Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 1: 1C Listening | Friends Global

Listening Unit 1 lớp 11 được biên soạn bám sát theo chương trình SGK Friends Global 11 trang 15. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức, dễ dàng làm bài tập về nhà và học tốt tiếng Anh 11.

Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 1: 1C Listening
Bài 1
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photo. What do you think this app does?
Why might some people need it?
(Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào bức hình. Bạn nghĩ ứng dụng này làm gì? Tại sao một
số người có thể cần nó?)
Gợi ý đáp án
I think this app relates to mealtimes. I can see the kid's smartphone and parent’s
smartphone. This app may prevent children from using devices while eating breakfast,
lunch or dinner. In my opinion, some people, especially some parents, need it because
nowadays, children always glue their eyes to the screen all the time, even when they
are eating. Therefore, most parents use this app to help their kids have quality time
when they are having meals.
Bài 2
SPEAKING Read the text and check your answer to exercise 1. Do you think the
app would increase or decrease the number of arguments in your family? Why?
(Đọc văn bản và kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn cho bài tập 1. Bạn nghĩ ứng dụng này sẽ
làm tăng hay giảm số lần cãi vã trong gia đình bạn? Tại sao?)
Tablets for dinner?
An evening meal for the family was once part of everyday life in British homes. But
this tradition has almost disappeared. Some people blame technology: children and
teenagers are so addicted to their phones and tablets that they do not want to stop
playing with them, even at mealtimes. This causes a lot of arguments in families. But
now, parents can get a free app called DinnerTime, which locks their children’s
devices at certain times of the day and tight. During those times, the children are
unable to access messages, games, or the internet. In theory, this means that parents
and children can spend more time together, eating and chatting. But will it lead to
happier families or more family arguments?
Gợi ý đáp án
- What do you think this app does?
=> “Parents can get a free app called DinnerTime, which locks their children’s devices
at certain times of the day and tight. During those times, the children are unable to
access messages, games, or the internet.”
I think the app would decrease the number of arguments in your family. At first, this
can cause a lot of arguments because the children aren't used to using no devices while
eating. However, after one or two weeks, the children can have a new healthy habit
without smartphones or tablets during mealtimes. After that, they will feel free to
share everything with their family and like to have good moments when the family are
eating together. Therefore, everyone can understand each other more clearly, enjoying
quality time and even the number of arguments would decrease.
Bài 3
VOCABULARY Work In pairs. Check the meaning of the adjectives below.
Which describe a positive attitude? Which describe a negative attitude?
(Làm việc theo cặp. Kiểm tra ý nghĩa của các tính từ dưới đây. Cái nào mô tả một thái
độ tích cực? Cái nào mô tả một thái độ tiêu cực?)
Attitude (adjectives)
Gợi ý đáp án
Adjectives describe negative attitude:
(Tính từ mô tả thái độ tiêu cực)
- aggressive (adj): hung hăng
- arrogant (adj): kiêu ngạo
- miserable (adj): khốn khổ
- nostalgic (adj): hoài niệm
- pessimistic (adj): bi quan
- sarcastic (adj): mỉa mai
- urgent (adj): khẩn cấp
- bitter (adj): gay gắt
Adjectives describe positive attitude:
(Tính từ mô tả thái độ tích cực)
-mcalm (adj): bình tĩnh
- complimentary (adj): ca ngợi
- enthusiastic (adj): nhiệt tình
- optimistic (adj): lạc quan
- sympathetic (adj): thông cảm
- grateful (adj): biết ơn
Gợi ý đáp án
Đang cập nhật!
Bài 4
Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen and underline the adjective which best
matches the speaker's attitude. Use their tone of voice to help you.
(Đọc Chiến lược nghe. Sau đó lắng nghe và gạch dưới tính từ phù hợp nhất với thái
độ của người nói. Sử dụng giọng điệu của họ để giúp bạn.)
1. arrogant / pessimistic / confident
2. aggressive / miserable / sarcastic
3. calm / complimentary / optimistic
4. accusing / enthusiastic / sympathetic
Listening Strategy (Chiến lược nghe)
Sometimes, the words alone do not fully express the speaker's intention. You need to
pay attention to the tone of voice as well. For example, an urgent tone of voice
suggests that the speaker is giving a warning.
Bài 5
SPEAKING Listen and compare two different ways of saying the sentences.
Then, in pairs, say a sentence in one of the two ways. Can your partner guess the
(Nghe và so sánh hai cách nói khác nhau của câu. Sau đó, theo cặp, nói một câu theo
một trong hai cách. Bạn của bạn có thể đoán tính từ không?)
1. 'Thanks. Andy. That's really helpful.’ (first grateful, then sarcastic)
2. 'Our train leaves in ten minutes.’ (first calm, then urgent)
3. 'You and your sister always argued during dinner.' (first nostalgic, then accusing)
Bài 6
Work in pairs. Listen to four speakers and decide which speaker sounds:
(Làm việc theo cặp. Nghe bốn người nói và quyết định người nói nào nào nghe có vẻ)
a. urgent (khẩn cấp)
b. calm (bình tĩnh)
c. enthusiastic (nhiệt tình)
d. arrogant (kiêu ngạo)
Bài 7
Listen again. Match sentences A-E with speakers 1-4. Use the tone of voice to
help you. There is one extra sentence.
(Lắng nghe một lần nữa. Ghép câu A-E với người nói từ 1-4. Sử dụng tông giọng nói
để giúp bạn. Có một câu bị thừa.)
A. The speaker is giving advice about winning family arguments.
B. We learn how a bad argument had a positive result for the speaker.
C. The speaker is advertising a course for families who want to argue less.
D. The speaker is persuading somebody to attend a family reunion.
E. The speaker describes how a relative lost his job because of a family argument.
Bài 8
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Decide which of these topics is most likely to cause
arguments in your family and why. Are there any others you can think of?
Compare your ideas with the class.
(Làm việc theo cặp. Quyết định chđề nào trong số những chủ đnày nhiều khả
năng gây ra tranh cãi trong gia đình bạn nhất tại sao. Bạn thể nghĩ ra thêm
những cái khác không? So sánh ý tưởng của bạn với lớp học.)
Doing chores (làm việc nhà)
Staying out late (ra ngoài trễ)
Sharing a family computer (dùng chung máy tính gia đình)
Too much time spent on social media and games (dành quá nhiều thời gian vào mạng
xã hội hoặc games)
What to eat (nên ăn gì)
Gợi ý đáp án
- In my opinion, too much time spent on social media and games is the most likely to
cause arguments in the family. For example, I have one younger brother, he is 14
years old, and he really likes playing on his smartphone. He can spend all of his free
time using smartphone for entertainment and games. As a result, he ignores his
studying and my mom and my dad have to force him to study a lot but he doesn't like
it. This makes my parents angry and unsatisfied. They always shout at my brother, and
he is becoming more and more aggressive. Therefore, my family always has an
argument about this problem.
- Some topics that cause arguments in families that I can think of are: what to see on
TV, where to hang out, what kind of household appliance to buy, how to use money
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Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 1: 1C Listening Bài 1
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Look at the photo. What do you think this app does?
Why might some people need it?

