Giải Unit 6 Writing | Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giải tiếng Anh 11 Kết nối tri thức theo từng Unit, Soạn tiếng Anh 11 Unit 6 Writing giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập SGK tiếng Anh hiệu quả.

Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success Unit 6 Writing
A leaflet about ways to preserve Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
1. Work in pairs. Put the problems that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex may
face and the possible solutions in the correct blanks.
(Làm vic theo cặp. Đt các vấn đề mà Qun th danh thng Tràng An có th gp phi
các gii pháp kh thi vào ch trng)
Gi ý đáp án
Problems: Negative effects of mass tourism
* polluting the rivers and valleys
* (1) B. damaging the ecosystem
* (2) D. organising eco-tours to natural heritage sites
* creating a sustainable hatitat suitable for local wildlife
Problems: Young people's lack of knowledge about the cultural heritage
* not able to appreciate traditions
* (3) C. loss of cultural values
* (4) A. educating young people about the importance of heritage
* promoting heritage values on social media
2. Write a leaflet about the problems that Trang An may face and the possible
solutions to them. Use the ideas in 1 and the outline below to help you.
(Viết mt t i về nhng vấn đề Tràng An th gp phi các gii pháp kh thi
cho chúng. S dụng các ý tưng trong 1 và phác thảo dưới đây để giúp bn)
Gi ý đáp án
Preserving our heritage - Preserve Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
Trang An (Ninh Binh province) was the first site in Vietnam to be recognized by
UNESCO as a mixed World Heritage Site in 2014. It is famous for its stunning scenery,
limestone peaks, and the system of interconnected waterways that run through it.
Preserving nature
Trang An may be affected by mass tourism. This kind of tourism can cause damage
to the environment, such as polluting the rivers and valleys and damaging the
To preserve Trang An, it is recommended that we organize eco-tours to natural
heritage sites and create a sustainable habitat suitable for local wildlife.
Preserving culture
Another problem might be young people’s lack of knowledge about our cultural
heritage. As a consequence, they may not be able to appreciate our traditions, leading
to a loss of cultural values.
To deal with this problem, we should educate young people about the importance of
heritage and promote heritage values on social media.
Let's preserve and be proud of our heritage. Together, we can protect Trang An and
ensure that future generations can appreciate its beauty and cultural significance.
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Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success Unit 6 Writing
A leaflet about ways to preserve Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
1. Work in pairs. Put the problems that Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex may
face and the possible solutions in the correct blanks.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Đặt các vấn đề mà Quần thể danh thắng Tràng An có thể gặp phải và
các giải pháp khả thi vào chỗ trống) Gợi ý đáp án NATURAL HERITAGE
Problems: Negative effects of mass tourism
* polluting the rivers and valleys
* (1) B. damaging the ecosystem Solutions:
* (2) D. organising eco-tours to natural heritage sites
* creating a sustainable hatitat suitable for local wildlife CULTURAL HERITAGE
Problems: Young people's lack of knowledge about the cultural heritage
* not able to appreciate traditions
* (3) C. loss of cultural values Solutions:
* (4) A. educating young people about the importance of heritage
* promoting heritage values on social media
2. Write a leaflet about the problems that Trang An may face and the possible
solutions to them. Use the ideas in 1 and the outline below to help you.

(Viết một tờ rơi về những vấn đề mà Tràng An có thể gặp phải và các giải pháp khả thi
cho chúng. Sử dụng các ý tưởng trong 1 và phác thảo dưới đây để giúp bạn) Gợi ý đáp án
Preserving our heritage - Preserve Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
Trang An (Ninh Binh province) was the first site in Vietnam to be recognized by
UNESCO as a mixed World Heritage Site in 2014. It is famous for its stunning scenery,
limestone peaks, and the system of interconnected waterways that run through it. Preserving nature
 Trang An may be affected by mass tourism. This kind of tourism can cause damage
to the environment, such as polluting the rivers and valleys and damaging the ecosystem.
 To preserve Trang An, it is recommended that we organize eco-tours to natural
heritage sites and create a sustainable habitat suitable for local wildlife. Preserving culture 
Another problem might be young people’s lack of knowl edge about our cultural
heritage. As a consequence, they may not be able to appreciate our traditions, leading to a loss of cultural values.
 To deal with this problem, we should educate young people about the importance of
heritage and promote heritage values on social media.
Let's preserve and be proud of our heritage. Together, we can protect Trang An and
ensure that future generations can appreciate its beauty and cultural significance.