Giải Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 10 năm 2023 - 2024 sách Gloval Success đề 2

Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 10 học kì 1 được biên soạn với cấu trúc đề rất đa dạng, bám sát nội dung chương trình học trong sách giáo khoa lớp 10 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống. Hi vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu hữu ích cho quý thầy cô và các em ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức, chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho học kì 1 lớp 10 sắp tới.

ĐỀ S 1
ĐỀ KIM TRA HC K I - NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 - B sách: Kết tri thc vi cuc sng
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between Ann and Linh. Circle the best
answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. Where are the volunteers going to do volunteer work?
A. In a mountainous area
B. In a town
C. In a village in the Northeast of Vietnam
2. Who are the volunteers going to help?
A. The poor children
B. The local language centre
C. The poor orphans
3. What can students do if they cannot join the volunteering activity?
A. Organise language courses
B. Donate money or other things
C. Improve the next campaign
4. What does Ann intend to send to the children?
A. Lovely puppies
B. Hand puppets
C. Colored paper
5. What is the purpose of writing a reflection paper?
A. To memorise the mistakes they made
B. To share members’ experience with each other
C. To organise the campaign better later
TASK 2. Listen to a talk about an event and complete the note. Write NO
MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will
listen TWICE.
Student’s notes
Event: Spring Festival
Date: (1) ____________
Special guests: a well-known (2) ____________and one of the best singers
First-time competition on (3) ____________
Ticket price: (4) ____________
Number of tickets: (5) ____________
TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D to each of the
My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the
canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support
of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the
dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be
shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their
living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very
contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from
the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be
better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city
authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting
smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running
parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that
it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning
exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former
inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions
than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a
lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is
changing fast too.
1. The main topic of the passage is about ______________.
A. the bad condition of the city canal
B. the modern look of the city
C. the change of the city because of the canal renovation
D. the reason why the local authority renovates the canal
2. The word ‘impoverished’ in line 7 is closest in meaning to ______________.
A. wealthy
B. disadvantaged
C. poor
D. homeless
3. People living there used to believe that ______________.
A. the canal would not become better
B. the canal could be more improved
C. the canal was the best investment for the economic development
D. the unpleasant smell is the main pollution
4. Which of the following is false about the residents?
A. They have better living conditions than before.
B. The advanced technology contributes to the better changing of their lives.
C. They can go for a walk along the canal without suffering from the unpleasant
D. Many of them still live in shanty houses.
5. What benefit can the canal bring to the city?
A. The stunning view of the city
B. The chances to boost local businesses
C. The better view and opportunities
D. The development of tourism
TASK 2. Complete the reading passage with ONE suitable word in each blank.
Scientific progress brings lots of opportunities to help women all over the world to be
better recognized in many aspects. In the past, they obviously adhered to their
traditional roles as housewives and mothers (1) ___________ many chores to do and
duty of rearing children. These days, with the advanced technology, they have more
time to widen their horizon, and improve useful skills to get better careers. Thanks to
the creation of many (2) ___________ appliances such as washing machine,
dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, or floor cleaning robot, etc., housewives spend only a
few hours for her daily chores and their workspace is (3) ___________ longer within
house, room, or kitchen. The (4) ___________ of labor-saving devices for home is
one of the key factors to help women (5) ___________ to the high steps in society.
TASK 1. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. Write
each sentence in the blank.
1. visited/ the SOS Children's Village/ has/ since/ Our voluntary group/ for/ in Ha
Noi/ last year/ fundraised/ we/ it/ .
2. their confidence/ doing volunteer work/ because/ Many young people/ they/ boost/
and/ like/ many valuable skills/ can/ gain/ .
3. can/ that/ on the smartphone/ You/ download/ you/ study English/ help/ more
effectively/ many educational apps/ .
4. dirt and dust/ has/ My mother/ to/ from/ remove/ bought/ fast/ our house/ a vacuum
cleaner/ .
5. audience/ reality show/ around/ approximately/ the world/ The/ an/ of/ 7 million/
attracted/ .
TASK 2. Write a paragraph about the benefits of a personal device that is
necessary for students’ study (120 – 150 words).
You can use the following questions as cues.
- What personal device do you want to write about?
- What benefits can it bring to many students?
- How important is that personal device in students’ study?
Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.
A. damage
B. gratitude
C. access
D. announcement
A. community
B. confidence
C. laptop
D. software
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. support
B. truthful
C. display
D. remote
A. donation
B. practical
C. processor
D. driverless
TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.