(Làm việc theo cặp. Nhìn vào bức hình. Bạn nghĩ ứng dụng này làm gì? Tại sao một
số người có thể cần nó?)
Gợi ý đáp án
I think this app relates to mealtimes. I can see the kid's smartphone and parent’s
smartphone. This app may prevent children from using devices while eating breakfast,
lunch or dinner. In my opinion, some people, especially some parents, need it because
nowadays, children always glue their eyes to the screen all the time, even when they
are eating. Therefore, most parents use this app to help their kids have quality time when they are having meals. Bài 2
SPEAKING Read the text and check your answer to exercise 1. Do you think the
app would increase or decrease the number of arguments in your family? Why?

(Đọc văn bản và kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn cho bài tập 1. Bạn nghĩ ứng dụng này sẽ
làm tăng hay giảm số lần cãi vã trong gia đình bạn? Tại sao?)
Tablets for dinner?
An evening meal for the family was once part of everyday life in British homes. But
this tradition has almost disappeared. Some people blame technology: children and
teenagers are so addicted to their phones and tablets that they do not want to stop
playing with them, even at mealtimes. This causes a lot of arguments in families. But
now, parents can get a free app called DinnerTime, which locks their children’s
devices at certain times of the day and tight. During those times, the children are
unable to access messages, games, or the internet. In theory, this means that parents
and children can spend more time together, eating and chatting. But will it lead to
happier families or more family arguments? Gợi ý đáp án
- What do you think this app does?
=> “Parents can get a free app called DinnerTime, which locks their children’s devices
at certain times of the day and tight. During those times, the children are unable to
access messages, games, or the internet.”
I think the app would decrease the number of arguments in your family. At first, this
can cause a lot of arguments because the children aren't used to using no devices while
eating. However, after one or two weeks, the children can have a new healthy habit
without smartphones or tablets during mealtimes. After that, they will feel free to
share everything with their family and like to have good moments when the family are
eating together. Therefore, everyone can understand each other more clearly, enjoying
quality time and even the number of arguments would decrease. Bài 3
VOCABULARY Work In pairs. Check the meaning of the adjectives below.
Which describe a positive attitude? Which describe a negative attitude?

