. Fans:
The fans in our office appear to be outdated, and as a result, they are not providing
sufficient cooling. This has become noticeable, especially during warmer days. It not only
affects our comfort but also has the potential to impact our focus and efficiency.
Consider installing more modern and energy-efficient fans that can adequately regulate
the temperature in the office.
2. Printers:
The printers frequently experience malfunctions, leading to delays in printing essential
documents. This not only disrupts our workflow but also causes frustration among the
Evaluate the possibility of upgrading our printers or implementing a regular maintenance
schedule to ensure they function optimally.
3. Computers:
Many of the computers in the office are noticeably slow, affecting the pace at which tasks
can be completed. This not only hampers individual productivity but also impacts our
collective ability to meet deadlines.
Explore the feasibility of upgrading our computers to more advanced models that can
handle the demands of our work efficiently.
I understand that budget considerations play a crucial role in such decisions. However, I
believe that addressing these concerns will contribute to a more comfortable and
productive work environment. Upgrading these facilities could potentially result in long-
term cost savings and improved employee satisfaction.
I am happy to discuss these concerns further or provide additional information if needed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts
on potential solutions.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
Topic 5: Professionalism, Teamwork, Meetings
1. Define/Analyse Professional Behavior with 6 key factors
Define/Analyse Professional Behavior with 6
key factors
Professional behavior serves as the cornerstone of
success in any career, influencing how individuals are
perceived and their ability to navigate the
complexities of the workplace. This essay aims to
define and analyze professional behavior,
emphasizing six key factors that contribute to a
polished and ethical professional demeanor.
Civility Respect for Others: Civility is the
foundation of professional behavior, encapsulating
the virtue of respecting others. In a professional
setting, this extends beyond mere politeness; it
involves actively acknowledging the worth and
contributions of colleagues. A professional individual
demonstrates civility by promoting an atmosphere of
respect, valuing diverse perspectives, and treating
others with courtesy.
Polish First Impressions, Voice Quality,
Listening: Polish in professional behavior
encompasses the art of making a positive first
impression. This includes attention to personal
grooming, attire, and the ability to present oneself
with confidence. Additionally, voice quality and
active listening contribute to professional polish. An
individual who communicates clearly, articulates
thoughts effectively, and actively engages in
attentive listening projects an image of competence
and professionalism.
Manners Table Manner and Dining Etiquette:
Manners play a crucial role in shaping professional
behavior, extending even to the dining table. Table
manners and dining etiquette are not mere
formalities; they reflect an individual's
understanding of social norms and their ability to
navigate diverse social situations. Professionals with
polished manners showcase a level of sophistication
**Hành vi chuyến nghi p: Đ nh nghĩa Phân tích
v i Sáu Yếếu tốế Quan tr ng**
Hành vi chuyến nghi p đóng vai trò nh viến đá c ư ơ
b n cho s thành cống trong m i s nghi p, nh
h ng đếến cách ng i khác đánh giá nhân ưở ườ
kh năng c a h trong vi c điếều h ng nh ng ướ
ph c t p c a mối tr ng làm vi c. Bài ti u lu n ườ
này nhăềm m c đích đ nh nghĩa phân tích hành vi
chuyến nghi p, t p trung vào sáu yếếu tốế quan tr ng
góp phâền vào m t tâm hốền chuyến nghi p l ch lãm
và đ o đ c.
1. **L ch s - Tốn tr ng Ng i khác:** ườ
L ch s nếền t ng c a hành vi chuyến nghi p,
bao gốềm đ c tính tốn tr ng ng i khác. Trong mối ườ
tr ng chuyến nghi p, điếều này v t xa kh i s l chườ ượ
s đ n gi n; liến quan đếến vi c chú ý cống băềng ơ
đốếi v i giá tr đóng góp c a đốềng đ i. Ng i ườ
chuyến nghi p th hi n s l ch s băềng cách t o ra
m t khống khí tốn tr ng, đánh giá quan đi m đa
d ng và đốếi x v i ng i khác m t cách l ch s . ườ
2. **S L ch Lãm - ÂẤn T ng Đâều Tiến, Châết L ng ượ ượ
Gi ng Nói, Nghe Hi u:**
S l ch lãm trong hành vi chuyến nghi p bao gốềm
ngh thu t t o ra âến t ng tích c c. Điếều này bao ượ
gốềm s chú ý đếến vi c chăm sóc b n thân, trang
ph c kh năng trình bày b n thân v i s t tin.
Ngoài ra, châết l ng gi ng nói vi c lăếng ngheượ
tích c c cũng đóng góp vào s l ch lãm chuyến
nghi p. Ng i th giao tiếếp m t cách ràng, ườ
diếẽn đ t ý kiếến m t cách hi u qu tham gia tích
c c trong vi c lăếng nghe t o ra hình nh vếề năng
l c và chuyến nghi p.
3. **Lốếi C x - Lốếi ng x và Etiquette Ăn Uốếng:**ư
Lốếi c x đóng m t vai trò quyếết đ nh trong vi cư
đ nh hình hành vi chuyến nghi p, m r ng đếến th m
chí c bàn ăn. Lốếi c x quy tăếc ng x khi ăn ư
uốếng khống ch nh ng th t c đ n thuâền; chúng ơ
ph n ánh s hi u biếết c a cá nhân vếề quy tăếc xã h i
and adaptability that contributes to positive
interpersonal relationships.
Social Intelligence Sensitivity, Perception of
Others and Situations: Social intelligence involves
the ability to navigate social complexities with
finesse. It includes sensitivity to the emotions and
needs of others, as well as a keen perception of
various social situations. A professionally adept
individual possesses the skill to interact effectively in
diverse settings, demonstrating an understanding of
social dynamics and adapting behavior accordingly.
Soft Skills Personal Qualities, Habits,
Attitudes, Communication Skills: Soft skills are
the intangible qualities that contribute to effective
professional behavior. This encompasses personal
attributes, habits, attitudes, and communication
skills that go beyond technical expertise.
Professionals with strong soft skills exhibit qualities
such as adaptability, teamwork, leadership, and
effective communication, fostering a positive and
collaborative work environment.
Ethics Integrity, Honesty, Desire to Treat
Others with Respect: Ethics form the ethical
framework of professional behavior, reflecting an
individual's commitment to integrity, honesty, and
treating others with respect. A professional with a
strong ethical foundation adheres to moral
principles, maintains transparency, and upholds a
desire to create an environment where fairness and
integrity prevail.
Analyzing Professional Behavior: Professional
behavior, when analyzed through these six key
factors, reveals a multifaceted approach to
navigating the complexities of the professional
realm. An individual who embodies civility, polish,
manners, social intelligence, soft skills, and ethics
contributes to a positive workplace culture and
builds strong professional relationships. These
factors collectively create a well-rounded
professional who not only excels in their tasks but
also elevates the overall work environment.
In conclusion, professional behavior is a nuanced
blend of interpersonal skills, ethical considerations,
and a commitment to presenting oneself with polish
and respect. By defining and analyzing the key
factors that contribute to professional behavior,
individuals can enhance their effectiveness in the
workplace, foster positive relationships, and
contribute to a thriving professional ecosystem.
và kh năng điếều h ng trong các tình huốếng xã h i ướ
đa d ng. Nh ng ng i chuyến nghi p v i lốếi c x ườ ư
tốết th hi n s tinh tếế và s linh ho t, đóng góp vào
mốếi quan h xã h i tích c c.
4. **Thống Minh Xã h i - S Nh y bén, Nh n th c vếề
Ng i và Tình huốếng:**ườ
Thống minh h i liến quan đếến kh năng điếều
h ng nh ng ph c t p xã h i m t cách lến men. Nóướ
bao gốềm s nh y bén đốếi v i c m xúc nhu câều
c a ng i khác, cũng nh kh năng nh n th c ườ ư
vếề nhiếều tình huốếng h i khác nhau. Ng i kyẽ ườ
năng chuyến nghi p cao th hi n kh năng t ng ươ
tác hi u qu trong nhiếều bốếi c nh, th hi n s hi u
biếết vếề đ ng l c h i điếều ch nh hành vi phù
h p.
5. **Kyẽ Năng Mếềm - Đ c Đi m Nhân, Thói quen,
Thái Đ , Kyẽ Năng Giao Tiếếp:**
Kyẽ năng mếềmnh ng đ c đi m khống th ch m
đ c góp phâền vào hành vi chuyến nghi p hi u qu .ượ
Điếều này bao gốềm các đ c đi m nhân, thói quen,
thái đ kyẽ năng giao tiếếp v t xa kh năng kyẽ ượ
thu t. Nh ng ng i chuyến nghi p v i kyẽ năng ườ
mếềm m nh meẽ th hi n các đ c tính nh s linh ư
ho t, làm vi c nhóm, lãnh đ o giao tiếếp hi u
qu , góp phâền vào m t mối tr ng làm vi c tích ườ
c c và h p tác.
6. **Đ o Đ c - Trung Th c, Tốn Tr ng Ng i ườ
Đ o đ c t o nến khung chuyến nghi p, ph n ánh
cam kếết c a nhân đốếi v i trung th c, tốn tr ng
mong muốến đốếi x v i ng i khác m t cách l ch ườ
s . Ng i chuyến nghi p v i nếền t ng đ o đ c ườ
v ng chăếc tuân theo nguyến tăếc đ o đ c, duy trì s
minh b ch cam kếết t o ra m t mối tr ng cống ườ
băềng và chính tr c.
**Phân Tích Hành Vi Chuyến Nghi p:**
Hành vi chuyến nghi p, khi đ c phân tích thống ượ
qua sáu yếếu tốế quan tr ng này, tiếết l m t cách tiếếp
c n đa chiếều đ điếều h ng nh ng ph c t p trong ướ
lĩnh v c chuyến nghi p. Ng i bi u hi n l ch s , s ườ
l ch lãm, lốếi c x , thống minh h i, kyẽ năng mếềm ư
đ o đ c đóng góp vào m t văn hóa làm vi c tích
c c xây d ng mốếi quan h chuyến nghi p m nh
meẽ. Nh ng yếếu tốế này cùng nhau t o ra m t chuyến
gia đa chiếều khống ch xuâết săếc trong cống vi c
còn nâng cao mối tr ng làm vi c t ng th .ườ
Tóm l i, hành vi chuyến nghi p s kếết h p tinh tếế
gi a kyẽ năng giao tiếếp, xem xét đ o đ c cam kếết
trình bày b n thân m t cách l ch lãm tốn tr ng.
Băềng cách đ nh nghĩa phân tích nh ng yếếu tốế
quan tr ng góp phâền vào hành vi chuyến nghi p,
nhân có th nâng cao hi u suâết c a mình trong mối
tr ng làm vi c, thúc đ y mốếi quan h tích c c ườ
đóng góp vào m t h sinh thái chuyến nghi p phốền
th nh.**
2. Describe main characteristics of successful professional teams
Successful professional teams are the engines that
drive innovation, productivity, and achievement in
the workplace. Understanding the key characteristics
that distinguish these teams is essential for fostering
a culture of excellence. In this essay, we will delve
into the main characteristics that define successful
professional teams, exploring their small size, diverse
makeup, shared purpose, agreed-upon procedures,
conflict resolution abilities, effective communication
techniques, collaborative mindset, shared leadership,
and ethical responsibilities.
Small Size, Diverse Makeup:
The size of a professional team plays a pivotal role in
its success. Small teams often exhibit higher
efficiency and agility, allowing for more streamlined
communication and decision-making processes.
Moreover, diversity within the team—whether in
terms of skills, backgrounds, or perspectives—
enriches the collective pool of knowledge and
promotes creative problem-solving.
Agreement on Purpose:
A clear and shared understanding of the team's
purpose is fundamental for success. Successful
professional teams align their individual goals with
the overarching mission of the team and the
organization. This shared purpose provides a
unifying force that guides decision-making, fosters
motivation, and enhances overall cohesion.
Agreement on Procedures:
Establishing agreed-upon procedures ensures a
consistent and structured approach to tasks.
Successful teams meticulously define workflows,
roles, and responsibilities, minimizing ambiguity and
reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings. Clear
procedures enhance efficiency and contribute to a
smoother functioning of the team.
Ability to Confront Conflict:
Conflict is an inevitable part of any team dynamic,
but successful teams view it as an opportunity for
growth rather than a hindrance. These teams possess
Gi i Thi u:
Các đ i ngũ chuyến nghi p thành cống là đ ng c ơ
đ y s đ i m i, s n xuâết thành t u trong mối
tr ng làm vi c. Hi u các đ c đi m chính phânườ
bi t nh ng đ i ngũ này là quan tr ng đ phát tri n
m t văn hóa xuâết săếc. Trong bài lu n này, chúng ta
seẽ đàm phán vếề nh ng đ c đi m chính xác đ nh s
thành cống c a các đ i ngũ chuyến nghi p, khám
phá vếề kích th c nh , đa d ng, m c đích chung,ướ
th a thu n vếề quy trình, kh năng gi i quyếết mâu
thuâẽn, kyẽ thu t giao tiếếp hi u qu , t duy h p tác, ư
lãnh đ o chia s và trách nhi m đ o đ c.
Kích Th c Nh , Đa D ng:ướ
Kích th c c a m t đ i ngũ chuyến nghi p đóng vaiướ
trò quan tr ng trong s thành cống c a nó. Các đ i
nh th ng th hi n hi u suâết s linh ho t cao, ườ
cho phép quá trình giao tiếếp ra quyếết đ nh tr n ơ
tru h n. H n n a, s đa d ng trong đ i ngũ—dù ơ ơ
vếề kyẽ năng, l ch s ho c quan đi m—làm phong phú
b kiếến th c chung thúc đ y gi i quyếết vâến đếề
sáng t o.
Th a Thu n vếằ M c Đích:
S hi u chung vế m c đích c a đ i quan
tr ng đ đ t đ c thành cống. Các đ i chuyến ượ
nghi p thành cống điếều ch nh m c tiếunhân c a
h v i s m nh t ng th c a đ i t ch c. M c
đích chung này t o ra m t l c l ng thốếng nhâết ượ
h ng quyếết đ nh, kích thích đ ng l c tăngướ
c ng s hòa h p t ng th .ư
Th a Thu n vếằ Quy Trình:
Thiếết l p quy trình đã th a thu n đ m b o m t
cách tiếếp c n nhâết quán câếu trúc đốếi v i các
nhi m v . Các đ i thành cống đ nh luốềng cống
vi c, vai trò và trách nhi m, gi m thi u s khống rõ
ràng gi m kh năng hi u lâềm. Quy trình ràng
nâng cao hi u qu góp phâền vào s ho t đ ng
tr n tru c a đ i.ơ
Kh Nằng Gi i Quyếất Mâu Thuâẫn:
Mâu thuâẽn m t phâền tâết yếếu c a ết kỳ đ i n
nào, nh ng đ i ngũ thành cống nhìn nh n như ư
m t c h i phát tri n h n m t c n tr . Nh ng ơ ơ
đ i này kh năng gi i quyếết mâu thuâẽn m c a
the ability to address conflicts openly and
constructively, seeking resolutions that benefit the
collective. They understand that diverse perspectives
can lead to innovation and improvement when
conflicts are managed effectively.
Use of Good Communication Techniques:
Effective communication is the lifeblood of successful
professional teams. They employ clear and
transparent communication techniques, ensuring
that information is shared promptly and accurately.
Active listening, articulate expression of ideas, and
the use of diverse communication channels
contribute to a positive and collaborative team
Ability to Collaborate Rather Than Compete:
A successful professional team operates on a
collaborative mindset, where members view each
other as allies rather than competitors. This
collaborative spirit encourages knowledge sharing,
mutual support, and a collective effort towards
achieving common goals. The team places emphasis
on synergy rather than individual achievements.
Shared Leadership:
Successful teams often embrace a shared leadership
model where various members take on leadership
roles based on their strengths and expertise. This
distribution of leadership responsibilities fosters a
sense of ownership among team members and
leverages the full range of skills within the team.
Acceptance of Ethical Responsibilities:
Ethical considerations are paramount for successful
professional teams. Team members adhere to a
shared set of ethical principles, ensuring that their
actions align with the values of the organization.
This commitment to ethical responsibilities builds
trust within the team and contributes to a positive
reputation for the organization as a whole.
In conclusion, successful professional teams embody
a unique combination of characteristics that set
them apart in the dynamic landscape of the
workplace. Their small size, diverse makeup, shared
purpose, agreed-upon procedures, conflict resolution
abilities, effective communication techniques,
collaborative mindset, shared leadership, and ethical
xây d ng m t gi i pháp l i cho tâết c . H
hi u răềng các quan đi m đa d ng có th dâẽn đếến s
đ i m i c i thi n khi mâu thuâẽn đ c qu n ượ
m t cách hi u qu .
S D ng Kyẫ Thu t Giao Tiếấp Hi u Qu :
Giao tiếếp hi u qu máu ch y c a các đ i ngũ
chuyến nghi p thành cống. H s d ng kyẽ thu t
giao tiếếp ràng minh b ch, đ m b o thống tin
đ c chia s nhanh chóng chính xác. Vi c lăếngượ
nghe tích c c, diếẽn đ t ý kiếến ràng s d ng
nhiếều kếnh giao tiếếp đóng góp vào mối tr ng đ iườ
tích c c và h p tác.
Kh Nằng H p Tác Thay Vì C nh Tranh:
M t đ i ngũ chuyến nghi p thành cống ho t đ ng
d a trến t duy h p tác, n i các thành viến coi nhau ư ơ
nh đốềng minh ch khống ph i đốếi th . Tinh thâềnư
h p tác này khuyếến khích chia s kiếến th c, hốẽ tr
lâẽn nhau nốẽ l c chung đ đ t đ c m c tiếu ượ
chung. Đ i t p trung vào s h p nhâết thay thành
tích cá nhân.
Lãnh Đ o Chia S :
Các đ i thành cống th ng áp d ng mố hình lãnh ườ
đ o chia s , n i các thành viến đ m nh n vai trò ơ
lãnh đ o d a trến s c m nh và chuyến mốn c a h .
Phân phốếi trách nhi m lãnh đ o này t o ra s s
h u gi a các thành viến khai thác đâềy đ các kyẽ
năng trong đ i.
Châấp Nh n Trách Nhi m Đ o Đ c:
Xem xét đ o đ c quan tr ng đốếi v i các đ i ngũ
chuyến nghi p thành cống. Các thành viến đ i tuân
theo m t b nguyến tăếc đ o đ c chung, đ m b o
hành đ ng c a h phù h p v i giá tr c a t ch c.
S cam kếết này đốếi v i trách nhi m đ o đ c xây
d ng niếềm tin trong đ i đóng góp vào m t danh
tiếếng tích c c cho t ch c.
Kếất Lu n:
Tóm l i, các đ i ngũ chuyến nghi p thành cống đ i
di n cho m t s kếết h p đ c đáo các đ c đi m đ t
h ra kh i nhóm trong c nh đốếi m t v i đ a hình
đ ng c a n i làm vi c. Kích th c nh , đa d ng, ơ ướ
m c đích chung, th a thu n vếề quy trình, kh năng
gi i quyếết mâu thuâẽn, kyẽ thu t giao tiếếp hi u qu ,
t duy h p tác, lãnh đ o chia s và trách nhi m đ oư
đ c cùng nhau t o ra m t b n thiếết kếế cho s thành
cống. T ch c u tiến vi c phát tri n nh ng đ c ư
responsibilities collectively create a blueprint for
success. Organizations that prioritize the cultivation
of these characteristics within their teams are better
positioned to navigate challenges, achieve objectives,
and foster a culture of excellence and innovation.
đi m này trong đ i ngũ c a h seẽ l i thếế h n ơ
trong vi c đốếi m t v i thách th c, đ t đ c các ượ
m c tiếu phát tri n m t văn hóa làm vi c xuâết
săếc và sáng t o.
3. Give examples of positive and negative team behaviors
Positive team behaviors are the bedrock of a
collaborative and effective work environment. They
shape the culture of a team, influencing its ability to
communicate, innovate, and achieve shared
objectives. Conversely, negative team behaviors can
undermine collaboration and hinder progress. In this
essay, we will explore examples of both positive and
negative team behaviors and their impact on team
dynamics and productivity.
Positive Team Behaviors:
1. Setting rules and abiding by them:
Example: A team establishes clear
communication guidelines, ensuring timely
responses to emails and respect for
designated meeting hours. Each team
member commits to these rules, fostering
effective communication and collaboration.
2. Analyzing tasks and defining problems:
Example: Faced with a complex
project, the team conducts a comprehensive
analysis of tasks, breaking down the project
into manageable components. They identify
challenges and define specific problems,
laying the groundwork for a successful
3. Contributing information and ideas:
Example: During a brainstorming
session, team members actively contribute
unique perspectives and ideas to solve a
problem. This inclusive environment
empowers each member to share their
thoughts, fostering creativity and
4. Showing interest by listening actively:
Example: In a team meeting, a
member actively listens to a colleague's
presentation, asking clarifying questions
and providing feedback. This active
engagement demonstrates genuine interest,
encouraging open communication and idea
Gi i Thi u:
Các hành vi tích c c c a đ i ngũ là nếền t ng c a
m t mối tr ng làm vi c h p tác và hi u qu . ườ
Chúng t o nến văn hóa c a đ i, nh h ng đếến kh ưở
năng giao tiếếp, đ i m i và đ t đ c m c tiếu chung. ượ
Ng c l i, các hành vi tiếu c c c a đ i ngũ có th ượ
làm suy gi m s h p tác và c n tr tiếến tri n. Trong
bài lu n này, chúng ta seẽ khám phá ví d vếề c hành
vi tích c c và tiếu c c c a đ i ngũ và tác đ ng c a
chúng đốếi v i đ ng l c và năng suâết c a đ i.
Hành Vi Tích C c C a Đ i Ngũ:
1. Thiếất L p Quy Tấc và Tuân Th :
Ví d : M t đ i thiếết l p các h ng ướ
dâẽn giao tiếếp rõ ràng, đ m b o th i gian
ph n hốềi đúng h n qua email và tốn tr ng
gi h p đ c ch đ nh. Mốẽi thành viến cam ượ
kếết tuân th nh ng quy tăếc này, thúc đ y
giao tiếếp và h p tác hi u qu .
2. Phân Tích Công Vi c và Xác Đ nh Vâấn
Ví d : Đốếi m t v i m t d án ph c
t p, đ i th c hi n m t phân tích toàn di n
vếề cống vi c, phân chia d án thành các
thành phâền qu n lý đ c. H xác đ nh ượ
thách th c và đ nh rõ vâến đếề c th , đ t
nếền t ng cho m t ph ng pháp thành ươ
3. Đóng Góp Thông Tin và Ý Kiếấn:
Ví d : Trong m t phiến t duy ý ư
t ng, các thành viến đ i tích c c đóng gópưở
quan đi m và ý kiếến đ c đáo đ gi i quyếết
m t vâến đếề. Mối tr ng bao quát này giúp ư
mốẽi thành viến t tin chia s suy nghĩ c a
mình, thúc đ y s sáng t o và h p tác.
4. Th Hi n S Quan Tâm Bằằng Cách Lằấng
Nghe Ch Đ ng:
Ví d : Trong cu c h p đ i, m t
thành viến lăếng nghe ch đ ng bài thuyếết
trình c a đốềng nghi p, đ t câu h i làm
sáng t và đ a ra ph n hốềi. S tham gia ư
tích c c này th hi n s quan tâm chân
thành, khuyếến khích giao tiếếp m và trao
5. Synthesizing points of agreement:
Example: After a team discussion
on a new project, members work together to
identify common points of agreement. They
consolidate these points into a shared
document, ensuring alignment on project
goals and strategies.
Negative Team Behaviors:
1. Blocking ideas and suggestions of
Example: During a brainstorming
session, a team member dismisses ideas
without considering their merits, creating
an atmosphere that discourages others from
2. Insulting and criticizing others:
Example: In a team meeting, a
member responds to a colleague's proposal
with insults and harsh criticism,
undermining teamwork and damaging
interpersonal relationships.
3. Wasting the group’s time:
Example: A team member
consistently arrives late to meetings,
disrupting discussions and conveying a
disregard for the team's time, hindering
overall productivity.
4. Making inappropriate jokes and
Example: During a team-building
exercise, a member makes offensive jokes,
creating a hostile environment and risking a
breakdown in team cohesion.
5. Failing to stay on task:
Example: During a project
discussion, a team member frequently veers
off-topic, bringing up irrelevant issues and
diverting the team's focus, impeding
6. Withdrawing, failing to participate:
Example: A team member
consistently remains silent during
discussions, depriving the team of valuable
perspectives and insights, hindering
Positive team behaviors contribute to a collaborative
and supportive team culture, enhancing overall
effectiveness. Conversely, negative team behaviors
can erode trust, hinder communication, and
negatively impact team dynamics. Addressing
negative behaviors promptly and promoting a
đ i ý kiếến.
5. T ng H p Đi m Đôằng Thu n:
Ví d : Sau m t cu c th o lu n vếề
d án m i, các thành viến h p tác đ xác
đ nh đi m đốềng thu n. H t ng h p nh ng
đi m này thành m t tài li u chia s , đ m
b o s nhâết quán vếề m c tiếu và chiếến l c ượ
c a d án.
Hành Vi Tiếu C c C a Đ i Ngũ:
1. Ch n Ý Kiếấn và Đếằ Xuâất c a Ng i ườ
Ví d : Trong m t bu i t duy ý ư
t ng, m t thành viến đ i liến t c bác b ýưở
kiếến mà khống xem xét giá tr c a chúng,
t o ra m t khống khí khiếến ng i khác ườ
c m thâếy khống muốến đóng góp.
2. M a Mai và Phế Phán Ng i Khác: ườ
Ví d : Trong cu c h p đ i, m t
thành viến ph n ng v i đếề xuâết c a đốềng
nghi p băềng cách m a mai và ch trích gay
găết, làm suy gi m lòng đoàn kếết và gây t n
th ng mốếi quan h cá nhân.ươ
3. Lãng Phí Th i Gian C a Nhóm:
Ví d : M t thành viến đ i th ng ườ
xuyến đếến mu n các cu c h p, làm gián
đo n cu c th o lu n và truyếền đ t s coi
th ng đốếi v i th i gian c a đ i, làm ch mườ
quá trình làm vi c chung.
4. Nói Khiếấm Nhã và Bình Lu n Không Phù
H p:
Ví d : Trong m t ho t đ ng c ng
cốế tinh thâền đ i, m t thành viến nói nh ng
l i nói đùa khống thích h p ho c bình lu n
làm ng i khác c m thâếy khống tho i mái, ườ
t o ra m t mối tr ng khống thân thi n và ườ
có th gây r n n t trong đ i.
5. Không Gi Đúng Ch Đếằ:
Ví d : Trong cu c th o lu n vếề d
án, m t thành viến đ i th ng xuyến nói vếề ườ
nh ng vâến đếề khống liến quan, làm mâết t p
trung c a đ i và gây c n tr tiếến tri n.
6. Rút Lui, Không Tham Gia:
Ví d : M t thành viến đ i th ng ườ
xuyến im l ng trong các cu c th o lu n,
khống đóng góp ý kiếến ho c tham gia, làm
h n chếế s h p tác và b đ i mâết đi góc
nhìn và thống tin quan tr ng.
Kếất Lu n:
Hành vi tích c c c a đ i ngũ góp phâền vào vi c xây
d ng m t văn hóa làm vi c h p tác và hốẽ tr , làm
tăng c ng hi u suâết t ng th . Ng c l i, hành vi ườ ượ
tiếu c c có th làm suy gi m niếềm tin, gây c n tr
positive and inclusive team culture is essential for
maintaining a healthy and productive work
environment. Teams that consciously cultivate
positive behaviors and address negative ones are
better positioned to navigate challenges and achieve
sustained success.
giao tiếếp và nh h ng tiếu c c đếến đ ng l c và quy ưở
trình làm vi c c a đ i. Gi i quyếết k p th i hành vi
tiếu c c và khuyếến khích văn hóa đ i tích c c và bao
gốềm tâết c các thành viến là quan tr ng đ duy trì
m t mối tr ng làm vi c lành m nh và hi u qu . ườ
Các đ i có ý th c phát tri n hành vi tích c c và gi i
quyếết hành vi tiếu c c seẽ có l i thếế h n trong vi c ơ
v t qua thách th c và đ t đ c thành cống bếền ượ ượ
v ng.
4. How should you prepare for a professional meeting?
Preparing for a professional meeting is a crucial step
to ensure that the gathering is not only productive
but also meaningful. A well-prepared participant
contributes significantly to the success of the meeting
and enhances the overall effectiveness of
communication and collaboration. Here's a step-by-
step guide on how to prepare effectively:
1. Understand the Purpose of the Meeting:
Clarify the objectives of the
meeting. Identify the specific goals
and outcomes that need to be
2. Review the Agenda:
If there is an agenda provided,
thoroughly review it. Familiarize
yourself with the topics to be
discussed, the schedule, and any
pre-assigned tasks or
3. Gather Relevant Materials:
Collect and review any documents,
reports, or materials related to the
meeting agenda. Make sure you
have all the necessary information
at your disposal.
4. Prepare Your Contributions:
If you are expected to present or
contribute to specific discussions,
prepare your content in advance.
This includes slides, handouts, or
any other materials needed for
your presentation.
5. Research Participants:
If the meeting involves individuals
you are not familiar with, take
some time to research their roles,
backgrounds, and any relevant
information. This can help you
tailor your communication
Vi c chu n b cho m t cu c h p chuyến nghi p
m t b c quan tr ng đ đ m b o răềng bu i h p ướ
khống ch mang l i hi u suâết còn ý nghĩa.
M t ng i tham gia chu n b tốết đóng góp đáng k ườ
vào s thành cống c a cu c h p nâng cao hi u
suâết t ng th c a giao tiếếp h p tác. D i đây ướ
h ng dâẽn t ng b c vếề cách chu n b m t cáchướ ướ
hi u qu :
Hi u Rõ M c Đích c a Cu c H p:
Xác đ nh m c tiếu c a cu c h p. Xác đ nh các
m c tiếu c th và kếết qu câền đ t đ c. ượ
Xem L i Kếế Ho ch:
Nếếu kếế ho ch đã đ c cung câếp, hãy xem xét kyẽ. ượ
Làm quen v i các ch đếề seẽ đ c th o lu n, l ch ượ
trình bâết kỳ nhi m v ho c bài thuyếết trình đã
đ c giao tr c.ượ ướ
T p H p Các Tài Li u Liến Quan:
T p h p và xem xét bâết kỳ tài li u, báo cáo ho c t ư
li u nào liến quan đếến kếế ho ch cu c h p. Đ m b o
b n có đ thống tin câền thiếết.
Chu n B N i Dung C a B n:
Nếếu b n đ c kỳ v ng ph i thuyếết trình ho c đóng ượ
góp vào các th o lu n c th , hãy chu n b n i
dung c a b n tr c. Điếều này bao gốềm các slides, ướ
tài li u phát bâết kỳ t li u nào khác câền cho bài ư
thuyếết trình c a b n.
Nghiến C u vếề Các Thành Viến:
Nếếu cu c h p liến quan đếến nh ng ng i b n ườ
khống quen, y dành th i gian nghiến c u vếề vai
trò, l ch s bâết kỳ thống tin liến quan nào. Điếều
này th giúp b n điếều ch nh giao tiếếp c a mình
m t cách phù h p.
Đ t Rõ M c Tiếu Cho B n Thân:
6. Set Clear Objectives for Yourself:
Define what you want to achieve in
the meeting. Whether it's gaining
insights, making decisions, or
contributing to discussions, having
clear personal objectives will keep
you focused.
7. Anticipate Questions:
Consider potential questions or
points of discussion that may arise
during the meeting. This
preparation will help you respond
more effectively and contribute
meaningfully to the conversation.
8. Check Technology and Logistics:
Ensure that you have access to the
necessary technology for virtual
meetings, and confirm the logistics
for in-person meetings (location,
time, etc.). Test your audio, video,
and internet connection in
9. Arrive Early:
If it's an in-person meeting, plan to
arrive a bit early to allow time for
any unexpected delays. For virtual
meetings, join a few minutes early
to troubleshoot any technical
10. Dress Appropriately:
Dress in a manner that is
appropriate for the meeting
context. This includes virtual
meetings where professional attire
is still encouraged.
11. Bring Necessary Materials:
If the meeting requires physical
materials (notebooks, documents,
etc.), ensure that you have them
with you.
12. Practice Active Listening:
Be prepared to actively listen to
others and engage in the
discussion. Take notes if necessary
to capture key points and action
13. Follow-Up on Previous Action Items:
If the meeting is a follow-up to a
previous one, ensure that any
action items assigned to you or
others have been addressed. This
demonstrates accountability and
14. Maintain a Positive Attitude:
Approach the meeting with a
positive and constructive mindset.
This will contribute to a more
collaborative and productive
Xác đ nh nh ng b n muốến đ t đ c trong cu c ượ
h p. Cho đó hi u sâu h n vếề vâến đếề, đ a ra ơ ư
quyếết đ nh ho c đóng góp vào các th o lu n, vi c
xác đ nh rõ m c tiếu cá nhân seẽ gi b n t p trung.
D Đoán Câu H i:
Xem xét các câu h i th xuâết hi n trong cu c
h p. Vi c chu n b này seẽ giúp b n ph n ng m t
cách hi u qu đóng góp ý nghĩa vào cu c trò
chuy n.
Ki m Tra Cống Ngh và Logictics:
Đ m b o b n có quyếền truy c p vào cống ngh câền
thiếết cho cu c h p tr c tuyếến xác nh n vếề m t
logictics cho cu c h p tr c tiếếp (đ a đi m, th i gian,
v.v.). Ki m tra âm thanh, video kếết nốếi internet
c a b n tr c. ướ
Đếến S m:
Nếếu đây cu c h p tr c tiếếp, hãy d đ nh đếến s m
m t chút đ dành th i gian cho bâết kỳ trếẽ tr i
khống mong muốến nào. Đốếi v i cu c h p tr c tuyếến,
tham gia vài phút s m đ khăếc ph c ết kỳ vâến đếề
kyẽ thu t nào.
M c Đúng Cách:
M c m t cách phù h p v i ng c nh c a cu c h p.
Điếều này bao gốềm c cu c h p tr c tuyếến n i trang ơ
ph c chuyến nghi p vâẽn đ c khuyếến khích. ượ
Mang Theo Tài Li u Câền Thiếết:
Nếếu cu c h p yếu câều các v t li u v t lý (s tay, tài
li u, v.v.), đ m b o b n mang theo chúng.
Th c Hành Nghe Hi u Qu :
Hãy chu n b đ lăếng nghe m t cách tích c c
tham gia vào cu c th o lu n. Ghi chú nếếu câền đ ghi
l i các đi m chính và nhi m v câền th c hi n.
Theo Dõi Các Nhi m V Đã Đếề Xuâết Tr c Đó: ướ
Nếếu cu c h p m t cu c h p theo sau c a cu c
h p tr c đó, đ m b o răềng bâết kỳ nhi m v nào ướ
đ c giao cho b n ho c ng i khác đếều đã đ cượ ườ ượ
gi i quyếết. Điếều này ch ng t s ch u trách nhi m
và tiếến tri n.
Gi Thái Đ Tích C c:
Tiếếp c n cu c h p v i t duy tích c c xây d ng. ư
Điếều này seẽ đóng góp vào m t khống khí c ng tác và
nâng cao s hi u qu .
Băềng cách tuân theo nh ng b c này, b n seẽ chu n ướ
b tốết cho cu c h p chuyến nghi p c a mình, góp
phâền vào s thành cống và ch ng minh cam kếết c a
b n đốếi v i giao tiếếp và h p tác hi u qu .
By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared for
your professional meeting, contributing to its success
and demonstrating your commitment to effective
communication and collaboration.
5. By using the theory of professional behavior, you should give relevant solutions to
resolve particular problems in some given business situations
Problem: Lack of Collaboration Among Team
Solution: Emphasize and encourage a collaborative
mindset within the team. Foster an environment
where team members view each other as allies
rather than competitors. Implement team-building
activities, promote open communication, and
recognize and reward collaborative efforts.
Problem: Ineffective Communication Leading to
Solution: Focus on improving communication
techniques. Conduct workshops or training sessions
on effective communication skills, including active
listening, articulate expression of ideas, and the use
of diverse communication channels. Encourage the
use of communication tools and technologies that
enhance clarity and transparency.
Problem: Unethical Conduct by Employees
Solution: Reinforce ethical responsibilities. Clearly
communicate and reinforce the organization's code
of ethics. Provide training on ethical decision-making
and create a culture that values integrity, honesty,
and respect for others. Implement mechanisms for
reporting unethical behavior and ensure a fair and
transparent disciplinary process.
Problem: Resistance to Change Within the