1. As the strongest person in his family, Tom always does the ___________.
A. heavy lifting
B. support
C. emission
D. performance
2. Scientists can ___________ carbon footprint based on daily usage of each family.
A. upload
B. delay
C. estimate
D. adopt
3. Jessie is the pop singer who received lots of great ___________from last night’s
A. energy
B. comments
C. litter
D. decoration
4. Students who volunteer in ___________ activities can have some advantages in
their profiles.
A. talented
B. non-governmental
C. live
D. suitable
5. Parents should allow children to participate in community service in order to
___________ their life skills.
A. display
B. show off
C. charge
D. improve
TASK 3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Parents should teach children ___________ (put) the rubbish in the bins in daily
2. My aunt usually ___________ (shop) for groceries twice a week.
3. I think the club members ___________ (clean up) the ground right after the event
4. Some of these environmental problems ___________ (discuss) in last Friday’s
5. I was watering the plants while my friend ___________ (pick up) the litter.
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
Ann: Hello, Linh. What are you doing?
Linh: Well, I’m filling out the volunteer application form. This year, our school will
organize a 3-week community service campaign to help poor children, in which the
volunteers can teach English language as tutors. If you cannot arrange time to take
part in, you can donate any kinds of materials like money, books, clothes, or even toys
that are still in good use.
Ann: That’s interesting! And where are the volunteers going to do those activities?
Linh: Well, the trip is going to last 3 weeks, and we are visiting a mountainous
commute located in northern Viet Nam. It’s a remote area very far from the town,
where the local young learners find it hard to go to a language center to learn English.
We are going to bring knowledge to the children. Besides, this is also a good chance
for us to learn some social skills and learn to work effectively in a team.
Ann: I can’t agree more. I think we can learn more about daily life, culture, and
cuisine of the people living there too. It’s a pity that I cannot join these activities.
However, I can send these children some lovely hand puppets and some of my books.
Linh: That would be great, Ann. After coming back, each member will write a
reflection paper so that the organizers will be able to do better in the next campaign.
I’ll share it with you.
Ann: Thanks a lot Linh! It’s so nice of you!
1. January 18th
2. rock band
3. dancesport
4. free
5. limited
Hi everyone, my name is Susan and I’ve got some hot news for you all! It’s the 2022
Spring Festival program which will be held on the 18th of January. Not only can you
enjoy it, but you can also participate in the program with lots of fun outdoor games
and live entertainments amazingly designed for our school teachers and students. Our
special guests will be a famous rock band and the most loved singer who was the
champion of last year's national music competition. Who are they? Let’s guess and let
me keep their names secretly until the last minute. In addition, there will be many
other activities for those who love dancing. Last year we had planned to hold a
dancesport event, but in the end we had to cancel it due to unexpected changes. So,
this year the competition will be held for the very first time. The entrance tickets are
absolutely free. However, because the number of tickets is limited, you’d better book
now to make sure you have seats for yourselves and your friends. Thank you and see
you soon.
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
1. with
2. household
3. no
4. invention
5. reach
1. Our voluntary group has fundraised for the SOS Children's Village in Ha Noi since
we visited it last year.
2. Many young people like doing volunteer work because they can boost their
confidence and gain many valuable skills.
3. You can download many educational apps on the smartphone that help you study
English more effectively.
4. My mother has bought a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust fast from our
5. The reality show attracted an audience of approximately 7 million around the
Sample writing:
A laptop is one of the best inventions that is beneficial for students’ schoolwork. To
begin with, laptops are portable and not bulky, so students can bring them to the
library or Internet café to do school projects with their partners. Another benefit is
that they are preferable to be used for typing and editing most of students’ given
presentations and assignments due to their convenience and versatility. Students also
use laptops to interact with their teachers through sending and receiving instant
messages on social networking sites, submitting their homework via emails or even
doing tests online. Last but not least, a laptop is a useful tool to search for and
download learning materials on the Internet. It can store much more learning data than
a smartphone or a tablet. In conclusion, a laptop brings various benefits to students, so
they should take advantage of its functions wisely.
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D
1. to put
2. shops
3. will clean up
4. were discussed
5. was picking up
ĐỀ S 2
TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between Susan and Mr Johnson. Circle the
best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. What does the guest do?
