Giải Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 7: 7E Word skills | Friends Global

Soạn 7E Word skills Unit 7 lớp 10 được biên soạn bám sát theo chương trình SGK Friends Global 10 trang 87. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức, dễ dàng làm bài tập về nhà và học tốt tiếng Anh 10.

Giải Unit 7E Lớp 10: Word skills trang 87
Bài 1
Work in pairs. Describe the photo. Where are the family? What are they doing?
(Làm việc theo cặp. Mô tả bức ảnh. Gia đình ở đâu? Họ đang làm gì?)
Gợi ý đáp án
The family is at the airport. They are showing their tickets to the airport staff.
(Gia đình này đang ở sân bay. Họ đang đưa vé cho nhân viên sân bay)
Bài 2
Read the text. Who first realised that the family were getting on the wrong
(Đọc văn bản. Ai đầu tiên nhận ra rằng gia đình đã đi nhầm chuyến bay?)
Can I see your ticket, please?
I went on my first flight last week, it was so exciting! And, in the end, quite funny.
Mum and dad have travelled a lot and said it would be nice and relaxing. We collected
our boarding passes at the check-in desk, and mum checked our gate number on the
departure screen. Then we left our bags at the bag drop. At the security checks, we put
our passports in the trays with our hand luggage. While we were eating in the
departure lounge, mum realised she'd left her passport at the security check. She
jumped up and ran back in a complete panic. Then dad said they were calling our
flight number. He called mum to tell her to meet us at departure gate 5, after passport
control. Mum came back holding her passport in the air and we queued up to board.
The flight attendant checking our tickets was confused. “Erm, sorry, this isn't your
flight.” She showed dad our tickets, and he realised the flight number was different!
We all had to run to another gate and got there just as they were closing it. Next time I
think I’ll be in charge!
Bài 3
Read the text again. Complete the compound nouns.
(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Hoàn thành các danh từ ghép.)
Gợi ý đáp án
1. drop
2. pass
6. flight
8. check
Bài 4
Which items in exercise 3 do you find in an airport terminal? Which four do you
find on a plane?
(Bạn tìm thấy những mục nào trong bài tập 3 trong một nhà ga hàng không? Bạn tìm
thấy bốn người nào trên một chiếc máy bay?)
Gợi ý đáp án
I find bag drop, boarding passes, check-in desk, departure gate, departure lounge,
departure screen, flight attendant, flight number, hand luggage, passport control, and
security checks in an airport terminal.
I find seat belt, window seat, flight attendant, and hand luggage on a plane.
Bài 5
(Đọc Learn this. Sau đó nghe và lặp lại các danh từ ghép trong bài tập 3.)
LEARN THIS! Compound nouns: noun + noun
(Danh từ ghép: danh từ + danh từ)
a. Most compound nouns are formed from two nouns.
b. We usually write them as two words (travel agent), but sometimes as one word
(whiteboard) or with a hyphen (film-maker). Check in a dictionary.
c. The stress is usually on the first noun. Whiteboard
Bài 6
Complete the text below with compound nouns from exercise 3.
(Hoàn thành văn bản dưới đây với các danh từ ghép từ bài tập 3.)
When you arrive at the airport, go to the (1) _____. The clerk will check in your
luggage and might ask if you want an aisle seat or a (2) _____. He or she will give you
a (3) _____. Show your passport at (4) _____. You will also have to go through a (5)
_____, where they X-ray your (6) _____. Then you reach the (7) _____, where there
are duty-free shops. You can find your flight on the departures board by looking at the
(8) _____ or the departure time. When they announce your flight, go to the gate.
Gợi ý đáp án
6. hand
8. flight
Bài 7
Combine the following pairs of sentences, using and, but, so and or to make
compound sentences.
Gợi ý đáp án
1. Half board at our hotel includes breakfast and dinner, and the rate is about $80 per
2. It is less comfortable in economy class, but you have to pay much more for a first
class fare.
3. August is high season, so holidays are much more expensive.
4. My mum is a check-in clerk, but she only works part time.
5. You can get your boarding pass at the airport, or you can use the online check-in
and print yours at home.
Bài 8
Work in pairs. Look at the text in exercise 2 for two minutes. Then cover it and
retell the story in your own words.
(Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào văn bản trong bài tập 2 trong hai phút. Sau đó che lại
và kể lại câu chuyện bằng lời của bạn.)
Gợi ý đáp án
The writer had an exciting flight last week, and it was quite funny too. At the airport,
they collected their boarding passes at the check-in desk, and the mother checked their
gate number on the departure screen. Then they left their bags at the bag drop. At the
security checks, they put their passports in the trays with their hand luggage. While
they were eating in the departure lounge, the mother realised she'd left her passport at
the security check. She jumped up and ran back in a complete panic. Then the father
said they were calling their flight number. He called the mother to tell her to meet
them at departure gate 5, after passport control. The mother came back holding her
passport in the air and they queued up to board. The flight attendant checking their
tickets was confused. She said it wasn’t their flight. She showed the father their
tickets, and he realised the flight number was different! They all had to run to another
gate and got there just as they were closing it.