Solution: Develop soft skills and social intelligence.
Soft skills such as adaptability, empathy, and
effective communication are crucial in managing
change. Provide training programs to enhance these
skills among employees. Additionally, leaders should
demonstrate social intelligence by understanding the
concerns of team members and addressing them
Problem: Disruption in Professional Meetings
Solution: Set clear expectations for professional
behavior in meetings. Establish guidelines for civility,
Tâết nhiến, thuyếết vếề hành vi chuyến nghi p bao
gốềm nhiếều khía c nh th đ c áp d ng đ gi i ượ
quyếết các vâến đếề c th trong tình huốếng kinh
doanh. Hãy xem xét m t sốế tình huốếng và đếề xuâết các
gi i pháp phù h p d a trến các yếếu tốế chính c a
hành vi chuyến nghi p:
Vâến đếề: Thiếếu S H p Tác Gi a Các Thành Viến
trong Nhóm
Gi i pháp: Đ t n ng và khuyếến khích t duy h p tác ư
trong nhóm. T o mối tr ng khuyếến khích thành ườ
viến nhóm xem nhau nh đốềng minh thay đốếi th .ư
Tri n khai các ho t đ ng xây d ng đ i, thúc đ y
giao tiếếp m c a cống nh n cũng nh th ng ư ưở
cho nh ng nốẽ l c h p tác.
Vâến đếề: Giao Tiếếp Kém Hi u Qu Dâẽn Đếến S Hi u
Gi i pháp: T p trung vào c i thi n kyẽ thu t giao
tiếếp. T ch c các h i th o ho c bu i đào t o vếề kyẽ
năng giao tiếếp hi u qu , bao gốềm lăếng nghe tích
c c, diếẽn đ t ý kiếến m t cách rõ ràng và s d ng các
kếnh giao tiếếp đa d ng. Khuyếến khích vi c s d ng
cống c cống ngh giao tiếếp giúp tăng tính
ràng và minh b ch.
Vâến đếề: Hành Vi Khống Đ o Đ c c a Nhân Viến
Gi i pháp: C ng cốế trách nhi m đ o đ c. Truyếền
đ t c ng cốế đ o đ c c a t ch c. Cung câếp
đào t o vếề quyếết đ nh đ o đ c t o ra m t văn
hóa giá tr chân th t, trung th c tốn tr ng
ng i khác. Tri n khai c chếế báo cáo vếề hành viườ ơ
khống đ o đ c đ m b o quy trình k lu t cống
băềng và minh b ch.
Vâến đếề: Kháng C v i S Thay Đ i Trong T Ch c
Gi i pháp: Phát tri n kyẽ năng mếềm thống minh
h i. Kyẽ năng mếềm nh s thích ng, s hi u biếết ư
giao tiếếp hi u qu râết quan tr ng trong qu n
s thay đ i. T ch c các ch ng trình đào t o đ ươ
nâng cao nh ng kyẽ năng này cho nhân viến. Ngoài
ra, lãnh đ o cũng nến th hi n thống minh h i
băềng cách hi u lo ng i c a các thành viến nhóm
và gi i quyếết chúng m t cách tích c c.
Vâến đếề: Quâếy Rốếi Trong Các Cu c H p Chuyến
Nghi p
manners, and active participation. Encourage
participants to prepare in advance, follow meeting
etiquette, and actively contribute. Address disruptive
behavior promptly and consistently.
Problem: Lack of Professionalism in Client
Solution: Focus on polish and civility. Provide
training on making positive first impressions, voice
quality, and active listening. Emphasize the
importance of professional attire and behavior
during client interactions. Conduct regular reviews
and feedback sessions to reinforce professional
Problem: Poor Conflict Resolution Within
Solution: Develop conflict resolution abilities.
Provide training on effective conflict resolution
techniques. Encourage open dialogue and the
expression of diverse opinions. Establish a structured
process for addressing conflicts, and promote a
culture where conflicts are viewed as opportunities
for growth and improvement.
Problem: Low Employee Morale and
Solution: Address various factors related to
professional behavior. Conduct morale-building
activities, recognize and appreciate employee
contributions, and provide opportunities for skill
development. Encourage leaders to exhibit shared
leadership and create a positive and inclusive work
Applying the theory of professional behavior to these
scenarios involves a multifaceted approach,
considering aspects such as communication,
collaboration, ethics, and interpersonal skills.
Tailoring solutions to address specific challenges
within the context of professional behavior theory
can contribute to a more positive and effective work
Gi i pháp: Thiếết l p kỳ v ng ràng cho hành vi
chuyến nghi p trong cu c h p. Đ t ra các h ng ướ
dâẽn vếề lếẽ phép, phép tăếc s tham gia tích c c.
Khuyếến khích các thành viến chu n b tr c, tuân ướ
th nghi th c h p đóng góp tích c c. X k p
th i và nhâết quán nh ng hành vi gây quâếy rốếi.
Vâến đếề: Thiếếu tính Chuyến Nghi p trong Giao Tiếếp
v i Khách Hàng
Gi i pháp: T p trung vào polish và lếẽ phép. Cung câếp
đào t o vếề t o âến t ng tích c c ban đâều, châết ượ
l ng gi ng nói lăếng nghe tích c c. Nhâến m nhượ
vếề tâềm quan tr ng c a trang ph c hành vi
chuyến nghi p trong các t ng tác v i khách hàng. ươ
Tiếến hành ki m tra đ nh kỳ phiến ph n hốềi đ
c ng cốế hành vi chuyến nghi p.
Vâến đếề: Gi i Quyếết Xung Đ t Kém Hi u Qu Trong
Gi i pháp: Phát tri n kh năng gi i quyếết xung đ t.
Cung câếp đào t o vếề các kyẽ thu t gi i quyếết xung
đ t hi u qu . Khuyếến khích trao đ i ý kiếến m c a
bi u đ t quan đi m đa d ng. Thiếết l p m t quy
trình câếu trúc đ gi i quyếết xung đ t thúc đ y
m t văn hóa xem xung đ t nh c h i phát tri n ư ơ
c i tiếến.
Vâến đếề: Tinh Thâền Làm Vi c Cam Kếết c a Nhân
Viến Thâếp
Gi i pháp: Đốếi m t v i nhiếều yếếu tốế liến quan đếến
hành vi chuyến nghi p. T ch c các ho t đ ng tăng
c ng tinh thâền, cống nh n đánh giá đóng gópườ
c a nhân viến, cũng nh cung câếp c h i phát tri n ư ơ
kyẽ năng. Khuyếến khích lãnh đ o th hi n tinh thâền
lãnh đ o chung t o ra mối tr ng làm vi c tích ườ
c c và bao gốềm m i ng i. ườ
Áp d ng lý thuyếết vếề hành vi chuyến nghi p cho
nh ng tình huốếng này đòi h i m t ph ng pháp đa ươ
chiếều, xem xét các khía c nh nh giao tiếếp, h p tác, ư
đ o đ c kyẽ năng giao tiếếp. Tùy ch nh các gi i
pháp đ gi i quyếết nh ng thách th c c th trong
ng c nh c a thuyếết hành vi chuyến nghi p
th đóng góp vào mối tr ng làm vi c tích c c ườ
hi u qu h n ơ
Scenario 1: Poor Communication in a Team (Nghèo giao tiếấp trong nhóm)
Problem: The team is experiencing poor communication, leading to misunderstandings,
delays, and decreased productivity.
Implement Regular Team Meetings: Schedule regular team meetings to
facilitate open communication. Encourage team members to share updates, discuss
challenges, and provide feedback.
Use Collaborative Tools: Utilize communication and collaboration tools that
facilitate real-time interaction, document sharing, and project tracking. This helps
ensure everyone is on the same page.
Communication Training: Offer training on effective communication strategies.
This could include active listening, clear expression of ideas, and using appropriate
communication channels for different purposes.
Scenario 2: Lack of Accountability in Project Teams (Thiếấu trách nhi m trong d
án nhóm)
Problem: Team members are not taking responsibility for their tasks, leading to missed
deadlines and project delays.
Set Clear Expectations: Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each team
member at the beginning of the project. This helps create a shared understanding
of expectations.
Implement Project Management Tools: Use project management tools to assign
tasks, track progress, and set deadlines. This provides visibility into individual
contributions and promotes accountability.
Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular check-ins to assess progress, discuss
challenges, and provide support. This allows for early identification of issues and
the opportunity to address them promptly.
Scenario 3: Resistance to Change in a Department (Chôấng l i s thay đ i c a 1 b
ph n)
Problem: Employees are resistant to adopting new technologies and processes, hindering
the department's efficiency and innovation.
Communicate the Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of the proposed
changes to the team. Highlight how the changes will improve efficiency, reduce
workload, or enhance the quality of work.
Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training on the new technologies
or processes. Offer ongoing support to address concerns and ensure that employees
feel confident in adopting the changes.
Incorporate Feedback: Encourage employees to provide feedback on the changes.
This creates a sense of involvement and allows for adjustments based on real-world
6. Option 1: Pros and Cons of working independently and working as a team / Option 2:
Pros and Cons of choosing a stable job and choosing a challenging job
Option 1: Pros and Cons of Working Independently and Working as a Team
The choice between working independently and collaborating within a team is a pivotal
consideration for professionals across various industries. Both approaches offer distinct
advantages and drawbacks that can significantly impact an individual's work experience
and overall productivity. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of working
independently and working as part of a team, shedding light on the factors that individuals
and organizations should carefully weigh when determining the most suitable work
Working Independently:
1. Autonomy: Independent work allows for greater control over your tasks and
decisions, fostering a sense of autonomy.
2. Flexibility: You have the flexibility to set your own schedule and work at your own
pace, potentially leading to improved work-life balance.
3. Specialization: Working alone allows you to focus deeply on your area of expertise
without the need for consensus.
(Autonomy Example: Scenario: A freelance graphic designer exercises autonomy,
choosing clients and creative approaches independently, fostering control and
ownership in the design process.
Flexibility Example: Scenario: A self-employed technology consultant enjoys
flexibility in work hours, tailoring their schedule for an improved work-life balance
and balancing personal and professional commitments.
Specialization Example: Scenario: An independent researcher deeply specializes in
their scientific project without team consensus, allowing focused attention on
research aspects for enhanced depth and quality of work.)
1. Isolation: Independence can lead to feelings of isolation, as there may be limited
social interaction or collaboration.
2. Limited Perspectives: Working alone may result in a lack of diverse perspectives
and ideas that can be beneficial for problem-solving.
3. Overwhelming Responsibilities: The burden of all tasks and decisions falls on
you, which can be overwhelming and stressful.
(Isolation Example: Scenario: A freelance writer working from home may feel
isolated due to limited social interaction, impacting overall well-being.
Limited Perspectives Example: Scenario: A solo software developer may face
challenges in problem-solving without diverse perspectives from team members.
Overwhelming Responsibilities Example: Scenario: An entrepreneur managing a
small business alone may experience overwhelming responsibilities, potentially
leading to stress and burnout.)
Working as a Team:
1. Collaboration: Teamwork promotes collaboration, allowing for the exchange of
ideas and diverse skill sets to achieve common goals.
2. Shared Responsibilities: Tasks and responsibilities are distributed among team
members, reducing individual workload and stress.
3. Enhanced Creativity: Multiple perspectives can lead to more creative and
innovative solutions to problems.
(Collaboration Example: Scenario: A design team collaborates on an advertising
campaign, bringing together diverse skills for an effective strategy.
Shared Responsibilities Example: Scenario: In a project management team, tasks
are distributed, creating a balanced workload and a less stressful environment.
Enhanced Creativity Example: Scenario: A cross-functional tech team collaborates
on a project, leveraging diverse perspectives for creative and innovative solutions.)
1. Conflict: Differences in opinions or working styles may lead to conflicts within the
2. Dependency: Relying on others can sometimes result in delays or bottlenecks if
communication or collaboration breaks down.
3. Potential for Free-Riding: In larger teams, there's a risk of some members not
contributing their fair share, relying on others to carry the load.
(Conflict Example: Scenario: Differences in opinions within a marketing team may
lead to conflicts, necessitating effective conflict resolution.
Dependency Example: Scenario: Breakdown in communication between
programmers and testers in a software development team can result in delays and
Potential for Free-Riding Example: Scenario: In a large research team, some
members may not contribute, hindering overall productivity due to free-riding
The choice between working independently and working as part of a team hinges on the
nature of the tasks, individual preferences, and the goals of the organization. Recognizing
the pros and cons of each approach allows professionals and organizations to make
informed decisions that align with their unique needs and objectives. Ultimately, a
balanced approach that combines elements of both independent work and collaborative
efforts may offer the most effective and dynamic work environment.
Option 2: Pros and Cons of Choosing a Stable Job and Choosing a Challenging Job
The career path individuals choose plays a crucial role in shaping their professional
satisfaction and overall life experience. One fundamental decision many face is whether to
opt for a stable job or embrace the challenges that come with a more dynamic and
unpredictable role. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of choosing a stable job,
examining the factors that individuals often consider when seeking stability in their
Choosing a Stable Job:
1. Job Security: Stable jobs often provide a higher level of job security, reducing the
fear of sudden unemployment.
2. Predictable Income: These jobs typically offer a steady and predictable income,
making financial planning easier.
3. Work-Life Balance: Stable jobs may come with more predictable work hours,
contributing to a better work-life balance.
(Job Security Example: A public school teacher in a government position enjoys
high job security due to the stability of public institutions, providing confidence in
continued employment.
Predictable Income Example: An accountant at a well-established firm benefits
from predictable income, thanks to a stable client base and steady workflow. This
stability allows effective financial planning and pursuit of long-term goals.
Work-Life Balance Example: A professional in regulatory compliance within a large
corporation experiences a predictable work-life balance. The consistent schedule of
regulatory tasks enables better time management for work and personal pursuits
without frequent unexpected demands.)
1. Limited Growth: Stable jobs may offer limited opportunities for career
advancement and professional growth.
2. Routine and Boredom: The predictability of stable jobs can sometimes lead to
monotony and boredom.
3. Less Flexibility: There may be less flexibility in terms of work hours, tasks, and
(Limited Growth Example: Scenario: In a secure government position, promotions
may be infrequent, limiting career advancement opportunities for employees.
Routine and Boredom Example: Scenario: A data entry job with predictable tasks
may lead to monotony and boredom due to the repetitive nature of the work.
Less Flexibility Example: Scenario: In a stable corporate job with fixed hours,
employees might have limited flexibility in choosing work hours or making
decisions independently.)
Choosing a Challenging Job:
1. Career Growth: Challenging jobs often provide opportunities for rapid career
advancement and skill development.
2. Increased Motivation: The complexity of challenges can lead to higher levels of
job satisfaction and motivation.
3. Diverse Experiences: Challenging roles may expose you to a variety of
experiences and situations, enhancing your skill set.
(Career Growth Example: Scenario: An entry-level engineer in a dynamic startup
may experience rapid career growth as they take on challenging projects and
acquire new skills.
Increased Motivation Example: Scenario: A project manager handling complex
assignments may find higher motivation and job satisfaction due to the intellectual
challenges involved.
Diverse Experiences Example: Scenario: Working in a research position that
involves tackling various scientific challenges exposes individuals to diverse
experiences, enhancing their skill set.)
1. High Stress Levels: The pressure and demands of challenging jobs can result in
higher stress levels.
2. Uncertain Stability: Jobs with high challenges may be associated with greater
uncertainty, including potential layoffs during economic downturns.
3. Work-Life Imbalance: The pursuit of challenging goals may lead to longer
working hours and a potential imbalance between work and personal life.
(High Stress Levels Example: Scenario: A finance analyst dealing with intricate
financial models and tight deadlines may experience high stress levels due to the
demanding nature of the job.
Uncertain Stability Example: Scenario: Jobs in highly competitive industries, like
fashion design, may have uncertain stability, especially during economic downturns
or shifts in consumer preferences.
Work-Life Imbalance Example: Scenario: A lawyer handling complex cases may
face a work-life imbalance, with extended working hours required to meet
challenging legal deadlines.)
Choosing a stable job offers a range of benefits, from financial security to a predictable
work routine. However, individuals must carefully weigh these advantages against
potential drawbacks such as limited growth opportunities and the risk of monotony.
Ultimately, the decision to pursue a stable job should align with an individual's career
goals, personal preferences, and appetite for professional challenges. Balancing stability
with opportunities for growth and innovation is key to crafting a fulfilling and enduring
career path.
Topic 6: Employment Communication
1. Identify your job interests
A marketer is a professional responsible for promoting and selling products or services.
This role involves creating and implementing marketing strategies to reach target
audiences and achieve business goals. Marketers work to understand consumer needs,
conduct market research, and develop campaigns that effectively communicate the value
of a product or service.
Key responsibilities of a marketer may include:
1. Market Research: Analyzing market trends, customer behavior, and competitors
to identify opportunities and challenges.
2. Strategic Planning: Developing marketing strategies and plans to meet
organizational objectives, which may include setting goals, defining target
audiences, and determining the best channels for reaching them.
3. Advertising and Promotion: Creating and managing advertising campaigns
across various channels, such as digital media, print, TV, or social media.
4. Content Creation: Developing compelling and relevant content for marketing
materials, websites, social media, and other communication channels.
5. Brand Management: Ensuring consistency in brand messaging and image across
all marketing materials and campaigns.
6. Digital Marketing: Utilizing online channels for marketing, including social
media, content marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).
7. Analytics and Measurement: Monitoring and analyzing the performance of
marketing campaigns using data and metrics to evaluate effectiveness and make
data-driven decisions.
8. Public Relations: Managing relationships with the media and other stakeholders
to maintain a positive brand image.
9. Event Planning: Organizing and coordinating promotional events, trade shows, or
product launches to engage with target audiences.
10. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implementing strategies to build
and maintain strong relationships with customers.
The role of a marketer is diverse and can vary depending on the industry, company size,
and specific goals. Successful marketers often possess a combination of creativity,
analytical skills, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. They stay updated on
industry trends and are adaptable to changes in the marketing landscape.
2. How to use traditional and electronic job search techniques to find a good job
Combining traditional and electronic job
search techniques can significantly enhance
your chances of finding a good job. Here's a
guide on how to use both methods
Traditional Job Search Techniques:
1. Networking:
Attend industry events, conferences, and
Kếết h p c kyẽ thu t tìm vi c truyếền thốếng
và đi n t có th tăng c h i c a b n đ ơ
tìm đ c m t cống vi c tốết. D i đây là ượ ướ
m t h ng dâẽn vếề cách s d ng c hai ướ
ph ng pháp này m t cách hi u qu :ươ
Kyẫ Thu t Tìm Vi c Truyếằn Thôấng:
1. M ng L i Quan H : ướ
Tham gia s ki n ngành nghếề, h i th o và
meetups to build a professional network.
Inform friends, family, and acquaintances
about your job search to tap into potential
2. Career Fairs:
Attend local career fairs and job expos.
These events provide direct interaction with
recruiters and employers, allowing you to
learn about different companies and job
3. Cold Calling/Visits:
Cold call or visit companies of interest in
person. This demonstrates initiative and can
make a memorable impression.
4. Printed Resumes:
Print well-crafted resumes and distribute
them to potential employers, particularly if
you're targeting local businesses.
5. Professional Associations:
Join professional associations related to
your field. Attend their meetings and events
to connect with industry professionals and
learn about job opportunities.
Electronic Job Search Techniques:
1. Online Job Boards:
Use popular job search websites like
LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster to
browse and apply for job postings. Create a
professional profile on these platforms.
2. Company Websites:
Regularly check the career pages of
companies you're interested in. Many
companies post job openings directly on
their websites.
3. LinkedIn:
Optimize your LinkedIn profile with a
professional photo, comprehensive work
history, and skills. Connect with
professionals in your industry and follow
bu i g p g đ xây d ng m ng l i ướ
chuyến nghi p. Thống báo cho b n bè, gia
đình và ng i quen vếề vi c tìm vi c c a ườ
b n đ có thếm c h i. ơ
2. H i Ch Vi c Làm:
Tham gia các h i ch vi c làm và tri n lãm
vi c làm đ a ph ng. Nh ng s ki n này ươ
cung câếp c h i tiếếp xúc tr c tiếếp v i các ơ
nhà tuy n d ng và nhà tuy n d ng, giúp
b n tìm hi u vếề các cống ty và c h i vi c ơ
làm khác nhau.
3. G i Đi n/Thằm Tr c Tiếấp:
G i đi n ho c thăm tr c tiếếp các cống ty
b n quan tâm. Điếều này th hi n s ch
đ ng và có th t o âến t ng khó quến. ượ
4. CV In ẤẤn:
In CV đ c chu n b kyẽ l ng và phân phốếi ượ ưỡ
chúng cho nhà tuy n d ng tiếềm năng, đ c
bi t là nếếu b n đang nhăếm đếến các doanh
nghi p đ a ph ng. ươ
5. Các Hi p H i Chuyến Nghi p:
Tham gia các hi p h i chuyến nghi p liến
quan đếến lĩnh v c c a b n. Tham d các
cu c h p và s ki n đ kếết nốếi v i các
chuyến gia trong ngành và tìm hi u vếề c ơ
h i vi c làm.
Kyẫ Thu t Tìm Vi c Đi n T :
1. B ng Vi c Làm Tr c Tuyếấn:
S d ng các trang web tìm kiếếm vi c làm
ph biếến nh LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor ư
và Monster đ xem và n p đ n cho các ơ
cống vi c. T o m t hốề s chuyến nghi p ơ
trến nh ng nếền t ng này.
2. Trang Web Công Ty:
Th ng xuyến ki m tra trang tuy n d ng ườ
c a các cống ty b n quan tâm. Nhiếều cống
ty đăng thống tin vếề vi c làm tr c tiếếp trến
trang web c a h .
3. LinkedIn:
Tốếi u hóa hốề s LinkedIn c a b n v i nh ư ơ
chuyến nghi p, l ch s làm vi c đâềy đ
kyẽ năng. Kếết nốếi v i các chuyến gia trong
ngành c a b n và theo dõi các cống ty b n
quan tâm.
4. M ng L i Tr c Tuyếấn: ướ
Tham gia các nhóm và diếẽn đàn chuyến
nghi p tr c tuyếến liến quan đếến lĩnh v c
c a b n. Tham gia vào các cu c th o lu n,
đ t câu h i và chia s kiếến th c c a b n
companies you're interested in.
4. Online Networking:
Join online professional groups and forums
related to your industry. Participate in
discussions, ask questions, and share your
expertise to expand your online network.
5. Professional Social Media:
Use platforms like Twitter and Facebook
professionally. Follow companies, join
relevant groups, and engage with industry
professionals to stay informed about job
6. Recruitment Agencies:
Register with recruitment agencies that
specialize in your industry. Many companies
use these agencies to fill their vacancies.
7. Job Search Apps:
Download and use job search apps that
provide real-time updates on job openings.
These apps often allow you to set up alerts
for specific criteria.
8. Virtual Career Fairs:
Attend virtual career fairs, especially if
you're unable to attend in-person events.
These events provide opportunities to
interact with employers through online
Integrated Approach:
1. Create a Targeted Resume:
Tailor your resume to match the specific
requirements of each job application,
whether you're applying online or
submitting a physical copy.
2. Use keywords
Incorporate relevant keywords in your
online profiles and resumes to enhance
visibility on job search platforms and
applicant tracking systems.
3. Follow Up:
After submitting online applications or
attending events, follow up with
personalized emails expressing your
continued interest in the position.
4. Build a Personal Website:
Consider creating a personal website
showcasing your portfolio, achievements,
and contact information. This provides a
comprehensive overview for potential
đ m r ng m ng l i tr c tuyếến c a b n. ướ
5. M ng Xã H i Chuyến Nghi p:
S d ng các nếền t ng nh Twitter và ư
Facebook m t cách chuyến nghi p. Theo
dõi các cống ty, tham gia các nhóm liến
quan và t ng tác v i các chuyến gia ươ
ngành đ c p nh t thống tin vếề c h i vi c ơ
6. Các Công Ty Tuy n D ng:
Đăng ký v i các cống ty tuy n d ng chuyến
nghi p trong ngành c a b n. Nhiếều cống ty
s d ng nh ng cống ty này đ điếền vào các
v trí còn trốếng.
7. ng D ng Tìm Vi c:
T i xuốếng và s d ng các ng d ng tìm
vi c cung câếp c p nh t th i gian th c vếề
vi c làm. Nh ng ng d ng th ng cho ườ
phép b n thiếết l p c nh báo cho các tiếu
chí c th .
8. H i Ch Vi c Làm o:
Tham gia các h i ch vi c làm o, đ c bi t
là nếếu b n khống th tham gia s ki n tr c
tiếếp. Nh ng s ki n này cung câếp c h i ơ
t ng tác v i nhà tuy n d ng qua các nếền ươ
t ng tr c tuyếến.
Ph ng Pháp T ng H p:ươ
1. T o CV Chuyến Nghi p:
T o CV có ch ý đ phù h p v i các yếu câều
c th c a t ng đ n xin vi c, dù b n đang ơ
n p tr c tuyếến hay g i b n giâếy.
2. S D ng T Khóa:
Đ a các t khóa liến quan vào hốề s tr c ư ơ
tuyếến và CV đ tăng c ng kh năng xuâết ườ
hi n trến các nếền t ng tìm kiếếm vi c làm
và h thốếng theo dõi ng viến.
3. Theo Dõi:
Sau khi n p đ n tr c tuyếến ho c tham gia ơ
s ki n, theo dõi băềng cách g i email cá
nhân th hi n s quan tâm tiếếp t c đốếi v i
v trí.
4. Xây D ng Trang Web Cá Nhân:
Xem xét vi c t o m t trang web cá nhân
gi i thi u vếề c s d li u cá nhân, thành ơ
tích và thống tin liến h . Điếều này cung câếp
m t t ng quan toàn di n cho nhà tuy n
d ng tiếềm năng.
5. Gi Gìn T Ch c:
Theo dõi các ho t đ ng tìm vi c c a b n,
bao gốềm n p đ n, s ki n m ng l i ơ ướ
5. Stay Organized:
Keep track of your job search activities,
including applications, networking events,
and follow-ups. Use tools like spreadsheets
or job search apps to stay organized.
By integrating both traditional and
electronic job search techniques, you can
cast a wider net and increase your chances
of finding suitable job opportunities. It's
important to be proactive, maintain a
positive online presence, and continuously
refine your approach based on feedback and
theo dõi. S d ng các cống c nh b ng ư
tính ho c ng d ng tìm vi c đ duy trì t
ch c.
3. How to overcome job interview fears
I. Introduction:
Job interviews can be anxiety-inducing experiences for many individuals, often stemming from the fear of the
unknown, the pressure to perform, and the possibility of rejection. However, mastering strategies to
overcome these fears is crucial for presenting oneself confidently and securing employment opportunities. In
this report, we will explore effective techniques to address common interview fears and enhance overall
II. Body:
1. Preparation is Key:
Fear: Fear of the unknown.
Example Solution: Thoroughly researching the company and the role, practicing responses to
common questions, and anticipating potential queries about strengths and weaknesses.
Preparation emerges as the cornerstone of conquering interview fears. For example, a marketing
professional preparing for an interview might thoroughly research the company's recent campaigns,
target audience, and industry trends. By understanding the company's values and goals, the
interviewee can tailor responses to align with the organization's objectives, showcasing a genuine
interest in the role.
2. Practice, Practice, Practice:
Fear: Anxiety about articulation.
Example Solution: Conducting mock interviews to practice answers, receiving feedback, and refining
responses to questions such as "Can you tell me about yourself?"
Practice, in the form of mock interviews, emerges as an invaluable tool in the arsenal against
anxiety. Imagine a recent graduate simulating an interview scenario with a career counselor. By
practicing answers to common questions like "Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses," the
graduate gains confidence, refines responses, and becomes better equipped to articulate their value
to potential employers.
3. Positive Visualization:
Fear: Negative thoughts about failure.
Example Solution: Visualization of successful interviews, envisioning confident responses, and
leaving a positive impression on the interviewer.
4. Controlled Breathing:
Fear: Feeling overwhelmed and anxious.
Example Solution: Practicing deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety
before and during the interview.
The physiological aspect of anxiety is addressed through controlled breathing exercises. Consider a
finance professional taking a moment before the interview to practice deep breathing. By inhaling
slowly and exhaling deeply, they calm nerves, ensuring a composed and focused demeanor during
the interview.
5. Arrive Early:
Fear: Fear of being rushed.
Example Solution: Planning to arrive early, allowing time to acclimate to the environment, and
reducing the stress associated with being late.
Arriving early at the interview location is a practical strategy that contributes to a sense of control.
A sales representative, for instance, might arrive 15 minutes early, allowing time to familiarize
themselves with the office layout and gather thoughts. This early arrival sets a positive tone for the
interview, reducing stress associated with potential delays.
6. Focus on the Positive:
Fear: Dwelling on potential mistakes.
Example Solution: Concentrating on strengths and achievements, emphasizing problem-solving
skills, and discussing how challenges were overcome.
7. Accept Imperfection:
Fear: Fear of not having perfect answers.
Example Solution: Acknowledging that it's okay not to have all the answers, expressing a willingness
to learn, and providing examples of past quick learning experiences.
In job interviews, fearing not having perfect answers is common. The solution lies in accepting that
it's okay not to know everything. Express a genuine eagerness to learn, emphasizing past quick
learning experiences. For example, talk about a time when you swiftly picked up a new skill for a
project. This approach showcases humility, a commitment to growth, and the ability to adapt—an
essential trait in a dynamic work environment.
8. Ask Questions:
Fear: Feeling all the attention is on you.
Example Solution: Preparing thoughtful questions for the interviewer, demonstrating genuine
interest in the role, and shifting some focus away from yourself.
9. Dress Confidently:
Fear: Concerns about appearance.
Example Solution: Choosing an outfit that aligns with the company culture, feels professional, and
boosts personal confidence.
10. Focus on the Message, Not the Medium:
Fear: Worrying about being judged.
Example Solution: Concentrating on conveying skills and qualifications, emphasizing positive
outcomes in past projects, and recognizing the interview as a mutual assessment opportunity.
11. Learn from Each Experience:
Fear: Fear of failure.
Example Solution: Treating each interview as a learning opportunity, reflecting on successes and
areas for improvement, and using feedback to refine future approaches.
12. Professional Development:
Fear: Feeling inadequate in skills or knowledge.
Example Solution: Investing time in ongoing professional development, acquiring new skills,
attending workshops, and obtaining relevant certifications to boost confidence.
13. Seek Support:
Fear: Feeling isolated in fears.
Example Solution: Talking to friends, family, or mentors about concerns, sharing experiences, and
seeking advice to gain valuable insights and encouragement.
III. Conclusion:
In conclusion, overcoming job interview fears is a gradual process that involves a combination of
preparation, practice, positive mindset, and ongoing development. By implementing these strategies,
individuals can navigate the interview process with confidence, present their best selves, and increase their
chances of securing the desired employment opportunities. As we continue to refine our approach based on