A. A counselor
B. A principal
C. A school manager
2. How many years has the school won the best award?
A. One year
B. Five years
C. Seven years
3. What is the most important factor in the school’s success?
A. Teachers’ effort
B. Good facilities
C. Curriculum and extra activities
4. The guest believes that _____________.
A. learning art and music is a waste of time
B. students just need to study compulsory subjects
C. extra activities are good for the development of students
5. Why do the students in the school learn to play musical instruments?
A. To become professional musicians
B. To sharpen their brain function
C. To complete the programme
TASK 2. Listen to a talk about medicine and complete the summary. Write ONE
WORD in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
One of the first vaccines was invented in (1) ___________. Then Louis Pasteur
developed other vaccines with new (2) ___________. However, not all serious
diseases can be cured with vaccines. Therefore, having a good (3) ___________ is
one of the best ways to stay away from illness. Hopefully, with the (4) ___________
advancement, various kinds of vaccines will be invented successfully to save more
children and (5) ___________ people in society.
TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the
When the era of digital technology has bloomed all over the world, human beings
have witnessed thousands of wonderful inventions which can be applied in a variety
of fields. Among those, robots are considered as a brilliant human creativity and have
been developed further to serve people. Shaped into human bodies, robots are
machines built to do tasks. Normally, they can be controlled by built-in computers so
that they can do a series of automatic actions. These human-like machines help us
explore new places, and uncover the mystery of the deep and cold ocean which is very
dangerous for a normal body. They seem to play an unlimited role not only in
exploration, but in medical fields as well. In hospitals, they can do a wide range of
jobs in cooperation with doctors to improve the health care system. For instance,
robots can assist physicians remotely to check on patients and even inspect them.
They can search around hospitals to collect information about the sick and transmit it
to the doctors through a screen to help them interact efficiently. With cutting-edge
technology they can even do an operation with a high level of accuracy under
professionals’ control. Thanks to robotic assistants, medical workers can save time
and save many lives from fatal diseases. It is believed that the number of robots
applied in the medical industry will be expected to increase dramatically over the next
few years.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The history of the robot invention
B. The robots used in medical centres
C. The various applications of robots
D. How convenient a doctor can control a robot
2. The word cutting-edge in line 19 is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. most precise
B. sharpest
C. most advanced
D. out of date
3. A robot can be operated by _____________.
A. a programmable remote computer
B. an internal computer
C. an automatic machine
D. a tiny remote computer
4. In the field of science, a robot can assist scientists in _____________.
A. preventing the sea level rise
B. controlling the extreme weather events on the ocean
C. looking for mysterious creatures under the sea
D. handling the life-threatening tasks of investigating marine life
5. According to the text, in hospitals robots can _____________.
A. check on patients and send information to the doctors
B. perform an operation by themselves
C. take care of the patients and interact with the doctors
D. suggest an operation plan on patients
TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.
Global integration has brought many challenges for nations. Preserving the cultural
identity during the time of globalization is a matter of concern. Taking folk music
lullaby Hat ru (1) ___________ an example, with the popularization of various music
(2) ___________, Hat ru is not heard as much as it used to. The Vietnamese
generation 2K seemed not to listen to many lullabies when they were kids. As a result,
they hardly understand how this genre touches listeners’ hearts with its sweet, soft
melodies and rhythms which are taken (3) ___________ folklore poems. Additionally,
every simple and rustic image of the (4) ___________ is always clearly depicted in
the lyrics such as a stork, a banyan tree, a wharf or a wooden boat. (5) ___________
of the value and artistic beauty of Hat ru, this kind of music needs to be preserved.
TASK 1. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. Write
each sentence in the blank.
1. at/ saw/ I/ the local charity centre/ teach/ for/ Last week/ an advertisement/ finding
volunteers/ to/ homeless children/ .
2. rang/ and/ in the kitchen/ while / the doorbell/ I/ were/ Someone/ cooking/ my
mother/ .
3. customers/ easily/ their holidays/ can/ Thanks to/ flights/ AI software,/ and/ hotels/
for/ book/ .
4. the Coronavirus Pandemic/ learn online/ is/ device/ for/ an/ many students/ to/
during/ The smartphone/ indispensable/.
5. main/ is/ one/ used/ in/ of/ the/ The moon-shaped lute/ Chau Van Singing/ musical
TASK 2. Write an application letter to apply for volunteering at a local
charitable centre (120 150 words).
Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.
Circle A, B, C, or D.