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Giải Unit 7E Lớp 10: Word skills trang 87 Bài 1
Work in pairs. Describe the photo. Where are the family? What are they doing?
(Làm việc theo cặp. Mô tả bức ảnh. Gia đình ở đâu? Họ đang làm gì?) Gợi ý đáp án
The family is at the airport. They are showing their tickets to the airport staff.
(Gia đình này đang ở sân bay. Họ đang đưa vé cho nhân viên sân bay) Bài 2
Read the text. Who first realised that the family were getting on the wrong flight?
(Đọc văn bản. Ai đầu tiên nhận ra rằng gia đình đã đi nhầm chuyến bay?)
Can I see your ticket, please?
I went on my first flight last week, it was so exciting! And, in the end, quite funny.
Mum and dad have travelled a lot and said it would be nice and relaxing. We collected
our boarding passes at the check-in desk, and mum checked our gate number on the
departure screen. Then we left our bags at the bag drop. At the security checks, we put
our passports in the trays with our hand luggage. While we were eating in the
departure lounge, mum realised she'd left her passport at the security check. She
jumped up and ran back in a complete panic. Then dad said they were calling our
flight number. He called mum to tell her to meet us at departure gate 5, after passport
control. Mum came back holding her passport in the air and we queued up to board.
The flight attendant checking our tickets was confused. “Erm, sorry, this isn't your
flight.” She showed dad our tickets, and he realised the flight number was different!
We all had to run to another gate and got there just as they were closing it. Next time I think I’ll be in charge! Bài 3
Read the text again. Complete the compound nouns.
(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Hoàn thành các danh từ ghép.) Gợi ý đáp án 1. drop 2. pass 3. 4. 5. 6. flight 7. 8. check check-in lounge departure control Bài 4
Which items in exercise 3 do you find in an airport terminal? Which four do you find on a plane?
(Bạn tìm thấy những mục nào trong bài tập 3 trong một nhà ga hàng không? Bạn tìm
thấy bốn người nào trên một chiếc máy bay?) Gợi ý đáp án
I find bag drop, boarding passes, check-in desk, departure gate, departure lounge,
departure screen, flight attendant, flight number, hand luggage, passport control, and
security checks in an airport terminal.
I find seat belt, window seat, flight attendant, and hand luggage on a plane. Bài 5
(Đọc Learn this. Sau đó nghe và lặp lại các danh từ ghép trong bài tập 3.)
LEARN THIS! Compound nouns: noun + noun
(Danh từ ghép: danh từ + danh từ)
a. Most compound nouns are formed from two nouns.
b. We usually write them as two words (travel agent), but sometimes as one word
(whiteboard) or with a hyphen (film-maker). Check in a dictionary.
c. The stress is usually on the first noun. Whiteboard Bài 6
Complete the text below with compound nouns from exercise 3.
(Hoàn thành văn bản dưới đây với các danh từ ghép từ bài tập 3.)
When you arrive at the airport, go to the (1) _____. The clerk will check in your
luggage and might ask if you want an aisle seat or a (2) _____. He or she will give you
a (3) _____. Show your passport at (4) _____. You will also have to go through a (5)
_____, where they X-ray your (6) _____. Then you reach the (7) _____, where there
are duty-free shops. You can find your flight on the departures board by looking at the
(8) _____ or the departure time. When they announce your flight, go to the gate. Gợi ý đáp án 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. hand 7. 8. flight check-
window boarding passport security luggage departure number in desk seat pass control check lounge Bài 7
Combine the following pairs of sentences, using and, but, so and or to make compound sentences. Gợi ý đáp án
1. Half board at our hotel includes breakfast and dinner, and the rate is about $80 per night.
2. It is less comfortable in economy class, but you have to pay much more for a first class fare.
3. August is high season, so holidays are much more expensive.
4. My mum is a check-in clerk, but she only works part time.
5. You can get your boarding pass at the airport, or you can use the online check-in and print yours at home. Bài 8
Work in pairs. Look at the text in exercise 2 for two minutes. Then cover it and
retell the story in your own words.
(Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào văn bản trong bài tập 2 trong hai phút. Sau đó che lại
và kể lại câu chuyện bằng lời của bạn.) Gợi ý đáp án
The writer had an exciting flight last week, and it was quite funny too. At the airport,
they collected their boarding passes at the check-in desk, and the mother checked their
gate number on the departure screen. Then they left their bags at the bag drop. At the
security checks, they put their passports in the trays with their hand luggage. While
they were eating in the departure lounge, the mother realised she'd left her passport at
the security check. She jumped up and ran back in a complete panic. Then the father
said they were calling their flight number. He called the mother to tell her to meet
them at departure gate 5, after passport control. The mother came back holding her
passport in the air and they queued up to board. The flight attendant checking their
tickets was confused. She said it wasn’t their flight. She showed the father their
tickets, and he realised the flight number was different! They all had to run to another
gate and got there just as they were closing it.