feedback and experiences, the journey towards mastering job interviews becomes not just a professional
necessity but also a personal growth opportunity.
4. How to prepare for a job interview
Preparing for a job interview is crucial to increase your chances of success. Here are some
steps to help you prepare effectively:
1. Research the Company: Gather information about the company's mission, values,
products/services, culture, and recent news or developments. Visit their website, read their
annual reports, and explore their social media presence. This knowledge will help you
tailor your answers and demonstrate your interest in the company.
2. Understand the Job Requirements: Carefully review the job description and make a
list of the key skills, qualifications, and responsibilities. Identify specific examples from your
experience that align with these requirements. This will enable you to showcase your
suitability for the role during the interview.
3. Prepare Responses to Common Interview Questions: Anticipate and practice
responses to common interview questions, such as "Tell me about yourself," "Why are you
interested in this role?", or "Describe a challenging situation you faced at work and how
you resolved it." Consider using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to
structure your answers and provide specific examples.
4. Reflect on Your Achievements and Experiences: Identify your accomplishments,
strengths, and relevant experiences. Think about how these can be conveyed during the
interview to highlight your qualifications and demonstrate your value to the employer.
5. Prepare Questions to Ask the Interviewer: Prepare a list of thoughtful questions to
ask the interviewer. This shows your interest in the role and company, and provides an
opportunity to gather more information about the position or company culture. Avoid
asking questions about salary or benefits at this stage.
6. Dress Professionally: Plan your outfit in advance to ensure it aligns with the
company's dress code and presents a professional image. Dressing appropriately shows
your respect for the interview process and your seriousness about the opportunity.
7. Practice, Practice, Practice: Enlist the help of a friend or family member to conduct
mock interviews. Practice answering questions confidently, maintaining good eye contact,
and controlling your body language. This will help you feel more comfortable and
prepared on the actual day.
8. Plan Your Logistics: Determine the interview location and mode (in-person, phone,
video), and ensure you have the necessary equipment or directions. Set reminders for the
interview time, and aim to be early to avoid any last-minute stress.
9. Gather Required Documents: Prepare multiple copies of your resume, cover letter,
and any other relevant documents. Organize them neatly in a folder or portfolio, along
with a notepad and pen for taking notes during the interview.
10. Take Care of Yourself: Get a good night's sleep before the interview, eat a balanced
meal, and stay hydrated. Being well-rested and nourished will help you stay focused and
perform at your best.
Remember, the key to successful interview preparation is practice, confidence, and being
yourself. By thoroughly researching the company, understanding the job requirements, and
preparing thoughtful responses, you'll be well-equipped to impress the interviewer and
increase your chances of securing the job.
Write in a paragraph:
Effective preparation for a job interview is pivotal to enhancing your chances of success.
Begin by researching the company's mission, values, and recent developments to tailor
your responses and demonstrate genuine interest. Understand the job requirements by
carefully reviewing the description, aligning your skills with the key qualifications.
Anticipate and practice responses to common questions using the STAR method,
emphasizing specific examples from your experience. Reflect on your achievements and
strengths, considering how to showcase them during the interview. Prepare thoughtful
questions for the interviewer, avoiding inquiries about salary at this stage. Dress
professionally to convey respect for the process and seriousness about the opportunity.
Practice, preferably through mock interviews, to build confidence and refine your
communication skills. Plan logistics, gather necessary documents, and take care of yourself
by ensuring a good night's sleep and proper nourishment. Ultimately, thorough research,
understanding job requirements, and thoughtful responses will equip you to impress the
interviewer and increase your likelihood of securing the job.
5. Identify common mistakes in a job interview
Question Answer
Analyze 5
common mistakes
in an interview
Lack of Preparation: Many people underestimate the importance of thorough
preparation. For example: not researching the company, its culture, values, and recent
developments can make you seem disinterested or uncommitted. Also, not preparing for
common interview questions or practicing your responses may make you stumble or
seem unsure.
Overconfidence or Underconfidence: Being overly confident can come off as
arrogance. Conversely, being overly self-deprecating or lacking confidence can make
you appear unfit for the position, even if you have the required skills.
Neglecting Non-Verbal Cues: Avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, or slouching can convey
nervousness or discomfort. Being unaware of these cues can hinder your ability to
establish a positive impression with the interviewer.
Inadequate Communication Skills: Failing to articulate your thoughts clearly,
speaking too fast, using excessive jargon, or being overly verbose can give the
impression that you lack the ability to convey ideas effectively, which is a red flag for
Not Asking Questions: When an interviewer asks if you have any questions and you
have none, it can suggest a lack of genuine interest or preparation. Asking thoughtful
questions about the company, role, team dynamics, or opportunities for growth
demonstrates enthusiasm, engagement, and a desire to understand the job and the
company better.
Navigating a job interview successfully requires steering clear of common
pitfalls. Insufficient preparation, such as neglecting to delve into the company's
culture and recent developments, risks projecting disinterest or lack of
commitment. Striking the right balance between confidence and humility is
crucial; excessive confidence may be misconstrued as arrogance, while
inadequate self-assurance might undermine your perceived suitability. Non-
verbal cues, like avoiding eye contact or fidgeting, can inadvertently convey
nervousness, hindering the establishment of a positive impression. Effective
communication skills are paramount, as unclear articulation, rapid speech, or
excessive jargon may signal a potential inability to convey ideas effectively.
Equally critical is the art of asking questions; a lack thereof may suggest
disinterest, while thoughtful inquiries showcase enthusiasm and a genuine
desire to comprehend both the role and the company, leaving a lasting positive
impression on the interviewer.
Điếều h ng m t cu c ph ng vâến xin vi c thành cống đòi h i ph i tránh xa nh ngướ
c m bâẽy ph biếến. Chu n b khống đâềy đ , ch ng h n nh b qua vi c tìm hi u sâu vếề ư
văn hóa nh ng phát tri n gâền đây c a cống ty, nguy c dâẽn đếến s thiếếu quan ơ
tâm ho c thiếếu cam kếết. Đ t đ c s cân băềng h p gi a s t tin khiếm tốến ượ
râết quan tr ng; s t tin quá m c có th b hi u sai kiếu ng o, trong khi s t tin
khống đ có th làm suy yếếu s phù h p đ c nh n thâếy c a b n. Nh ng tín hi u phi ượ
ngốn ng , nh tránh giao tiếếp băềng măết ho c bốền chốền, có th vố tình truyếền t i s lo ư
lăếng, c n tr vi c hình thành âến t ng tích c c. Kyẽ năng giao tiếếp hi u qu là điếều tốếi ượ
quan tr ng, vì kh năng phát âm khống rõ ràng, nói nhanh ho c s d ng bi t ng quá
m c th báo hi u kh năng b n khống kh năng truyếền đ t ý t ng m t cách ưở
hi u qu . Điếều quan tr ng khống kém là ngh thu t đ t câu h i; vi c thiếếu điếều đó có
th g i ý s khống quan tâm, trong khi nh ng câu h i chu đáo th hi n s nhi t tình
mong muốến th c s đ hi u c vai trò và cống ty, đ l i âến t ng tích c c lâu dài ượ
cho ng i ph ng vâến.ườ
State 5 solutions
to overcome the
job interview
Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll
become. Conduct mock interviews with a friend, family member, or a career counselor.
Practice answering common interview questions to build confidence and reduce anxiety.
Research and Preparation: Thoroughly research the company and the role you're
interviewing for. Knowing as much as possible about the company, its culture, and the
job requirements can boost your confidence and help you answer questions more
Positive Self-Talk and Visualization: Use positive affirmations and visualization
techniques to manage anxiety. Before the interview, visualize yourself succeeding and
imagine the feeling of confidence. Reassure yourself that you are qualified for the
Breathing and Relaxation Exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help calm your
nerves. Practice deep breathing before and during the interview. Inhale deeply for a
count of four, hold for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. This can help
lower stress levels.
Seek Support and Feedback: Don't hesitate to seek support from a career counselor,
therapist, or a mentor if your interview fears are overwhelming. They can provide
guidance and strategies to manage anxiety. Additionally, ask for feedback from mock
interviews to improve your performance.
Mastering the art of job interviews involves several key strategies. First and
foremost, embrace the mantra of "Practice, Practice, Practice." For example,
engage in mock interviews with friends, family, or a career counselor to build
confidence and diminish anxiety. Secondly, prioritize thorough research on the
company and the specific role to enhance your understanding of the
organizational culture and job requirements, ultimately boosting confidence in
your responses. By employing positive self-talk and visualization techniques to
manage anxiety, envision success and reinforce your qualifications for the
position. Incorporate breathing exercises, inhaling and exhaling deeply, to
alleviate stress before and during the interview. If interview fears become
overwhelming, seek support from a career counselor, therapist, or mentor who
can provide valuable guidance and strategies to navigate anxiety. Additionally,
actively solicit feedback from mock interviews to continuously refine and
improve your performance.
Năếm v ng ngh thu t ph ng vâến vi c làm bao gốềm m t sốế chiếến l c quan tr ng. Đâều ượ
tiến quan tr ng nhâết, hãy năếm lâếy câu thâền chú "Th c hành, Th c hành, Th c
hành". d : tham gia vào các cu c ph ng vâến th v i b n bè, gia đình ho c cốế vâến
nghếề nghi p đ xây d ng s t tin và gi m b t lo lăếng. Th hai, u tiến nghiến c u kyẽ ư
l ng vếề cống ty và vai trò c th đ nâng cao hi u biếết c a b n vếề văn hóa t ch c vàưỡ
yếu câều cống vi c, cuốếi cùng nâng cao s t tin trong ph n hốềi c a b n. Băềng cách
s d ng các kyẽ thu t t nói chuy n hình dung tích c c đ qu n s lo lăếng, hình
dung ra thành cống và c ng cốế trình đ c a b n cho v trí này. Kếết h p các bài t p th ,
hít th sâu đ gi m b t căng th ng tr c trong bu i ph ng vâến. Nếếu nốẽi s hãi ướ
trong cu c ph ng vâến tr nến quá l n, hãy tìm kiếếm s hốẽ tr t cốế vâến nghếề nghi p,
nhà tr li u ho c ng i cốế vâến, nh ng ng i có th cung câếp h ng dâẽn và chiếến l c ườ ườ ướ ượ
có giá tr đ điếều h ng s lo lăếng. Ngoài ra, hãy tích c c thu hút ph n hốềi t các cu c ướ
ph ng vâến th đ liến t c tinh ch nh và c i thi n hi u suâết c a b n.
Analyse 5 things
you should
prepare before an
1. Research the company
Before going into the interview, research the company along with its history, values and
mission. Check their official website first, then move onto other sources. If there are any
client, customer or employee reviews, study them and identify any recurring themes that
might alter your decision to work with them. It also prepares you to answer any
questions relating to the company, proving to your interview that you familiarized
yourself with who the company is.
2. Research your interviewer
Along with researching the company, identify who within the organization might
interview you and research them as well. Identify their professional social media profiles
and scan through their interests. It often helps to find common ground with your
interviewer and bring it up during the interview. For example, if you mention that you
both enjoy hiking, you immediately stand out to the interviewer, ensuring they take
additional consideration toward you after you leave.
3. Turn your cell phone off before the interview
Bringing your phone into the interview with you is often a necessity. If you need it,
consider silencing it or turning it off. Ensure no vibrations or other tones emanate from
your phone or interrupt the interview.
4. Sleep well the night before
Ensure you gain proper amounts of rest before your interview. Doing so ensures that you
are more aware and more alert when answering questions. Because you're alert, you
pick up on subtle cues from the interviewer such as their body language or their tone.
Understanding their mindset helps you adapt to the interview by imitating their
physical posture or other movements.
5. Determine the fastest route to the interview
Use helpful mobile applications that monitor local traffic and map out the fastest route
to your interview. Consider the time of day in which your interview occurs and if there
are any traffic concerns in your area at that time. Determine how long the drive takes
and leave yourself that amount of time to get there before leaving.
Effective preparation for a job interview involves strategic steps. First and
foremost, thoroughly research the company's history, values, and mission to
gain a comprehensive understanding of their identity. This knowledge not only
equips you to answer questions about the company but also demonstrates your
commitment to familiarizing yourself with potential employers. Additionally,
research your interviewer by exploring their professional social media profiles,
enabling you to identify common interests that can be leveraged during the
interview, creating a memorable impression. Ensure a distraction-free
environment by turning off or silencing your phone before the interview,
preventing interruptions. Prioritize a good night's sleep to enhance alertness
and awareness during the interview, allowing you to pick up on subtle cues
from the interviewer. Lastly, plan your route to the interview in advance,
utilizing traffic-monitoring apps to determine the fastest route and ensuring
you arrive with ample time to spare. These strategic steps collectively
contribute to a well-prepared and confident interview performance.
Vi c chu n b hi u qu cho m t cu c ph ng vâến xin vi c bao gốềm các b c chiếến l c. ướ ượ
Đâều tiến quan tr ng nhâết, hãy nghiến c u kyẽ l ng l ch s , giá tr s m nh c a ưỡ
cống ty đ đ c s hi u biếết toàn di n vếề b nếc c a h . Kiếến th c này khống ch ượ
giúp b n tr l i các câu h i vếề cống ty mà còn th hi n cam kếết c a b n trong vi c
làm quen v i các nhà tuy n d ng tiếềm năng. Ngoài ra, hãy nghiến c u ng i ph ng ườ
vâến c a b n băềng cách khám phá hốề s truyếền thống xã h i chuyến nghi p c a h , cho ơ
phép b n xác đ nh nh ng s thích chung có th đ c t n d ng trong cu c ph ng vâến, ượ
t o âến t ng đáng nh . Đ m b o m t mối tr ng khống b phân tâm băềng cách tăết ượ ườ
ho c đ đi n tho i chếế đ im l ng tr c cu c ph ng vâến, tránh b gián đo n. u ướ Ư
tiến m t giâếc ng ngon đ nâng cao s t nh táo nh n th c trong suốết cu c ph ng
vâến, cho phép b n năếm băết đ c nh ng tín hi u tinh tếế t ng i ph ng vâến. Cuốếi cùng, ượ ườ
hãy lến kếế ho ch tr c cho l trình đếến cu c ph ng vâến, s d ng các ng d ng giám ướ
sát giao thống đ xác đ nh tuyếến đ ng nhanh nhâếtđ m b o b n đếến n inhiếều ườ ơ
th i gian r nh rốẽi. Các b c chiếến l c này góp phâền mang l i m t bu i ph ng vâến ướ ượ
đ c chu n b tốết và t tin.ượ
GQ1: Make a table to compare main differences between formal and informal
Aspect Formal Report Informal Report
Typically intended for a formal audience, such as
senior management, external stakeholders, or
regulatory bodies.
Often prepared for internal use and
shared with colleagues or within a
Follows a specific structure, including a title page,
table of contents, executive summary, introduction,
main body, conclusion, recommendations, and
Has a less structured format, with
minimal formal sections and may not
include all the elements found in a
Tone and
Written in a more formal and professional tone, using
third-person perspective.
Tends to be less formal and may use a
more conversational tone with
Typically longer and more detailed, providing in-
depth analysis and data.
Usually shorter and concise, focusing on
essential information.
Often used for presenting detailed research, analysis,
or compliance with regulations.
Used for quick communication, updates,
or sharing insights within a team.
GQ2: Make a table to analyze 2-3 common types of business report
Type of
Information Report Progress Report Justification/Recommendation
Purpose To provide factual
information about a
specific topic or issue
To track progress on a
project or task and
identify any potential
To justify a decision or
recommendation to a decision-maker
or stakeholder
Audience General audience,
such as clients,
customers, or the
Managers, team
members, or stakeholders
Decision-makers or stakeholders
Content A summary of
relevant facts and
findings, presented in
an objective and
unbiased manner
A detailed description of
the work completed,
challenges faced, and
plans for the future
A persuasive argument that supports a
particular decision or
recommendation, backed by evidence
and analysis
Tone Objective Objective Persuasive
Example A market research
report that provides
A weekly project progress
report that outlines the
A business case report that
recommends the implementation of a
an overview of the
current market for a
particular product or
tasks completed this
week, identifies any
roadblocks, and outlines
the plan for next week
new software system
The interview process serves as a critical juncture in one's career path, yet it often evokes
anxiety and apprehension due to common mistakes made by candidates. This essay
explores these errors and provides evidence-based tips to assuage interview fears, drawing
upon research and expert advice.
Common Mistakes in Interviews:
1. Lack of Preparation:
Many people underestimate the importance of thorough preparation. For example: not
researching the company, its culture, values, and recent developments can make you seem
disinterested or uncommitted. Also, not preparing for common interview questions or
practicing your responses may make you stumble or seem unsure.
Evidence: According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 49% of
employers believe that candidates often fail due to inadequate preparation.
The most unusual interview mistakes and biggest body language mishaps,
according to Annual Careerbuilder survey (no date) Press Room | Career Builder.
Available at:
CareerBuilder-Survey (Accessed: 23 November 2023).
Bài báo bến d i ướ
Tip: Thoroughly research the company, its culture, and the role to
demonstrate genuine interest and familiarity during the interview.
2. Overconfidence or Underconfidence:
Being overly confident can come off as arrogance. Conversely, being overly self-deprecating
or lacking confidence can make you appear unfit for the position, even if you have the
required skills.
Evidence: A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests
that extremes in confidence levels can adversely impact interview outcomes.
Meinecke, A.L., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. and Kauffeld, S. (2017) ‘What happens
during annual appraisal interviews? how leader–follower interactions unfold and
impact interview outcomes., Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(7), pp. 1054–1074.
Tip: Strike a balance by acknowledging achievements without appearing
arrogant and expressing confidence without undermining your abilities.
3. Neglecting Non-Verbal Cues:
Avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, or slouching can convey nervousness or discomfort. Being
unaware of these cues can hinder your ability to establish a positive impression with the
Evidence: Research from the University of California, Berkeley, highlights the
importance of non-verbal communication in forming first impressions.
Latha, M. (2014). First Impressions: A Study of Non – Verbal Communication.
Frontiers of Language and Teaching , 5(1), 160-163
Tip: Practice positive body language, maintain eye contact, and be aware of
non-verbal cues to convey confidence and professionalism.
4. Inadequate Communication Skills:
Failing to articulate your thoughts clearly, speaking too fast, using excessive jargon, or
being overly verbose can give the impression that you lack the ability to convey ideas
effectively, which is a red flag for employers
Evidence: A survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers
found that communication skills were ranked as the most important quality
employers seek in candidates.
(No date) Study: 73% of employers want candidates with this skill. Available at:
with-this-skill.html (Accessed: 23 November 2023).
Tip: Practice articulating thoughts clearly, avoid excessive jargon, and
ensure concise yet comprehensive responses.
5. Not Asking Questions:
When an interviewer asks if you have any questions and you have none, it can suggest a
lack of genuine interest or preparation. Asking thoughtful questions about the company,
role, team dynamics, or opportunities for growth demonstrates enthusiasm, engagement,
and a desire to understand the job and the company better.
Evidence: A Glassdoor survey revealed that 67% of employers believe failure
to ask questions is a common interview mistake.
Tip: Prepare thoughtful questions about the company, role, and team
dynamics to showcase engagement and interest.
Strategies to Reduce Interview Fears:
1. Practice, Practice, Practice:
The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become. Conduct mock interviews with
a friend, family member, or a career counselor. Practice answering common interview
questions to build confidence and reduce anxiety.
Evidence: A study in the Journal of Vocational Behavior emphasizes the positive
impact of interview practice on reducing anxiety.
Stumpf, S.A., Austin, E.J. and Hartman, K. (1984) ‘The impact of career exploration
and interview readiness on interview performance and outcomes’, Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 24(2), pp. 221–235. doi:10.1016/0001-8791(84)90008-3.
Tip: Engage in mock interviews with friends, family, or career counselors to
build confidence and familiarity with common questions.
2. Research and Preparation:
Thoroughly research the company and the role you're interviewing for. Knowing as much
as possible about the company, its culture, and the job requirements can boost your
confidence and help you answer questions more effectively
Evidence: The Journal of Business and Psychology suggests that candidates
who extensively research the company perform better in interviews.
Tip: Thoroughly research the company and the role to enhance confidence
and demonstrate commitment during the interview.
3. Positive Self-Talk and Visualization:
Use positive affirmations and visualization techniques to manage anxiety. Before the
interview, visualize yourself succeeding and imagine the feeling of confidence. Reassure
yourself that you are qualified for the position
Evidence: Research in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement indicates that
positive self-talk can enhance performance under stress.
Chen, W.-J. (no date) Immediate effects of positive self-talk on stress and speech
performance [Preprint]. doi:10.31979/etd.xyhx-b8n9.
Tip: Use positive affirmations and visualization techniques to manage
anxiety and envision success before the interview.
4. Breathing and Relaxation Exercises:
Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves. Practice deep breathing before and
during the interview. Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and then
exhale for a count of four. This can help lower
Evidence: Studies published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine show that
deep breathing exercises can reduce stress levels.
Haythornthwaite, J.A., Anderson, D.E. & Moore, L.H. Social and behavioral factors
associated with episodes of inhibitory breathing. J Behav Med , 573–588 (1992).15
Tip: Practice deep breathing before and during the interview to maintain
composure and lower stress levels.
5. Seek Support and Feedback:
Don't hesitate to seek support from a career counselor, therapist, or a mentor if your
interview fears are overwhelming. They can provide guidance and strategies to manage
anxiety. Additionally, ask for feedback from mock interviews to improve your performance.
Evidence: The Harvard Business Review emphasizes the role of mentors in
providing guidance and support during the job search process. The evidence is
clear: 75% of executives credit their success to mentors and recent research shows
that 90% of employees with a career mentor are happy at work.
A better approach to mentorship (2023) Harvard Business Review. Available at: (Accessed: 23
November 2023).
Tip: Seek support from a career counselor, therapist, or mentor to navigate
interview fears and gain valuable insights.
Addressing common interview mistakes and implementing strategies to alleviate interview
fears is crucial for successful career progression. Evidence-backed tips provide a practical
framework for candidates to enhance their interview performance, ultimately contributing
to a positive and impactful experience in the professional realm.
Press Releases
The Most Unusual Interview Mistakes and Biggest Body Language
Mishaps, According to Annual CareerBuilder Survey
- Nearly half of employers know if a candidate is a good fit within the
first five minutes
- Survey highlights 10 mistakes that will instantly destroy your
chances of getting hired
- Failure to make eye contact, failure to smile and playing with
something on the table among biggest body language mistakes job
seekers make during an interview
CHICAGO and ATLANTA, Feb. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Acing an interview is an
important step in landing a job, but it's no easy feat, and your time to show yourself off is
limited. According to a new CareerBuilder survey conducted by The Harris Poll, around
half of employers (49 percent) know within the first five minutes of an interview if a
candidate is a good or bad fit for a position, and only 8 percent make up their mind within
a half hour or longer.
This survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll from November 28 to December 20,
2017 and included a representative sample of 1,014 hiring managers and human resource
professionals across industries and company sizes (of which, 888 are in the U.S. private
View File Download File
"There's a lot riding on an interview you have to make a great first impression, have
knowledge of your target company and its product, and know exactly how to convey that
you're the perfect fit for the job," said Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer at
CareerBuilder. "The best thing you can do for yourself is to prepare and practice everything
from your body language to answers to standard interview questions. You never get a
second chance to make a first impression, so going in well-prepared is key."
The Most Unusual Things People Have Done in Job Interviews
When you're not prepared, crazy things can happen. When asked to share the most
unusual things job candidates have done during the interview process, employers and
hiring managers recalled the following:
Candidate did not have the skills to do the job and stated, "Fake it until you make it"
as his personal philosophy.
Candidate asked interviewer if she was qualified to be doing her job.
Candidate asked for a cocktail.
Candidate asked to taste the interviewer's coffee.
Candidate called a government job "something government-y."
Candidate came to interview wearing slippers.
Candidate wore a Darth Vader outfit to the interview.
Candidate spent a lot of time quoting Dwight D. Eisenhower, which had nothing to
do with the position he was interviewing for.
Candidate leaned far forward with his head down during the first five minutes of
the interview.
Candidate offered interviewer pumpkins and said they transfer good energy.
Candidate pulled out a bag of drugs with his keys.
Candidate broke out in song in the middle of the interview.
10 Mistakes That Will Instantly Destroy Your Chances
Even if you are the best candidate for the job, you can see a potential offer go up in smoke
by making avoidable mistakes. Here are 10 instant deal breakers, according to employers:
1. Candidate is caught lying about something: 71
2. Candidate answers a cell phone or texts during the
interview: 67 percent
3. Candidate appears arrogant or entitled: 59 percent
4. Candidate appears to have a lack of accountability: 52
5. Candidate swears: 51 percent
6. Candidate dresses inappropriately: 50 percent
7. Candidate talks negatively about current or previous
employers: 48 percent
8. Candidate knows nothing about the job or company:
45 percent
9. Candidate has unprofessional body language: 43
10. Candidate knows nothing about the industry or
competitors: 35 percent
( ng viến b phát hi n nói dốếi vếề điếều gì đó: 71%
ng viến tr l i đi n tho i di đ ng ho c tin nhăến trong cu c ph ng vâến: 67%
ng viến t ra kiếu ng o ho c có quyếền: 59 phâền trăm
ng viến có v thiếếu trách nhi m: 52%
ng viến tuyến th : 51%
ng viến ăn m c khống phù h p: 50%
ng viến nói tiếu c c vếề nhà tuy n d ng hi n t i ho c tr c đây: 48% ướ
ng viến khống biếết gì vếề cống vi c ho c cống ty: 45%
ng viến có ngốn ng c th khống chuyến nghi p: 43% ơ
ng viến khống biếết gì vếề ngành ho c đốếi th c nh tranh: 35% )
The Importance of Body Language
Sometimes your body language communicates more to another person than what you say
or the tone of your voice. When asked to identify the biggest body language mistakes job
seekers make during an interview, hiring managers named the following:
1. Failure to make eye contact: 68 percent
2. Failure to smile: 38 percent
3. Playing with something on the table: 36 percent
4. Fidgeting too much in his/her seat: 32 percent
5. Bad posture: 31 percent
6. Crossing their arms over their chest: 31 percent
7. Playing with hair or touching one's face: 26 percent
8. Handshake that is too weak: 22 percent
9. Using too many hand gestures: 13 percent
10. Handshake is too strong: 8 percent
(1. Khống giao tiếếp băềng măết: 68%
2. Khống m m c i: 38% ườ
3. Ch i v i v t gì đó trến bàn: 36%ơ
4. Bốền chốền quá nhiếều trến ghếế: 32%
5. T thếế xâếu: 31%ư
6. Khoanh tay tr c ng c: 31%ướ
7. Vuốết tóc ho c ch m vào m t: 26%
8. Băết tay quá yếếu: 22%
9. S d ng quá nhiếều c ch tay: 13%
10. Băết tay quá m nh: 8%)
Research Method
This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll on behalf of
CareerBuilder among 1,014 hiring and human resource managers ages 18 and over
(employed full-time, not self-employed, non-government), including 888 in the private
sector between November 28 and December 20, 2017. Figures for company size and job
level were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions
in the population.
About CareerBuilder®
CareerBuilder is a global, end-to-end human capital solutions company focused on helping
employers find, hire and manage great talent. Combining advertising, software and
services, CareerBuilder leads the industry in recruiting solutions, employment screening
and human capital management. CareerBuilder is majority-owned by funds managed by
affiliates of Apollo Global Management, LLC and operates in the United
States, Canada, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit
About The Harris Poll:
The Harris Poll is one of the longest-running surveys in the U.S. tracking public opinion,
motivations and social sentiment since 1963 that is now part of Harris Insights &
Analytics, a global consulting and market research firm that strives to reveal the authentic
values of modern society to inspire leaders to create a better tomorrow. We work with
clients in three primary areas; building twenty-first-century corporate reputation, crafting
brand strategy and performance tracking, and earning organic media through public
relations research. Our mission is to provide insights and advisory to help leaders make the
best decisions possible. To learn more, please visit
Media Contact
Ladan Nikravan Hayes
SOURCE CareerBuilder
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Topic 1: Workplace Communication Today
1. Analyze the communication process model (draw the model, describe key factors: sender,
receiver, encode, decode, channel, feedback, noise and explain how the model works)