A. manner
B. calculate
C. carbon
D. laptop
A. display
B. device
C. driverless
D. pilot
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. damage
B. routine
C. value
D. transport
A. awareness
B. chemical
C. spotlessly
D. gratitude
TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.
1. Parents should teach young children about ___________ first before joining them
in academic works.
A. values
B. manners
C. emission
D. laundries
2. The litter and ___________ from factories lead human’s lives into danger.
A. support
B. Emission
C. bond
D. grocery
3. Tom was ___________ from the final round due to a boring performance.
A. reached
B. eliminated
C. involved
D. encouraged
4. Community service often includes ___________ activities which help students to
develop better.
A. refillable
B. live
C. practical
D. generous
5. With the development of AI, there is lots of fun when students study with
educational ___________ these days.
A. inventions
B. resources
C. processors
D. apps
TASK 3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Tom usually does the laundry after dinner, but he _________ (hang out) today.
2. I’m afraid John can’t help us right now. He ___________ (talk) with his friends on
the phone.
3. While Ann ___________ (clean) up litter on the streets, she met an old friend.
4. - Do you think that smartphones ___________ (invent) in 1992?
- Sorry, I have no idea.
5. Vacuum cleaners are very useful for ___________ (clean) the house.
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
Susan: Hello everyone! May I introduce to you a special guest, Mr Johnson, the
principal of a famous school in our city.
Mr Johnson: It’s great to be here. Thanks for having me.
Susan: Thank you for joining us. First, I’d like to congratulate you and your school on
being the best one for over the five consecutive years since you have run the school
about seven years ago as I remember. My first question is what makes your school a
great achievement.
Mr Johnson: Thank you very much. In fact, the first factor is our teachers and
students’ great effort. And then it is our good facilities. But the most vital factor I
think is that we have an excellent and flexible curriculum as well as amazing extra
Susan: I absolutely agree with you. Some people suppose schools should only pay
attention to academic subjects rather than other ones because it is quite a waste of
time to force students to study artistic subjects like art and music. What do you think
about it?
Mr Johnson: Honestly, I strongly disagree with this view. Besides some compulsory
subjects, we always encourage students to get to know and practice some other
subjects and skills. Our school also pays attention to teaching students to play musical
instruments because I highly appreciate its advantages and contribution to the
development of teenagers. Students don’t need to play them like an extraordinary
musician. They just learn to play to improve their brain function. It’s kind of a
physical exercise for the brain, you know. It’s very beneficial for their mental health,
which helps them improve academic performance…
1. 1798
2. approaches
3. lifestyle
4. medical
5. vulnerable
Vaccine is one of the greatest inventions in human history. Thanks to it, millions of
lives have been saved. One of the first vaccines, released in 1798, was the smallpox
vaccine made by Edward Jenner. After that, Louis Pasteur developed many kinds of
vaccines with new approaches, and he successfully created cholera and anthrax
vaccines. However, not all diseases can be prevented with vaccines like common
diseases in tropical countries: dengue fever, hooves, hand, foot and mouth disease, etc.
One of the best ways to keep our bodies from illness, therefore, is to have a healthy
and active lifestyle before we search for a treatment. It is hoped that with the current
advancement of the medical field, many vaccines will be completely developed to
save more lives, especially for children and vulnerable people in society.
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
1. as
2. genres/ types
3. from
4. countryside
5. Because
1. Last week I saw an advertisement for finding volunteers to teach homeless children
at the local charity centre.
2. Someone rang the doorbell while my mother and I were cooking in the kitchen.
3. Thanks to AI software, customers can easily book flights and hotels for their
4. The smartphone is an indispensable device for many students to learn online during
the Coronavirus Pandemic.
5. The moon-shaped lute is one of the main musical instruments used in Chau Van
Sample writing:
Ly Thuong Kiet Street
District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
12 June 2021
Golden Hearts
Charitable Centre
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to apply for a volunteer tutor in Math and Vietnamese for autistic
children at Golden Hearts Centre. I read the information about the position on your
centre’s official website last night.