(Làm việc theo cặp. Kiểm tra ý nghĩa của các tính từ dưới đây. Cái nào mô tả một thái
độ tích cực? Cái nào mô tả một thái độ tiêu cực?)
Attitude (adjectives) accusing aggressive arrogant calm complimentary enthusiastic miserable nostalgic optimistic pessimistic sympathetic urgent grateful bitter sarcastic Gợi ý đáp án
Adjectives describe negative attitude:
(Tính từ mô tả thái độ tiêu cực)
- aggressive (adj): hung hăng
- arrogant (adj): kiêu ngạo
- miserable (adj): khốn khổ
- nostalgic (adj): hoài niệm
- pessimistic (adj): bi quan
- sarcastic (adj): mỉa mai
- urgent (adj): khẩn cấp
- bitter (adj): gay gắt
Adjectives describe positive attitude:
(Tính từ mô tả thái độ tích cực)
-mcalm (adj): bình tĩnh
- complimentary (adj): ca ngợi
- enthusiastic (adj): nhiệt tình
- optimistic (adj): lạc quan
- sympathetic (adj): thông cảm
- grateful (adj): biết ơn Gợi ý đáp án Đang cập nhật! Bài 4
Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen and underline the adjective which best
matches the speaker's attitude. Use their tone of voice to help you.

(Đọc Chiến lược nghe. Sau đó lắng nghe và gạch dưới tính từ phù hợp nhất với thái
độ của người nói. Sử dụng giọng điệu của họ để giúp bạn.)

1. arrogant / pessimistic / confident
2. aggressive / miserable / sarcastic
3. calm / complimentary / optimistic
4. accusing / enthusiastic / sympathetic
Listening Strategy (Chiến lược nghe)
Sometimes, the words alone do not fully express the speaker's intention. You need to
pay attention to the tone of voice as well. For example, an urgent tone of voice
suggests that the speaker is giving a warning. Bài 5
SPEAKING Listen and compare two different ways of saying the sentences.
Then, in pairs, say a sentence in one of the two ways. Can your partner guess the adjective?

(Nghe và so sánh hai cách nói khác nhau của câu. Sau đó, theo cặp, nói một câu theo
một trong hai cách. Bạn của bạn có thể đoán tính từ không?)

1. 'Thanks. Andy. That's really helpful.’ (first grateful, then sarcastic)
2. 'Our train leaves in ten minutes.’ (first calm, then urgent)
3. 'You and your sister always argued during dinner.' (first nostalgic, then accusing) Bài 6
Work in pairs. Listen to four speakers and decide which speaker sounds:
(Làm việc theo cặp. Nghe bốn người nói và quyết định người nói nào nào nghe có vẻ)
a. urgent (khẩn cấp) b. calm (bình tĩnh)
c. enthusiastic (nhiệt tình)
d. arrogant (kiêu ngạo) Bài 7
Listen again. Match sentences A-E with speakers 1-4. Use the tone of voice to
help you. There is one extra sentence.

(Lắng nghe một lần nữa. Ghép câu A-E với người nói từ 1-4. Sử dụng tông giọng nói
để giúp bạn. Có một câu bị thừa.)

A. The speaker is giving advice about winning family arguments.
B. We learn how a bad argument had a positive result for the speaker.
C. The speaker is advertising a course for families who want to argue less.
D. The speaker is persuading somebody to attend a family reunion.
E. The speaker describes how a relative lost his job because of a family argument. Bài 8
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Decide which of these topics is most likely to cause
arguments in your family and why. Are there any others you can think of?
Compare your ideas with the class.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Quyết định chủ đề nào trong số những chủ đề này có nhiều khả
năng gây ra tranh cãi trong gia đình bạn nhất và tại sao. Bạn có thể nghĩ ra thêm
những cái khác không? So sánh ý tưởng của bạn với lớp học.)

Doing chores (làm việc nhà)
Staying out late (ra ngoài trễ)
Sharing a family computer (dùng chung máy tính gia đình)
Too much time spent on social media and games (dành quá nhiều thời gian vào mạng xã hội hoặc games)
What to eat (nên ăn gì) Gợi ý đáp án
- In my opinion, too much time spent on social media and games is the most likely to
cause arguments in the family. For example, I have one younger brother, he is 14
years old, and he really likes playing on his smartphone. He can spend all of his free
time using smartphone for entertainment and games. As a result, he ignores his
studying and my mom and my dad have to force him to study a lot but he doesn't like
it. This makes my parents angry and unsatisfied. They always shout at my brother, and
he is becoming more and more aggressive. Therefore, my family always has an argument about this problem.
- Some topics that cause arguments in families that I can think of are: what to see on
TV, where to hang out, what kind of household appliance to buy, how to use money…