The communication process model is a conceptual framework that helps us understand
how communication occurs between a sender and a receiver. It illustrates the flow of
information and the key factors involved in the communication process. Here's a breakdown of the model:

1. Sender: The sender is the individual or entity initiating the communication. They have a
message or information they want to convey to the receiver. The sender's role is to encode
the message in a format that can be understood by the receiver.

2. Message: The message refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts that the sender
wants to communicate. It can be in the form of verbal, written, or non-verbal communication.

3. Encoding: Encoding is the process of converting the sender's message into a symbolic
form that can be transmitted to the receiver. It involves selecting the appropriate words,
symbols, or gestures to convey the intended meaning of the message.

4. Channel: The channel is the medium through which the encoded message is transmitted
from the sender to the receiver. It can be face-to-face conversation, telephone, email, social
media, or any other communication medium.

5. Noise: Noise refers to any interference or distortion that may disrupt the communication
process and affect the accurate transmission or reception of the message. It can be physical
noise (e.g., background noise), semantic noise (e.g., language barriers or jargon), or
psychological noise (e.g., distractions or preconceived notions).

6. Receiver: The receiver is the intended recipient of the message. Their role is to decode
the message by interpreting the symbols and extracting meaning from the received communication.

7. Decoding: Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and assigns meaning
to the message received from the sender. It involves understanding the symbols, language,
and context of the communication to derive the intended meaning.

8. Feedback: Feedback is the response or reaction provided by the receiver to the sender's
message. It allows the sender to assess the effectiveness of their communication and make
any necessary adjustments. Feedback can be verbal or non-verbal and helps ensure that
the message was accurately understood.

The communication process model works by illustrating the sequential steps involved in
communication. The sender encodes the message, which is then transmitted through a
chosen channel to the receiver. The receiver decodes the message and provides feedback to
the sender, completing the feedback loop. Throughout this process, noise can interrupt or
distort the communication, potentially affecting the accuracy and effectiveness of the message.

It's important to note that communication is a dynamic and complex process, influenced by
various factors such as cultural differences, individual perceptions, and context. The
communication process model provides a simplified framework for understanding the
basic elements and flow of communication but may not capture all the intricacies and
nuances that can occur in real-life interactions.

2. Analyze some main communication barriers and suggest solutions to overcome those barriers Communication Barrier Description Solution
Use clear and simple language. Provide
translations or use interpreters if necessary.

Differences in language and vocabulary Encourage language learning and cultural
1. Language Barriers can lead to misunderstandings. awareness.
Promote cultural awareness and sensitivity.

Differing cultural norms, values, and
Encourage open dialogue about cultural
communication styles can create
differences. Use diverse teams to foster a 2. Cultural Barriers misunderstandings. multicultural perspective.
Utilize technology for virtual communication.
Arrange face-to-face meetings when possible.

Physical separation or environmental
Create an open and accessible physical 3. Physical Barriers
factors can impede communication. workspace.
Encourage a supportive and empathetic

Emotional states, such as stress or
environment. Provide resources for stress
personal issues, can affect
management. Foster open communication
4. Emotional Barriers communication.
channels for addressing personal concerns.
Confirm understanding by seeking feedback.
Use visual aids to supplement verbal

Differences in perception and
communication. Encourage active listening
5. Perceptual Barriers interpretation of information. and clarification. 6. Information
Excessive information can overwhelm and Prioritize information. Use concise and clear Overload
lead to selective attention.
messages. Provide additional resources for in- Communication Barrier Description Solution depth understanding.
Encourage open communication channels for
feedback. Implement regular check-ins and

Absence of feedback can hinder
assessments. Ensure feedback is constructive 7. Lack of Feedback
understanding and correction. and specific.
Invest in reliable communication tools.
8. Technological
Issues with communication tools and
Provide training on technology use. Have Barriers technology.
contingency plans for technical issues.
Hierarchical structures can stifle open
Promote a culture of open communication. 9. Hierarchy and
communication, especially from lower
Encourage feedback from all levels. Power Dynamics levels.
Implement anonymous suggestion systems.
Challenge assumptions. Encourage

10. Assumptions and Preconceived notions and stereotypes can individuals to share their perspectives. Stereotypes
lead to misinterpretation.
Provide education on diversity and inclusion. E.g: Gi i Thiu:Introduction: Giao tiếếp là m t khía c nh cơ b n c a t ng ươ tác
Communication is a fundamental aspect of human gi a con ng i,
ườ đóng vai trò như là nếền móng c a
interaction, serving as the cornerstone of
s hiu biếết, h p tác
và kếết nốếi. Tuy nhiến, m c
understanding, collaboration, and connection. quan tr ng, nh ng
ư có nhiếều rào c n có th làm tr
However, despite its importance, various barriers ng i
cho quá trình truyếền đ t thống tin m t cách
can impede the smooth flow of information, tr n ơ tru, làm tr ngi
cho giao tiếếp hi u qu . Vi c
hindering effective communication. Identifying and nh n di n và gi i quyếết nh ng rào c n này là quan
addressing these barriers is crucial for fostering tr ng
đ thúc đ y t ng
ươ tác rõ ràng và ý nghĩa.
clear, meaningful interactions. In this essay, we will Trong bài lu n n
ày, chúng ta seẽ phân tích m t sốế rào
analyze some main communication barriers and c n chính
vếề giao tiếếp và đếề xuâết nh ng gi i pháp
propose practical solutions to overcome them. th c tếế đ vt qua chúng. ượ 1. Language Barriers: Rào C n Ngốn Ng : M t trong nh ng rào c n giao tiếếp ph biếến
nhâết là s đa d ng c a các ngốn ngđ c ượ s dng
trong thếế gi i hóa. Nh ng ng i ườ
One of the most common communication barriers is
nguốền gốếc ngốn ng khác nhau có th g p khó khăn
the diversity of languages spoken in a globalized trong vi c truyếền đ t suy nghĩ c a h m t cách
world. Individuals from different linguistic
chính xác, dâẽn đếến hi u lâềm.
backgrounds may struggle to convey their thoughts
accurately, leading to misunderstandings.
Gi i pháp:
Khuyếến khích đào t o đa d ng ngốn ng
có th giúp cá nhân tr nến thành th o h n ơ trong
Solution: Encouraging language diversity training nhiếều ngốn ng . Ngoài ra, vi c s dng cống c dch
can help individuals become more proficient in
và thuế thống d ch viến
khi câền thiếết có th kếết nốếi
multiple languages. Additionally, utilizing kho ng
cách ngốn ng và nâng cao s hiu biếết.
translation tools and hiring interpreters when
needed can bridge language gaps and enhance understanding.
S Khác Bi t
Văn Hóa: S biếến đ i
vếề phong cách
giao tiếếp, c ch phi ngốn, và kỳ v ng trong văn hóa có th t
o ra rào c n đáng k . Hiu lâềm có th xuâết 2. Cultural Differences:
phát t s khác bi t vếề
quy tăếc văn hóa đốếi v i liến l c
băềng ánh măết, c ch ho c m c đ l ch s phù
Cultural variations in communication styles, non- h p.
verbal cues, and expectations can create significant
barriers. Misinterpretations may arise due to
Gi i
pháp: Khuyếến khích đào t o nh n th c văn hóa
differing cultural norms regarding eye contact, có th t
o điếều ki n cho s hiu
biếết và đánh giá
gestures, or the appropriate level of formality.
cao phong cách giao tiếếp đa d ng. Khuyếến khích giao tiếếp m ca vếề s khác bi t
văn hóa trong m t
Solution: Promoting cultural awareness training nhóm ho c t ch c
cũng có th nâng cao s nh n
can foster understanding and appreciation for th c và tinh tếế.
diverse communication styles. Encouraging open
dialogue about cultural differences within a team or
Rào C n Cống Ngh : Trong th i đ i kyẽ thu t sốế, s
organization can also enhance awareness and ph thu c
vào cống ngh cho giao tiếếp đ a ư ra sensitivity. nh ng
thách th c riếng. S cốế
kyẽ thu t, kếết nốếi internet kém, ho c
s khống quen v i các nếền t ng 3. Technological Barriers:
giao tiếếp có th làm gián đon luốềng thống tin.
In the digital age, reliance on technology for Gi i
pháp: Cung câếp đào t o
và hốẽ tr cống ngh
communication introduces its own set of challenges. toàn di n
có th giúp cá nhân điếều h ng ướ cống c
Technical glitches, poor internet connectivity, or
giao tiếếp kyẽ thu t sốế m t cách hi u qu . Vi c c p
unfamiliarity with communication platforms can nh t đ
nh kỳ và nguốền l c khăếc ph c s cốế có th
disrupt the flow of information. gi m b t
vâến đếề kyẽ thu t, đ m b o quá trình giao tiếếp tr n tru h ơ n. ơ
Solution: Providing comprehensive technology
training and support can empower individuals to
Thiếếu Ph n
Hốềi: Giao tiếếp là m t con đ ng ườ hai
navigate digital communication tools effectively.
chiếều, và thiếếu ph n
hốềi có th làm ch m tiếến trình.
Regular updates and troubleshooting resources can Khi ng i ườ ta khống nh n đ c ượ xác nh n ho c làm
mitigate technical issues, ensuring a smoother rõ, h có th c m thâếy
khống chăếc chăến vếề s thànhcommunication process. cống c a thống đip ca mình.4. Lack of Feedback: Gi i pháp: Thiếết l p m t
văn hóa giao tiếếp m c a,n i ơph n hốềi đ c
ượ khuyếến khích m t cách tích c c,có th gi m b t rào c n này. Ki m tra đ nh kỳ, phế
Communication is a two-way street, and a lack of bình xây d ng
và cống nh n các thống đip đã nh n
feedback can hinder progress. When individuals do đ c
ượ đếều đóng góp vào m t mối tr n ườg giao tiếếp
not receive confirmation or clarification, they may minh b ch và hiu qu hn. ơ
feel uncertain about the success of their message. Rào C n Tâm L
ý: Tâm lý có th đóng vai trò là ng i ườ
Solution: Establishing a culture of open hốẽ tr và c n tr giao tiếếp. Các c m xúc tiếu c c,
communication where feedback is actively nh căng ư th ng, lo lăếng, ho c
s frustrate, có th
encouraged can alleviate this barrier. Regular check- làm tr ng i
cho kh năng diếẽn đ t m t cách rõ
ins, constructive criticism, and acknowledgment of
ràng, trong khi s thống minh c m xúc là quan
received messages contribute to a more transparent tr ng đ hiu biếết ng i khác. ườ
and effective communication environment.
Gii pháp: Th c hi n các ch ng ươ trình qu n lý căng 5. Psychological Barriers: th ng,
t o mối tr ng
ườ làm vi c hốẽ tr và khuyếến khích đào t o vếề trí tu cm xúc có th giúp cá nhân
Emotions can act as both facilitators and barriers to điếều h n ướg và v t ượ qua rào c n
tâm lý. Khuyếến
communication. Negative emotions, such as stress, khích lòng trăếc n
và lăếng nghe tích c c cũng đóng
anxiety, or frustration, can impede one's ability to vai trò quan tr n
g trong vi c t o
ra giao tiếếp thống
express themselves clearly, while emotional minh c m xúc.
intelligence is essential for understanding others. Kếết Lu n:Solution:
Implementing stress management
programs, fostering a supportive work environment, Giao tiếếp hi u qu là nếền t ng c a mốếi quan h
and promoting emotional intelligence training can
nhân và chuyến nghi p
thành cống. Băềng cách nh n
help individuals navigate and overcome emotional di n và gi i quyếết các rào c n
giao tiếếp, cá nhân và
barriers. Encouraging empathy and active listening t ch c có th
phát trin m t mối tr ng ườ đánh giá
also play pivotal roles in creating emotionally cao s rõ ràng, hi u biếết và h p tác. Rào c n ngốn
intelligent communication.
ng và văn hóa có th đ c ượ gi m
nh thống qua giáo d c và nh n th c, thách th c cống ngh có th ệ ể Conclusion: đ c
ượ đốếi phó thống qua đào t o và hốẽ tr , và rào c n
tâm lý có th đ c ượ v t
ượ qua băềng cách thúc
Effective communication is the bedrock of successful đ y
trí tu c m
xúc và mối tr ng ườ hốẽ tr . Thống
personal and professional relationships. By qua nh ng chiếến l c
ượ này, chúng ta có th phá v
recognizing and addressing communication barriers, các rào c n giao tiếếp và m đng ườ cho nh ng mốếi
individuals and organizations can cultivate an quan h ý nghĩa h n ơ trong m t thếế gi i ngày càng
environment that values clarity, understanding, and kếết nốếi.
collaboration. Language and cultural barriers can be
mitigated through education and awareness,
technological challenges can be addressed with
training and support, and emotional barriers can be
overcome by fostering emotional intelligence and a
supportive atmosphere. Through these strategies, we
can break down communication barriers and pave
the way for more meaningful connections in an
increasingly interconnected world.

Suggest specific solutions for the following cases:
1.You assigned the group task to your member but he is not good at English language skill
2.You tried to explain the importance of the group task to your members but some of them
were chatting on the phone

3.You are trying to send your group leader a message to let him know about the reason
why you was late for the group meeting but your phone ran out of battery
Case Description Barrier Solution 1 The situation at hand
Psychological Barrier - - Provide Clear Instructions: Would give clear underscores the
Limited English Language and concise instructions for the task in simple importance of Proficiency:
language. Use bullet points, or visuals to addressing language
- Inadequate Language Skills: supplement my instructions if it is necessary barriers within the
The foremost psychological team. While the task
barrier in this context relates - Be Patient and Supportive: Most importantly, itself may be well-
to the individual's limited I have to try to be understanding and patient defined and
proficiency in the English toward that group member's language significant, the team
language. This deficiency can challenges. Create a supportive and inclusive member's limited
act as a significant team environment where everyone feels English language skills
impediment to effective comfortable sharing their ideas. pose a unique
communication within the
challenge that needs to team.
- Use Simple Language: Encourage the use of be navigated
- Communication Frustration: simple and straightforward language when effectively.
Limited language skills can discussing the task. Avoid using complex
lead to communication vocabulary or idiomatic expressions that may
frustration for the team be difficult for the member to understand. member, potentially causing them to feel anxious or self- conscious about their ability to express ideas and opinions accurately.
2 The situation involves Psychological Barrier:
- Establish Ground Rules: Politely request that a group task
- Distractions: The primary team members silence their phones or put
explanation where you, barrier here is distractions them on vibrate mode and refrain from texting as the leader or
caused by phone usage. This or taking calls during the meeting. communicator, are can hinder
effective - Engage and Interact: Use storytelling, visuals, trying to convey the
communication and prevent or real-life examples to make the task's
importance of the task team members from grasping importance relatable and interesting.
to your team members. the importance of the task.

Encourage questions and discussions to involve Some team members
- Lack of Engagement: Phone team members actively. are not paying
usage indicates a lack of - Individual Follow-up: Talk to those who were attention and are
engagement or interest in the on their phones privately and ask if they have instead engaged in
topic being discussed, which any questions or concerns about the task. Offer
phone conversations or can impact team morale and additional explanations or clarifications to texting. productivity.
ensure everyone understands.
- Regularly seek feedback from your team
about the effectiveness of your communication
and any barriers they face. Use this feedback to
refine your communication strategies and adapt to their needs.
- Lead by Example: Show your dedication to
the task by actively participating in
discussions, being attentive, and refraining
from phone usage during meetings. Lead by
example to encourage others to follow suit.
3 In this situation, you
Physical barriers: The main - Use Another Device: If you have access to are attempting to
barrier in this situation is the another device (like a computer or a friend's inform your group
lack of a functional phone due phone), you can use it to send a message to leader about the
to a drained battery. This your group leader. You can use email, a reason for your prevents you
from messaging app like Messenger, Zalo, or any lateness to the group
communicating with your other platform you typically communicate
meeting. However, you group leader using the typical through. encounter the barrier methods of
instant - Write a Note: If you don't have access to any of your phone running
messaging, calling, or texting.
other device, you can write a brief note out of battery, which
explaining the reason for your lateness. You prevents you from
can then either hand it to your group leader in directly sending a
person (if you're at the meeting location) or message.
ask a member to pass it on for you.
- Use a Public Computer or Phone: If you're in a
public place or a library, you might find a
computer or phone that you can use
temporarily to send a message. Just ensure you
log out of any accounts when you're finished.
- Seek Assistance from Others: If you're in a
public space, consider asking someone nearby
if you can make a quick call or send a message explaining your situation.
- Charge Your Phone Quickly: If you have access
to a charger and an outlet, try charging your
phone for a few minutes to gain enough power
to send a brief message. Explain the situation
to your group leader as soon as your phone has enough charge.

- Inform Someone in the Group: If you have a
trusted team member's contact information
memorized, you can ask them to pass along the
message to the group leader on your behalf.

The key is to communicate your situation as
soon as possible to let your group leader know

why you were late. Apologize for the delay and
assure them that you will be there as soon as
possible. Communication is important in such
situations to maintain transparency and
professionalism within the group.
Case Description Barriers Solutions 1 Sender is
Language problems are For sender: assigning the what the receiver is
Speak slowly, avoid using advanced group task to dealing with in this
words, use the most basic concept: help members.
situation. Due to a lack of
the listener to attain as much information linguistic skills, the as possible.. receiver cannot
Provide language resources, such as One member understand the dictionary. team is having communication.
Using more body language to express the problems when information. trying to receive Communication
Divide the task into smaller pieces: help information
frustration: results from
the receiver easier to process the task. from the sender unclear expression, For receiver: due to lack of misinterpretation,
Improve English skills, especially listening English differing cultural or skill. language skill.
contextual backgrounds, Pay full attention. emotional barriers, or
Ask questions immediately when having inadequate feedback,
trouble in processing information. leading to frustration, confusion, and hindered progress in effective communication. 2 Group leader
Nonverbal distractions:
Remove distractions: Ask your team tried to explain
The receiver can't hear
members to put their phones away and to the importance what the sender has to
find a quiet place to work. of the group task
say because of the phone's
Explain the importance of the task: to members, but distraction..
Make sure your team members some of them
Lack of interest: They
understand why the task is important and were chatting on
may not be interested in
how it contributes to the overall goal of the phone. This
the task or they may not the group. is a problem understand why it is
Be assertive: Speak clearly and because it shows important.
confidently, and make eye contact with that they are not
Disrespect: They may your team members. paying attention
not respect the leader or to the leader or leader’s authority. to the task at hand. This can lead to misunderstandin gs, missed deadlines, and poor quality work. 3 Problem:
Physical barriers which For sender: Your phone ran prevent effective
An alternative way: Borrow a out of battery communication. This is
colleague's phone or use a computer to so you cannot the main barrier that
send an email or a message through a explain the
prevents you contacting messaging app. reason for being the group leader to
Be Prompt: send a brief message late explain the reason for
explaining your situation and the reason. being late. Take Responsibility: Accept
responsibility and assure that you will
make every effort to avoid such situations in the future.
Plan Ahead: In the future, plan to charge your phone. For receiver:
Establish Backup Communication:
Have alternative communication channels
in place, such as an email address or
secondary phone number, for urgent messages.
Check Other Platforms: Regularly
monitor other communication tools, like
email or messaging apps, in case of urgent messages from group members.
Show Understanding: Be understanding
and flexible when a group member
informs you of technical difficulties causing their delay.

3. Give examples of Written, Oral and Electronic communication channels Written Communication: Examples:
Emails: Sending and receiving messages electronically through email platforms.
Reports: Comprehensive documents providing information, analysis, and recommendations.
Letters: Formal written communication often used for official or external correspondence.
Memoranda (Memos): Brief written messages within an organization for internal communication.
Notes: Handwritten or typed brief messages for informal communication. Oral Communication: Examples:
Face-to-Face Meetings: Direct communication between individuals in person.
Phone Conversations: Verbal communication over the phone.
Presentations: Delivering information verbally to an audience.
Interviews: Conversations between an interviewer and interviewee.
Team Briefings: Informal discussions within a team or group. Electronic Communication: Examples:
Video Conferencing: Virtual meetings using platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Instant Messaging: Real-time text communication through platforms like Slack or WhatsApp.
Social Media: Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for public communication.
Blogs: Online articles or posts conveying information or opinions.
Podcasts: Digital audio files for delivering content to a listening audience.
4. Explain Information flow model including Upward, Downward and Horizontal flow and
describe some formal channels in each one)

The Information Flow Model is a conceptual framework that describes how information is
communicated within an organization. It highlights three primary directions of
communication: upward, downward, and horizontal. Each direction serves specific
purposes and involves different channels of communication. Here's an overview of each:

1. Upward Communication:
Definition: Upward communication refers to the flow of information from
lower levels of an organization to higher levels.
Purpose: It enables employees to share feedback, suggestions, and information
with their managers or higher-ups.
Formal Channels:
Employee Surveys: Organizations often conduct surveys to gather
feedback and opinions from employees.
Performance Appraisals: Employees communicate their
achievements, challenges, and development needs during performance reviews.
Grievance Redressal Systems: Employees can use formal systems to
communicate grievances and seek resolution.
2. Downward Communication:
Definition: Downward communication involves the flow of information from
higher levels of an organization to lower levels.
Purpose: It is used to convey instructions, policies, goals, and other important information to employees. Formal Channels:
Memos and Emails: Management can use written communication,
such as memos and emails, to disseminate information.
Policy Manuals: Organizations often provide employees with
manuals outlining company policies and procedures.
Team Meetings: Managers conduct meetings to communicate goals,
expectations, and updates to their teams.
3. Horizontal Communication:
Definition: Horizontal communication involves the exchange of information
among individuals or departments at the same organizational level.
Purpose: It facilitates coordination, collaboration, and problem-solving among peers or colleagues. Formal Channels:
Departmental Meetings: Different departments may hold regular
meetings to discuss projects, share information, and coordinate activities.
Intranet Portals: Organizations often have internal communication
platforms where employees from different departments can share information.
Cross-functional Teams: Teams composed of members from different
departments work together to achieve specific goals, fostering horizontal communication.
Each of these communication directions and formal channels is essential for the smooth
functioning of an organization. Effective communication ensures that information is
shared, understood, and acted upon appropriately, contributing to the overall success and
productivity of the organization.