I’m enthusiastic about being part of your charitable classes, aiming at helping autistic
children integrate into our community. I’m helpful and hard-working. I had some
practical experience of teaching these two subjects to a couple of street children in my
neighbourhood. Currently, all my weekend mornings are free, which fits your time
I’m willing to have an interview on any weekday after 3 p.m. or on weekends. If my
application is approved, I can start to work immediately.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Nguyen Van A
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
1. is hanging out
2. is talking
3. was cleaning
4. were invented
5. cleaning
| 1/20

Preview text:

Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 - Bộ sách: Kết tri thức với cuộc sống
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút I. LISTENING
TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between Ann and Linh. Circle the best
answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

1. Where are the volunteers going to do volunteer work? A. In a mountainous area B. In a town
C. In a village in the Northeast of Vietnam
2. Who are the volunteers going to help? A. The poor children B. The local language centre C. The poor orphans
3. What can students do if they cannot join the volunteering activity? A. Organise language courses
B. Donate money or other things C. Improve the next campaign
4. What does Ann intend to send to the children? A. Lovely puppies B. Hand puppets C. Colored paper
5. What is the purpose of writing a reflection paper?
A. To memorise the mistakes they made
B. To share members’ experience with each other
C. To organise the campaign better later
TASK 2. Listen to a talk about an event and complete the note. Write NO
MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
Student’s notes Event: Spring Festival Date: (1) ____________
Special guests: a well-known (2) ____________and one of the best singers
First-time competition on (3) ____________
Ticket price: (4) ____________
Number of tickets: (5) ____________ II. READING
TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D to each of the questions.
My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the
canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support
of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the
dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be
shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their
living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very
contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from
the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be
better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city
authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting
smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running
parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that
it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning
exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former
inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions
than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a
lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.
1. The main topic of the passage is about ______________.
A. the bad condition of the city canal
B. the modern look of the city
C. the change of the city because of the canal renovation
D. the reason why the local authority renovates the canal
2. The word ‘impoverished’ in line 7 is closest in meaning to ______________. A. wealthy B. disadvantaged C. poor D. homeless
3. People living there used to believe that ______________.
A. the canal would not become better
B. the canal could be more improved
C. the canal was the best investment for the economic development
D. the unpleasant smell is the main pollution
4. Which of the following is false about the residents?
A. They have better living conditions than before.
B. The advanced technology contributes to the better changing of their lives.
C. They can go for a walk along the canal without suffering from the unpleasant smell.
D. Many of them still live in shanty houses.
5. What benefit can the canal bring to the city?
A. The stunning view of the city
B. The chances to boost local businesses
C. The better view and opportunities D. The development of tourism
TASK 2. Complete the reading passage with ONE suitable word in each blank.
Scientific progress brings lots of opportunities to help women all over the world to be
better recognized in many aspects. In the past, they obviously adhered to their
traditional roles as housewives and mothers (1) ___________ many chores to do and
duty of rearing children. These days, with the advanced technology, they have more
time to widen their horizon, and improve useful skills to get better careers. Thanks to
the creation of many (2) ___________ appliances such as washing machine,
dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, or floor cleaning robot, etc., housewives spend only a
few hours for her daily chores and their workspace is (3) ___________ longer within
house, room, or kitchen. The (4) ___________ of labor-saving devices for home is
one of the key factors to help women (5) ___________ to the high steps in society. III. WRITING
TASK 1. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. Write
each sentence in the blank.

1. visited/ the SOS Children's Village/ has/ since/ Our voluntary group/ for/ in Ha
Noi/ last year/ fundraised/ we/ it/ .
2. their confidence/ doing volunteer work/ because/ Many young people/ they/ boost/
and/ like/ many valuable skills/ can/ gain/ .
3. can/ that/ on the smartphone/ You/ download/ you/ study English/ help/ more
effectively/ many educational apps/ .
4. dirt and dust/ has/ My mother/ to/ from/ remove/ bought/ fast/ our house/ a vacuum cleaner/ .
5. audience/ reality show/ around/ approximately/ the world/ The/ an/ of/ 7 million/ attracted/ .
TASK 2. Write a paragraph about the benefits of a personal device that is
necessary for students’ study (120 – 150 words).

You can use the following questions as cues.
- What personal device do you want to write about?
- What benefits can it bring to many students?
- How important is that personal device in students’ study? IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS TASK 1.
Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. 1. A. damage B. gratitude C. access D. announcement 2. A. community B. confidence C. laptop D. software
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. 3. A. support B. truthful C. display D. remote 4. A. donation B. practical C. processor D. driverless
TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.
1. As the strongest person in his family, Tom always does the ___________. A. heavy lifting B. support C. emission D. performance
2. Scientists can ___________ carbon footprint based on daily usage of each family. A. upload B. delay C. estimate D. adopt
3. Jessie is the pop singer who received lots of great ___________from last night’s performance. A. energy B. comments C. litter D. decoration
4. Students who volunteer in ___________ activities can have some advantages in their profiles. A. talented B. non-governmental C. live D. suitable
5. Parents should allow children to participate in community service in order to
___________ their life skills. A. display B. show off C. charge D. improve
TASK 3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Parents should teach children ___________ (put) the rubbish in the bins in daily lives.