5. How do you know about ethical behaviors? Give examples of positive and negative ethical behaviors
Ethical behavior involves aligning one's conduct with accepted principles of right and
wrong, rooted in cultural, societal, religious, or philosophical beliefs. It is crucial in
personal, professional, and societal contexts, encompassing honesty, respect, responsibility,
fairness, compassion, and more. Ethical decision-making, often complex and context-
dependent, requires thoughtful consideration and adherence to high moral standards.
Promoting ethical behavior fosters trust, respect, and positive relationships, contributing
to the development of a moral and responsible community.
Positive Ethical Behaviors:
1. Honesty and Integrity:
Positive Example: Providing accurate information, being truthful in all
dealings, and maintaining consistency in actions and values.
2. Respect for Others:
Positive Example: Treating others with dignity, empathy, and courtesy,
regardless of differences in background, beliefs, or position.
3. Responsibility:
Positive Example: Taking ownership of one's actions, fulfilling obligations,
and being accountable for decisions and their consequences.
4. Fairness and Justice:
Positive Example: Treating all individuals equitably, ensuring impartiality in
decision-making, and promoting fairness in the distribution of resources or opportunities.
5. Caring and Compassion:
Positive Example: Demonstrating concern for the well-being of others,
showing kindness, and offering support to those in need.
6. Civic and Social Responsibility:
Positive Example: Contributing to the community, participating in
charitable activities, and engaging in environmentally sustainable practices.
Negative Ethical Behaviors:
1. Dishonesty and Deception:
Negative Example: Providing false information, lying, or engaging in
deceitful practices to achieve personal or organizational goals.
2. Disrespect and Discrimination:
Negative Example: Treating others disrespectfully, engaging in
discriminatory practices based on factors such as race, gender, or religion.
3. Irresponsibility:
Negative Example: Avoiding accountability, failing to fulfill obligations, and
neglecting responsibilities that can harm individuals or organizations.
4. Unfair Treatment:
Negative Example: Favoritism, discrimination, or biased decision-making
that results in unjust treatment of certain individuals or groups.
5. Lack of Empathy:
Negative Example: Ignoring the needs and feelings of others, showing
indifference to the suffering or challenges faced by colleagues or stakeholders.
6. Unethical Business Practices:
Negative Example: Engaging in fraud, bribery, corruption, or other activities
that violate legal and moral standards in the business environment. Gi i Thiu:Introduction: Hành vi đ o đ c là nếền t ng c a m t xã h i cống
Ethical behavior is the foundation of a just and băềng và đ o đ c.
Nó bao gốềm m t b nguyến tăếc
moral society. It encompasses a set of principles that
hướng dâẽn cá nhân phân bi t
đúng sai và đ a ư ra
guide individuals in distinguishing right from wrong quyếết đ nh
duy trì s cống băềng, trung th c và chính
and making decisions that uphold fairness, honesty, tr c. Nh n th c
vếề hành vi đ o đ c là quan tr ng
and integrity. Recognizing ethical behaviors is đ phát tri n cá nhân, t o
ra mốếi quan h kh e
crucial for personal growth, fostering healthy m n
h và duy trì s phốền th nh c a c ng đốềng.
relationships, and maintaining the overall well-being Trong bài lu n n
ày, chúng ta seẽ khám phá khái ni m
of communities. In this essay, we will explore the vếề hành vi đ o đ c,
cung câếp ví d vếề c hành vi tích
concept of ethical behavior, providing examples of c c
và tiếu c c đ minh h a
tác đ ng c a quyếết
both positive and negative behaviors to illustrate the đ nh đo đc.
impact of ethical decision-making. Hành Vi Đ o Đc Tích Cc:
Positive Ethical Behaviors: 1.
Chân Thành và Minh Bch: Hành vi đ o1.
Honesty and Transparency: Positive đ c tích c c
bao gốềm s chân thành và minh b ch
ethical behavior involves being truthful and trong m i t ng ươ tác. Nh ng ng i ườ u ư tiến chân
transparent in all interactions. Individuals who thành xây d ng niếềm tin v i ng i ườ khác và đóng
prioritize honesty build trust with others and góp vào vi c
t o ra m t mối tr ng ườ n i ơ giao tiếếp
contribute to the creation of an environment where m c a phát tri n. Ví d , m t nhân viến th a nh n
open communication thrives. For example, an sai lâềm t i n i ơ làm vi c và đ m nh n trách nhi m
employee who admits a mistake at work and takes là ng i th ườ c hin hành vi đ o đ c tích cc.
responsibility for it demonstrates positive ethical 2.
Tôn Trng Ngườ i Khác: Đốếi x v i người behavior. khác m t cách tốn tr ng là m t khía c nh cơ b n2.
Respect for Others: Treating others with c a hành vi đ o đ c.
Điếều này bao gốềm nh n biếết và
respect is a fundamental aspect of ethical conduct. đánh giá s đa d ng,
đánh giá ý kiếến c a ng i ườ
This includes recognizing and appreciating diversity, khác và th c
hành lòng thống c m. M t ng i ườ lãnh
valuing the opinions of others, and practicing đ o
lăếng nghe và xem xét quan đi m c a các thành
empathy. A leader who listens to and considers the
viến trong nhóm, ngay c khi chúng khác nhau, th
perspectives of team members, even when they differ, hi n hành vi đ ệ ạo đ c tích cc.
exhibits positive ethical behavior. 3.
Chính Trc: Chính tr c bao gốềm vi c duy 3.
Integrity: Integrity involves maintaining
trì s nhâết quán trong nguyến tăếc và hành đ ng c a
consistency in one's principles and actions. m t ng i. ườ Nh ng ng i ườ có chính tr c tuân theo
Individuals with integrity adhere to a strong moral m t mã đ o đ c m nh meẽ, ngay c khi đốếi m t v i
code, even when faced with challenging
hoàn cnh khó khăn. Ví d , m t chuyến gia kinh
circumstances. For instance, a business professional doanh t chốếi tham
gia vào các hành vi phi đ o đc,
who refuses to engage in unethical practices, despite m c dù có áp l c
t bến ngoài, làm thâếy hành vi đo
external pressure, demonstrates positive ethical đ c tích c c.behavior. 4.
Công Bằằng và Công Lý: Hành vi đ o đ c4.
Fairness and Justice: Ethical behavior yếu câều cam kếết v i
s cống băềng và cống lý. Điếều
requires a commitment to fairness and justice. This
này bao gốềm đốếi x vi tâết c m i ng i ườ m t cách
involves treating all individuals impartially and
cống băềng và đ m b o răềng quyếết đ nh đ c đ ượ a ư ra
ensuring that decisions are made without bias. An mà khống có đ chch. M
t ví d vếề hành vi đo đc
example of positive ethical behavior is a manager tích c c là m t qu n
lý phân phốếi nguốền l c ho c
who allocates resources or opportunities based on c h ơ i d
a trến cống băềng thay vì s thiến v.
merit rather than favoritism. Hành Vi Đ o Đc Tiếu Cc:1.
Châất Vâấn và La Dôấi: Hành vi đ o đ c tiếu
Negative Ethical Behaviors: c c liến
quan đếến s châết vâến, l a dốếi ho c githống tin m t
cách ch ý. Nh ng ng i ườ tham gia vào các th c hành la dốếi làm gi m
mâết niếềm tin và 1.
Dishonesty and Deception: Negative đe d a tính chính tr c c a mốếi quan h cá nhân. Ví
ethical behavior involves dishonesty, deception, or d , m t
sinh viến gian l n trong cống vi c đang th
the intentional withholding of information. hi n hành vi đ ệ ạo đ c tiếu cc.
Individuals who engage in deceptive practices erode 2.
Không Tôn Trng và Phân Bit Đôấi X:
trust and compromise the integrity of interpersonal Hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c
có th th hi n qua s
relationships. For instance, a student who plagiarizes khống tốn tr ng, phân bi t
đốếi x ho c s đ y lùi
work is exhibiting negative ethical behavior. ng i khác ườ d a tr
ến các yếếu tốế nh ư ch ng t c, gi i2.
Disrespect and Discrimination: Ethical tính ho c đ a v kinh tếế. M t
nhân viến tham gia vào
misconduct can manifest as disrespect, hành vi phân bi t đốếi x , t o ra mối tr ng ườ làm
discrimination, or the marginalization of others vi c
khống thân thi n, th hi n hành vi đ o đ c
based on factors such as race, gender, or tiếu c c.
socioeconomic status. An employee who engages in 3.
Thiếấu Chính Trc: S thiếếu chính trc bao
discriminatory behavior, creating a hostile work gốềm s khống nhâết quán gi a giá tr tuyến bốế và
environment, exemplifies negative ethical conduct. hành vi th c tếế. Nh ng ng i
ườ hy sinh nguyến tăếc 3.
Lack of Integrity: A lack of integrity c a mình vì l i
ích cá nhân ho c thu n ti n th
involves inconsistency between one's stated values
hin hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c. Ví d , m t nhân v t
and actual behavior. Individuals who compromise cống c n
g tham gia vào các hành vi tham nhũng trái
their principles for personal gain or convenience v i cam kếết lãnh đ o đo đc c a mình.
demonstrate negative ethical behavior. For example, 4.
Đôấi X Không Công Bằằng: Hành vi đ o
a public figure who engages in corrupt practices đ c
tiếu c c bao gốềm đốếi x khống cống băềng, s
contradicts their professed commitment to ethical
thiến v ho c
thao túng hoàn c nh đ l i ích b nleadership. thân mà làm t n th ng ươ ng i ườ khác. M t qu n 4.
Unfair Treatment: Negative ethical th hin s thiến v đốếi vi nhân viến c th, b qua
behavior includes unfair treatment, favoritism, or nh ng ng i
ườ khác, th hi n hành vi đ o đ c tiếu
the manipulation of circumstances to benefit oneself c c làm suy gi
m tinh thâền đốềng đi và s găến kếết.
at the expense of others. A manager who shows
favoritism toward certain employees, neglecting
others, engages in negative ethical behavior that
Kếết Lu n:
undermines team morale and cohesion. Hi u
vếề hành vi đ o đ c là quan tr ng cho s phốền Conclusion: thnh c a
cá nhân, t ch c và toàn xã h i. Hành vi đo đ c tích c c, ch ng
hn như chân thành, tốn
trng, chính tr c
và cống băềng, đóng góp vào vi c
Understanding ethical behaviors is essential for the xây d n
g niếềm tin và t o ra mốếi quan h kh e
well-being of individuals, organizations, and society m nh. Ng c ượ l i, hành vi đ o đ c tiếu c c, đ c
as a whole. Positive ethical behaviors, such as tr ng b
ư i s châết
vâến, khống tốn tr ng, thiếếu chính
honesty, respect, integrity, and fairness, contribute to tr c
và đốếi x khống cống băềng, làm suy gi m niếềm
the establishment of trust and the cultivation of tin và có th dâẽn đếến h u
qu có h i. Băềng cách
healthy relationships. On the contrary, negative nh n din
và khuyếến khích hành vi đ o đc tích cc,
ethical behaviors, characterized by dishonesty, chúng ta có th cùng nhau làm vi c đ t o ra m t
disrespect, a lack of integrity, and unfair treatment, thếế gi i n i
ơ chính trc, cống băềng và tốn tr ng là
erode trust and can lead to detrimental nguyến tăếc h
ng dâẽn quyếết đ ướ nh và tng tác. ươ
consequences. By recognizing and promoting
positive ethical behaviors, we can collectively work
towards creating a world where integrity, fairness,
and respect are the guiding principles in decision- making and interactions.

Topic 3: Communicating at work
Revise different kinds of writing thank-you email (Thanks for gifts, favor or hospitality)
Thank-You Email for a Favor/Gift
How to write an email to a manager
Dear [Recipient's Name],
(problems and suggested solutions)
I trust this message finds you well. I am Dear [Manager's Name],
writing to express my deepest gratitude for I hope this message finds you well. I am
the recent favor/gift you extended to me. reaching out to discuss some challenges
Your generosity has truly touched my heart, that have surfaced in our current work
and I wanted to take a moment to convey environment. It is my intention to not only my appreciation.

highlight these issues but also to propose
Reasons for Writing: I wanted to convey potential solutions that could contribute to
my sincere thanks for the [describe the favor a more effective and positive workplace.
or gift] you graciously provided. Your
Identified Problems:
kindness has not gone unnoticed, and I am
1. Briefly outline the specific problems
genuinely grateful for your thoughtfulness.
or challenges being faced. Be clear
Details of the Favor/Gift: The [favor/gift]
and concise in describing each issue.
you offered is truly [describe the favor or Proposed Solutions:
gift in detail]. The [mention specific details]
1. Offer practical and constructive
added a special touch that did not go
solutions to address each identified unnoticed.
problem. Provide detailed
Utilization of the Favor/Gift: I wanted to
explanations for each proposed
let you know that I have [used or plan to solution.
use] the [favor/gift] in [describe how and
2. Ensure that the suggested solutions
when you have or plan to use it]. It has
align with the overall goals and
already [describe any positive impact or joy
values of the organization. it has brought]. Request for Discussion:
Importance/Significance: The
1. Express a desire for open
[favor/gift] holds great importance for me
communication and collaboration.
because [explain why it is important or
2. Invite your manager to share their
meaningful to you]. Your gesture has made
insights on the challenges and
a positive impact on my [mention any proposed solutions.
aspect of life or work it has influenced].
3. Offer to schedule a meeting or
Promises and Wishes: I want to assure
discussion to delve deeper into the
you that I will [mention any promises or matter if necessary.
commitments related to the favor/gift]. Closing: In conclusion, I believe that by
Your kindness inspires me, and I look addressing these challenges proactively, we
forward to [express any wishes or hopes can contribute to a more harmonious and
related to the relationship or future productive work environment. I appreciate interactions].

your time and consideration in reviewing
Ending: Once again, thank you from the these proposed solutions.
bottom of my heart for your [favor/gift].
Signature: Best regards,
Your generosity has brightened my day, and [Your Full Name]
I am truly grateful for your presence in my [Your Job Title] life.

[Your Contact Information]
Signature: Warm regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Requesting Dear [Manager's Name], time off
I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request time off from work for a
vacation. After careful consideration and planning, I have chosen the following dates for my
Start Date: [insert start date]
End Date: [insert end date]

I have taken steps to ensure that my current projects and responsibilities are up to date.
[Optional: If applicable, you may want to mention any colleagues who will be assisting during
your absence.] I am committed to providing any necessary information or documentation to
facilitate a smooth workflow in my absence.

I believe that taking this time off will allow me to return to work with a refreshed perspective
and increased productivity. I am confident in the team's ability to manage during my absence
and will make myself available for any questions or concerns prior to my departure.

Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete for this
request to be processed. I am happy to provide any additional information or discuss this further if needed.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your consideration of my request. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Asking a Dear [Manager's Name], question related to
I trust you are doing well. I am reaching out to seek clarification on a matter related to our the
workplace. I have come across [specific situation or topic] and would appreciate your insights workplace
to better understand the context and procedures involved.
If it suits your schedule, could we arrange a brief meeting or discussion at your earliest
convenience? Alternatively, if it's more appropriate, I am open to addressing this through email.

Your guidance is invaluable, and I believe your input will help me navigate this situation more effectively.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Providing Dear [Manager's Name], confirmatio n on a
I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have successfully completed completed
the task assigned to me – [provide a brief description of the task]. I wanted to ensure you are task
aware of the progress and that it meets the expectations outlined.
If there are any additional steps or if you require further details about the task, please do not
hesitate to let me know. I am more than happy to provide any necessary information.

I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this project and look forward to your feedback.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Requesting
Subject: Request for Deadline Extension an extension Dear [Manager's Name], for a task's deadline
I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the deadline for the task assigned to
me – [briefly describe the task]. As I have been working on it, unforeseen challenges have
arisen that could impact the quality and completeness of the final deliverable.

In light of these challenges, I am kindly requesting an extension of [proposed extension
duration] to ensure that I can meet and exceed the expectations set for this task. I am
committed to delivering a high-quality output, and the extension will allow me the necessary
time to address the issues and produce the best possible results.

I understand the importance of timely project completion and will make every effort to
minimize any potential impact on the overall timeline. I am more than willing to discuss this
further or provide additional details if needed.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your consideration of this request. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Offering
Subject: Expression of Gratitude thanks and expressing Dear [Manager's Name], gratitude
I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your
guidance and support. Your leadership has been instrumental in my professional
development, and I want to convey my appreciation for the opportunities you have provided
and the trust you have placed in me.

I am truly grateful for the positive work environment you cultivate, which fosters teamwork
and encourages innovation. Your mentorship has not only enhanced my skills but has also
inspired confidence in my abilities.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our team's success and for being a source of
inspiration. I am honored to be a part of this dynamic team and am eager to contribute to our collective achievements.

If there is anything specific you would like to discuss or address, please feel free to let me
know. Once again, thank you for your leadership and support.
Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Sharing
Subject: Important Information Regarding [Task/Project Name] important information Dear [Manager's Name], regarding a task or
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to share some crucial information regarding the project
[task/project name] that I believe requires your attention.
[Provide a concise summary of the information or updates you want to share. Include any key
details, milestones, challenges, or decisions that need managerial input.]

I value your insights and guidance, and I believe your input is essential in ensuring the success
of this [task/project]. If possible, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further
with you at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am committed to the success of this initiative
and look forward to your valuable input.
Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Complain
Subject: Concerns and Proposed Solutions about something Dear [Manager's Name], and suggest some
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention some concerns I have solutions
identified regarding [specific issue]. I believe addressing these concerns proactively will
contribute to a more efficient and productive work environment. I also have some suggested
solutions that I believe could help alleviate these challenges.

[Clearly and concisely outline the nature of your complaint. Provide any relevant details or
examples to support your concerns.]

I understand the importance of maintaining a positive working atmosphere, and I am
confident that with some adjustments, we can overcome these challenges. To that end, I
propose the following solutions:

[Suggested Solution 1]: [Briefly describe the first solution and how it addresses the issue.]
[Suggested Solution 2]: [Briefly describe the second solution and its potential impact.]
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these concerns and solutions with you further.
Perhaps we could schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience to explore these ideas and
collaborate on finding the most effective course of action.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate your commitment to the success of
our team and am confident that by working together, we can enhance our work environment.
Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]
3. Thank-You Email for Hospitality:
Subject: Gratitude for Your Warm Hospitality Dear [Host's Name],
I trust you are doing well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for the
warm hospitality you extended during my recent visit to your home. From the moment I
arrived, I felt incredibly welcomed, and your attention to detail did not go unnoticed.

Your graciousness made my stay enjoyable and memorable. I am truly fortunate to have
friends/family like you. I appreciate the effort you put into ensuring everyone felt comfortable.

Looking forward to the next time we can get together. Thank you again for your kindness. Warm regards, [Your Name]
4. Write an email to your manager after you got his gift (including 4 music festival
tickets and 1 week-family holiday package) after you won the best business performance of the year
Dear [Manager's Name],
I trust this message finds you well. I want to express my sincere appreciation for the
generous gifts following the recognition of winning the Best Business Performance of the Year.

The music festival tickets and the one-week family holiday package are extraordinary,
surpassing any expectations I had. I'm thrilled about the upcoming music festival, planning
a delightful weekend with close friends. The family holiday is a cherished gift, and I eagerly
anticipate utilizing it for a week of quality time with my loved ones.

The significance of these gifts goes beyond their material value. They symbolize not just
professional achievement but also the unwavering support and encouragement from you
and the entire team. Your recognition has been pivotal to my success and serves as a
constant motivation to strive for excellence.

I assure you that I will make the most of these gifts, creating lasting memories with family
and friends. Your generosity has not only impacted my life but has also inspired me to
contribute positively within our team.

Thank you once again for your kindness and support. I am genuinely grateful for the trust
you have placed in me and look forward to furthering our collective success.
Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [RECIPIENT NAME],
I would like to extend and show my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the [DETAIL]
that the company provided me last [DATE 1]. I can say that the company never forgets to
cherish and recognize my hard work and efforts.
I am truly grateful and happy for the gift.
Thank You Letter For Gift From Boss [DATE] Dear [RECIPIENT NAME],
I would like to thank you for the [DETAILS] you gave me last [DATE]. It was such a pleasant
surprise to have received a wonderful gift from someone I truly look up to. This blessing
will not go in vain, as it is very important to my work, and I hope to be able to repay this
act of kindness from you by taking further strides to improve my work.

Again, thank you for the good thoughts. My gratitude does not end here. All the best. Regards, [YOUR SIGNATURE] [YOUR NAME]
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [RECIPIENT NAME],
This letter is written to express my heartfelt gratitude for the [DETAIL] I received on [DATE
1] in honor of the newly opened branches of your business. I appreciate the valuable time
and effort you have spent in selecting the gift and I will truly treasure it.

I sincerely look forward to the future transactions with both of our companies and I thank
you once again for the thoughtful gesture.
2.Writing an email to a manager (problems and suggested solutions)
Write an email to your manager to complain about the old facilities
(fans/printers/computers...) in your office and suggest some relevant solutions.
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention some concerns
regarding the state of the facilities in our office. Over time, I have observed issues with
several elements, including fans, printers, and computers, which I believe are affecting our
overall productivity and comfort.
1. Fans:
The fans in our office appear to be outdated, and as a result, they are not providing
sufficient cooling. This has become noticeable, especially during warmer days. It not only
affects our comfort but also has the potential to impact our focus and efficiency.
Consider installing more modern and energy-efficient fans that can adequately regulate
the temperature in the office.
2. Printers:
The printers frequently experience malfunctions, leading to delays in printing essential
documents. This not only disrupts our workflow but also causes frustration among the team.
Evaluate the possibility of upgrading our printers or implementing a regular maintenance
schedule to ensure they function optimally.
3. Computers:
Many of the computers in the office are noticeably slow, affecting the pace at which tasks
can be completed. This not only hampers individual productivity but also impacts our
collective ability to meet deadlines.
Explore the feasibility of upgrading our computers to more advanced models that can
handle the demands of our work efficiently.

I understand that budget considerations play a crucial role in such decisions. However, I
believe that addressing these concerns will contribute to a more comfortable and
productive work environment. Upgrading these facilities could potentially result in long-
term cost savings and improved employee satisfaction.

I am happy to discuss these concerns further or provide additional information if needed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on potential solutions.
Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]
Topic 5: Professionalism, Teamwork, Meetings
1. Define/Analyse Professional Behavior with 6 key factors

Define/Analyse Professional Behavior with 6
**Hành vi chuyến nghi p: Đ nh
nghĩa và Phân tích key factors v i Sáu Y
ếếu tốế Quan tr ng**
Hành vi chuyến nghi p
đóng vai trò nh ư viến đá cơ
Professional behavior serves as the cornerstone of ả ự ọ ự ệ ả
success in any career, influencing how individuals are
b n cho s thành cống trong m i s nghi p, nh ưở ườ
perceived and their ability to navigate the h ng đếến cách ng
i khác đánh giá cá nhân và kh năng c a
h trong vic điếều h ng ướ nh ng
complexities of the workplace. This essay aims to ứ ạ ủ ườ ệ ể ậ
define and analyze professional behavior, ph c t p c a mối tr
ng làm vi c. Bài ti u lu n ụ ị
emphasizing six key factors that contribute to a
này nhăềm m c đích đ nh nghĩa và phân tích hành vi chuyến nghi p, t p trung
vào sáu yếếu tốế quan tr ng
polished and ethical professional demeanor. góp phâền vào m t
tâm hốền chuyến nghi p l ch lãm và đ o đ c.
Civility – Respect for Others: Civility is the
foundation of professional behavior, encapsulating
1. **L ch s - Tốn tr ng Ngi khác:** ườ
the virtue of respecting others. In a professional
Lch s là nếền t ng c a
hành vi chuyến nghi p,
setting, this extends beyond mere politeness; it bao gốềm đ c tính tốn tr ng ng i
ườ khác. Trong mối
involves actively acknowledging the worth and
trường chuyến nghi p, điếều này v t ượ xa kh i s lch
contributions of colleagues. A professional individual s đn ơ gi n
; nó liến quan đếến vi c
chú ý cống băềng
demonstrates civility by promoting an atmosphere of đốếi v i
giá tr và đóng góp c a đốềng đ i. Ng i ườ
respect, valuing diverse perspectives, and treating chuyến nghi p th hi n
s lch s băềng cách t o ra others with courtesy. m t
khống khí tốn tr ng, đánh giá quan đi m đa d ng và đốếi x vi ngi khác m ườ t cách l ộ ịch s .
Polish – First Impressions, Voice Quality, Listening:
Polish in professional behavior 2. **S Lch Lãm - ÂẤn T ng
ượ Đâều Tiến, Châết L ng ượ
encompasses the art of making a positive first Gi ng Nói, Nghe Hiu:**
impression. This includes attention to personal S l ch
lãm trong hành vi chuyến nghi p bao gốềm
grooming, attire, and the ability to present oneself ngh thu t
t o ra âến tượng tích c c.
Điếều này bao
with confidence. Additionally, voice quality and gốềm s chú ý đếến vi c chăm sóc b n thân, trang
active listening contribute to professional polish. An ph c
và kh năng trình bày b n thân v i
s t tin.
individual who communicates clearly, articulates Ngoài ra, châết l ng ượ gi n
g nói và vi c lăếng nghe
thoughts effectively, and actively engages in tích c c
cũng đóng góp vào s l ch lãm chuyến
attentive listening projects an image of competence nghi p. Ng i ườ có th giao tiếếp m t cách rõ ràng, and professionalism. diếẽn đ t ý kiếến m t cách hi u qu và tham gia tích c c
trong vi c lăếng nghe t o ra hình nh vếề năng
Manners – Table Manner and Dining Etiquette: l c và chuyến nghip.
Manners play a crucial role in shaping professional
behavior, extending even to the dining table. Table

3. **Lốếi C xư - Lốếi ng x
và Etiquette Ăn Uốếng:**
manners and dining etiquette are not mere Lốếi c x ư đóng m t
vai trò quyếết đ nh trong vi c
formalities; they reflect an individual's
đ nh hình hành vi chuyến nghip, m rng đếến thm
understanding of social norms and their ability to chí c bàn ăn. Lốếi c x ư quy tăếc ng
x khi ăn
navigate diverse social situations. Professionals with
uốếng khống ch là nh ng th t c đ n ơ thuâền; chúng
polished manners showcase a level of sophistication ph n ánh s hiu biếết c a
cá nhân vếề quy tăếc xã h i
và kh năng điếều h
ng trong các tình huốếng xã h ướ i
and adaptability that contributes to positive đa d ng. Nh ng ng i ườchuyến nghi p v i
lốếi cư x
interpersonal relationships. tốết th hin s tinh tếế và s linh ho t, đóng góp vào
mốếi quan h xã hi tích c c.
Social Intelligence – Sensitivity, Perception of
4. **Thống Minh Xã h i - S Nh y bén, Nh n th c vếề
Others and Situations: Social intelligence involves Ng
i và Tình huốếng:** ườ
the ability to navigate social complexities with Thống minh xã h i
liến quan đếến kh năng điếều
finesse. It includes sensitivity to the emotions and h ng nh ướ ng ph c t p xã h i m t
cách lến men. Nó
needs of others, as well as a keen perception of bao gốềm s nhy bén đốếi v i c m
xúc và nhu câều
various social situations. A professionally adept c a
người khác, cũng như kh năng nh n th c
individual possesses the skill to interact effectively in ràng
diverse settings, demonstrating an understanding of
social dynamics and adapting behavior accordingly.

vếề nhiếều tình huốếng xã h i khác nhau. Ng i ườ có kyẽ năng chuyến nghi p
cao th hi n
kh năng t ng ươ
Soft Skills – Personal Qualities, Habits, tác hi u qu tr
ong nhiếều bốếi c nh, th hi n s hiu
Attitudes, Communication Skills: Soft skills are biếết vếề đ ng l c xã h i
và điếều ch nh hành vi phù
the intangible qualities that contribute to effective h p.
professional behavior. This encompasses personal
attributes, habits, attitudes, and communication

5. **Kyẽ Năng Mếềm - Đ c Đi m
Cá Nhân, Thói quen,
skills that go beyond technical expertise. Thái Đ , K
yẽ Năng Giao Tiếếp:**
Professionals with strong soft skills exhibit qualities
Kyẽ năng mếềm là nh ng đ c đi m khống th chm
such as adaptability, teamwork, leadership, and
được góp phâền vào hành vi chuyến nghi p hiu qu.
effective communication, fostering a positive and
Điếều này bao gốềm các đ c đi m
cá nhân, thói quen,
collaborative work environment. thái đ và
kyẽ năng giao tiếếp v t
ượ xa kh năng kyẽ thu t. Nh ng ng i ườ chuyến nghi p v i kyẽ năng
Ethics – Integrity, Honesty, Desire to Treat mếềm m nh
meẽ th hin các đ c
tính như s linh
Others with Respect: Ethics form the ethical ho t,
làm vi c nhóm, lãnh đ o
và giao tiếếp hi u
framework of professional behavior, reflecting an qu ,
góp phâền vào m t mối tr ng ườ làm vi c tích
individual's commitment to integrity, honesty, and c c và h p tác.
treating others with respect. A professional with a
strong ethical foundation adheres to moral
6. **Đ o Đ c - Trung Th c, Tốn Tr ng Ng i ườ
principles, maintains transparency, and upholds a Khác:**
desire to create an environment where fairness and Đ o đ c t o
nến khung chuyến nghi p, ph n ánh integrity prevail. cam kếết c a
cá nhân đốếi v i trung th c, tốn tr ng
và mong muốến đốếi x v i ng i ườ khác m t cách l ch
Analyzing Professional Behavior: Professional s . Ng i ườ chuyến nghi p v i nếền t ng đ o đ c ứ ữ ạ ứ ự
behavior, when analyzed through these six key
v ng chăếc tuân theo nguyến tăếc đ o đ c, duy trì s
factors, reveals a multifaceted approach to minh b ch
và cam kếết t o ra m t mối tr ng ườ cống
navigating the complexities of the professional
băềng và chính tr c.
realm. An individual who embodies civility, polish,
manners, social intelligence, soft skills, and ethics

**Phân Tích Hành Vi Chuyến Nghi p:**
contributes to a positive workplace culture and
Hành vi chuyến nghi p, khi đ c
ượ phân tích thống ọ ộ ộ
builds strong professional relationships. These
qua sáu yếếu tốế quan tr ng này, tiếết l m t cách tiếếp ậ ể ướ ữ ứ ạ
factors collectively create a well-rounded
c n đa chiếều đ điếều h ng nh ng ph c t p trong
professional who not only excels in their tasks but lĩnh v c chuyến nghi p.
Người biu hi n lch s , s
also elevates the overall work environment. l ch
lãm, lốếi cư x ,
thống minh xã h i,
kyẽ năng mếềm ạ ứ ộ ệ
In conclusion, professional behavior is a nuanced
và đ o đ c đóng góp vào m t văn hóa làm vi c tích
blend of interpersonal skills, ethical considerations, c c và xây d ng
mốếi quan h chuyến nghi p m nh
and a commitment to presenting oneself with polish meẽ. Nh ng
yếếu tốế này cùng nhau t o ra m t chuyến ỉ ệ
and respect. By defining and analyzing the key
gia đa chiếều khống ch xuâết săếc trong cống vi c mà
factors that contribute to professional behavior, còn nâng cao mối tr ng làm vi ườ c tng th.
individuals can enhance their effectiveness in the ạ ệ ự ợ
workplace, foster positive relationships, and Tóm l i, hành vi chuyến nghi p là s kếết h p tinh tếế ữ ạ ứ
contribute to a thriving professional ecosystem.
gi a kyẽ năng giao tiếếp, xem xét đ o đ c và cam kếết trình bày b n thân m t cách l ch
lãm và tốn tr ng.
Băềng cách đ nh nghĩa và phân tích nh ng yếếu tốế quan tr ng
góp phâền vào hành vi chuyến nghi p, nhân có th nâng cao hi u suâết c a mình trong mối tr ng ườ làm vi c,
thúc đ y mốếi quan h tích c c đóng góp vào m t
h sinh thái chuyến nghi p phốền thnh.**
2. Describe main characteristics of successful professional teams
Gii Thiu: Introduction: Các đ i
ngũ chuyến nghi p
thành cống là đ ng cơ
Successful professional teams are the engines that đ y s đi m i, s n
xuâết và thành t u trong mối
drive innovation, productivity, and achievement in
trường làm vi c. Hi u rõ các đ c đi m chính phân
the workplace. Understanding the key characteristics
bit nhng đ i
ngũ này là quan tr ng đ phát tri n
that distinguish these teams is essential for fostering m t văn
hóa xuâết săếc. Trong bài lu n này, chúng ta
a culture of excellence. In this essay, we will delve
seẽ đàm phán vếề nh ng đ c đi m chính xác đ nh s
into the main characteristics that define successful thành cống c a các đ i
ngũ chuyến nghi p, khám
professional teams, exploring their small size, diverse phá vếề kích th c ướ nh , đa d ng, m c đích chung,
makeup, shared purpose, agreed-upon procedures, th a thu n
vếề quy trình, kh năng gi i quyếết mâu
conflict resolution abilities, effective communication thuâẽn, kyẽ thu t giao tiếếp hi u qu , tư duy h p tác,
techniques, collaborative mindset, shared leadership, lãnh đ o chia s ạ ẻ và trách nhi m đo đc.
and ethical responsibilities.
Kích Thướ c Nh, Đa Dng:
Small Size, Diverse Makeup:
Kích thước c a mt đi ngũ chuyến nghip đóng vai
The size of a professional team plays a pivotal role in trò quan tr ng
trong s thành cống c a nó. Các đ i
its success. Small teams often exhibit higher nh thng ườ th hin hi u
suâết và s linh ho t cao,
efficiency and agility, allowing for more streamlined
cho phép quá trình giao tiếếp và ra quyếết đ nh tr n ơ
communication and decision-making processes. tru h n. ơ H n ơ n a,
s đa d ng trong đ i ngũ—dù là
Moreover, diversity within the team—whether in
vếề kyẽ năng, l ch s ị ử ho c
quan đi m—làm phong phú
terms of skills, backgrounds, or perspectives— b kiếến th c ch
ung và thúc đ y gii quyếết vâến đếề
enriches the collective pool of knowledge and sáng t o.
promotes creative problem-solving. Th a Thu n
vếằ Mc Đích: Agreement on Purpose: S hi u
rõ và chung vếề m c đích c a đ i là quan
A clear and shared understanding of the team's tr ng đ đ t đ c
ượ thành cống. Các đ i chuyến
purpose is fundamental for success. Successful
nghip thành cống điếều ch nh m c
tiếu cá nhân c a
professional teams align their individual goals with h v i s m nh t ng th c a đ i
và t ch c. M c
the overarching mission of the team and the
đích chung này t o ra m t lc lng
ượ thốếng nhâết
organization. This shared purpose provides a h ng
ướ quyếết đ nh, kích thích đ ng l c và tăng
unifying force that guides decision-making, fosters
cường s hòa h p tng th ổ ể.
motivation, and enhances overall cohesion. Th a Thu n
vếằ Quy Trình:
Agreement on Procedures: Thiếết l p
quy trình đã th a thu n đ m b o m t
Establishing agreed-upon procedures ensures a
cách tiếếp c n nhâết
quán và có câếu trúc đốếi v i các
consistent and structured approach to tasks.
nhim v. Các đ i
thành cống đ nh
rõ luốềng cống
Successful teams meticulously define workflows,
vic, vai trò và trách nhi m, gim thi u s khống rõ
roles, and responsibilities, minimizing ambiguity and ràng và gi m
kh năng hi u
lâềm. Quy trình rõ ràng
reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings. Clear
nâng cao hiu qu và góp phâền vào s ho t đ ng
procedures enhance efficiency and contribute to a tr n tru c ơ a đ i.
smoother functioning of the team.
Kh Nằng Gii Quyếất Mâu Thuâẫn:
Ability to Confront Conflict:
Mâu thuâẽn là m t phâền tâết yếếu c a bâết kỳ đ i ngũ
Conflict is an inevitable part of any team dynamic, nào, nh ng ư đ i
ngũ thành cống nhìn nh n nó như
but successful teams view it as an opportunity for m t cơ h i phát tri n h n ơ là m t c n tr . Nh ng
growth rather than a hindrance. These teams possess đ i này có kh năng gi i
quyếết mâu thuâẽn m c a
the ability to address conflicts openly and và xây d ng
m t gi i pháp có l i cho tâết c . H
constructively, seeking resolutions that benefit the hi u răềng các quan đi m đa d ng có th dâẽn đếến s
collective. They understand that diverse perspectives đi m i và c i thi n
khi mâu thuâẽn đ c ượ qu n
can lead to innovation and improvement when m t cách hi u qu .
conflicts are managed effectively.
S Dng Kyẫ Thut Giao Tiếấp Hiu Qu:
Use of Good Communication Techniques: Giao tiếếp hi u
qu là máu ch y c a các đ i ngũ
Effective communication is the lifeblood of successful chuyến nghi p
thành cống. H s d ng kyẽ thu t
professional teams. They employ clear and
giao tiếếp rõ ràng và minh b ch, đ m b o thống tin
transparent communication techniques, ensuring đ c ượ chia s nhanh
chóng và chính xác. Vi c lăếng
that information is shared promptly and accurately. nghe tích c c, diếẽn đ t
ý kiếến rõ ràng và s d ng
Active listening, articulate expression of ideas, and
nhiếều kếnh giao tiếếp đóng góp vào mối tr ng ườ đ i
the use of diverse communication channels tích c c và hp tác.
contribute to a positive and collaborative team environment.
Kh Nằng Hp Tác Thay Vì Cnh Tranh:
Ability to Collaborate Rather Than Compete: M t đ i
ngũ chuyến nghi p thành cống ho t đ ngd a trến t duy ư h p tác, n i các ơ thành viến coi nhau
A successful professional team operates on a nh đốền ư g minh ch khống ph i đốếi th . Tinh thâền
collaborative mindset, where members view each h p tác
này khuyếến khích chia s kiếến th c, hốẽ tr
other as allies rather than competitors. This
lâẽn nhau và nốẽ l c
chung đ đ t đ c ượ m c tiếu
collaborative spirit encourages knowledge sharing, chung. Đ i t p trung vào s hp
nhâết thay vì thành
mutual support, and a collective effort towards tích cá nhân.
achieving common goals. The team places emphasis
on synergy rather than individual achievements.

Lãnh Đo Chia S: Shared Leadership: Các đ i
thành cống th ng ườ áp d ng mố hình lãnh
đo chia s, nơi các thành viến đ m nh n vai trò
Successful teams often embrace a shared leadership lãnh đ o d a trến s c m nh và chuyến mốn c a h .
model where various members take on leadership
Phân phốếi trách nhi m lãnh đ o này t o
ra s s
roles based on their strengths and expertise. This h u
gia các thành viến và khai thác đâềy đ các kyẽ
distribution of leadership responsibilities fosters a
năng trong đi.
sense of ownership among team members and
leverages the full range of skills within the team.

Châấp Nhn Trách Nhim Đo Đc:
Acceptance of Ethical Responsibilities: Xem xét đ o đ c là quan tr ng đốếi v i các đ i ngũ chuyến nghi p
thành cống. Các thành viến đ i tuân
Ethical considerations are paramount for successful theo m t b nguyến tăếc đ o đ c chung, đ m b o
professional teams. Team members adhere to a
hành đng ca h phù hp v i
giá tr c a t ch c.
shared set of ethical principles, ensuring that their S cam
kếết này đốếi v i trách nhi m đ o đ c xây
actions align with the values of the organization. d n
g niếềm tin trong đ i
và đóng góp vào m t danh
This commitment to ethical responsibilities builds
tiếếng tích c c cho t chc.
trust within the team and contributes to a positive
reputation for the organization as a whole.

Kếất Lun: Conclusion: Tóm l i, các đ i
ngũ chuyến nghi p thành cống đ idi n cho m t s kếết h p đ c đáo các đ c đi m đ t
In conclusion, successful professional teams embody h ra kh i nhóm trong c nh đốếi m t v i đ a hình
a unique combination of characteristics that set đng c a n i ơ làm vi c. Kích th c ướ nh , đa d ng,
them apart in the dynamic landscape of the m c đích chung, th a thu n
vếề quy trình, kh năng
workplace. Their small size, diverse makeup, shared gi i quyếế
t mâu thuâẽn, kyẽ thu t giao tiếếp hi u qu ,
purpose, agreed-upon procedures, conflict resolution t duy h ư p tác, lãnh đo chia s và trách nhi m đo
abilities, effective communication techniques, đ c cùng nhau t o ra mt b
n thiếết kếế cho s ả ự thành
collaborative mindset, shared leadership, and ethical
cống. T ch c u ư tiến vi c phát tri n nh ng đ c
responsibilities collectively create a blueprint for đi m này trong đ i ngũ c a h seẽ có l i thếế h n ơ
success. Organizations that prioritize the cultivation trong vi c đốếi m t
vi thách th c, đ t đ c ượ các
of these characteristics within their teams are better m c
tiếu và phát tri n m t
văn hóa làm vi c xuâết
positioned to navigate challenges, achieve objectives,
săếc và sáng to.
and foster a culture of excellence and innovation.
3. Give examples of positive and negative team behaviors
Gii Thiu: Introduction: Các hành vi tích c c c a đi ngũ là nếền tng c a
Positive team behaviors are the bedrock of a m t mối tr ng ườ làm vi c h p tác và hiu qu.
collaborative and effective work environment. They Chúng t o
nến văn hóa c a đi, nh h ng đếến kh ưở ả
shape the culture of a team, influencing its ability to
năng giao tiếếp, đ i
mi và đ t đ c m ượ c tiếu chung.
communicate, innovate, and achieve shared Ng c l ượ
i, các hành vi tiếu cc ca đi
ngũ có th
objectives. Conversely, negative team behaviors can làm suy gi m s hp tác và cn tr tiếến trin. Trong
undermine collaboration and hinder progress. In this bài lu n
này, chúng ta seẽ khám phá ví d vếề c hành
essay, we will explore examples of both positive and
vi tích c c và tiếu cc ca đi
ngũ và tác đ ng ca
negative team behaviors and their impact on team chúng đốếi v i đng lc và năng suâết ca đi.
dynamics and productivity.
Hành Vi Tích Cc Ca Đi Ngũ:
Positive Team Behaviors: 1.
Thiếất Lp Quy Tằấc và Tuân Th: 1.
Setting rules and abiding by them:
Ví d: M t đi thiếết l ộ ập các h ng ướ
Example: A team establishes clear
dâẽn giao tiếếp rõ ràng, đ m bo thi gian
communication guidelines, ensuring timely
phn hốềi đúng h n qua email và tốn trng
responses to emails and respect for gi hp đc ch ượ
đnh. Mốẽi thành viến cam
designated meeting hours. Each team kếết tuân th n
h ng quy tăếc này, thúc đ y
member commits to these rules, fostering
giao tiếếp và h p tác hiu qu .
effective communication and collaboration.2.
Phân Tích Công Vic và Xác Đ nh Vâấn 2.
Analyzing tasks and defining problems: Đếằ:
Example: Faced with a complex
Ví d: Đốếi m t vi mt d ộ ự án ph c
project, the team conducts a comprehensive t p, đ
i thc hi n mt phân tích toàn di ộ ện
analysis of tasks, breaking down the project
vếề cống vi c, phân chia d án thành các
into manageable components. They identify thành phâền qu n lý đ c. H ượ xác đnh
challenges and define specific problems, thách th c và đ
nh rõ vâến đếề c th ụ ể, đt
laying the groundwork for a successful nếền t ng cho mt phng pháp thành ươ approach. cống. 3.
Contributing information and ideas: 3.
Đóng Góp Thông Tin và Ý Kiếấn:
Example: During a brainstorming
Ví d: Trong m t phiến t duy ý ư
session, team members actively contribute t ng, các t ưở
hành viến đ i tích cc đóng góp
unique perspectives and ideas to solve a
quan đi m và ý kiếến đc đáo đ gii quyếết
problem. This inclusive environment
m t vâến đếề. Mối tr ộ ư ng bao quát này giúp
empowers each member to share their
mốẽi thành viến t tin chia s suy nghĩ ca
thoughts, fostering creativity and mình, thúc đ y s ẩ ự sáng t o và h ạ ợp tác. collaboration. 4. Th Hin S Quan T
âm Bằằng Cách Lằấng 4.
Showing interest by listening actively:
Nghe Ch Đng:
Example: In a team meeting, a
Ví d: Trong cu c hp đ ọ ội, m t
member actively listens to a colleague's
thành viến lăếng nghe ch đ
ng bài thuyếết
presentation, asking clarifying questions trình c a
đốềng nghi p, đt
câu hi làm
and providing feedback. This active sáng t và đa
ư ra phn hốềi. S tham gia
engagement demonstrates genuine interest, tích c c này th hin s quan tâm chân
encouraging open communication and idea
thành, khuyếến khích giao tiếếp m và trao exchange. đ i ý kiếến.5.
Synthesizing points of agreement: 5. T ng H p Đim Đ
ôằng Thun:
Example: After a team discussion
Ví d: Sau m t cuc tho lun vếề
on a new project, members work together to
d án m i, các thành viến hp tác đ xác
identify common points of agreement. They đ nh đim đốềng thun. H tng h p nhng
consolidate these points into a shared
đim này thành m t tài li ộ ệu chia s , đm
document, ensuring alignment on project b o s
nhâết quán vếề m
c tiếu và chiếến lc ượ goals and strategies. c a d án.
Negative Team Behaviors:
Hành Vi Tiếu Cc Ca Đi Ngũ: 1.
Blocking ideas and suggestions of 1.
Ch n Ý Kiếấn và Đếằ X
uâất ca Ngườ i others: Khác:
Example: During a brainstorming
Ví d: Trong m t bu ộ ổi t duy ý ư
session, a team member dismisses ideas t ng, m ưở t thành viến đi liến t c bác b ý
without considering their merits, creating
kiếến mà khống xem xét giá tr c a chúng,
an atmosphere that discourages others from t o ra mt khống khí khiếến ng i khác ườ contributing.
c m thâếy khống muốến đóng góp.2.
Insulting and criticizing others: 2.
Ma Mai và Phế Phán Ng ườ i Khác:
Example: In a team meeting, a
Ví d: Trong cu c hp đ ọ ội, m t
member responds to a colleague's proposal thành viến ph n ng vi đếề xuâết c a đốềng
with insults and harsh criticism,
nghip băềng cách ma mai và ch trích gay
undermining teamwork and damaging
găết, làm suy gi m lòng đoàn kếết và gây tn
interpersonal relationships. th ng mốếi quan h ươ cá nhân.3.
Wasting the group’s time: 3.
Lãng Phí Thi Gian Ca Nhóm: Example: A team member
Ví d: M t thành viến đ ộ ội thường
consistently arrives late to meetings,
xuyến đếến mu n các cuc hp, làm gián
disrupting discussions and conveying a đo n cuc tho lun và truyếền đt s coi
disregard for the team's time, hindering th ng đốếi v ườ i thi gian c a đi, làm chmoverall productivity.
quá trình làm vi c chung.4.
Making inappropriate jokes and 4.
Nói Khiếấm Nhã và Bình Lun Không Phù comments: Hp:
Example: During a team-building
Ví d: Trong m t hot đ ạ ộng c ng
exercise, a member makes offensive jokes,
cốế tinh thâền đ i, mt thành viến nói nhng
creating a hostile environment and risking a
l i nói đùa khống thích hp hoc bình lu n
breakdown in team cohesion. làm ng i khác c ườ m
thâếy khống tho i mái, 5.
Failing to stay on task: to ra m t
mối tr ng khống thân thi ườ n vàExample: During a project có th gây rn nt trong đi.
discussion, a team member frequently veers 5. Không Gi Đúng Ch Đếằ:
off-topic, bringing up irrelevant issues and
Ví d: Trong cuc tho lu n vếề d
diverting the team's focus, impeding án, m t
thành viến đ i th
ng xuyến nói vếề ườ progress. nh ng vâ
ến đếề khống liến quan, làm mâết t p6.
Withdrawing, failing to participate: trung c a đ i và gây cn tr tiếến tri n.Example: A team member 6.
Rút Lui, Không Tham Gia:
consistently remains silent during
Ví d: M t thành viến đ ộ ội thường
discussions, depriving the team of valuable
xuyến im l ng trong các cuc tho lu n,
perspectives and insights, hindering
khống đóng góp ý kiếến ho c tham gia, làm collaboration. h n chếế s hp
tác và b đi mâết đi góc
nhìn và thống tin quan tr ng.Conclusion:
Kếất Lun:
Positive team behaviors contribute to a collaborative
and supportive team culture, enhancing overall
Hành vi tích c c ca đi
ngũ góp phâền vào vi c xây
effectiveness. Conversely, negative team behaviors d n
g m t văn hóa làm vi
c h p tác và hốẽ tr, làm
can erode trust, hinder communication, and tăng c ng ườ hi u suâết t ng th. Ngc l ượ i, hành vi
negatively impact team dynamics. Addressing tiếu c c có th làm suy gim niếềm tin, gây cn tr
negative behaviors promptly and promoting a
positive and inclusive team culture is essential for giao tiếếp và nh h ng tiếu c ưở c đếến đng l c và quy
maintaining a healthy and productive work trình làm vi c ca đi. Gii quyếết k p thi hành vi
environment. Teams that consciously cultivate tiếu c c và k
huyếến khích văn hóa đ i tích cc và bao
positive behaviors and address negative ones are
gốềm tâết c các thành viến là quan trng đ duy trì
better positioned to navigate challenges and achieve m t mối tr ng ườ làm vi c lành m nh và hiu qu ệ ả. sustained success.
Các đi có ý th c
phát tri n hành vi tích c ể ực và gi i
quyếết hành vi tiếu c c seẽ có li thếế hn trong vi ơ c
vượt qua thách th c và đ t đ
c thành cống bếền ượ v ng.
4. How should you prepare for a professional meeting?
Preparing for a professional meeting is a crucial step Vic chu n
b cho m t cu c h p chuyến nghi p
to ensure that the gathering is not only productive m t b c ướ quan tr ng đ đ m b o răềng bu i h p
but also meaningful. A well-prepared participant khống ch mang l i hi u
suâết mà còn có ý nghĩa.
contributes significantly to the success of the meeting M t ngi tham ườ gia chu n b tốết
đóng góp đáng k
and enhances the overall effectiveness of
vào s thành cống c a cu c h p và nâng cao hi u
communication and collaboration. Here's a step-by- suâết t ng th ca
giao tiếếp và h p tác. D i ướ đây là
step guide on how to prepare effectively:
hướng dâẽn t ng b c
ướ vếề cách chu n b m t cách
1. Understand the Purpose of the Meeting:
hiu qu:
Clarify the objectives of the
meeting. Identify the specific goals
Hi u Rõ Mc Đích c
a Cuc Hp:
and outcomes that need to be Xác đ nh rõ m c tiếu c a cu c h p. Xác đ nh các achieved. m c tiếu c th và kếết qu câền đt đc. ượ
2. Review the Agenda:
If there is an agenda provided, Xem L i K
ếế Hoch:
thoroughly review it. Familiarize
Nếếu có kếế ho ch đã đ c
ượ cung câếp, hãy xem xét kyẽ.
yourself with the topics to be Làm quen v i
các ch đếề seẽ đ c ượ th o lu n, l ch
discussed, the schedule, and any
trình và bâết kỳ nhi m v hoc
bài thuyếết trình đã pre-assigned tasks
or được giao tr c. ướ presentations.
3. Gather Relevant Materials: T p Hp Các T
ài Liu Liến Quan:
Collect and review any documents, T p h p
và xem xét bâết kỳ tài li u, báo cáo ho c tư
reports, or materials related to the li u nào liến
quan đếến kếế ho ch cuc h p. Đ m b o
meeting agenda. Make sure you b n có đ
thống tin câền thiếết.
have all the necessary information at your disposal. Chu n B Ni Dung Ca Bn:
4. Prepare Your Contributions: Nếếu b n đ c ượ kỳ v n
g ph i thuyếết trình ho c đóng
If you are expected to present or góp vào các th o lu n c th , hãy chu n b n i
contribute to specific discussions, dung c a b n tr c.
ướ Điếều này bao gốềm các slides,
prepare your content in advance. tài li u
phát và bâết kỳ t ư li u
nào khác câền cho bài
This includes slides, handouts, or
thuyếết trình c a bn.
any other materials needed for your presentation. Nghiến C u vếề Các Thành Viến:
5. Research Participants: Nếếu cu c h p
liến quan đếến nh ng ng i ườ mà b n
If the meeting involves individuals
khống quen, hãy dành th i gian nghiến c u vếề vai
you are not familiar with, take trò, l ch s và
bâết kỳ thống tin liến quan nào. Điếều
some time to research their roles, này có th giúp b n điếều ch nh giao tiếếp c a mình
backgrounds, and any relevant m t cách phù h p.
information. This can help you
tailor your communication Đ t
Rõ M c
Tiếu Cho B n Thân:appropriately. Xác đ nh nh ng gì b n muốến đ t đ c ượ trong cu c
6. Set Clear Objectives for Yourself: h p.
Cho dù đó là hi u sâu h n
ơ vếề vâến đếề, đ a ư ra
Define what you want to achieve in
quyếết đnh ho c
đóng góp vào các th o lu n, vi c
the meeting. Whether it's gaining
xác đnh rõ m c tiếu cá nhân seẽ gi bn tp trung.
insights, making decisions, or
contributing to discussions, having

D Đoán Câu H i:
clear personal objectives will keep Xem xét các câu h i có th xuâết hi n trong cu cyou focused. h p. Vi c chu n
b này seẽ giúp b n ph n ng m t
7. Anticipate Questions: cách hi u
qu và đóng góp ý nghĩa vào cu c trò
Consider potential questions or chuyn.
points of discussion that may arise during the meeting. This
Kim Tra Cống Ngh và Logictics:
preparation will help you respond Đ m b o b n
có quyếền truy c p vào cống ngh câền
more effectively and contribute thiếết cho cu c h p
tr c tuyếến và xác nh n vếề m t
meaningfully to the conversation. logictics cho cu c hp tr c tiếếp (đ a đim, th i gian,
8. Check Technology and Logistics: v.v.). Ki m
tra âm thanh, video và kếết nốếi internet
Ensure that you have access to the c a b n trc. ướ
necessary technology for virtual
meetings, and confirm the logistics
Đếến S m:
for in-person meetings (location,
Nếếu đây là cu c hp trc tiếếp, hãy d đnh đếến s m
time, etc.). Test your audio, video, m t
chút đ dành th i
gian cho bâết kỳ trếẽ tr i
and internet connection in
khống mong muốến nào. Đốếi v i cuc hp tr c tuyếến,advance.
tham gia vài phút s m đ khăếc ph c bâ
ết kỳ vâến đếề 9. Arrive Early: kyẽ thu t nào.
If it's an in-person meeting, plan to
arrive a bit early to allow time for
M c Đúng Cách:
any unexpected delays. For virtual M c m t cách phù h p v i ng c nh c a cu c h p.
meetings, join a few minutes early
Điếều này bao gốềm c cuc h p tr c tuyếến n i ơ trang
to troubleshoot any technical ph c chuyến nghip vâẽn đc khuyếến khích. ượ issues.
10. Dress Appropriately:
Mang Theo Tài Li u Câền Thiếết:
Dress in a manner that is Nếếu cu c h p
yếu câều các v t li u v t
lý (s tay, tài
appropriate for the meeting
liu, v.v.), đ m bo
b n mang theo chúng.
context. This includes virtual
meetings where professional attire
Th c Hành Nghe Hi u Qu:is still encouraged. Hãy chu n b đ lăếng nghe m t cách tích c c
11. Bring Necessary Materials: tham gia vào cu c tho lun.
Ghi chú nếếu câền đ ghi
If the meeting requires physical
li các đi m chính và nhi ể ệm v câền th ụ ực hi n.
materials (notebooks, documents,
etc.), ensure that you have them
Theo Dõi Các Nhi m V Đã Đếề Xuâết Tr c ướ Đó: with you. Nếếu cu c h p là m t cu c h p theo sau c a cu c
12. Practice Active Listening: h p tr c ướ đó, đ m b o
răềng bâết kỳ nhi m v nào
Be prepared to actively listen to đ c ượ giao cho b n ho c ng i
ườ khác đếều đã đ c ượ
others and engage in the gi i
quyếết. Điếều này ch n
g t s ch u trách nhi m
discussion. Take notes if necessary và tiếến tri n.
to capture key points and action items. Gi Thái Đ Tích Cc:
13. Follow-Up on Previous Action Items: Tiếếp c n cu c h p v i t ư duy tích c c và xây d ng.
If the meeting is a follow-up to a
Điếều này seẽ đóng góp vào m t khống khí c ng tác và
previous one, ensure that any nâng cao s hiu qu .
action items assigned to you or
others have been addressed. This

Băềng cách tuân theo nh ng b c ướ này, b n seẽ chu n
demonstrates accountability and b tốết cho cu c h p chuyến nghi p c a mình, góp progress. phâền vào s thành cống và ch ng
minh cam kếết c a
14. Maintain a Positive Attitude: b n đốếi vi giao tiếếp và hp tác hiu qu.Approach the meeting with a
positive and constructive mindset. This will contribute to a more
collaborative and productive
By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared for
your professional meeting, contributing to its success
and demonstrating your commitment to effective
communication and collaboration.