2. My aunt usually ___________ (shop) for groceries twice a week.
3. I think the club members ___________ (clean up) the ground right after the event tomorrow.
4. Some of these environmental problems ___________ (discuss) in last Friday’s meeting.
5. I was watering the plants while my friend ___________ (pick up) the litter. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI I. LISTENING TASK 1. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C Script:
Ann: Hello, Linh. What are you doing?
Linh: Well, I’m filling out the volunteer application form. This year, our school will
organize a 3-week community service campaign to help poor children, in which the
volunteers can teach English language as tutors. If you cannot arrange time to take
part in, you can donate any kinds of materials like money, books, clothes, or even toys that are still in good use.
Ann: That’s interesting! And where are the volunteers going to do those activities?
Linh: Well, the trip is going to last 3 weeks, and we are visiting a mountainous
commute located in northern Viet Nam. It’s a remote area very far from the town,
where the local young learners find it hard to go to a language center to learn English.
We are going to bring knowledge to the children. Besides, this is also a good chance
for us to learn some social skills and learn to work effectively in a team.
Ann: I can’t agree more. I think we can learn more about daily life, culture, and
cuisine of the people living there too. It’s a pity that I cannot join these activities.
However, I can send these children some lovely hand puppets and some of my books.
Linh: That would be great, Ann. After coming back, each member will write a
reflection paper so that the organizers will be able to do better in the next campaign. I’ll share it with you.
Ann: Thanks a lot Linh! It’s so nice of you! TASK 2. 1. January 18th 2. rock band 3. dancesport 4. free 5. limited Script:
Hi everyone, my name is Susan and I’ve got some hot news for you all! It’s the 2022
Spring Festival program which will be held on the 18th of January. Not only can you
enjoy it, but you can also participate in the program with lots of fun outdoor games
and live entertainments amazingly designed for our school teachers and students. Our
special guests will be a famous rock band and the most loved singer who was the
champion of last year's national music competition. Who are they? Let’s guess and let
me keep their names secretly until the last minute. In addition, there will be many
other activities for those who love dancing. Last year we had planned to hold a
dancesport event, but in the end we had to cancel it due to unexpected changes. So,
this year the competition will be held for the very first time. The entrance tickets are
absolutely free. However, because the number of tickets is limited, you’d better book
now to make sure you have seats for yourselves and your friends. Thank you and see you soon. II. READING TASK 1. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C TASK 2. 1. with 2. household 3. no 4. invention 5. reach III. WRITING TASK 1.
1. Our voluntary group has fundraised for the SOS Children's Village in Ha Noi since we visited it last year.
2. Many young people like doing volunteer work because they can boost their
confidence and gain many valuable skills.
3. You can download many educational apps on the smartphone that help you study English more effectively.
4. My mother has bought a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust fast from our house.
5. The reality show attracted an audience of approximately 7 million around the world. TASK 2. Sample writing:
A laptop is one of the best inventions that is beneficial for students’ schoolwork. To
begin with, laptops are portable and not bulky, so students can bring them to the
library or Internet café to do school projects with their partners. Another benefit is
that they are preferable to be used for typing and editing most of students’ given
presentations and assignments due to their convenience and versatility. Students also
use laptops to interact with their teachers through sending and receiving instant
messages on social networking sites, submitting their homework via emails or even
doing tests online. Last but not least, a laptop is a useful tool to search for and
download learning materials on the Internet. It can store much more learning data than
a smartphone or a tablet. In conclusion, a laptop brings various benefits to students, so
they should take advantage of its functions wisely. IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS TASK 1. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A TASK 2. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D TASK 3 1. to put 2. shops 3. will clean up 4. were discussed 5. was picking up ĐỀ SỐ 2 I. LISTENING
TASK 1. Listen to the conversation between Susan and Mr Johnson. Circle the
best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. What does the guest do? A. A counselor B. A principal C. A school manager