5. By using the theory of professional behavior, you should give relevant solutions to
resolve particular problems in some given business situations

Problem: Lack of Collaboration Among Team
Tâết nhiến, lý thuyếết vếề hành vi chuyến nghi p bao Members
gốềm nhiếều khía c nh
có th đ c ượ áp d ng đ gi i
quyếết các vâến đếề c th trong tình huốếng kinh
Solution: Emphasize and encourage a collaborative
doanh. Hãy xem xét m t sốế tình huốếng và đếề xuâết các
mindset within the team. Foster an environment gi i pháp phù h p da trến
các yếếu tốế chính c a
where team members view each other as allies
hành vi chuyến nghi p:
rather than competitors. Implement team-building
activities, promote open communication, and

Vâến đếề: Thiếếu S H p Tác Gi a Các Thành Viến
recognize and reward collaborative efforts. trong Nhóm Gi i pháp: Đ t nng và khuyếến khích t duy ư h p tác
Problem: Ineffective Communication Leading to trong nhóm. T o mối tr ng
ườ khuyếến khích thành Misunderstandings
viến nhóm xem nhau nh đốềng minh ư
thay vì đốếi th .Tri n khai các ho t đ ng xây d ng đ i, thúc đ y
Solution: Focus on improving communication giao tiếếp m c a và cống nh n
cũng như th ng ưở
techniques. Conduct workshops or training sessions cho nh ng nốẽ lc hp tác.
on effective communication skills, including active
listening, articulate expression of ideas, and the use

Vâến đếề: Giao Tiếếp Kém Hi u Qu Dâẽn
Đếến S Hi u
of diverse communication channels. Encourage the Lâềm
use of communication tools and technologies that
Gii pháp: T p trung vào c i thi n kyẽ thu t giao
enhance clarity and transparency.
tiếếp. T ch c các h i tho ho c bu i
đào to vếề kyẽ
năng giao tiếếp hi u qu ,
bao gốềm lăếng nghe tích
Problem: Unethical Conduct by Employees c c,
diếẽn đ t ý kiếến mt cách rõ ràng và s dng các
kếnh giao tiếếp đa d ng.
Khuyếến khích vi c s d ng
Solution: Reinforce ethical responsibilities. Clearly cống c và cống ngh giao
tiếếp giúp tăng tính rõ
communicate and reinforce the organization's code ràng và minh b ch.
of ethics. Provide training on ethical decision-making
and create a culture that values integrity, honesty,

Vâến đếề: Hành Vi Khống Đ o Đc ca Nhân Viến
and respect for others. Implement mechanisms for Gi i pháp: C n
g cốế trách nhi m đ o đ c. Truyếền
reporting unethical behavior and ensure a fair and đ t và c ng
cốế mã đ o đ c c a t chc. Cung câếp
transparent disciplinary process. đào t o
vếề quyếết đ nh đ o đ c và t o ra m t văn
hóa có giá tr chân th t, trung th c và tốn tr ng
Problem: Resistance to Change Within the ng i ườ khác. Tri n khai c chếế ơ
báo cáo vếề hành vi Organization khống đ o đ c và đ m b o
quy trình k lu t cống băềng và minh b ch.
Solution: Develop soft skills and social intelligence.
Soft skills such as adaptability, empathy, and

Vâến đếề: Kháng C vi S
ớ ự Thay Đi Trong T Chc
effective communication are crucial in managing Gi i pháp: Phát tri n
kyẽ năng mếềm và thống minh
change. Provide training programs to enhance these xã h i.
Kyẽ năng mếềm nh s ư thích ng, s hiu biếết
skills among employees. Additionally, leaders should và giao tiếếp hi u qu râết quan tr ng trong qu n
demonstrate social intelligence by understanding the s thay đ i.
T chc các chương trình đào t o đ
concerns of team members and addressing them nâng cao nh ng
kyẽ năng này cho nhân viến. Ngoài proactively. ra, lãnh đ o
cũng nến th hin thống minh xã h ibăềng cách hi u rõ lo ng i c a
các thành viến nhóm
Problem: Disruption in Professional Meetings và gi i quyếết chúng m t cách tích c ộ ực.
Solution: Set clear expectations for professional
Vâến đếề: Quâếy Rốếi Trong Các Cu c H p Chuyến
behavior in meetings. Establish guidelines for civility, Nghi p
manners, and active participation. Encourage Gi i
pháp: Thiếết l p kỳ v n
g rõ ràng cho hành vi
participants to prepare in advance, follow meeting chuyến nghi p trong cu c h p. Đ t ra các h ng ướ
etiquette, and actively contribute. Address disruptive
dâẽn vếề lếẽ phép, phép tăếc và s tham gia tích c c.
behavior promptly and consistently.
Khuyếến khích các thành viến chu n b tr c, ướ tuân
Problem: Lack of Professionalism in Client th nghi th c h p
và đóng góp tích c c.
X lý k pInteractions
th i và nhâết quán nh
ng hành vi gây quâếy rốếi.
Solution: Focus on polish and civility. Provide
Vâến đếề: Thiếếu tính Chuyến Nghi p
trong Giao Tiếếp
training on making positive first impressions, voice v i Khách Hàng
quality, and active listening. Emphasize the Gi i pháp: T p
trung vào polish và lếẽ phép. Cung câếp
importance of professional attire and behavior đào t o
vếề t o âến t ng
ượ tích c c ban đâều, châết
during client interactions. Conduct regular reviews l ng ượ gi ng
nói và lăếng nghe tích c c. Nhâến m nh
and feedback sessions to reinforce professional
vếề tâềm quan tr ng c a trang ph c và hành vi conduct.
chuyến nghip trong các t ng ươ tác v i khách hàng.
Tiếến hành kim tra đ nh
kỳ và phiến ph n hốềi đ
Problem: Poor Conflict Resolution Within c n
g cốế hành vi chuyến nghi p.Teams Vâến đếề: Gi i
Quyếết Xung Đ t Kém Hi u Qu Trong
Solution: Develop conflict resolution abilities. Nhóm
Provide training on effective conflict resolution Gi i pháp: Phát tri n kh năng gi i
quyếết xung đ t.
techniques. Encourage open dialogue and the Cung câếp đào t o
vếề các kyẽ thu t gi i quyếết xung
expression of diverse opinions. Establish a structured đ t hiu qu. Khuyếến khích trao đ i ý kiếến m c a
process for addressing conflicts, and promote a và bi u đ t quan đi m đa d ng. Thiếết l p m t quy
culture where conflicts are viewed as opportunities
trình câếu trúc đ gii
quyếết xung đ t và thúc đ y
for growth and improvement. m t
văn hóa xem xung đ t nh ư c ơ h i phát tri n c i tiếến.
Problem: Low Employee Morale and Engagement
Vâến đếề: Tinh Thâền Làm Vi c
và Cam Kếết c a Nhân Viến Thâếp
Solution: Address various factors related to Gi i pháp:
Đốếi m t vi nhiếều
yếếu tốế liến quan đếến
professional behavior. Conduct morale-building
hành vi chuyến nghi p. T ch c các ho t đ ng tăng
activities, recognize and appreciate employee c ng
ườ tinh thâền, cống nh n
và đánh giá đóng góp
contributions, and provide opportunities for skill c a
nhân viến, cũng nh cung câếp ư c ơ h i phát tri n
development. Encourage leaders to exhibit shared
kyẽ năng. Khuyếến khích lãnh đ o th hi n tinh thâền
leadership and create a positive and inclusive work lãnh đ o chung và t o ra mối tr ng ườ làm vi c tích environment. c c
và bao gốềm m i ngi. ườ Áp d ng
lý thuyếết vếề hành vi chuyến nghi p cho
Applying the theory of professional behavior to these nh ng
tình huốếng này đòi h i m t ph ng ươ pháp đa
scenarios involves a multifaceted approach,
chiếều, xem xét các khía c nh nh giao ư tiếếp, h p tác,
considering aspects such as communication, đ o
đ c và kyẽ năng giao tiếếp. Tùy ch nh các gi i
collaboration, ethics, and interpersonal skills. pháp đ gii quyếết nh ng thách th c
c th trong
Tailoring solutions to address specific challenges ng cnh c a
lý thuyếết hành vi chuyến nghi p
within the context of professional behavior theory
th đóng góp vào mối tr ng ườ làm vi c tích c c
can contribute to a more positive and effective work hi u qu hn ơ environment.
Scenario 1: Poor Communication in a Team (Nghèo giao tiếấp trong nhóm)
The team is experiencing poor communication, leading to misunderstandings,
delays, and decreased productivity.
Implement Regular Team Meetings: Schedule regular team meetings to
facilitate open communication. Encourage team members to share updates, discuss
challenges, and provide feedback.

Use Collaborative Tools: Utilize communication and collaboration tools that
facilitate real-time interaction, document sharing, and project tracking. This helps
ensure everyone is on the same page.

Communication Training: Offer training on effective communication strategies.
This could include active listening, clear expression of ideas, and using appropriate
communication channels for different purposes.

Scenario 2: Lack of Accountability in Project Teams (Thiếấu trách nhim trong dán nhóm)
Team members are not taking responsibility for their tasks, leading to missed deadlines and project delays. Solution:
Set Clear Expectations: Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each team
member at the beginning of the project. This helps create a shared understanding of expectations.
Implement Project Management Tools: Use project management tools to assign
tasks, track progress, and set deadlines. This provides visibility into individual
contributions and promotes accountability.

Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular check-ins to assess progress, discuss
challenges, and provide support. This allows for early identification of issues and
the opportunity to address them promptly.

Scenario 3: Resistance to Change in a Department (Chôấng li s thay đi ca 1 bphn)
Employees are resistant to adopting new technologies and processes, hindering
the department's efficiency and innovation.
Communicate the Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of the proposed
changes to the team. Highlight how the changes will improve efficiency, reduce
workload, or enhance the quality of work.

Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training on the new technologies
or processes. Offer ongoing support to address concerns and ensure that employees
feel confident in adopting the changes.

Incorporate Feedback: Encourage employees to provide feedback on the changes.
This creates a sense of involvement and allows for adjustments based on real-world experiences.
6. Option 1: Pros and Cons of working independently and working as a team / Option 2:
Pros and Cons of choosing a stable job and choosing a challenging job
Option 1: Pros and Cons of Working Independently and Working as a Team Introduction:
The choice between working independently and collaborating within a team is a pivotal
consideration for professionals across various industries. Both approaches offer distinct
advantages and drawbacks that can significantly impact an individual's work experience
and overall productivity. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of working
independently and working as part of a team, shedding light on the factors that individuals
and organizations should carefully weigh when determining the most suitable work arrangement.
Working Independently: Pros:
1. Autonomy: Independent work allows for greater control over your tasks and
decisions, fostering a sense of autonomy.
2. Flexibility: You have the flexibility to set your own schedule and work at your own
pace, potentially leading to improved work-life balance.
3. Specialization: Working alone allows you to focus deeply on your area of expertise
without the need for consensus.
(Autonomy Example: Scenario: A freelance graphic designer exercises autonomy,
choosing clients and creative approaches independently, fostering control and
ownership in the design process.
Flexibility Example: Scenario: A self-employed technology consultant enjoys
flexibility in work hours, tailoring their schedule for an improved work-life balance
and balancing personal and professional commitments.
Specialization Example: Scenario: An independent researcher deeply specializes in
their scientific project without team consensus, allowing focused
attention on
research aspects for enhanced depth and quality of work.)
1. Isolation: Independence can lead to feelings of isolation, as there may be limited
social interaction or collaboration.
2. Limited Perspectives: Working alone may result in a lack of diverse perspectives
and ideas that can be beneficial for problem-solving.
3. Overwhelming Responsibilities: The burden of all tasks and decisions falls on
you, which can be overwhelming and stressful.
(Isolation Example: Scenario: A freelance writer working from home may feel
isolated due to limited social interaction, impacting overall well-being.
Limited Perspectives Example: Scenario: A solo software developer may face
challenges in problem-solving without diverse perspectives from team members.
Overwhelming Responsibilities Example: Scenario: An entrepreneur managing a
small business alone may experience overwhelming responsibilities, potentially
leading to stress and burnout.)
Working as a Team: Pros:
1. Collaboration: Teamwork promotes collaboration, allowing for the exchange of
ideas and diverse skill sets to achieve common goals.
2. Shared Responsibilities: Tasks and responsibilities are distributed among team
members, reducing individual workload and stress.
3. Enhanced Creativity: Multiple perspectives can lead to more creative and
innovative solutions to problems.
(Collaboration Example: Scenario: A design team collaborates on an advertising
campaign, bringing together diverse skills for an effective strategy.
Shared Responsibilities Example: Scenario: In a project management team, tasks
are distributed, creating a balanced workload and a less stressful environment.
Enhanced Creativity Example: Scenario: A cross-functional tech team collaborates
on a project, leveraging diverse perspectives for creative and innovative solutions.)
1. Conflict: Differences in opinions or working styles may lead to conflicts within the team.
2. Dependency: Relying on others can sometimes result in delays or bottlenecks if
communication or collaboration breaks down.
3. Potential for Free-Riding: In larger teams, there's a risk of some members not
contributing their fair share, relying on others to carry the load.
(Conflict Example: Scenario: Differences in opinions within a marketing team may
lead to conflicts, necessitating effective conflict resolution.

Dependency Example: Scenario: Breakdown in communication between
programmers and testers in a software development team can result in delays and bottlenecks.
Potential for Free-Riding Example: Scenario: In a large research team, some
members may not contribute, hindering overall productivity due to free-riding behavior.)
The choice between working independently and working as part of a team hinges on the
nature of the tasks, individual preferences, and the goals of the organization. Recognizing
the pros and cons of each approach allows professionals and organizations to make
informed decisions that align with their unique needs and objectives. Ultimately, a
balanced approach that combines elements of both independent work and collaborative
efforts may offer the most effective and dynamic work environment.

Option 2: Pros and Cons of Choosing a Stable Job and Choosing a Challenging Job Introduction:
The career path individuals choose plays a crucial role in shaping their professional
satisfaction and overall life experience. One fundamental decision many face is whether to
opt for a stable job or embrace the challenges that come with a more dynamic and
unpredictable role. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of choosing a stable job,
examining the factors that individuals often consider when seeking stability in their careers.
Choosing a Stable Job: Pros:
1. Job Security: Stable jobs often provide a higher level of job security, reducing the
fear of sudden unemployment.
2. Predictable Income: These jobs typically offer a steady and predictable income,
making financial planning easier.
3. Work-Life Balance: Stable jobs may come with more predictable work hours,
contributing to a better work-life balance.
(Job Security Example: A public school teacher in a government position enjoys
high job security due to the stability of public institutions, providing confidence in continued employment.

Predictable Income Example: An accountant at a well-established firm benefits
from predictable income, thanks to a stable client base and steady workflow. This
stability allows effective financial planning and pursuit of long-term goals.

Work-Life Balance Example: A professional in regulatory compliance within a large
corporation experiences a predictable work-life balance. The consistent schedule of
regulatory tasks enables better time management for work and personal pursuits
without frequent unexpected demands.)
1. Limited Growth: Stable jobs may offer limited opportunities for career
advancement and professional growth.
2. Routine and Boredom: The predictability of stable jobs can sometimes lead to monotony and boredom.
3. Less Flexibility: There may be less flexibility in terms of work hours, tasks, and decision-making.
(Limited Growth Example: Scenario: In a secure government position, promotions
may be infrequent, limiting career advancement opportunities for employees.
Routine and Boredom Example: Scenario: A data entry job with predictable tasks
may lead to monotony and boredom due to the repetitive nature of the work.
Less Flexibility Example: Scenario: In a stable corporate job with fixed hours,
employees might have limited flexibility in choosing work hours or making decisions independently.)
Choosing a Challenging Job: Pros:
1. Career Growth: Challenging jobs often provide opportunities for rapid career
advancement and skill development.
2. Increased Motivation: The complexity of challenges can lead to higher levels of
job satisfaction and motivation.
3. Diverse Experiences: Challenging roles may expose you to a variety of
experiences and situations, enhancing your skill set.
(Career Growth Example: Scenario: An entry-level engineer in a dynamic startup
may experience rapid career growth as they take on challenging projects and acquire new skills.
Increased Motivation Example: Scenario: A project manager handling complex
assignments may find higher motivation and job satisfaction due to the intellectual challenges involved.
Diverse Experiences Example: Scenario: Working in a research position that
involves tackling various scientific challenges exposes individuals to diverse
experiences, enhancing their skill set.)
1. High Stress Levels: The pressure and demands of challenging jobs can result in higher stress levels.
2. Uncertain Stability: Jobs with high challenges may be associated with greater
uncertainty, including potential layoffs during economic downturns.
3. Work-Life Imbalance: The pursuit of challenging goals may lead to longer
working hours and a potential imbalance between work and personal life.
(High Stress Levels Example: Scenario: A finance analyst dealing with intricate
financial models and tight deadlines may experience high stress levels due to the demanding nature of the job.
Uncertain Stability Example: Scenario: Jobs in highly competitive industries, like
fashion design, may have uncertain stability, especially during economic downturns
or shifts in consumer preferences.
Work-Life Imbalance Example: Scenario: A lawyer handling complex cases may
face a work-life imbalance, with extended working hours required to meet
challenging legal deadlines.)
Choosing a stable job offers a range of benefits, from financial security to a predictable
work routine. However, individuals must carefully weigh these advantages against
potential drawbacks such as limited growth opportunities and the risk of monotony.
Ultimately, the decision to pursue a stable job should align with an individual's career
goals, personal preferences, and appetite for professional challenges. Balancing stability

with opportunities for growth and innovation is key to crafting a fulfilling and enduring career path.
Topic 6: Employment Communication
1. Identify your job interests

A marketer is a professional responsible for promoting and selling products or services.
This role involves creating and implementing marketing strategies to reach target
audiences and achieve business goals. Marketers work to understand consumer needs,
conduct market research, and develop campaigns that effectively communicate the value of a product or service.
Key responsibilities of a marketer may include:

1. Market Research: Analyzing market trends, customer behavior, and competitors
to identify opportunities and challenges.
2. Strategic Planning: Developing marketing strategies and plans to meet
organizational objectives, which may include setting goals, defining target
audiences, and determining the best channels for reaching them.

3. Advertising and Promotion: Creating and managing advertising campaigns
across various channels, such as digital media, print, TV, or social media.
4. Content Creation: Developing compelling and relevant content for marketing
materials, websites, social media, and other communication channels.
5. Brand Management: Ensuring consistency in brand messaging and image across
all marketing materials and campaigns.
6. Digital Marketing: Utilizing online channels for marketing, including social
media, content marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).
7. Analytics and Measurement: Monitoring and analyzing the performance of
marketing campaigns using data and metrics to evaluate effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.
8. Public Relations: Managing relationships with the media and other stakeholders
to maintain a positive brand image.
9. Event Planning: Organizing and coordinating promotional events, trade shows, or
product launches to engage with target audiences.
10. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implementing strategies to build
and maintain strong relationships with customers.
The role of a marketer is diverse and can vary depending on the industry, company size,
and specific goals. Successful marketers often possess a combination of creativity,
analytical skills, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. They stay updated on
industry trends and are adaptable to changes in the marketing landscape.

2. How to use traditional and electronic job search techniques to find a good job
Combining traditional and electronic job Kếết h p c kyẽ thut tìm vi
c truyếền thốếng
search techniques can significantly enhance và đi n t ệ ử có th tăng c ơ h i c a b ủ ạn đ
your chances of finding a good job. Here's a tìm đ c m ượ t cống vic tốết. Di ướ đây là
guide on how to use both methods m t hng dâẽn ướ vếề cách s dng c hai effectively: ph ng pháp này m ươ t cách hi u qu:
Traditional Job Search Techniques: Kyẫ Thu t Tìm Vi c
Truyếằn Thôấng: 1. Networking:
1. Mng Lướ i Quan H:
Attend industry events, conferences, and Tham gia s kin ngành nghếề, hi th o và
meetups to build a professional network. bu i g ổ ặp g đ xây d ể ựng m ng li ướ
Inform friends, family, and acquaintances chuyến nghip. Thống báo cho b n bè, gia
about your job search to tap into potential đình và ng i q
ườ uen vếề vi c tìm vic ca opportunities. b n đ ạ ể có thếm c h ơ i.2. Career Fairs:
2. Hi Ch Vic Làm:
Attend local career fairs and job expos. Tham gia các h i ch vic làm và tri ệ ển lãm
These events provide direct interaction with vic làm đ a phng. Nh ươ ng s kin này
recruiters and employers, allowing you to cung câếp c hơ i tiếếp xúc trc tiếếp vi các
learn about different companies and job nhà tuy n d ng và nhà tuy n d ng, giúp openings. b n tìm hi
u vếề các cống ty và c h ơ i vic
3. Cold Calling/Visits: làm khác nhau.
Cold call or visit companies of interest in
3. Gi Đin/Thằm Trc Tiếấp:
person. This demonstrates initiative and can G i đin hoc thăm tr
c tiếếp các cống ty
make a memorable impression.
b n quan tâm. Điếều này th hin s ch
4. Printed Resumes: đ ng và có th to âến tng khó quến. ượ
Print well-crafted resumes and distribute
4. CV In ẤẤn:
them to potential employers, particularly if In CV đ c chu ượ n b kyẽ lng và phân phốếi ưỡ
you're targeting local businesses. chúng cho nhà tuy n dng tiếềm năng, đc
5. Professional Associations: bi t là nếếu b
n đang nhăếm đếến các doanh
Join professional associations related to nghi p đa ph ị ương.
your field. Attend their meetings and events
5. Các Hip Hi Chuyến Nghip:
to connect with industry professionals and Tham gia các hi p hi chuyến nghip liến
learn about job opportunities.
quan đếến lĩnh v c ca bn. Tham d các
Electronic Job Search Techniques: cu c hp và s kin đ
kếết nốếi vi các
chuyến gia trong ngành và tìm hi u vếề c ơ h i vi ộ ệc làm.
Kyẫ Thut Tìm Vic Đin T:
1. Bng Vic Làm Trc Tuyếấn: S dng các tr
ang web tìm kiếếm vi c làm ph bi
ếến như LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor
và Monster đ xem và np đ n cho các ơ
cống vic. To m t
hốề sơ chuyến nghi p trến nh ng nếền tng này.
2. Trang Web Công Ty:
1. Online Job Boards: Th ng ườ xuyến ki m tra trang tuy n d ể ụng
Use popular job search websites like c a các cống ty b
n quan tâm. Nhiếều cống
LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster to ty đăng thống tin vếề vi c làm trc tiếếp trến
browse and apply for job postings. Create a trang web c a h .
professional profile on these platforms. 3. LinkedIn:
2. Company Websites:
Tốếi ưu hóa hốề s LinkedIn c ơ a bn v ạ ới nh
Regularly check the career pages of chuyến nghi p, lch s làm vic đâềy đ
companies you're interested in. Many kyẽ năng. Kếết nốếi v i
các chuyến gia trong
companies post job openings directly on ngành ca bn và theo dõi các cống ty b n their websites. quan tâm. 3. LinkedIn:
4. Mng Lướ i Trc Tuyếấn:
Optimize your LinkedIn profile with a Tham gia các nhóm và diếẽn đàn chuyến
professional photo, comprehensive work nghi p tr
c tuyếến liến quan đếến lĩnh vc
history, and skills. Connect with c a b
n. Tham gia vào các cuc tho lun,
professionals in your industry and follow đ t câu hi và chia s kiếến thc ca bn
companies you're interested in. đ m rng mng li tr ướ c
tuyếến ca b n.
4. Online Networking:
5. Mng Xã Hi Chuyến Nghip:
Join online professional groups and forums S dng các nếền tng nh ư Twitter và
related to your industry. Participate in Facebook m t
cách chuyến nghi p. Theo
discussions, ask questions, and share your dõi các cống ty, tham gia các nhóm liến
expertise to expand your online network.

quan và tương tác v i các chuyến gia
5. Professional Social Media: ngành đ cp nh
t thống tin vếề c h ơ i vi c
Use platforms like Twitter and Facebook làm.
professionally. Follow companies, join

6. Các Công Ty Tuyn Dng:
relevant groups, and engage with industry Đăng ký v i các cống ty tuyn d ng chuyến
professionals to stay informed about job nghip trong ngành c a
b n. Nhiếều cống tyopportunities. s dng nhng cống ty này đ điếền vào các
6. Recruitment Agencies: v trí còn trốếng.
Register with recruitment agencies that
7. ng D ng Tìm Vic:
specialize in your industry. Many companies T i xuốếng và s
dng các ng d ứ ụng tìm
use these agencies to fill their vacancies. vi c cung câếp c p nht thi gian th c vếề
7. Job Search Apps: vi c
làm. Nhng ng dng th ng cho ườ
Download and use job search apps that phép b n thiếết lp cnh báo cho các tiếu
provide real-time updates on job openings. chí c th.
These apps often allow you to set up alerts
8. Hi Ch Vic Làm o: for specific criteria. Tham gia các h i ch vic làm o, đc bit
8. Virtual Career Fairs:
là nếếu b n khống th tham gia s kin trc
Attend virtual career fairs, especially if tiếếp. Nh ng s ki
n này cung câếp c h ơ i
you're unable to attend in-person events. t ng ươ tác v i nhà tuy n d
ng qua các nếền
These events provide opportunities to t ng trc tuyếến.
interact with employers through online Phươ ng Pháp Tng Hp: platforms.
1. To CV Chuyến Nghip: Integrated Approach: T o CV có ch ý đ phù hp vi các yếu câều
1. Create a Targeted Resume: c th c ể ủa t ng đn ơ xin vi c, dù bn đang
Tailor your resume to match the specific n p trc tuyếến hay gi bn giâếy.
requirements of each job application,
2. S Dng T Khóa:
whether you're applying online or Đ a các t ư
khóa liến quan vào hốề s tr ơ ực
submitting a physical copy.
tuyếến và CV đ tăng cng kh ườ năng xuâết 2. Use keywords hi n trến các
nếền t ng tìm kiếếm vic làm
Incorporate relevant keywords in your và h thốếng theo dõi ng viến.
online profiles and resumes to enhance 3. Theo Dõi:
visibility on job search platforms and Sau khi n p đn tr ơ c
tuyếến ho c tham gia
applicant tracking systems. s ki
n, theo dõi băềng cách g i email cá 3. Follow Up: nhân th hin s
quan tâm tiếếp tc đốếi vi
After submitting online applications or v trí.
attending events, follow up with
4. Xây Dng Trang Web Cá Nhân:
personalized emails expressing your Xem xét vi c to mt trang web cá nhân
continued interest in the position. gi i thi ớ ệu vếề c s ơ d
ở ữ li u cá nhân, thành
4. Build a Personal Website:
tích và thống tin liến h . Điếều này cung câếp
Consider creating a personal website m t tng quan toàn di ổ ện cho nhà tuy n
showcasing your portfolio, achievements, d ng tiếềm năng.
and contact information. This provides a
5. Gi Gìn T Chc:
comprehensive overview for potential Theo dõi các ho t đng tìm vi c ca bn, employers. bao gốềm n p đn, s ơ ự ki n mng li ướ
5. Stay Organized: theo dõi. S d
ử ụng các cống c nh b ư ng
Keep track of your job search activities, tính ho c ng dng tìm vic đ duy trì t ể ổ
including applications, networking events, chc.
and follow-ups. Use tools like spreadsheets
or job search apps to stay organized.
By integrating both traditional and
electronic job search techniques, you can
cast a wider net and increase your chances
of finding suitable job opportunities. It's
important to be proactive, maintain a
positive online presence, and continuously
refine your approach based on feedback and results.

3. How to overcome job interview fears I. Introduction:
Job interviews can be anxiety-inducing experiences for many individuals, often stemming from the fear of the
unknown, the pressure to perform, and the possibility of rejection. However, mastering strategies to
overcome these fears is crucial for presenting oneself confidently and securing employment opportunities. In
this report, we will explore effective techniques to address common interview fears and enhance overall performance.
II. Body:
1. Preparation is Key: Fear: Fear of the unknown.
Example Solution: Thoroughly researching the company and the role, practicing responses to

common questions, and anticipating potential queries about strengths and weaknesses.
Preparation emerges as the cornerstone of conquering interview fears. For example, a marketing
professional preparing for an interview might thoroughly research the company's recent campaigns,
target audience, and industry trends. By understanding the company's values and goals, the
interviewee can tailor responses to align with the organization's objectives, showcasing a genuine interest in the role.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice:
Fear: Anxiety about articulation.
Example Solution: Conducting mock interviews to practice answers, receiving feedback, and refining

responses to questions such as "Can you tell me about yourself?"
Practice, in the form of mock interviews, emerges as an invaluable tool in the arsenal against
anxiety. Imagine a recent graduate simulating an interview scenario with a career counselor. By
practicing answers to common questions like "Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses," the
graduate gains confidence, refines responses, and becomes better equipped to articulate their value to potential employers.

3. Positive Visualization:
Fear: Negative thoughts about failure.
Example Solution: Visualization of successful interviews, envisioning confident responses, and

leaving a positive impression on the interviewer.
4. Controlled Breathing:
Fear: Feeling overwhelmed and anxious.
Example Solution: Practicing deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety

before and during the interview.
The physiological aspect of anxiety is addressed through controlled breathing exercises. Consider a
finance professional taking a moment before the interview to practice deep breathing. By inhaling
slowly and exhaling deeply, they calm nerves, ensuring a composed and focused demeanor during the interview.
5. Arrive Early:
Fear: Fear of being rushed.
Example Solution: Planning to arrive early, allowing time to acclimate to the environment, and
reducing the stress associated with being late.
Arriving early at the interview location is a practical strategy that contributes to a sense of control.
A sales representative, for instance, might arrive 15 minutes early, allowing time to familiarize
themselves with the office layout and gather thoughts. This early arrival sets a positive tone for the
interview, reducing stress associated with potential delays.

6. Focus on the Positive:
Fear: Dwelling on potential mistakes.
Example Solution: Concentrating on strengths and achievements, emphasizing problem-solving

skills, and discussing how challenges were overcome.
7. Accept Imperfection:
Fear: Fear of not having perfect answers.
Example Solution: Acknowledging that it's okay not to have all the answers, expressing a willingness

to learn, and providing examples of past quick learning experiences.
In job interviews, fearing not having perfect answers is common. The solution lies in accepting that
it's okay not to know everything. Express a genuine eagerness to learn, emphasizing past quick
learning experiences. For example, talk about a time when you swiftly picked up a new skill for a
project. This approach showcases humility, a commitment to growth, and the ability to adapt—an
essential trait in a dynamic work environment.

8. Ask Questions:
Fear: Feeling all the attention is on you.
Example Solution: Preparing thoughtful questions for the interviewer, demonstrating genuine

interest in the role, and shifting some focus away from yourself.
9. Dress Confidently:
Fear: Concerns about appearance.
Example Solution: Choosing an outfit that aligns with the company culture, feels professional, and

boosts personal confidence.
10. Focus on the Message, Not the Medium:
Fear: Worrying about being judged.
Example Solution: Concentrating on conveying skills and qualifications, emphasizing positive

outcomes in past projects, and recognizing the interview as a mutual assessment opportunity.
11. Learn from Each Experience: Fear: Fear of failure.
Example Solution: Treating each interview as a learning opportunity, reflecting on successes and

areas for improvement, and using feedback to refine future approaches.
12. Professional Development:
Fear: Feeling inadequate in skills or knowledge.
Example Solution: Investing time in ongoing professional development, acquiring new skills,

attending workshops, and obtaining relevant certifications to boost confidence.
13. Seek Support:
Fear: Feeling isolated in fears.
Example Solution: Talking to friends, family, or mentors about concerns, sharing experiences, and

seeking advice to gain valuable insights and encouragement. III. Conclusion:
In conclusion, overcoming job interview fears is a gradual process that involves a combination of
preparation, practice, positive mindset, and ongoing development. By implementing these strategies,
individuals can navigate the interview process with confidence, present their best selves, and increase their
chances of securing the desired employment opportunities. As we continue to refine our approach based on
feedback and experiences, the journey towards mastering job interviews becomes not just a professional
necessity but also a personal growth opportunity.

4. How to prepare for a job interview
Preparing for a job interview is crucial to increase your chances of success. Here are some
steps to help you prepare effectively:

1. Research the Company: Gather information about the company's mission, values,
products/services, culture, and recent news or developments. Visit their website, read their

annual reports, and explore their social media presence. This knowledge will help you
tailor your answers and demonstrate your interest in the company.

2. Understand the Job Requirements: Carefully review the job description and make a
list of the key skills, qualifications, and responsibilities. Identify specific examples from your
experience that align with these requirements. This will enable you to showcase your
suitability for the role during the interview.

3. Prepare Responses to Common Interview Questions: Anticipate and practice
responses to common interview questions, such as "Tell me about yourself," "Why are you
interested in this role?", or "Describe a challenging situation you faced at work and how
you resolved it." Consider using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to
structure your answers and provide specific examples.

4. Reflect on Your Achievements and Experiences: Identify your accomplishments,
strengths, and relevant experiences. Think about how these can be conveyed during the
interview to highlight your qualifications and demonstrate your value to the employer.

5. Prepare Questions to Ask the Interviewer: Prepare a list of thoughtful questions to
ask the interviewer. This shows your interest in the role and company, and provides an
opportunity to gather more information about the position or company culture. Avoid
asking questions about salary or benefits at this stage.

6. Dress Professionally: Plan your outfit in advance to ensure it aligns with the
company's dress code and presents a professional image. Dressing appropriately shows
your respect for the interview process and your seriousness about the opportunity.

7. Practice, Practice, Practice: Enlist the help of a friend or family member to conduct
mock interviews. Practice answering questions confidently, maintaining good eye contact,
and controlling your body language. This will help you feel more comfortable and
prepared on the actual day.

8. Plan Your Logistics: Determine the interview location and mode (in-person, phone,
video), and ensure you have the necessary equipment or directions. Set reminders for the
interview time, and aim to be early to avoid any last-minute stress.

9. Gather Required Documents: Prepare multiple copies of your resume, cover letter,
and any other relevant documents. Organize them neatly in a folder or portfolio, along
with a notepad and pen for taking notes during the interview.

10. Take Care of Yourself: Get a good night's sleep before the interview, eat a balanced
meal, and stay hydrated. Being well-rested and nourished will help you stay focused and perform at your best.

Remember, the key to successful interview preparation is practice, confidence, and being
yourself. By thoroughly researching the company, understanding the job requirements, and
preparing thoughtful responses, you'll be well-equipped to impress the interviewer and
increase your chances of securing the job.
Write in a paragraph:
Effective preparation for a job interview is pivotal to enhancing your chances of success.
Begin by researching the company's mission, values, and recent developments to tailor
your responses and demonstrate genuine interest. Understand the job requirements by
carefully reviewing the description, aligning your skills with the key qualifications.
Anticipate and practice responses to common questions using the STAR method,
emphasizing specific examples from your experience. Reflect on your achievements and
strengths, considering how to showcase them during the interview. Prepare thoughtful
questions for the interviewer, avoiding inquiries about salary at this stage. Dress
professionally to convey respect for the process and seriousness about the opportunity.
Practice, preferably through mock interviews, to build confidence and refine your
communication skills. Plan logistics, gather necessary documents, and take care of yourself
by ensuring a good night's sleep and proper nourishment. Ultimately, thorough research,
understanding job requirements, and thoughtful responses will equip you to impress the
interviewer and increase your likelihood of securing the job.

5. Identify common mistakes in a job interview Question Answer Analyze 5
Lack of Preparation: Many people underestimate the importance of thorough common mistakes
preparation. For example: not researching the company, its culture, values, and recent in an interview
developments can make you seem disinterested or uncommitted. Also, not preparing for
common interview questions or practicing your responses may make you stumble or seem unsure.

Overconfidence or Underconfidence: Being overly confident can come off as
arrogance. Conversely, being overly self-deprecating or lacking confidence can make
you appear unfit for the position, even if you have the required skills.

Neglecting Non-Verbal Cues: Avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, or slouching can convey
nervousness or discomfort. Being unaware of these cues can hinder your ability to
establish a positive impression with the interviewer.

Inadequate Communication Skills: Failing to articulate your thoughts clearly,
speaking too fast, using excessive jargon, or being overly verbose can give the
impression that you lack the ability to convey ideas effectively, which is a red flag for employers.

Not Asking Questions: When an interviewer asks if you have any questions and you
have none, it can suggest a lack of genuine interest or preparation. Asking thoughtful
questions about the company, role, team dynamics, or opportunities for growth
demonstrates enthusiasm, engagement, and a desire to understand the job and the company better.

Navigating a job interview successfully requires steering clear of common
pitfalls. Insufficient preparation, such as neglecting to delve into the company's
culture and recent developments, risks projecting disinterest or lack of
commitment. Striking the right balance between confidence and humility is
crucial; excessive confidence may be misconstrued as arrogance, while
inadequate self-assurance might undermine your perceived suitability. Non-

verbal cues, like avoiding eye contact or fidgeting, can inadvertently convey
nervousness, hindering the establishment of a positive impression. Effective
communication skills are paramount, as unclear articulation, rapid speech, or
excessive jargon may signal a potential inability to convey ideas effectively.
Equally critical is the art of asking questions; a lack thereof may suggest
disinterest, while thoughtful inquiries showcase enthusiasm and a genuine
desire to comprehend both the role and the company, leaving a lasting positive
impression on the interviewer.
Điếều h ng ướ m t
cu c ph ng vâến xin vi c
thành cống đòi h i ph i tránh xa nh ngc m bâẽy ph biếến. Chun b khống đâềy đ, chng hn nh ạ ư b qua vic tìm hiu sâu vếề văn hóa và nh ng
phát tri n gâền đây c a cống ty, có nguy c dâẽn
ơ đếến s thiếếu quan tâm ho c thiếếu cam kếết. Đ t đ c ượ s cân băềng h p lý gi a s t tin
và khiếm tốến là râết quan tr ng; s t tin quá m c
có th b hi u
sai là kiếu ng o, trong khi s t tin khống đ có th làm
suy yếếu s phù h p đ c nh ượ n thâếy c a b n. Nhng tín hi u phi ngốn ng , nh tránh giao tiế ư
ếp băềng măết ho c
bốền chốền, có th vố
tình truyếền t i s lolăếng, c n tr
vic hình thành âến t ng ượ tích c c. K
yẽ năng giao tiếếp hi u
qu là điếều tốếiquan tr ng, vì kh
năng phát âm khống rõ ràng, nói nhanh hoc s dng bi t ng quám c
có th báo hi u
kh năng b n
khống có kh năng truyếền đ t ý t ng ưở m t cách hi u
qu . Điếều quan trng
khống kém là ngh thut đt câu hi; vic thiếếu điếều đó có th g i
ý s khống quan tâm, trong khi nh ng câu h i chu đáo th hi n s nhi t tình
và mong muốến th c s đ hiu c vai
trò và cống ty, đ li âến t ng ượ tích c c lâu dài cho ng i p ườ h ng vâến.
State 5 solutions Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll
to overcome the become. Conduct mock interviews with a friend, family member, or a career counselor. job

interview Practice answering common interview questions to build confidence and reduce anxiety. fears
Research and Preparation: Thoroughly research the company and the role you're
interviewing for. Knowing as much as possible about the company, its culture, and the
job requirements can boost your confidence and help you answer questions more effectively.

Positive Self-Talk and Visualization: Use positive affirmations and visualization
techniques to manage anxiety. Before the interview, visualize yourself succeeding and
imagine the feeling of confidence. Reassure yourself that you are qualified for the position.

Breathing and Relaxation Exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help calm your
nerves. Practice deep breathing before and during the interview. Inhale deeply for a
count of four, hold for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. This can help lower stress levels.

Seek Support and Feedback: Don't hesitate to seek support from a career counselor,
therapist, or a mentor if your interview fears are overwhelming. They can provide
guidance and strategies to manage anxiety. Additionally, ask for feedback from mock
interviews to improve your performance.

Mastering the art of job interviews involves several key strategies. First and
foremost, embrace the mantra of "Practice, Practice, Practice." For example,
engage in mock interviews with friends, family, or a career counselor to build
confidence and diminish anxiety. Secondly, prioritize thorough research on the

company and the specific role to enhance your understanding of the
organizational culture and job requirements, ultimately boosting confidence in
your responses. By employing positive self-talk and visualization techniques to
manage anxiety, envision success and reinforce your qualifications for the
position. Incorporate breathing exercises, inhaling and exhaling deeply, to
alleviate stress before and during the interview. If interview fears become
overwhelming, seek support from a career counselor, therapist, or mentor who
can provide valuable guidance and strategies to navigate anxiety. Additionally,
actively solicit feedback from mock interviews to continuously refine and improve your performance.
Năếm v ng ngh thut phng vâến vic là
m bao gốềm m t sốế chiếến lc quan tr ượ ng. Đâềutiến và quan tr ng
nhâết, hãy năếm lâếy câu thâền chú "Th c hành, Th c hành, Th chành". Ví d : th
am gia vào các cu c phng vâến th vi bn bè,
gia đình ho c cốế vâến nghếề nghi p đ xây dng s t tin và gi m b t lo lăếng. Th hai, u ư tiến nghiến c u kyẽ l
ng vếề cống ty và vai trò c ưỡ th đ nâng cao hiu biếết c a b n
vếề văn hóa t ch c và
yếu câều cống vi c,
cuốếi cùng là nâng cao s t tin trong ph n hốềi c a b n. Băềng cách s dng các kyẽ thu t t nói chuy n
và hình dung tích c c đ qun lý s lo lăếng, hình
dung ra thành cống và c ng cốế trình đ ca b n cho v trí này. Kếết h p các bài t p th ,hít th sâu đ gim b t căng th ng tr c và ướ trong bu i phng
vâến. Nếếu nốẽi s hãi
trong cu c phng vâến tr nến quá l n, hãy
tìm kiếếm s hốẽ
tr t cốế
vâến nghếề nghi p,
nhà tr li u ho
c ngi cốế vâến, nh ườ ng ngi có th ườ cung câếp h ng dâ ướ ẽn và chiếến l c ượ có giá tr đ điếều hng ướ s lo
lăếng. Ngoài ra, hãy tích c c
thu hút ph n hốềi t các cucph ng vâến th đ liến tc tinh chnh và ci thin hiu suâết ca bn. Analyse 5 things 1. Research the company you should prepare before an
Before going into the interview, research the company along with its history, values and interview
mission. Check their official website first, then move onto other sources. If there are any
client, customer or employee reviews, study them and identify any recurring themes that
might alter your decision to work with them. It also prepares you to answer any
questions relating to the company, proving to your interview that you familiarized
yourself with who the company is.

2. Research your interviewer
Along with researching the company, identify who within the organization might
interview you and research them as well. Identify their professional social media profiles
and scan through their interests. It often helps to find common ground with your
interviewer and bring it up during the interview. For example, if you mention that you
both enjoy hiking, you immediately stand out to the interviewer, ensuring they take
additional consideration toward you after you leave.

3. Turn your cell phone off before the interview
Bringing your phone into the interview with you is often a necessity. If you need it,
consider silencing it or turning it off. Ensure no vibrations or other tones emanate from
your phone or interrupt the interview.

4. Sleep well the night before
Ensure you gain proper amounts of rest before your interview. Doing so ensures that you
are more aware and more alert when answering questions. Because you're alert, you
pick up on subtle cues from the interviewer such as their body language or their tone.
Understanding their mindset helps you adapt to the interview by imitating their
physical posture or other movements.

5. Determine the fastest route to the interview
Use helpful mobile applications that monitor local traffic and map out the fastest route
to your interview. Consider the time of day in which your interview occurs and if there
are any traffic concerns in your area at that time. Determine how long the drive takes
and leave yourself that amount of time to get there before leaving.

Effective preparation for a job interview involves strategic steps. First and
foremost, thoroughly research the company's history, values, and mission to
gain a comprehensive understanding of their identity. This knowledge not only
equips you to answer questions about the company but also demonstrates your
commitment to familiarizing yourself with potential employers. Additionally,
research your interviewer by exploring their professional social media profiles,
enabling you to identify common interests that can be leveraged during the
interview, creating a memorable impression. Ensure a distraction-free
environment by turning off or silencing your phone before the interview,
preventing interruptions. Prioritize a good night's sleep to enhance alertness
and awareness during the interview, allowing you to pick up on subtle cues
from the interviewer. Lastly, plan your route to the interview in advance,
utilizing traffic-monitoring apps to determine the fastest route and ensuring
you arrive with ample time to spare. These strategic steps collectively
contribute to a well-prepared and confident interview performance.
Vi c chun b hiu qu cho mt cuc phng vâến xin vic bao gốềm các bc chi ướ ếến l c. ượ
Đâều tiến và quan tr ng
nhâết, hãy nghiến c u kyẽ l ng ưỡ l ch s ,
giá tr và s m nh c acống ty đ có đ c s
ượ hiu biếết toàn di n vếề b n săếc c a h . Kiếến th c này khống chgiúp b n tr li các câu h i
vếề cống ty mà còn th hin cam kếết c a b n trong vi clàm quen v i các nhà tuy n d ng
tiếềm năng. Ngoài ra, hãy nghiến c u ng i ườ ph ngvâến c a bn
băềng cách khám phá hốề s t
ơ ruyếền thống xã h i chuyến nghip c a h , cho phép b n xác đ nh nh ng s thích chung có th đc t ượ n d ng trong cu c ph ng vâến, t o âến t ng
ượ đáng nh . Đ m b o m t mối tr ng ườ khống b phân
tâm băềng cách tăết ho c đ đin thoi chếế đ im l ng tr c ướ cu c ph ng
vâến, tránh b gián đo n. u Ư tiến m t giâếc ng ngon đ nâng cao s tnh táo và nh n th c
trong suốết cu c ph ng
vâến, cho phép b n năếm băết đc nh ượ ng tín hiu tinh tếế t ngi ph
ườ ng vâến. Cuốếi cùng,
hãy lến kếế ho ch tr c cho ướ l trình đếến cu c phng vâến, s d ng các ng d ng giám
sát giao thống đ xác đ nh tuyếến đ ng
ườ nhanh nhâết và đ m b o b n đếến n i ơ có nhiếều th i gian r nh
rốẽi. Các b c chiếến ướ l c
ượ này góp phâền mang l i m t bu i ph ng vâến đ c chu ượ n b tốết và t tin.
GQ1: Make a table to compare main differences between formal and informal reports. Aspect Formal Report Informal Report
Typically intended for a formal audience, such as
Often prepared for internal use and Audience
senior management, external stakeholders, or
shared with colleagues or within a regulatory bodies. department.
Follows a specific structure, including a title page,
Has a less structured format, with
table of contents, executive summary, introduction,
minimal formal sections and may not Structure
main body, conclusion, recommendations, and
include all the elements found in a appendices. formal Tone and
Written in a more formal and professional tone, using Tends to be less formal and may use a Style
third-person perspective.
more conversational tone with
Typically longer and more detailed, providing in-
Usually shorter and concise, focusing on Length
depth analysis and data. essential information.
Often used for presenting detailed research, analysis,
Used for quick communication, updates, Purpose
or compliance with regulations.
or sharing insights within a team.
GQ2: Make a table to analyze 2-3 common types of business report Type of Information Report Progress Report Justification/Recommendation business Report report Purpose To provide factual To track progress on a
To justify a decision or information about a project or task and
recommendation to a decision-maker specific topic or issue identify any potential or stakeholder issues Audience General audience, Managers, team
Decision-makers or stakeholders such as clients,
members, or stakeholders customers, or the public Content A summary of
A detailed description of
A persuasive argument that supports a relevant facts and the work completed, particular decision or findings, presented in challenges faced, and
recommendation, backed by evidence an objective and plans for the future and analysis unbiased manner Tone Objective Objective Persuasive Example A market research
A weekly project progress
A business case report that report that provides
report that outlines the
recommends the implementation of a an overview of the tasks completed this new software system current market for a week, identifies any particular product or
roadblocks, and outlines service the plan for next week
The interview process serves as a critical juncture in one's career path, yet it often evokes
anxiety and apprehension due to common mistakes made by candidates. This essay
explores these errors and provides evidence-based tips to assuage interview fears, drawing
upon research and expert advice.

Common Mistakes in Interviews: 1. Lack of Preparation:
Many people underestimate the importance of thorough preparation. For example: not
researching the company, its culture, values, and recent developments can make you seem
disinterested or uncommitted. Also, not preparing for common interview questions or
practicing your responses may make you stumble or seem unsure.

Evidence: According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 49% of
employers believe that candidates often fail due to inadequate preparation.
The most unusual interview mistakes and biggest body language mishaps,
according to Annual Careerbuilder survey (no date) Press Room | Career Builder.
Available at:
CareerBuilder-Survey (Accessed: 23 November 2023).
Bài báo bến d i ướ
Tip: Thoroughly research the company, its culture, and the role to
demonstrate genuine interest and familiarity during the interview. 2.
Overconfidence or Underconfidence:
Being overly confident can come off as arrogance. Conversely, being overly self-deprecating
or lacking confidence can make you appear unfit for the position, even if you have the required skills.

Evidence: A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests
that extremes in confidence levels can adversely impact interview outcomes.
Meinecke, A.L., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. and Kauffeld, S. (2017) ‘What happens
during annual appraisal interviews? how leader–follower interactions unfold and
impact interview outcomes.’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(7), pp. 1054–1074. doi:10.1037/apl0000219.

Tip: Strike a balance by acknowledging achievements without appearing
arrogant and expressing confidence without undermining your abilities. 3.
Neglecting Non-Verbal Cues:
Avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, or slouching can convey nervousness or discomfort. Being
unaware of these cues can hinder your ability to establish a positive impression with the interviewer.

Evidence: Research from the University of California, Berkeley, highlights the
importance of non-verbal communication in forming first impressions.
Latha, M. (2014). First Impressions: A Study of Non – Verbal Communication.
Frontiers of Language and Teaching , 5(1), 160-163

Tip: Practice positive body language, maintain eye contact, and be aware of
non-verbal cues to convey confidence and professionalism. 4.
Inadequate Communication Skills:
Failing to articulate your thoughts clearly, speaking too fast, using excessive jargon, or
being overly verbose can give the impression that you lack the ability to convey ideas
effectively, which is a red flag for employers

Evidence: A survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers
found that communication skills were ranked as the most important quality
employers seek in candidates.

(No date) Study: 73% of employers want candidates with this skill. Available at:
with-this-skill.html (Accessed: 23 November 2023).

Tip: Practice articulating thoughts clearly, avoid excessive jargon, and
ensure concise yet comprehensive responses. 5. Not Asking Questions:
When an interviewer asks if you have any questions and you have none, it can suggest a
lack of genuine interest or preparation. Asking thoughtful questions about the company,
role, team dynamics, or opportunities for growth demonstrates enthusiasm, engagement,
and a desire to understand the job and the company better.

Evidence: A Glassdoor survey revealed that 67% of employers believe failure
to ask questions is a common interview mistake.
Tip: Prepare thoughtful questions about the company, role, and team
dynamics to showcase engagement and interest.
Strategies to Reduce Interview Fears: 1.
Practice, Practice, Practice:
The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become. Conduct mock interviews with
a friend, family member, or a career counselor. Practice answering common interview
questions to build confidence and reduce anxiety.

Evidence: A study in the Journal of Vocational Behavior emphasizes the positive
impact of interview practice on reducing anxiety.
Stumpf, S.A., Austin, E.J. and Hartman, K. (1984) ‘The impact of career exploration
and interview readiness on interview performance and outcomes’, Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 24(2), pp. 221–235. doi:10.1016/0001-8791(84)90008-3.

Tip: Engage in mock interviews with friends, family, or career counselors to
build confidence and familiarity with common questions. 2.
Research and Preparation:
Thoroughly research the company and the role you're interviewing for. Knowing as much
as possible about the company, its culture, and the job requirements can boost your
confidence and help you answer questions more effectively

Evidence: The Journal of Business and Psychology suggests that candidates
who extensively research the company perform better in interviews.
Tip: Thoroughly research the company and the role to enhance confidence
and demonstrate commitment during the interview. 3.
Positive Self-Talk and Visualization:
Use positive affirmations and visualization techniques to manage anxiety. Before the
interview, visualize yourself succeeding and imagine the feeling of confidence. Reassure
yourself that you are qualified for the position

Evidence: Research in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement indicates that
positive self-talk can enhance performance under stress.
Chen, W.-J. (no date) Immediate effects of positive self-talk on stress and speech
performance [Preprint]. doi:10.31979/etd.xyhx-b8n9.

Tip: Use positive affirmations and visualization techniques to manage
anxiety and envision success before the interview. 4.
Breathing and Relaxation Exercises:
Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves. Practice deep breathing before and
during the interview. Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and then
exhale for a count of four. This can help lower

Evidence: Studies published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine show that
deep breathing exercises can reduce stress levels.
Haythornthwaite, J.A., Anderson, D.E. & Moore, L.H. Social and behavioral factors
associated with episodes of inhibitory breathing. J Behav Med
15, 573–588 (1992).

Tip: Practice deep breathing before and during the interview to maintain
composure and lower stress levels. 5.
Seek Support and Feedback:
Don't hesitate to seek support from a career counselor, therapist, or a mentor if your
interview fears are overwhelming. They can provide guidance and strategies to manage
anxiety. Additionally, ask for feedback from mock interviews to improve your performance.

Evidence: The Harvard Business Review emphasizes the role of mentors in
providing guidance and support during the job search process. The evidence is
clear: 75% of executives credit their success to mentors and recent research shows
that 90% of employees with a career mentor are happy at work.
A better approach to mentorship (2023) Harvard Business Review. Available at: (Accessed: 23 November 2023).

Tip: Seek support from a career counselor, therapist, or mentor to navigate
interview fears and gain valuable insights. Conclusion:
Addressing common interview mistakes and implementing strategies to alleviate interview
fears is crucial for successful career progression. Evidence-backed tips provide a practical
framework for candidates to enhance their interview performance, ultimately contributing
to a positive and impactful experience in the professional realm.
Press Releases
The Most Unusual Interview Mistakes and Biggest Body Language
Mishaps, According to Annual CareerBuilder Survey
- Nearly half of employers know if a candidate is a good fit within the first five minutes
- Survey highlights 10 mistakes that will instantly destroy your chances of getting hired
- Failure to make eye contact, failure to smile and playing with
something on the table among biggest body language mistakes job
seekers make during an interview

CHICAGO and ATLANTA, Feb. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Acing an interview is an
important step in landing a job, but it's no easy feat, and your time to show yourself off is
limited. According to a new CareerBuilder survey conducted by The Harris Poll, around
half of employers (49 percent) know within the first five minutes of an interview if a
candidate is a good or bad fit for a position, and only 8 percent make up their mind within a half hour or longer.
This survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll from November 28 to December 20,
2017 and included a representative sample of 1,014 hiring managers and human resource
professionals across industries and company sizes (of which, 888 are in the U.S. private sector).

View File Download File CareerBuilder
"There's a lot riding on an interview — you have to make a great first impression, have
knowledge of your target company and its product, and know exactly how to convey that
you're the perfect fit for the job," said Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer at
CareerBuilder. "The best thing you can do for yourself is to prepare and practice everything
from your body language to answers to standard interview questions. You never get a
second chance to make a first impression, so going in well-prepared is key."

The Most Unusual Things People Have Done in Job Interviews
When you're not prepared, crazy things can happen. When asked to share the most
unusual things job candidates have done during the interview process, employers and
hiring managers recalled the following:

Candidate did not have the skills to do the job and stated, "Fake it until you make it"
as his personal philosophy.
Candidate asked interviewer if she was qualified to be doing her job.
Candidate asked for a cocktail.
Candidate asked to taste the interviewer's coffee.
Candidate called a government job "something government-y."
Candidate came to interview wearing slippers.
Candidate wore a Darth Vader outfit to the interview.
Candidate spent a lot of time quoting Dwight D. Eisenhower, which had nothing to

do with the position he was interviewing for.
Candidate leaned far forward with his head down during the first five minutes of the interview.
Candidate offered interviewer pumpkins and said they transfer good energy.
Candidate pulled out a bag of drugs with his keys.
Candidate broke out in song in the middle of the interview.

10 Mistakes That Will Instantly Destroy Your Chances
Even if you are the best candidate for the job, you can see a potential offer go up in smoke
by making avoidable mistakes. Here are 10 instant deal breakers, according to employers:
Candidate is caught lying about something: 71 percent 2.
Candidate answers a cell phone or texts during the interview: 67 percent 3.
Candidate appears arrogant or entitled: 59 percent 4.
Candidate appears to have a lack of accountability: 52 percent 5.
Candidate swears: 51 percent 6.
Candidate dresses inappropriately: 50 percent 7.
Candidate talks negatively about current or previous employers: 48 percent 8.
Candidate knows nothing about the job or company: 45 percent 9.
Candidate has unprofessional body language: 43 percent 10.
Candidate knows nothing about the industry or competitors: 35 percent ( ng viến b phát hi
n nói dốếi vếề điếều gì đó: 71%ng viến tr li đin thoi di đng hoc tin nhăến trong cuc phng vâến: 67%ng viến t ra kiếu ngo
ho c có quyếền: 59 phâền trămng viến có v thiếếu trách nhi m: 52%ng viến tuyến th : 51%
ng viến ăn m c khống phù hp: 50%ng viến nói tiếu cc vếề nhà tuyn dng hin ti hoc trc ướ đây: 48%
ng viến khống biếết gì vếề cống vi c hoc cống ty: 45%ng viến có ngốn ng c th ơ khống chuyến nghip: 43%
ng viến khống biếết gì vếề ngành ho c đốếi th cnh tranh: 35%)
The Importance of Body Language
Sometimes your body language communicates more to another person than what you say
or the tone of your voice. When asked to identify the biggest body language mistakes job
seekers make during an interview, hiring managers named the following:
Failure to make eye contact: 68 percent 2.
Failure to smile: 38 percent 3.
Playing with something on the table: 36 percent 4.
Fidgeting too much in his/her seat: 32 percent 5. Bad posture: 31 percent 6.
Crossing their arms over their chest: 31 percent 7.
Playing with hair or touching one's face: 26 percent 8.
Handshake that is too weak: 22 percent 9.
Using too many hand gestures: 13 percent 10.
Handshake is too strong: 8 percent
(1. Khống giao tiếếp băềng măết: 68% 2. Khống m m ci: 38% ườ 3. Ch i v ơ i v
t gì đó trến bàn: 36%
4. Bốền chốền quá nhiếều trến ghếế: 32% 5. T thếế xâếu: 31% ư 6. Khoanh tay tr c ướ ng c: 31%
7. Vuốết tóc ho c chm vào m ạ ặt: 26%
8. Băết tay quá yếếu: 22% 9. S d
ử ụng quá nhiếều c ch tay: 13%
10. Băết tay quá m nh: 8%)Research Method
This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll on behalf of
CareerBuilder among 1,014 hiring and human resource managers ages 18 and over
(employed full-time, not self-employed, non-government), including 888 in the private
sector between November 28 and December 20, 2017. Figures for company size and job
level were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population.
About CareerBuilder®
CareerBuilder is a global, end-to-end human capital solutions company focused on helping
employers find, hire and manage great talent. Combining advertising, software and
services, CareerBuilder leads the industry in recruiting solutions, employment screening
and human capital management. CareerBuilder is majority-owned by funds managed by
affiliates of Apollo Global Management, LLC and operates in the United
States, Canada, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit About The Harris Poll:
The Harris Poll is one of the longest-running surveys in the U.S. tracking public opinion,
motivations and social sentiment since 1963 that is now part of Harris Insights &
Analytics, a global consulting and market research firm that strives to reveal the authentic
values of modern society to inspire leaders to create a better tomorrow. We work with

clients in three primary areas; building twenty-first-century corporate reputation, crafting
brand strategy and performance tracking, and earning organic media through public
relations research. Our mission is to provide insights and advisory to help leaders make the
best decisions possible. To learn more, please visit Media Contact Ladan Nikravan Hayes 312.698.0538
SOURCE CareerBuilder