2. How many years has the school won the best award? A. One year B. Five years C. Seven years
3. What is the most important factor in the school’s success? A. Teachers’ effort B. Good facilities
C. Curriculum and extra activities
4. The guest believes that _____________.
A. learning art and music is a waste of time
B. students just need to study compulsory subjects
C. extra activities are good for the development of students
5. Why do the students in the school learn to play musical instruments?
A. To become professional musicians
B. To sharpen their brain function C. To complete the programme
TASK 2. Listen to a talk about medicine and complete the summary. Write ONE
WORD in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
One of the first vaccines was invented in (1) ___________. Then Louis Pasteur
developed other vaccines with new (2) ___________. However, not all serious
diseases can be cured with vaccines. Therefore, having a good (3) ___________ is
one of the best ways to stay away from illness. Hopefully, with the (4) ___________
advancement, various kinds of vaccines will be invented successfully to save more
children and (5) ___________ people in society. II. READING
TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions.
When the era of digital technology has bloomed all over the world, human beings
have witnessed thousands of wonderful inventions which can be applied in a variety
of fields. Among those, robots are considered as a brilliant human creativity and have
been developed further to serve people. Shaped into human bodies, robots are
machines built to do tasks. Normally, they can be controlled by built-in computers so
that they can do a series of automatic actions. These human-like machines help us
explore new places, and uncover the mystery of the deep and cold ocean which is very
dangerous for a normal body. They seem to play an unlimited role not only in
exploration, but in medical fields as well. In hospitals, they can do a wide range of
jobs in cooperation with doctors to improve the health care system. For instance,
robots can assist physicians remotely to check on patients and even inspect them.
They can search around hospitals to collect information about the sick and transmit it
to the doctors through a screen to help them interact efficiently. With cutting-edge
technology they can even do an operation with a high level of accuracy under
professionals’ control. Thanks to robotic assistants, medical workers can save time
and save many lives from fatal diseases. It is believed that the number of robots
applied in the medical industry will be expected to increase dramatically over the next few years.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The history of the robot invention
B. The robots used in medical centres
C. The various applications of robots
D. How convenient a doctor can control a robot
2. The word cutting-edge in line 19 is closest in meaning to _____________. A. most precise B. sharpest C. most advanced D. out of date
3. A robot can be operated by _____________.
A. a programmable remote computer B. an internal computer C. an automatic machine D. a tiny remote computer
4. In the field of science, a robot can assist scientists in _____________.
A. preventing the sea level rise
B. controlling the extreme weather events on the ocean
C. looking for mysterious creatures under the sea
D. handling the life-threatening tasks of investigating marine life
5. According to the text, in hospitals robots can _____________.
A. check on patients and send information to the doctors
B. perform an operation by themselves
C. take care of the patients and interact with the doctors
D. suggest an operation plan on patients
TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.
Global integration has brought many challenges for nations. Preserving the cultural
identity during the time of globalization is a matter of concern. Taking folk music
lullaby Hat ru (1) ___________ an example, with the popularization of various music
(2) ___________, Hat ru is not heard as much as it used to. The Vietnamese
generation 2K seemed not to listen to many lullabies when they were kids. As a result,
they hardly understand how this genre touches listeners’ hearts with its sweet, soft
melodies and rhythms which are taken (3) ___________ folklore poems. Additionally,
every simple and rustic image of the (4) ___________ is always clearly depicted in
the lyrics such as a stork, a banyan tree, a wharf or a wooden boat. (5) ___________
of the value and artistic beauty of Hat ru, this kind of music needs to be preserved. III. WRITING
TASK 1. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. Write
each sentence in the blank.

1. at/ saw/ I/ the local charity centre/ teach/ for/ Last week/ an advertisement/ finding
volunteers/ to/ homeless children/ .
2. rang/ and/ in the kitchen/ while / the doorbell/ I/ were/ Someone/ cooking/ my mother/ .
3. customers/ easily/ their holidays/ can/ Thanks to/ flights/ AI software,/ and/ hotels/ for/ book/ .
4. the Coronavirus Pandemic/ learn online/ is/ device/ for/ an/ many students/ to/
during/ The smartphone/ indispensable/.
5. main/ is/ one/ used/ in/ of/ the/ The moon-shaped lute/ Chau Van Singing/ musical instruments/.
TASK 2. Write an application letter to apply for volunteering at a local
charitable centre (120 – 150 words).
Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B, C, or D. 1. A. manner B. calculate C. carbon D. laptop 2. A. display B. device C. driverless D. pilot
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. 3. A. damage B. routine C. value D. transport 4. A. awareness B. chemical C. spotlessly D. gratitude
TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.
1. Parents should teach young children about ___________ first before joining them in academic works. A. values B. manners C. emission D. laundries
2. The litter and ___________ from factories lead human’s lives into danger. A. support B. Emission C. bond D. grocery
3. Tom was ___________ from the final round due to a boring performance. A. reached B. eliminated C. involved D. encouraged
4. Community service often includes ___________ activities which help students to develop better. A. refillable B. live C. practical D. generous
5. With the development of AI, there is lots of fun when students study with
educational ___________ these days. A. inventions B. resources C. processors D. apps
TASK 3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Tom usually does the laundry after dinner, but he _________ (hang out) today.
2. I’m afraid John can’t help us right now. He ___________ (talk) with his friends on the phone.
3. While Ann ___________ (clean) up litter on the streets, she met an old friend.
4. - Do you think that smartphones ___________ (invent) in 1992? - Sorry, I have no idea.
5. Vacuum cleaners are very useful for ___________ (clean) the house. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI I. LISTENING TASK 1. 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B Script
Susan: Hello everyone! May I introduce to you a special guest, Mr Johnson, the
principal of a famous school in our city.
Mr Johnson: It’s great to be here. Thanks for having me.
Susan: Thank you for joining us. First, I’d like to congratulate you and your school on
being the best one for over the five consecutive years since you have run the school
about seven years ago as I remember. My first question is what makes your school a great achievement.
Mr Johnson: Thank you very much. In fact, the first factor is our teachers and
students’ great effort. And then it is our good facilities. But the most vital factor I
think is that we have an excellent and flexible curriculum as well as amazing extra activities.
Susan: I absolutely agree with you. Some people suppose schools should only pay
attention to academic subjects rather than other ones because it is quite a waste of
time to force students to study artistic subjects like art and music. What do you think about it?
Mr Johnson: Honestly, I strongly disagree with this view. Besides some compulsory
subjects, we always encourage students to get to know and practice some other
subjects and skills. Our school also pays attention to teaching students to play musical
instruments because I highly appreciate its advantages and contribution to the
development of teenagers. Students don’t need to play them like an extraordinary
musician. They just learn to play to improve their brain function. It’s kind of a
physical exercise for the brain, you know. It’s very beneficial for their mental health,
which helps them improve academic performance… TASK 2. 1. 1798 2. approaches 3. lifestyle 4. medical 5. vulnerable Script
Vaccine is one of the greatest inventions in human history. Thanks to it, millions of
lives have been saved. One of the first vaccines, released in 1798, was the smallpox
vaccine made by Edward Jenner. After that, Louis Pasteur developed many kinds of
vaccines with new approaches, and he successfully created cholera and anthrax
vaccines. However, not all diseases can be prevented with vaccines like common
diseases in tropical countries: dengue fever, hooves, hand, foot and mouth disease, etc.
One of the best ways to keep our bodies from illness, therefore, is to have a healthy
and active lifestyle before we search for a treatment. It is hoped that with the current
advancement of the medical field, many vaccines will be completely developed to
save more lives, especially for children and vulnerable people in society. II. READING TASK 1. 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A TASK 2. 1. as 2. genres/ types 3. from 4. countryside 5. Because III. WRITING TASK 1.
1. Last week I saw an advertisement for finding volunteers to teach homeless children at the local charity centre.
2. Someone rang the doorbell while my mother and I were cooking in the kitchen.
3. Thanks to AI software, customers can easily book flights and hotels for their holidays.
4. The smartphone is an indispensable device for many students to learn online during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
5. The moon-shaped lute is one of the main musical instruments used in Chau Van Singing. TASK 2. Sample writing: Ly Thuong Kiet Street District 10, Ho Chi Minh City 12 June 2021 Golden Hearts Charitable Centre Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to apply for a volunteer tutor in Math and Vietnamese for autistic
children at Golden Hearts Centre. I read the information about the position on your
centre’s official website last night.
I’m enthusiastic about being part of your charitable classes, aiming at helping autistic
children integrate into our community. I’m helpful and hard-working. I had some
practical experience of teaching these two subjects to a couple of street children in my
neighbourhood. Currently, all my weekend mornings are free, which fits your time requirement.
I’m willing to have an interview on any weekday after 3 p.m. or on weekends. If my
application is approved, I can start to work immediately.
I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Nguyen Van A IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS TASK 1. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A TASK 2. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D TASK 3. 1. is hanging out 2. is talking 3. was cleaning 4. were invented 5. cleaning